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(Drcuillt Biii'uj Butte illtrort. nci»; h. cimiTTit Kill I nr. Aroilllt, Friday, October 17, ISM*. HATIO.AAL DEMOCRATIC A 0311.1 AXIOM. FOR PRESIDENT. .1 A MKS men ANA X, OF PENNBVIA ANIA FOR VICE PRESIDENT, joiix c. itui:cKiMn»c;i:, OF KK.VMOKV. DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. KOR PRKBIDKVIIAI. KI.KITORM, AUGUSTIN OLIVER A, V DELLA TORRE. GKO. KRKANOR. A. C. BRADFORD lOR CIiMIMICBB. CHARLES L SCOTT of Tuolumne. JOSEPH Me El BREN of Sierra. 'rOK (ILKKK OK HCPRKMK COURT, CHARLES S. FAIRFAX of Yuba KOR BUPKRINTKMIKNT OK PUBLIC IMTI RI I TIOS, ANDREW J. MOULDER,..of Shu Francisco. Regular Democratic Comity Xominatioiis jKOR MEMIIKRS OK AASKM II I.Y. JAMKaS s long, 11. J. MOIUUSON. LOR ASSKHiOR, , OIIN H LILLARD. KOR PIBCIr ADMINISTRATOR, A. C. MOKSK.J FOa .OKONKH Dll J. h. DROWN. DEMOCRATIC SPEAKING. Wo have the pleasure of announcing to tho citizens of OrovUle and vicinity, that the HON. WM. OWIN. HON. W. VAN VOORHIE3 and MURRAY MORRISON, Ksq , will speak at OKOVILLE on SATL'II DAY EVENING, 18th inst. Hon. MILTON S. LATHAM, and Hon. THO'S. J HENLV, will address the Democracy of Orovilie, oi the Evening of October 27'h. MEETING AT SPANISHTOWN Gen. I’. 11 Hahhis, A M Zaumimue, Esq., and otheid, will address the citizens of SPANLSHTOWN, Butte County; on Satuh i>Ay Evening, Octouer 18ih, on the polit ical questions of the day, IJuoKt; Down —The waggon that was en gaged in bringing the iron towers to Bidwell for the Suspension Bridge, cove in while pissing through the Canon to that place. Kind Providence permitting, and the weath er in his favor, Murray, the contractor, will finish that bridge jwco lieinpo. For Justice —C. W. Stiles. Esq., some time connected with this office as assistant editor, has removed hence to Spanishtown, and by acclamation lias been nominated by his numetous friends, as candidate for Jus iico of the Peace, for Oregon, township.— Long may he live, and flourish like a green bay horse. His capabilities for Justice are unsurpassed, and we sincerely hope he may be elected. New G oods. —In passing the store of our enterprising fellow townsman, Mr. Reis, we noticed a more than ordinary display of fine clothing, and upon inquiry learned that he had just returned from below, with a full assortment of choice winter wearing appar el, furnishing goods, &c. Everybody need ing such things, would do well to cull an him. The Opposition Linus. —U’e feel con strained to acknowledge our obligations for the many favors extended *o us by the pro prietors and drivers of the two opposition Marysville stages. David Rogers is theown cr of one line of stages, an 1 Obed Sawtell of the other. They arc both obliging gentle men. and we thank them for their kindness. Stealing Our Thunder. —There is not a paper in the State t hat is guilty of so many larcenies from ourself and cotemporai its, as the Sacramento l.'niun. \\ hole articles aie . taken trom our columns and published as original with itself, with never so much as a j pas-mg mention of our name in connection with them. We don't claim any particular nnr.t fot our ctfust ls, tint it they me woith copying they arc wortu accred .mg Ov-tkrs. — Inal iirii >ii Oysters, fr« m f. N. ST.lta’e o>'tCJ Stand, mat evening, was - perh iiii'i in tin* id kof time It F, N is not c-ee'ed,, then ®re Reruo C’ ungrateful in h*d llrcckciirltlgc un W tlMitr. It tuny not be