Newspaper Page Text
OROVILLE DAILY BUTTE RECORD. VOLUME I (Dnroilli S.uln Butte Herati. PUULItiIKLI DMI.Y FXCKPTED) BY GEO. H CROSETTB. f»rnr*«—ln lienor I HniMln* nn Myers Street, V-ist tide, between anil Iliri, Oroville. Tkr-i*— On*. Vi. U r IVr Mail fl' mt f : i\ - month*. do 8 no Thr*,. months. do S no iKli Vered liy Furrier. |»»t Week 50 WEEKLY' HTTIT: RECORD. -S®- Por rlrenlnlion In lli« >n■ nmt' unit mfrirnlinritl di*- Irims nf lln* r.i eony, will iiiiitain lln* lnnil nn<l ireneml li.'W* ill llu' w e'i« interspersis! will! intiirp»iiiii{ ini« cellmieons riMil.ii/ miller. It will piinldn twenty K’i.’ht columns of reading mn'ter. mil will be one «l (lin laru r,, i| mill el|i*a|»esi Weekly Newspaper- in the Maie. Published every S ilunti»y. Ti run— 9'A pet Aniiiiiu ; "I < OMjntlis, three months. *1 Aiivmi nstcs test's jpt sipiare ol U a lutes or les* first liiseninn, *• Kncii siilisi*i|iii*nt Insertion,- - • 1 fit J'jT* \ liberal dednelion will bn mwin In favor ol thos • who advertise by lln‘ )i*ilf t, a~ business cards ioserled mi reiisoioibleterm*. Agents lor the fhittc llecttrd. MK\nV KEF.rKU, .. TllilM ii' ) Vi'K... .07 Merchant si San l-'r nn-isco A 1,. S 11 ! ■!, I» street. Mary.villi* N It. VMM Fnrhitti aii WMITK V Ni'TTl’ll Oregon <Mlv .1 K. .1 ACKSdV ~ llnsflownl i.KVI SMITH Thompson’* Plat IHI lIIIitTMKHTOV Itroiberi.m’* Store .1 \MKS TUUi:;;nroS Wvaiid.jlle J. Mil I HU’IN Nelson Creek. Pinnns 1 o JITHKINS &, c\TH Valley IM. PK.N'IT, M-isilla Vull. y The Uncord” run procured front miv oil to above niim.‘it Agents, who ar« also nnlbori/.ed to n ceivtl advertisements anil orders for Job Work M’VTLLE ADVERTISEMKNTS. NEW CIGAR AND TOBACCO STORE- West suit- l» Mreet, opposite Hie Hie Hmm House M.t U I'S riI.LE, C l ■Wm. d? Go. ■p> KSlM’t'riTUA' VNNul’m i; T > TIIK I’l l!- UC and Tin: TIUHi; that liny have con M;nilly (Mi hand, aiiU fur ►ah*, :il Iho lowest murkei |*riow, at WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, A Inn;*! amt carefully deluded slm k »»f Cigars, of (!i<- Clioiccsl Itinmls As well as iho«" of a cheaper etmlily ; also K.V CUN IlC'llt Mtl.C lilt \ \ll nr roll lIVU, ami In Sl,oil. wlmlevr may be found many similar eslalili-liiaeni in California. A I,iI.VU KXPKItIICNCK in Him InisintW". wo feel * -si i foil will, whe ; . . it nee; ■< l wil ll Silt Willi f * 11 ' AV Mill DR AI,INC, enable ns to give KNIT I! K SAT ISI'ACrtON lo those who may favor ns wUhtlieir pal roitiiKe. f "yvoCNTUY TItNPKUS supnlieil la per cm.l less Ilian nl :ni\ oilier lonise in lilt* Slate, M lyrysville .Inly 10. 15.1 t,. Jyl6-tf WALKER, WILSON UCo. i,i-:ai.i:iiB in A f P \ " r r'n~'* Aui) z Alibi GOODS, Clothimr, Ladies’ and CHILD!! I..VS SHOES. HOSII.RY, &C., West side D. st near 2nd s( Marysville* TILL K!’. Kl’ CON ST V N 11. V ON lIA Ml, a full V f assortment of (oasts m their line, mill woiihl respeclfully Milieu n share of piinlic piilronm.', Particular iillenlion pulil lo orders irom the country. THOMAS H. WALKER, JAMES t, WILSON, JOHN H. M ASON, feb 2-12-tt iiIDW ELL ADVERTISEMENTS BID WELL BOOKSTORE. STAPI T* i wLikO rr\ rr' rr 'Y JJjbU SI 11 R nndcr-iiriMol * mild eilizi'iis ut liLlweli and infum lli« \ icinity, llml he ii u r B opened a BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE nn<l will keep constantly mi Imnd mi iissor mem o Hooks, Stationery and fancy Articles, of the lil.esl lid lu st tpialilv. amt w ill he in the receipt nr Hie LATEST PUBLICATIONS. ~s soon as issued Bibles , School Boobs, Spiritual . Masonic and Religious 11 ’inks. Blank Books, j(tn setts or single ) A out Is, Envelopes , Paper 'of all kinds. POKTE-MOAVUES, UOU) PEA'S, .