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OROVILLE DAILY BUTTE RECORD. VOLUME I (Drouillc Jliiiln 3kttt Iverorit. PUHUKHED OAlLtf (sIIMIAYIt kxckptkd) - »lde,lielween Montgomery Hint lllrd, Uroville. Tv***—One Year l*er Mail 815 00 Hlx month*. <l<> oimi Three month* do 5 '*o Delivered b) t’arrler, per Week 50 WEEKLY mJTTK RECORD. — Firr clrenlation in the mining and agricultural dls trlets of the county, will contain tha local anil general new* of the weak, i.Her<|»er*ed With intaraatlmf ml*- cellaneou* n'wlint matter. It will contain twenty ■iiihi column* of reading matter, mid w ill lie mm of the large*) and rhmi|M'*t Weekly Xi'>»«|in(wr* In the s*iate. I’nliloScit every Saturday. Ti ruvv—B-T per Annmn ; *l* Month*, it; three month*.Bl. AnvKßTi«t.nt*T*. per stpiare •>( ten lines or le**, drnt litaerliew, • ... S.IOO K'ir'i »ulVMM|irr.tit Insertion,- - * 150 r \ littoral deduction will hematic infavorof those who advertise hy the year llnalneaa curds inserted mi reasonable terms. Agriits tor Uie Unite llccordt TIKNIIY KV.KKF.II • Hiilwoll. TlloM \-» Ui IVOR 07 Merchant st, Pan hriinriaco. A 1,. Slltll, I) street, Marysville. N It I*l.l'M PorhesUovn. aviii'tk & nitttkr'. . '. Oregon my. J K. ,Ml'K<os • n,, r t ?.T' l .' j.KVI SMITH Thompson* Plat 111! ItUdTHKRTOV Itrolherloii’* More. ,t \ MKS TMt lOtJIITOS Wvnndolte. ,1. simnvtv Nelson t’rei-k. I‘l't"'"*,,'" •IIMiKISS tc OATH American Vn H y M I’KNi'P. Mesllln Valley. The •MteconV" can he procnroil from any of I lie iihove nniireil Agent*, who are also iiulhorited to re reive ailvertiseinent* nml order* for .loh Work M’VILLE A DVERTISEMENTS. WALKER, WILSON & Co. DEALERS IN STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Clothing, Boots, Ladies’ and CHILDREN'S SHOES, HOSIERY, &C„ West side l». sf near 2nd st Marysville. '■bt| |,|. KKKI* CONSTANTLY ON lIA NO, u full ▼ T assortment of fiotsls in I heir line, mut would ■respectfully solicit n share of politic patronage I’urlictilnr iiiieniion paid loonier* troiu the country. Tin'MAS B. WALKER, TAMES C. WILSON, JOHN R. M ASON. fob 2-I‘Ml NE W CIO All AN 1) TOBACCO STORE. West wide It street, opposite Uio the Maun Mouse MARYSVILLE , CAL. Wm. SlmrU-cy c to Go. RK'SPTOTFTI.LY ANNOUNCE TD TIIK Pi'll- M<; mid THE TRADE, that they have con .sumily <m\ haad, and for sale, at the lowest market prices, at WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, A large and carefully aelocted stock of Cigar*, «f flic Choice*!, lira ml*, A* wen a* these of a cheaper ouulily ; also KVEKT DEsMRADIE ItU.VN It *IF TOBACCO, and in short, wlmievT may be found in any similar establishment in •California. _ ... , , A I.HNC EXPERIENCE in the business, we feel -assured will, when connected with s I ''J* l . l ! uat' WARM ME A LINO, enable us to give EN filth SAI ISPACTiON to those who may favor us with their pal r* TRADERS supplied 15 per coni, less than at any other house in the State, Mayrysville July 10. BIDWELL ADVERTISEMENTS BIDWELL BOOKSTORE. .FIAME undersigned would respectfully inform the B citizens of Itidweil und vicinity, that lie has -opened a BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. iind will kn-fl constantly on band an nssor.inent ol Hooks, Stationery and fancy Articles, of the linest ml best quality, and will lie in the receipt or the LATEST PUBLICATIONS. .is soon as issued . Bibles, School Books, Spiritual . Masonic arid Religious Works, Blank Books, 3(i» setts or single) Jhovels, Envelopes, Paper of all kinds FOR TE-M'(KVA IE S, GOLD PEA'S, JJ\ L ROGERS Sf WO ST E.\ HOLM'S FINEST CUTLERY. Whkfc will be sold at tlie lowest rates. Latest At lantic PaiKTs received hy every steamer, for sale H KEEPER. Next door to National Motel. THE GREATEST DISCOVERY OF THE Great Blessing to Mankind! —Innocent but Po tent!