Newspaper Page Text
OROVILLE DAILY BUTTE RECORD. VOLUME 1 <f)ro«ilU J}\\b\ f nitt jßttoti. I'UHI.ISHKI> DAILY (MONDAYS KXCKPTKO) f'-Jf” Orrirte— In I>ronl lluiMins on Myers Street, K.i-t *i to, between Montirontory iiml Ttinl, Orovllk*. Tf.rv«—One Year I'er Mull $1" Nix iikxiHi*. do * **'' Three iunnlli* (to 5 00 Delivered l>) Carrier, per Week 50 WEEKLY hTjTVk UKCOUi). For clr-'d-ilton to tint inintiiY mid n'/rii "illurn! (lit** Ivi ,■(4 *il !(i<t come.. villront n (Ik*lnent amt amend i,,.vn (tn- wi i>k. lulorniionM' 1 with tnttirerilnij m(«- mlliwkwih r iiiii't" mutter. It will cootidti iwwity .j.ftit r tlino'it 111 reading Hinder, unit will In one *d tint Urge,, "lit! riienpcAt Weekly NcW4j»np«*r« in the Nln’e. Published every Saturday. Ti mis— slt per A in* mu ; «i>c innntlm. SJ; llt me moot h"*- SI. Vnvr.rtisk vucnt*. iter sonnre ot ten Hum or 1“““. flrnl Insertion, Knrh - • * •'*’ ryp* \ iitx*r:il ilmliirtloii will bo made In favor of [\\ (to* who Hilvurtin* h\ tin* your It tf* Bmliirf** r;ir«U “ii n*ufM>lltiblotCflUM* Agents lor lit** Ittttte llffonlt nevnv Kr.i’FKii, iwii. TIIUM !'•' t YCK.... 07 Merehmil ft l»no In wo. A („ N tlfll, 13 N |)’ )'I,. M ... Fofbeslown. WIH IV. ,v NI TTKII Oregon City. i V. I\CK«'IN - Vl ,' ;,HVI j*\| ITU Thompsons Tint HH itiiuTUKKTnS Itroiliorioir-Mom. .1 VMK-i rilUl'iJUToN Uy.iiitollo t 4IMUWIN' Nelron I’n-ek. Phiiii"* ‘ e iltm'ONN U t:\TR Amcrienn y.illcy M. I’l'.Nf I' Me»illn V » toy- Tho c ,,i !" rim In- pnKiired Irmn anv ollln ttlvivo named Agents. who lire also miilion/i-1 to nt reive advertisements and orders for .lob Work w _' imtj: Tn/mT.r-- r**nrur*n M’VIU.E A IIVK.UTtSKM F. VI s. WALKER, WILSON & Co. DEALER* IN GOODS, Clotlmur, Roots, Ladies’ and t HILDIU’N’S SMoKS,HOSIEfiV, &(' , \Vt*si sale !>. st ncnr 2nd st Marysville. ■yi’r'ni.’. KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HANI'.u full V V assortment of (hasts m their linn, and wmiM respectfully HDiicit a share of public patronage Particular iiiien'ioii paid loonier* iroin the country. Til 'MAS 15. WAT.KEU, TAM lIS L WILSON, JOHN 15. M A SON, feh 2-TMt NEW OHr All AND TOBACCO STORE. Wes’. side I' ilroet opposite Uie Die Ilium House m . iitv s r / r.r.r., c.i r.. Wm. SUarlioy c£s Go. X » I.SPTCTI TU.Y XNVM’NCK TOTIIK IM’Il tU I.H’ ami THE TRAUE, that Huy have run e'MUlv on hand, ami tor sale,at the lowest market prices, at WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, A lnr*o ami carefully wU‘cti >l »?!oc*W of Cigars, or fh«* Choicest Hiantls, A< well a« inosi'iifu cheaper I’unlity : also F.VKKA DKSIKAIM.H UK \ N I* «>K TOBACCO. and In short, wli itevr may be found in any similar establishment in California. . , , - , v i.oNi: KXPF.UIUNCK in the business, we feel nssnrod ‘will, when connected with STK ' I HI HTl'' '»• UAItK It K A 1,1 MJ, emit de us to give r.N I IIth,>AI ISKACTION to those who may favor uawlthtltclr pal r"cV-VO. NTRY TRADERS supplied 15 per cent, less than at any ether house in the Stale, Miivrvsville July Irt. IHS6.. I. vlll ' tr | [[r n ~, |„ , ,|| M l,| —~ a. mmVKLL ADVERTISEMENTS BIDWELL BOOKSTORE. CTAT , iJ Jy a- a*iL a. eo on 6 U JJ ' V T , <H t ■ iH 7 JJ W Jj rBAIM' undersigned would respectfully inform Ihe I citizens of Bhlwoll and vicinity, that he his opened u XJOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. and will keep constantly on hand an a-sor ment of llmtkM, Stationary ami Kaucy Article*, of the liuetl lid best cpialilv. and w ill he in the receipt or the LATEST PUBLICATIONS. M soen ns issued , ~ Hiblt-s, School Poo',*, Spiritual, Masonic an>l Religious Works, Wank Rooks, j( in silts or single) A'ovelt, Envelopes, Paper of all kinds POR TE-MO.V.i I /•: S, U OLD PEATS, JAP JtnCERS Sc I VOS TEA lIOLM' S finest cutlery. Vhtch will he sold at the lowest rates. Latest At li.t.lic Papers hy every steamer, for vale it KEKFKK. Next door to National Hotel. THE GREATEST DISCOVERV OF THE »(;p;i Creat Blessing to Mankind!