Newspaper Page Text
BANKERS. CIIARLKI • ■ M. \V. HANNON. HEDGES & HANNON, 18 A N K E II S , VVAiuiKaroß Runic. Cuhnicr or Montuomhhy a.m> Stkickts. OROVIXjIjB. COL D J)l S T r URCIIA .S' Kl) AT THE HIGHEST RATES OU FOKWaUDKHTotHE MINT FUU ASSAVOR COINAGE, CHECKS ON MARYSVILLE, BACUAMKNTO AM) SAN FUANCISCO N lt( lit and Time Drolls P’iuiilnlk tl outlie ATLANTIC STATES AND EUKOI’E. Orovillt*, Oct. 5, If.")*!. ecMf McWilliams & ty.meson, BANKERS, NEW BRICK HI IMUNO-niliM It MONTGOM ERY AMi M\ I.US STREETS. on oviiiiiE. GOLD DUST BOUGHT At the Highest Rates. Cla c c I*l « nt r* /v i- ! ON MAUVHVI 1.1. K, SACK A M F.NTO CITY AND SAN FRANCISCO. SIGHT DRAFTS For Sale, on nil the Principal Atlantic Clio*. t received. Special mid otherwise. July I 4, IH.iti, jyl4-tf HENRY KEEFER'S lIIMvIM, & IM lIM OFFICE, Corner ot Miner street and tl.e I’laza, BID WELL, Cal go l D D us r n o ua n t At I lie Highest Kates. «#» Cluck's Drawn on JHark lit & Co* MAH VS V ILL E. ■ <#s- Dills of Exchange on all the Eastern Cities, Now York, st Louis, Mo 805t0n,.... Cincinnati, Ohio Philadelphia, Louisville, Ky, Baltimore, Detroit, Mich. EXCHANGE ON LONDON. I)BAFTS PAYABLE IN Montreal,o. W.. Quebec, C. E. ■Hamilton, C. VV., Brantford, C’. W. 'Toronto, C. VV London,C \V. St. Cathurinos, C. VV., Chatham, C. VV. Cicncrnl and Sjncial Deposits deceived. Bidwell, September !J5, 1850. B‘JS-tf C. B Mac A’, C. L, LOW, P. F. LOW. MACY, LOW & CO., BANKERS , CORNEH OF PI.A/A, AND HIGH STREET, MARYSVILLE GOLD DUST PURCHASED AT THE HIGHEST RATES, OR FORWARDED To THE MINT FUR COINAGE, Choolxs at Par, ON GARRISON, MORGAN. FRET/., ,v RALSTON. SAN FRANCISCO Wo are prepared to draw SIGHT EXCHANGE on MESSRS. CHARLES MORGAN It CO., NEW YORK Also, on the other principal Eastern Cltie. Marysville, Annina 4, 1855. au4-tt MARYSVILLE ASSAY OFFICE !! HAKIIIS, MAUCHAMI .V CO., £ street, near the corner of .Second afreet, MARYSVILLE. ALSO—IO7 J STREET, SACRAMENTO, Will continue to carry o*'‘ u p business of Melting, Refining & Assaying GOLD AND ORES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. We guarantee the correctness of our Assays, and bind ourselves to pay any differences that may arise with any of the U. S. MINTS. Returns made in from six to twelve hours, IN BARS OR CO N- PnatMKNs or Quartz Assavkd and Valiko. TERMS FOR ASSAYING: the same us in Sun Francisco. H. HARRIS, D. MARCH AND, C. I*. FAUKINGTOJ. Jy2B-my SO DEPUUTRL TILL 201 b \OVCnUEK! Nicaragua Steamship Co. The Public are respectfully informed Hint we shall uol dispatch a steamer on the sth Nov., but that the splendid new Steamer ££&o m/A ii a CAPT. BLETHEN, —Will leave on— Thursclny, Nov. SOtli Connecting with theStelnnslilps TKXAS, „.KOR NEW YORK, TENNESSEE ** " FOR NEW ORLEANS C. K, GARRISON & 00.. Agents. W S. W. Corner Washington and Buttery sts LAT K S T ARRI V A E! HTE would inform the citizens of Oroville. that wo have Just received the largest stock of buy goods, clothing, boots & shoes Ban and Caps, and a general assortment of Fancy ®ooi sever brought to Oroville, which we will sell at a small advance on San Francisca prices. Cali and »ee us at vat Store ou Monigomery street, Opposite the Orleans. ROSENBAI’M k MKININGER. P. S.