Newspaper Page Text
Miscellany. A Persian Princess. —I wmt to pee the Shah's half sister, a beautiful girl of 15, who lived with her mother in an obscure part of the anteroom, no* glectcd by the Shall, ami consequent!) by every one else. She was naturally lovely, fair and indiscribahle eyes, and a tiguec only equalled by some of the chefs d'ouvn of 1 lalian at t. This is so rare among Persian women that she was oao of the few persons t saw in tin country with an approach to a good fi gure. She was dressed in the usual fashion of Housers on trousers, tho last pair being of such stiff brocade that if put standing uptight in the middle of t lie room there they wool 1 remain. Her Imir was curled, not platted, and she wa-i literally covt red with diamonds Sfio was quiet in her manners, and scorned dejected. Sin- was most anxi ous to In ar about European customs. What seemed to surprise her most win that we look the trouble to un dress every night going to bed ; and she asked me was it. true we put on a Jong white dress to pass the night in r All 1 Persian women are astonished at this custom, and are quite unable to account for it. They never undress at night; they untie their thin mattress from its silken cover, draw it nut from its place against the wall, and roll them soloes up in the wadded quilt, which forms their blanket. The only time they change their clothes is wln-u they go to the bath. If they go out to visit, they of course but ou tln-ir best g ir inents, and t ike them off at night; but generally they lie down just as they are, and even in cold «either they wear their ebadoor, or out of door v il. at night. — (ilimpse » of Life m Persia. B0r» A W cgteru editor says there is an end to ovary tiling save a ‘thrilling romance’ that you pay lor bv the co lumn. Four years ago ho engaged Mr. Q till to do up 4 1 lie Haunt'd lien 11 nist, or the Mysterious Corn-Crib ’ lie is at it yet, having entered upon the sec md chapter lasi week. In chemistry, the way to part two bodies is to introduce a thbd. ihe smio holds true in other departments. To increase tlr* distance h. tween a pa r of lovers, all that is rcijnlred is to let Willie walk into the back parlor with a lighted candle in his ha;.d. Another \ ictim.— The Huston CVi»v;. vide, stivs t The widow Keating, who was murdered at \\ ashingtou hy Herbert, mernb r of Congress bom California, died of grief a lew days since, making Herbert's crime a dou ble murder. What name shall he giv en to those who >hi»;!d him from de served punishment : LEGAL NOTICES. OFFICE OF THE HOARD OF SIT PER VISORS, IX AND FOR F.FTTE COUNTY ~ AUGUST TERM, A. 1> 1850. IIIDWKLL, AllU'Uxt 13ll», If.'lfi. In the. Milter nf ikt Division of Ophir Township into School Districts. IT ‘8 ORDERED BY TIIK HOARD—That Ophir Township ho an<l hereby is divided into School Districts as 101 l ws to wit : DISTRICT NO 1. Commencing at Oliver Murray's house. on llu* hank nf Feather river. th nee up a It vino or Slough. to Dry Crook, thonco up Dry crook, taking the rnthl hainl fork of said Cre* k until tho lino strikes the line of Rldwoll Township. DISTUICT NO. ‘J Commencing at > diver Murray’s house, on the hank of fc’. alher river, ihenre running in a sir light line In «nd Including the Prairie House, until it strikes the Wvnuilotte Township line, thence down the line ol District No. I, to the nlnco of heuinmng. DISTUICT NO. 3. Sh ill embrace nil the rein tin lor of Ophir Town ghiii not included ill either of the first two districts. Attest: a true copy. Mll.EScil O'IN. Clerk rtf Ho ir.l of Supervisor*. By M H. DvnakrH, Den'iiv OEFD'E of hoard <m- M I i.u VISORS IN AND FOR HUTTF. COUNTY, AUGUST TERM, A I>. 1850. IllinVKl.l., August 19, lr*’fi.. In the matter of the Division of Hath County into Supervisor Districts. [T 18 OtinK'lßD hy the Hoar I that from and afie the date hereof, iho buim Dries and innnhers o ie kup-rvis >r Districts lor llutte Comity sliall Ih* ii dlows, low'd: DISTUICT NO. 1 Phall he composed ol uni embrace the Townships ol Oro, Wyandotte. Hid wed and Mountain Spring. DISTRICT NO. 2 Shall he comp w.d o an I embrace the townships o Hamilton, Eureka and Ophir. DISTRICT NO. 3 Shall he composed of and enthr tee the frtwushi|>s o Ore .’on mid K ii Ii w and U‘hi«*o Attest; a true copy. MII.ES (lIIAPIS. . (Perk of Hoard of Supervisors Bp M 11 Dikkscii. Dev dy. w CARDS, RITINO M ATERI \hS. PORTM'INIES am Kuives. at Bloch's. PH. WATERMAN'S. MEDICAL. DR. J C. YOUNG’S CARDS. IMPORTANT TO MINERS, TRAVELERS, ETC. MR I IF RED no malady of deeper Importance either JL In n medical <>r moral light of view. to which iho human family is more liable than that arising Irum Impure connections. Vs a medical man it i« the duly of every physician In look atdisease as it effect* health and lit*-, and hi* sole object should be In mitigate, u* far as lies in hi« power, the tastily suffering. Unman nature ul best is but trail, all nre liable to misfortune. < if nil Ihe ills that affect man none nre mere terrible ">an those of a private nature.