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(Drouillt JJuiin Sntte Jutort. ««»: «• f Editor. Orovllir, Friday, Soveiaber 28, IBSC. Topic* of Hie Day. Tm; Prospects fur “good times coming” are brighter now than they have been in many months. Heavy Miows have fallen in the mountains and a very considerate min has re freshed the Valley, llusy times arc very reasonably anticipated for the coming spring, when the snows shall melt and furnish the greatly needed supply of w ater, so long and ear nestly wished for by the Miners, and the swelling streams shall irrigate the rich fields ami meadows «of the val ley. v Although the nrany miners in the immediate vicinity of Orovillc, are amply supplied w ith water from the great ditch that terminates here, yet there is a vast area of mining lands in this neighborhood out of reach of water from tire ditch, that will re main unoccupied until heavy rains and melting snows supply the natural water courses. Spring has been fondly looked forward to hy our mi v * vers and business men, us the season when all these placers can be worked, and in proportion as the mining pop ulation increases, so will the trade of Oroville increase, and with these diggings fairly opened, there will certainly bo a great influx of the producing and consuming classes, whose trade is bound to centre here. Lesser towns may spring up about vs, but the bulk of their trade will come here, furnished as our merch ants will soon be, with the means of competing with those of Marysville and Sacramento in selling their goods. In the Sacramento Union of the “fith appears anotlior communication from “an unwavering democrat.” This time ho fires into the distin j:.fished ex-senator Dr. Gwin, and, in Ids own estimation, lias destroyed the few chances that the Doctor had of a re-election. The impudence and self-inflation displayed by this ‘‘un wavering democrat,” arc disgusting to all sensible men, and the adroit man ner in which the humbugging old “r O Union vouches for his character and standing as a Democrat, is worthy the attention of those who would become proficient in political decep tion, and still maintain a character for morality and candor. The Union says : “For 1 lie benefit of those who have *o intimated, wo will Miy that "An unwavering Democrat" is not a candidate for I'nited Male* Senator—ha* never been mi ned in connection therewith—i* what lie repn-M'iiU himself to be “an unwavering Democrat,” v iio never *)>lit hi* ticket—mid wbo never, on any oceii-km, peddled bogus democratic tickets unelec tion day.” A very neatly worded denial, in deed. “Never split his ticket.” Af ter having “his ticket” printed to or der, w ith names from each party up on it, he could never consistently consider himself “unwavering,” if he should afterwards “split his ticket.” The I niou is clever —dem clever — and so is its correspondent, hut they will not deceive Democrats into be lieving them honest in what they may say concerning tho election of Democratic Senators. They may be sba p as the shears they use, but they cannot cut out Senators for the democratic party to elect. “Never peddled bogus democratic tickets on elect.mi day.” Well, a man could not i fleet much peddling tickets on election day. To be effective, they Should be peddled just previous to the “election day,” and, judging from the result of the election in Sacramento, we have no doubt but that this “unwavering” traitor “ped dled” “his ticket” previous to “elec tion day.” He dare not deny bolt ing ths Democratic ticket, and that is something in favor of a person who is guilty of the political bad faith charged upon this “unwaveringdem ocrat.” The Union says that this “unwavering Democrat” has never been named in connection with the office of Senator. We learn that this is a mistake, as a man named Maloney kept this “unwavering dem ocrat” frou’bulling a former demo cratic ticket by informing him that next to Broderick and Gwin, he was the prominent candidate for the Senatorial toga. This so flattered the vanity of this “unwavering dem w O ocrat,” that ho .set to work to kill off Broderick and Gwir, and has just despatched them with his two com munications to