Newspaper Page Text
auction sales. By I*. BUSSELL S. Co. CHARLES FUIEOMAM Auctioneer Auction —Great Attraction !! Co. Formkrlv «U, r«i»T srancr, ******<-Mt. n AVK L"‘ ATEH TTIEMcKI.FKS in the town oforoville. opposite !»«•, DrKwns ll.ilel. f«r Ihe ..,irw«e of transacting a gem-ral Auction «td Com L,-em !.«-«• -*■ l« •** “* bnurch*-*. (..•iroU i(,\. ,-vcrv r'ulufdn},and i*uiml»v nfl'Tiroo flhmi I ro'oo’clock •* M- Out-door !*akw m nil piats <n the v r«.»'ll (IT COIIIII' Wltl '»• |.t-MT.(.lly Mt-mbd l.» «« 111- I„whi rater AI private side. they «►»> keep onnstiuil iy on liiin.l■ t. l«*ve assortment <d Gr*„-ro-s. I royi*- dims. Clothing. Mtoers’ T 00,,, kc , whodi l!« > ol„ t - K ,,t« themselves lo sell at fkKTUMIVOIO |gvc,ss Whole .mil** nml retail. s .1 * Mr. Charles Friedman. having m dw Auction htislli*"-, •in*-*. |H4*«. •■ill i«-«re p**rl««:l satisfaction lo •the ( ottimunily id largo. 8 • ,, ABELL & MONTY, Auction ami Commission 4Jr 111 t i.OI Bsl. V. s KooM — Mvkkm .‘tikkt. Nuktii .'•IKK, A HOVK 111 Klt MfßlitT, IVM. H. ABELL General Auctioneer KOK OKOVIM.K ANI> IiFTTK COI Nl\ * i*yi in any juirt oi Un* c«»uu.y promptly nUciuliul lo (•oodfu Furniture, uiul Hrnl EMuln solil on •f'MiiiiuiftrtiMii, hi lie |MXM«|»lly much tied lu. an 1 ox* lo liic best ud v« n iiitfo. UkucLak So.k lUvs, M kiismins and f**ipsdavs. Conditions «»f Sale —TERMS CASH. - • v* VI, I, PURCHASKKtS OF REAL ESTATE must make u ili posit of ten per win. mi tin* day ul ii'alt*, lid. balance on lliw delivery of the Deeds. Al mr SiilhHiniui Kill always be lo iml a large iisrorl in-nl of Groceries mill i roviiimis, V\ lues, Liquors tu.l Cigars, til wholesale mill retail, at (iricfs winch lely cmnjieliiio . in Uroville nr Marysville. fall ami lee’tor yourselves. before purchasing else* liefe. _ lleineinlitlio Sian—.Myerii street. above bird. *2slf MISCELLANEOUS. I HANK’S RESTAURANT, l ulled Staten lliiildlny;, CUB9ER MONTGOMERY and myers streets OROVILLE. FRANK CARRIED re-pect in Ily announces lo In, nnl blends mnl Iht "eiluene nl Ornville generally, Unit h.ts opened a FIRST CLASS RES TAT RANI in the above named Building, where he is iprepared lofo'idsh the public with all Ihe edibles and -delicacies In he found in this nr the Marysville Mur diet. The following are hi, HATES OF CHARGES: Board per week without Wine. . • . 81d 00 do do do with Wine, .... 12 no Single meal, without M ine, .... 7,A do d<- do with Wine, .... 100 Having rented Ihe upper story of the new lire-proof Tirick building, adjoining the United Stale.,, and Hi lled up the amou lor sleeping apart,nenl,, 1 am pre pared to furnish llie'TNEpT LEDS lo be found in ■Oroville, al the following rate,: Single rooms per night ...82 00 Single beds., .d0....d0. 1 uo d 0... .d 0... do 00 TERMS. CASH. Oiovilcl, July 2S 1850. J\2B-lf J. & C. LEVY & CO. FIRST IN THE FIELD J -with- THE LATEST STYLES —OK— Fall and Winter Goods, —FOR— LADES AND GEITF^ t tXJkXJw —OF EVERY DESCRIPTION ! AMONG WHICH ARE PRINCIPALLY RICH FLOUNCED SILK ROBES: plain Rrm cade Silk*; Sulim* striped Moranliipie Silks; plain black do; plain black and ribbed Italian Silks; jill colors Silk Velvet; all colors French Satin**; Hnesl plain and ligured D'lair.e. all wool; tine French Cash meres ; u large assortment of French and English Merinos; fine worsted and all wool Plaids ; Embroi deries of all desetiplions: a large supply of tine linen and pearl Thread Lace and the latest style of Crape Bugle Collars and Sleeves; Ihe finest assortment of Bay Stale Long Shawls; latest style Paris made silk Velvet, Gray Cloth, and all colors Ladies’ Talmas, Mantillas and Cloak-; Hue Silk Ladies' Mnnlillas, all colors and sly les ; and ihe larg -st and most extensive assortment of I.aides’. M isses’ and Children’s Gaiters and Shoes, with or without heels. While Goods, Ha rages. Lawns, Mnnlillas, Shawls. Bonnets, Kal Glovec —iu tßrrylhing pertaining lo ladies' wear. —ALSO— GENTLEMENS’ CLOTHING^ and Gentlemens’ Furnishing Goods—Coats. Pauls Vests, Hoots, Shoes, Hals, Shirts, Cravats, Socks and Tuder Clothing. 