Newspaper Page Text
d)tiniille Sailq •Butte Etturb. Remedy row Sea Sickness. —Mrs. M illard, ofTroy, possesses n new rem edy for sea-sickness, which consists in forcibly expelling the impure air from the lungs, and filling them with puro air. This is her advice : ‘'Make your chest as email us possible by stooping, drawing down your ribs and pressing your hands to your side, throw out the «ir by a violent and long-continued in haling, blowing it from your mouth ns if engaged in blowing up a fire. Then change, make a long and forcible in halation, opening your chost to its ful lest dimensions by standing erect and raising your arms from your shoulders. ‘Three or four of these long-forced breaths are sufficient to relieve a se vere case of sea-sickness.” Milton and Royalty. —That was u shrewd reply of the poet Milton, to James 11,, when he, ns Duke of York, called upon him out of curiosity. In the course of their conversation, James said to him, that he thought his blindness was a judgment from heaven on him, because he had written against Charles I , the Duke’s father. To which Milton quaintly replied : “If your Highness thinks that mis- Terlunes are an index of the wrath of heaven, what must you think of your father’s tragical end ? I have only lost my sight ; lie, his head!” James did not think it would he very safe to continue the convers ision after such an answer, and hade the po. et adieu. Resistance to Improvement. —lt was the physicians of the highest stand, ing that most opposed Harvey. It was the most experienced navigators that opposed Columbus’ views. It was those most conversant with the man agement of the Post office that were the last to approve of the plan of the uniform penny postage. For the great er any one’s experience and skill in In’s own department, and the more ho is entitled to the deference which is proverbially duo to each man in his own province, the more likely, indeed, he will have to be a good judge of ini', provemonts in details, or even to intro duce them himself; but the more un likely to give a fair hearing to any pro posed radical change An experienc ed stage coachman is likely to he a good judge of all that relates to turn pike roads and coach horses ; but you should not consult him about railroads and steam carriages. Again, every one knows how slowly, and with what difficulty farmers are prevailed on to adopt any now system of husbandry, even when the faults ol an old estab lished usage and the advantage of a change can he made evident to the senses.— Arch-bishop W/uitc/y. Sharp,” said Pop, meet ing him thi* other day in the street, “you hobble, my boy ; what’s the mat ter with you ?” “Oh, I had my feet crushed, through the carelessness of a conductor the oth er day, between railroad cars, that’s all.” “And don’t you mean to sue for damages ?” “Damages ? no, no. I have had dam ages enough already. Hadn’t 1 better sue for repairs?” A Pew-bill. —Why, uncle Dewlit tic, how dew you dew? Dew come in nod rest a little, dew.—How dews aunt Pew, and what is she dewing now ? And dew tell us about the news. Como dew sit up to the table and dew us we dew; dew help yourself, and dew talk some, and dew not mako me dew all the talking, for I shan’t dew it. Now dew say something dew. Marriage of Schamyl’s Son.— Let ters from the Caucacus state that Schamyl has married his son, Dimmel Eddin, to a Circassian beauty 15 years of age, a daughter of the Narb Tagil. This son is the young man who was restored io his father by order ef the Emperor Nicholas, in order, it is said, to induce Schamyl to remain aloof from hostilities during the lute war—and did it 18L. In a Dutch translation of Ad dison’s Cato, the words ‘Plato, thou reasone&t well.’ are rendered: ‘Just «o —ycu are very right, Mynheer Pla to.’ never know a great charac ter until something congenial to it has grown up within oursetves.-CAanuin^. MEDICAL. DR CHARLES H TOZERS Private Medical Card. STUANtJKItff visiting Sacramento will ri'itirmbfr thiil Dr. Toler** 1 1. Urinary Is in fitu street, be tween J niid K at*, Hacrumeuto. Tlie great success and mimy radical cure* made by Dr. Tout since hi* commencement in this city, which lonidrvds enn testify. induces him to inform those afflicted with any private complaints, recent or chronic, and wish to he well and thoroughly cured, it will lie to ihelr interest and wellfure to cull on him who lor the last twenty five years has given his en lire attention to Private Complaints, and to all cases ol a private nature, acute and chronic, such ns Sy phillts, .Secondary and Constitutional affections, (•'onorrhhoe and Peminal Weakness; Licet and Strictures and all diseases of the genitive and ifthiary organs, noth in male and female, such us i’nffaiisus. Flour Alhus, Hysteria,lke. I’atient* can he assured that Ihelr complaint* will not tie tampered with, but (mated upon strictly sci entific principles. Private complaints eradicated in a few days; new case* cured in u short time, without mercury. He can he consulted at Kis office at all times of the day, from !