—Dr. L. J. Caapkay’s Prophylucilcuni, (Self- Dis infecting A cent,) a sure prevenialive against goner rhieal and syphilitic diseases, and an unsurpassed rem edy lor all’the venerial, scrofulous, gangrenons and cancerous ulcers, ftetid discharges from the vagina, uterus amt urethra, and all cutaneous erupt ion* and diseases. As innoculntioii is a prevenialive against small |mix, so is Dr. L J. Caankays Prophilaciicum a preventative against syphiltlicul and gonorrheal diseases. Harmless in Itself, it possesses the power of chemically destroying the sypnilitic virus, and thereby saving thousands from being infected w ith the most loathsome of all diseases Let no young man who apkreciates health be without Dr. Csap kav’s Prophtluciirunt. It is in very cunvenfenl paefc ages, and will t>e found convenient to use, being used as a soap. Price $5. For sale at Dr L. J. Cxapkay’s office. At tuury Mall, comer of Sacramento and Montgomery streets, San Francisco. All orders must he addressed to L. J. Czapkay, M. D„ San Francisco, California. nl4 Office Feather River and Opblr Water Co. ( Oroville, Nov. 3d, ISM. S A dividknd at the office baa Utla day been declared, payable of the Co J^Ji umDOC|l) OROVILLE, BUTTE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, FRU> AY, NOVEMBER 28, 1836. BUSINESS GAUDS. chs*l«s r. Lott* w* t. sicitos LOTT & SEXTON. ATTORN K Y S A T L AW, OROVU.LK , HUTTF. VOVITTY. Orrirn—No I*s U. H. Block. Montgomery street. CHARLES F. LOTT, Notary Public. JyU-tl r- it. Harris, .i*snt» m. a”«T. HARRIS *t BURT..* Attornoyo at Uaw, OIMVILI.LE, BUTTE COUNTY. CAL OrncK—Myers street, west side, above Montgomery. J. KUO VTI!,I A. SORMIS ROSENTHAL & SORNIN* Watchmakers & Jewelers, NO. 106, WASHINGTON ST., Hart r£*rancisco. Diamond ami SpeeimetiWork manufactured loonier. Watches and Jewelry carefully repeired in the U-sl manner. n 3 J, W. WINTKR, n. C. DtJRLIXOAHK WINTER & BURLINGAME. Office—ln McGralhN UuiMimc, I) s' reet, h(*lwcen Scrond an<l Tliltxl, <)j>- positr ih«* llmin lloiihcs MARYSVILLE. We also have opener, an office in the I’ F, llloek, Oroville, BuUo Co., where one of us rn:iy »t all times be lotind. J. Y. JONES, CONSTABLE AND COLLECTOR OK NO'IES ANn ACCOUNTS. Also—VVill sell Personal Properly on Commission. Orneie. with 4. T. Elliot), Ks<j., bird struct, Oroville. •Inly 14. 1F56, Jyii-tr J G LAWTON. Jr ATT’Y & COUNSELLOR AT LAW ANI. COMMISSIONER KOR M ASSAeIIUSKTTSX R. ISLAND. Office corner of Myers and Montgomery Streets, No. . United Stales Block, upstairs. MINARD H PARLEY- Attorney & Counsellor at Law, .notary Public, real kstatk auknt amp con vkyanckr.Oroville, Butte County, Cal. Will Practice in all the Courts or this State. THOMAS WELLS. ATTORNEY AT LAW, OROVILLE, BUTTE COUNTY. Special Hltenllon given to the searching of County Records, investigation of Titles, &c., and to the draw ing of I let sis and all instruments for record. Office in tlie Court House. 818-45 J. W SCOTT, COUNTY SURVEYOR FOR BUTTE COUNTY AND CIVIL ENGINEER. OROVILLE, BUTTE OOUNTV. CALIFORNIA. Persons desiring his services will please leave their orders at the office of Messrs. Harris Si Burt. 1411 ~ J. W. DUNN, RK A L E s TAT K , STO C K 11 1,11 ilill.lli IUVUUd Singe Office, Ft. Nicholas Hotel, ORO VILLE . in any part of tho cily or county prompt attended to. OCJ-tt J. D. BROWN, M. D. Graduate of New York University, New York Medl d Institute. Honorary Graitmite of Syracuse Medical nllege. offers his professional services to the llibabi iiils of Oroville and vicinity. Office, at llie Butte mg Slore. Montgomery street, one door from the truer of Downer street. July 14, 1856 jy’l4-11 , M. SMITH, CIIAKI.ES O. HI BBARD. SMITH & HUBBARD, Attorneys &, Counsellors at Law CHARLES O. HUBBARD— Notary Public. PKICK Bird street, north side, between Myers ami ilnntoon streets. 