—We would respectfully call the attention of toe Ladies to the fact that we hare the only regnlar ••ftifUflcpl of Dry Goods iu this place. o3X-im MISCELLANEOUS. I! AN3D Yankee Notions Depot. MYERS STREET,THREE DOORS FROM MONT GOMERY, NEW BRICK BLOCK, O noVILLE• % m ’ fan hi: obtained nil sorta of useful V" and oriiaiiieelal articles. not to lx; found in tiny other store to Hiecounty, consisting of the largest Hint treat selected stock nl Hardware, Carpenters’ Tools, Garden Hooks, Stationery, Build ers’ Material*, Wooden ware, Patent Medicines and Pocket Cutlery. KVER OFFKUKI) FOR ScILE IS Tills TO WS A LSO Prime < 'hewing Tobacco, nml Genuine lliiT.'iim Cigars, Aain v A.-ich s, Perfumery. I.uukiiiKiila.taea, Wall • Paper, Children's Toys, Revolvers, Points, Oils, Tur|wnllne, Pully, Cam phene. I .amp Oil. Candles. Quick, silver Si .Musical Instruments. ALHO Lamp Chimneys, Sand l'n|wr, Writing Paper, Kin» es u nl Fork ft. Combs nml Brushes. Brass Huns nml Chisels, Faucets nml Files, .Marker's ami Gauges, liniiiiiiers anil Compasses, Mors,' Brushes. Sailor’s Palms. Coffee Mills, Meat Hanks, Bench Screws, sht-h Tools Fisk Hooks Bed Cords, linn I 'ups. Chopping Trays Cue llles umi Wax. Cents Driv Al 1 1,allies’ Kidiiiff Gloves, .-hoe Knives, Cuadesticks Playing Cunts, Screw Drivejs, Camber’s Buies, jTap Borers ami Gimlets, ! Locks, Hooks. Staples, Punches, Paper Cullers, Buis ami Planes, Andirons Pumps. Spoke-Shaves, Dog Collars and Chains, Wash Boards, Clothes Pins, Fancy Bas kets Screw Wrenches, Whips ami Canes, Cue l.entheas, ing Cloves. .SO A complete assortment of Toilet Articles, Candlesot every description. Dried Fruit. Preserved and Green. Nutsof all kinds The Atlantic and European Papers and Magazines, on tlio arrival of the Steamers. These goods have been selected with tho greatest cure, purchased cheap, and wHI he furnished to our customers either at wlsdesuie or retail, us low us by any other store in the Mines. E Jf-Persons desirous of obtaining any article from San Francisco, can do so at a small per cent, advance upon Hie first cost by leaving tbeir orders at this store. WM C PAYNE N. 1! —All outstanding debts due the firm of J. 11. Smith & On . must he paid to the undersigned or his agent. J. J. Lockwood,as he alone is authorized lo use Hio name of the firm in liquidation, oed-tf WM. C. PAYNE. (iKEAT BARGAINS IN GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, LIQUORS, HARDWARE, CROCKERIES, GLASS-WARE, &c., &c., at J. P. KESSING’B Oroville Store. No. 3. Montgomery street, near Myers. Don’t forgot the Oroville Store, floods delivered free of charge. n!2lf E M B KOI 1) E 11 I E S ! LACES, niBBOPiTS ! MEN’S, WOMEN’S AND CHILDREN’S Hosiery of every Variety. GLOVES, CRAVATS. Collars, Shirts, amP Drawers. American , English, French Sf Herman FAN C V G OODS. By late arrivals of Steamers and Clippers. HUGHES h WALLACE, 3 1 it In.", and 107 Sacramento street. EAGLE BAKERY, CORNER MYERS it BIRD STS., OROVILLE. 