'tj-’JAC'UI PEVY. the pioneer member ol Ihe firm, is now in (he Atlantic Slate*, giving his entire attention in importing GOODS direct Irom France, and forwarding them here, which we are now re ceiving by everv steamer This arrangeiiwht enable* uslo gel ull the NEW STYLES OF GOODS long in advance of all competitors, and we eoty ask pur chasers to call and the value of their money. We feel sure that none will complain ol she price or quality of our NEW ti«HJDS. OVE WHOLESALE STORE, corner rf Fir»f street and »he Fl.ixa. ts (lloit with a large stock ol HEAVY GOODS, forcoimt y lra>t« T nnd the whole sale priceeare greatly reduced from those formerly •barged- JaCD It -v CHARLES LEVY V CO. Marysville, t Jclo*»er 7, ISst>, uc7-lm m < .alii.' FOR SALE \ DIE building and lot situated on Montgom ery street and known as Ihe Hotel rte Franca with a lot on each able with a stable. The bouse is now doing a good bu-iness. and is one of the best business Mauds In the plaee One of the part ner* being obliged to leave for Ihe p r|«is»-of setlling some family business, isthe reason offered for soiling this valuable properly. Few further particulars applv on the premises. Oc4-tf CLOL’CIIET & BtLLIOD. MISCELLANEOUS. PIONEER VARIETY STORE! A3MID Yankee Notions Depot. MYKRS STREET, THREE DOORS FROM MONT GOM ERV, MKW HKD K BLOCK, OBOVILLE. mmr I IF. UR CAN BE OBTAIN ED hII sorts of useful ▼ T and urnnineeial articles, mil to be found m uny other store h> the county, consisting ol the largest - amt l>er. selected stock of Hardware, Carpenters* Tools, Garden Sect's, Hooks, Stationery, Build ers’ Materials, Wo* elm ware, Patent Medicines and Pocket Cutlery. KI'F.H OFFEUF.U I (Hi AY THIS TO W\ ALSO Crime Chewing Totmcco. and Genuine Havana Clears, Aunt-y A." Ides, Perfumery. Looking Glasses, Wiill • l’a|*er. Children's Toys, Revolvers, Points, "its, Ti rpenline, Fully. Cam phene. Lamp Oil. Candle*, Quick silver &. .Musical liistruueiils. ALSO Lamp Chimneys, . Sand Caper, \\ riling Fap. r, ! K nives it Id Fi*rks, I > oinhr and Brushes. Brine. Biel. Mini • hisels, ( FniinetH and I* lie.. Marker', and Gauges, Hammer* and Compasses. Horse Brushes, Ladies’ Kill ini.’ Gloves, jshoe Kiiivvs. Cand.eslieks Flaying Card., Screw Krivtij., Gauger's Rule., Tap It ir»r.and Gimlets, I Lock., Hooks Staples, Flinch**., Faper Cutlers, Bid. and Flam*., Andirons Fn nips. Spoke-Shaves, l)iit; Collars and Chains, Sailor's Falin Coif* e Mill., Meat Hoiks, Wash Board., Bench Screw., Si.sli Ton*. Clothes Fin.. Fancy Bas- I i,.k Hooks. Bed lainl., Ueu Sen w Wrenches, < .mi Cups. Choi •pin’.' Trays W hips and Canes, 5',... til Vl'o v I '■ls i I mil lions Cue-llles and Wax. in* Lentheus, Gents Driving Gloves. ALSO A Complete assortment of Toilet Articles, Candles ol every description. Dried Fruit. ITe.erved ami Green. .Nuts of all kinds The Atlantic and European Papers ami Magazines, on the unival of the Steamers. These g,a sis have been selected with I lie greatest care, purchased cheap, and will lie furnished to our customers either at wholesale or retail, us low us by uiiv other store iu the Mines. t V »*< •rsons desirous of ohinining any article from > San Francisco, can do so at a small percent, advance upon the first cost by leaving their orders at this store. Uvi c favm; N. B—All outstanding debts due the firm of J. H. | Smith .V Co . must be paid to the undersigned or his agent. J. J. 1.0 kwood, us he alone is authorized tv use the name of the linn in liquidation, i octl-lf WM. C. PAYNE. OROVILLE PROGRESSING NEW BOOT IND SHOE STORE. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL! liN TDK BRICK STURF-. NEXT DOORWKSTTO to the United Stales House, Montgomery street. ; The Sul scriber is now iqieiiiug and otfers for sale, the greatest variety and the best quality of BOOTS AND SHOES to he found north of Sacramento, suitable for all oc cupation, age and sex. Having been six years engaged in ihis business in Calilornlil, and connected with an importing House, the snbscrib**r fl.itlers him sell that he can and will. sell goods ol good ulialily !a. cheap a.any other house in the country. A prime lot of the celebrated >. lug Bools, the best Boot in the J State for Miners and Laborers. Gents’Fine Boots, i Gutters, Ties, mid Slippers. Ladies’, Misses an I ■ < hildren’s Gaiiers. Buskins, Ties and Slippers in : great variety. Boots by the Case ns low ns they can be bought I below, with the addition of freight- The best Workmen constantly employed for man ufacturing and repairing to order: i September Uhh, IS.iO. T FUGCI 1 3\r 33 W CIG A n TOBACCO STORE FIREPROOF IHII.DING, MONTGOMERY Sl’., ONE DOOR FROM MYERS ST. JOHN S. HOW MAN would 'cspectlully inform the citizens of Oroville and Bible County generally, that in* is now opening the Hnc.l and must expensive Stock of Cigars and 'tobacco b> ho loitnd this si*le of Sacramento. which will be sold at Marysville and Sacramento prices. ALSO—Flaying Cards, Pipes, Matches, Cignritns, I Snuff, ike., &.C., at Wholesale and Retail, Cimvai* mu Cash. o3tl MISSM.L DEARBORN. VmyoULD RESPECTFULLY inform the citizens ▼ T of Oroville and vicinity, that she has lists day opened the largest and best selected stock of DRY AND FANCY GOODS, ever brought to this market. Having selected my slock myself, I feel assured that I can sell Cheaper than ever before offered in litis place. iMy stock con sists in part of every description of Dry a uii Fancy Goods, Gatlrrs anil Shoes fur lunlie» T jailers and Shots fur Children Ktnbrvidtrieu , Silks, \r.. Of every style and description. Also, some new style CRAVATS, for Gents, and Fine While Shirts. Also, an assortment of Perfumery and Toilet Articles. My old friends and the public generally, are invited to give me a call. M. L. i>K. A It HORN, jj 1+ Montgomery Street, next door to U. 8. Hotel. S. MARTIN, Opposite the Opbir Drug Store, Montgomery street, ORO VILLE KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND, a well ae lected si i H.‘ k of G rt*ctnod r Provisions, R.ois, Shoes, Clothing, Liquors, Mining Toofa, &c., &c., VYfGrbhe offers at thu lowest rales FOR CASH, £ gP’Goods delivered FH EK OF GIIARGE. Oroville. Julv 14. 18 ad. FOR SALE! rBNHE SUBSCRIBER offers for sale his Store and B Goods, or his Gtsais alone, or his I ail and Store, situated *hi Montgomery street near the Orleans Hotel. For terms awd further information, apply to ci. MARTIN, g-jS-tf on the premises. LIME I LIME! The undersigned offer for sale, at their LIME KILNS, on the West Branch of Feather river, a slsndki article of LI.M K. All orders left with J V. HOAG, Hunloon’s Exchange, Oro vllle, will be promptly allende*i to MOORE, JIcDANELS k CO. August St, IftMS. aug3o-if MISCELLANEOUS. CELLING OFNT COST! Ladies’ Emporium of