—lnnocent hut Pie tend—Ur. I. J.CzupkayV ProphylncUcum, (Self-Dis jn(,a'ti iikt Agent,! a Mire preventative against gotior rhieal and syphilitic diseases, and an unsurpassed rent- lor all’’.he venerlftl. scroluloiis. gaiigrcimuaand cancerous ulcers, fus’d discharges from lie- vagina, uterus and nreihra. and all cataneons eruptions and dtsea-e**. As hinocillalion is it preventative against mmol |k»x, so is Ur. I. u.« zapknv s Prophlliiciicum a preventative Hitatnsl sypbilllicul and gonorrheal diseases. Harmless in possesses the |»ower of chemically destroying the syphilitic virus, and thereby wunuf UhhmhiuU from bring infected with the most loathsome of all diseases no young man who apkreetales health be without Hr. * zap hay’s Prophtl n ilcum. It is in very cmivenfent pack ages, and will 1m found convenient to use. being used as a soap. Price $5. For sale at Hr L. 4. Czapkav's office, Aimory Hall, corner of Sacramento ami Montgomery San Francisco. Ail orders must bo addressed to L. 4. Csapkay, M. D„ San Francisco, California. 111 * Office Feather Riser and Ophir Water Co. f Ororllle, Nov. 3d, 1866. J A DIVIDEND haa this day been declared, payaolw ew.« ta «W.Oo riS .{ iimoocHifc^ OUOVILLE, BUTTE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2 >, 1 BUSINESS CAB US. < iixtiMto r. I.IITT. w - T - sk** o * LOTT Bl SEXTON A 'I'T <>KN E Y s ATL A W, ouoviu. e, mnrr. covsty. (jt'/k a—No lU 11. H. block. Mußtjtouiory hired. K. LOTT, Notary Public. Jyl4lt r- 11. Harris, m. nt'af. Harris a burt. 1 Attoruoya at Xjtx-xxt, OIIOVIU.I.K. IH’TTF. coin rv. c a 1. Omen—Myers street. wc«t side, above Montgomery. J. UOS I- XTH Al„ . A. SORSIN ROSENTHAL &l SORNIN 1 Watchmakers & Jewelers, NO, 105, WASH IN fJTON ST., San Francisco. Diamond and SpecimeutVork manufactured to order, VV ,tc*e-s and Jewelry carefully repaired ii» the best manner. 11,1 j. w. wintru. n. o. neaUNOAVK WINTER & BURLINGAME' <llHce—lll McCnull’s lluildimr, 1) slreel, between Second and Third, op 's nY" r V IB iid-iv (lie Haim House. IZ - Lr MARYSVILLE. We ; t*ii have openee. an office in the I S. block. Orovllle, llutle Co., where one of us may at all times lie found. J Y. JONES. CONSTABLE AND COLLECTOR OK Notes AM) ACCOUNTS. Also—M ill sell Persons! Property on Commission. < )rni t, with-I T. KUiot), Ksip, bird atrnel, * ir,oville. July H, I KM, Jyld-lt J G LAWTON. Jr ATT’Y & COUNSELLOR AT LAW AND ( OMMISSIONVII pen MA SS Adit'SKTTS A a. isi.anp. l, Olllce c irner «>f Myers and Montgomery Streets, No. j . I ailed Stales liloek, up stairs. MXKARD II FARLEY- AtTOP.NKY iv COUNSELLOR AT TjAW, Nor-.av Pllll.le, REAP KSTATIS All KNT ANI> 1 UN VI vanchr. Orovllle, Itutte County. Cal. Wii.i, Pa a< Title ISAM, tii k Cora rs or this Statk. THOMAS WELLS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OIIOVILLK, IUTTE COUNTY. Special ettenllnn triven to the searehin? of County Ueeords, in, - -‘lualion ol I itles, i.r . and to the draw ing ,a ii. eds an! all instruments for record. Office in the Court llouae. *lB-45 J. W- SCOTT. COUNTY SURVEYOR F< Ml BUTTE COUNTY and civil engineer. OROVILLK. lIUTTK OOFNTV. OALIKORNIA. Persona desirim* hi* services will pleas.- leave their orders at the office of Messrs. Harris tc Hurt. TUI J. W. DUNN, n ea i. r. s TA Te. AM) (iENGU .11ALCT10XEKII. < »fflre, St. Nicholas Hotel, OROVU.LB. jpgr Sales In any purl of the city or county prompt ly attended to. <)( ' 1 ' 11 J. D. BROWN, M. D. Graduate of New York University, New York Medi cal Institute, Honorary Graduate of Syracuse Medical Colletre. otl.T* hi* professional servicesto the inhahi tant* of Orovillo and vicinity. Office, ill the Itutte Driii; store. Monliroinery street, one door from the corner of Downer street. July 14, ISftfi Jyl4-tr K M. SMITH, CHAR LBS O, lII’BUARD SMITH & HUBBARD. Attorneys & Counsellors at Law CHARLES G. HUBBARD—Notary I’nhlic. OFFICE —llird street, north aide, between Myers and Hnntoon streets. o«8 SIGNS, SIGNS! Plain, Gold and Ornamented, Executed in a superior style, at low rates, W. H. Haydon. 