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(Dnniillclliiiiq 3ktlt Hetcti. ««*»: it cioiitti, Fditor. r Oiovllle, Romtay, October V, VITIOWI, OEJIOdIVITC WTIIVIITOAS. Full riIEtiIDENT, Ja 3i i:s men vxa x, OF I’KN NS V l,\ AM A Foil VII E PRESIDENT, joux c. hkia kimiidgi:, OF KKNUIOKV. DFTKMimii STATE lit KI T. POR PH (sUK Vl IAI, KI.ICI TOHS. ATOrsTIN OLIVER I‘. DELLA XOllllA, < iEI). Fit HANOI!. A. C. BRADFORD. POR IOSIIHKSS. niAUI.ES L SCOTT of Tuolumne. JOSEPH McK 11115 EN of Sierra. roK cI.KHK nr H« I* RKM 1C com, CHARLES 8. FAIRFAX of Yuba PUR HIPPRtNTICSIIPNT of PI B 1 IC INHTRI I THIN. ANDREW J. MOl LDKR,. .ofSun Francisco. Regular Democratic t utility Aumiualion*. poll M K Mill, It ' OP AHHKMBI.Y. JAMES S. LONG, 11. J. 310HIUS0N. i- Vllll (SHKSSOR, ” JOHN II L1LLA11I). (OR Pl'BLtC AIIMINISTRATOR, A. C. MOUSE. Pill, .OHONKU, DU J. I>. UUOWN. Business Notice.—Mr. N. I» Witt in tho only p.»rx"ii imitiori/oil to colli cl lolls on Recount of tin* Dally Botin Ucconl for Oroville and vicinity. Our friends will please I O' no’icn. Political Notices, — No political mlvotlising or Jot) Work done at this ollire, unless paid for in udvuilee. Theaboio will lie strictly •.nlliered to. DEMOCRATIC RALLY TO NIGHT Messrs. SCOTT, B RADFORD, and Mo CORKI.E, will address the Democracy of Oroviilo, this. MONIMV EVENING, OCTOBER Gth, upon the political questions of the day. Mr. SCOTT is the Democratic nominee for Con gress from the Southern District. DEMOCRATS! To the rescue! nnd let us fattt; a glorious meeting! e-sis SCOTT and others, will address tl c citizens of W VANDOTT on Tuesday iro ning, October 7th. Messrs. BR ADFORD and McCOUKLE will address the citizens of THOMPSON'S FoAT, ou Tuesday Evening, October 7th. Messrs. SCOTT, BRADFORD, and Me CORK.LE, will speak at FOR BESTOW N, on Wednesday Evening, October Bth.J Ln ! tub Poor Indian. —This unfortu nate individual was in town yesterday on the ‘keen jump,’ in search of his ‘tnahalu,’ who he said had been maliciously ami felo niously induced to leave his bed and board without just cause or provocation, by some ungallant white man. lie grieves, not so much tor his lost treasure as he does for the loss of some family relics, in the shape of a Jews harp and a fine tooth comb. New Meat Market —That old favorite Israel Hong, has made his appearance once more before the Orovile public, in his favo rite line of business, that of butchering His market is located on Myers st., ami is fitted up in his peculiar «fvle of neatness. New Akh anue.vii'.a r.—Capi. O. W Mur ray &J. W. Dunbar have bought or leased the Orleans H .tel, and from appearances wo should say that an improvement may he ex pected in th i' 1 • : n all departments. Feminine »a-.L ■.—Mis. Ellen Heni gen and the lady proprietor of the N. York Restaurant, had a spat yesterday in regard to th ■ rent of the above premises. They in dulged in various »n t, sweet little epithet-, that hit each other in tender spots and w is calculated to reflect on their moral charac ters. We did not learn how it ended. TfT* Mr. Kennovan, tkc Pedestrian, i etill at it, and is confident of being able t*• “make the r til It is a wonderful and la borious feat hr a man to perform He has. up to yesterday, ten o'clock, walked seventy two hours. Go and see him Miss Nelly Fowler, danced the Highland Fling last night most magnificently, better than we have seen her since her appearance on our boards.** Metro an.