Newspaper Page Text
(Dmuillc Suilij latte 3Rttart. o«n: h. ciunm, Editor. Oroiillr, Saturday, October 11, 1850. VVJIOUL DEHOrKATIC XmVUIOVi. FOR PRESIDENT, JAMES BUCHANAN, OF PKNNBYIAA NIA FOR VICE PRESIDENT, JOHN C. BRECKIMtIDGE, OF KENTUCKY.' DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. roR ph kh inr vru i. klictoki, AUGUSTIN OLIVER A, I GEO. FIIEANOR. P. DELLA TORRE, \A. C. BRADFORD. frOR CONOR I S«. CHARLES L. SCOTT of Tuolumne. J )SEPII McKIBBKN of Sierra. froK CLKRK Of SUPBKMK COI'RT,] CHARLES S. FAIRFAX of Yuba. ron scpehinticndicnt or public in*triction. ANDREW J. MOULDER.. .ofSan Francisco. Regular Democratic County Nominations, roR MKMOKR4 Or ASSEMBLY. JAMES S LONG, 11. J. MORRISON. UOR AHBKBSOR, JOHN H LILLAUD. roR ri'BUC administrator, A. C. MORSE. ron «.ORONKR PR. J. P. BROWN. Business Notice.—Mr. N. I). Witt is tho only parson milboriied to collect liills on account of lim Duily Butie Record, for Oroville and vicinity. Our friends will please take notice. Political Notices —No political advertising or Job Work done at this office, unless paid for in advance. The above will be strictly adhered to. Religious Services will be held in the Court House at 7 1 2 o’clock, every Sunday night, by the Rev. J. W. Burton. The Rev. Mr. Seymour will preach at the same place every Sunday at 2 o’clock P. M. until further notice. It said ihht Rochsa, the late musical preceptor of Madame Anna Bishop, the cantatrice, loft £60.00 to that lady in avail able funds. Bochsadicd in Australia last Spring. pSSr The Yrcka Union speaks very en conragingly of the prospects of ti e Demo cratic ticket in Siskiyou county. It says the north will most ceriainly give an over whelming majority fur Buck and Brcck Such is the report from all parts of the State. Taanks. —That model newsman, Jimmy Scott, as he does every night, deluged our table last evening with copies of several ol the Sacramento and San Francisco papers Variety Store. —Persons desiring to purchase anything from a fish hook to an Iron safe, or from a glass of peanuts to a watermelon, or if studiously inclined, Irom the Butte Record down to the London Times, can find everything they desire at the "Pioiieet Variety Store" in Washington Block. Sec their advertisement. Great Political Discos-ion in Palcer ville.— From a telegraphic despatch in the Union, we learn that a grand m iss meeting was held in Placcrville on Thursday night. Col. Henley and M. S. Latham, represented the Democratic party, and Col, Peyton and R. N. Woods, the American. Mr Woods ma le the first speech, to which Col Henly replied, then followed Mr. Peyton, and La tham closed the discussion It is spoken of as being a gr ind nil dr, the crowd being computed at twenty-five hundred of all parties. The whole city was illuminated on the occasion. Democratic Nominations.— The Demo crats of Sutter county have made the loilew ing nominations: For the Assembly, Sam uel Warrington; District Attorney, /. Montgomery; County Assessor. Richard Say A G tod Omen —The Democrats of Solano have nominated a gentleman named An drew Jackson, to represent them in the next legislature; He says, "By the Eternal, Sol.* no shad go for Bock and Breck ” Steamboat —We had a conversation with Capt Lind ey, ot the Young Amei icu, and he informed us that as soon at the Mat in the riv -r would permit, he intends run ning his b -at to Oroville. The Capt. is well known in Butte County as a gentleman of enterprise and persevcrence, and will ac complish the undertaking if anybody can. Our Irliti «i*l (•• rinnii < Itlxnis. It has been the boast ol the Black Be publican party that the great body of tlie German and Irish voters are in their favor, and will support Fremont. The very prop osition, cowing from that party is a double insult to our citizens of foreign birth. First, because the idea advanced by the Black Be publican party, in claiming the support ol this class of our citizens, shows that thej consider the foreign born citizen on a par with the negro of the south. And Secondly, because a great majority of the Black Be publican party have waged an unrelenting war upon them—"war to tbc knife and knif* to the hilt"—and will be ready to shoot them down, destroy their churches and burn their