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(Drouillt Duiin 3kttt Hctati. Old! H. C KOI KTTKf Editor. Orotille, Thursday, November 27, Topics of tlie Dav. The Facts developed by the late canvass, arc intensely interesting to those who will take the trouble to investigate the result, and the Leg islature, before choosing two United States Senators, should investigate the causes which have brought about a somewhat singular, but nevertheless overwhelming triumph for the De mocracy. Those members of the Legislature who will take the trouble to do so, will not remain long in doubt as to whom among the prominent candidates, they should select to rep resent California in the Senate of the United States. In the opening of the campaign, at the Democratic State Convention in Sacramento, it was a conceded and notorious fact that, a portion of the party connected with the S, Francisco Custom House, were all powerful. They set up, or knocked down whom soever they pleaded. They nomina ted their candidates for Congress, and for every other position they chose, until surfeited with the spoils, they threw off on their candidate for Clerkship, and permitted the numer ous friends of Mr. Fairfax to nomi nate him to that position. There was a large party in that convention who desired to see different men nom inated. They hail been beaten in a v convention which they attended in good faith, and, in accordance with Democratic usage, with a determina tion to abide the result. They went home, and engaged in the canvass with true democratic spirit, and ev erywhere the State ticket triumphed. The minority party in the State Con vention thus proved themselves dem ocrats true as steel. They were not fighting for spoils —hut for the Eter nal principles of Democracy and Re publican government. Here, then, we see the Dcmocra y thoroughly united and triumphant with a ticket put forth by the influence of the Cus tom House. There was no bolting at the polls among those who had op posed them in Convention. What are the facts exhibited by the record on the other side ? Take San Francisco for example, where the Custom House State Ticket was suc cessful by a largo majority. The Democracy of San Francisco had nominated a ticket inimical to the aspirations of the Custom House, and it was defeated. VV ho defeated it I and who were the traitors I Does not tm* result point unmistakably to its souice, and designate the traitors who are now fattenning upon the >poil- of a former democratic tri umph { They preferred Black He publh anisui, chivalric as they are, to the til uuphof Democrats whom they did rmi own. The chivalry of Vuha prodi d a similar result in that count . There was no bolting the ehivu. v Mato ticket, but wherever the t Ivalry could defeat a county ticket 'iiey did not own, they have done . They would have defeated the t .ic ticket, had they been able, if the; ad not controlled the State Convi ..urn. These chivalric trait ors, wi,.i nave defeated every Legis lative .nty ticket opposed to them that t ioy possibly could, are now per amhu <hng the State in order to in duce iat Legislature to elect their leader.' to the Senate. The result of the canva&s proves them to be Dem ocrats only for the sake of the spoils, and we trust the legislature elect will give them just the quantum of consid eration their treachery demands. It is no pleasure to us to speak thus of any who profess to bo Demo crats, but when their “rule or ruin'’ policy is so plainly visible, it is the duty of a Democratic Legislature to administer a rebuke to their treach ery to Democratic principles and customs which they will not easily forget. The Valle y portion of Hutto and the agricultural counties of Colusa Tehama, have been rendered by the recent rains in admirable condition to receive the plow of the husbandman. The agricultural lands in these three counties, are of great extent, and ca pable of sustaining a dense popula tion. Favorably situated to a min ing market, we doubt not the lands art* destined to become populated with a numerous and thrifty produ cing class, and wifi contribute lai •go ly to the agricultural wealth of the •/ o state. They