tashion. MRS. M. iTnEWELL, « INTENDING TOi’IIANGE IIKR HI SIN F:sf» offers for utle, AT COST, her large and well selected assortment of MILLINKRY. I. A DIES’ APPAREL, GENTLE MENS’ FURNISHING GOODS, FANCY DRY G< K IDS, Sir., would respectfully ••all tin; attention of this community to the fact Hint although she may not have so iimmetis? n ftlvck ft* l.tplifn Kuhn «gr, yet SHE WILL NOT UK t'NHKHSOLI). Among her block may be found Ladles’ Dress Goods. French Lawns. Printed _ Jaconets, Fancy mid Plain Swiss Muslins, French Lawns and Ginghams. Thibeis, lie k (allies, Poplins. Silks. Lin broi dery , Liinn Edgings and Inserting*, Mantillas, A choice lot 01 Millinery—Ribbons, Laces, Flowers, Blondes, Head dresses and Mourning Goods Leghorn Hals for Hoys, Gimp Hals lor Misses Flannels of eve'y variety, Hed Ticking, Linen Dam ask and Crash. Scn'ch anti French lna| er. Embroi dered and Grass Cloth .'lnris, Marseilles, Quills, Long Cloth and Mosquito Nets. Gents’ Goimls—Drawers and Undershirts, Cravats, llantlkerchiels Gloves, Linen Shirts. Millinery it ork and Manual Making executed with neatness unit promptitude. Dipl have just received in addition so the above slock, a beaulilnl assonineiit of Clothing, Hals. Caps, Fihirls &c.,suitable lor Hoys. Thankful tor the I literal patronage of my friends, a continuation of the same liom them and the public generally, is respectfully solicited. M L NEWELL, Montgomery street, opposite Hun toon's Exchange. • •roville. 'ley Hi. lead. jy ~i MINERS’ STORE 1 BETWEEN MONTGOMERY 4c KIRI) STREET!*, opposite the Hutto Record Printing Otlice. J. M.CLAKK & HKO., f B lakes this method of tendering their thank Mo the ■ clti/.eos and inin-rs of Oroville, lor their past liheral patronage, and respectfully solicits a continu ance of the same. The patronage extended to us we shall endeavor to merit hy keeping on hand a well selected Stock of Goods at the lowest market rules, such us PROVISIONS. 0 HOC El! IKS, HARDWARE, ROOTS. SHOES, CLOTHING^ and other articles 100 numerous to mention, N H.—ii e have on hand the Ix-st quality ol Railed Hay, which will In-sold in lots to suit. Oroville, July ‘J2, 1*5(1. ,\\C Wholesale 0^ ONV -—and H LIQUOR VAULT, Myers street, above Montgomery. THE UNDERSIGNED HAS INSTORE rA-t - and lor sale, the following slin k of Liquors, ) which ho will sell, having no rent or city Maxes to pay, at rates lower than can lie bought ttuulherSncriiineiiloor Marysville ; and would call the attention ol retailers to examine his slock be. loro purchasing elsewhere. '/'KHM.s, t'dSfl. *JS barrels Moinuigalielu VV liuky, «5 barrels Domeslio Hiandy, ■J barrels O. It. k Cm, do 4 barrels Honette Hrun ty, 4 pipes Holland Gin, U barrels Port Wine, 4 barrels Dutf Gordon r-herry. Together with .Ml cases Claret. Curacao, Finn de vie Dunlzick, ‘JO cases Leslie'slt Iters, I*J cases Haul BaiUeine. (5 cases l.xiniil Absinthe. I*J cas-s Su-inberger Culiinef, Scotch Whiskey lin pec ial Ale in cases. I*2 cases Ginger Wine, l.aspherry, strawberry, I.emon Syrup, lu cases Champagne Cider, Hrandy Peaches. Scotch. English and American Ale., ol dll ferenl brands, ivc., Ac. '1 HUM ASS HI'S FIT. Oroville, .Inly 15, IH.Ti. jy lu ll J. W. DUNN, nK A L K S ]\i TE, .S’ TO C K AM) liEMll AKTIONELR. Myers street, one door above the I . 