—As wv go to press, we have barely time to say, that the company are giving more general satisfaction, the audiences much larger and more enthusias tic, than on any night of the present sea •Oß, I>< niu< rntlc Meeting. The Democracy bad a little impromptu gathering on Saturday night, to listen to a Democratic speech from Judge Sherwood, of Sun Francisco, formerly of this County. The Judge spoke for about one hour in an able, argumentative and enthusiastic man ner. lie pitched into the Sectional Him k j Republican party, and literally fliyed them j alive in thirty minutes, by the watch. lie ! showed the principles embraced in the K in zas Nebraska bill, to be the fundamental principles of republican government. In demanding its repeal, the Black Republican party, denied the right of one portion of the 1 Union to have u voice in the government oi I the territories, which were the common ; property of the whole Union, and assumed the right to govern the country according to their own peculiar notions. The Judge brought down the House when he referred to the Know-Nothing party, whose doctrines, alihogh but recently pro mulgated, have become so odious and offen sive as to compel them to enter the present canvass under the less obnoxious name ol “Fillmore men ” They dare not appear ; before the people of California, and ask for 1 their suffrages, under their intolerant and i proscriptive doctrines—their anti-Catholic i test—their illiberal naturalization laws and butchery of foreign born citizens-! By 1 changing their name to “Fillmore men,” they hope to be enabled to secure the vote of j the foreign born citizen, and thus induce j him to vote against his own interests and ! himself. They will not succeed in thisde -1 ccptiim. They have nominated none but members of the Know-Nothing order, from the Presidency down to Constable, and hope to fasten their odious doctrines upon the country by changing their name to “Fill more men.” In referring to the railroad question, upon which the Republicans claim to be par ex cellence, the party, he demonstrated their inability to bu i the road, in the event of their success. When they talked about the Democracy being opposed to a Pacific Rail road, they were making statements which the facts and tbo Records will not warrant. There never was a railroad bill introduced into either branch of Congre-s which did not originate wi h the Democracy. He called upon the opposition of every and any lute to name a man outside of the democratic party who had introduced such a measure. It could not be done The records allowed that every measure of the kind hud origina ted with the Democracy. The meeting was sot a very large one, as the announcement was nut made until about five o'clock, P. M. The other parties had held meetings here lately, and had tho de mocracy congregated their forces in any oonsidcrabl • numbers, it would have dis heartened and overwhelmed the opposition Fillmore is now held in the canvass but by a single thread, and one demonstration such as ihc Democracy of Oroville are capable ol making, might drive him from the canvass. Sunday in Oroville, is indeed a busy day San Francisco or Sacramento in LB4’d was no comparison to Oroville now. Then, every town in the State was the scene ol similar excitement and wild and extrava gant amu-euicnt. Time has sobered down other towns, and regulated their business affairs. They have become too obi fogyish lor thousands of California adventurers. 