Newspaper Page Text
OROYILLE DAILY BUTTE RECORD. VOLUME 1 (fimillt Batte 3Htrotb.j PUBLISHED DAILY (M'.vmaVH EXCEPTED) ftfrirr.-In l!<*coril on Myers *f,crl, Kile’ Tie, !>• two* :i Moiiitromory mi l IlirJ, Or.tville. Tkp.vs —fine Ynsp I’rr Mu'.!- fl' Hix montiis <lo * •*'< Vhi.- month* A/> son D " ►: 60 WKKKIiV liUTTK UKCOlll). r’or rlr-nJ-itl'in In the mlnln-’ nn<l nrrrhnltnrnl dtv Vrictsof it.'! county, viH contain the local mid cutil I!■■*!< of I ■ W' ek. i .t'l-r. ■'•!■*( ■! with «r»i-- r« rr lit. : ni?itf«• r. It will i ••ilmtl column* ••< r. uliir/ matter, nml «ill he on. “f chelur;.'. aid • heap. M Weekly N> ter* in I*» »• (Dim, ■•■ i every Saturday, Terms—63 per Amin if . -a* months, $-i; thren month •!. Af>v*rri*Ki|it*T«.per iquarrvf lull llbosoi f.l" I insertion, ..... Kuril *u!ee.pp-.,tit Insertion,- • *1 C l?" V ' deduction will botnuilo In favored tboMe who m! v -rlio' i»* the year t',4" fltislite irih m-iTii-1 on reaaoimhleuinna. Att*iit-s lor «Sif lltille Urcortl. ftKNP.Y KKEI'KU, liilwcll. TH im i, (VCK....O* Merchant>nn 1 vm, A L. S 11!' I, I> •Inn. Mary .elite N It. IM.UM Korherto'vii. AVIUTK .V \f IT EK On iron 'Tty. ,1 K. .1 At K.miN * Ite/townl T.KVT -'MlTir Thnntp*onV Hat jin itr.i,riii;u ton isroiheri.nv st<*r«. i \\u;s Til' ilJtillTON WMiwlott*- .1. *ll 111 WIN Nelson Ureeli. ITttm ■•* Co ,HTiKIN> v < Alt' \ Valley >t. PF.HUR IM-silla Valley. The ••lleconl" can tie procured from titty of the j»bove nun ■ I Vtfentsv, who are also iuiti.ori/.ed t t re wlvh :al ■. rliseinenU* ate I orders for .loti \\ ork M’VILLK ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW C IGA 11 AND TOBACCO STORE. Weal aide 1* street, opposite the the Matin House M.UtVSriT.T.r, CAL. ~\KTn.x. «C? 00. n % ksptiT!"ut,v \n\im 1 n<'k T'>thi: pun. l,Tf im.| IIIK TKAUK, that they have eon •-tiuitly on lentil, and for sale, at ihe lowest market jirices, nt WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, A lurajrt hu<l t iMlly Bclcctwl st«*ck <-f Clears, of (sm* Clioicesf lira nets, Aa well as mow of a cheaper •' mi lily ; also l'.\llK\ PK'lltiltM. till AMI <>K TultACCtl, and in short, wh ,:evr iii;o tie toned iiiuuy sinulari sUihiishinent in California. A I, 1 1N't* T NIM'.UIKVK, in the business, we fee) n- oir>ut v>iiwhen connected with at 11, \ I>. 1. I I OK WAKti DP, V I.INC, enable ns to itive I’.NTI I! K HAI • im-’i "I'lii\ to those who rnny favor ns with ilieir put- Coieue. j; .•K't'itt NTIIV TK UfK.UA supplied 15 per cent, lee- than at n> other house in the Shite, Mnyryaville .Inly Id, 1'.'0.. jylti-tf WALKER, WILSON & Co. i) kali; us in STAPLE ADDFAHCY DAY GOODS, Clotliimr, Hoots, Ladies’ and CHILOKLN'S SHOES, HOSII.iIV, &0., West side IS sd mar 2ml st Jlary iiEe. t\ (,(, |< l r I'Ci(NS 1' VN'TLY ON 11A N l(, a i ill assortment of (Smtds in their line, an,i would reaped full! solicit ti share of pnolie p.iiron lye Particular attention paid toorders from the country TU‘ 'M \S li. W \ LKEII, JAMES L. WILSON, JOHN 11. MASON. feb 2-12-tt IiIDWEI.I. ADVERTISEMENTS BIDWELL BOOKSTORE. fßAlll'lunilerslirneil would respectfully inform li e 2L citizens oi llijwell anJ tioinily. Unit lie his opened a BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. and will k.ep eons;; inly in bund an ns<or mein ol It.inks, rifjniouer) and t'ancj Arlieles. ot tin- lined mi best ipmiiti. ami vv dl In- in Ihe receipt or I lie LATEST PUBLICATIONS. „«S SOOtt US ItiSll «4 JJibifSy looks, S pin t uu/> .Musohh and Religions U’orks, Blank Rooks, ')(in setts or tingle ) J\ovi /#, Envelopes, Roper of all kinds PORTK-MO.MHES, HOLD I'E.VS, ,‘L\ F UOaKliS Sc H’OSTE.XHOLM'S FINEST (HITLERV. Which will be 9old at the lowest rates. Latest At lantic Papers roe. ived hy every steamer, for wile it KI-'.IT’F.U. Next door to N: tonal Hotel, the ukeatest discoves:v ok the (treat Kiesslnctm Mankind!—lnnocent ton Po tent!