—Dreadful ns It is in the person who contract*it. Irightliil as are its r lias es upon hi*constitution, ending rntipienlly m ilesiruo ion and a loa li-ome grave, it becomes of still greater importance when it is transmuted In innccent oil spring. itch being the erse how necessary it be comes Hint every one having the least reason in f,-,r that they have contracted the disease, should attend toil at once hy consulting some physician, whose respectalbility and education enables him to warrant a safe, speedy, nml permetieiit cure. In accordance with this necessity, HR Vul’NtJ feels calli-d ii|hui to slate that, by long study mid extensive practice, he lias helome perfect master of all those diseases which conic under llie denomination of veneteal, mid havs mg paid mori‘ attention to that •me branch than any other physician in the I’tilled Slates, he feels himself bettertplltllfled to treat them. Syphilis in all its forms, such ns ulcers, swelling In the groans, ulcer in the throat, secondary syphilis, cu taneous eruptions, ulcerations, lerluarv svphilis, sv i lulls in children, mert-un nl syphilitic affections, gon orrhea, gleet, strictures, false pas-ages. liiHaiiialion of Iho bladder and protrate glands, excoriations, 1 11 mors, poslnles. Me., are as familiar to him as the most com mon tilings of daily observation The Doctor effects a cunt in recent cases in a few 'lays ami finds no difficulty in curing those of long duration, without submitting the patient to sm It treat ment as w ill draw upon him tin* nlightesi suspicion or oblige him to neglect bis bu-iness whether within iMirs or without. The diet need not he changed, ex cept in cases of severe ialhtmalioii. There art* iu Cali fornia patient* (amounting to over two thousand in the past year) that could furnish proof of this; but these nre mailers thot require tl»i nicest eecrcsy which hit always preserves. All letters enclosing SIO, will he promptly attended to. OlHce hours front 0 \. M to H P M. Address J. YulMI, M. <t. Express liuildiugs, corner of Montgomery and Califorman streets, over Wells .•'ar go 4: Co.’s Express Depart inent. \O\UD— FROM DR. VOIIND’S PRIVATE . MEDICAL ( mice—To the afflicted—ln this age of progress, whim science is develop ng itself in suciih a manner tis to appear almost miraculous, every thing lit couuntm place is looked upon as uoi worth notice In view of this fact. Dr. Voting, corner of Montgomery and California streets, has concluded to leave the beaten track hitherto pursued hy mo-l sci entific physicians, (that of wailing for the public In (inti you out alone.) nml pii'di-h to Un- world, as inticu us max be. bis knowledge ul the healing art, to let those who be iu need of assistance khow where they call fluid relief without tear of Is iug imposed upon. Iu continuation of this subject. Dr. Voting would -ny. that of the past ten years lie lias pursued Die pract iue of met I iciue in one of I be largest cities Iu the I'inleit Slates, with the highest success, nod (bat Ins standing It- a physician Is without reproacli, having at oin- time lieen lecturer mi the I uiversity of Penn sylvan la on venereal diseases, \c. I ptui all of these eonideralioiis. Dr. Voting hascon (idetice in iutroituclng Imit-rlf to the public, knowing licit they will sustain well earned merit. The following are a few pf Die many testimonials which have appeared in Die public journals the last few years; f From Die Boston Medical -binnml ] Although we mo oopo-ed to I he system of advertis ing, for gm I and sufficient reasons, still we deem it hul justice to nay ill it Dr Voting is one of Dm niosi indus’rious anil indebtligahle votaries of Die medical science, in the Foiled Statics From Professor Jackson’ The subscriber is personally ncipiainted with Dr Voting, and has seen much of his practice, andean hear lusiimoney to his meriti ns a praclilinner. From the New York Herald. The eminence of this distinguished gentleman in Ins profession, anil the opportunities posses-ed l*v him for tln* observation of vetn-rt-al dis eases. Mi lt-- his services invaluable to those alllicletl with the attove eomplainls. From the VVhiginid \ lvertis--r. All alllieled with private complaints should eonstili Dr Vo nig, whose education is n t surpassed by any physician in the country. In his -kill, lemor and in legrity all may rely with safely, while most of the praciilioners in this city trre wiilioul honestv or res pectability their pretentions being grounded in ignor ance and assumption. Otli -e cornor of Montgomery and California streets, up stairs, opposite the baiikhig bouse of Wells Fargo V On. t Ipeii from y A. M. to 8 I‘. M , Sunday in cluded- HJRIVATR Medical f ttire—Hundreds of those who U have contracted disease are disadpninlnd of it earn by not calling on Dr. Young ul llrst Me will forfeit hiiv sum if he fails to cure anv case that may ct 'tie under his care, tie matter bow long standing or aillicling. stteli as ulcers, tumors, 'lodes, biniehe-. pimples on the fnc- and hotly, (mins hi (lie hones and ioius, wakefulness, trembling. copper colored sores, wasting of the hones, emaciation, loss of appetite, streiiglli mid flesh, sores in the nose and ears, ln-s to hair, weak eyes itching humors, k Maov persons after being relieved ef all extern d appearances m private disease, suppose liieitl-elves eutetl. h'U after a few months Dud Duty are iron hied with various symptoms which they never had before. and which t iiey tiinl it impossible to relieve. Vo all who are at Hided in Dos way. Dr Young would p rlieul urly 'ec oiiimend a tri d of hisskill. The svinpum- with which you are troubled are caused Its taints iu the blood which sooner or later w ill destroy our health anil hap piness. Nt person who has ev< r had an attack of am private complaint slimiM not fail loroii-uil Dr. Vo ing uni take a few liolll -s of his invalttahie purifying medicine, as they can rest assured that heir Mood i lu a perfectly pure and healthy eonditien. and Dial every trace of disease Is removed from the system Recent cases cured in srotn two In live days without hullge of diet or hindrance from business, or no fee DR -I ('. YOIfNC. Office, corner Montgomery and California streets epposite Weils, Fargo f. Fo.'s (tflice hours from 1* A. M., to 8 I*. M. Marysnille. June loth. 18V> JJ'Vtt. .1 C. YOUNT!—Drxti Sut:—please send me uW some of the medicines you pre-erhed m my ■a-e. I have a friend here who is troubled inexact!' lie saute way that I was. lie has nightly emissions, ringing arise in his head weak buck. I -s- of memory ml Is generally debilitated : he is iliscmirn'• d and ha« not confidence enough lt» enable him to call -amt -ee you. I told him how I was and Dial my friends dl said I was in ct ms um pi ion and Died "(tors up here rave me tip and advised me to g > home to die, but instead of going home I called upon yon, and here I uu. as well as any of them, mid likely to live a long dine yel, will! -trenth enough to work with the strung •st of them. Doctor. I will sen 'every one to yon that looks to me as though he needed a physician It shall not he my tinill if any one dies for want of medical treatment. 1 will do all I can l-> keep the afflicted iway from those pe-ls of society, yclept professors ■onl high sounding lilhst men who, if Die facts were k nown. are men w lio left Ilnur eon Ur' for their conn ■r»’s good. Pnblis this letter, doctor. if yon wish, u l | hope some of those Dial humbugged me, may ■tee it and sleep bud for one night. Truly your*. GEO. DAVIDSON. IDWARD M. BURROWS. INTKR N ATI ON A 1.11 OTEIS ALOOX J \CKSON STREET, between Moatgromcrv an* Kearney SAN FRANCISCO- B,»t T**-Brands of Brandies, IVtnr* ana Segu .. ! MEDICAL. DR. HCINIMANN S pei r.i tj: mi: me a l op pice. C'iUNKU MOST<i(»MKU\ it JACAMtN sITHKETS SAN FKANCISCO. lIKIINIM ANN. corner of Kearney and mJ Ikied!.- street*. Shu Francisco. has for a nurnt»«-r "I year*. In the military an.l other hospitals of France devoted lila study |irinci|>»lly In Ilia triMtlDrnt nf Si*, m l diseases, mill iherv-fnre possesses a thorough ex peri.-nro in tins parlicnular l.runch. He is ids > per feet I v fit in 1 1 1 i r wiih all tin- recently discovered and highly imp irtant rniiiallns ainl means for Ilit 1 cure of “inti iiis. uses, It is scarcely necessary In mid Item Unit in Fr ai e where secret disease* are of more ir--- Hii.-iit occurrence I him any where elm*, tha physicians of Hint country are mure expert in their cure, and are const,mtlv and successfully endeavoring to find out now reinedjcs. inure cltlcicnl and less dangejous than those formerly used hr. Ileinnn nin Is therefore, maided to cure all lhe*e diseases w ilh perfect .(•riainlv. without using mercury. In a veiy rlmrl lime, and witliout stihjectinif liis ol nUhscipienl injurious c.ii-e -on-n.