dwellings again, when they find they cannot use them. This has been the result once, and will he again. Gen. Scott, in ’£2, acting under the tuition of Wm. 11. Seward, undertook to secure the support of our for eign born citizens, by praising the “Sweet’ German accent,’* and “Rich Irish brogue ’ ■ The party headed by Seward and Scott, | failed to effect their object, and, in a spirit of vindictiveness, organized a party founded on the single idea of a remorseless proscrip tion of those whom they had attempted to induce into their support. This party was successful in California, and men who had sworn to remove and exclude all foreign born citizens from office were placed in pow er. The Know-Nothing party fell to pieces, and upon its ruins has arisen the Bepublican party who now again profess great love and esteem for our citizens of foreign birth. At the head of fhis Bepublican party stands Wm. 11. Seward, of N York, who was elected to the Senate of the United States in 1804, by the Know-Nothing Legislature of his State. It was at the suggestion of Mr. Se ward that Mr. Fremont was brought for ward, and it is to him that Mr, Fremont owes hia nomination, and should he be elec ted, Mr, Seward will be the Chief counsellor in his cabinet. It was fur the purpose ot securing the foreign vote that Mr. Fremont was nominated instead of Mr. Seward. Mr Seward, who is now playing so sharp to se cure the foreign vote for Fremont, when “Governor of New York, made in the city of Bichmond, Virginia, a formal proposition to Gov. Win. Smith, the object of which waste trade off the Germans and Irish landing in New York for the free negroes of Virginia.' man for man, cargo for cargo—stating at the time, that the Germans and Irish had proved very mischievous in the State of New York, ai d that, for his part, he, (William 11. Seward) thought the free negroes of Vir ginia would nmhe better citizens than the Irish and Germans! This is from the head and front of the Re publican party, who claim that our liii-li and German citizens are with them! Whai do the Irish and Germans think of it ? Marysville Water Works. —We arc glad to learn that our old friends, Captains Wells and B iyly have at last been successful in finishing the repairs on their engine, and are again supplying the citizens and streets of Marysville with water. Since the confla gration in which they were burned out, the city has been in a sadly dusty condition from the fact that without tluir very efficient sprinklers, there has been no means of wa tei ing the streets. Great inconvenience has resulted in consequence of their misfortune,, aa 1 very many articles of dry goods, jewel ry, etc., have suffered material injury from the clouds of dust continually rising. Horrible Murder. —The Hun gives an account of a most atrocious murder commit ted in San Francisco ou Wednesday night. The victim was a beautiful but frail French girl, by the name of Victor Kotanz She was found dead in her bod on Thursday morning. From the appearance of the wound, she had been evidently killed with a long double edged poinard, the cut commencing low down on the left side, aud ranging up to wards the heart. The murderer has not yet been discovered but it is expected that the deed was done by u triend u> the Italian Chiato, who is now in prison awaiting his trial for throw ug vitro! ou a French woman sometime since. The Ual. Stage Company —Messrs Moatgoaiery, Stevens and Rapelye, officers in this company, were in town yesterday, making arrangements for running the Shas ta line of coaches through our town. Tbes< gentlemen, as well as many others connected with and employed by the company, frou their uniform politeness and generosity to wards the members of the press throughou the State, deserve the thanks of the corp editorial For the continued and variou favors extended towards us by their agent in Marysville, Messrs. Fowler and Israel ami their obliging drivers, Harris am O’Neal, we feel under a thousand obiiga lions. Busin ess.