-—Dr. 1. .1. < a ipka>’s Prophylacticnm, .self-Dis infectlUK Ac'en',i u sure preventative au'anist if'iior rlneal and s' philitic diseases ind an unsurpassed rent ,itv lor all tit" venenal. scrofulous, uucreuou* and caiioeroua ulcers. lav.d disciiarjres from the vacina. niems and nrethra. and all cutaneous ernptionsand diseases. A« linns illation is a preventative tu'hiiiM small |HiX, so ;s i'r. I. J. < 'apkny s People uni n preventative a-ilnst syphilitica! and irom.rrhe*d »1 incases. Harmless in itsell. it possesses the power „l cl.emicallv destroying the syphilitic virus, and thereby saviliir I', ei-nines from being infected with the most loathsome of all diseases. l.ei no joum, ■mm who appreciates iieal'.h be without l)r. 1 vep- Icav’g Prophilacth nn. ll is in very coiiveuf'in pack- Bites, and wnl Ims found convenient to use helm; as ft soap. Price S*>. For side at llr 1., -i. Czapkay's office. Annory Unit, corner of Sacramento and MotiUfomery streets', San Kraiicisco. Ail orders inns’- lie addressed to L. J. Lzapkay, >l. D., San Francisco, California. Office Feather River and Ophir Water Co. 1 Orovilie, Nov. 3d, ISoti, J ADIVIDKNP lias this day been declared, payable £JS “““ °" t ’ a jß"mccdoch, (S.-,. OROVILLE, BUTTE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER IS, 1850. BUSINESS CARDS. I 11ARLES F. LotT. W.T. IWTWf LOTT & SEXTON, ATTORN KYS AT LAW, onovtr.i.E, hi TTR rorxry. Office—No. Mi V. S. block. Montgomery street. nullMK F. LOTT. Notary Public. JyH-U V- n. lIAVRI*. JAVIKS M. BOUT. HARRIS BURT, Attorneys at Jjnxv, or tvu.i.i.K, uutte cmunty.oal Orh(,t —Myers street, west -ide, above Montgomery. J. UOSI ntii*l, A. ROSENTHAL & SOKNIN’ Watchmakers «Sc Jewelers, NO. l< r », WAMIINOTON ST., San Francisco. D'-imond and BperimenWork manufactured to order. W itches and Jowclry carefully repmrad iu the best iiuiiuit, n 5 i. W. WINFKA. D r. nrKLIxOAVB WINTER & BURLINGAME, -rr-Js Ofllct—ln McUriith’s IliTddlntr, 1) ■- between Berond and Tim'd, op- Y T YR;,"'il.- i Maun House. - X - L MARYSVILLE- We also have opem-e. nn otllce In the I’ S It lock. Oroville, Kune Co , where one of ns may ut all times be fonmt. J. Y. JONES, CUNSTAISLK AND rOLLLCTOU OK Not lIS AM) ACCOUNTS, \ J«.>—YVill s, II Personal Property on Commission. Or, n k. with .1 T. Kllioli, Ksij., Bird struct, Orovdlo. July 14, 1«56, jyH-lf J. G LAWTON, Jr ATT’Y & COUNSELLOR AT LAW ASP rOMMISSIONfit roll MASSAOIirsIOTTS .V R, ISLAND. i. &• Olllce corner of Myers ami Montgomery Streets, No.b . United Stales block, upstairs. IVHNARDH PARLEY* Attorney ( ■oun.-k.clok at Law, NOTARY P/UI.IC, REAL BSTATE AOKNT AND I ON v tv an i Kit. < Iroville, II at to < ’ounty. Oal. Will Practice in ai.l tub ( on; i s or mm State. THOMAS WELLS, ATTIMINiJY AT LAW, OROVILLE, UUTTE C )UNI’Y. Special attention Riven to the searchim? of County Records, in Festival ion ol 4'i ties. No- , and to the draw hi,' ol Deed-* and all in tniiueiils lor record, otllce in the Court llouae. sIS-45 J- W SCOTT COUNTY SUitV r.V'MI 10M! UUTTE COUNTY AND CIVIL ENGINEER. OROVILLE, UUTTE OOUXTV. UM 1.1 KORN I \. Persons desirint? his services will please leave their orders at the olllce of Me*-rs. Iliirre- .. Itnrt. 14U ER W WOODWARD, MKCII.VMUAfi AND Sill X* oO XX OtflcH opposite the Umpire lloiel nn Mont gomery street, * >n»v itle. J. W, DUNN, i; /: ji, <: s ta rs roc ir I\D(iEXEIIUi\'J3TiO\BI E. BUe-te (title,*, I*l, Nicholas Hotel, 080 VXLLS • f f'Kales in any part ol the city or county prompt ly attended to. ur i-tl J. D. BROWN, M. 0. flradmde of New York Uuiver-ity. N, w York Modi or,l Institute. Honorary Crtulnttle of Syracuse M slicaj College, ~ tiers his pro'.,- local service- to [lu* iuhahi lauu of Oi ' vicinity. I iflßctn 11 Ih* Unite tirm; Store, Moftßomery street, one doer from the corner of Downer street, jaiy it, is.jti Jyii-tf K. M« SMITH. riIAUI.K-* O. HUHUARD SMITH & HUBBARD, Attornf.vs N (’ounskllous at Law CHARLES C. UC lilt Alt')—Notary Public. OFFlCE—bird street, north side, between Myers and Uuiuoon streets. o‘JH SIGNS, 8I0H8! Plain, Mold and Ornamented, Executed in a superior style, at low rotes, W. H. Hay don. \l,Bft_||onse Palntinsr, Cruinlnt', Oildintr, Pa. per Ilunifttiß. Nc. done well and cheap, fhop o i Myers street, oppostie 1 nited P ales Livery .'