1 WOULD SAY TO MY FBI ENDS and the public, that having become sole proprietor of the above establishment. I uni ready to serve them with Hie best and freshest BREAD, PIES, CAKES. &C., At short notice and on the most reasonable terms. SODA, SUGAR & BUTTER CRACKERS Constantly on hand. My Waggon will deliver every thing in my tine ut the residence of my customers. CHARLES CHERRY. Oroville, July 22, ISoG' jy22-tf U. S. Livery Stable. Myers Street-Near Montgomery f|NU KEEP PACE WITH THE TIM Kit, and -uipid JL growth of our tow n, we have, ot late, and will from time to time, make extensive additions to our stuck and otherwise improve our establishment, tc meet witlt entire satisfaction the increasing demands of the age. Stock taken on Livery on the most reasonable Terms. If desired, we will buy, sell or exchange stock—in short , transact all business appertaining to a first class Livery Stable. The lliiest Buggies, hacks and Saddle Horses. Inrnished ut a moment's notice. Thankful for past favors, we hope to merit a con tinuanceoftbesame GROWN A HUFFMAN Dated Oroville, July 10, 1830. jylodlf. LUMBER YARD. VLLF.N & COLBY would call tho attention of Builders and the public generally, to their l.iiinowr Yard on Myers at reel, rear tin- Bluff. They keep constantly on hand a full assortment of IKuirsl Windows and seasoned Lumber. They ;ir* prepared to furnish every thing in their lino cheap us the cheapest. olftf BEST HAVANA CIGARS A ND TOBACCO— W HOLESALE AND RETAIL fm. at Bloch's Cigar and Tobacco Emporium, aver the Phoenix Baloon. PH. WATERMAN. CARDS, «m r BITING MATERIALS, PORT.MON IBS and T T Knives, at Bloch’s. a3J . PIL VV AUK MAN’S. (i ANDI.ES AND MATCHES, at Bloch’s, ) Pli. WATERMAN. VIOLINS AND ACCOHOEONS, ITALIAN VIOLIN A GUITAR HT RINGS, Bridges and Bows, al PD WATERMAN’S. BLANKS— Evejy desorpitioD of Sus ties ’a Bl aka fo j sale othis office. MISCELLANEOUS. MOSICtf oto*nor, Santome i t*. San Francisco. EDWaRD r%IiKKR< Orf> t HU. PARKER & O’CONNOR, Importers, Dealers, AND RETAILERS. Xti ]L»ici\xoi.’s, Wiuos, ENGLISH ALE & PORTER. BEG LEAVE TO STATE, TMATTIIF.V HAVE opened a Store in Myers street, Oroville. lur the salr tit the above articles, in their PI. RE AND UNADPLTERATED MTATE. Their slock will hear the c’L< ISEST SCRUTINY. The TRADE ate then-lore respectlnlly ret)iiesleil to cull mill examine it before purchasing elsewhere Oroville, Sept. S, 18M5. sH-tf OROVILLE STORE Wholesale and Ketail ! fRAHE undersigned having returned from San JL Francisco mnl removed to the Fire Proof Brick lllock, Montgomery, two floors from Myers street, (Washington Block.) would respectfully call the at tention ot the, inlmliitiints of Oroville and vicinity, to the fact of his having the largest Slock and the best assortment of Goods to he found this side o| Sacramento. My floods were all purchased for cash at the very lowest figure that money could hny them for, and as 1 sell for Cash, and (lash only, thus doing away with the list of deadheads which everyone must have that does a credit business. I am pre pared to oiler inducements to customers such as no ollnr House in < irovtlle will offer. My ft lock consists of t; Kt n EH lES in all its varieties; Provisions of the best quality; Eitpiors and Syrups of the choicest hratiils. CROCKERY of ilte latest styles, and HARDWARE in all its branches. In addition to this, customers can have their goods delivered by my Express >\ agon at their own door, tree of (large, J F. RESCIND. odtf Kaucli and Ferry For Sale. Mwf - THE list'll 111 Ell w ishing to dispose