8. Livery Stable, OROVlLLE fjrff*Balos iu any part of the city or county prompt ly attended to. ocs-lf Merchants Hotel) yi u s r s th i: /•; r , Near the Steamboat Landing, MARYSVILLE . F-*. THE SFHSCItIHF'.II HAVING I EASED tg.... the Merchiiins Hotel for H term of years, will give his personal alleiilion to keeping a First Class HoTkl, and solicits a share of public patron age. liar, Hilliard* and Hulliiug It.mns in the House. sIJ O. M. EVANS. For Sale. ONE OF THE MOST I’LL \S \XT AND DF.Sl rahle House Lots in Oroville, situated on Lin coln street. between Hird mid Robinson streets, direct ly opposite the Court House, being hti feel on Lincoln street, and running back KfJ feel For terms and further particulars, apply to J G. LAWTON, JT . slu If Nc 5. United Slates Hlock. Cheap John’s Nominations! BUG HANAN, FILLMORE AND FREMONT, rfTHE ONLY THREE CANDIDATES IN THE Jl o.hl. ‘CHEAP JOIIN ’o" Myers p!ff“t? r 11m* only ulle in*Hho seiU Ckui.iifg iiiml Puriiic^hi(»j< Goods TWENTY PER CENT. CHEAPER Than any other store in this Town. NO HUM HUG. (■ive linn a call. Remember Ihe sign. Cheap John’s Clothing Depot, Myers street, heiow the Daily Butte Record office September 21*, Isiti. Stilt-if EAGLE BAKERY, CORNER MYERS it HIRD STS , OROVILLE. I WOULD SAY TO MY FRIENDS and the public, ihai having become sole proprietor of the above establishment. I mu ready to serve them with the best and freshest BREAD, PIES, CAKES. &C., At short notice and on the most reosonable terms. SODA. SUGAR A BUTTER CRACKERS Constantly on bond. My Waggon wifi deliver every ilt nig in my liuo al the ol my ctisimotn. CHARLES CHERRY. Oroville, July tl, 1 bi*>- jy22-tf MISCELLANEOUS. MOSKS o’nilHOß, Sunioaeil.. San Frrmtitec. | liiwun rt«KU, Or&itlU. PARKER & O’CONNOR, Importers, Dealers, AND RETAILERS, In Ijiquors, Wines, ENGLISH ALE & POUTER. ■ |Kli LKAVR TO ST AT FI, THAT THEY HAVE m 9 opened a t*inre in Myer? sirtsa, Orovillo, lor llie sale ol the above article*, in Iheirl’EltE AND UN AUI'LTER ATKD STATE. Their stock will lieftr the CLOSEST SCRUTINY. TheTUAHK me therefore respecDully requested to call and examine ii before purchasing elsewhere llroville, slept. H, 1 »8-lf TRY PARKER & O'CONNOR'S CI.UHH ATKII U A S P B E H II \ ami other STRIPS, %%7A UR LN I KII in cunlftiii .Hi degrees of grav iiy, ▼ ▼ ami of lull flavor, ilau. their WORMWOOD GultDlAL, now an in mil ill request, lobe bml at iheir Factory, Myers hi reel, Orov die. sbu-lm NEW FANCY GOODS! njj ISS M. I. DEARBORN, \V( HMIS A Y TO 11 Ell 1? K friends anil llie public generally, that by calling HI ibe 1,.\ 1)1 EH' EXCHANGE, they can he shown a bemitiiul iissorliinn of llie l.ateal Style* of l.adies' Frcncli Hals, of most exquisite beauty ami lliiisb. Also, a lot ol Choice Terfuinery mid Toilet Arllcles, all of which have just been received direct from llie importers. augUlHf MILLER’S EXCHANGE, Montgomery street East side. 0* ovillc- AVING KEEN UE-KHTED, is again open, nnd the proprietor lakes tins method ol iidorining Ins old customers unit tlie public -a ru rally, that lie in tends to keep as line a slis k ol Liquors as any liar 111 the place, in addition to winch, ins tables are in ex cellent condition, and by coiirb -y In tils pinroua, lie liopes to merit a liberal simile ol jsilrnna e. UroviHe, Ami. il, jiiiiisieh ' J. W. MILLER. THE CIGAR X TOBACCO aTANH Is kept by Lillie Curly, who will keep on hand the very choicest Havana Cigars, Tobacco, Fancy I'ipes, nnd every variety ol arm ies found in such places. For Sale! AH I AM DESIROUS OF LEAVING THE place, 1 offer my house, lot and furniture lor at a very low price, lor cash. The house is us well located tor a business stand as any in Town, and handsomely furnished For terms, apply lo MARY DONAVANT, Montgomery'street, near the Empire Hotel. September 11, I*3o. sll-ll MON TGOMERY BATHS Auil Barber Shop. fBNHIS establishment wHI here offer bo conducted JL by the linn of HALL, JACKSON & BLACK SON, who will be pleased to wait upon all who may favor I hem with their jytil'onagvvis a alyie of nrlislic tusle and skill unsurpassed in lid* town. The Bathing nparliueiiis are most comfortably tilled up, and cold. Hot aud Shower Italhs furnished at a moment’* no lice ol pure wider from the cify works. U. S. Livery Stable. Myers Street—Near Montgomery f|lM KLEE FACE " IITkTHE TIMES, and lipid crow Hi id our town, we have, ol late, and will Irion tune lo linu., make extensive addition* to our slock and otherwise improve our establishment, lo meet wlih enure sulislaciiuii me increasing demands of the age. Mock taken on Livery on the most reasonable Terms. 11 desired, we will buy, sell or exchange slock —in short transact all business up, erlaining lo a first das* Lively liable, llie tlnesl buggies, hacks and Saddle llolaes. inrnislied at a moment's nnliee. ’iTninlU nl for past lav or*, w e hope to merit a con tinuance ol the same bROVt k HUFFMAN Hated drovilie, inly lb, 1 sail. jylbdti. DILLS UiniTllM! IToin UroviHe loSpaiiishtown AND FRENCHTOWN [THE undersigned will run a Daily Express he- L iweeli < ilovdie, ."pain,blow n and I rein blow n. leiu r* and pai kuges enmisled lo Ins care will be ivered wall promptnessand i.esputcb. Agents, Wd.G.i’ v \ Sf,. tiroville, DU WaLDKuN, ."painslnown. iep 19-1 in* CLOTHING! CLOTHING !! TO SUIT EVERYBODY r BIHK I NDKUSIGN Fill begs leave lo inform his J. Inend*. patrons and citizen* ol Hroville and vicinity. Hint in-has a large and Well selected stock oi Goods on hand, consisting ol fa sin ox. \ hl /; cl o tjj l xu, Roots, Shoes, Hats, ivC., Which he is determined lo sell ni TF.N LEU GENT Gill. iI’F.R THAN AN Y Of IKK. F,." 1 A H1.1.-H M F.N f l> THIS TOWN Gall and see us, and examine our stock before purchasing elsi where, A. D. It Els. I*. S—lt FI VI Ed II FI K, Woiitgomery s reel, next door to the United Stales I1mI«Iv wgn uf ‘‘ THK CH E A BEST CL< *T 11 ING- AN© FUR NISHING STORE IN URUVILLE.” Oroviile. July *J4. IKAIi. (ylMlf Blank Books. A FRESH SE I’FLY, mid fir.-t rule assortment of ask ttul «ad I hUJ /uooml I link li"v'. >, Just receive ex "Vuimg America,' PASS RfdiKS, SHEEP AND TK K MEMO RANL)UMB, MONTHLY AND WEEK LY TIME BOOKS, RECEIPT Books, mihting anh STOREHOUSE. ASD CASH COPYING PRESS B4V)KS. School Writing Books, Miniature Blanks NOTES DRAFTS BILLS LADING &.c &c Noisy Carrier's Hook mid Stationery Nos. t*d aud 06 Long It half, a'.’Tm.l awl 9* llallery street J. D. BROWN, M. D. Graduate of New York I niversiiy. New York Medi eat lastuute. Honorary Graoasle of Syru. use Medica) College. offcrs his proiesstoual Serv ices b> the inhabi tants of Urovdlc ami vicinity. Office, at tin- Huns Drug Store. .Montgomery street, oue door from the corner of Downer street. July 14, I*6*. JjlHf (Drouilc 3Dailq JJntte ißtrorb. Printing Presses, Pi'Lpits and Petticoats. —There are three great levers that govern the world. With out them the bottom would Tall out, and society would become a chaos again. The press makes people patri otic, the pulpit religious, but women sways all things. There would be no going to church if there were no girls there, neither would there be any go ing to war were the soldiers to meet with no applause but from the mascu lines. W iihout the sunshine shed by women, the rose of affection would nev er •■row, nor the flowers of eloquence germinate. In short, she is the en gine of life, the gnat motive power of love, val -r, and civilization. In proof of this, truth in all history speaks iu trumpet tones. Patents Issued in ISs.V—From a table, published in tho Scientific