— Great wagons filled with goods of every description are constantly arriving here. Yesterday, our streets were almost blockaded with immense teams and waggons, and from these and other evidences, we are led to the belief, that our usually prosper ous toVn, is, if anything, in a more flourish mg condition than ever. Four stages arrive here from below daily, md more are about to be put on the route' Encircled as we are, by mines that are al most inexhaustible, and located at a point that is such a natural depot for the vast ex tent of country above us, it is a matter lit tle to be wondered at, that the merchants of Marysville are trembling with the fear, of our one day, not far distant, taking the place of that city as the point to which the entire up country trade will come. This is no vain boast, and the reputation our town has gained from the accounts of the many visitors who arc con-tantly flock ing hither, is sufficient evidence that such is the case, Oroville is ns naturally the place of busi ness lor the mountain traders, and those who reside in the neighboring vallies, as New Orleans is the point to which the pro ducts of the Mississippi valley must be bro’t for a market, and through whose merchants the supplies for that vast country must come. We are safe in prognosticating that in a very few years, our town will stand second in population and importance to no interior city in tho State. Our Social, Condition. —“ Sooner than let rny children run about these streets,” ex claimed in our bearing, a father who expect ed the arrival of his family by last steamer, “1 would shoot each one of them ” He was right. We admire the stern Ho man-like spirit that dictated the express ion—it was worthy of the man. Better, fur better the young soul be s nt unstained on its mission by a father's hand, than live a foetid imp, amoral leper, a burthen to itself, a disgrace to society, and eventually an ac cusing demon against that father at the bar of Eternal J ustice Truly we are reduced socially to an en viable condition, when parents, sooner than have their childrei reared among us, prefer such a frightful alternative. Let us hold a mirror up to this communi ty. Burning shame almost makes our pen swerve from its elflce, in transcribing the picture there presented. Gambling den and flat lot palace, stand in polluting contiguity to the family hearthstone. Miserable and disgusting prostitutes flaunt through oui streets in broad day, regardless of every law of decency ; while at night, the doors of their houses are thrown open, emiling a sickly glare to entrap the unwary into their sinks of pollution and death. To no place are they confined, none is sa cred to them Shall this continue r Shall our families be subjected to loathsome contact with these cess-pools of iniquity ? If so beware the consequence.-. G. The late Storm.— The storm of Monday lust was one of great extent, and in the mountains unusually severe for so early in the season. In coming through the valley a Jay or two since, we noticed all the higher mountains apparently as completely covered with snow as if they had been visited by a regular December snow storm. In conse quence the river mining is about closed lor the season. Out and Gone —Two noted scoundrels broke jail on Thursday night at Santa Crux and made theirescape One of them, John Robb, was waiting his trial for stabbing John Quinn, and theother, Rnymon Bucinu, had been convicted of horse stealing. Robberies— Robberies are still of fre quent occurrence in San Francisco. A few nights since a house on Dupont street, near Fine, was entered and robbed of silver plate to the value of £2uo. Out for Buchanan —The Pittsburg Post states that Francis P. Blair, Jr, over whose election in Missouri to Congress the fusionists made such a “shriek,” is to ad dress a mass meeting in that city in favor of Buchanan and Breckcnridge. An Army Missing.