1 There is no town in the State, that ap pioximates to tho scenes of ’4 ( d, but Oro ville, every portion of the State being here represented. The spirit of ’4'J con- , centra ted, has descended upon Oroville. ; Here is the canvass lent, the rag and shingle shanty, and the fire-proof brick There were yesterday three places in town where Divine Service was held, one horse race, two the Ores playing to full houses, and the third theatrical company waiting to get a room, numberless hellige cot individuals filled with had whiskey, and two Courts of Justice levying fines and filling the three jails of Untie County. All these we notice fn.m our de-k in the cilice Did we mingle with tiie three thousand people-on .Mont gomery and Myers street, and attempt a description of a Sunday in Ottoville, we should have no room for political Kerns, and i n w, when the baleful i off Onset* of; sectional Urns is rife throughout the land, the patriot can no more overlook the glorious cause of Democracy and the Union, thm the Chris tian can forget his religion and his God. U. S. Branch Mist. —The Branch Mint at San Francisco will be open from and after to day, for the reception of bullion and coinage. This will be good news for the Miners. Another Race.— A Hiat»h was made yes terday between the winner of Saturdays race, and Mr. Maynard’s gray Karse. for #3OO a side be run in two weeks at Forbcs tOWD%. Theatrical. —Our theatrical manage ment has been hitherto confined to singular ly unfortunate beings. Continually some rupture between manager and company It must be from want of managerial tact; cer tainly a want of experience cannot be urged >i» an excuse, for in nearly every instance, veterans inured by long yearsot experience, have controlled the companies, or prth ndt </ to do so. The error is hero. There is too much individual independence in the mem bers of the companies—too many aits. L.ich one docs us he pleases. The easy going man ager, fearful ot offending some ambitious “supc,” whose place he might not be able to supply, where assurance is at a discount, overlooks what at the moment may be a petty infraction. The old story of “give an • nch and they'll take an ell" is illustrated, until the ostensible manager is ultimately astonished to find himself dictated to, in stead ot being dictator, uud in tact.dwindles nt) a mere cypher. This laxity of disci pline of course produces disorder. The manager becomes embarrassed ; gets into debt ; burs'a up, and the public, instead ot enj ying an entertainment, is outraged by such scenes of private grievance as the lasi few weeks have been peculiarly fruitful of It is rediculous to urge, ‘waul of patronage' as an excuse for failure. For the size ot the place, a richer community than this dues not exist in the Slate, and il is as liberal as it is rich. Wo are persuaded that with a well organized company ; the present one lor instance, which is passable—a bounteous harvest, at selected intervals, may be inva riably reaped. Chance kok our opponents.— U'e found the following notice upon one of the Bulletin B iards on Saturday evening. Wo will only add that those dealing with Mr. Major wih find him ready to perform his part of the contract: “I the undersigned, James M. Major, be ing willing to risk pretty much eveiyihing short o my ct or mil existence, upon i lie elec tion of James Buchanan to the Presidency, hereby offers tor sale six claims situated about a thousand yards from the Conn House on the river, all furnished with sluices, cab in, tools, &c., and that will pay Imm time to five dollars per day, to the man, and per haps more One half to be paid down, and the other half when James Buchanan shall be elected to the Ifressdency ot the United -States For particulars apply to the < thee ofdao.W. Krctsinger, in Bunn's building, opposite the Court House. Miner's are invited to examine the claims and