Amer ican. \vt learn that the total numl*;r of patents issued in 2855, front the pa tent office at Washington, was 1700. Of these, 400 were for people in New \ork, 323 to Massachusetts, 230 to Pennsylvania, 120 to Ohio, and 101 to Connecticut, those five Slates taking more than two-thirds of the patents. California took out five patents during the year. Of those machines, 103 were for munufactuiing lumber, 95 for ! land conveyances, and 103 lor metal lurgy and manufacture of metals. Mas sachusetts had one to 3,000 of popula tion, or to GUO adults. Such a propor tion is certainly not to be approached in any portion of Europe. ) The Area and Population cf Rus sia.--According to the Westminster Review, Russia, possesses iu Europtr and Asia, a surface of 3-18,105 square miles, occupied In 183,437 inhabi tants While England lias -1,830 in habitants-to the square mile and Franco 3,78*0, Russia in Europe has only (547, and in the whole of her empire only 63. It i.s this want of concentration yvhich renders it of the first necessity that Russia should connect her scattered people and provinces by int< rnal com munications. Mere extent of service and numbers are otherwise sources of weakness, especially in defensive yvar fare. This lias only been discovered when she yvas assailed on divers parts of her extended empire by the Allies in the last campaign of (lie year. She hastens to make peace that she may repair this defect. How nnieli do you pay your waiters at this saloon P a-ked an irrasciblo ; gent, of the proprietor of a restaurant, i ‘One dollar per diem, sir,’ ‘Well, them I credit me with thirty c nts, for 1 wait- I ed two hours for my steak, and one hour for my muffins.’ S3a W S, SiS « S ! Plain, (jokl and Ornamented,. Executed in ii superior >*i>Uf, ai low rates. W. H. Haydon. VI, HO—House Painting, (training. (Hiding, Pa per limiumg, ivc, doin' wi ll Hint cheap. ybop ■•n Mji re street, opposite Untied d'ales l.tvery Htu» bln. sepJ4 Tin: fcOVEREICi.X PEOPLE! OF ALL PARTIES A RK MKUEIIV CAUTIONED NOT TO EORRET in lilt; I eat of politics. the LlitLTi STOKE ol candall & McDermott Has been removed In tin* new fire Pmuf Itriok Ituitd i im. > >ii Moingmi er> at ml, louse above Hun. loon’s Winn will be loiiinJ Ilia larges;,.cheapest, and' best sleek of Drills, MpdiciiiPH, Caiu|*noru-, Oils, Akt*., ki-i, In Not them full ton mi HK.ME.MItEK THE PI.ACE anil be sure to cull before purchasing elsew liere. (P'iviUc Augusl -7 lr.*i aug-.'7-if V\atcliniaker anil Jeweler. I WoIM.D KEsPE*TFI.’LLY I.NEOKM cilweim of«iron lie and vicinity, t bin I have Cu» pun lias- d ol Mr Kosuiiihul, his W no lnna kliig iui«l Jewelry Katalilshment, on .Monl gonu ry *t!'• el, and have lucaUm] Ujyseif jiermanenlJy in the above business in f is place, and hope tiy strict attwnliou to business, to me it a reasuuablu share of patronage in I be above line. / will gumantee lit Jit H'ork as well as it can be done anifutbere in the Stale. AM, KI.NI.H OP JKWEERV WADE TO UKDER. N K Particular at(«nlion paid to the Repairing of Watches. t.EO. E, SMI I 11. Ofoviite, August U, WM- augllif LAFAYKT IE RESTAURANT, Montgomery street, opposite the Orleans Hotel OROVILLE. THE Sl r ß.sfß|ltEßH REHPEfT fuiiy aimuwnce to their Mend* and lb« eiiuens of ■ irtiTllle aeriemliy, that they nave opened a SPLENDID KEsTAU HINT in the aboie nanieil place, where thev «re nre jsired to lurnisb ike public wlih ail (he luxurte* and delicacies to be foinid in (he market. Kales of Hoard: Board per week without laxling, *f» m board per week with lastging v <, ()0 VVM. DEER fc A MICIIEN K AU, aoif Proprietor*,