—The Prussian official Corresponds says; “General Cruleff. who commanded a Ru«- -ian division during the siege of Sebastopol, was afterward sent to the frontiers of Per -ia, where he appears to have advanced too nr into the hostile territory. Cut off from ill communication with his own countrymen, nd threatened on his flank by immediate icrdes of Circa-sians and Kurds, he found dmsclf obliged to make a retreat across "landless wastes of the inhotpilal sandstep >e«, and as nothing has hitherto bem heard ■f him, great fears are entertained for the afety of the General and bis whole army.” The River, —IVe learn that the Nebras ka claim at Long’s Bar, although its opera tions have been suspended for a few days by reason of the rise in the river, will bp in a condition for working again in a short time, the dam having escaped damage from the water. The Montezuma claim will also be in full blast in a day or two. The Pacific Railroad and the Fufz Canal — A correspondent, writing from Washington to the Baltimore Sun, says: The Pacific Railroad scheme is not yet dead. Geographical jealousies have contrib uted so far to delay the passage of the bill. A railroad to the Pacific and a canal across the Isthmus of Suez are the two great enter prises now before the world, and when com pleted, will do more for the civilization and happiness of men than all Chartism, Red Re publiciinism, and negio philanthropy hete and elsewhere. It the Isthmus id Suez is pierced before we have a railroad to the Pa cific. the United States will be commercially distanced. SPECIAL NOTICES. FOR CONSTABLE It. 1.. PAT'D iN announces himself us a candidate for ('unstable, for < ipbir Town»hip. FOR CONSTABLE We are authorized to uiiniuince the name of N. I*. H ITT, a* a candidate ter Constable, lor the Township of I'pbir. at tin l ensuing e • cllon oil* FOR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE W. B. SA FFOKD announces bis name ns n camli dale for Justice of llie IVace. forOphtr Township, at the cuming election oclo* FOR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. The friends of J. U. I.AH lO.N, JU.. hereby nn nounce him as 11 candidate for Justice of the I’eace for t iphir Township, subject to the nomination of the Democratic Convention. olo* ijr DU. A. 1tA1.1,, offers his professional ser vices to the citizens of t troviile and vicinity, having had much and long experience in the treatment of the various diseases incidonl to tins climate, lie hopes to give satisfaction. .-pecml attention given to diseases of a private nn- Itheuinutisin, Ac., which lie can cure without the use of mercury. Orricc, front room, No. 17, United States Hotel, up stair* —Oioville. ocl-tf N EVV ADVERT IS EM ENTS. JUST RECEIVED FINK l.uT of l it K,-lt 1 Ul 11 nl the Pioneer Variety Store,” and ankee Notions Depot ” a i. » o The most complete assortment of Shelf Hardware. I’ersons desirous of sending tonne the sun Francisco Steamer Papers,can do so by leaving the address at I lie Pioneer Variety Shore and Yankee Notions IV p> I Washington llnx k, Myers elleel bd dooi liom .Vloiitgoniery st oil DISSOLUTION f g IIIK HO PA lit Nli 'tslt 11* heretofore existing be ll tween Dickey V Goodman. "known as .1. S. Dickey At t 0,,” in the Magnolia Saloon, is this d iy dissolved by mutual ci nseiit. J. *s. Dickey as-nines .1 m b lines, and all persons indebted will phase make iinnn dime pay llielil to him. Ciigned J. S. DIf’KEY, H. M. GOODM AN. Oroville, October. 11. A D. ]k/jii. ocll if OROVILLE STORE Wholesale and Retail I rRIIIK undersigned liming n turned from San i Francisco and removed In iho fire Proof Hnck block, Montgomery. two doors troin Myers street, (U iisliinglon blot k.) would re?( ecllnlL call Ihr at lelition ol the inludnlanls of oroville and vicinity, to I lie fact of Ins bn'in.r Hie largest Stock and the best assiUlllul.l cl t nods to be lolllul Ibis side ol s Hern till n to. N. y Hoods w ere all pun I ill-id lor cash at lie' very lowest tigure ihid money ccudo buy them it ■r, and as I sell lor t in li, and L ash only. Hue lining aw ay w ith the list of deadheads w inch everyone must have that does a credit Imsiness. I am pre pared to oiler Old(,Cl melds to cusnmers such ns no other House in •'roville w ill tiller My Slock consists ol i * Itoi 1.b11..- in ad Hs vnneiies; Provisions of (he best quality; Liquors anti t-yrup* of Ibe choicest brands CilbbkUiY of ibe latest styles, and HARDWARE in all ils li unebes. In add t on to this, customers can have their good* delivered by my Enures* W agon at their own door, Ires idcuargo. J F. KEBsHNG. obi f MONTE CRISTO BOWLING SALOON! One door above the V, ?. Livery Stable, Myers streets OROVILLE JOHN soon. Proprietors. fIMIK ABOVE LhU I.ING > A LOON HAS BEEN _B. put in COMPLETE iti.l’.tlK. and we respect fully invite the Boys ej and about these diggings who wi-K to play a quiet game ol TLN PIN.