of his and PERKY, will sell tit a great sac - A...nlire. The Kutieli contains Hill acres ; 1110 of which are tinder fence, and is unsurpassed us Grain laud, in Butte county. The Ferry is doing a good business. The greater part ol the purchase money cun remain on bond and mortgage or on good per sonal security, if it desired, oc'.’i HOWARD BERT. C I Gr A It ,V N I) 3\T 33 -W TOBACCO STORE FIRE-PROOF BUILDING, MONTGOMERY ST., ONE DOOR HiH.ll MYERS ST. JOHN S. BOWMAN would respectfully inform the citizens of Urovdie Mid Unite County generally, that he is now opening the thirst and most extensive Stock of Cigars and Tobacco to he lonnd this side ol Sacramento, which will he sold at Marysville and Sacramento prices. A hr-t I—Playing Cards, Pipes, Matches, Oigaritos, Sunil, \.c., &.C., at \\ hoiesale and Retail, Cut ve mu Cash oiiU IllUli B WOULD RKSPEfTP Chl.V inform the public of Oroville and vicinity, that I have opened with Hie largest and best selected stock of DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING, ever brought Into this mm kol which I will sell just as lowus our house in San Francisco. II SIMON, New Fire-proof Brick Block, Montgomery street. Please gtv e me a e ill and examine for yourselves Orevillu Sept. i|j, ls.-' J sgn-lf fSi T ua. O 33 fit* SHASTA AND 3<ort YREKA! rBT II E CALI FORMA STACK COMPANY’S -M- Splendid four horse Coaches leave their office Oroville, every evening, at li o’clock, for Shasta and Yrcka. passing through Neal's and llidwell’s Kancu, Chico, Tehama, Red Bluffs, Colionwood, < im-horso Town and Middletown. CKO. F THOMAS, Cencral Stiperinleiiilent. OFFICE at St, Nicholas Hotel, (lute Huutoon’s Exchange.) • iroville. TRY PARKER & O’CONNOR’S CEDE II RAT ED !l A S I* li E R K V and other S V R IPS, E.NTK 1 1 to contain fill degree* of gravity, ▼ V and of full llavor. ilsu, their WORM WOOD CORDIAL, now so much in retpieat, to he had at their Factory, Myers Street, Oroville. »30-liii DVCR'S DULY EXPRESS! FROM OROVILLE TO Spanishlown &, Frenchtown. fBTHE undersigned will run a Daily Express hi ll tween < Iroville, Spanishlown and Frenchtown. All letters and packages entrusted to his care will he delivered w ith promptness and despatch. Agents, WM.C. PA Y.N E. Orovillc, o‘.*2tny S. McCLELLAN, Spanishlown GREAT BARGAINS! A S MR. HENDF.E intends changing Ids business is. soon, he wlllsell Daguerreotypes. Atnbrotypes, and Photog-aph Pictures Cheaper 'ban can be got in the Stale elsewhere. He has Negative Pictures of all the Flumes on Feather River from the Junction down,from w hich any number of photographs can be printed that may he desired Any order for the same left at bis room will h<- promptly attended to. He will soon have a Panoramic V iew of Oroville, that will contain the entire town and country around. This, also, cun he hud on paper, in a tine style.— Specimens of his work can be seen at all hoars of Hie day at his room on Uuntoon si., opposite the North Californian Office. ol'iw CLOTHING ! CLOTHING !! TO SUIT EVERYBODY ! fffiTHE UNDERSIGNED begs leave to inform his i friends, patrons and citizens of (Iroville and vicinity, that lie has a large and well selected stock ot Goods on hand, consisting of FA S 111 OX I B L/: CLO Tin JVG, Hoots, Shoes, Hats, N.C., Which he is determined to sell at TEN PER CENT CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER ESTABLISH MEN P IN THIS TOWN. Call and sip us, and examine our stuck before purchasing elsewhere. A. D. REIS. I*. B.