4 i,so—House Painlinß, Oral nine. Gildimr, P* i % tier Hmutmtf, &e, done Well and Cheap. Shop on M vers street, opposite United S'ates Livery Sta ble. ' •‘•'P--' E S COOPER I>T D £3 TJ XI Gr B O W , OFFICE —At the Eye, Ear, and Orthop.i die Intlr niiiry. Mission street, between Second uudTbild near “Russian Baths,” BAN IRANI I' l * All Survind «t|>enUion* FREE to patients present jut; themselves at the *, on VVedne*.tnys and Saturdays, at -•'* o'clock. I’. M. Medical men ol the City and Facitic Const, tteiierally. are res|»ectlully m vieid to attend the Infirmary on Clinical days, when ever it may he opjiortune for th.iu-mves. inntiw-il NOTICE 8S hereby ttl.ven to all persons boldine liens on the • Jeiinv land Hotel/’ in the town of Oroville, Untie county, California, to pres nl the same wdl. It", di) root thereof, in the Justices i ourt of J J. E it- OM. J. P.. ill mid for Opliir Township, on Monday Nov. 24, IS.Mi, at lb o'clock A. M. Ity Order of Coaji-, TTE llmb£R COMrANy . By To* IT ills. Att’y-. . Oroville, Nov IG, 1556. FOR SALE! THE SUBSCRIBER offer* for sale hi* Store and Goods, or hi* Goods alone, or his lx* and Store, situated on Monproniery street noar the Orleans Hotel. For terms and further Information, apply B. MARTIWf gMHf on the premise*. LKOATi NOTICES. Probate Court, f>T&TK OK CAM f* l >UN lA, f County of Butte. S Votv this day. It 'll pearlier to my satisfaction ns the probate Court in amt fur Hutto c.untv that lb** Board of Supervisors, and for said < imiily' did. on the twenty-fourth day of gepiembvr A |) one thousand eight li mdred and tllty six. d"ela»e i iroville to be the County S-at «f Butte Co. from ami niter the sail! tw niy-fontlh day of September. A I). I*:.«!, |n pursuance of an Act entitled An Act to change and tlx the Count/ Seal of Hullo County, ap proved March loth. ItC.ft, and It further appearing i„ rnv satisfaction. that the present buildings in which Hie « H id court has been held, and in which the lie,;. ord« have beeiskept in the town of Bid well, are nit safe ns a place of depository lor said Records, nod that the same |s liable lo destruction by tire, by reu , of their bein','constructed entirely of wood. Ami It further appearing that, there is no building in the (own ot indwell,suitable for holdlmr the terms of this court, and to sandy keep Us Records from (Ire or other calamity, ami it «p|tetiring that the town of i lroville is a lit place to hold the terms ot this Court, anil that a commodious and sate brick 11101111111; in said town has been tendered to the county as county building*. , , , . , . It is, therefore ordered, adjudged and decreed, that the Clerk of the Probate Court, in and for Butte County, fort with remove his office and the Records thereof, lo (iroville, in Ibe building selected by the Board ot Supervisors ns county buildings. ton! that he do and transact the business ofhis said office at the town of (Iroville, as the County Seat ol Butte Countv. . , And it Is further ordered that the terms of said Court, from and after the said twenty-fourth day of September. A II IH.VI, he held at the said town of (iroville, until otherwise ordered. And it is fm (her ordered that the < Merk of I he Pro bale Court ,in and for Butte County, issue in order, under senior said Court, in conformity with this or d«?r. And that the pain* 1 published in Iho Dady But «• fiecord.a paper publish. <1 in the town ot (iroville, for Die space of forty days front the dale hereol. By oruer of Court. A Best the foregoing a true copy of the original or der now on Hie in my court. Witness my hand ami the seal of sain Pro. [L, g] bale Conrl affixed, this the 2fth day of Sep tember. A I' IH.-di.ttl Bid wall. Ml I. Kg CHAPIN, Probate Clerk. By liAßßArn,lVpuiy. ST AT I’ or r A 1,1 H IKS I A, / County of Untie. 