satisfy themselves as to their waluc Claims situated just below Chinatown JAMES M MAJOR. Dated Oroville, October 4, iSotJ. The Knee. The race that came off on Saturday, over ihe Thornton course near this place, was won by the Santa Barbara horse, by fifteen feet. Distance, 24U yards. Stake, $-500 a side. About a thousand persons were present, *nd everything passed off finely Very lit tle money changed hands, as the sorrel was decidedly the favorite from first to last Two, four, and as high aa six to one, was freely ottered, with but fow takers. Upon the nags being stripped, the scene was most exciting. In appearance there is no comparison between the two The Bear River horse is a tolerably well muscled, low and logy animal,with no very striking marks of speed, lie was well trained, and his jock ey a good one, and made a very fair race. The sorrel, when uncovered, and his rider up, showed most beautiful. He proved him self a peacock, and strutted around, as tho’ “* iger for the fray.” He looked the very pattern of a first class race horse. 11c is about a thousand pound hor>e, 15 hands high, trim built, heavy muscled, chestnut colored, aasleek as a mole, and is the finest stock to all appearances, that has been in these parts. The San Franaisco Globe says there were thirty seven bald-headed gentlemen it a Republican Meeting the other night, and thinks it strange because the absence of hair awuld not bo accounted lor on the score of age. Ihcre is nothing vcry strange about it They have bce.i using J)r. Jnytu's H'ool Rtmouativr, and are now trying to make people believe that they once had hair: Thornton Rack Track Messrs Thorn ton & Fowler, have succeeded iu making a fine track, iODd yards long, and are making every preparation to put up stables, and all other appurteiKtnces necessary to the sporu of tho turf Firk Brook Building A Frenchman in, Sen Francisco,, has erected a two-story brick building mi ill the walls two inches-in thickness, the brisk being set up edgewise. The authorities have ordered it to be taken down. It wouldn't stand much of on earth quake. Mr. Blake’s bay iiley won the race yester day* on tbs Tborufm track, seven open feet Mliiliii; »w». A lains Muir called on us last Saturday, having just come down from the Middle loi k ot Feather River. 11c gives us cheering news in regard to mining t peratioiis in that section. He says that while some few claims have failed, a large majority have, and aic doing well. Clai k's wing dam, situated be low Ball Rock is worked by Chinamen, on .-lures, and is paying well to nil parties in terested. Island Bar is also walked by Chi namen on shares, umi j ay« exceedingly well This claim has been worked successful v ! r several seasons, undci the management of its present owner, D> j uty Shci .if McLaugh lin. Bob Fisher's wing dam, below Island Bar, has reaped a rich n w ard fi r their labor. He inti uds to llootu his claim next ,-cas u Kiik X Yanks’ wing dam. has been w tiked out, and the boys have left with a jacket full ot riM ks. In Capt. Long's claim, belwvv Taylor r.fllc. the boys ai e ju.