•ta hie. ' *»!»»* E S COOPER m D £5 XT XIL O IB O jST , OFFICE —At the Eye, Ear. and Orthopiedie lutir tnu'v. 'it" on street, between Second and Third . s ” SAN KANCISCO. All Suri;lral 1 iperaUons PR EE to pad-nts present ing them-elves at the Ci inks, on Wednesday* nnd Si.iunlay >. at '.*,() o'clock, I ’. M. Medical men ,*l the city and’ Pacific Coast, generally, are respectfully in yield to I the Infirmary ■•n Clinical days, when ever it may be opportune for tb. mselves. analH-tf NOTICE- I p hereby ei.yen to all uersons hnidliiT liens on the ■ Jeiinv Find Hotel, iu the town of Orovitle, Unite county, California, to pn - nt the same with let il priHif thereof, in the Justices Court of J. T. Ellis ott. J. P., in and for Ophir Township, on Monday Nov. i 4. Ink',, at 10 o’clock A. M. Uy order of cotirL TTTE LI , MBER COMPANY. By Tom Well*. Airy, Oro?ille, Nov IC, ® LKOAL NOTICKS. STATKOK CALIFORNIA, j County ot Hulle. i Probate Court. Hii» (lav, it appearing to my >;iti-' idi«»r> as 3 j„ ( ijn,„f uV* Probate Court in anil lor Millie County, that (be Board of Supervisors, an ! fm* caid Cuiiily. dill, on Ihe twenty-fourth day of tVptemiier \ H one thousand eight hmidredtmd IlP> ii\ deehov i If"villi* I" In* Hi' 1 1011111) Sent of Built* Co. -oni anil iilC r ihe Haul twenty-fourth day of S-pt-mN*r. Al> is.'iti, jo pursuance of an Act entitled An Act to ch unite uinl tlx tin* County Sent of But*** C-miuy, ap j)r .veil March Huh, and it further appearing in inv satisfaction. illnt the present building- m which lln* -aid Court hilt bet’ll held, and in which the Reis itrdt have been kept in the town ol Hidwell, are un safe as a place of depository lor Haiti l.eeerds, and that the same Dliatde to destruction hv (Ire, by rea atm of their beiinf ci instructed entirely of wood. \nd i! furtherappi-uring that, there is im building In Id,, town of Mi Iw ti.suilnhle for holding the terms nf | hit court. and to widely keep its Uecordt I nun lire ..r nflier calamity, and it appearing Unit :la* town of I , r ,,vdie it a 111 place in hold the tennt of tint Court, and that a coinmtalioiia and mile Inick building ill „i town lint oeen tendered to the county as county bnildlmtii. It i-, therefore ordered. adjudged and decretal Hint the Clerk of the Probate Court, in and for Unite futility, fort with remove his office and the Record* H ereof, toOrovilli*, in the building t lecied hy the -ai l Hoard id Supervisors na county linildiiiira. and that he do and traiitacl the business of his said office at tin* town of Uroville, as the County Seal of Unite Ci ’’inly And it i* further ordered that the term* of stud court, from mid afii.T the said twenty-fourth day of Sop;#.intier. \ 1 1 IsMt, be h *ld at the raid town of (irnville, until otherwise ordered. And it is furl tier ordered l tint the Clerk o! i In* Pro hah* Court, in mid for Untie County, i-suo in order, under sealof raid Court, in Qonfornoly wilh this or der. And that the same ho published In IheOady Ibit'e Record, a paper published initio lowiinl Urovillo, for the siiuce of forty days from the dale hereof. Uy or ler of Court. /t'tten the foregoinga true copy of the original or der now on file in my court. Witness my hand nnd the sent of said Pro. [LSI bale Court.affixed, lids the -Mih day of Sep tember. A l> IHSO, at Hidwell. MII,KS CH APIN, Probate Clerk. By Harrai'h, Pepniy. S I’AT KOK CALIFORNIA, I County of Untie. < County Court. mrilW this day il appearing to my satisfaction as . C .bulge of the Comity Court, in and for Untie Comity, that the Hoard j 1 Supervisors in amt for said i!. unity. did. on the 21 1 h day of September, A. I>. one thousand eight