1 County Court. wj-.iW this <l;iy it appearing to my satisfaction as ill Judge of ttio County Court. In and tor Hutu* Unit the Board »f Snpervtabra In aact for said County. did. "ti tho 24th dav of September, A. I». one eight hundred and itfty.six. deopire Orovilie to he lh" Count; petit of Unite County from mid after the enld twenty-fourth tiny of September I), ir e', in pursuance of tin net entitled An Ac I to change and IK the County Seal of Untie County, approved .Wch lilt It. is.V>; and it further appearing to my sutistaction that the present buildings in whinii tin* Raid t ourt tins been held, and in w hich the Kecords have lieen kept In tlie town of Itidwell, are unsafe u»a plnee of de pository for Pttid I! cords, and that thesamo is liable to dejlrnetion I»y lire, hv reason of their laden eon. sirncted entire of wood. And it farther nppenrnnt ; Ini!'there is no ItniHlng in the town «>1 Itidwell. suit able for holding the terms of litis Court, and to sately liia p its Kecords from tire or olhor calamity, and il appearing that the town of Oro-IMe is a lit place to ho d the terms of litis Court, and that aside and com modems hrielt building in said town has been ten dered the county as county btiiWiDge. It u UktHoiv onlrreds and dpcn ,f ul, tnut the Clerk et the County and for Untie Conn l ', forthwith remove his office and the Kecords thereof, to < troville, in the building selected by the said board of Supervisors as County buildings, toi l that he do and t iiiisact the business ftf lilssaid office, at tile town of Orovilie, as the County Zealot Ituite County. And it is further ordered, that the terms ot said Court, from and after the said twenty fourth day of September. A 1) 1851). be held at the said town of tdrovilie until otherwise ordered. Ann il is further ordered, that the Clerk of the County Court in tied for Butte County, issue ini order under the seal of said Court, in coulormily witii this order. And that tie* same he published in the Daily Butte Record, a paper published in the town of Orovilie, for the space of forty days from the date hereof By order of the Court. Attest tlie foregoing a true copy of the original or der now on tile in my office. Witness tnv hand and thesealof said Court [f„ S ] affixed this the 24th day ol September, A. 1). 1856, at tiidwell. MII.KS CHAPIN, Clerk of County Court. By M H. Daubach, Deputy. STATE OF CALIFORNIA, f County of Untie. S Court of Sessions. ■rvt()VV Hus tiny it appearing to my satisfaction, as presiding Judge of Hie Court of Sessions. In and for Butte OouiCy. that (lie Hoard of Supervisors in, mill | ( ,r said County, did. on the twenty fourth day 01 September, A I) one thousand eight hundred and titty six. declare Oroville to he the Coumy Sent of Hutto County Irotn and alter the said twenty fourth day ot September. A D IS.'ili. in pursuance of an Act entitled An Act to change and tlx the Comity Seal ol Hutle County, approved Ma r ch I'tih. IHSO, mid it lurtber nppearing to my gatiatacthm Ihal the present build ings in which Ihe said Court has been held, and in which the Uo-ords have been kept in the town ot Itidwell, are u nsafe as a place of dejmsitory for said Records, and that the same is liable to destruction by Are, by reason ol their being constructed entirely ot wood Audit further appearing, that there is no building in the town of Hidwell, suitable for holding the terms of t'ds Court, and to safely keep its KeC' orus | rom lire or other calamity, amt it apjienring that the town of Oroville is a 111 place to hold the terms nftliis Court, and that a commodious and sate brick building in said town has been tendered the County as county buildings. ft is therefore, ordered, adjudged and decreed, that the Clerk of the Court of Sessions, in and tor Butte O-mutv, fortwilh remove his office and the Records thereof, to Oroville, in the building selected by the said Board of Supervisors as Count y Buildings, and that he ua an ! transact the business ol his said office at the town of Oroville, a»uie County fceatot Butte * °\nll it is further ordered, that the terms of said Court, from and after the wild twenty-fourth day of September, A I> 1 KT.ti beheld at the said town ol Oroville. until otherwise ordered. *nd it