(in the morning until Bin the evening.— All in affliction can find in him one who cun see and sympathise with and befriend them when in trouble, amt lie relieved and cured. Apartments privately arranged so us to preclude the possibility of exposure. I.etiersens losing •'Sin will receive prompt attention with best advice and instructions C. If. TO’/KR. M. D., fith street, between J and K. BREAD AND REFLECT. Dr. Cha x If. Tuzer't Canl to the jlffUctcd. (luiclc cure* "ml low prices at the old established office, 6th street between J and K. DU. T< i/.I'K returns his thank* to his numerous patients for their patronage, and would em brace this opportunity to remind them Hint he con tinues to consult on those cases of vknkkk*i. which have baffled the skill of some of the most celebrated physicians of the age. mid Ujion which he has ne er failed t‘i perform n radical curt. Dr. Tozer’s reputation as n physician stands im equalled. His exclusive attention to diseases of the gi-nilo urinary organs for so ninny years, renders him perfectly master of syphilitic diseases. The large number of aggravated eases that, he has perfectly cured alter they have been given up by many others is the only proof Unit a physician re quires of his ability. Mr. Tozcf would stall- Unit he can cure any and all cases of varieties of the disease, no inatlsr how longstanding, or what progress the disease has made, every patient can rely upon a cure. Dr Toler has, it is well known, taken patients from the very verge of the grave, and restored them to perfect health. He would further state, that Im deems it sufficient to attract the attention of those who might need the services of a physician in all cases, hut particularly those enumerated in the ad vertisement. expecting they would lest my merits us a practitioner; and the result of my practice has been thus far satisfactory to my patients and myself. Nor •do I deem it necessary to (111 columns of the newspa pers with fulsome emprlc and bombastic advertise ment, professing my ability to heal all diseases llesh is heir to, for to do that I must be something more than Man, bu» to give those that are afflicted wild Venereal, Chronic, nhd other diseases, to understand from long experience, I am fully competent to treat them successfully. My regard for the digiiilyof the medical profession, to which I have the honor to belong, deters me from committing any act savoring of rank quackery, mid regard for my own dignity would prevent my placii g myself on a par with quacks and nostrum venders of the present age. I offer no fraudulent or genuine certificates or pulls of my superior qualifications ns a practitioner: neither do I assume to myself medical honors to which I sin not entitled, but rnerelr ask those who are diseased, to read the different advertisement* relating to the cure of private diseases, and judge for themselves where to apply for relief. My rooms are so arranged that I can he consulted in privacy at all hours of the day, from 9 o’clock in the morning until 8 o’clock In ino evening. Persons with Chronic Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Local Weakness, Nervous Debility, Low Spirits, Lassitude Weakness of the I.hubs and Hack, Indisposition. Loss of Memory. Aversion to society. Love of Solitude. Timidity, Self Distrust, Dizziness. Headache, Pains in the side. Affection of the Lyes. Pimples on the face, Sexual and other Infirmities In Man, Ac., will And it important to consult Dr. C. H.Tozer, at his office,Olh street, bet ween J and K. Sacramento. READ AND REFLECT. DR.CHAKLF.ff II TOZRK’S CARD to the afflic ted of California. In approaching any new course of systematic. Inquiry, there tire certain jiouils concerning which the inquirer should always he care ful to satisfy himself. He should comprehend dis tinctly what the subject of inquiry Is—Health and Disease If we can form and fix in our minds a clear concep tion of the state of Health, we shall have no difficulty in understanding what was meant by Disease, liut beyond, though not above, these objects of investiga tion of the human body, we have another and still nobler end. It is to lay before you in such terms that you i nnnot be mistaken and