hundred mid titty.six, denpire Orovtlle In be the Count' sent of Unite County from and afler lln* said iweilty-lbarlh day of September A. I>. IS.Vi, In pursuance oi mi act euiilietl An Act in change and fix the Comity Seat of Butte County, approved March pith, is,Vi; and it further appearing to my -atisfaclion that tlie present buildings ii w hiah the -aid Court lias been held, mid in which the Records have been kept in tin* town of Hidwell, are unsafe as a place <if de pository for said Record*, and Rial tie- same is liable to destruction by fire, by reason of their being con stricted entire ol wood. Ami il further appearing that there is no building in the town ol Hidwell. suit at.l * for holding tho terms of this Court, mid to safely keep its Records from lire or other calami! y. and il appearing I hat the town of Oreille is a tit plane to ho i Hie terms of Ibis Court, and that u side mid com mi llions brick building in said town ha* been ten dered the county as county huiMtngs. It is IherelTire itrdored .aid judged alkl decreed, that the Clerk el the County Court, in mid lor Butte County, forthwith remove his office and the Records thereof, to Urovillo, in the building selected hy tho s.iil Hoard of Supervisor* a* County Puddings, and that in* do and t iiusncl the business of bis said office, at lie* town of Uroville. ns the County Seal of Hutto iejuty. And il is further ordered. Hint Hu* terms ol - I ' 'ourl, from and after the said tw ily I. url h day >t September. ADI Set), be held at the said town of uroville until otherwise ordered And it is further ordered, that the Clerk of the i 'iuiuiy Court in nod for Butte County, issue an order under the seal of said Court, in conformity with this order. And that the sumo lie published in the Daily Hullo I!-, - 'd, !i paper published in the town ol Uroville, for tie space of forty days from the dale hereof ity order ol tin Court. UP-t the foregoing a true copy of tho original or der now mi tile iii my office. Wiiiie— my hand and thesenlof said Court 1., st affixed this the 24th day ol (September, A. U. I Sili, m Hidwell. Ml I.fiS CH APIN. Clerk of County Court. By M H. Darracii, Deputy. MAI ii UK C.M.irt>RNIA, I . County of Hutte, $ Court of Session*. trt'uW tins day it appearing to my salisl.icllon, as presiding Judge of tin* Court of He-siniis in and tor Hun,-Coiin’y. that the H.gtnl of Mpemsora in. :nd for -aid County, did, oh the twenty t mr'h day m ~ p udier, A I* one thousand right huiulr>*d .md fifty \. d clareUnivilli* to be the County Pent ol Hutto i , : ,t\ |n.n; and afler tin* said twenty fourth day o| s iiti uilier, Al> IMG. in pursuance of.-in Act entitled \i, \ct to change and fix the County ."eat of Hutte i mur v. approved Ma*xh 10th. IK'ili, and il furllier ill in g pi m\ satisfaction that tin* present Build i ■-m wlii'di tin*-aid Court has been held, and in ni, I, Hi,. Records have been kepi in tlielownol in (well, arc un-afe as u | luce of depositor;, for said IP cords.and that the Mime is liable to d -iruction by lire, by reason of tlo-ir being construed i ■ nltrely ol wood.' Audit further appearing, there Is no ii;, |i:eg in the town of Hidwell. suitable for holding Hie term* of till* Court, and to safely keep its Rec ords I rein lire or other calamity, and il app-. ring that the town of Uroville is a lit place to hold tin* term* of do- Court, mid that a commodious and sate brick building in said town has been tendered Hie County as county buildings. It is therefore, ordered, adjudged and decreed, that the Clerk of the Court of Session*, in and t r Butte c unt>, fort with remove his office and the Records tlu r. oj. toOroville, in the building wh-ced by the ■ u ; Hoard of Supervisors as County Huildnig», and llo.t in* - ■> ami transact Hit* business of Ids said office . lt ii, t,.wii of uroville, us Hie County Seal of Butte County. . . ... Vod’ilis further ordered, that the terms of said Court, from and after the said twenty-fourth day of Sri i, ■ iii i>. r. Al l 1 sort lie held at the said town ol Uroville. until otherwise ordered, \nd il I- further ordered, that the Clerk ol the said Com l ol Sessions, in mid tor Butte County, issue mi e'er under Hu* seal ol said Court, in conformity with this order. ~ ,[ t j ia t (he sam.a he published in the Daily Hullo Record, a paper published in the town ot urovillo, i,, r the space ot forty day a from the date hereof. Hv order of Court. Attest Hie foregoing a true copy of the original or d.