inappropriate at the present time, when sectionalism is so prevalent, for those of both parties, who adhere to their national sentiments, ami whose feelings ami sympathies are for the Union as it is, to know how national minded men and States men have regarded eacli other, notwith standing party differences and strifes. Was the great “Expounder of the Constitution,” still present to raise his voice in defence of that sacred instrument, and of the Union, the tide of funatacism would receive a cheek which would give the well-intentioned citi zens among them time to reflect upon the •vils which their course is calculated to on tiil upon their country. Every one remembers the charge of di verting the secret service fund, while Mr Webster was Secretary of State, to his own purposes, w hich Ingersoll, of Philadelphia, emulous to rival the lame of him who fired toe Ephesian dome, made against him in Congress. The character of the accusation, as well ns the eminence of the Individual against whom it was preferred, created no little excitement in Congress, and a commit tee of the House was appointed to investigate the mutter, which entirely exculpated Mr. j Webster, and proved the specific nppropri tion of the whole fund. It was at this junc ture that Mr. llreckcnridge expressed the following opinion ol Mr Webster. We quote from “Daniel Webster's Social Hours,’’ as published in the October number of Harper's Magazine : “A friend of Mr. Webster's remarked, that whatever diversity of opinion might then exist as to the merits of Mr Webster, the time won d soon come when it would be held the greatest honor to have been, a na tive of the same country. “Sir,” replied a person of rather saturnine complexion but marked countenance, who had taken no part in the previous discussion, “Sir, that time has come. I will not acknowledge that man as an American who does not now glory in the name of Daniel Webster. Small men may hope greatness by attacking him, but 1 teil y' u, gentlemen, that he is as far above their reach as the orbed moon above the dog who howls at her path in the Heavens! ’ “Who,” asked the writer of a friend near him, “who is that determined looking man?” “Don’t y<>» know him? Why, that is the I gallant Brcckenridge fron Kentucky, fresh from his laurels in Mexico. A young man, ! but of character beyond his years.” Mr. Webster said, though personally un acquainted with Mr Hreckenridge, he know his descent and reputation, and could not but feel deeply grateful for such a sentiment from a political opponent. New V4uk. —The result of the election in Maine shows the almost utter extinction |of the Know-Nothing or Fillmore party in ‘ the North. They have beaten the Democ 1 racy, but not without a struggle, and have j literally wipod out the Fillmore men. In | Few York, the dissatfection is spreading, and the election of Parker, the Democratic Nominee for Governor, is reduced to a oer tiimy. Tbo Republicans are absorbing the Know Nothings and Fillmore meu by whole wigwams While they are thus absorbing the Fillia re meu of New York, the Repub licans themselves are split upon their nomi nee for Governor, and a large proportion of them,according to the New York. Herald, will throw their influence for Darker. Touching the Presidential election, the N. Y. Herald says: “For all practical purposes, the Maine election lias thrown Mr. Fillmore out of tha contest, and the remains of the lute nu merous, but incongruous and impotent K. N. organization are drifting into ihe actual merits of the fight Many of the deluded leaders of the deluded leaders of the Fill more camp, especially in the Mouth, will doubtless go over to Buchanan; hut the bulk oi the Know-Nothing rank and tiie, attracted and stimulated by the general movement of the northern masses of inde pendent thinking men, are rallying, and will continue to rally to Fremont.” Arrival. ant Departure op Stages.