028 SIGNS, SIGNS! Plain, Gold and Ornamented, Executed in a superior style, at low rates. W. H. Haydon. a LSO—House Painting. Graining. Gilding, Pa- V per Hanging, tc. done well and Cheap. Shop Myers street, opposite United Stales Livery^Sla- E S COOPER- M D % XJ n. Or 33 o N * KFICE At the Eye, Ear, amt Orthopedic Inflr w marv. Mission street, between Second andThiid r “Russian Baths,'’ BAN FRANCISCO, ill Surgical Oiieralions FREE to patients present themselves nt the Clinics, tin Wednesdays and unlays, at 2* o’clock, P. M. Medical men of the i-and Pacific Coast, generally, an- respectfully m ld lo attend Ihe Infirmary on Clinical days, when rit .iiiiv be opportnne for ihenwtves IouCR-if NOTICE. hereby alien to nil persons holding lien# on the ■Jean* Llu*t Hou-L ’ • .... in ibe town of Oroville, e county, California lo present the sum* with iinn.l thereof, in the Justices Couit of J T. Kills p.. i„ a nd for Ophir Township, on Mono ay , 24.1856, at R> o’clock A M. , order LLMBEa COMPANY. Tom Wells. AM’y.^ ovillf, Nov lw, ® FOR SALE! E SUBSCRIBER offers for sale his Store and loods. or his Goods sJone.orhis lag and Flora, d on Montgomery street near the Orleans Hotel, ms and farther information, apply to 8. MARTIN, LEGAL NOTICES. STATE OF CALIFORNIA, f Count)' of Itiutv. \ pnjb*f Court. mjotv tins day, it appearing u> iryy satisfaction ns Judgeoflhe Probate Court. In Wirt ft,r Butte County, Uml Hie Honfil of Supervisors, ar»l lor said County. dWI, on the tw. nly fourth dyad A l> one thousand elirht huii«lrt*lai*lhny ’•ix. ni*cla r t* (iroville i» be fh<‘ County Seat 11 *"•' utter ibesuhl twenty-fourth rtuy trt Srpt' intM r A 1 IH.MI in pnrsmmce of »n Act entitled An Act to change ami fix the County Seal «* »*•*»«•• ap proved Marc'- imh, IKWt. him! it further appearing to ,„y satisfaction. that Hie present builiUntfs 111 which Hu. *aid Court has been held. ami in whlch the ibst on I* have been kept In the town of Bnlwell, are un safe a« a place of depository lor wii'l been s, and Unit the same is liable to destruction bv tire, by rea son of their IteinK constructed entirely o. wood. And it further appearing that, there is no building In i be town of Htrtwelijmitable for holding the terms of this court, and to safely keep its Records from lire or other calamity, ami it appearing that the tovs n of Oroville is a fit place lo hoht the terms ol this t ourt, aih! that a cumintKliou* anil «a ft* brick maimin'm said t .wn has been tendered to the county ns county !-"Therefore ordered, adjudged and decreed, that the Clerk of the Probate Court, in and for Unite furl with remove his olllce awl the Records thereof, lot iroville, in Ihe building selected hy the “aid Board ol Supervisor* us county buildings, and that he do and transact the business Of his si, si office at the town of I iroville, as tha County Heal of Hutto L *Anlf it is further ordered that the terms of said court, from and after the said twenty-fourth day of Kept amber. A 1) IrlaO, he hold at die said (own of Omville, until otherwise ordered. And it is further ordered that the Clerk otlhe Pro hale Court, in and for Hutte County. Issue in order, under seal of aald Court, In conformlly with this or- And that the same he published in the Dady Bute ftecord, a paper published in the town ol I Iroville, lor tin* space offorty days Iront llto date heraot. By or h r of Court. ... Attest the foregoing a true copy of the original or der now on (He in my court. Witness my hand and the seal of said I ro. [LSI bale Court affixed, this HieU-Uh JayofJsep lumUr, A I) i»t Bidwpß. MILKS CHAPIN, Probate Clerk, By Darsacii, Deputy. STATE OF CAM KORN I A, I Con nly of Butte. i County Court. this day it appearing to nay satisfaction as INI Judge of the County Court, in and for Hutio ('oiiii'v, that the Hoard ,f Supervisors in and for said County, did, on the tilth day ol September. A. D. one thousand eight hillldreil and tlfly.slX, deopire Orovillo lo he the Count] seat of Butte County from and after the said twenty-fourth day of September A. D. ISi'di, [ in imrsdiinco ofim act idiiilicil An Act to irliunifu mid (lx the County Sent of Hutte County, approved March