-r now on ffie in said court. Witness my hand mid the seal of said Court I 'SI of Session* affixed, this the twenty fourth 1 J duv of September. A DtgMV at Hi Iweli KILIM CHAPIN, Clerk ofCourt of sies-ions. Rt M.H. Darrach, Deputy, oIBH PHOBATB NOTICE A 1.1. persons holding claims against the estate of .lames P. Hughes, deceased, late of Bulle coun ty, are hereby notified to present them with proper vouchers to the undersigned within ten mouths from this date, or they will be forever barred K. HOBART, Public Administrator Ball* Ca. Bid veil, Oct. M, 1*46. 9A-MW LEGAL NOTICES. ST ATT. f'F CALIFORNIA. > County of Rutte. < ninth jrnm \l district (nrnr. ViHV tin* day it appearing to my -attslaet ion, a* Xw Judge of tin* Ninth Judicial District Court in and for Hutto Ootinty, thm the Hoard of >u|h tvi*i - in »ml tor '.-till County, dial, on Iho twenty -liorili • Inv of Sc|)i(uiilH-r, A l>. one llioit-.iml ♦*i-_r)ii linodrid nml (Ifly-six, declare Oroville to he tin County seat ol I tut t»- County from nml after the said iwuity-lourtb dav of r*. piember A. Ik Is.ill. in pur*u un■■ of in \cl .• \n Yet to Change :Im l tlx Hi" • i*mi) S at of Itlittle County. :ippnwred V: r-h l'"h I' un ! 0 fur ther appearing to my sa’ist action that the pre*« nt buildings In which the f*:ml I'oun loir !•• • ■* held. urnl in which the Records hnve be n kept in ;It-- ' n*;i ol llhlwell, Bn* unaaft' a* a place of d -;*"* >-y f. .* - Record*, ami that the same 1* lint>W* to dostr ' ~ by Am*, by reason of their lieing constructed eiilhrely of wood. ’ And it further npjmariag. I hat there i- no building in the town of Bidwell sintaMe ror holding the term* of Ibis court, ami to «alely keep it* Record* from Hre or other calamity, nml it appearing Ih t (he town of Oroville i* a (It place to hold the I "nil* of (hi* Court, and that a commodious and sale brick he,rid lin- in said town has been tendered tint county a* coutny build mu*. li i* therefore ordered, adjudged and decreed. that the t ier of the Ninth Judicial District Court in and for Unite county forthwith remove hi* otllee m.d the Record* then*if, to < iroville, in the building *e!-cted by the said Hoard of Huperv isor< a* • 'oinity Hull Imu*. and I oat tie do am) transact the business of hi* *aid office, at the town of Oroville, 11* the County Stall ol Hutto County. And it I* further ordered, that the term* of said Court, from and alter the *nid tweniy fonr/h day of September, A. Ik Kin, l>e held at the said town ol Oroville. until otherwise ordered And it i* further ordered. Hint the Clerk < >f the Dr*- Iriet Court in nml for Hutto County. i*-ne tin . nh r, under tho seal of said Court, in conformity with litis order. And that the same he published In tun Dally Hnt'e*, a paper published in Hie town of Oroville, for the space ol lorty days iron) tlie dale hereot (•iveii under in. hand, this g-tth day of Septombor, A. 1). 