-es. chronic Gonorrhea, Rvermabirrhea, I'lonr Albn*, Gom-ral Itetnlily the re-alt ol misconduct, |h.!liiiioii«, ,|iiiii in the hack and sides, Krnplionsof all k.nds, produced hv interior causes, l.nssut Hair. Khemn d« i'lii in the Joints. Nocurnal sweats, seminal and I mi ni weakness. Injuries received hy mercurial treat ment. \c Kr are cured hy Hr, llciliiiiiiinn with (lie aid of remedies known hut to himself, to the jierlecl salisfnctlen of his clients. Recent diseases ol the above named kind will be promptly and radically removed before tin y cm set lie in the i.ody and become chrome, by hr, lb-ini m,inn’s own purifying vegetable remedies. Hr (letniinaeli ' ;-,her |smsesses a sure remedy fut.y tested, and wbich can lie relied upon, for tin cure of Inlernnth i:' .'over, ('hill and Fever. Fever and Ague. Mho u means to remove, in a few days tor ever, a bad breath, without the least injury to Hie stomach. In the pdesent days numerous remedies are otfered everywhere lor to! imaginable diseases, toil in most of Hie rases the,still r-rs .re *o sadly dis appointed that they look with jaslitlaide tiii'lrusl on all adverlis mteiils ol tins kind. Dr lleiiiimaim's re medies in e.l noi be recommended l.v pultilng ch.iria lanisi.i. tor they recommend themselves by their ef fects. us Inis been seen and experienced by nilineons patients who. fortunately for themselves, have u-ed them. For the Inh mi llion nml satisfaetinii of the often deceived puldic. the statement will snlflce that Hr. Ileinimtnin has in bis pnssesrlon over iwo hun dred teslonoiihi's front patients cured bv iiini, besides many other reliable per-ons which in- is ready in ex tiildi w lien r.-<|<i■ nil, vvloie common decency lorliids him to pnlili-h Hiein in the newspapers. Persons iipplyliig to Dr lleininiann shall not he obliged to pay in advance Hie lull price ol the cure, as in- is willing to submit his shill and his remedies lir-i hi be le-h d. i Die thing the Doctor invariably requires from all his patients. Dial is a lailbful and strict conformance wnli all Ins directions mid precripliuus, otherwise lie cannot ami vvilinot warrant a cure. Written consultations will be given without charge and c'uinnunicalions answered whether containing a fee or not promtdv, punci .tally and with s'rict *ecre cy. on npplving, postage paid, in the Fnglisli, l-rcitch or (icrmaii l.anguiigcs, to Hr. V. lIKINTMANN, Comer of Kearney and Pacific sirecis, San Francisco, To show te the satisfaction of all that Hr lb-ini maun Is ti thorougly educated, practical and experi - enced pbvsician aiidsuigeon I lie folb >w nig froin his mum Tons testimonials, are submitted to the public \anies nre suppressed, but the are at uny lime ready to proclaim their truth and iintlmnticily before the world. CnvvAivaon Vali.kv, Feb. 11. IRM. Duar Hoclor:--! have know n you since I'ln and von have given so many proofs ol your talents and experience, that ynu have entirely won confidence. Vldioiigh yi hi reside nt at a great ni-lancc IVOm me von know that I have several lime s. nt you palienis which other doclojs have given up ns inenralde, and von have always received them and saved not only 'heir limbs hut tilso their lives. 1 w ill only mention here the case of Mr C .from Auburn, who is indebted to yon for the preservation o Ins right arm which other doctors wanted to amputate, and that ol \I .<i offadoma. who although given up a bopidess by two d<ic*ors was cured by you in two weeks time As to what you have done for my fauns ly, siitHcu it to say, I will never he nidi' to r. pas * "U, Accept dear Doctor, these few lines aa a prom ol he high esteem I have o| your talents as a m man. and believe me le be vour coii-laul friend, F 11. Proprietor oflhe Miner's Hold To Dr. Ileinimuini. San Francisco Greenwood. February lltlulfiMi. Having sty died medicine myself at the I ni versili id I',avia, n Hals, I suppose I know enough to tie be. lieved when I declare hereby that von are I In- best divsiciun I ever met wilh in Calihrni i. This decla ration is feimdeil on what I base sei-n yon doniel heard from every boils when I re-id -d at Mormon I • and. I know of many persons in whom you have saved life and limbs idler they had been -nm.dctely •iveit up by olher.s, mid who vs ill ai any lime come for ward ami testily to (lie truth ot tbi-. and to your sciu.ce. Wishing von for the future, the same sue ce-s which has attended you thus tar. I remain truly sours, H. ”, To Hr. Iletninmnn, Han Francisco. Coloimi. .lunrrry loth,, My Dear and Much K-teeine.l Doctor:—lt H w ith much regret th-il I and all your other fri-mds saw you unit Mormon Island. Me base lost in ymtaphy-i -'mu of great talent and experience who wecnuld not appreciate It was proven ennmdi hy He nnmerons whn came to i*all on yon from aP parts •.| the mines, and yon an* in the lie«l r-ineinbrun fall. Myself, given up hv svlioin I naisldereil onr best phy -ji-ians prepared myseD |oiiie;hy chance Ic imenn d- r sour irealinent and you h-c cured me ol a grave -ickness in n short time. You have proved you-vdl a pln“ici in and yon do honor to p e uunie. (.. I»ro|»ri«l‘>r lle^l-uirniil. To Dr. Ileinimann, ?an Francisco. Auburn, Jaimnry V.’th NWt. Dear Doctor; —t always remember you with pleas nre, and a feeling of graiil'i'h- prompts me to address sou Hi Volt know in what a deploaahle suite t was alter coming out ef Hie hands ot Hr 1.., who wanted to ainpiilaie in v tight arm. in shed hv a til mg Ins-k. in order to save ms life. 11-. pods for (in*. I heard of yon and of the reputation which you had a' Mormon Island ; so 1 asked for mis tore p.rtiug with my arm. At the recommendation ol -.