‘IA T. not;Kits ,v IynsTEA'IIOLM'S FINi ST CUTLERV. Which w ill he sold at Hie low, sl rates. Latest At lantic Papers received hi every steamer, for sale ll KKKfT’.lt. Next door lo National Hotel. E S COOPER M D s XT n. O 23 O 3XT , f’kKKICK —VI Hie K>e, Car, and < *rlliop.edie Imir I W inary, Mission sire,-I. between '•eeond and I'nir,. ,enr “itiis«ian Knihs." s\\ I llAVi'lsdn. All Surgical 1 iterations I UKK lo pauenls present in; themselves at Hie Cl.lNlc*,on V\ cdtiesoai s an* liitunltiys, at - o’clock, I’ 'I. Medical men ot Hi, - ily and t'acdlc i oast, generally, are n s|M*cilnlly in ield lo ntiend Hie Inllrmary on Clmicat days, when ver it tuny be npiiortnne for themselves, mini!* if SALE by the Pase or Package it i? quantities to suit. Lone bill paper. Legal cop Letter Paper. Ink Broad bill paper. Foolscap. Note paper. Pen oils. Blank Books, Wafers* &c &c. Noisy Carriers B* & Stationary <’o. 87 Battery vS; ’4 tit! Long W harf. San Fran C- P. KIMBALL. Pres CISCO. OFIOVILLE LODGE, N» I* it. of O. P. mta-ls every Monday eve ■nina In the Masonic Hoi brothers in U Kfd standing are respectfully invited THOMAS COLEMAN, N. <*. to attend J. M. Cut*, Secretory. OROVILLE, BUTTE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER U, IBAG. BUSINESS CARDS. I lIAKI.KS F. IftTT. W. T. SK.VTOS LOTT & SEXTON. ATTORNEYS AT L V W, o«or//./.7.’, hi "rry. < *of/A'rK. Orncr.—No Hi?*. Block Montgomery street. CKAKI.K.S F. I.OTT, Notary Public, jylltr I*- If. iURUM JAMkS M. BI'HT. Harris burt. Attornoyri nt i>u »viu,u;. in rn: county, cu.. Or kick »lr»M*!. v • •*»! p\*U\ ahov*i MontkU»m«ry. I. \V. WIN rK K . D (’, UI'KI.IXiAMfe: WINTER & BURLINGAME oill*.—hi McUrutliV iiuild!nar, D I»fiwi*»»n Sfcond and Third, op* lh»* 11; 111 Vi Hof!*»♦*« MARYSVILLE \V»* alto have n|n«n*M. an otllcu in il»«* I . s I'lofk. »rnvill»% liuite U*o , whin one o! u.i may at all tiuu*H h»i loinid. JAMS SCREEN PHYSICIAN AM) BUIIGEON. TiT dm bi‘ fi ii ihi I at * • Mean! Hotel.” when no Pr<>ii-ii«ioaully engaged. jy ••••lII* J T- ELLIOTT JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Office, on Bird street. between Mycr< ami lluntoon. nitrn ti./.K, hi'TTK cousrv JoW 14, jv!4 tf J Y. JONES. CONSTABLE AND COLLECTOR OF Ni H F.S AM) ACCOUNTS. A No—AVi 11 Ki ll Personal Properly on • 'ommission Oum, with J T. Ktliut), Km|., Hint street, < iw»ills. July 14, IFoti, jyH.lf .v ATT’Y JOHN WII.ION, VVM. 11. RI'StKI.L, A. WIN ANTS JOHN WILSON & CO. TT'’BNF,VS AND • MI'SSKI.I.nItS AT LAW Int ih or 111, Merchant St. near Montgomery. J G LAWTON Jr & COUNSELLOR AT LAW AND iOMMI•* i* IO NF R roll M A*H AMII SKT IH & U. ISLAND. Offlct- corner of Mji tn and Montcrmnery Street?*, Nil .*», i niled SlhD*m Hlook. tipMlnira. v, M. SMI F I'll, cIIARLtCM <». UUUIIAHI). SKIITH &, HUBBARD. AtTOHNKVH .N ( ’ofNSKI.I.OKS AT liAW. till ATI.F.S tl. lUT.MAHD—Notary Public. Otllee, conmr of Montgomery Sc Dow ner street.. MIaARDH parley- AtTOUNKV iv (<)L - N<l:l.l.<)R AT LaW, NOTARY Prill.le, RKAt. KBTATK AClliVl' ASP C'O.N vkyam kr. • iroville. It ill re < ’onnly. (>l WIU. PR V l 111 KIS A 1.1. THK I .*ol*ll IS Of Til IK StaTK. Am zadriskss. ATT’Y & COUNSELLOR AT LAW OfOVII.I.K. ItI'TTK I'm STY C.Vt.IfOIIMA. BARKER & EWER. Vttorneys it (’m’NsKu.oits at Lvw. it rut —Corner of Montgomery ami Downer streets J. B. V/ARDEN, M. D. ,A C militate of JeflT.imon Medical College, Pliila lelpbia. lias located for Hie practice of Ins Profession, it Ileiisliaw’s Knncho. Butte County. August 13, 1856. until -2 m* THOMAS WELLS. ATTORNEY AT LAW, OUOVIU.K, HI TTF. COON I V. Speeial iitteolion given to the searching of County Uncords, investigation of Tdies, Ac . and to the draw me of Deeds and all in-trnments for record. Office la the Court llouuo. siS-45 J. W SCOTT. COUNTY SURV EY< Hi F(>li BUTTE COUNTY AND CIVIL ENGINEER. 0R0V11.1.F., HI TT i: OOCXTV. C.