will know where to ap ply for relief. I use the word “disease’’generally, and before I speak of the signs of particular diseases, it will In proper to take a general view of symptoms. When a person is troubled or afflicted with disease, which causes a weakness of the back and limbs, pain in tin head, dimness of sight, loss ef muscular | ower, pal pitation of the heart, irritability, nervousness, dys pepsia, derangement of the digestive functions, gen end debility, symptoms of consumption, and many others which are belter explained than put on paper, and require Medical or Surgical attendance, it wou'd bo well for them to inquire it there is a physician wl o is competent to attend them, and who tmdertsamls the application of medicine, and whose scientific at tainments in his profession, and whose age and expe rience entitle him to yours confidence. Considerh g the**- thing*. Dr. Chss. II Tozer has concluded to in form you that are afflicted, advertising his place oI business, stating that he has been a successful prac titioner for over twenty five years, and has ATTENDED AND CURED HUNDREDS, when they have been considered by other physicians and have been pronounced by them past recovery Therefore you may rely upon him as one in whom secrasy anil the utmost confidence can be placed. Dr C. H. T.would invite all that are afflicted local! on him, and if he does not administer for them,there will be no charge made. Let no false delicacy pre vent you, hut apply immediately, and save youaclf from the dreadful consequences which must follow these who negh-cl to receive attendance. Dr. C. 11. Tozer’s office is on lith street, near the Belvlderc Hotel, lift ween J and K streets. His rooms are so arranged that the Doctor can be consulted without fear of molestation. Office hours, from 9 in the morning until 8 In the evening. C. H. T» >ZKIt, M. D.. novd 6th st.. between J and K, Sacramento. Dr. J. L. UzAPgAv,—The gentleman whose name forms the caption of this notice is one of the lew modern physicians whose application to his pro feaeion and devotion to the afflicted, render him idike an ornament to the one and a benefit to the other. A Hungarian by birth.he sought with Kossuth to place Ins country among the nations of earth, beyond the oppressor's rule, that her sons might rejoice in the practice of those precepts which are alike unr glory and our pride. In his efforts so to do, he has reaped the reward of ineffectual resistance to *’a home and a country know him no more.” Apart, however, from his claims upon our consideration us a patriot, the testimonials of character and capacity which he brings entitle him to public confidence, to the exclusion of those who possess neither the one or the other. As a gentleman his character is untar nished : as a physician, bis skill unsurpassed; and to thos.i whose imprudence has left u|sm them the tainta of disease, »e can conscientiously oemmend him with the assurance that in him they will find a friend whom to know is great gain. The Dr.'s office la Mo. 3and 4 Armory HalLuurnerof Sacrament,,and Montgomery streets.£an Francisco. ali-Aiu MEDICAL. DR. J C. YOUNG’S CARDS. IMPORTANT TO MINERS, TRAVELERS, K.TO. HP HERB Is no malady ofdeepor importance either E inn medical or mom! light of view, to which •he human family Is more Habits than that arirliiK from impure connections. As u medical man it i* the duty of every physician to look nt disease ns it effects health and life, and his sole object should he to mitigate, a* lar ns lies in his power, the bodily suffering. Unman nature at best is but fmil. all are liable to misfortune. i if all die Ills th.;t affect man none are mere terrible than those of a private nature. —liremlfitl as it is in the tsTson who contracts it. frightful as are its ravag es upon his constitution, ending frequently in deslruo • ion anil a loathsome Struve, it becomes ol still greater importance when it is transmitted to innocent off spring. fitch being the how necessary it be comes that every one Having the least reason to tear that they have contracted the disease, should attend toil at once by consulting some physician, whose n-spectnlhillly and education enables him to warrant a safe, speedy, and penneneiit cure, in accordance with this necessity, lilt. YOUNG leels called iqsin to state (hat, hy lorur study and extensive practice, lie has belome perfect master of all those diseases which come under the denomination of venereal, and ha\- imr paid more attention to that one branch than any Lther physician in the United Slates, he feels himself better qualified to treat them. Syphilis in all its forms, such