the Union. If the enemies of the Democracy think they can distract the party and prevent an election hy such shal ow scheming as exhibited by tho Union and its correspondent, they will find themselves wofully disap pointed. The Democracy of Messrs. Broderick and Gwin has never been at so low an ebb as to compel them to proclaim it through a Know-Noth ing journal. Adult Baptism at Stockton. —The rite of adult baptism was performed at Stockton last Sunday afternoon, by the Rev. Mr At wood, of the Baptist Church. The Stockton Argus says, that u large number of persons assembled on the bank of the slough near the brewery, and witnessed the ceremony. Several young men, anxious to obtain a conspicuous position, ventured from the shore in a small skiff and were capsized, cre ating much merriment among those who witnessed them struggling from the shore. Baptism was conferred upon five persons, throe of whom were ladies,converts in the revival at present going on at the Baptist Church in Stockton. Bull Pkn. —Ex-constable John Jones is erecting an amphitheatre at the lower end of tho town which he intends devoting to bull-baits, and similar exhibitions. Mr, Jones is confident that the bull-opera will flourish in Orovillc. A Present. —We yesterday received the following polite note accompanied with a most choice box of prime Figarros : Marysville, Nov. 2Cth. Editors Butte Record : Genllemeu, herewith I send yon a box of genuine Figarros, commending them to your consideration. 1 venture to say they arc superior in quality and flavor to any cigars that can be found anywhere north of San Francisco 1 am gentlemen, yours respectfully, H. A. In acknowledging the receipt of, and re turning our thanks for this generous pres ent, we are constrained to pronounce them by far the finest cigars we have ever seen in Orovillc. Still they come. —Wc understand that a lot on Montgomery street was purchased yesterday by one of the principal druggists oi* San Francisco, who intends erecting thet eon amagnificient fire proof brick struc ture, in which he proposes to open the most extensive stock of drugs, medicines, paints, oils, perfumery, dye-stuffs, etc , ever seen north of Sacramento May the undertaking prove successful. Such liberal, enterpris iog meu deserve the patronage of the Oro villians Petrified Tree.—A petrified tree was found in Santa Rosa valley last week, at the depth of twenty-five feet below the surface The parties were engaged in sinking it well. The Old Mountaineer says that tbc pork-packing season h ie commenced in Plu mas county. One firra Ims put up seventy five barrels and another sixty. Ti'ou msk Covxtv Revenue. —The to tal revenue collected in Tuolumne county for the past year was $y0,700. The Ml tiers Strike. The strike that was talked of among some of the miner* who objected to pay the ditch company’s price for water, seems to have ended in smoke, at any rate so wc have been informed. There was no meeting on Mon day os advertised, and we are led to believe that the majority of miners hereabout are satisfied with the company’s prices, knowing the immense outlay that has been made in building the ditch * without which Orovillc never would have had an existence and the great gold fields that are now supporting a population of three thousand miners would still remain undeveloped of their richness, and with no means at hand to make them what they now are, the best average dig gings in the state, even after paying the price demanded for water. Ditch companies and all other* that en gage in undertakings of similar magnitude, may be denominated monopolies, but with out their aid few public works whereby com munities are benefitted, would be put into operation, aod unless capitalists engage in building ditches, the dry diggings of Cali fornia will lie idle and unworked for many days to come, and if men of money invest their means in such enterprises, they have a right to expect a fair interest on their in vestments, though wc deprecate the estab lishment of exorbitant prices, simply be cause the control of any indispensable com modity is in the hands of a few. Those who have control of public works should remember that their