1850. IVM. I*. DAINtJKRFIKI.D. District .Indue, R2H-4llt Ninth .Indicial District, Cal. STATE OF c.A 1.1 F< 'UN lA, 1 Hoard of Supervisors, County of Hutto j Nov T'*rm. 3N the mutter of'be declaration of certain street* In the Carlton tract to he highways, and to tiller (he road to McConnell’s Ferry, It is hereby ordered that Hie present road riiiininu from the termination of Hird, Robinson and Mnnluoiimry streets in the town of (iroville lo (Intcher Ranch In said county, lie, and the mime is hereby declared vacated ns a public high way. Ami it is further ordered that the sail Hird, Montgomery and Robinson streets of said town of Oroville. be extended as public highways across the tract of land known as the Carlton Tract, and ad joining said town of 1 iroville. Said continual ions of Hird, Kobins'ii and Montgomery street, to be sixty six feet in width, and extending in directions parallel with each other, according to the plan or servuy of said Carlton Tract, made by M 11. Farley. And it is further ordered that the street marked Fourth Ave nue. according to tin* plan and survey of Hie said Carlton Tract be. and the same is hereby declared to be a public highway-*the said Avenue to he sixty six feet in width, ami extending across said tract of land. And it is further ordered that so mud. of the First, Second. Third, Fifth Sixth, Seventh and Kighih Av enues, as lie between Robinson and Montgomery streets, according lo the plan or survey of said M. H. Farley of said Carlton Tract now on tile in tin* office of the county Recorder of said county, lie. and the same are hereby declared to he public highways, all of said highways to be sixty feel in width. And it is further ordered that the road now laid out from the termination of the said Robinson street, across the ilulcher Ranch, to its junction u nh the old road be, and the same is hereby declared a public high way,said highway lobe sixty six feet in width. Attest the foregoing a true copy. MILKS (MARIN, Clerk of Hoard. Ry M. 11. Darrach. Deputy. nI j—id FERRY NOTICE NM’OTICF. is hereby given that the undersigned lx will apply lo the Hoard of Supervisors in and for Unite County, at the February term thereof in KY7, fora License to run 11 Ferry and It ridge across the .Middle Fork of Feather River. 11 few rods above the junction of the North Fork of said river. SYLVESTER R. SAVAGE. Oroville. Nov. 10, 1856. nlo—if NOTICE N 1 OTIC K is hereby given, that the undersigned will apply to the Hoard of Supervisors, in ami for Rutte County, at it* February Term. A. D. I*"', or as soon thereafter ns application can he heard, fora Bridge and Ferry License across .--oiith I * aiher River, nl or near ilsjniiclion with tin* North Fork of Feather River, in Hidwell township, in said ccunty Hy order of .he Hidwell Bridge Company. Nov. iu, 1856. GKO. W. 111:88, President. lltn.W.iiits*, 1 R. T. Na* Norkkh, I .1. A. Murray, [ Trustees. JOStl’H tiMUXAI F, | Jos. E. N. I.KWis. J R. T. VAN NURDEN, See’y. nil—td FOR SALE! rjAHK SUBSCRIBER offers for sale his Store and i Goods, or Ids Hoods alone, or his Lot and Store, situated on Montgomery street near the Orleans Hotel. For terms and further information, apply !*> H. MARTIN, s2C-tf oil the premises. Dissolution ot Co-partnership. rBAIIK CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing be l! tween Joseph Snyder and Albert Cayea. under the name and style of Joseph Snyder .V Co.. Grocery and Provision dealers, is Ibis day dissolved lo mutu al consent JOSEPH •'NV DLH, ALBERT C VVEA. Oroville, Nov. J. 1856. 05-Hw* DISSOLUTION riJTHE Co-Partnership heretofore existing between H A. Cloudlet and Louis (tnlloid, under the name and style of Clouchelti Bullied,, in tl e business of hotel keeping, is ltd* day di**olyed by mutual con si-nt. All persons indebted to the concern are here! y requested to call and settled their lull* with \. 1 lou che! at the Hotel de France, and person* having ac counts against the former tlrm are requested to pre sent them to him (A. Clouchet) for settlement within ten days. A. CMU'CHEf, L. BULLIOD. Oroville, Nov. 10th 1856. n!2 COUNTY’ TREASURER’S OFFICE,? Hidwkll, July Kh. 1856. < OTICE I* hereby glvne, that all persons holding Butte County Warrant* payable tr m the und, registered between February pith. 1 and 7th, ISoli, that the same w:H be redeemed •tesentation. at nt office. And notice is further n that froffi anil after this dule, said warrant* “twiLUA* I.ATTIMORE. Treasurer of Butte County. Just Received » * T THE CHEAPEST CLOTHING STORE IN m. Oroville.