—K EM Ed HER, Montgomery s reel, next door to the United States Hotel, sign of “ THE CHEAPEST CLOTHING AND FUR NISHING STORE IN OROVILLE.” Oroville. July tM. ISSti. jytUtf NATIONAL HOTEL AT DID WELL’S FOR SiAXiIS i AT LOW KATES, and on reasonable terms. I* Jji This property can be made valuable by ro_ BCi« moving the house to Oroville. The binding i« large, and cun be made a tirsi class Hotel. Then: is a rare chance for Investment in the pur chase of this property For particulars inquire ol Cheestaau ACo , Marysville. or ni-Im HARRIS fc BURT, Oroville, MISCELLANEOUS. o N \W e AV holesa/e AND LIQUOR. VAULT, Myers street, above Montgomery. thk i sdkrslgned has in* stork iml ft r ' the following •tm kof Liquors, ” which he will Belt, hmiiiv no rent or city tuxes to pay, at rates lower limit can be bought at either Sacramento or Marysville ; mid would call the iiticnuoii ol retailers I" examine his slock be lore purchasing elsew le-re. TF.l<M ■*>, C.JFU. ■25 barrels Monotigalnda U hltky, 25 barrels Dorn -lie Ilrandy. 2 barrels (t. I), .v t 0., do B 4 barrels Itoiieite Ilrandy, 4 pipes Holland, a barrels Port Wine. 4 barrels Duff Gordon Sherry. Together with 50 cases I'larel. Curacao, de mi- Danlzick, 20 cases Irf-slie’s It Iters, 1 *2cases Haul Sauterue. ft cases Extrait Absinthe. 12 cases Meioberirer i uoinef, Scotch M hiskey Imperial Ale in rasi s, 12 cases Ginger U me, liaspherry. Strawberry, l.emon Syrup. 10 eases Ctmoipiurne Cii'er, Ilrandy Peaches. Scotch, English and American Air 1 , ol dll ferent brands, vc., Ac. THOMAS UISSKT. Oroville, .Inly 15, IBf6. jyls-lf MONTE CRISTO HOWLING SA LOON! One door above the 1 1 . S. Livery Hi able, Myers street. OROVILLE lf, JOHN SCOTT, Proprietor. fRA lIK AMOVE I'lilVl ini; isA Li lON HAS BEEN il pul in COMPLETE REPAIR. and we respect fully Invile the Hoys in and about these diggings wbo wish to play a quiet game of TEN PINS, or taken nice, coel (Irak of Spirits, to cite us a call alllie MONTH CRISTO. JOHN SGoTT A. CO. Oroville, August ‘2(i, 1850, ungJlMf Blank Books. A FRESH SI I’PI.V, nnd Mot rale assortment of 2ml Fu/l sti'l Half homui llilnk Ihwf, Jii't receive ex “Vuinii! America,” PASS BOOKS, SHEEP AND T i tTv M I’.MO il AN DU.MS, MONTH LV AND WEEK LV TIME BOOKS, RECEIPT BOOKS. SHIPITNIi AND ST' (REHOUSE, AND CASH COPYING PRESS BOOKS, School Writing Hooks,.Miniature Blanks NOTES DRAFTS. BILLS LADING &c- &c- Noisy Carrier’s Hook and Station) ry Cr>., Nos. til unit 0 Loii2 V. harf, a27in;i and 117 llnttery street California Coal Company. NOTI C E ! THIIIE undersigned having been appointed solo Ji- iieent lor tin- sale of tie- Ciiiifi rnla < oal Compa ny’s Coal in Oroville and \ icinity is now prepared in supply all those in waul of Coal al UE 111 ( ED KATE? and convenient quantiUes. Delivered free ol charge j. I'. kl-'lm:, \e< No. I) Washington lilock, Montgomery street, near Myers. ’ nig s . IVt RTIKT, Opposite the Ophir Drug Store, Montgomery street, OROVILLE HEPS C t) NST ANTLY ON HAND, a well se lected slock of Provisions, Ul Shoes, Liquors, liroCeries, Pools, Clothing, Mining Tools, iUc., Ncc., Which he offers at the lowest rales FOR ( ASII £ j/''Goods delivered!