-t t .k'ng it out by the pound. Knigct's Bar is wui ki d by Chinamen, on shares, and is also paying log In ks I’eter \V ilson has also called in us, fi ru the North Fork. He is interested in Lung riffle. He states that they have taken out from two to live ounces to the bum! per day, ever since they commenced mining, which was about the tenth of SejiU mbt r. From So ams h Town — All they want in this vicinity to nuke a flourishing place, is water. The diggings are known to be rich and very extensive. Oar occasional corres pondent, Mr. Cary, has a claim there that fit anticipates taking his jiiic out ot when water comes. Crow..s of passengers are arriving there by the stages daily A Solace. — It is an exijuisite and beau tiful thing in our nature, that when the heart is touched and sollemd by some Iran ijuil hajij ine-s ot affectionate feeling, the memory of the dead comes over it most pow erfully. It would seem almost as though our belter thoughts and sympathies were chat ms, in virtue ot which ihe soul i- ena bled to hold some vague and mysterious in tercourse with the ,-pmts ot those whom we lov«d in life. Alas! how often and how long may those patient an els hover around us. watching for the spoil which is so seldom uttered, and so soon forgotten — C/uii/is /Jichtiid. Ani’ono Saloon. — A siightscenc occurred at this place last night during the perform ance of the American Concert Troupe. The house was full and the performance was pro ceeding to the satisfaction ol all, when the -cats gave way, and came down with a tre mendous crash, prostrating the greater j art ot the audience on the tt >or. Fortunately no one was hurt, and the show went on, the audience in the best possible humor. Joe Dunn is in the field again, and if any body wants their properly knocked down to the highest bidder for cash, he is the boy that can do it. Imi’hovim..— Not more than half the usu al number of fights came off yesterday in town. Reason why, whiskey did not flow with its usual freedom. |IH!i A. 15 AI. I/, ( Uirs his |>r< h inn Ise • v ices to thr t inz t-ns of l >n.v die and vic.inuy, hnv iny had iniii’li ami long experience in tin' treatment of the various disease* incident to Ibis climult*, ho hoj« s lo uivi* sati.sfaeiion .special itiicutii-n given lo diseases of a private im- Itlieiim utism. fti'., which ho cun cun; without llio use oi mercury. iirniK, front roon. No. 17, t'niu-il Stales Hotel* up sU-ir.s—< •ruvilli). ocl-tf NEW ADVKRTISKMKNTS. J. W. DUNN, II KA I. ESTA 7 E . NT() C k~ m (JEXEB.IL u(tio\ei;r, M}t*rs Mit*v I, of ** U»«* I . > Livery HuLlr, O ICO VILLE. '“ I 1 * in an) pari • 1 n.e uiy « r county pronipl ly MllblMled 10, oe.Vlf FOR SALE! ■**l VIII. h.nilii'U aid lot siinao ii mi Vontgom .i ■ ♦r>hn i I aUil km•» II as tin' Hotel il>t I ram « with a lot ori each sh'e with usl/vle. lie I■ • | i' inoa (Im UK a gtssl hit itie-s. i* one of I■» best lui-liic-s siiiuds ill itn plaid < hie i Mho i art ii* r* he i. gll In it: cil lo leu \ c lor (he p ri’i nut 11 set ihn r some family business, is the reason i Ui red Snr soiling Ibis i ahialile pn pi rt v f or further particulars api Iv on the promises, ii.d i (’l,Ol i lIKT v HI 1,1, 1u11. OROVILLE STORE Wholesale and Retail ! fE’IIIK undersigned having returned from ,*llll H fraiitiseo and removed to the fin- I’ruof Prick block, Montgomery. two doors troiii Myers street. (Washington him ii.> would respectfully call Ihi at mm.ou of the iiihiihitanls of iin mile and vicinity to ihe fact his ha' ing Ilka largest Stock and llie lu st assortment of l.ooila to tie found this side ol Sacramento. My (oasts were all purchased for cash at the t> ry lowest tkoire that money could buy ihi m tor, and «s I sell for (,’as h, aial (. ash only, tbm doing away with the list of dnadheads which everyone must have that does a credit husinew. I am pre pared to ofli r inducements to customers such a. no other House in Orovdle will offer. My r*tock consists of GKOCEBIKS in all ils varieties; Provisions of the best quality; Liquors and Syrups of the choicest brands. C'IIOCKEKV of ihe latest rtyles, and HARHVVaRK in ail its blanches. In addition to this, customars can ha we their goods delivered by m> tip rise W agon at t#ieir own doon, treeof charge J f ttdSLNO. o3* rankers. 