ns ulcers, swelling In the groans, ulcer in the throat, secondary syphilis, cu taneous eruptions, ulcerations, terlnary syphilis, sy philis in children, mercnreal s> philltlc affections. Gon orrhea, gleet, strictures, false passages, inllamation ol the hlndder and protmte glands.excoriations, tumors, pustules. Ate., ate ns familiar lohirn ns the most com mon things of daily observation. The I lector effects n cure in recent cases in a few days, and finds no difficulty in curing those ot long duration, without submitting the patient to sin h treat ment ns will draw upon him the nlightesj suspicion or oblige him to neglect his business whether within oors or without. The diet need not he changed, ex cept in raises of severe inflamation. There are in Uaii fornia piuients lamonnling to ever two thousand in the past year) that could furnish proof of this; but these lire' matters thot require thi nicest eecresy which he always preserves. All letters enclosing $lO, will he promptly attended to. Office hours from !• A. M to S P M. Address .1. 0. YOUNG, M. O, Express Ituildings, corner of Montgomery and Californian streets, over Wells 'er go Hi Co.'s Express Department. V CARD—FROM DU. YOUNG'S PRIVATE MKDICAIi office—To the afflicted—ln lids age of progress, whon science is develop ng iiself in sneah a manner as toappear almost miriiculoiis,every thing In common place is haiked upon ns not worth notice. In view of this fact. Dr. Young, corner of Montgomery and California streets, him concluded to leave the beaten track hitherto pursued by most sci entific physicians, (that of waiting for the public to find you out alone,) and publish to the world, us inuen as may he. his knowledge of the healing art, to let those who he in need of assistance khow when) they cun Hind relief without fear of being imposed upon. In continuation of this subject. Dr. Young would sny, thnt of the past ten years he has pursued the practiue of medicine in one of the largest cities In ihe United Slates, with the highest success, and that his standing as a physician Is without reproach, having at one time been lecturer at the University of Penn sylvania on venereal diseases. Hie. Upon nil of these coniderations. Dr. Young has con fidence in introducing himself to the public, knowing that they will sustain well earned merit. The following are a few of (he many testimonials which have appeared in the public journals the last few years; [From IheDoston Medical Journal.] Although we uro opposed to I lie* system of advertis ing, for good and sufficient reasons, still we deem it lint justice to sny that Dr. Young is one of the most industrious and indefatigable votaries of the medical science in the United States. From Professor Jackson The subscriber is personally acquainted with Dr Voiing, and has seen much of his practice, andean bear lesliinoney to his merit! ns a practitioner. From the New York Herald. The eminence of this distinguished gentleman in his profession, and the very extended opportunities possessed by him for the observation of venereal dis eases, make his services invaluable to those afflicted with the above complaints. From the Whig and Advertiser. All afflicted with private complaints should consult Dr. Young, whose education is not surpassed by any physician in the country. In his skill, honor and in tegrity all may rely with safely, while most of the practitioners in this city are without honesty or res pectability, their pretentions being grounded in ignor ance and assumption. < idice cornor of Montgomery and California streets, up stairs, opposite the hanking house of \\ ells f urge At Co Open from t» A. M. to 8 P. M , Sunday in cluded- PRI VATF, Medical Office—Hundreds of those who have contracted disease are dlsudpointed of a cure by not calling on Dr. Young at first. He will forfeit any sum if ho fails to cure any case that may come under his care, ne matter how long standing or afflicting, such ns ulcers, tumors, nodes, bunches, pimples on the face and body, pains in Iho hones and loins, wakefulness, trembling, copper colored sores, wasting of the hones, emaciation, loss of appetite, strength ond flesh, sores in the nose and ears, loss ot hair, weak eves, itching humors. A. Many persons after being relieved ef all extern tl appearances of private disease, suppose themselves cured, but after a few months find they an 1 troubled with various symptoms which lliey never had before, and which they Audit, impossible to relieve. To nil who are af flicted in this way. Dr. Young would particularly rec ommend a trial of his skill. The symptoms with which von are troubled are