i- further ordered, that the Clerk ot the said Court of Sessions, ill anil lor Unite County, Issue an order under the seal ot said Court, in confonnlly Oul that thesama be published in the Daily Butte Record, a paper published In the town ol Oroville, for the space ol forty days from the date hereof. By order of Court. Attest the foregoing a true copy ol the original or der now on tile in said court. Wit lie. s my hand and the seal of said Court of Sessions affixed, this the twenty fourth dayo. Septrutber. A Clerk of Court of Sessions. Py M. H. Parr ach, Deputy. PBOBAT3 NOTICE sjsSXSSJUSStss jmc 1"," »• HOBAAT, r s] pm bite Administrator Batts Comtj. LEGAL NOTICES. htatk OK CAMFORNfA, t Count v in Unite. i ninth ji i>K i vi, district cocrt. ■•XOW this d.iv it .•ippeiiriint l.« r.u .;. m, «» dsl Jil,lu>'ut tint Ninth Judicial I'i-ir.i t■' ol In nrtil for IliltU* Cnumy. that the Hoard nf >.ijn rvi« ■ In uml tur i .ill I’omity. did, mi the -fourth il:iv nf fb-plemher, V It «thousand ei,d.' looeire. . fifrv«n. declare onivillt! t** be tin* I'ounty = i ol Hulle County from uml lift 111 • rd tv. u:\ t■ r:f» day of feptcinher A. I). Is.Vi, in jiiii'.’i ir ( 'i 11 A> t eniitled An \cl to <Timi..’ii uml flx Hi i in',. S ’ ■ I (liiUlii County, appnivml (tlwcli 1 oiti ! v m Hut appearing my Mili**i.n*tl«»n i!• t: ’ho • I .t bndilincs in which tin* said Court has b< m i*eid. an I in which tlii* Records have Ih*»* 11 kept 111 the town m Hidwell, are unsafe an a place nf depository for said Records, and that the same is liable in destruction by Him, by reason of their being coiislrnctml entirely Of wood. ’ Anil it further ap|iearl:ig, that there is no building in the town nf Uiaweli. suitable mr bolding the terms nf thin court, mnl In safely keep its Records from tire nr other calamity, ami it appearing that the town (»f Itroville is a lit place In litibl tin* termsnl tins Court, ami that a commodious urn! safe lirick build ing in sail I town bus been lemlereil the comity as coutny buildings. It is therefore ordered, adjudged and decreed, that the ('lent of the Ninth Judicial District Court in and fur Untie manly forthwith remove his nil! d the Records thereof, to < irm illn, in the building selected by the said Hoard of Supervisors as County Hull lines, and Unit he do and transact the bu-iness nl his said ntltce, at the town of Oroville, ns the Cotinlv tseal ot Unite County. And it is furttier ordered, that the terms of saul Court, from and after the said twenty* fourth day of September, A. I>. J*aii, be held at the said town oi Oroville. until otherwise ordered And it is further ordered, that the Clerk ol the Dis trict Court in and for Butte County, issue an order, under the seal of said Court, in conformity w ith this order. And that the same tie published inlne Daily Butte Record, a paper published in the town of Oroville, for the space of forty days Irom the dale hcrool (liven under 111/ hand, this JUh day ol A. D. IHob. VVM, P. DAINfi FRFIFM). District Judge, «29-4Ut Ninth Judicial District, CuL ST AT I', OK C U.IPOUNIA, 1 Board of Supervisor*, County of Hutto | Nov Term ■ N Hie matter of the declaration of certain streets in U the Carlton t r:\et to be highway s, tint I to niter t tie road to McConnell's Kerry. It is tieretiy ordered that tlie present routl running from Hie termiiiiiUon ol Bird, Robinson and Montgomery streets in Itie low u oft troville to Itutelier Itaneli in said county, tie. unit the same ,s herein declared vacated ns n putilir high way. Anti It is further ordered licit tie* sai l Hint, Montgomery mid Robinson streets ol said town i f < trovilte. lie e\'ended tis public blub way S across 1 lie tract, of land known tis tin* Carlton Tract, and ml joining said town of i troville. Said continuations oi ilird. Robins *n ami Montgomery s'reei. to ho -.xty six feet in width, and extending in direct ions puralit I with each other, according to the plan or servuy ol said Carlton Tract, made by M. 11. I arley. \nd it is furl her ordered