-me friends o*' yours in Green woo. I. I went to -' is with you and in a few weeks my arm. instead ol is-ing imouui'ed was saved, together with my life which I ■ I owe to yon Hear Doctor, iI I ever can he of any advantage to von dispose of mo. for it Hen in ly' to v.-nr skill that I owe my pr.-s-nt existence 'leceive. therefore, my siecere respect, and the assu rance that 1 helieve lolieone of onr most talent ed and experienced physicians in Ibis country. truly, I *’• To Hr. Helnimann. San Francisco. Sacramento, February Isf. 1 Safi. The nhdersigned has kn»'»ii Dr fMnitr.ann f>r many years, and can vouch for his jo-tlr having earned a reputation a* a con-rienlio*** prudent ex (lerlenceil and skilful I'hv-ician and burgeon, and wont I therefore iwi-mmend to all P's»p v to civ with most implied, confidence in Dr. Ileiuiiitaan’.s skill and science. *'• **• Thiol street, between -I and K SHOP. JOHN POI.BERGfI. HespectfnMv inform the citizens or ▼ T well and Vicinity, that he is prep.-ued Indn nil kinds of work in hi* line of hn-iuess in a workman •ike manner, with despatch and on reasonable term* •ving alwsvs on band a large assoc-meat oi drs in ,t*er he is to in ike to' 'dor Doors window S;.sh. Tables. Keeker-. 4c. All kinds oi Cabinet work, and in fact anything appertaining to hi* bnwl news Milliard Tables set ami repair*-*! Rhop no Charias ireel, bel o w Hess 4 Larcomb’s Brick More MEDICAL. DR- L. J.CZAPKAY S Dn.r, j.c/M’kav. i.atk in thk iihnca. run K>-vnlulmunry War t'locf Physician to !*•• 'doth rr.nneiu ot H..n veils. (Vlncf j-urk-mti f«» 11*»- 'lilitnry Hospital of IVsili, lliiiidary. mml Inti- l.i-citi rer on Hl«ra«e« of I ritiary organs. and diseases of w mien and cldldr- n. Tn T«« ifnii tkli. —Hr I. .1 Oxpkay hss oja-ned 111* inslitllle fur till- mrc Ilf :.|] forms of private iti* ea«r*. *lllll (I. -yphill*, g itiurrlll'll, nocturnal i-ini» sinus mill nil On- i mi-i 'ipicnc*' <if self-ale In On tir-i singes i I tfuiii irrtic il diseases lie eu'irtmin - a cure in a lew days, w iliioiit liK'iin'cnt' iic • In On- pain nl. • r liinilrumr !n lii« Im-lm-* U lu-ii n patient, In neglect. nr improper treatment, 1 1 :■« developed On secondary sy lil|i|iiiim nl -\tidi-. *nrh n- liiltilv. nr [i tinlnl -»i '.Kings mi On-groin*. nr ini nr* in the throat .iivl iii-M-, which. it mu clna ked, drsir iy llir -oft parts ninl cause the hours in mnrlilv. -rp'imte an I rinnc a»:i;, lr-n\ ing On- si,if rcr an object htdi in In-hnM; iir wlk-ii -pi lichrs anil p tuple- break nut upon I'm -kin. nr wlien lie im* painful -wrllii -• iipnn llm hone-. nr wlmi. In* i- 11 11 - 1 i: 111 i<• 11 i« injnri d -n pri<li«;n•**<• in ci*ii*nni|-li*• 11 nr other cm.- itnti i'ia 11 j —tin* l>'M‘inj;iM'H a cure nr H-ks nni'ii n pen*.ita.n. In Kin iii.iii-m, chronic. or ar’i'.i : in 1 ty«i'nliT*. nr liiarrini' i. Im im- * i i■ ami ml ■ cr il re nil'll il'H. I‘nr Olf lie linn lit 111 ! Ill' i*o 1- ipnnri'H nl sr|f-ahU*e. such a* imiMi nal ,||H—i in*. ni'rvniiH!ii'»*i liini<lK v In'iiilui'lii', p im* in it.n tin• k and linili*. » illi general vv raklle-s. Ins-of nju«l il *•, In-s nl memory injury imlm sight, re«l|.'s-n,—s. confusion nf x'.a-. dislike fnr -<teiety. and Icdlng of weariness nf In ; Willi tin* nervous system *-11 I'Xrilnalili' Omt -light noise* shock or startle On* patient 11 1 itki■ ikf In* exist euce miserable, Inr the iilinvi- iniila-lic* On- lliiflnf will guanomc a cure nr a*k im nwipriM ion Hr can fa* consulted reo of charge, ami iitvitall In rail, a* n will imi*l Omm nothing. uml may In- linn'll In tlmir advantage Hr. 1.. .1 (‘/ ipkav i* daily receiving apellentinns from every part of On* Stale and Irom Oregon and Washington I’emlnnei*, n r iroatllii nl nf ru n Inrm nf disease. .' lid On'l'n I* lint om' win) "ill rmnn tor w ard and I'lpn— di-“,ilislacln n; on tin- eonlrary. Om Hr is in 1 1- il. receipt if teller-. cxp’o-ni' of giali nidi- uni! thankfulness, Minn- nf "In. li aro published bollrW hy permission, M * hi *vo.i k, .Join: !t, T'- Vi. Hr 1,. .1. r/apkny, San Prauci-co; —Sir. I-have n*eil tin' la-1 nf your ini'dirim*. and dn iml think I hliiill in' il anr more, as I led very wa ll i-vcept that I have not entirely gol my strength ini. Iml -*i i "ill with the nppi'lili! I limn. It i* jn*l Oil'l l' wi nk*, you may reedlecl. since I callnd at nnr iit**lititic*. with ni\ I'oti-uuilinn a* I Omnk’ht, t