caused by taints in the blood, which sooner or later will destroy\our health and hap piness. Nr person who has ever had an attack ol any private complaint should not tail to consult Dr. 5 oiing and taken few bottles of his invaluable purifying medicine, ns they can rest assured that ilieir hiood is In a perfectly pure and healthy coiulilieu, and that every trace of disease Is removed from the system. Recent cases cured in snun two to five days without change of diet or hindrance from business, or no fee. DK J. C. YOUNfI Office, corner Montgomery- and California streets, opposite Weils, Fargo Ik Co.'s. Office hours from 9 A. M„ to 8 P.M. , Marysuille, June 10th, 1855 DU. J. C. Y'Ol’NG—D**a Sir:—Please send me some of the medicines you prescribed in my case. I have a friend here who is troubled in exactly the same wav that I was. He has nightly emissions, ringing aclse in his h.-ad. weak hack, loss of memory, and is generally debilitated ; he is discouraged him) has not confidence enough to enable him to call and See you. I told him how 1 was. and that my friends all said I was in consumption, and the doctors up here gave me up and advised me to go home to die. but instead of going home I called upon yon. and here I am. us well as any of them, and likely to live a long lime yet, witfl strenth enough tc work with the strong est of th-m. Doctor. I will send nem one to you that looks to me as though he needed a ~.i;slclan It shall not be my fault If any one dies for want of medical treatment. I will do all I can to keep the afflicted away from those |M-«ts of society, yclept professors and high soi tiling titled men. who, if the fact* were known, are men who left their country foi their coun try’s good. Public this letter, doctor, if yon wish, and I hope some of those that humbugged me, may see it and sleep bad for one night. Truly yours. GEO. DAVIDSON. EDWARD M. BURROWS, IjwehnationalHotelSaloon JACKSON STREET, Between Montgomery and Kearney, SAN FRANCISCO- Beit T\t Brandt #/ Bran diet, fVtnet and MEDICAL. DR. HEINIMANN S PETYA TE MEDWA L OFFICE CORNER MONTGOMERY 3t JACABDN STREETS* SAN FRANCISCO. DU. M. IIKIINIMANN. corner of Kearney and Pacific streets. B*llll Franci-co, hai fur 11 number of years, In the military and other hospital, of France, devoted ills study principally It* the treatment of So. cret diseases, ami therefore possesses a thorough ex perience lit this parlicnalnr branch He is also per feotly familiar with all the recently discovered ami idtthly important remedies and mean, for the euro of such diseases. It is scarcely necessary to add here that ill franco where secret diseases are of mure fre qlient occurrence limn sny where else,tha physicians of that country are mure expert in their cure, and are constantly and successfully endeavoring to liud out new remedies, mt*re efficient and less dangetous than those formerly used l>r. Ileinimann is therefore, enahled to cure all these diseases with perfect certainly, w ithout using mercury, in a very rliort time, and without subjecting Ids patients to the risk 01 stibspiiuenl injurious conse quences. Chronic Gonorrhea, Rycrmatorrhen. Floor Allots, Gonerai Debility the result ol misconduct, pollutions. ( jain in tint back and sides. Krnpthmsuf all kinds, produced by Interior cause- l,os. of lltiir. Rheumat' 1.111 m the joints, Noc.urnal sweats, Seminal and Ft in a) weakness. Injuries receivtsl by mercurial treat ment, fee. tec are cured by Dr. Ileihimatm with the aid of remedies known tint to himself, to tho pelted satisfaction of his clients. Recent diseases ol the above named kind will lie promptly and radically removed before they cm set- He in the body mid become chronic, by Dr. Ileini tmi 1 m's own purifying vegetable remedies. Hr. Meinimiuili further a sure remedy ful.y tesled, and which can lie relied upon, for Hie cure of Intermittent Fever, (’hill and Fever, Fever ami Ague, also a means to remove, in a few days for ever, a had breath, without Hie least Injury to Hie stomach. In the pdesent days numerous remedies are offered everywhere for nil ioui.jiinhle disease*, lint in most of Hie cases the sutler'<■« .re so sadly do unpointed that they look witli ju«iifial>le mistrust on all advert isamenls of 111 i- kind. Dr Ileinimaiin’s re' medics need not be reconiinended by pufliiiig churla lanisiii for they recommend themseii es by their et feels, as lias been seen and experienced by niimeons patients w ho. fortunately for themselves, have Used them. For the information and sali-liielion of the often deceived pitlilic. tlie statement "ill sidllce I tint Dr. Ileinimann lias in Ids possesrion