loth, IS,ye; and it further appearing to mysatisfaction that the present buildings i i wldoh the said Court has been held.Jind in which the Records have been kept in the town of Bidwcll, are unsafe as a place ol de pository for said Records, and that the same is liable to destruction by tire, bv reason of their being con structed entire of wood. And it further appearing that there is no building in the town of Hidwell. suit able for holding the terms of this Court, and to safely keep its Records from lire or other snlamit y. and it appearing that the town of IIro”iltd is a fit place lo hold the terms of lids Court, and f»?itt aside and corn inodloiis brick building has been ten dered the comity «» county buildings. It is therefore ordered, adjudged and decreed, that the Clerk ef the County Court. In and for Rune County, forthwith remove his office and the Record* thereof, to < iroville. in the building selected by the said Hoard of Supervisors ns County Buildings, and i hat he do and t an“acl the business of bis said office, at the town of (iroville, ns the County Seal of Hutte County. And it is further ordered, that the terms ol said Court, from and alter the said twenty lourlh day of (September. A I) 186 ft, be held at the said town of (iroville until otherwise ordered. Ana it t* further orilerwl. that ton Uurt of the County Court in and for Hutte County, issue an order under the seal of said Court, in conformity with this And that the same be published in the Daily Hutte jeord, „ paper published in the town oi (iroville, r tin- space of forty days from the date hereof Uy order of Hit Court. ... Attest the foregoing a true copy of tho original or r now on file In my office. Witness rnv hand and Hie seal of said Court .. S.J affixed this the litih day ol September, A. D. 50, at Uidwell. ’ Ml I,«S CHAPIN, Clerk of County Court. Ily M. H. Darrxch. Deputy. STATK OF CALIFORNIA, t County of Uutle. $ Court of Sessions. ■»j(UV tins day it appearing to my satisfaction, as presiding Judae of the Court of Sessions. in and for Italic Comfy, that tlio Hoard of Supervisors in. and for said County, did. on the twenty fourth day 01 seuteiiiber, A II one thousand civftit hundred and liny six. declare Uroville to he the County Seal of Unite County Irorn ami ai'tor I lit* mill twenty fourth day of September, A U 1«3«. in pursuance of an Act entitled An' Act to change and tlx Hie County Sent of Uutle Couutv. approved Mu r ch 10th, Irtjlt, and it lurther appearing to mv satisfaction that the present build ings in which the said Court has been held, and in which Hie Uncords have been kept in IhelownoJ liidwell. ure unsafe as a place of depository tor said Records, and that the same Is liable to destruction by tire, by reason ul their being constructed entirely ol wood, Audit furlher appearing that there «no building in the town of Bldwell, suitable tor holding the terms of this Court, and to safely keep its Rec ords from Ure or other calamity, and it appearing that the lown of Oroville is u til place to hold the bring of this Court, mid that a commodious and sate brick imildug in said town has been tendered the County as county buildings. It Is therefore, ordered, adjudged and decreed, that the Clerk of the Court ot Sessions, in and for Unite County, fort with remove his office and the Heeonls thereot. toOroville, in the building selected by the said Board of Supervisors as County Umldings and that he Jo and transact the business of his said office at tlie town of Oroville, us the county beat ot Butte C Tilditis furlher ordered, thst the terms of said Couri, from and after the said twenty-fourth day of AI) 18M he held at the said town ol Oroville. until otherwise ordered. .... .. And it is further ordered, that the Clerk ot the said Court of Sessions, in and lor Unite County, issue an order under the seal ol said Court, in conformity And that the sains be published in the Daily D"Ur Record