* large and splendid lot of CLOTHING hick 1 offer for sate VEbV CHEAP FUR CASH. SepL W, 1M»- XL'MHEK 110. LEGAL NOTICES. |V -liir ' ll ip-t .Hi aiu( ' 1 ) inii l 0-irr*»l nn I i ft«irty mii«* diiH ii'* r “«r ilu’lura aiui six' v .•< •I'». fl: U.i IlH’iV (|»M i’j»\ \ aixiy cT*m> iM CONSTABLE S SALE v viktc Kn! "S’ I .howlo- execut i f i f* i niri .1 >ij-: t.- •hi iii ill nrxt f m Ophir low i, 4vi|i It into room \ I'nVilnrnlii. tn in • ilir.r’i il ciuiuo.liidii, - t.. I 111' loMowll, -itois. in if.s; Mfieex I'ttlitiH iii |'.i\ ir. ; \I •In-. Bradley P4-ita -urn ~f iij.-(i\ ,i . It’ll d*illa r.- will i iehty Si 1 o'li i - r ii. . < 'lit - execut mu iii fii\nr nr I*, lur I ■> ■«. I fra Hoy ■ i i-nn -.1 -• • »inl Iff! v cents -ti'Ai niul I'nnr diillat ustns cnv,. ii. r I- nrt; I •«» execut inn in fnvnp .In. ffr 11 ;l*• v t».r liii* nn i IwnlJ debt .ui Cost* ot v ir[ ■ i irn' ■ ,'vini"H in fsvur .IHi. frrodiey li r the -uni • llvi* cent* dvhl mid four dollars and of »•••''; I hie execution n favor ot Thos.Water*mnl nrain-’ Ins llruliny lor Hie sum ol thirty seven dollars ami thirty seven cents debt : 111- 1 four dollar* aml six';, cent- cm!- of court; • >nt* exeemfon in furor ol J. Riley and against .la*. Bradley Mr the aum of forty four dollars ilolit am! I (our dollar* mnl sixty pout* costs of court; 1 t >iio (’xt'culloii In lai rut Jas. Itmnii -di-m ami n,'iiinsl .las. Bradley Mr 1 sum Ilf forty en'ht itollars an t fifty cnl* debt amt Mur doll ir* ami sixty ivuli cost* ol court, together » i:li all the casts accruing no said writs, I have ley led upon mnl will expose to public sale to the hiitucsi In,pier lor cash m I'm— day the ‘.(I day of I Veem her, A 11. ts.Vhat PJoVloek M., tin' fallow i lihscrlti I | loperly, to wilt tails No. 1. ’J and 4 liit i* , k No. 'j t; , ~,'s No [ md Jin I lock 2* I and Inis No. a. it. uml u in Mock 2:1 as laid down mid dcscnhnl rn lho map M 1 lie I own <,f (inn i Ilf, Ituf ■ county, togother wah a I lln* iinprovoin'tits mill ap purfonunci'stiu ri unto t . Mugmg. Sale to take |la at the Court House door in Hie lowa of Urovillo. county ami slate ul'oresukl, R.P PATTON, novl2tt (''instnhfe Opt Ir Township CONSTABLE'S SALE JtBVVIU'Ii li,' ll - t iilow ink'• xecu! om i-- ud MM oul of Jolin flotio.'t’mirl, .lii-i ice of Hie I’i'.'ico in and for Hutto County < alMornia to mo ilim • it. commanding mo to make Iho (ol low ins* sums, to « il: one execution in favor of Cohlsmilh, ami m.’aiu*i , II rad 1 1> . fur liio sum i I tidy the dollars debt, i six dollars ami Into cuius costs of court; onu 1 m c • lion in favor (.1 < in - Mei'alltini ami imam*! Ja liradley, lor tin- sum 1 f tarty 1 11 hi dollars del 1 and six dollars and Mrlv in Mi r 1 s'- of court; one uxucit 111 hi in favor of William .Mortal ami a.'aln»l .C:s. liradley for the sum ot titty one d< liars and si-vi" , livu cuiils debt and six dollars and forty cools u 1 1. ol court: nneexucu uot 11 lavor of Itati'l i.'utlc r and agaii 1 das. It 1 .>ll, for Ihu sun* ol eh.lit* ■aC • u• hits dcIII mid sis dollars aml Mr!;, colds cost* ol co ■'; one oxocttlioii ill favor ol John Priau au ! a. ; •l:is. Ilradluy for Ihe sum o| , i_dd di liars ami lifiy n 1 - debt and six dollars and forty cunls co«is ol couri; one execution in la vi a* of John Hi ley and at'amsi J. -, liradley lur the sum ol forty nine dollar- if Id im‘. six dollar- and forly e, o’s co-ls • f conn: one 1»• o lion jn favor of | lios. .lonos Mr the sum 01 I .,rty - x dollars and lllly five e, ui* debt and six dollars am) forty cents co-ls oi i ouri. I l|te cxecullou in ! 'or of Dmi'l I’eter-mi r er t’o sum of forly Iwo dollars and fourlcou con Is , : Maud six dollars ami forly cents costs m court, n ' , .■ with Iho costs uccriii. on said writs. I havi \ ■■! upon and will exjio.