- REE OF GIIARGE. Oroville. July 14,1850. jyll tf MINERS’ STORE 3 IiETWEI.N Ml <NTGU.MERY 4c llllti) STREETS, j' ipjioslle the Hutto Record Printing Office J. Al. CLARK imo., TEA ike this method of lemiivmg Iheir thunks loti M. citizens and w.oe-is of Oroville, lor their pi liberal patronage, and respectfully solicit a contln mice of the same. The patronage extended to us v shall endeavor to merit by keeping on hand a wi selected Stock of Goods ul the lowest market rat* such as PROVISIONS, HARDWARE, BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTHING and other articles too numerous to mention. N. R.—We have on hand the best quality ol Halt Hay, which w ill he sold in lots lo suit. Oroville, July 22, 1850. MONTGOMERY MATHS Anti 11aihei 5i10,,. TBAIHS establishment will hereafter ho conduct JL by the tirin uf HALL, JACKSON & BLACKSON, who will he pleased to wait upon all who may fav them with their pal'image, in a style of artistic l.u and skill unsurpassed in this town. The Ratio apartments are most comfortably lilted up, and col Hot mill Shower liaths furnished at a moment's n lice of pure w ater from the city works. Watchmaker ami Jeweler. A£s 1 worm RESPE. TFfLLY IN FOR R 2}J 1 he citizens of Oroville and vicinilv. that I ha purchased of Mr Rosenthal, his Walt lnn k, "« nnd Jewelry Kslobl.Hmeui, on Moi ginnery street, and have located lavself permanenl 111 the above business in lliis place, and hope hv sir attention to business, to me. it * reasonable share |>air< in lli« aLove line, I will guarantee to do Work us well as can he done anywhere in the State. ALL KINDS OF JEWELRY M.VIhE TO ORDE N’ , B —Particular attention paid to the Repairii of V\ulctu-s> GEU. 10. SMITH Oroville, August 11. Isoft. angll tf NOTICE r |MIE Stockholders of tro Telegraph A puny, are hereby requested to meet in *o on I rulay, Nov. 21st. ls u ti. | (J r the purpose ol i izing said Company. $5O 00 REWARD STOLEN from the stable of the subscril T>mii Wednesday night, Nov, 12th, a I ■A—faced sorrel Mare. Any one returning s animal to me al the steam Sawmill, Oroville,will ceive the above reward. ,115 G. W. GARBIOTI OTICE—My wife, Lucieue Ellen, having h my house, and refusing to live with me. a persons are hereby cautioned nollo trustor barbe ber on ray account, as I will not be responsible R aay debts of her contracting. nl~—4w WILLIAM MONTGOMERY, RESTAURANTS. Union Restaurant. Montgomery Street, opposite the Empire Hotel. OROTILLE THIS I'STAHI.ISHMI'.NT. tli«* (Im ggy . (Hte established in (irovihe and >o buu. F* H-* f-iv.e Me r- -I*M (or tin* luvern-fifood '<>•' vins, b.v just twi n thori'iiftily r«■;’ -etl mill i*nl ru’i-il :ui,l is no* open lor tlie ucconiiiuHla lion of lltt* public. Tim House *ill l>e open during nil hours of the day mill nigh , mu! Meal* can In- oliimiied, cooked to order, it all h-tur*. Obliging Waller* are always in utteiidriiico, mid every luxury mid delicacy of Hie markets, always on hand BOARD, per Week SS fo MKALS SO ol.i'.f NK.III.AI 8 /. V.MItl.Mi 11, Proprietor. FRANK’S RESTAURANT, l ulled Mules ItoiMio”, CORNER S’l )NTGi iMKIt Y AM) M V EUS STREETS OROVILLE. ggk_ FRANK CARRIED respect .. fully aniiouiices to Ins ol<l Irh-uds iill’l If eiu/.eii-Ol I )rox Il!e generally, that e lias opened a II It ST Cl, AS' RES- T A IRANI in Hie aho\ e iwiiued lluildiug, where he is prepared to furnisli the public w illi all the edibles and duiieacu-s lo he found in this or the Marysville Mar ket. The follow mu are his HATES OE CHARGES: Hoard per week without Wine. . . . 