\I.IKDRNI A. Persons desiring his services will (dense leave their irders at the office of Me.srs. Harris fc Hurl. 14lf RAIL ROAD HOUSE HOTEL \ M RESTAURANT. EUROPEAN PI,AN. No. 4 (Commercial and *7 (May streets. San Francisco lIAI-KV & THOMPSON, Proprietors. —i»WT --- .W IjAJiiiJAC —— ™ 111 I I I 111 LEGAL NOTICES. PRODATE NOTICE \I,|, persons liavimt claims nit dust the estate nf Thomas It Itowen deceased, late of Unite ■i.iiiity, are hereby no died to present the n, with nroper vouchers, to the un ler-iifned within ten noiilhs from this date, or He v will he fore' it barred It WDVt.I, HOIUKT, Pnhlii" Adiniiitstralor of Kutte Co. nid well. Oct 2d IKAS. n3-3«r PROBATE NOTICE A M. persons holdliilf claims neninst lhe»slaleo( » James I* llnirhes. deeea.ed. late of Unite conn. •v, are herehv notified to i re eld lliem wt’h (iro|ter vouchers lo the iiie'ersitriied within ten months from Ids date, or they wi'l he forever narred li. HOHAIIT. Public Administrator Hulte Co. llidwdl,Oct. IMH. ot-3w PROBATE NOTICE A 1,1, persons h tdlnir claims aaa’nst the estate of Victor l.nndiere. deceas*,). la'eof llidtecoilnlv, are hereby no ilied to i ivsenl them with proper vniichi rsio the nndersiirneil. siihin ten months from (hi. dale, or he forever barred. R lIOHXUT. Public Mminis'rator Itniie County. NOTICE I« HUHRBVOTVKN lo all whom It m»r concern, that ibe under-igned will make application loihe Hoard of Supervisors of ibe n nuty m Rnt'e. at the •■..lfnhir ineetinst of said he held at Oruville m said county of Putle on the It's! Moodav in Notrm- Vr next, fee a license to eslph'tsb and kee|> a * errv ■cpiss Fee her r ver. i t a point known as •* l»i ipi ttsiehers.” ste’ethimr over one mile above .Mo* r'otitiell's Ferry, in said county of Butte Oruvil'e Sept 2t"*. PSO S. Y. HA I F. Harris A Ui'RT, Ally’s for Applicant. r.N-lf LK(VAL NOTICKS. STATE OK CALIFORNIA. > C'ounlV of Hulte. i ninth ji mrui. district court. mjmV Ibis day it npjM'iirim; U» m> Ni:i-mctioi:. n» Judtre of the Ninth Judicial District ''nun in Hint for Hutto County, that Hut Board »r <«u|iervi-f,i -m mill tor wiul Comity, did, «u the twouiy-i • ir:b day of September, A D one thousand eitjhl hundred ami llil> -ix. declare llrmllle to be tins County seat ..I ru’llo C.umiy to mi anil after ihu said tweiiiy -p. inli (lay Ilf September A. I». Ib.iH. in pursuance of m Act fiihtliil All Art to Uhanve and (in the • onniy S.atei Buttle County. approved March HUh Is (i. ami it fur llu r nppenrimr ’o my wiiiMiidlim lhal the pr.*<u-nl buildup's in winch Hie said > uiirt has been held, ami in which the Records have been kept in llie hmn ni iliil well, are nte*afe as a place of depository h r ••.id Records, and that Hie name is liatde In destruction In (lie, by reason uf their beimr couslructed entirely of wood. And it further appearintf. that there i• no i>i|intr ill the town of Itiilwell. suitable r..r holding 11, e leruis of ltd* court, and to safely keep its Hecords from lire or oilier calamity, and ;t appearing that the i.,wn of I too i lie i> a tit place to hold lie- terms of ibis Court, and that u commodious and safe brick build ini» m said town ha* been tendered the cUnnly as count building*. |t therefore ordered, adjudged and decreed, that Hie Cler of Hie Ninth Judicial District Court in and for Hut (e con ul > forth with remove his office and Hie Itecords ihereof, to t Iroville, in the baililim,' selected ’n Hie said Hoard of Supervisor* as Connly lltllHinifs. aiid lout he do and Irunsacl th« business of his said oltlce, at the iown of Oroville, as the County Heal of Hullo c.aiiily. And it is further ordered, that tlie o-rins of said* Court, from and after Hie said iweniy* fourth day of September. A. I). Is.>6, he held ait the said town ot Oroville. ilultlo b 'Wis oh red And it is further ordered, that (he Clerk of the Tbs- I net Court in ..nd for Hullo County, issue an order, under Hie seal id said Court, iu conformity wall this order. Ami that Ihe same he published in the Daily Hullo lUcokii. a paper published in HlO town id Oroville, for ihe spare of loriy dais (rum Hie dale hereof liiveu under my hand, tins ilih day of September, A. 1). Is.'ii). \VM. P. DAINCEItFIF.I.D. District Judim, sSSMiiI Ninth Judicial District, Cal. ST A'IT. 