prices should be in accordance witli the means of those from whom (hey expect a revenue, and consumers should be willing to pay a fair profit to those who offer for sale what they need. Without mines and miners, ditches would be worth less, and without ditches the placer digging* could only be worked a few months in the year. Thus it behooves both the miner and the ditch owner to display such n degree of liberality and fairness in their dealings one with another as may result profitably to both parties. A Tragedy. —Two Mexicans living at Los Angeles, were rivals for flic good graces of a senorita, and staked their chances on the result of a duel. The one was armed with a knife, the other with a slung shot; he with the knife was victorious and laid his opponent dead at his feet. The victor was afterward shot dead while attempting to es cape; and thus, the frail cause of the mis hap was left without a lover. Slander Suit. —ln relation to theCznp kay libel case, the San Francisco correspond ent of the Union writes as follows: “ The libel suit, brought by Dr. Cznpkny against J W. Walsh, proprietor of the Sun day Varieties, and J. C. Young and J. 11. Josselyn, was on trial yesterday before Judge Frcelon. The suit has grown nut of asciicsof articles published in the Varie licit, attacking the professional reputation of Dr. Czapkay, which the plaintiff believes were published at the instigation of Young and Josselyn. who arc in the same business with him—the treatment of private diseases. Able counsel are engaged on both sides, and the case is attracting considerable attention, as its decision will form an important pre cedent in future cases.’’ Robert W. Pickersgill —This gentle man, for several years a resident of this city, arrived at San Francisco, from Walk er’s army, on the last Nicaragua steamer, as Colonel Pickersgill. Poor Bob, ii what we have heard is true, has had a hard time of it. He is now lying at the bay in a critical state of health, having had both his feet badly poisoned and been shot in the back part of the neck by one of tlie escopettes of the enemy. The ball is now being extract ed, and if he recovers his health sufficiently we shall doubtless have the pleasure of once more seeing him in Marysville.—. Marysville Inquirer. Mysterious. —The Stale Journal con tains a long account of the mysterious ab duction of a little orphan girl from the house of her guardians a Mr. and Mrs. Por ter, residents of Sacramento. She was ta ; ken away on Sunday night, and was not foand again until the following Tuesday. A wan by the name of Charles Knight claims | to be the father of the child and is supposed to be the kidnapper. The matter will prob ably be investigated by the proper author ities. Races to-day. —The race we mentioned yesterday as having bw'j) made between Mr. Humphrey's horse Bine Dick, and Mr. May nard’s bay horse, is to come off to-day at 1 o’clock over Troughton's course about one mile below the town - A good deal of sport is anticipated. The Capitol —The Capitol Commission ers met yesterday and adjourned till 3 o’clock p. m. on Friday next, at which lime they will proceed to final action in the mat ter of the bonds of the contractor for the erection of the Capitol.— Union. Jaw-bone op an Alligator.— This ra ther odd relic, dug up some months since in Tuolumne county, U to be seen in Columbia. A* poor a fist m he makes at poli fixing, and Black Republican as he is, McDonald of the Marysville Herald drops his nonsense now and then, and writes some very touching and exquisite little sketches. The following sllfision to bye-gone days is from his pen, (we suppose,) ns it appeared as original in yesterday’s J/rra/d : The llwrblngt r. A long time ago, in the old stone church they have built a new one, but it is not halt so holy as the old nioss*co»ered wall —a long time n o in the old stone church, we listened to a man who “spake forth the words of truth and soberness.” One Sunday morn ing the preacher stood in his desk pleading with the unseen-Ood until the tears ran down his withered checks, lie prayed that the “ Holy Spirit might come down from Heaven on his people, and that the dry bones might tremble