a t-aper published in the town ol Oroville, loMhe stL'ce'.U forty days from the dale hereof Bv order of Court. Attest the foregoing a tme copy ot the original or der now on tile in said court. ~ Witness my hand and the seal of said Court 1L SI of Sessions affixed, this the twenty fourth Clerk ol Court of Sessions. By M. H. Darrach, Deputy. wl4ot PROBATE NOTICE- 4 LI- persons holding claims sga'nsl the estate of Victor 1-andiere, deceased, late of Butte county, .re herebv notUted to present them with proper uucbers to the undersigned, w ilhln ten months from his date, or he forever barred. r hqbart< (Public Administrator Ball# County. LEGAL NOTICES. STATE OK CALIFORNIA, t Countv of Butte. V , _ NINTH JUDICIAL. niSTUH’T i 'Ot K r. VOW this day it appeuriiar to my ss« is taction, a« Xxl Judge of liio Ninth Judicial Ittat.ncl fonrl In .iml for HutW County* that tin- Board of Anperi isors tw.oid tor said County. Wid* on tin* t went?-fourth Way of September. A I' one thousand plain Atwulnttl ami Hfty-si*. declare ((no ill*' lo he tin* t unntjr seat of Unite County from ami nft*T the said twenty-fourth Way of September A. 1). than. in pnnn»>mce of n Aft •‘■■ An \ot to Change ami tlx tin. l ounttr Sent • t HuliU* t'otinij. apiuorod March intli is .ii, and It fnr liter appearing to mv (nifl*lTrtloii that tin* pcesenl iiilil. I i nuo in wb.oh the -ml 1 onrt It a* teen hell, ami ia whic h the Records have Ins n k. pt in the town of HiWwell* ur • mi-afe as a place of depository :• r - hi Records. ami that the same is liable l > Wo-r" Hon by llto. by reason ot their being constructed entirely of wins). Ami it further apjienrlng, that there i- no building in the town of Bhlwell. suitable ror hnMing the terms of this court, nml to safely keep its Records from lire or other calamity, ami it appearing that the town of t trovWle is a til place to hoM the terms of this Court, nml that a collimoWious ami sale hrieh build ing in said town has been tendered the cthwty as conlny buildings. It is therefore ordered, adjudged and decretal, that theClerv of the Ninth Judicial Hislriet Court in met for Hullo county forthwith remove his office and the Recordi thereof, to < Handle, in the building -elected »*y the said Hoard of Su|>«rv isor* as County Huil ling-, nml that he Wo and transact the business of his said olßeo, at the town of Oroville, as the County Peat ol Unite County. And it is further ordered, that the terms of said"'Court, from mid after the said twenly foiirfh day of September, A. It. 1(430. be held at the said town ol Oroville. until otherwise ordered. And it is farther ordered, that the Clerk of the Dis trict Court in and for Untie County, issue an order, under the seal of said Court, in conformity with this order. Ami that Hie same he published intne Daily Butte Flkoord, a paper published in the town ot oroville, for the space of forty days in»tn the dale hereof Civen under my hand, this -Till day ol September A. D. IS.Vi. W.M. P. DAINIJF.RFIKLI). District Judge, 82H-40t Ninth Judicial District, Cal. STATE OF CALIFORNIA, I Hoard of Supervisors, County of Rutte <j Nov Terra. IN the mutter of the declaration of certain streets in the Carlton Intel to !«• highways, and to alter the road to McConnell’s Ferry, It is hereby ordered that the present road miming from tint termination of Bird, Robinson and Montgomery streets in the town of Oroville hi Butcher Hunch in said county, lie. and i the same is hereby declared vacated as a public high j way. And it is further ordered that the said Bird. Montgomery and Robinson streets of said town ol [ Oroville. he extended as public highways across the j tract of land known as the Carlton Tract, and ad ! joining said town of Oroville. Said continuations o( Bird, Robins'll and Montgomery street, to be sixty six feet in width, nml extending in directions parallel whh each other, according to the plan or servey ol I said Cnrlt in Tract, made