that the street marked i*< nrlli Air tine, according to the plan and serv* y of the sad Carlton Tract he. and the same is hereby declared to be a public highway—the said Avenue to he sixty six feel in width, and extending across said tract of land. And it is further ordered llmt so mud. ol the first, Second, Third, Fifth Mxth, Seventh and l.ightli Av enues, ns lie between Robinson and Montgomery streets, according to lie- plan or survey ot said M. 11. Farley of said Carbon Tract now on liio in tie* uitlce of the county Recorder of said county, he, and the same are hereby declared to be public highways, all of said highways to be sixty feet in width. And it is further ordered that the road now laid out from the termination of Hie said Robinson street, across the Itutelier Ranch, to its junction with the old road be, and the same is hereby declared a public high way, said highway to bo sixty dx feet in width. Attest the foregoing a true copy. M I i,KS CHAI’iN. Clerk of Hoard. Ity M. It. Dtirrach. Iteputy. nls—:>d SHERIFF S SALE. BY VIRTi H •if AN P.Xl’jrrioN issued out of the District Court, Twelfth Judicial District, in and for the county of San Francisco, Male ol t id ifornia, to trio directed and delivered, commanding me to make the sum of three hundred and ten twen ty. two one-hundredth dollars principal, witii interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent, per ntuiuin. Irom date of judgment until paid, and costs of suit, amounting to the sum of thirty-four twenty-live one hundredth dollars, together with the accruing costs ol said suit: wherein M D. Lassevcll is plaintiff and John C. Thompson and tieorge Marquis are the de fendants. I will, on the ‘J9lh day of November. A. D. 1 H.’ifi, between the tmiirs »t two and tl.ree o’clock I‘. M , sell at public sale, to the highest, bidder lor cash, all of the rigid, title and interest of said de fendants in and I building situated on Mont gomery street, about try 14 feet insi/.o mid one story high, with ti sloop in front. Also, nit that part or parcel or lot of land upon which said house is situ led. described ns follows lo wit; fronting titty feet on Montgomery street end rntmintg hack IVJ h*rt lie tween the French hotel and Brewster’s hints.*, as be ing part of Lot number If), and Block number 19. ns marked on the Town Flat of the Town of Oroville, Hntte couty, California, and partlv upon ground not included in said Plat, the same being the house and lot now occupied by Brown and Peacock . as « dwel ling house. Sale to take place at the Court fiouso door, in the Town of Oroville. county and_ Mate aforesaid. P- IRM-k. Hheritf Octob- r 31, A. D. DCifi. Butte cotmfy. CONSTABLE S SALE By VIRTI K of the following executions issued out of J. T. Kllioit’s court. Juntie* of the Bence in nn«l for Ophir township, Kune rouiily, slide of Cntifornia, to me directed. commanding me to make the followin',' sums, to wit: One execution in favor of Marlin Shea and against .las. Itradley for the sum of eighty dollars debt, and ten dollars and eighty five cents costs ot court, tine execution in' favor of I’. Birmingham and I in»i Jas. Bradley for the sum of forty seven d 01... ... and fifty cent* debt and four dollars and sixty ct*ins ro?*iM of court; Onn execution in favor of Daniel Carrol an«l Jhs. Bradley tor the sum of thirty nine dollars and twenty flvecents debt and lour dollars and sixty cents costs ol court; . tine execution in favor «f J. Ilalloway and aaamst 4«s. Bradley for the •inn of forty dollars and seventy live cents debt and four dollars and sixty cents costs of suit; ... . < Mm* execution in favor ot Thoe.W aterHaiiu Jus. Bradley for the sum of thirty seven dollars and thirty seven cents debt and (our dollars and sixly cents costs of conn: o n e execution in favor of J Riley and against .Ins. Bradley for the anm of forty four dollar* debt and lour dollars and sixty cents cost* of court; One execution in lavor ol Jas. Ilirnnmrnr m and against Jas. Bradley lor the sum of forty eight dollars and fifty cent* debt mid four dollars and sixty cents costs of court, together with all the costa accruing on said writs, 1 have levied upon and w ill expose to public sale to the bignesi bidder for cash on 1 ue-.