— 2 Stages for Marysville and Sacramento, 1 for Spanishtown. 1 for Furbcstuwn, liave daily at ti o’clock A. M. 2 Stages for M irysnlle and Sacramento, leave daily at 12 M 1 Stage lor Spanishtown and F tench town, leaves daily at I P M 1 Stage for iiidwell’s Ear, leaves daily at P M. The same number return daily. The Shasta Stages will run throuh here by the Ist ot next month. New Jersey. — A Stale Republican Ci n vent ion lias- been in session in this State, presided over by Judge Marsh, the same gent email who was President ot the Amer en u National Goveutiun of Philadelphia, wuich a initiated Fillmore and D-nielsoti. Judge Marsh ha* published, in a long letter ui> reasons lor ab .mP n ng Mr. Fill uore Eu'.lk Maroon — This establishment has just bon fitted up in a superior manner, in i Messrs Nichols & Go , the proprietors, have furnished their bar with a viry select itovk of wmes, I quors, Ac. Huuukw Death. —Tne Talk uftbe 14 tK in>t, contain* tit* following remarkable •t*ry : ‘•Mr Isaac Lamm, an old resident of this fitj ami mi elderly man, died at bis resi dence yesterday morning suddenly, under the following strange circumstances ; Mr. Lamm, who Ims been suffering from disease of the heart, arose in the morning, took a hath, put on clean linen, for the grave, laid hirnscif down in his bed, and rcmaiked that he wan ready to meet his God. He rcqucst e 1 some friends to repeat the formula ot the Jewish prayers, and they nsking leave to go for a prayer book, he replied. “No, repeat them after me;" ard ho went through them regularly. and on repeating the creed expir ed. calmly and ijuietly. This is one ot the strangest premonitions of death wc have ev er heard. Hurrah For Virginia ' Acc< ants from this State are most flattering for the De mocracy, and Buchanan will carry the State ! by the most triumphant miijojity ever given to a I’recidential candidate. Know-Nuihing wigwams are bursting to pieces, and the national son-of the Old Dominion are join ing the ranks of the Democracy; Mr. Geo. D Gray, President of the Fillmore and Uonelson Club at Culpepper, Virginia—a delegate to the famous W inchcstcr Conven tion—a member of a committee to inform Messrs. Flournoy, Beale and Patton of their nomination, a member of the committee to promulgate a platform for the party —has ! announced his purpose to vote for Mr. liu- I chanau. Prize Fight. — A most bloody and re volting prize fight took place near New Vjrk city sometime last month, in which a man by the name of Kelly is supposed to have been beaten to death by his antagonist,whose name is Lynch. They fought eighty four rounds, when Lynch was declared the victor. A person answering to the description given of Kelley, died at the Bellevue Hospi tal a day or two after the light. A man was taken to the Hospital by some cf his friends under the name of John Williams, but from certain facts, it is quite evident that it w»8 the defeated pugilist. Srii.r, they Cime. —The stages arrived yesterday literaly crowded with passongcis and baggage. From the appearance ot these travellers and Uieir luggage, we should | judge they wen principally now comers ! from •‘America.’