over two hun dred testimonials from patients cured by him. besides many oilier reliable persons, which tie i. ready to ex bihit when required, w Idle common decency lorldds him to publish them in the newspapers, Persons applying to Dr, ileiidmann shall not be obliged to pay in advance Hie lull price of the cure, us lie is wiliiiiif to submit his shill and ids remedies tirsl to he tested. (die think Hie Doctor invariably requires (Vom all ids patients, that is a faithful and strict conformance with all lus directions and preemptions, otherwise lie cannot and wid not warrant a cure. Written consultations will la* given without charge and communications answered whether containing a fee or not. promply, piincliially and with si rid seen cy, cm applying, postage paid, in the English, French or Uerman Languages, to Dr. M, lIKINIMANN, Corner of Kearney and I’acldc streets, .kan Francisco. To show te the satisfaction of all that Dr Ileini maun is a thorough educated, practical ami experi enced physician and sinsreon. the followitur from ids numerous testimonials, are submitted to the public. Names are suppressed, bat Hie authors are at any lime ready to proclaim their truth and authenticity before Hie world. (•BKKNW’Ooti Vai.i.kv,, 1850, Driar Doctor:— I have known you since I*4o and you have given so many proofs of your talents and experience, that yon have entirely won confidence. Although yon reside at at a (freat distance fr«m me you know that I have several lime sent you patients which other doctoj* have given up ns incurable, and you have always received them and saved nut only their limbs but also their lives. 1 will muy mention hero (he case of Mr. C . from Auburn, who is Indebted to you for the preservation ot Ids rigid arm. which other doctors wanted to amputate, and that of Mr. G .of Column, wtio although given up ns hopeless by two doctors was cured by you in two weeks time. As to wind you have done for my fa in is ly, suffice it to say, I will never be ablo to repay you. Accept dear Doctor, these few lines ns a proof of the high esteem I have of your talents as a medical man, and believe me te be your constant friend. F 11. Proprietor of 1 lie Miner's Hole To Dr. Ileinimann, San Francisco Greenwood, February 1 Ith, 185(5. Having stydied medicine myself at the I'niversily of Tavia, u Italy, I suppose I know enough to lie he. lieved when I declare hereby Hint you are the best physician lever met willi in California. lldsdeehe ration is founded on what 1 have seen yon do and heard from every hotly when I resided at Mormon Is land. I know of many persons to whom you have saved life and limbs alter they had been completely given tip bv others, and who will at any time come forward and testily to the truth of this, and to your science. Wishing you for the future, the same sue cess which has attended you thus far. I remain truly yours, D. K. To Dr. Ileinimann, Fan Francisco. Column, Jancrry 10th, 1856. My Dear and Much Esteemed Doctor:—ft i« with much regret that I and ail your other friends saw you quit Mormon Island. IVe have lost In you a physi cian of great talent and experience, w ho we could not appreciate too much. It was proven enough by the numerous who came to call on you from ail parts of the mines,and you are in the best remembrance of all. Myself, given up by whom I considered our best phy sicians. prepared myself to die; by chance I came tin der your treatment and you ha*> cured me of a grave sickness in a short time. You have proved yourself a physician and yon do honor to the name G. To I)r. 11, lleliiliiinnii. Corner Jackson and Montgomery streets. Fun Nrancisco —Dear Fir:—lt is with y(ensure that we notice the unbounded sue ce«s which lias attended you in your practice since your residence in this State, now over seven years The geod you have done and the sk ill you have exer cised in the cures that come under our observation make it our duty to let it be known to the world and more particularly to those now suffering with disease Most of us were well acquainted with you whilst you resided at Mormon Island, and witnessed there some remarkable cures which you effected on patients whose case* were pronounced hopeless by eminent physieians. We have also seen what you have done for some of our friends now residing at Column and Plarerville, who after mueh fa-suasion and induce ments on our part, consented to go and see you, when they bad almost despaired of their lives. They did so and returned, and are new living haleand hearty men; and reader. If this notice should reach your eye and you are afflicted, lake our advice and go lo Ur lIEIN