Newspaper Page Text
OROVILLE DAILY BUTTE RECORD. VOLUME I (Drouillt Ifoiln Buttt SUtotb. PCHL.IMHKU DAI I. V (SUNDAY* KXC F.HTKU ) Omen—ln Kecorrl IbiildlnJ on Myers Street, Past side,between Montgomery And ttird, t irovllle. Tkkms—One Year Pit Mail 81' W Hi* month*. do KOO Three month*. il<> 5W Delivered by Carrier, jut Week 50 W3SKKLY rnirno ukcoiid. Fnt rlrenlatkin in the minlnz and uTrle'iltnml dis tricts nf i tin county, >vil! contain Ihn Inca I mul zenentl t*ew« of the week, Inter.perserl •llh intarestlnv mis cellaneous fftadiint matter. It will contain twenty oiifli* columns of nwiiline matter, mnl will lie one «f Him lame'll and cheapest Weekly SeWspapers ill Itie Hi tile, Published everv Hsturdny. Trrina—B3 per Annum ; six month*. three months. 81. A avku kk utsTi. per sipnirc el Wn lines or ten*, drill insert imi. • ... 8 *'in Kneli mihNeepmnt Insertion,- - -1 50 j-jf* a liberal deduction will hematic In favor of (hose who advertise liy the year 88* KiisiiioSsc.iirds inserted on rensoniihlclennn, Ajfpts lor (hr Unite Record. HUNKY KEEPER "‘dwell. TKOVt At* IP •V 0 K.... 87 Merchant st. Snn fritneiseo. A 1.. Until, l> MTeel. Marysville N I) PI,I’M Pnrhealown. WHITE K KUTTBR Oregon Fity. J K, .1 \<"Kl*(iN - Unblown! J.KVI PMITII Thompson's I'hit Jill lIIIOTHKDTON Unit her! nil’s Store. .1 A MK3 TROIDSHTiTM Wvandolle .1. HU IRWIN Nelson Creek. pi tuna* ' 'e .HTHKIXS it CATE American Vnlley M pKN'i'l'. Manilla Valley. T|, C ••Record' 1 ’ can be procured from nnv oltbe nlv ive named Attwiit*, who are niso authorized to re reive advertisement* and orders for Job Work M’VlLliK AI)VEIITISEMENTS* WALKER. WILSON &. Co. DUALIS IN STAPLE APIS FANCY DAY GOODS, Clothing, Roots, Ladies’ and DHIIiDUEN'S SHOES, lIOSIF-KV, KO., \( r«t side l». si near *ml »t JlarystUle. rwrn.f, KKKT CONSTANTLY <>N HAND, a full V T assortment of flood* ill their line, and would ‘•.ilinl a ■•linn* of public pnlrnnatre.— Particular Inuvoton paid loonier* the country. TID >M AS B. WALKER, 7AMES t. WILSON, ,70HN 11. M ASON, fob 2-I‘2-tt NK W cl 0A B AN D TOBACCO STORE. Weat side 1) it root, opposite the the llniiii House .1/. fnvsn i . i. r. , cv i i. . Wm. Sliarltey cis Oo." tjur-spritkti.i.y ann'hunor to tiik im it liliL Ui' and Til KTH VIIK, thill llio> have con dtniiily oh hand, and h.r sale, at ihe lowest market prices, at WHOM'.SALE AND DETAIL, A largo uml can rally selected slock of Cigars, of the Choi rest Urn mis, well as nutooofa cheaper onnlily : also KVT.IiA DKSII! Ull.i: PRAM* OK TOBACCO. ami in short, whatevr may be ton mi in any simitar establishment in California. . , . A |.< tN * • KATI.IIir.SCK Its ttre busbies*.'We f**‘‘l assured will, when connected with BTU MiillTKOlt \V.\KI) DKVI.ISI!, enalile us to tive KNTIItK SAI LS K ACTION to those who may favor ns withtheir pal ronaue. fy COUNTRY Tit ADKRS supplied 15 per cent, tass than at any other house in the Suite, Mayrysvtlle ,tulj - 10. 1H56,. JyW-tf UIDVVKLL ADVERTISEMENTS BIDWELL BOOKSTORE. rinilßundorsi(rned wc*vl«t respectfully inform the It ell teens of llidwell and vicinity, that hr his x.