-e to j sale In the I ■ bidder for cash on Tl d»yllie‘M day of Ilecei A. IJ, iSaft, at W o’clock M , the following di property, to xv il: i .ms No. I, x l , and 4 in I dock ,'x ••. 1 lots An. 1 and in I dock Ni». ill. mid lots No. :> and •> In block No f.l, I down and d, -cril' d In '•« map of llie low 11 m’ 1u- . die. Unite county, p. 1 ; •* wiili all Ihe improM i n nis ami appnrlt a m , , Hut unto hi lom,'iu-. .-ale to lake piur ■■ nt th • 1 «> ’ 1 Ifni in Iho town of Omviilr, ci nuy and slum 1 1 ,i. It I, PATTI IN, r.ov. 12-lt < 1 ii-talde m . SHERIFF S SALE. CSV Vlin I1: 1 • I■ V N TAM I MIN !-■ V 7) Ilf the Hi trh't f. Tweltdi .1 ;di 1!» in and for lie c>, my of sun I r.m-I ", f: 11 iloruia. Ii me dir ■■ ,■ 1 ml deh\eia d, c ( mu me to make Hie -mi , f throe hundred a, id leu Ivm o ly Iwo nn.. hiiudr, nil dot lur- principal, win ihuti-i thereon the rate id on per c >nl. ; ram nn. I ... date of j tdgnioid ' 1 1 i paid, un i I- sis . 1 -oil, an h ' nn of thirty*! ir twenty edili il< irs, t< r wii then ■ I suid mill; wherein M 1). I.asuevoli 1 - plain!ill in '. John (i Thompson ami •.•■•iri'o 'ini p 1 - are lae di feiidaulg. I will, on the ■•’tiiii day of Novi nd»er, \ It. 18helween the hours of two 1 I three o’ P. M . sell at 1 ■ to the hi) hem 1 !der ca-h, i ll of li e rntln, lille ail I ilili rest of said re fend an! - hi cud I■, om Imi! di uif sit u 'tad lui 'l l a I comery -Ire 1 1. alaa, I k’l t y 11 I eel 1j 1 s i/,e ;; 1 1 , -tie -li ,r\ hi|(h. with ti stoop iu I t Al-o, >ll , rt or parcel or lot of land upon which bald luuiso is ted de-crile d as follow* 'it w u ; frotdiiic fitly ' ei on MonlKomrrv street and ruunuuc i>aek I h‘t ir- IWf-en the Ironcli tmlel and Ilf w-t,-’- (louse, n - ’ iiiir part ol hot nuiiihi r Id. and Hliick nuiiu • i marked on Hie Town PI. t of the Town . ; i ~ Hutie enuty, Caliiornia. and pardv ny on ound m in said I ! il. H , same I elm.' the house ; ; d lot now occupied } i'r,-wn m d I’o ■ * . '* '•• Imx house, .s’. ! ill lake pi: nt If • r 111, 11 door, in ihu Town ot ttrovdle, • ■.*ll ty :ud ’i aforesaid. P i I*l.l ' ■ Hierilf Oclolu r Tl. A.P. IS' ''. liiitlo counly. ICViSOLVEIMCV NOTICE ST AT I-’, <iP I'Aldl’'tUNM, t jj thll’NTV os III'TTK. t COUNTY COURT—AT CHAffTER 5 . tl> Vila K. Ik lotiT It,;- ay Till’ MATTKU OP UOKACK If PA Mil. OS an insolvetil In Mor - In pursuance of an order, made on Hie 21-1 dux oi Oc oher, !t-:in’he County Court ol said "m m;,. I.y the Judge thereof, ihe lion J K. N. M.ii I,*, Nop.ce is herelij civeli. to the cr* ditor* ot llk *• •,! Insolvent del lor ilerm e Ueynolds. to fe and aj | , Indore the Jud ce ■ I the < ounlv Con I in and tor sioj f minty, the Hon. I. li. N. lewis, at the ' own Inn -e, at tiroviile, in said county, on Monday, the J h • y of November, A. Ik leoli, at 2U o'clock. A.' 1 .. ,■ same beinat tlni li I day of the Novum .r term of said I oart, then ami there to show <•: ■ se, il x ■, w liv Hie t ray* rof said insolvent debnrß >.ot granted, in dan a-sunim id of In- i state , , m: i and lie' di-cP d from his debts and Ha do S us all insolvent dt btor. \V itne-s my hand and the Seal ol -aid Cr i :! affixed, lids tlio 21st day Of October, A. il. t nesb I L '*- \ VIIT’S I 1 1A PIN. County Clerk, —~ P.y Mll iixaKAt n, Deputy. Oroville. CctoOcr 21. 1 fifth. 021-td NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION TBT lIP. ft CP \HTN PUSH IP Idieclolor , x--.I ■ tween the Ulldersium U. w. - illssolved hy li I tuol tfins nt on the Bth «t September, I‘ftß. The partnersiiip bu»ine«* will lie seiHi d t v It. ft. Uliveu at to, at Charley a 11. li. HI.IA IN, U. P'. UtiUP.ItS. Charley'* Itanch, Sept. 12.18.515. spj-ltn PROBATE NOTICE. VLI. person* holdiiiK claim* auaTist tl--■ state ol Victor l.audiere, decenred. late of Bulic county, ,tre heretiy non tied to prevent them will, proper voucher* to the undenmrned, w ithin leu months Imm this date, or be forever barred. B. HOBART, [Public Admimairaior Butte Count