iniri lv i.r. k n, and ih'Vit you would III! lihln I i rnrr mi pi rf. . I li, hilt lliniiirht yon miitiit In* ahh* tn dn in ivi-i* tin- pa i m ni\ hark and lirad and Hlri iik'lhi'ii mi limll-, uln n urn* *n wrak I lull Ulr) "nnid allium civr wav nmlrr inr win n I walk'd, and t slrrnc'.hrn niy llrrvr-»n Ihiil IHihi id Iml i{rl . xrllr.l and trnn hlr nt evrry lillln Onnc. Saw that ymi kimw what I rx|irclrd. ynn may jndcr nf my 'iili-l.ii linn m m_\ cnmplrle rrcnvrrv I'rnni llm*c aympinni* and Oir rr ninVAl of I hn*r Hplnlrlir* and -nlI - limit nil -k iii and O r nli rr- lr in mi thrnal; *'id Oir ml Irr -inn;,acr nl rnii—inn- which ynn-aid "err prim ipnllv Oir Cau*«ofniv -ii'knr-r. I ran hardly ti ll ynu whjclii* llir irrrulr.Hi. in> joy nr mv *ur| ri«r, Inr r\i'rpi nut havinc fndv cm mv Hlrriictli, I Ii id a* wrll a- any man ran had. I'.nrln-rd 1 print ynu iwrnly dnllar nvrr ynnr I'liarffC. and think m fidn iply mini If vmi .liink any iindv w ill hr hmrtitli il. ymi may pul till.* lellor in Oir nrw*paprrH. Tims II -.x mv. I’onTLAM*. • frnumi, May 15, HCfi. Hr C/apkav—HrarSir;—Vnur mrdirinr ha- l.n a tllkrii ulM'nrdillC In dirrrlinii- I Irrl n iilllr wrak y<-l; in rvrry mlirr win lam almn*l rntiri ly rrrnvrr i'il, and think in a -hurt Innr I -liull hr a- wrll ,a- r\ - ar. Kvrrvhnilv Ihal khnw* inr i* wniidrnnc whip imnlr «nr(i a ciiancr. Inr »nnin frirml* llmnchl I had rnn«innpOnii. and oOirrslhal 1 mi* c nnc rrn/y.— Wrll, 1 it il’ k now hilt I hry wrrr hu ll r chi. an I frit a i(niii| drill holh way*, and Oiou-hl if I didn't dir -nmi 1 wmild hk«-in I am nm Ironnlrd any mnrr with rmi*-mn-, and tin* pain in my nrad and irirk. and llui w. aknr-H in my limha have I. tl mr. and m ha- Om di/zinr“-. limldiiy, and llir v\ i-li alway- in In almir: I am not alraid to Cn In I'ninpa y imw. and am mil mi ra-ilv Harrri! a- I n-rd t" hr. \v hen any lldlr Oiinc would art mr trrmhlinc. 1 Imvr orrn at work t|,i- work, which i* tin* lir-l 1 liavr done Inr *i\ month-, and tin- Ihonchl of il d .n't din nr iikr il n-rd m Indrrd, I lrr| lik tomOirr man. and t i- all nwine ti> vnur* and advicr. \ nil may puhli*h ihi- il ynu waul In. Yours See, Joskph Hath. Bai iiiMKVTu. May l.t, isja. Prar Sir Such is thr lliunklulnrs* I fn-l fnr the pri— rvalinn of my heullti nf hrlh lm.|y and mind, and 1 hrlirvr nf my lilt-, that I hnpr I wi I lint Imcnu -idrrril intrn-ivn in trndrrinc my Oiuukfnl acklnwl • ■dcniriii- fnr rr-tnrinc nirin liralth, and making my Ijp. a |ma in wnrlli prr-i rvimr. whrn il had liefnmr a hurl In n Inn emit fnr inr In hrar. Vmlim as Iwas In i irr Oml had nndrrmlnrd my rim»iiluOnn and dm I op.-d a train nf nervous symptom- Mil Ii a- nrrvnii* drhiliiv, hraduchi-. di-trr.—inc omiday. srlf di-ini-i. d i //i I ir—-. Invr of -olilildr. In--nf iilrunry and want nf rr-iilulinn. hr-idr- a In--nf Mrrnclh and rnrr.y. i, in p madr my waking mninriil- w rrlrhrd and my -|rrn nnrrfn-hinc and wu* fa.-' hrmcme inr In llir nav". hill, thank- in your -kill. I am rr-lnrrd tn lirallli ViCnr.'.and rnrr.'v llnpincto cmdruilmr- win rrthey may pud rrlp-f, you harr my p. rnii—inn tn mtikr this • Ulf> 1 ji• • I.UINAKD IV Al lk . ' Tn Hr. I. .1. •’sapkiiy, San Pr»in-i«ro. I jf" Spi rinalnn hra. nr h«ad w rakm—-. nrrviris dr t,Unv |..w -pin:-. wauikur— ofihrlimh iiiid nack, indi-posilnm mid inc ipuhilny mr la'inrand *1 lidv .1 iHill -s I(f lippr-'limsinn, lu-H I> l iiirmnry, aver -ii.ii in —i ii - 1 . iy, Invr nf Snlimde timidily, - 11-di-lru-t. li/./.inr—, In adar'ir Invnlmil. ry di-chunfrs pan.- in ill,. , j |r. ims nf Oir i yes, pimplrs on the lurr. -.•Xu i| and nllirr inllrmitirs in mini, an- cured with mil fid hy Oh-justly crlrhriilrd phy-ici man I *•!rerun I. I l/ ipkay. Ilis mrllind ol ciirins Uisrii*r» is IM'W. , inikimw n tn -cher-. i mnl iiriicc the emit surer-*. All consultations hv lellrr or olnrrw i-r tree Addrr-s 1,. J. t'z ipkay, H.. Sail I'raiicisco, Culilornni Tn T’lK I.AUI KS OK CAI.IH>KMA. Hr. 1. •! f’znpkay. lair liitlin llimem ian iirvnlu lionary War. Chmt tn thr iSmli Keennciit nl llonvrils rhinf Sure-ou In On- Mihlnry lln-piinlnl Pr-Oi. Huneary, and lair l.rcinrvr nn do, i-r- nl un narv ore ms and dl-raM- o! "ninrn and children, in v ip.- Oil' lillentinli Ilf the sick mnl iilMiclrd friiialr*. I ilmriiie midrr any nf the various form- of di-i-as*** vu Om liram. limes, heart, suumndi. liver wamli. Id md kidneys, and all discUK'S pecdliar to their sex. the |,,H'tor i- rffi-v-tine HVrc cures liian any nihef I’liysi cian in the Stair of ('alifnriiiii l,rl no fal-e delicacy i prevent you, hid apply immediately, and *«»e ymir -dvrs from painful sufferines and pn indurr dr.alh Ml married ladies whose delicale health nr oilier cir ciimsllinces dn md allow tn h ive an increase in Ou-ir families. slmiiM r 11 at Hr. 1,. J fzapksy's'ivsln al In siituir. Armory Hall, corner Sacr iinriitn an 1 Mont enmery street-, and they will receive every po-sildr relief ami iirlp Thr Ihs-lnrs nBl cs are so arranerd that he can he eon suited wilhoin ilie tear of molesta linn. If rte*iri"l tu. t* will vi*il the ladies at their n-nlcli-i - All consultations hy letter or otherwise free. Address to Hr 1..