* Come along lays, there is plenty of root! and good diggings fur al i right about her* Miner’s Convention. — We understand ! that the miners are to hold a convention on Saturday next, for the nomination of Town ship officers. The convention is to be held a I Virginia Flat. The River.— Ws were informed by Mr Cole, who came down from Long s bar yes terday, that preparations were being made to remove the flames from the river. The early commencement of the rainy sea son has proved a great disaster to those en gaged in river mining, and particulaily so to the Montezuma Co., as they were just fairly under way, when the water drove them out. A Chunk —A nugget of gold, weighing was taken out ol Godfrey & Co.’s claim sometime last week. This is the largest piece that wc have hoard of being washed out in this vicinity, in the dry diggings Several large speci mens have been found in the river this sea son. Coarse gold is very scarce about here Shop Dieting. —About fifty stout and hearty men, by main force, raised up and toted oil a hou-e that st< od on the corner of Hiid and Myers sts., yesterday. They walk ed off with it as easily as a dog with a bone. Banking. —McWilliams & Tymc-on, and Hedges & Hannon are doing uu extensive business in the gold Just line. As accomo dating gentlemen, and reliable business men, they are eminently deserving the pat ronage of our citizens. By the way, persons sending packages or anything else to us by Express, will please send by Wells, Fargo &.Co., we always hav ing found theirs the most speedy and ac comodating concern of the ku.d, that vre have ever transacted business with. The Concert Last Night.—Owing to Uic inclemt cy of the weather and the un appi sol alive diameter of our citizens, Mrs Baucel'» entertainment lust evening, was but tiuuiy attended. Should oba peitoim here to ingbt, we hope to sec her grceied wall a lull house. She certainly deserves it. Hen toon's Exchange — This popular house, so long the depot tor the California Stage Co., has changed hands Messrs J jhtiM'U and Lawler, have become the pro prietors, and from the reputation they bear, they deserve a continuance ol the patron 1 3 e that has hitherto beta extended to tbeir house. Hun a way,— We received a coin munict lion from some of our mining friends y ester dny, the substance of which we publish as follow?: Win I). Higgins, who has recently been a partner with McCray, Suffoi i ,V Co., in the Robinson Hill claim, possessed himself ot ihc Company's purse, and therewith absquat ulated. Higgins is a native of Massachusetts, and is from Boston to this country. He lias been gone several days and no trace ot him can be found Anywhere. The amount stolen we did Lot learn. i*ri-X’L\L noi irr.s. i A umil ftir Untie I mini j , The greatest galtnrt:g tin* ! as l« -ti known in Hull*- cnumy during Hie ) resent cumi- Hint ol e\i-r\ d--scnpl iim ol iim*lul and omuim Ml;. I wilt li—iit tlio loaeer \ nricty More and Yankee Nole ns D-p,A, Washington (Hock, Myers si met. dr. I doorlrmii Moiil •omcry, Orotiile, orl.l ll N O TIC IT* Tin- fri-iuls of*'. W. Ml MS, of Pp-niishtown, t repose to elect him Jlls'.ice nl lie fence ul Oiegon TuMtUliip, ul llio ensuing i lection. FOll CONSTABLE. S>|||,|| \V. HAMHUId, announces