<lay the “id day of December, A I). lAvti, at J2o clock M., the following desert lied property, to wiU Lots. So. 1, 2 and 4 In block No. 21; Isas No. 1 and 2 In block J»t and IoU No. 2. 3, and 6in Mock it! na laid down and described in the map of the town of Orovllle, Butte county, together with all the Improvements and ap purtenance* thereunto belonging. t*ale to lake place at the Court House door In the town of OrovtUe, county ami stale aforesaid. R.L. PATTON, •orUM Constable Ophir Township* MMlli'l! in. LEGAL NOTICES. CONSTABLE’S SALE »VVIi;H Rof the I.! w mi! et a i.turns "111 out of John .lei* * our*. J«-lice o' I'o P*"p p in Mini lor Mull i .limy I alllornla In ini* dirt *l. cummini'lnur no n « ake I* <• «*»!»»•»* ir»^t-> '• •: . .ip p\ in' i nln f:n or oi 1 i"M*iiiiih- ' 1 i- 1 * ' *• Mnnlii v, t..r'ln mho of Abi live il" lar- *!• (*'. ■ I •ix dollar* «ml fnny coni* •*•<• of »-o iri; ■! ■'*(!■ ii.iii in favor ol 1 lin" v<"i 'i'll ■ ; i■* Mr mill y, for ilm min i.f II I' i Ikl'l i''ii I .i-' ■ * I ■! i six do! in I'm mill |. ii i \ r. ni - i* -Ni >1 fp or I; olio ex*vu : mil iI n ini i\" 1 11 1 p M** him! iigaiii't J llridli v for the sum of fit', tup* 1 1 **l’ .i r m mill sersiny ll i* i i| .lit mi I -lv dol'at ■ idnl for')' eents c*i* < .d rein: nn • oven-i pi ii i n ..r .*f HanT Hirberv :(||,i ;,;;|l|Pl .1 is I;. •1 ■ I;. •\r. r ill ■ Mini* •■(••I Id* I llol* I,'ll'* il Id mill idXd liars mid lull) fi olscos* nl i .n ;; one execution in f'lVnr of .luliii I rian and . n..~i Jus. liriullci fur ilit* sum *>f eicht dollars mnl tiny cents ilobl mill six dollars and forty reals ••*)i*l.*< of court; olio execution in liivnr of John Kiley mnl airtnnst Jus. Ilradley l**r tin* sum of forty nine dollars debt nn-1 six dollar* mi*l forty cent* cn«nt of conn; nun execu tion in favor of Clio*. Jones for tin* stmt oi forty six dollar■* oid (ifiy live cents delit unit six dollars and forty cents* costs of court. One execution In favor of Dsn’l lVti*r**oti for tho sum of forty two dollar?* nnd fourteen cents delit mid six dollars nnd forty cents costs m court, l*u;stlicr with the costs accruin'.; on slid w rits. I have levied upon and will expose to public sale to ill*- hntliest bidder for ciisli on I’ip's lay *he I day of l> ■ ■ *mtmr A. It. 1 Hid, at Id o'clock >{ , the followinif described property, to wit: 1 ,t*i* No. 1, 2. and 4 in block No. 21; hits >o. I and 2 in block No. 211, and lot* No. 2,uii*l b in block No 21, as lai 1 down nnd described in the map of the town of Oroville. Unite county, totfether with nil the iin|>rov»*ineiits and appurtenances I In-re* unto lieloiurmif. Mile to take place nl the I onrt House in the town of Oroville, coitrilv and stun* aforesaid. K. I. PATTON, nov. 12-tt Coii-tabl * Ophir Tow nshlp. INSOLVENCY NOTICE STATU OK I’ A I.ll't >UN \I, J >s s C 'oI’NTV OK ItfTTK. V ' ' * COUIsTY COURT—AT CHAMBERS. Oitoviia K, nclolier 21. 11-50. ■TV Till'. MATTER <>K IIGRAi U KI.A MMdiS H. nn Insolvi'nt Debtor In pursuance of an i.rdor, made on the dlst ilnjr of OCiober, Is.'ifi hi Ihet’oiinly I’otirt of said ■•oumy, by tin* Judge thereof, tin; lion J R. N. I l it l>, Notna* is ben by ji eii, to tin* creditors of the said insolvent debtor Horace lictnold;. to lie mid appear before tin Judge of the Count) foil t In mid for said county, the Hon. I. K. N. I.