by M. 11. Farley. And it is I further ordered that the street marked Fourth Ave I nne. according to the plan ami servey of the said Carlton Tract be, and the same i- hereby declared to jbe a public highway—the said Avenue to be sixty six | feet in width, and extending across said tract of land, j And it is further ordered that so nittcl. of the First, ; Second. Third. Fifth Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Av | ennes, as lie between Robinson and Montgomery ! streets, according to the plan or survey of said M. M. i Farley of said Carlton Tract now otj tile in the office Jof the county R eorder of said county, be, and the same are hereby declared to be public highways, all of said highways to be sixty feet in width. And it I is further ordered that the road now laid out from the terminal ion of the said Robinson street, across | the Butcher Hunch, to its junction with the old road : be, and the same is hereby declared a public high way, said highway to be sixty six feet in width. Attest the foregoing a true copy. MILKS CIIAITN, Clerk of Hoard. By M. H. Darrach. Deputy. nlS—sd SHERIFF S SALE. f?)V VIRTUK OF AN EXECUTION issued out lili of the District Court. Twelfth ■ludieial District, in and for the county of Pirn Francisco, Plate of ( id ifornia, to mo directed and delivered, cmnmiinilnig me to make the sum of three hundred and ten twun ly two one-hundredth dollars principal, with interest thereon at the rate often per cent. |«r annum, trom date of judgment until paid, and costs of suit, niTMMi utility to tlio sum of llilrty-foiir I w* % nly-IS n b oiih hundredth dollars, together with the accruing costs of said suit; wherein M 1). hassevell is plaintiff and John (i Thompson and George Mar<|Ui« are the de fendants. 1 will, on the --hth day of November, A. 1) lek'iO, hot ween the hours ol two and three o clock P M .sell at public sale, to the highest bidder lor cash, all of the right, title and interest of said de fendants in and to one building situated on Mont gomery street, about 20 by 14 feet in size and one story high with a sloop in front. Also, all that part or parcel or lot of land upon which said house is silu ted described as follows to wit: fronting titty leel on Montgomery street and runnimg hark El 2 tret be tween the French hotel and Brewster’s house, ns lie ing part of hot number 111. and Block number 111, ns marked on lh« Town Pint of iheTowu o t Oroville, Butte couty, California, and partlv upon ground not ineludud in said Plat, the same being the house and lot now occupied by Brown and Peacock. as •» dwel ling house, scul« to take place at the Court houso door, in tlte Town ot Oroville, county mid rjUite aforesaid. P- 1 hi-I B, Sheriff October 31, A. I). 1556. Butte counfy. CONSTABLE S SALE BY VIRTU K of I tie following executions issued out of J. T. Klliolt’s court. Justice of the Peace in and for Ophir township, Butte county, state of California, to me directed, commanding me to make the following sums, to wit: . , One execution in favor of Marlin Shea and again*. Jas. Bradley for the sum of eighty dollars debt, and ten dollars and eighty live cents costs of court. One execution in favor of P. Birmingham and a Inst Jas. Bradley for the sum of forty seven d 01... ... and fifty cents debt and four dollars and sixty cents costs of court; .. „ ■ . ... One execution in favor of Daniel Carrol and against Jus. Bradlev tor the sum of thirty nine dollars and twenty five cents debt and lour dollars and sixty cents C< OmM-xecullon in favor af J. II allow ay and against Jus. Bradley for the sum of forty dollars and seventy five cents debt and four dollars and sixty cents costs *Sm execution in favor of Tho*. Waters and against Jas. Bradley for the sum of thirty 7‘' e, ‘ thirty teweu cents debt and lour dollar* umi »ixl> ...» o, J K»., .iron., tm. Bradley for the aum of forty four dollars debt and lour dollars and sixty cents costs ol court; One execution in lavor ol Jas. Birmingham and against Jus. Bradley for the sum of forty eight dollars and fifty cent* debt and four dollars and sixty cents court together with nil the coals seeming on said writs, I have levied upon and will expose to public sale to the hignesl balder for cash on 1 "esday Die 2d day of December, A. U. 18j6,at 120 clock M, the following described property, to wit: LoU No. 1, -. 