himself n« it candidate lor Constable tor Uphir Township. ul Hie ensuing t-lcctnin. FOR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE JOHN J' IM'.H Itnnouneas himself«» n cam!alale for Justice ol Hie fence to/ Uphir township, ul Hie sn election. FOR CONSTABLE JOHN UII.I.IAMS announces hiniseil us a Miners’ I'iiiiiliilttle lor Constable.,l 'iphir Township. FOR CONSTABLE- J. Y. Jl >N lij iiiiiiounci s l»iii»“«-lt us u candidate fir (he olllce of Constable lor I Iphir Tow nStdp, al Hie lirsl race, which will be the 4lli ol November. FOR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE The friends vf Mr. 8. k. bNVDKR. would respect fully uinioiinee him as a cumlidiile lor Hie oflito ol Justice of Hie rente lor Oregon Township. M ,\N V CII’IZHNS. Spitnishlown, Oc I. HMMfi. FOR CONSTABLE 11. W. CAI.UmV announces himself as a candi date lor Constable of oplnr Township, snt.jecl to Hie ii<iiniiiiilioh ol the Denim mi it Conn nimn. ocH MlM.lls' C A Mill HATH FOR JUSTiCE OF »HE PEACE MR I K 1.1 It.RICK N S.MI Til announces Inmsi lf is a cuinlidale for Jiislice of Hie IV ace lor "phir lowtislii |i. at the coining election. The |innci|iies ibat w ill guide me., as e\| n s-i d in Hie wools ol Andrew Jackson, •* l.ibeny. I‘.ipiuliiy, I* ralernily. tVilh that issue I will abide Hie result. ~11 Your*, will r- - *•*•) ' N FOR JUSTic-E OF Tilt. Fi-giCE .1 T. 1,1.i.b IT announces himselt as a eandnlale f,,r r<- eleciren to Hie otlice of Justice of Hie I'eace lor ij.lnr I ovv nship. FOR CONSTABLE .1 \V. DINN an nonin es ii, nisei las a cam 1 idale f T ('onslable of I Iphir Tow nsipp. subject to Hie nomilia ,.nii ol Hie (lemocralie contenli n. FOR CONSTABLE K. E. r.\T I < N niitiouiie» s Iniii-i'ir hm ii cJiiidiilulo !• r <'onHahh*, tor < iphir l« wnthip. FOR CONSTABLE We an* amhori/* <1 io ahimunn* the name of N. I>. WITT, an u candidate u*r CniiMuhle, lor Ihf? lownship «»l < 'phir, ut llih »n-uii **m rli«*n < FOR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE w. !■*, ?• A Fl'nlli) aiiiiouiict•?» liis mum* n* ft cundi* flute for .hiHiceoi tin* iVact*. for Uphir the cuw*ii.£ i lection oclo* FOR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. The friends of J. 11. I.AVV'TON, JR., hereby an nounce him us a cundidalu for Ju-iiKe of Hie I’euce for ' iphir Towusli In. subject to Hie t.omiiialion ol the Democratic Convention. oUl* If' UK. A. 101.1.. oil. - bis professional ser >a es to the I mzelis ol I >n v ill*- and v icmi'y . having bad umeb suid long experience in Hie treatment of Hie various diseases mi ideal to this el,mule, lie hopes to give Mil lilac, ion special alien inn given lo diseases of n private na- Kheumulisin, five., which be can cure without Hi a use ol mercury. Uriiiv, trout room, No 17, Cbiled Stal is Hotel, up stairs—• liovillc. ««c 1 -If A E\V ADV EUTISKM ENTS. E A (i I. E A J* O U A , Montgomery l>«*twi*i*n iht* Minera* Buk« ry uit'l liuul lie i ranee. OCOVILLE riMli! PRi >l*lll l.TiHit* h iving ll.led up the -shove JL u,iiin-.I II It It l\ .A l.l)i N. in u sty le second lo nme in iirovtlle. most respectfully into.