-I I'zapkay, Medical Institute. Armory Hall, corner Sacramento and Moidenm-ry Streets. J . K, SVl’ll 1 LIS AND OONOIUIIKEA.—Dr.L. 4 Czapkuv would a-k osprcml sllenlio to sypliditic and enitnrrhieal di-rii«es. In the tlr*l *tuee* nf either nf ilicse complaints lie euarildrrsu (terfrcl and rtf.-c tual cure in a lew days, w dlnmt hindrance In IniMiirss nr the sliehtrst IncoiivtMiienee. The lloclora meOiiHl of ireatine th-ni combines alt the latest improvement* hy the medical faculty, with discoveries made hy him -rlf. more effective than sliyOiiue vet known, which s.cire- the patient from the possibility of recondary symptoms and r* move* the disease in ihr shortest pns sihlrlimr Secondury syphilis winch apje-ars in con seqnnnre nf the alisorntion nl tiie poison into the sys tem. and produces Unix*-, I'lceralinu* in the Itirost anil no*'', wli ch destroy lie- -olt purls, and cause the txmes in mortify. *epant-* amt come away disDiruriiar the putlenl hnrrlMy Nisles or painful swetlimrs on tiie txmes. splotches upon the skin, i-n«es of wliich the [ see daily in hi*office and which are the result of improper ireainHMil. Also, nice—, sores and f>im ples. and injuries to theeonclilnion, which, after a lona period of suffering destroy life. Il will also he re im;inhered that lh»so disorder* are ber-dtlary, pas Mug f MEDICAL. from parent to rhiM. and enlnilliu U|h>u the nlUprinif ■i ruined courtltllllon For the cure of nit lhe«e I. inn • •if dt-e.i-e. the |I«H I'lM it'iHrnut. *■' i cure or ark* mi •ompen«»llon The I hie tor can lie e intuited hy let ter or ntle-rw |te free of rhArf{r, mid in* I ** all who anr ~nii. ted to cull upon him. where lie w ill inve llieni «iieh «i>ti*fo’lioit .g die* call ohhilu no vrlii re t-lte ™ 111. room, are No. I and • Armor* II .ill. eorn* rn| S.u— ruineiiloand Mnnleomer* tirt*eit -•ei ii-uiei-eo THE G NEATEST mscoVKItV OK THE \i, \, \ —<;n*a! Illr.**tmr l»» M»ukifiD lint IV *«*9lll I>r. i. .I. \'7. ipk«yV I'ritfiliv'nnir'Mii. < w t*lf l)u» • nlcelitut u *»r«* pn*v«*iilnli\e ;.•«"«» i-t i»m|u r Vlm-nl mih! *\ philllit ifi*»*.*i*#** tin) m «•».«•'i rj» i**»ml r«• i»»- ,Jv f«*r all tin* v«*m*ri-sl. ■‘pn>PD«Mt* ;:»•»,r»*mm- nml •:iur«*r»»iP» ulcers Di** Dm rife* froiM tin- v iU*ri|H ami nfvthrn. an I nil cuiml'Mici*» riptioiiiim I lim* Pur af Hr I- I t’npk *> ** «»iNi*r. \r nun Mall. r«-nicr of .VMTnfmniM a.» I Montgomery -r.-. l*. Sum I ran'*i , “ •>. A* iumM*'il;i! n»u h a jin>n n itt\«• pox, *o ?* Mr. I* 4 ' /Mpkfl) •• 'ropVlnctictiui n prcutil Din* nir D »M *vt MlifioD Mint p>iM>rrht*al llnfm’f*"* in if p«»*•>♦•«<» *♦ In* | ow»t of chnnicrDlv «!♦*-fr.•> tuff ilu* syphilitic v!• cm*. Mil th'-r* * imv ff»oii«an<l*4 i ! vci;ii;» Dchriuch. |r-mi hcpiir inlfft' il D% tin* im»-l l»ot jDf I.» t i.o yoiimr m.ifi wh«» appr»*riutf?» nm.l ft L»* wi'liovif Dr. «7»pki\** Drofli'l '* nil. It Win vcrv ( < nNn , 'iii nf p?n l> i«•* an;! ill ’• f imf convnni <•l)l*lo n*r, l» ii'-*-1 :•* a *o? p. Tit f ran Do* nrv\«-tit**«l In |h»* im* «»f pPojirr MkrotiW. i*» aw \voll m» o*tah w|f»d fan a* 1 1t lit llioy ran Dr t r»*<| nfft-r tin ,r r*iuMHimcnt. Tin* prhuipD* whu'li n n'"v iini\, f - 11 )\ r« r< irni2* «l. *a* jrcr»*»vnf • *v»mi <>• t.»r« t !»*• • I?»\ -of J« ’iin r. tin* ♦li*cov»t»t ol Dm? V»■ rhi tion in ITIH-. ami it* innltiplied bcuctih • vt*r sim*<* h m* r«*i \»•«I. ltn*\ tin* admit lot) ol tin* 11 »**« i i«*:i I to’ill) v, it wti* mi |»ur*«nt ul Di i * l»rai ch «»t fin ..n- 1 • il -ci riiri* that Dr. L. .1. iViipkay hirtmiHtr?) »rin D* Dio iIW n»n*rv of hi* I’rophParliriim whirh, t.*r fDo j rrm*ii tion ot j*v phllilic. ironorrfioaL rriiif pou* *1 * ■ufaiioou-i ili*or»fh*r. *ln»i*l* unrtvnllmf Dv nn> • _• n» in tin* IMia.- ina»'optM*a. Tho rfT'*c*l 4>f ill!'* ac»*io ;• f -t • • r i*oifi(*ti i** iniinr'llain am) r»*in«)v* H. u> % \ o' a roii'rii*- (ion of If, howovof,thot » hron roll tnifhal, it iHu fii) in iNMitnli/trnr fin* ».o mihmih rr**- iniiv aiiirh, D> hl».*oP|»:ion. pnulnro tin* li«*rri.l roioo |i|t n*«* kfiouii a* ** V‘*in):in *>phil.* D haj»h«< n hy th»* Dorhvr in in.u \ Dion*aml ca*o*, iin I (■<• It th mi fo ftticl Du* tir* ! in In.-li it tin* f:ii!»*tf it Hiiti*orvv Die f.-r \\lii> li ii wih ;n|tnini*!nr •ll . Drier, S •’*. D'lll ifin<*D,on* are nt' to nnrti p irK iLTo. to r.i*» *• vihtTe Dn*pl»il'n*i irinn i* n-»*il a* ;i rurntive, Ur I. J. r/.npk-iv Mfill|nn»i*li a pro* •rrifitioti for In* DnnW r. All fmrn the rminlrv. n«hlre**«*i| ly to In*. I, 4.