are nearly surrounded •» • by extensive mining fields, timbered lands, coal-beds, lime and marble quarries, and almost unlimited water privileges. In this immediate vicin ity, all these interests are somewhat further advanced, than that of agri culture, because they have held out the promise of more immediate gain. A few years more will witness the %/ valley lands of these counties filled with the homes of thrifty farmers, and all the paraphanalia of pro ductive industry. Then the sub joined beautiful extract from Thomp son’s Seasons will be as applicable to us as to the Briton : ** Venerate the plow ; And o’er your hill* m.d long w ithdrawing vales, Lei Autumn spread his treasures to Ihe Sun, Luxuriant and unbounded , ns the Sea, Far through his azure turbulent domain. Your empire owns, and from a thousand shores, Walts all the pomp of life into your ports. So, with superior Swm may your rich soil Exuberant nature’s butter blessing’s pour O’er every land, the naked nations clothe, And be the exhaustless granary of a world!” The “Shades.” —Charley Legate (for merly of the Haun House, Marysville,) has just opened an eating house on Montgomery street, a few doors below the United States Motel, which he has christened by the above name. He keeps all sorts of oysters, those in the shell and those from the mountains, and liver, and mutton chops, and veal cut lets with round bones in them,and slaughter house steaks, and cold slnw and pancakes, and Welch rabbits, and everything else in the eatable line that is good, antlis prepared to serve them up at aM homes- o£ the day and night, in ns choice a stylo as anybody in the Mate or out of it. Midnight I Prowuer» — Our friend Joe Buckmaa informs us that he was awakened on Monday night. by the stealthy maneuver ings of some evil disposed person, who was prowling about the house wherein he was lodging. Mr. Bucknmn went to the door just in time to see the rascal leaving the premises and hanged away at him with a pistol, but was unsuccessful in making the enemy heave to. Joe also states that he was assailed with a brick bat from the hands of some person who was secreted be hind the shrubbery near the foot of Pine street, on Tursday night. These outrages arc growing more and more frequent every day. Stage Streck.. A printer by the name of Hugh F. McDermott, imagining himself as *• wasting his sweetness” over the stick and rule, baa recently made his ilcbut in one of the San Francisco theatres as Rich ard the Third. His personation of the hump backed tyrant not suiting the “ hoys,” he was greeted with a supply of “ garden sass” and other luxuries usually presented to uu «nccesslul debutantes. Better go back to your legitimate profession. Mister Mack. Race. We understand that a race has been made between Mr. Humphrey's horse •• Blue Dick,” and Mr. Maynard’s bay iwrse, which is to be run sometime this week. Dis tance, 400 yards, amount bet gOOO. Whale Fishery at Monterey —The Portuguese whalers at this place, says the Pacific Sentinel, hate had a pretty fair sea son this year. Since March last, they have taken eighteen humpbacks, which hare made over five hundred barrels of oil. or thirty gallons each—or about lu.CKMt gallons of merchantable oil, worth in the San Fran cisco market an average of seveuty-five cents a gallon. At this valuation, tiieir year’s labor amounts to $ll!,00t>; and as they have a crew of fifteen men, after pay ing all expenses, they divide, ns we are in formed, profit of §*‘»oo to each hand. As all their fixtures arc only cheap and temporary, and their capital small, we consider the Por tuguese hoys have made a fair year’s work, and have well deserved their hard-earned , money. We hope sac of these days they will be rich enough to buy a schooner, and then to launch out on the Pacific deep into brigs ami barks, and some day or other, fit up out-and-out whalers, and go up into the Arctic seas and run out the down-east craft. Found. —Mr. Obed Sawtell who drives the opposition stage to Marysville, brought into our office last night a door of an iron safe, which he found some ten days since on the Marysville road about half a mile below