-, or take a like, cm I (Irak ol t-pinls. to give us a call at die MONTH CliL-iO. JOHN BC’uTT Jt lb. Oroville, August £l5, 1850. uugjk-tf DR W WOODWARD, MSI II AS IV A 1/ 1»H on Dc office I'ppusi.e Hie Empire Hotel on Muni goinery si reel, Ortn die. ob»l f Saloon Department i fIAIIE BAK KIbl.M ol the I B. Hotel will lie kept ■ open day and night, where may be found Hie choicest slock of Wiius Liquors, and c igars in Om ville. Lunch will tie served ul all hours w ith «v* ry delicary Hial can be provided. » pp<lf J. BROULETTE » CO BEST HAVANA CIGARS \ND TOBACCO —WHOLESALE AND RETAIL at Hindi's Cigar and Tobacco Emporium, over the Phoenix Saloon, PH. WATERMAN, I VIOLINS AND ACCORDEONS, TALI AN ViOLIN it GUITAR SIRING?, Bridges and Bows at PH. WATERMAN’S. IANBLEB AND MATCHES 4 , at Bloch’s. J PH. WATERMAN. BANKERS. riIARI K* II «*!•«»». M. W. lIXSMON. HEDGES & HANNON, IS A N K E It S , Warbinuton limn, «r Movnitmmt *m> M vie ns Snotkis. co/./y dust rrucJiAsni) AT TUB HIGHEST BATES OR FOKVVaUOKIITiiTMK MINT FUR AFSAYOU COINAGE. CHECKS ON MARYSVILLE, SACK AM UNTO AND SAN FUANCISCO. Slglii noil Time Dinli* iTirnUlu il «» Iho ATLANTIC STATUS AND EL'KOPK. Oroville, Oct. ft, In. i). «'i.V:r Me WILLIAMS & TVMESON, BANKEHS, xi:\v liuit’K m n.iiiMi—no;M u muntgom -11, \ ami MV hits* f-TUI. I.Tf>. on o\ r iXjii h . GOLD DUST BOUGHT At the Highest Bates. CliocKm at Par! ON MARYSVILLE. SA i If xMIN TO CITY AND SAN FRANCISCO. SIGHT DRAFTS For Side, on nil the Principal Allßlilic Ctles. j yr DITOSFIS received. mill otherwise, Jul) 11. ISftli. jyH-ii' HENRY KEEFER’S HU & MiIAMIE OFFICE, Corner of Miner street ami tl.e Plaza, BID WELL, Cal aol i) i) u s t n o ug n t At tin* Highest Hates. ■#! CliM'kii Drawn un iliui k lii iiningim tl> Co. MAIt V »' VI LL K. -*•*- Kills of Exchange on all tiio Eastern Cities, New Y'irk, "I Louis, Mw HostOll, 1 lIK-illllHli, OtllD Philadelphia,. Louisville, Ky. didllinore, Detroit, Midi. EXCHANGE UN LONDON. 11 It A ITS PAYARLE IN Montreal, C VV.. tiuehec.C. K. Iliiiinlluii, C. VV , branllord, C. it . Toronto, 0. VV. London,o \V, Ft. Catharines, C VV., ♦ hiiilntin. 0. VV’. Central and Special Ihposils Itecelved. 11 id well, September isfto. s-.Vtf C. II ftIACY, C. 1.. Li>W, I*. F. LOW. MACY, LOW & CO., BANKERS, CORNER OF PLAZA, AND iIIOH STREET, MARYSVILLE GOLD DUST i' UIIC II AS ED AT THE HIGHEST RATES, OK FORWARDED To THE MINT FOR COIN AC# E, O lx. o c Is. fe* at Z?ar, ON GARRISON, MORGAN, 1 Rtf/, ,v RALSTON, SAN FRANCISCO VVe ar« prepared to draw SIGHT L.\i ILVNGR on M I>SIIS. I HARI.ES Mi tRGAN & CO., NEW YORK Also. on tin; titlier principal Eastern Ciliu. Murysville, Auguul 4, Isio. nul-ll MARYSVILLE ASSAY OFFICE!! 11A lilt IS, MAKGII AN D X CO., K iimi, nmr Hie l unn r ol Suomi ilntl, M.ilt YS VILLE. ALSO—Ki 7 J STREET, SACRAMENTO. Will ronlinue to curry on On; biiMin ss of Melting, lU-lining N Assaying aoy. a ajs j) oue .s OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. VVe guarantee the correctness of our Assays, nml liinii ourselves to pay any dillei slices llml may ans« with an) ol itie L S. MI.NTs. Returns made in from, six to twelve boors, IN BARS OR COIN F'riuiuM or Ui auz ftnovru inb Viirio, TERMS FOR ASSAYING: ilie mine as in San Francisco, H. HARRIS, 1). MAIO HAND, C. L. FARMINGTON. jyJH-M.y Bill. Mil OrajIMMMO 1 ■ WOULD RESPECT tC i I.Y inform the public of oroville and victimy< Hint 1 Lave opened with tne largest and best select) d Mock ol DUY GOODS AND CLOTHING, ever brought into Ibis market which I will well just us low as our house in Sun I r.ncisco. 11. SIMON, New Fire-prool Rriuk block. Montgomery street, please give me a c .11 and examine lor )our«*e|ves, OstvlUc. Sept, itft, s'Jtktf To Contractors. PROPOSALS f»r flaming and dr) lag the Buckeye Chtim, will be received i all. the girth instant. The claim consists V all that potion of ihe Main Feather river, cuwm«nc;ug a - , ihe loweretul of High Rock nice, a ;«d run mug down stream about eleven bnndred lent. JAMES SARGENT, Sec'y. October Sth, A. D. Dsu. o'J 3V Just Received 1 4 T THE CHEAPIST 11,07 RING HTORK IN J\. Oroville, a large and ■pler.dlii lot of CLOTHING winch 1 otter for sale VLRV CIILAP FOE CASH. Sept. IS, 18V. »UMX