1* 11. Ilkl’Ut ». M. \v. HOMIJI, & HANNON, BANK E M N , WxllllViKlN llloiK, < OKNtR lit' MllMliUMfl.t *MI .V \ f K» S l illtLTll. CZj XT O ' V ILilj 33. anu) di st n uc/iAsi:n AT TITS lIIGEISST KATES in* ro i mi; mint roil v.'.' i Avok COINAGE, CHECKS ON MARYSVILLE, SA» KA.MKMo AMI SAX I KA.VIM ♦» Sl”lu nnd 'l’itiH* Hi it li» I'mi nl »lu <1 on lli» AT I. \N I It’ ST A Its AM) El KUi’E. (>rnv ill,-. I)el. ft. IrCil. or > 'f Me \\ 11.IJA.MS xV I V.M !:si)N r ‘O A *- / ’V-"! ■ra. i.-fci- Jbi , M;w Ilifli K l;i ll.him: MI|:M I! MnMt.uH- KiiV' >llll i 1;-. OHO VIIj JjE. -«> GOLD DUST BOUGHT At the Highest Rales. Cli o o Is. h at X* n r ! ON MAUVftVll.l.i;, <A(|MMI.MO CITY AM> HA N I’R.vNtTHi o SIGHT DRAFTS I\ r Siil**, on nil tin 1 Principal Aliunde (.'lies, f IMH i.-lIA received. Special :i n>l otherwise.. July 11, lhiii. jyH if heniiy ki:i:ij:u’s i)mnr o. rvnnvm IM.mLUI 0 j . \ i MU CJ> 3T 1 3P X O U 3 Corner ul Miner .street nn<i tl.c I‘laza, BID WELL. Cal COLD nr sr HnrCUT \ ( Use liigfiPsl Rales. ■*+* (ht fKs Diauii on 314i1 1% Ki iumi;;iiu (o. m.i u r v r j l /. /;. Dills of Exchange on all the Eastern Cities, New York si l.on i*. Mio Itoston, i na iiiimii, (lino I'li lie lie 11 Ina, I .iiui-\ Hit*, Ky, liallllliere, Metruil, .Mail.. EXCHANGE ON LONDON. MUAI'TS I’AV AIII.E IN U Quebec. C. K- I liiiiiiluiu, i'. VV,, Hrandord, C, \V. Tomnle. cVV London,C VV, HI. t albarnn s, ( VV....... i biilbam. C. VV . (.incral ami Special Ucposils lUrt-hed. llldwell, September t!5 # IHftti. g-.’S-tf C. u mac v, c. i, low, I*, f. low. MACY, 1,()W & CO., BANKERS. CHUNK U Ol I* LA'/A, AND 11K.II STUEET, MARYSVILLE li 0L D DUST IMJK(MIASEI> AT THE HIGHEST RATES, •Ul I i II VV Alt Ml: I) Tt» TUI, MINT Kill COIN AH E* Choclia « t X”* nr, ON (iAKKIsO.N, Multi.AN, ITtf.l/., & ItAI.bTON", SAN FRANCISCO. We are prepared to it raw SKIIIT I.XCIIANfJP, on. MKhHKH. •HA It 1.1." Mi 110 i VN .V CO., NI.VV VoUK Abo, on tbv oilier principal C..hlern cilie. .Marysville, Ana uni (, 1 s in. Milltf MARYSVILLE ASSAY OFFICE!! lIAKHIS, MARCHAND CO., K hlit-t t t iicttr Ihe curlier ol' ftuonil blirtl, M.iHYSKILU-: AE.'O—li.? 1 • i IT!i;i.T, SACRAMENTO. Will continue to carry on die busim ss of .Melting, l{(‘fining N. Assaying (, (j LI) A.V U 011 E s OF KVT.It V DKSiMtWTION. \\ r (rii:iriiilr« ( Ihi* cornrinrM of our A®Hfiy*. nml Li ml ourmovt* l" pay h i*y (lifltivnouH il»; i may an**© hud any of 1 1 o* I S. MiN Ts. UMuni* made in fr >m* *ix lu l• hr liimr*, IN BARS OB COIN- SpKII.MCMI of UlaKI/. A-HVKIj AM) VaLCED. II.K.VIH InU AHHAVIXCt ibe same u» m Francisco. 11. UAI:KIS, M MA Hi HAND, C. 1.. FAHUINCTON. jj-.Viny VALLEY EXCHANGE! Foißu r'.) kuna it as Joe Hnlrnni's Raotb, IMIBSILLA VALLEY J<IU.S 0 wi.' .V F. I . Ml KKITIIFAV. he« ET;i|; b ase to mforin their friemls uml the public t_ .'vi" fatly. Ihnt they bine leaseit the Italcoin i iiii-», 'iuiuuhl on Dry ‘ reek, about eleven miles rein <'M»ilie. on the ronil in Frencblown nnd Ilium ref it. l oiilieiieU wuh the house is a I INF 15AB wtm h will nl*ays be foiilnl well liiluij. The proprietors W"tilil al.-u slate that they bn»t» me of ibe beet Itmv Tracks in the Northern cnnnlri. September Iss#, •JJ-11. Just Received ’ AT TDK CTI KAt’I.ST (l.irfHlNt; STOUR I Jm. I la.-Ke amJ sp|eu<ln| lot of CI.OTIIIN winch 1 offer for sale VfcKY CHEAP FOR CASH. Sept. lil. ISifi, Slii-lf DB W WOODWARD, MICHA.Mi.iI Alto 33 ontlste Offlc* opposite the Empire Howl on Monw • (fotnury street, Oroville