8 „a 4ln block So. 21; oab No 1 * n, J £"» bu * clt ~ No! 2 X and 6lu block 22 as laid down and described in the map of the town of Oroville, Bull* comity together will, all the improvement* and ap- thereunto belonging. Pale to laae place at the Court House door In the town of Oroville, county and slate aforeaaM. »j toPATro jj f noT IJn •••stable Ophir Township. NUMliElt III*. LEGAL NOTICES. CONSTABLE S SALE ■»Y VI un K o' the lolt-.w mg executions b* out of John Jo*n*s'Court, Judicv ol the Peio-i -in nut for Hullo County. California lo me directed, con fit* vMmr tu*‘ to it nWu tho following tuiin** in wn: oiu oncntiini in 111 1 1 >r of i toldsmilh, mill against Jus, llrisUe*. for ihn Mint of llfiy five doll tr< ilolil. a ul iCihant mot lorlj cents curls of court; our I'M'i'ii. 'lion in furor of Chu* McCallum Mini uguinM i»« Bradley, for the sunn • f forty i Tghl dollars debt mi l nix dollar* mill foil) e. nii purm of court; mu* ex««eu* lion in favor is v\ illlnnx Moffat aid against -la-*. I tint lit-v for the sum of fi'H ouo dollars ami xt- truly Hvo iviita dc-bl ami i*lx dollars immS* forty cents «• i.-t i >f court: omrefU'etniiHi u 'irorof Ibm-'l (Jiillor nil a;; ’ll nr i J.t*. II —vM,» fur I )»• sum of .tgllfeeli dot. f. (iol.l -rmlna L-glars anil t.*rly colli-* costs ol Coiir » *,iii ■ | o ..a i, nl .li-i u I’rian ain I ;>gu. .- la-. Hr. die ‘nr ftm ■‘ ini ofi ijli; Vllar, mid 1 I ilt-bt ami si*dollars and forty ciuts co-i* of co ! ouo execution to* tavor of John Riley ami against .1..*. Bradley for Ihr man of forty uiuo dollars debt Hud six dollars and forty outs costs ofcouri; ono exocu lion in favor of fhos. .lonos for the sum ol forty six dollars and fifty flvo cents debt ami six dollars and forty cents cost* of court. One execution in favor of Pnn'l Peterson for tho siiin of forty two* dollars and fourteen cents debt and six dollars and forty cents costs ol court, l»)i»ttiur wiib (Ire costs accruing on sold writs, I have levied iilioli and will expose to public salo to tho highest bidder for cash on Tuesday the 21 day of December A. 11. Is.rf*. at 12 o'clock M , lilt! following ileseribed (iroperty. lo wilt l.ots No. I, 2, and 4 in block No. 21; lots x o I and 2in block No. 20, and lots N 0.2,» ami ii in block No 22, as laid down am!described In Ihe umu ol the town of Umville, Unite cinmsy, together w it Ii all die Improvement* and appm-lermnce* ihere uiiio belonging. Sale to lake place al live l oan House in lhe town of Oroville, couniv and state aforesaid. It. I, PATTON, Constable ilntdr Township. nov. 12-lt INSOLVENCY NOTICE I STATE Of CAEIFURNAI, Corntv or IIt’TTK. COUNTY COURT-AT CHAMBERS. Orovim k, Octols-r 21. li*sfi. N TIIK MATTER OF HORACE REYNOLDS* nn Insolvent Debtor - In pursuance of an order, made on the 21st day ol October, 1856, in die County Court of said ■•oiinty, by the Judge thereof, die Hon J, E. N. EEWIB, Notice is hereby given, to die creditors of tho said insolvent debtor Horace Key Holds, to be and appear before the .lodge of the County Con - 1 in and for said county, die Hon. I. E. N. 1. - wis, nl the Courl bouse, at Oroville, in said county, on Monday, the 2*lb day of November, A. I). Idali, at 20 o'clock. A. M., the same being the first day of the November term of said Co in, then and there to show cause, if any, why the i rayer of said insolvent debtor should not he granted, unci an assignment of his estate be made and lie be discharged from his debts and liabilities us un insolvent debtor. Witness my hand and the of said Court affixed, this the 21st clay Of October, A. I). (. . (MM MIEK9 CHAPIN, County Clerk, By M H Dariiai ii, Deputy. Oroville. October 21, IHftll. 