IMANN, and you will never regret it. Dear Doctor, receive with our most hearty wilhes for your future welfare, the assurance that we believe you to he one of our most talented and experienced physicians in the Ftate. FatciixaicK Harvuaki*, (prop'r Miners’ Hotel.) Jacob Winkucmass, (p'r Greenwissl Brewery, John Ukoruk, Abocst Hahkr, Jos CPU WILIMAKN, Chasi.cs GlS*. T. Bklaz, ( Propr’sof the 1 T. H nxli« s Cruix Federate* Jka* Hithlkr, / A. H. Walkkk. El Dorado Flide. G. '/.Rules s. (firm of E. Poppe it Oo.,) Oroville. Juskpu GtAVitt, Auburn. Charlks Kastrlu. Fpantsh Dry Diggings. T. Urssisurr. iprop'r of Condemned Bar. C. WoLLCR, Facramento, R. Fissisusß, do G, Rrmai-d, do Capt. Um, Michigan Bluffs. Gapt. p. f«. Mcaros n Mormon Island. HawRT Tacct, (Republican House,) Jackson. This testimonial was not solicited by Dr Heiol tnc-Tlm (Greenwood Valley J Coloma. MEDICAL. DR- L. J. CZAPKATS (irntul .Mnlieal anti Surgical Institute, Ar or> Hull building. Corner <>r Montgomery anil >ls.. Him y.ttlaUi.-hrif fvr Ikr prrmmrnt rurf »f ill priral-r tn<i throttle Jlf'.ltrf, mill Ik' fupprrmutn of ,/ufU k"h. I 'kit. I. 4. CZAI’KAV, I.\TF. IN TIIF MI’NCA I Revolutionary AV:ir. I'Mt'f IMiyslel.'lM to (hr 2"ih rudintitt oi HduvihK Chief Surgeon b> tho Military f(tn.|>ittil <>l I'mfi, Hungary. and Into l.eclu rer on'Diseases ("f I'rlnary organs and diseas- a .'f women and children, has opened hi' insltiulo for the cure of all form« of private diseases, such a- >yphl)is, gonorrhea. nocturnal end*- piini'. nml all ll»i* eonseqimnee" of self-abuse. In Iho first stages of gonorrheal disea»« « ho guarantees a cnro in a few day*, without ineontiiileiice to iht- |ialionl, nr hindranee to hi" l«u«ine"' \V lion a patient, hv tjoiflocf, or improjior troatmont, hn* developed Iho secondary symptom* of svhills. "nch n" hutHss. or painful swelling" on Iho uroiii". or nlcor" in the throat and nose, which, if inn chocked, destroy the suit, parla and cause iho In men to inorlifv. separate and ■■nine away, leaving iho sufferer .m object hideous lo Itohold; or when “plotehes and pimple" hronk out upon iho "kin. or when holm" painful swellings upon iho hoiio", or when hi" constitution t" Injured ro a" lo prodi"po*o to roii"um|iiion or nthor consiiiuilona. di"nH"o. iho liocioj guarantees a euro or a-k» nooom* pcii'aiion In Rheumatism, chronic or anile: in lly.oiilor' . Or Pinrrluea. ho ha« «nlo and effectual ro inodio". for Iho iroiilinoiit of (ho cons qilences of «o|i ahn-o. "nt h a" nootiiriial emissions, norvon'iu -si ! timidity. hondacho. pain" In Iho hark and limb", wilh general weakness, huts of nppelile, lo"" of tnoniory. injury to iho sight, restles-ness, conlii"ion of ldon«, dislike for "oejoty. and feeling ol weariness of lift-: wilh Iho nervous syslim so excilenhle that slight noi"0" >hock or startle the puiirnl making hi" exi.i onco nii"orahlo. For ths above maladies iho lloclor w ill toiaranti". a cnro or n«k no rompenwiiiaii. 110 can In* oon"iillod roo of charge, and invites all lo call, as ii will coni them nothing. and may ho much to their advantage. Til A.N RUM.MISS I" THE INCKMIVK TO <i ft ATI I I' UK, p Tt Kl,< I\V wo publish Iho orrlillcalo" of two of tin* fi 1.1 sufferers from the pangs of di«oa"o, who hav ing recovered Ihoir fnrnior lioullti. and impelled hv gratitude. inuko known ihoir case* and Iho remedial ngont; and llmir "laloinonin are millienticatod In a Notary filhlic. Tho demand" of society lieperionslv command Ihoir publicity. and wo commend their jiormud to tho ultontion of nil afflicted. C’KBTiriCATK Tho undersigned, desirous of acquainting Ihono who mav ho unfurlunalo enough lo be simllarlv af (lirled where a permanent relief ol Ili.-ir sufferings may ho obtained, foil" i! hi" duty to ih it" puhlicly express hia "incoro gratitude to Hr I. •! Czapkay, fur tho ponnaticnt nenvoryof In" hoalih. Iloruo down hy lhe distressing symptoms incident fo iho vicious practice* PI nncoiilrollahlo pii""ioii in youth, dopro""cd in Itody and mind, nnaldo lo porform ovon tho most irilling duly Imposed upon iho daily avocn luiii" of lifo. I "ought Iho ml vice of iwinv physician", who at lir"l regarded mv disease ol Iriilb.g Import* mice, hnl ula"! after a low nodi, and in "• veral in* "lance" nioiith", of ihoir treatment. I found lo my un nllerable horror. Ihal insload ofroliof iho .yinplonm hocanio more alarming in their torture, and being thinlly told mo hy ono that lhodi"oa"o.l>i ing conlfnod principly lo tho iiruin, iiioiiicino" would hoof little i’oii"oi|iu > ncn, I despaired .