'd - C V UKOUNIA, I County of Butte. i County Court, IWtilV lids day il appeariuif to my salisfacllon as IN .Indite ol Hie I'oniiiy Court. In mul lor Hnbe Conii'y, that the Hoard if Supervisors in mu I lor -aid County, did. on the JHh day of SejKeinber. A. I*, one tliousand eisthl hundred and titty.fix. dei>|ure oroville io be Hie Count; sum ol Hntte Coney from mid idler Hie said Iweiiiy-loarlh day of SeplfiiHier / . H. l-'.'i. in pnrsiiance ol an net untitled An Act Io chaicfe and llx the Oounly Seal ol Hullo Comity, approved '.arch Huh. IS.V ; and it lunher appeariinrto m> --iH-larli m that Hie present I mild mi.’- i i w luahlhe -mil Conn h is been he 111, and in \\ hien the Records hm e been kept in the town of Hidw.dl, are unsafe* ns a place of de pository for said ll cords ami lhaljjlliesame is liable tode (ruction bv fire, by reasiin of ihe.r beiutf con. *1 rucled entire "of wood. And U further itp|ieiirinif I but there is no 1 1 nils In/ in I lie town •- I Hid w* 11 su li able for I. the terms of diis Omirl. and lo -ah ly keep its Hecords from lire or olb«r cithniol y, ami u appeurmi; Hint the low it of Uro-ilki is a til place le boat lht‘ terms of ltd- Court, and ilai a-ale and Cora modious brick bitildiiitf iu Mini town has been ten rtered the county us connly bnildines. Il i« llierrlbre ordered. udji.iUfed Hiul decreed, that the Clerk el the Connly Court in mid for Unite County, forthwith remove his office and the Records I here-if. lo Oroville. in ihe huihlmg side.led by Hie said Hoard of Supervisors a- Couniy Hnil.liie.r-. mid i hat he do and l an-uct the business of h;--aid office, ai ttie town of Oroville. a* the Couniy '■eat Hitiie Comity. And il is further ordered, lhal the It rm-of -asl cow'. Iriuti and after the said twenty fourth day ol September. \ 1) I- 11. be In Id at the said low It ol Hfoville until olherw is.- ordered. Ann It is furl her orde*e I. that Hie Clerk of the County Court in mil for Hulte Coui.ty, i—ue mi older timb r the seal ol said Court, in conlormil) with (his order. An t that the same be pnldi-hed in the Daily Butte R u coril, a paper pntdi-hed iu the town o' < trot tile, lor ihe space of loriy day- fi i.m l tie dale hereof tly order ol Hu Court A ttest the loresoiiiif a true copy of the original or der now on tile iu my office Witness my hand and the seal o' said Conn ft.. Sj uflivd Hus the 2-Ult day ol September. A. D. 1 at Htdwell. Ml I.ES CHAPIN, Clerk of Connly Court. Hv M 11. D-RH-cn. Ttppn'y. S I'A 1 K "F CAl.ll'itHM t County of Hiitie. \ Court of Bp«,ion«. Sf>J ' »\V this day il ap.-earinuMo my salisfacllon. as INI pr siding Judife of Ihe l onrl of Session* tn and for Hulte C uiu v Hint llielloird n( Supervisors in, and lor said Comity, did. oh He- iw.-n'y binrih day of September, A II naelhiui-iind eight hundred and fifty six. declareliniville lo tu* the ' oiimy Seal ol Ilnlle Couniy (rum and alter ihe said iwiuity fouriti dav ol Sepleiulier. A D IH.'iti in pursuance of an Act entitled An Act to ofiiume and IK the County Seal ol Hulle UonnD • approved M*ech lutb, li-.ih, ami il further appearing lo my satisfaction that Hie pre-ent build iiies in which ll.e said Court ha* been held, and ia which Ihe Records havebe.n kept in thetownof nidwell. are nn-afe as apl ice of deposit..ry fur said Record-, and lhal tin- same i- liabb le-lrnCion by tire, by reason o' Hear being con-1 rucled . nHrely of wood. And il further appeariuif. that there i- no building in Hi** town of Hidw. 11. suitahle for holding tlie terms of this Court, and to safely keep i's Bee onis from lire or ollmr calami'), and il appearing Hml the town of Oroville U a 111 place to hold the term* of