« /af»ka>, San l*Vntiri*ro xm!l Do atrirtl> ni'l rorifwlootiHUv iiMmdlhl to, ami tin* r *iii»mli» h v\ if h tin* ro ami -errorv, ittlin|t*l < ilis i»a trln 1 1, Dr Kj[|»n*.* or other con vr> ain’t* lu I heir ilr.'** linnlion. v 4. L. i / M'i ay—’l'lio tfonDofiinn klioso iiann* form* Ifu* caption of D*i* nofi. i* is mio of lh.» low oiihloio pt»\*ii ian* vvhiw appl»rah« n t< hi* pro !o*j*i«ni amt Devotion (o Die til!!irlo<l. ron<D*r him alike mi ••rnnm**iiT In D r one ami a Defn l’i to fin* other A IDlirtfartan to hlrlfi. tie -•■OL'ht with l\« **nfh to plnr** hi* ronntrv ainoiitf the natiom* of the earth heyotnl fin* op)»roH*or'!4 rule. Dial her «*• n* rejoin* in •he pnir irr of tln»*,* prerrpi.i which nre nhke out* :l« r\ nnD our priDo. In tn* • ffort* *>» to D». he limh roape I the re wan I of inotPctml re*Wtaiice to oppro*- •ion. nnD **ji tonne aml a rtwintry know' him no more." \ part r. Innn hi* elaiitifi upon our ron*i»|, r alion a* a patriot, ill** D ,*llin'm il* ol rh tnieler amf ciparity wliirh i o tiring'* tmlitle him to pnDDr confix Donro, to (ho <*xrlii*ron of ltn*.*o w ho j o**e** iioiDirr the one nr the other \* a LTriifh lliim hi* rliarartor i* nutMrnmhrD :km a pli v*i*a i». hi* ■k : • »im*nr|»a**nl; ami to tho*o uh(»*f impni Jmce ha* I* tt upon them •ho taint* of Di*ea*r. wr ran rono , n nli"ii*|y mintnrmt Inin with the a**nranro/tint in him fliry will that a i.irml whom to know i* j/rrat train Itm |»r ** ofttro i- No. :i and I Armorv Mall corner of Harmnieiito and MonttroNiery j*lroe**, San Kranei*i o vi*: th at <rm:i: \\v. \ i> i:k \ i> t tr;--- • I W. t ' % if A'J • - ?>•'* v t -' ( A; 4 ■ r>-/‘ /T WL - - j -ae.-j DR. PAREIRA’S CKAT ITALIAN UKMKUV Fur the certain artj speeds cure of dis e.,,gps of a private nature, no matter lt< w 1 <.nir standing, wiiln ut any in jiiriuus effket to the system or ary clianjro ol diet. Ii has never failed, it cannot fail to euro. lnvuluablc Si»-riJic fir«t introduced into U Pirn .oiiif tins si ;i:» hili.e, »(ioll lii’ciline »<> well KnoMTii ’l* ii vcrLiui cure ’ Hint in • very Imvn nnd city not oinv mi tin* I'lmlincid, hut in (Iri-.'d Hriliiin, the Inn and lor il v* uk mi yn nl. iik no ril- go iiKioundimr, rliul in lok- limn one ynnr ir in iiK inlriMluclinn it Imd oi|.p!anlod id) ntluu r ini du -. 'llu- Vmlicid I nnilly of the (principal < uii-< nf Kumpi-«i-n-cnuipcllcd to iU'knnvrU-dKe it* wondcrlul nviUi r s m er illgeiiKe, pn» prU'liirr ol otfnT un'dicim*. Jojdnil. ni it. gsifly. stiinly undo:.cored In Ktiij il. <mw ant pruure.K l.ikeirraM* liefore the mow er. Iln ir eir uiH fell in 'lie irrmind and like tire 111) the |iriiirie., KWeepins «ll liefore 11, ii* on wnr.! march lieeame Iriiimnlmnl p. *|ood fur'll upon il« own merilK . a di-n rniiur puplic «aw, tried amt were con vino dnf ilu inmrirnl virlnr*. 'Hie iiihkklsk Inrlune acquired liy It Pareira Irnm the rale nf it diiriin; the -ix > ear* lie pr< pared il. alone Imre wilder, to ilr mintcuhuiK rnerilr. \l the deei a-e nf the Duel Ihe peeipe wag liei|iieal hed In hi. -nn. wilt, hag lately illrodne d ihe leiiiedv ii m llie l iiili d Stale.. I lu* mmiher of e re. il ha« already made lire aidnuirhinif riioii-and* and long of thnugalidg can Imur le-liliinny lo ilg efllcacy. Ail who ti-c it It w ill cure with a safety.speed and certainly nn nlher m« dicine hag ever pom g-ed. IP mrlln no Quin k Norlruni*. Igi a remedy Dial Lag Leeii tried fi the pawl liny years and was uestT know a to fail. 'Hurl.real liemedy i» warranted purely vegetable. Beware nf I ouinerfeilg. The exlen-ive *mU- nf thia wnnderlul nn ihcifii; ha- alreads rail-.• I mine perrnu r permim. In palm otf npnc the iiiigii-|,ictinK, a gpu* rinii- eoin|Kiund, elosely rei emblinir the nrlk'lnel. It.* particu ar In buy mine wiilmin Ihe, written Kivuatnrn nl A. Pareirn. V. Il nn Ihe outride wrapper of each hoiile. All other, ar- cmuiii rfeli, an I iheir cane iMiumler* will hi punished wuli ihe ntioorst rifrer ol* ihe law I’ri.-e, Three dnllar- per faittle For «ule hy T>. Bab e i k. sole A Kent lor < ialilornia. i In-Koii and ihe Sand w ich Irlund". lo whnm all order- nm-i he nddreMed. \ liberal disc Util made In wholernle ih n’ Tt*. I>. BA* i’lH'K. Wholesale Pruiarisi, 77 It, vi- -treet, Sun Francigco. M»t of Aden's lhmmrh. , il the Stale < >Hlin &. (Vi. Ilruduigt. Mery«nlle; K. K Siarkwenihtr. Pity Uric sn-re Stockton : W.H Ilraner. Sonora; Ilenj Shurtleff, Shasta; Child Si " ur-hea, Piacerville Justin ti ller. Jr Surrinen’n < jiy ; ft. H. W. Carr. IhiwufevUle Dr. John Dark Nevada ; Itr. W 11. fiaUief, Vreka, Dr J B Hini'i'ii. Don Anirelc, ; Thniima Whaley. San I)iei{(i; <i«a> D. Slory. Portia, a O T. BLANKS— p.vajy of/SoMlca’a >1 ate foi sale aihtmifflca.