031-td SHERIFFS SALE HY virtue of a Decretal Order issued oat of the District Court, sixth Judicial District, in and lor Sacramento county and shale of California, tested the Hill day ol November, A. D. IHtirt, lo me directed and delivered, commanding me to make Hie sum of I went) I've thousand ami sixty six and eighty three one hundredth dollars ami interest on fifteen thou sand dollars at the rule of three for cent per month from the 14th day of November 1 "56, and ten per cent per annum on ton thousand and sixty three and eighty three one hundredth dollars from tin* 14iu day of November A. D. 1856, and lire sum of lifly-seven dollars costs ol suit, ami the accruing costs of said Order, wherein Francis IV. Frail ami John McNulty are plaintiffs, and James 1.. Ilurlis and John Foster defendants, out of eight hundred mid thirty live head of Cattle. Therefore,ln pursuanca of said order I shall sell the said eight hundred and thirty head of <’aille. ui public sale, on Ihe 2iilh day of November IS.'ui nl the Ranch known a* Fuller's Ranch, near Hie Ranch ol John llidwell in Chico township, Biute county, to Hie highest bidder for cash. I* FREER, Sheriff Butte i ouuty. Butte Cosnty. Nov. IS, 18.'»t5. tli2t> DISSOLUTION BARE Co-Partnership heretofore existing between A. Cloudlet and Eonis Hulloid, under the name ml style of Cloudlet V llnlliod in the hu-in. -s of ot*d keeping, is tins day dissolved by mutual con •nt. All persons Indebted to the concern are hereby •quested to call and settled their bills with A. Clou net at the Hotel de France.and persons having no uints iigidnsl the former Unit are requested to pro mi them to him (A. Cloudlet) for settlement within m days. A. Cl.orcilET, E. BLEED >D. Oroville, Nov. 10th 1f»5«. n!2 FEKRY NOTICE RTOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned nI will apply to the Board of Supervisors in and r Untie County, ut the February terra thereof m ! .')7, for a License to run a Kerry mid Bridge across e Middle Fork of Feather River, a lew rods above e iunction of the North Fork of said river. SYLVESTER P. SAVAGE. Oroville. Nov. 10, 19Mk nlu—lf NOTICE IV OTICE is hereby given, that r the undersigned ]» will apply to the Board of Supervisors, in and for Butte Count), ut iU February Term, A. D. 1857, or as soon thereafter as application cun be heard, lor u Bridge and Ferry license across South feather River, at or near Its junction wilhihe North fork of Feather River, in liidw. ll township, in said ccuuly By order of .he Bidwell Bridge Company. Nov. th, IS-Vi. CEO. W. HEB.S, President. o*o. W.lUsa, | U. T. Nas Nokdxs, I J. A. Meaa*v, Trustees. JOSKPII ULUXKAIir, j Jos. E. N. t.xwis. J R T VAN NORDEN, Hec’y. nil—ld COUNTY TREASURER'S OFFICE, ■ . 1.. 1.. lii.k BinwxLL, July 18ih. IMB. ( OTICE is hereby ;ivne, that alt person* holding Butte County Warrant* payable from the gene* uni, registered between February DHh, 1856, and 7lh, 165 l», that the same will be redeemed leseniaiiou. al mj office. And notice is further n. that troth and slier this date, said warrants cease to bear interest. WILLIAM EATTIMOKE, Treasurer of Butte County. PBOBATE NOTICE LEE persons holding claims against the estate ol James P. Hughes, dectmsed, lute of Butte coun are hereby notified lo present them with proper iicbers to liie undersigned wiihin ten mouths from s dale, or they will be forever barred R. HOBART, Public Administrator Butte Co. '{(dwell, Oct. 24, 1856. ”4-‘* T‘ NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION IHE CO-PAHTN EKSHIP hbeotoforeexvalijs* be tween the undersigned, was dissolved by mo tuul consent un the Blh of September, lead. The partnership business will be settled by B. B. Blivec » Co, at Charkey’s B. B. KELVIN, D. F. ROGER**. Charity's Ranch, BspL I*, IBM ri&lat