>lever regaining my hoailh strength and energy; and a." a In"l ro«orl. and wuli hut a faint In pe. called upon Or. Czapkay .who. alloc examining niv cH"o, presenhed "onto no dlcine w Itioli almost instantly relieved me of Iho doll pain" and dizziness in my head. I'ncoiiragod hy lid" rosnll, 1 losiihod to place iny"olf iiiiiiiedintoiv under Id" euro, ami. lo a strict olmdionce to hi" dtroclii fi" and ad vice, my head hocanie clear, my idoii", tho coii"tanl pain in my hack and groins, the woakno":i of my linih", tho norvoiis reaction ,il my whole "V"" lemon the "lightest alarm or oxciloloeiit, the im*- niithropy and evil forolimlmg", the "elf di«irii«t and want of conlldeiice in o her", the inoaf ability to aluily and want ol resolution, the frighifnl exciting, and at times ploasiirnhlo dreams at night, followed hy involuntary discharges, have all disii) poared. and in fact, in two miHilhs nlior having coiiMillod iho lioclor. 1 fell us if inspired hy a now life—that life which, hut a short time ago, I contemplated to end hy my own hand. Willi a view lo guard the unfortunate from falling into the snares of Incompetent ipiacks. I deem it my duly to odor this testimony to the merit and -kill of lir. i zapkay, and recommend him to all who may sliiiid in nea I ol medical advice, being assured hy my own experience that, once under hi" cure, a rad ical mid permanent cure w ill he otfooiod. it. f. fi u.Mom;. Slide of California, county of San Francisco—Sub scribed and sworn lielure me, this ITdi day of April, A. 1), 1800. (Signed) John MinnufTox. Notary Public, A (-'AHO—Prompted by an Inmost do-orc of my jl heart, I wish to lay lioloro the public a case which deserves a high commendation, not only as an act <d scientific skill, tun that of humanity also. About two years ago. I suddenly, and from causes unknown lo mo, seized wilh a 111 of epilepsy, which, owing to my inaliiiity to moot the expense" conseipiont upon a tin.rough no dical treatment,and Iho discouragement 1 mot with on attempting it, soon became such (as 1 was men led to believe) as lo defy the skill of a phy sician. I was frequently while in |iur«uil of my call ing, thrown down to tho ground without the slightest warning, and although insensible (u the agonies. I yet despised the miseries of my life.nnd soon learned io look upon those who would render me assistance or shelter me from danger as enemies who sought lo prolong the miseries of my exislenco. While in thi i Si tale, and having previous to my nllllctioii lasted tho sweets of iife, 1 once more was induced lo attempt sssking aid oi a nhysieiuu, and. hy recommendation, called upon Dr. 1.. J, Czapkav. I told him my cir cuinstances and my inability lo reward him for his services, regardless of which, however, he at onco undertook my case, and wilh Iho blessing of (Jod I was once more restored to perl).cl health. Unable to reward him for the boon which I enjoy at present, and yet conscious of my indebtedness. I consider it due to myself and to all the alllicled to make the case public,in order that those in need of medical advice may Hud a physician in whom every confidence can be placed us, MKYER YAni.OSSKV. Plate of California, county of San Francisco, ss—Sub scribed and sworn before me lids first day of August A. l>. IHiO. Gilbkrt A. (Irxnt. L.i, Notary Public. I»r. 1.. J. Cxapkay’s Medical and Surgical Institute is at the corner of Montgomery and Sacramento sis., San Francisco, California. The Itoclor oilers free consiillalions, and asks no remuneration unless be effects s cure. Spkrmatobhhoca. OR, local wesknow, nervous debility, low spirits, lassitude, weakness of the limbs and back, in disposition and incapability fur labor and study .dull ness of apprehension, hies of memory. aversion to so ciety. kive ef solitude, timidity, self distrust, dizziness headache. Involuntary discharges, pains in the side. alTeclions of the eyes, pimples on the face, sexual anil other inflrmnlies in man, are cured without full by the justly celebrated physician and surgeon, 1,. J. Czapkay. Ills met hist sf curing diseases Is new,( un known to others) and hence the great success. All consultations (by letter or otherwise) free. Address f. J. Czapkay, M. 1).. ?an Francisco, Cal. u!t-!toa SALK by the Hase or Package in quantities to suit. Long bill paper. Legal cop Letter Paper, Ink Broad bill paper, Fools cap. Note paper, Pen cils, Blank Books, Wafors, &c &c. Noisy Carriers Book & Stationary Co, 87 Battery Ji 64 &66 Long Wharf, San Fran cisco. C P. KIMBALL. Pres. Its attend. OROVILLE LODGE, No. 69. L 0. of O. F. meets every Monday eve ning in the Masonic Hall, brothers in good standing are respectfully lavited THOMAS COLEMAN, N. U. * J. M. Clari, Secretary,