** Hielr Irienlis and Jt.e pIiOIIC llial li e* have received tfom the Importers. a -tuck ol I.IQt 'UR.s ol the tirsl ipial- Iv, w 1 1 1 1 vvlm h Hie) guarantee lo pa aso all who may lavor them with a call. U >l. .MciiULr &. i •». Oroville. October I6lh. ISf.ij octii- if NOTICE ffiAIII’ r-1' lt>'(' 1; 11l i.K laweslhis method of iuliirm- I. iiig the public dial be hus established himself in die basin* re ol LNUbKTAKKU and is prepared iO pay ptompt utleutiou to all cabs itiat may be made on linn in Ins line ol business, with neatness and dis patch. - _ M. R —Also, strict attention gifen to setting Bij. Hard Tables, Coioring In liard bulls, to., amt gi ucral Cabinet business, on Bird street, unjoining Hie s* mi nary. olblui J. ItAMJaLk. HANKERS. lli:i)(-i:s & HANNON, is a y K e ns, \VaMIIMIT»N Uiuk. a Miimiiomiu am, >IV ,H 0 .“'•I KI I 1». o rt o v jn 3i* Ij e • gold nrsr rrnrn. i AT THE lIIGIISCT HATSS oil it iuw.uuou r< * i m: m.n ; n*u a>.-\ v • tv COINAGE CHECKS ON MARYSVILLE, SACKAMi.NIO AND SAN I KA.NAIM" Slgtll Time I>1l» Jl » •'ll I I I •!«< i« onltu- ATI,AN ITC ST VI i:s AM) hi I."I I'. On.vide. <Vf. - r «, . «•< .» tl McW 11,1.1 A MS k'l VM I>ON, T”l r\ *r -y -?*'i ■'a C’ix ii £j ±t b , MAY lll’.lt'K UFILI>IN<: to I ‘I Mt’NTOO.H* I- It Y AND V * I ItS i Uhl 1 O ii O -V X 2a Ij XS . GOLD DUST SOUGHT At the Highest Rntes. O' Iv o c Is. ft* a t I* a r ! OX MAKVr-N 11. l K sAt It V M KNiO t IIV AND A X l-'UANi |M 11 SIGHT DRAFTS For on nil tin* FfMitipul Allnnlic (Tie*, jt ,r [H POSITS receivi il. j ,-*' 1I uml oil tr» oo; July I t. t s JyW-tf HENRY KEEIEU’S IIUKIMi & OFFICE, Corner ot Miner street oml the IMaza, DID WELL, Cal aol i) nr s r noi’ c n r At I lie IliitluM Uales. *#► Clicck* Drnw on .Mink lirtiiunglm »V Co. ma n v " rille. ♦o* Stills of Exchange vu all the Eastern Cities, Now York,.. 'I l.oiiis, M<» lio>!oii lint hiimli, Ulm* Llnladr Iplna, I ill**, l\)V ISaltuuoro, Detroit, Mull. KXriIAMJIi ON I.dMiU.V It HAFTS l*A VAHI.E IN Montrenl.t’ \V Um-bi-c.C. K, 11 n Million, iVV lirnnlloril, I.'. \V I (inmio. tv \\ ...i.omlon.t' \\ . M. Cutli.irim it, C \V.,.. < lint tin in ('. W, (•viirnil tiuil Special Ihpo&its Bettiud, 1; .dwell, HeplemKer 1 f 1 C . n M AIV, C. 1- low, I'. i‘*. Low. MACV, LOW & CO., B A N K EES, CoUNIiU tif I I.A’/ AND lIH.II KfIIEKT, MARYSVILLE ,0, - (J oL l) 1) I’s T I 1 I II CII ASK D AT THE HIGHEST RATES, OK i I »U\V AII l» i: IJ T«) Till. MIMTOK COIN ACE, Chocks «. t X* ar, ON OAUKISUN. Mi »Ut; AN. IliK l/,, A KAI.STON, SAN FRANCISCO We are prepared lo draw HHIil E.\(II ANf*E t»iv « ll.\ KI.E> M< »IH.AN X CO, N I.U VoUK Alm». •••» Uh* ollit*r print ip il Eastt ru Lilii? Mur}»s\ilk*, Aimnai 4, l aul-tf MARYSVILLE ASSAY OFFICE!! HARRIS, MAR( HAM) vV CO., K ncur Hit- < «*i iiiot Su uiul ituil, MAH vs yiu.t:. ALSO—lot J sritLl-T, VCKAMEKTO, Will couliime In curry wn On- liu-un n» «.f Mfitiugy Ufliuiiig \ AsHayinir GO I. I) AAJ) ORES OF KVEIiV liKSlTilClloN. Wo KuanmU'O ill* tatrr* clnrs> •>t *»nr A>»j»iivB. nntl Imihl Dur.M'iU'p In pa) mi) tlidt a mict‘* (Inti may nn - *i vmiii an) tit I MIN KS liriurnu made in Irum six lo iv*. ive In tin b, IN BARS OR COIN Ppm oust n. Ut AKiz Amun anu V*li ei>. TFKMS Full As&AYIMi; il.t- Mime u. in Francisco* 11. IiAHKIS, 1». MA K< lIA Nit, 0. L. I AIIKiNOTON. jyi-'S-rn? EXPRESS NOTICE WELLS, 1 'ARGO k CO. CAPITAL. SCiOO,OOO ot u m:\t EXPRESS L’Ult 111 K ATLAM KJ STEI'KS, Will clow in <)r«vill., im Friday, October 17lb, li o'clock, JI. TUK.V.'I UK AM) V ALL AIII.K Fav,KAUtd ru* Oelieii up to illt*l liuur. nml imiirxl. Ji iS. .Mi WT 1,1,1 A MS. At'ent. McWilliams ic tymeson, 15 A > k E fii S ! VV ILL DK A VV 33111« i of EjLcliango, On ilu* Principal Cities and Towns inti*** ATLANTIC STATES \ CA.VAUAS, Ip Co 8 o'clock, P. 71. Thursday Oct. 16t|i^