this Court, mid Hull a comm -lions and sale brick bnihliu; in said town Due been tendered the Couniy as comity ouildiiui*. Il i- lltcrelore ordered, adjudged and decreed. Hml Hie Clerk of Hie Court ol Sessions, in and for Hulte Couiily. forlwiih remove Irs oltlce and Hie lteem.l - loOroville. in Hi- building selected by Hie said Hoard of Supervisors as County Building-. amt lhal he ,:o Hint I ran* act the lui»ino-s of his said office o the town of Oroville, us the County Seal of Untie ,j it is further ordered, that the terms of snid i, front amt after ihe said I wettty"fourth day ol •niter. A l> ISa'i beheld at the said town of ill), until otherwise ordered, d il i- further ordered, licit the Clerk ot Ihe fetid I of Session*, in and lor Unite County, issue mi under ihe seal ol said Court, in cottlormiiy this order. d Hint tlie senna be published inlhe Daily Hulte rd, h tmper published In the town ot Oroville. a- space ot forty days front tlie date hereof, order of Court. msi ihe forei’oin'i a true copy of the original or iow on tile in said court. Witne-* im Immi and the seal of said Conn ' of Sessions affix* d, this 'he twenty fourth day of September \ D » at Bulwell 1 y. lI.RS CHAPIN, Clerk of Court of Sessions. AI. H. htXRtiH. Deputy. ol Hit COUNTY TREASURER’S UKFICK, A Htowital.. July IS b. 1856. \ is hereby trivne, that all f»r*ons holding [n( Rnlle f’ouiity 'Varra il« payable from the Irene ml fund, revise red hetweea February l«th. tSAfi. and Muv 7lh that the -ame will be redeemed on pletMHibnlnn at mt office. And notice t. further given, that froffl and after this dale, said warrants will cease to bear iuten-t WII.I.IAM I.ATTiMORE, Treasurer uf Butte County. LKGAL NOTICES. ST A IT. OK r \ LI KHUN lA, I County ul Unite. t Probate fowl s% r 'i i\\ H u il.iy. il appearing h. my «i»l'»f iCliuit ns „N| Judge of liu- Pr.d. ile Court. in and tor Unite unity, Unit tin* I of Super* i*or«. and fur said umu did, usi tin' twenty fourth day of Se|grnrtier V lluue tJioitsniid eight It umbusi and lit I y in dexlao* ‘ trovihe to he the i ’• unity seat of Butte Co from :«.«<• ■ ilt• •» ill.' «m! twenty tixiiih d») i'l September, A |i is: 6. iu pursu ‘'lire ul nit \>*l util II Ifil An Art tii change tin 1 1 1 V Mu* County !*eat "I iM'tle * - *ti» l lA • f i| (ir. .It'll \| .-1 t* , luih. !“• ■ '!>' it tiiln-T appear *ng 111 my mill, (ill; lull. Mi..l Mu •...* 'ill li'il * mg- in » !ti- *'lllll i tuirl li i.< It* *'n In' 'I "<l in »*•»• 'i Oif le-- oris tinvi* ii«*t*n kept in the lun 11 ill 11 ti xt il. nr.* 1.11 a ife iisi u place ul ilt*i>i>*iiiiry tur *t *l '.*'* r 1 tti it lht< is liable to ilesiructi"ii by tire, by run sun uf (Ut'ir littimt constructed entirely uf wood. Viul it further appearing that tliutf in unbuilding in tin* luwii uf llnl w eh.suitable fur holding the terms uf this court mil to sahly a'•*•i l us Bee >rd* I rum fire nr ul In* r ealHinity. mu lil appearing tluit 1 1"' low 11 of Dr. mile is u 111 place lu hul l Ihu terms of lhi« < oiirt, tin) ill'll li rum tin »1 ii ms null side brick building in said t us 11 hits ouuii tendered lu tin* county as county t> 11 1111 11 i **r si. Il is, thereforeordered. adjudged and decreed Hu* ('lurk ul Ihu Proliole t unit, if amt tur Butte • ’oiiiity, furtviith remove his utllco nud the lleeurds them if. to Orii'illu, in ihu building selected by ihu siiid u -aril ul Supervi-urs as county buildings. mul lli i«t hu itu mul 1 aiisiicl the business n( hi* s Mil uftlce •Il Oil* Ills 11 ill I Iruvillu, lln llll* County Seal ul Until* County \iul it is further ordered that the term* of said court, from 11ml niiurthu said iweniyduunh tiny ut September, A|i I-Mi. In* liuhl nt Ihu said town of (trot ill**, until nt h**rwi-e ordered. And it is further ordered 1 lint Ihu t’lurk ul thu Pr 1 tnitu t'uiirt in mul fur llnllu County. Isaue in order, under