Lynchburg. This is rather a curious thing to lose especially when attached to the safe, as this seems to have been, both the bolts of the locks being turned out. We have im agined all sorts of things as connected with the finding of this mysterious door, and to settle our awakened suspicions, and satisfy our curiosity, wc wish the owner of it would call and tell us all about it, and take it away if he wants it, for we don’t, unless he'll give us the safe. Down on Hogs. —The Mariposa Gazette is particularly down on animals of the por cino species. Hear it:—"That black hog, long, slim and wiry, of the masculine gen der, first person, singular number —partic- ularly of the possessive case, and governs circumstances, according to the rule in this burg—-that hogs have a right to steal, in vade chickens, and arc entitled to perqui sites whenever and whenever they can make a grab. The aforesaid porker was laudably engaged in tipping over our cooking stove, when wc took him slightly in the head with a pistol ball, from the effect of which we hoped to be able to record his decease; but lo! after an absence of a week he has re turned, S' eking whom he may devour. He looks somewhat rusty and attenuated, but wo knew him, d—n him.” Serious Loss.—The Sierra Democrat says that Mr. I’ctcr Lohtnan, who carries the express and treasure for Langton & Co., lost his holsters from his saddle between Forest City and Galloway’s Ranch, on Tuesday morning last. There was gold coin to the amount of $2,000 in the holsters. Although Mr. Lohtnan returned as soon as he discov ered his loss, and made dilgent search for the treasure along the road, it has been al together without success. Some person un doubtedly found the money while traveling behind the express rider. road between here and Marys ville, by way of the river, is obstructed in several places by brush fenzes and other im pediments. We believe that it is a public highway, and as such should be cleared of these obstacles. It is by for the best road for winter travel, being through a sandy portion of country, while the road by way of Lynchburg is through the heavy mud and clay of the red lands. No News —We made a search yesterday through the columns of the Marysville In quirer for news items, but in vain, the only article that referred to city matters being a statement that two uninteresting cases had come before the Recorder on Monday. Rusi i>ess must be dull in Marysville, especially ia the whiskey line. Favors. —Every noon and night the rum bling stages foretell the approach of our attentive friends the newsmen, with bun dles of papers from everywhere in the State Watson, Hedges & Hannon, Garnham, Mc- Williams & Tymeson Major Graham and Obed Sauted, arc all entitled to our thanks and prayers for their prosperity and happi ness, as a partial reward for their generosity and kindness. j lf&O* The Sacramento Time» has been changed from a morning to an evening pa per. It will continue to be published until the arrival of the next steamer which will bring the election news, about which time it will become a tceakly journal, if published at all. Swow —The roads are rendered almost impassible between Marysville and Downie ville from the great quantity of snow that has fallen. Winter »s set In early this year. The Sierra CitiZ»:n —In finishing up his salutatory address to the readers of the Citizen, Mr. E. II Campbell who Ims just a— sinned the editorial chair of that valuable weekly, says.—“ In relation to my inter course with my brethren of the I’rcss, I trust that during a long experience, in an ancient and honorable profess on, I have never violated its amenities and courtesies, and it is fair to presume that I will not. at this late day, break through a long estab lished principle. Vet, w bile I shall endeav or to avoid all personalities, I shall shirk no responsibility—shrink from no duty. “ Planting myself, then, editorially, upon the foregoing platform —casting my lot with yon * for weal or for wo'—l trust, good read er, that our intercourse in the future may be pleasant and profitable to both.’’ That cld mountaineer and pioneer of Butte county, Jim Jones, called on us yes terday and reports himself in the enjoy ment of first rate health ami good diggings. They dont make any better fellows than Jim, and we wish he had a million. May be lie wouldn't give his money a chance. More Pkdestkiamsm —Wc learn that a match will be made this week between James Kennovcn, the great American pe destrian, and a famous pedestrian from England named Trainor, for SSOO. The stipulations will he that the parties are to walk together, and the first one to stop will pay the wager to the other. If Trainor wins lie will receive, in addition to SSOO, the nmg nificient champion’s belt recently presented to Kennoven in Marysville The match, of which due notice will be given, will come off this week. —S, F. Sun. Vessels in Custody of Marshal McDuffie. —The following vessels are now iu the custody of the U. S. Marshal r Steamship Cortex. Steamship Pacific. Steamship Unde Sam. Steamship Brother Jonathan. All at Marc Island, and 300 tons of coal at Market street wharf. Bark Alberto or Caroline, off North Point Dock. Schooner Ann Delgardno, at Long Wharf. State Journal. Interesting to Politicians. —It has recently been decided by the Supreme Court in Connecticut, and also by the Supreme Court in South Carolina, that the losing party in a wager may recover from the stakeholder the money he had deposited with him, though the latter, after the determina tion of the wager, had, by the order of the depositor,paid over the money to the winner Resigned, —The acting editor of the Shasta Courier leaves the editorial chair, and Gen. Doeh, who has returned from “the States” with a young, handsome, ami intel ligent wife, resumes his place. The asso ciate editor expresses his joy at being re leased from editorial duties. Mu. Peabody and the Arctic Expe dition —The Advertiser states that George Peabody, the London banker, with his char acteristic liberality and large hearteduess, made a voluntary offsr of ton thousand dol lars to assist in fitting out the late Arctic Expedition, under Dr. Kane, in scare.* of Sir John Franklin y.JBr Oh Saturday, says the Chronicle, the water in the bay was in a state of unu sual commotion, the waves were high and the vessels rolled heavily at their moorings. No accidents occurred, although some of the larger ships slightly dragged their anchors. (Advertisemt.] Tn the Citizens ok Oroville anp vi cinity.- Gentlemen —Your roads are in a very bad condition, and unless repaited without delay,will soon, if the present rainy weather continues, (which we have reason now to c\p?ct> be almost impassible. The evils arising lrom a had condition of our roads, arc too apparent to all classes of com munity to render a rehearsal of them neces sary, and as roads cannot be repaired with out means, to work with, and as there is no funds on hand at this time for that purpose, the undersigned hopes that all partys who have not paid their road tax for the present year will do so promptly, without having to be called upon the second time; by so doing the time necessarily spent by the Overseer in collecting,wilt he shortened, and a conse quent saving effected in the road fund. Yours Respectfully, JOHN fi. BERRY. Overseer lor Road District No. 1. Not. 20.1850. Provost the actress, is playing in Sacramento to crowded houses. Wonder if she will visit Oroville. iZiS'-TUc town of Bcstville near .Shasta cast all her votes, TOJ in number, for Bu chanan. Poor pasturage that, for wooly horses and Ki-Yi brutes. New Novels. —Garnham of the Literary Depot has just received per Isthmus, a lot of new novels. Robbery. —We understand that ths safe of the Orleans Hotel was robbed of a thou sand dollars on Tuesday morning. No due to the robbers. A Temperance Lecture was delivered last night by Mr. Win. Taylor at the Ikea tre. It was slimly attended. ! SPECIAL NOTICKS. MOTIt'K. Then* will he a meeting of th«» ‘•Omvlll* I.ilfbt (Juar.t" ;.l llit-i rl. mi- Hotel, .mi Mon* *SSm,\iy fv.ning. I vc. ll>' - ’Mb, all, at < <> ch*rk, for the organization of said Company, circling offi, cts ami mmcommtsdonrtl officers. nml U.nniog Itvl.uw-. &c„ for ili<- same. I ? order of n27—RT M. A. 