910 00 do do do with U ine, .... Uon Single meals without \\ me, .... 75 do do do wiih Wine, .... Jno Having rented the upper slorv of the new flro-prool brick building, adjoining the i'nited Males, and til led up the same 1.-r sleeping apartnients, | am pre pare.! lo furuish Hu-FINEST BEDS to be found in Oroville, at the following rales ; Single rooms per night 50 ko Single beds.. .d0....d0 j d 0.... d 0... .d 0.... do., TERMS. Olovtlel, July 1 s.M). 50 CASH Jy2B-lf IiAFAVFT 1F JJFSTAURAXT. Montgomery sir.-et, opposite (he Orleans Hot, ORO VILLE ,«L- . ‘ ,n: respect ' .- “Mliouiiee lo ttieir friends and lb. ' ■ "* •" scuerully, that the ....... ,1 opeuod u SPLENDID REST All K \ M 111 the above .milled place, where they are nr. pared lo l.irnisl, the puhlie will, all the luxuries m iltdicuuetf lo Ut* found in ii„. market. 111 * l{atl‘S Of I von ||| ; heard per week without Ending, is liourd per Week with I-odkr I Ilk- WM.GEER X A MIOIIENKAU. Proprietors. \]a( ; l j : sau o o Monkery Bake’ OROVILLE, Hu- Importers, a -lock of EHgl i ,|ts„| a ~ Ir, ",‘ ny, w Hi vvhi. h they guarantee o.'i 1 'lual '-•or He-u, wilh acU ‘ W oroville. October 15th. 1,v.0. * '"oclti if j|- WAGJVEii WHOLESALE AND RETAII BOOKSELLER! (Successor u, j.t Loyd L A. L, Smith.) u,IU *>' aI a rue quauUty 0 IMow And Novels, also Stationery of all I In.lj v C.““ J r "” c " ma, y e™.„u, Jiiu 11l- J loys and Fancy (Joods.M »V THE WHOLKSAI-E In greater variety, more beautiful, and Clionpor tlx«zx Ever J A • KOHLER’S, -iO, Stockton street CAS£ - 011 OTHER WISH I Merchants Hotel, FIRST STREET, A eai- Ihe Sf l ain boat Landing, MARYSVILLE . \ .J ll */ "SORIBKR HAVING I.EASED ' erchunts Hotel for a term of years, will , , ‘TTm 'V! ni * per.-onal attention to keeping,, Eik-, i I aolicits a Share of public patron h • bar, Itilhards and Bathing Rooms in the House. M. EVANS. Three Daily Lines OF STAGES FilO.M OROVIVLK I o Marysville N. Sacramento. STAGES leave the office of Hie California Htaue Horn party, Olton at ,i A. .M , I-.* M o i‘. .M , every day, for .M-’vsville and Sacramento. LEO. E. THO.I/A.S, „ , funeral S,i[w-rintendent. OF F/CJC—M. olas I.old, Urvnie. Musical instruments, String? &c-» at wholabale, %m/s 1 m r> <=> r t o Cl Direct from the ditforeiil manufactories, and ao CHEAPER THAN EVER. DEALERS WILL FIND AT A. KOHLER’S 270 Stockton street, The r.-al Uomm and H ilimi Strinir*. and all kinds MISK Ah IN-Till; ME NTH. &c.. of the Very U quality and at the tilO— 1m LOWEST PRICES! Notice to Contractors. PROPOSALS will be received at th Western Hotel in Lynchbu ri?h. until Hf o’clocl M.. on Saturday Nov. Slid, for Pluming and Draimii, ‘•Poor Vlairn.” on Feather River. By order of the Trustee*. .T Q, A TIIKKBKR, See’) of Poor Mining (Jompaiir Poor Claim, Nov. 12, Dtss. n!3—Pn* '