seal ol said Court, in coiiloniiliy with Utlsor* ihr. And that Ihusamuliu published in the fin ly It'll u Itucord, 11 pHpur published in tin* town ot oruvillu, for Ihu spin'u uf forty day * I rum the dale huruol. By ur turui I'unrt. A lies! tin* foregoing a 1 rue copy uf ihu original ur dur now on till* in my cunrl. M inus* my hand and thu seal uf said Pro* [I,S] balu Court aftlxed. thi' iheJllh day uf Mp lumber. Al' IM Mi. at Hid well. MILKS CHAPIN, I'rubulu Clerk. By 1 1 all n a * 11, Itepnty, SHERIFF S SALE H>v vinrt of an kakcinos isshkh S B ~m uf tie* \inlh InMi<*iul lii"lriet Court, in mid ur the conntv of I'eitlu. Slate of California, bearing late tin* "liih day uf August. A. I». 1 Sail, and to mu lireeled and delivered, eoinminnling mu lu make hu Mint ol three hundred and lily dollars pnne.pul. Ilu I fur iniuri'M fruni the '.’if I dav of.lnne A I*. IS.MI. 11l i|,e three hundred dollars principal, at Ihu rate ul lire, pc* rent, per niohth mild paid, and fur ousts uf oil, :i\> *i in the sum uf I n tSlu) dolbim. and tie* ■•"iinf costs, mil uf ihu prupurly hereiiniller du» ■i--ihed. to satisfy ihu aforesaid judgment, wherein Joseph f Smith im Plaimilf and Jacob S Morris is Ilefemlaiit. lu vit : Thu Metropolitan riieulre. silim ted iii l iru\ille. in the eunnly and Plate aforesaid, lo cated on tin* corner of lliintoon and Hint streets, ironlinir thirty nine t'.i'Ji fuel on llunlumi street, and ■•itflity ( pstl) feel on Hird street. AI.SH— all lhal rerlain piece and parcel ul lau.d situated in ( ruvdl*, iiphir I uwnship Unite county. and State uf Calil.*r mu. mid d(*srrilie*l on the map ul the Town ul Uru idle, as follows • tails mi tuner one, ill two, (*Ji thris*, till (our. <4l five. 151 and six. Mil in Bluek tliir* ly six, (lit'u; I .ol s number one, ) 1 1 two, <-)tl v u (.1 six. li. seven, 7. and eight, s', ill Block uiirlit. 1 ut* nilinher one, 1. two. ". three. It. lons. J. live, a. six. li. seven 7. mid eichl, S. in Block niiintier ten. in; la l iii) in tier one. I, two, 2, three, 3, tour, f, five, fi, six 1. seven, 7, and eight. Kin Block ininibur ll ; fails !me, 1, two, *J. three, li. four, 1. file. a. MX.*, ..•veil, 7 mid eight. N in Blin k number twelve. I‘**. I.ul* nn in her one. l,lwo,ii, hive, ... lour. 4 fi\e, a. six, u, - veil, 7. and eight, S, In l!b*ek iiimiher tweiiti. in; l.uls number one. 1. two. 2. three. 3. four. 4 live, a. .ix. «. seven, and eight. M in Bluek ninnliu* tv.-umy* one, *'| ; hols nnniher une. 1 two 2. 11l rue, .1, fmir, I live, ft, six. s. veii, 7. and eight, b, in Block i.aiuhi r iwetny two. 22; lads nnmlier one, 1, twu. 2, three, :< lour, *l, five, .i six, li. Seven. 7, lii.d eigbl. N in Bluek lumber iweiily-llueu. Ml; all ul which 1 Wllleximsi to public sale, lu Ihu iiighe.t hidder lor cash, al tin 'cleans Hotel, in tin 1 Tuw n uf 1 >ro\iilu, un Smnrdav. • 11.■ jnili day ul September, A. 1». IKMi, between lln boms prescribed by law. * p '.'ii KK, Hhenff Butte C«milty. By M. A Mi I.AI l. II Id N, In putv. Haled, lids 27’lb dav of August. A. lb IP.V> ailg2T td NilTK'l —Tln* atiove sale is lierebv postponed till ru’esihiv (be a 111 ill'ant. at ibe same and place above inenlined. B. I lti.lte Co. By M A Ali I.At MIN.IN deputy. U ilcd this 2t Ih dav of September, b' .ii sju Id I he nil a e sale is hereby post pulled till Kitiinlay. he mi. dio ul tic oher. A. 1) Is.Ml, al the s* me hour md plate above sjieciHed, •„ .V SVienlT Butte County. B.v M. A, M' Lai mitts. Deputy, dated, tins the 3Utli day ul P-plember, A. Ib 1st;. sib ltd Tim above sale is hereby further po*tpun d M l Monday, tint 20lii 'lav uf • •■■t< her, A. D Is ■•». al the .vine hour, at the Conrt-lionse dour, in town ul Jru nile, in Uutiecoiinlv. B. I'Bi’KK, Sin riff Butte county, By Af. A. Mi Deputy. Dated, this lllli du) uf October. A. I) IKIO. oil Id SHERIFF SALE V VIRTt’K eftm