'l' I.AI t.'llI.IX, Inspector. XOTKK. To the Flockholders in Ihe I rcnchtmvn Canal Mi ning Company Is hereby given, lli-1 an mt >1 i • lotto I a*sessincn. of ten |«t cent. an flit; capitnl atm k .s called in, tnnl pa}itlil* 1 nit nr In Ton' the '.rah n( He- Jenifer next. ANAN FAP.CO, Herniary. FreiietUown, Nrvi mliir ‘.Tib, IH.i(i. if-M-lm Hi il« ! Ue«N t I’i'ol i Reds for everybody, at -t> l" t rent. If** lli'ii Marysville price*. f'-r 40 days only, to limin' room for an i ntini now slock [n r Him steamer in t irn> illo at C. S' Kill I K’S 8 furniture Warn Rooms. Monigoinery street. 2H.000 lbs. POOI. A In Bale-. for sde vory low to the trade, nl f SCKIBLR’S I'lvnitnro Ware Rooms, Montgomery at.,three doon below Myers at. jfST RECEIVED—a largo assort mini of I’u mi ll ire. Aim, an invoice of large C .it I nones, lor sale low at O.HCRIUKR’i* Furniture Warp Rooms, Monlgtilery »L. Hired doors below Myers st. n'.’li AUnilitm Miners .V I'amllics! I>. TOV .V; OTT I.USi iN again request the especial allei tlon of all who widi to lay in ilieir «inter Sli* k of CLJTIHNC, LLANKETF. HOOTS ami Woolen Hoods, to the magnificent iissorlmeiit ol good* re moved by diem during Hie past leu days. They aro now opening and offer iwrsale 200 tine and hervy Heaver and Petersham Overcoats, frocks and Sacks; ](H) heavy I’ilot Cloth Coals, latest style*; at) superb "Raglan” Coals, superior to any Tallinn); 5 bales. 30 pr in each, heavy gray blankets; i bales, 100 pr In each fine ht av y blue blankets ; 1 bale. Hid pr extra "french Super Super ” white Ithmkcls; 30 doz. assorted Cassimere and Salt. Pants, Into styles, besiilesu magnificent assortment of furnishing Cood*. Montgomery st., Opposite Ft. Nicholas. Into II untoon’s. n7lf -*#► IJTDK. A. HALL, offers his professional ser vices to the citizens of oroville and vicinity, having; had much and long experience in the treatment of llio various diseases incident to this climate, ho hopes to give satisfaction special attention given to diseases of a private na> tore. Ithcnmulisin, &c., which lie cun cure without the use of mercury. OrrieK, front room, No. 17, United Ftalos Hotel, up stairs-—Oroville. ocl-tf NK W A 1 > V BUT I SI.'I KNTS. OPENING BALL ! TIIK PLEASURE OF VOUK COMPANY l* respectfully solicited at an Oponill", 33/ttll, lohegiveii ihe WESTERN MOTEL. Thompson’s flat, n TAURSDAY KVENINO. Dccembee 4tl», jjiUt. by THOM AS .V PERDUE. C if The best Music in the country Is engaged. November 241 h, IFSfi Turkish Tobacco. A LARCH UUANTITV Of TURKISH TOIIAO y«L Co, warranted GENUINE, just received by CURLY, old Rank Exchange corner. ALSO —A lot of HEN LINE .MEERSCHAUM PIPES. BUY YOUR T~> x* y Or oocl » an cl CLOTHINGS-! AT American Theatre, Montgomery st.,Oroville. GIMBKSTON’S GRANT, Coiupritiing 4H,H£S Acres, SITUATE IS BUTTE AXD SUTTER CUA'TJES, IPOnS A L E 1 10 0 FA II MS, Of ICO, 32 0, G 4 0 Acres cadi, IN TOWNSHIPS XVI, XVII, fc XVIII N. R. 1 \V. t fronting eighteen miles en Ihe SACRAMENTO RIVER. and running track Four Mile*. Said hinds will he sold by Sections or Umirter Fec lions, to suit purchasers. Title ('untilined. A nwp o( the Ora at. wi<h its snlMlivitions, can be seen at the office of R. DUPIIE, Esq.. Heal Estate- Agent, Marysville Terms irnide known on application, n-.’l—lm 11. CAMBUBTON. PROBATE NOTICE Btwin of California, /, County of Unite. \ Probate Court. NO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN.—Where— . as. a petition having been fil' d in the Probate urt in and fur Katie county, on the 6;h day of No nOer. A. D. ISSA, praying that the will of Henju ii Johnson deceased, be admitted to probate, and l John Luniz. named hi said petition as executor, continued ;is such. It is therefor** ordered.that all sons interested therein, be and appenr before the ■■(•ruble probate Court, in ami for said county, on uday the itb 'lay «f December, IH.vt, , lt jqo’clock .V, to show cause if nny, why said will should be admitted to Probate and the send John LanU T>e appointed executor, ly order of Court. Witness mv hand ami seal of said Probate , <>mrt, affixed thi* the 2Ut day ol Haveiaber A. D. Hw«, at Oroville. MILEB CHAPIN. Probate Clerk, ly 11. 11. D*«iu«h, Deputy. n27-2taw?w.