*wls, nl the fonrl bouse, at Oroville, in said county, on Monday . I In* d’llh d *y of November, A. I*. I - ■*...,: dU o’clock, t. M„ he same being Hie H d day of (he November lenn of said Co art, then and Here to show cause, it ny, why the t rayer of said Insolvent dcbbi* should not he granted. m il an assignment nl Ins ec ite be intnle ami he he discharg'd from his debts and liabilities us nit insolvent debtor. \\ iiness my hand and the -et 1 of said Court -s--- affixed, this the d’lsl day *1 October, A. 1) I . . )Icad f CHAPIN, County Clerk, l!y M II IliKiui’ii, Deputy. Oroville. October 21, l' , ai. 021 td SIIEUiFFS SALE By virtue of a I lee re ltd Order (-sited out of the Hist riel (.'onrt. sixth .lildicinl I isiriet. in and lor Pscramento county and Stale el California, tested the 14lli day of November, A. H. I'ii'k to me directed and delivered, commanding me to make Hie sum of twenty live thousand and si.xly six mnl eik’hly llirce one hundredtn dollars and inlerest on lifteeii tlniii smid dollars at the rub* ol three ( er cent per mon'.li from tho Hlh duy of Noveniin-r Isbit. and ten per ci tit per annum on ten thousund and sixty (hr ;ml eiifhly three dim hundredth dollars from ll.e 14tn day ol November A. H. Isao, and Hie sum of Ally seven dollars costs ol suit, mnl the accruiiuf i*o«ls •*1 said Order, wherein Krancis VV. Kralt and John M< NnHy are plmiitilfs. and James 1.. Ilnrlis nml John In- r defendants on! ofeiuhl hundred and thirty live head of Cuttle. Therefor.*.l:i | nrsminrii of said order I shall sell Hie said eight hundred and (hirly head of < aide at public sale. <ui the'Ji.lh day ot rr at the Ranch kuomt as Poller's Ranch, near the Rniieh ol John Itidwell in fhieo township, Huiio i" uty,td lltu highest bidder for cash. P KRK.Kit, Sheriff Hutto ' oumy. Ilutte Cosnty, Nov. IP, 18.16. tn’Jb DISSOLUTION rjnni; Co-Partnomhlp heretofore existing betwc u H A. Chiuchet and l.oni* llollold, under the name and styln of > Touclmt N llulliod in iliu business ol hotel 'keeping, is li t- day dissolved by mutual mil *<•l,l. All person* ind'-d»U*d to llie concern are hereby requested to rail and settled tlndr I,ill* will, A. t lon clirl al ihn Holcl dn France,and persons liavinif ac count* ai;alnot Urn former tlnn an- requested to j,n- them to him (A. Ulouchetl for settlement within ten day*. A. CJI.oIHHET, ; L. lIULMOIJ. Oroville, Not. lOih IflM. nl2 FERRY NOTICE wroTICE i* hereby given that the undersigned lal will apply to the Hoard of Kbipervisors in and lor Unite County, at the February term thereof in I*C,7. fora License to run a Kerry and Bridge aero** the Middle Fork of Feather River, n few roda above the junction of the North Fork of said river. ,* VI. VENTER I*. SAVAi.K Oroville. Nov. 10, 1H56. »!<>—tf NOTICE IVI OTICK is hereby given, that »the undersigned i\ w ill apply to the Hoard of Fnp< rvi.*or*, in and fur Butte County, at it* February fern), A. U. IK.',?, ora* seen tbereafler a* application can In-heard, for a Bridge and Ferry I.a en»e across Hunt I, Feather liner, al or near it*junction with the North Fork ol Feather Uiver.ln Bidwell township, in an id ccuuty, Hy order of .he Bidwell Bridge Coinpany. Nov. 10, tb-i i. (; p 0 \y. HESS, Preaidenl. Oito. \V. Ils:*tt, I K. T. N** Nordbm, 1 J. A. ,Mi kb*y, ( Trustees, •loan'll liLltKKAfr, I Jos. EN. Ekvvi*. J U. T. VAN NORDKN, Hec’y- nil—ld COL'NTV TREASURER’.* OFFICE,/ Blow kll, July 1* h. Ih.Ml. > mjnTICK is hereby jivne, that all persona holding Untie County* payable from the geie al fund, registered tret ween February Rill), lead, and day 7lh 1 sod, that the same will t,e redeemed >n nteseocation. at my office. And notice is further riven, that froffi and after this dale, aaid warrants Till tease to bear inleresl. VVII.MAM EATTIMORE. Treasurer of Hutto County, FRODATE NOTICE \M, person* holding claims against the estate of James P. Hugh' *, deceased, lute of Butte, Cuun y, are hereby notified to present them with projier catchers to the undersigned withiu ten mouth* from hi* dale, or they w ill be lorever barred. K. HOBART, public AUt»lni»'.r«le*r Butte Co. Bidwell, Oct. 24, Irtd/ -M-’ NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION /■THE COPARTNERSHIP bbeeloforeexisting be tween Uie undersigned, was dissolved by mu ,ix ,l ooutteut on tbe Fllh of Beplember, IP5®. The pttrUiMahip business wUI be Milled In B. B. Bhven ti Co.ttlCbttrley’t B. B. BLEVni, D. F. BCKiIRB. Ckw le}’* Hutch, &epl- 12,166 C 819-1 M