execution issued out of ii Jus r ticesCourt. \V. S. P»fford..)u*i(ce of the Peace, md fur Biilwi It Tuwnaldp. ('utility of Butte and le uf California, to me. directed and delivered. Mounding me to make the sum of one humln d twenty nine dollars and till) cents debt, and six Inr* cost„ul siii'. together wilh all the costa iiccru oil said writ. „ herein Jos**pti t»!'ickiml is Blamlil! Joey Howard ia the Delendaiil, I have levied M mid w ill expose at Public >ale to the highest dur fur cisb. on the 2Mh nay of October. A. D ii he ween the ho irs proscntM*! oy law. id ol (he ve named BefeiidaniV right, title and interest in to the building -mat d un 11 mer Mrt»*l Millie nut Biilwcll mute t'ouuiy Califoriiia. •>eiweeii ii* Berger le’s Hotel and UiH Chinese Pture, and le-rly known in* Jamt*sToner’s House—»aid build being aho >t twenty b> forty le. t. and one story b : ul- •, a -mall Innlding m shed mi I In* rear, lu in i* with Hie lot uu which tin* buildings are locn SMe lu | place in the town uf Indwell. « ounty State afun'said, in front of Henry Keeler's ikln and Kxchange ottiee. heriffV Office, ncuti-r *2. is.',6. p. n:KKß,Pheiitr Rune County. DECLARATORY NOTICE OTP'K is ben bv given that I Kllen Carpenter. wile uf Hauger’rtebl t 'arje ti er, of the County ut le and Stale ol California, da hereby declare dial lend from and atler lies dale, lu carry on business ty own name and on my own account, in said ,ly of Bulb. and that said business is farming Hi's, buying and selling "I Stuck ul all kinds; and 1 will be individually re»|M>iniWe in my ow n ic fur all debts contract* d by me on account ■ ■ said business, mid I further declare that tin Hint of capital invested by me in said lui-ine . i nut exceed the sum ut fixe thousand dull rs I m«ny win reyil I have hereunto mu ni\ hand an*. , this’, the 2d day of 6 •tuber A.D.tkp.B KLKN CAKPPNTfcK Seal rum to and subscribed belure me ibis the *1 day tctol er. A. D. ISO 6. * \ K,J ; , .' r p laaticc of the Peace. K»gly Lovrofa Uaclirlor. Feme years ago a member of the I nited State- Semite. distinguished not only l’>r ids talents but l«is> tine personal u( peurauee, was seufcd iti it rich!/ furnished pur or in ilu* city of V* a.-1»;in;ton. engaged iu ;« lively conversation with one of the most amiable m ! accomplished married ladies I lint ever honored our naiiomil capilol wn ti tli ■ r pi» ence The sul j ct was the common and most 1 i rouble one of marriage; :i i■ < 1 toe lady, .viih i beautiful enlhusiu-ni naturul to ••ii..r i tor. was «-»*oii» upon the milieu tf It* ril i-t in Lt'u * in- iI. ii 1 1 r friend the claims II :l V Iliiio itlltuie ll'iOU I, win H 1 tlOMtlOll I'l .'oOit'ty, oil.. . ■ '■ < 111 on. ati 1 lib.*i :i 1> ■ iio iliou, oiu.uculiy rendered lit to I . the wife of a distinguished statesman, who boil seemingly already .-pent 100 many years without a proper companion to divide his honors and near with bun the ill* ot life. The gentleman, who bad lor a long time entered with hearty good will into the halt serious and half play ml conversation, sud denly became excited, and remarked that be could, on such a subject, bear all that was said in jest, but when Berions arguments were brought to urge him to change bis con dition, tlnti bis reply must be that stub a thing could never be—that to love he could not, for his all clioiis tent iu the i'l arc. The huly was struck with tin* Senator’s manner, and surprised that throughout her long aci|uainianee with him she had never suspected that ho had lound time, amidst the struggles of a laborious profes-ion and a high political position, to “tall in love,"— With tin- blandishments i nly known to the -ex. and with a curiosity prompted by the kindest of hearts, she asked for an explatia tisn of this seeming my-iery, and the gen tleman. (or the moment overcome by the eWjnencc ufhis interlocutor, explained