in the living sepulchre we remember the words now, t .r they fell upon our childish car like the inspiration ol a hoary-beaded prophet During the prayer, a tame pigeon flew in through the open window, and lit on the preacher’s desk, and rubbed its bill against his hands The old man laid his hands on the bird, still continuing his petition, hut his voice grew fainter and fainter, until the words stuck in his throat and he sat down, and the pigeon flew away. The congrega tion sat down, too, and we could hear them brca'he distinctly. The old women leaned their heals on the backs of the seats, and the men bent their eyes on the floor, too stubborn to show any emotion. But O, how every heart was palpitating! They knew the bird came there by accident—that it was a pet, but why should it, with its chaste and snowy plumage, light then: I Sporting. —The State Journal says: Fine fat pigeons abound among the hills three or four miles down Sutter Creek, near Volcano. A good shot will soon bag a dozen or two. Beer have also made their appearance, and rendezvous in the chaparral. Dkinks Like a Fish. —Recent London papers report that an immense vnt in u brewery at Langport, in England, burst the other clay, and 2,500 gallons of strong beer ran into the river Parrelt, the consequence of which was that thousands of fish were picked up in a stupefied state, A Negro Attorney.— A. A. Hradlcy, a negro lawyer, has had his name stricken from the roll of attorneys in a Hoston court, for malpractice. He was a convict in the Sing Sing State Prison for two years for the crime of seduction. He caused a man to be arrested for a client, and let him off for seventy dollars. He is Also charged with the forgery of the name of Rufus Choate. County Court. Wednesday, Not. 27. Seabcrry & Co,, vs. Brown & Co., for damages done to mining claim, the jury ro turdcd a verdict in favor of plaintiffs and assessed damages in the sum of SO2 80. Goodhart vs. Hanncgnn, n new trial granted. Thursday, Nov. 27. Goodhart vs H.tnnegan, Court ordered plaintiffs’ attorney to complaint. Loose— A large delegation of our “ roys tering blades" were letting themselves ex cessively loose just about the small hours yesterday morning and by way of creating an excitement got up a sham fight, and thereby deceived a certain deputy Sheriff who was engage*! in playing a game of bil liards at the time, who, bearing the rumpus, made a rush, bareheaded cue in hand, to ar rest the supposed belligerents, only to be laughed at for his efforts. The revellers ran all night. Nevada County.— The oustanding scrip of Nevada county amounts to $:54,000. In addition to this, the bonds issued for build ing the Court House amount to $30,()00, which, however, are specially provided for. The whole available revenue of the couuty is £60,000. Hard Up.—The editor of the Pacific Sen tinel says he must Lave some money out of his subscribers soon r or dry up altogether. He says bo haio-’l time to do the collecting and write too, neither can be get along without kale seed. Fillmore and Fremont.— Fremont has carried four counties in the state—Santa Clara, Alameda, Santa Barbara, and San Luis Obispo; and Fillmore only two —Yolo and Colusa. THERE rtIU.BR A STATED MEETING of OroviMe Lodge No. 103 of Five awl Ac cepted Miitona. held at Mntmnic Hid), on Montgomery street, fin Saturday evtamir. ilith Nov. ul which time officers lor the ensuing * iil be elected. All brethren in good atuadiag are invited to attend. Hy order l». A. RKVIWN, W. M. 1). G, O’Donmkm., Secretary. OPENING BALL! a THE PLEASURE OF YOUR COMPANY i* reaped fully solicited at an OPKMNG BALL, to be given at WELCH’S RANCH, eight miles trora Marysville, on Wednesday evening, DECEMBER 241 h, IBM. by JOHN WVLCU. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. / There will bo a meeting of the ‘•Orovillv Light ««»rd" I*l «»H* <lrleinw Hotel. on Mon • Kvpnln),'. I ec. ilw 'Mh. 50, i'i < u clock, for tin* orgniiltnlion of wild Company, electing •'W ci-n' and noncomrottshmed officers. nod terming Uv-Luws. kc., for tin* Mint-. Hy order of n «7 lot M. A. M< I.AFGIILIN, Inspector. NOTICE. To the Stockholders in Ike J renchtown Cnnnl Mi ning Company i» hereby given, tlml mi iiihlitlonvl assessment of ten per cent. «*•» it.t* en| h'd »"*rk *s called In, and payable w» or before die -’**•«l* •'*- semlier next. ANAS FARHO, Ktcrelary. Frvnchlown, November Sff.ili, ir.ti tin Itnlil lied* I Poola Beds fur every bod v, ni ‘.'ll p< r rent, lew lh*n Marysville prices, for 40 dnya only, to make room N nn entire new Mock per first Meiinu r to Oroville ut C. BCKIIIF.It':* Furniture Wnre Rooms. Montgomery Mreet. ■•fi.lfito lII#. POOL A ill miles, fur side very low to Die trade, at C WRIHEIfa FucnlUim Ware Room*, Montgomery si., three doors below Myers si. - -*•*- jj.gT iIKCKIVF.It—« large assortmerit of Fnrni tnre. Also, nn invoice el (urge (Oil I rallies, for *ule low Hi "Kit’d Fnniilnre Wnre P,ooms, Monlg .mery at., three doors below Myers st. *-'* Attention \ i’ .iiiikiics I I). TOY it OTTFRJ-ON again ropiest the esy»erial atlortion of all who wish to lay in ilo-ir winter Mis k ..I CL JTHING, ULANKKTrL ROOTS and Woolen Goods, to llie inagnillcelit iissorlineiil ol tp>'<da re ceived by them during tin* past ten days. They urn now opening and offer mr Mile HOU fine and liervy Heaver and Petersham Overcoats, Frocks and Sacks; 100 heavy Pilot Cloth Coat#, latest style*; ;i0 supi rb ••Kaulun” Coals, superior to ni y Tiilmns; 5 bides. SO pr in encli, heuv y gray blankets •i bales, UK) pr in each line heavy bine blanket* ; 1 hale, 10(1 pr extra -French Super Super ” white blankets; 30 dor. assorted Cnssimere and Salt. Pants, Into sty les, besides a magnificent assortment of Furnishing Goods. Montgomery *t., Opposite HI. Nicholas, late Iluntoon'a. hill - <♦» %~jjT Dll. A. M A 1.1., oilers his professional ser vices lo the i iti/ens of Oroville and v lettiity, having hud much and long experience in the treatment of tile various diseases incident lo this climate, lie hopes to give satisfaction Fpecinl nllenllen given lo diseases of n private na-, lure. Uhcumalisin, kc., which he can cure without liio use of mercury. (lira k, front room, No. 17, Vidled State# Hotel, up stairs—Oroville. ocl-lf f nww —mi * i»J»—e o- , NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OPENING BALL ! THK PLEASURE OF YOLK COMPANY is respectfully solicited at mi /•% OpcniiiS 33«.11, lobe given L n| I tie WF.STKRN HOTEL. Thompson’* Flat, on TAD KAMA Y EVENING. Den iiibi'r ll»>, IN.’Ki, hv THOMAS 4c PKRDI li. I he lies! Music in the country Is engaged. November 24th, 1856 Turkish Tobacco. A I.AUOK QUANTITY OP TURKISH TOIIAC j ». CO, wurranled GENUINE, just received hy CfUI.Y. Old bank exchange corner. ALSO —A lot of GENUINE MEERSCHAUM PIPES. BUY YOUK Dr y Ooocl is nn cl C LOTH IM G! —A T IV American Theatre, Montgomery Ht., Oroville. GAM HUSTON’S GRANT, Comprising Acres, SITUATE IN HUTI E AA'l) SUTTER CUjYTIES, FonQA Xj E : 10 0 FAR MB, Of 10 0, 82 0, 04 0 Acres caeli, IN TOWNSHIPS XVI. XVII, k XVIII N. It, 1 W. t Fronting elghtci n miles on the BACKA M KNTO UIVKK. and riiwaiag tmek Four »»des. Said lands will lie sold liy Sections or Quarter Sec tions, to suit purchasers. Title Confirmed. A map ot the Grunt, soli its subdivisions, ran ho Been nl the office of K. UUP It E, Esip Real Estate Agent. Marysville Terms msde known on application nSl—tin 11. CAM HUSTON. PROBATE NOTICE State <>f CalKoriiia, / p , . ( . County of Unite. U roo * ,e ' "" rt f«XO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCKRN.—Where- M. as. a petition having been filed In the Probal® Court in and for Ratio county, on Hie (lib day of No vember, A. I). IMS, praying Hint the will of benja min Job Hi-on deceased, lie admitted to probate, and that John I.anti, named In said petition ns executor. Is- confirmed as such it is theref ,re ordered. Hint all l«er»ous Interested therein, be and appear before the Honorable Probate Court, in him! for said mnntv. on Monday the Hibday of December, 1850,J0 o’clock . A. V., to show cause if any, why said will should not be admitted lo Probate and the said John Laid* not be appointed executor. Ity order of (Jourt. Witness my hand and seal of said Probate Li Court, affixed ibis the 21*i day of November A. I>. 1856, at Oroville. MILK.-* CHAPIN, Probate Clerk. By M. U. D*aa*eu, Deputy. n27-2Uw‘iw,