as follows: “It was my good fortune, soon after 1 en tered upon the active duties of my profess ion, to engage the atf. ettons of a lovely girl, alike graced with beauty of person and high social position. Her mother, her only living parent, was amhitn us ; and, in the thought less de-iro to make iu alii nice of fashion, opposed the union of her child with one who had only his talents and the future to give m return f. r so much beauty and we ilth The young lady, however, was more disin terested ; mutual vows of attachment were exchanged, a correspondence and frequent personal interviews succeeded, and the In tute seemed to promise a most happy cuusu mation of all our wishes. At that time I had ju-t commenced, under tavorable circumstances, my profession in my native town ; and making some diame ter, whs finally engaged as counsel in a suit ol importance before i ne of the courts bidd en in the city of I’lnla Iclj Ida. The oppor tunity vvis favorable t > make an impression I I possessed I lie ability to do so; and I d olly accepted the p« s;to i>. and bent my whole energies to accomplish my uml itiou. \nanging to wile frequently to ont“ who divided my hea't with my business duties, ind to receive frci|uent epistles iu return, I set out for Tliiladel) Ida. i x porting t ilie ab sent at must, not n ore than two week . fl.e law's del .ys, however, detained me .a month beyt nd the anticipated time; and al though 1 succeeded beyond my most san guine expect itiou-, ;md cstal lisbe 1 myself m a position before the highest court i t my native State, my triumph- were dashed that iu all the time thus engaged 1 had not re ceived a line from Lancaster instead ■ t which the atmosphere was filled with rumors that (he person upon whom 1 ha I set my affec tions had been seduced into the ambitious designs of her thoughtless parent, and that I had been discarded—a tiling 1 could not believe, and yet the dreadful silence seemed to indorse “At last, released from rny engagement, I took the usual, ninl in those days, the only conveyance to Lancaster—the stage. The idleness consti|iieni upon traveling gave l ime tor consuming thoughts, and my suspeme became (uinlul to the last degree, and unable to bear the slow pace of my con veyance, 1 determined to anticipnte the usu al time of my journey by making the last miles upon horseback In carrying out this detei initiation, 1 mounted a fleet steed; but just as 1 reached the suburb- of my native place, the animal, from some unaccountable cause, sprang liotn the road, threw me with lorce. breaking my arm and otherwise inju ring rny person. Licked up by my friends, 1 was conveyed helpless and full of physical and mental agony, to my borne. Scarcely had the- surgeons performed their ncce-sary duties, than one whom 1 esteemed a friend, announced to me the gossip of the village, mid among oil cr things, detailed the partic ulars of the courf-bip and engagement of the young lady in win m I was so interested w.tb a well known person of a neighboring city—a person whose claims to regard no one could dispute. These things, stated with such apparent good faith, connected with that leal lid silence of six long weeks, had no other i fleet than to increase my anx iety to unravel the mystery ; and on the fol lowing morning, c mealing my wounded limb under a cloak, probably pale and hag gard. 1 presented myself at the mansion of ii, v mistress 1 was received in the presence C rbe mother She confimied my suspicions. The young iady stood by. the picture of des pair, yet Silent as the grave. Desperate at what seemed tins bad lahh, I returned to ny house, wrote a hasty letter demanding my corrrsponce. and returning, at the sam« me, every once cherished token of aflictiofe, I received all 1 sent lor, save, perhaps, eons* mrgotteu flower. Concluilkd in our next M MHKU 7S.