|iened a BOOS AND STATIONERY STORE. hikl will keen (wnalwitly on hum! an nsaorrnentol Hooks, Stationery and l f *iity Articles,of the tines t ml In st qua lii v. and will be in the receipt or the LATEST PUBLICATIONS, as soon ns named , ... Bibles, School Honk*' Spiritual, Matante and Religious Walks, Blank Books, j(iu sells or single) . Vovt/s , Envelopes, Paper of all kinds POH TE-M OA~.IIE S , a oh i) pea s, jus i. ROGEHs * IVOSTEMHOLWS FINEST CUTLERY. Vhifh will be sold at the lowest ra!« ». I.atesl At laulic Papers received liy every steamer, for *nle m KKKI'I'.K. Next door to National Hotel. TUB GREATEST DISCOVERY OF TUB AGKI (treat Blessinu to Mankind I—lnnocent hut Pis tent'.—Pr. I. J. Cmpkay's I'roplivktctlcum. (Self- Ids infecting .Went.) u sure preventative against K'xmr rlneal and s\ pbilltlc diseases. and an unsurpassed real (H|y lor all tne veneriul, scrolnlous. gangrenous and cancerous nicer, hvtfd discharge* from the vasma, nlerns and urethra, amt ail cutaneous erupt ions and diseases. As is a preventative uununn small pox, sots Ur. I. J. > xnpkaya Prophiiaoticuwi n preventative against svpliilitical and gonorrheal disease*. Harmless m ilsell, it possesses (he power ~j chemically destroy tux tin syphilitic Virus, and thereby saving thousands from being infected with the most loathsome ol all diseases Let no young man who npkrec laics be wilhoet Hr. t *ap kin’s ProphUacUcum. It is in very ounv.Hifout p;;ck naes. and will lie found convenient to use. being used as a soap. Tried S-V For sale at I»r 1.. 4. Czapkav's office, Atniotry Hall, corner of tfacrumetUo and Montgomery streets, .'an Francisco. All orders must be addressed to L. 4. Crapkay. M 11., San Francisco, California. nI4 Office Feather Hirer and Ophir Water Co. « Oroville. Nor. 3d, 1W«. \ ADIVIDKND has this day ben declared, pay sole •I u>e office of the Company. jjtS. MURDOCH, Sac 1 !* OROVILLE, BUTTE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, MONDAY, DECEMBER 1, HW. BUSINESS CARDS. rtuuil r, InTT. W. T. StCATOS LOTT &. SEXTON- A T TOR N K Y S A T L A W, QUO* l-f.LK, UVTTK COVXTW OrrurK—No 1«U. 8. Ulock. Montgomery street. OIIARI.EB F. LOTT. Notary Public. Jyu-u __ t~ 11. HARRIS. JAMK.a M. Bl’Ht. HARRIS A BURT. Attorneys at Uaw, OIIoVII.M.K. 11l TTK COUNTY. OAI. OrncK—Myers street, west side, above Montgomery. J. W.OSI NTII »I„ .... . A. miRMN ROSENTHAL & SORNIN Watchmakers & Jewelers, NO. 105, WASHINGTON' XT., Sail Francisco. Diamond mi l ninniifnetured to order. VVnteUes mid Jewelry carefully required in the bent manner. n't j. w. wintkr, i>. r. urai.lxoAlit WINTER &. BURLINGAME i—ln MHimlh'rt IlniWiiut, Delwt en Seet»n«l ?ni<t Third* |K»sll«* Dm* 11 hii ii lluiim*. MARYSVILLE It ole tVe al*o have opener. an office inltiet’ b. llloek. Oroville, I’.nue Co., where one of it* may ill all time* tie found. J CONSTAL . Y. TONE S. LE AND rni. EEC TOR OK Notl.s AM) ArtVtl NTS. Also—Will sell fVraonal Property on Commission. arrr. it, wiili .1 T. Elliot i, Kmj., Rtf* sirnet, t irovtlle. Ju*> 14, 1 rCC, JyU-tf J G LAWTON. Jr ATT’Y & COUNSELLOR AT LAW A NII COM MISSIONS'R f lit MASSAC llt'S tCTTX Si U. IXI.AS t>. Kif Office corner of Myers and Montgomery Streets. No. 0.l nited Klales llloek, up stairs. ML-ARC ii FARLEY- Attornkv ic Counsellor at Law, NOTARY i‘l KKAV KSTATK AO KNT AMI CON vkvam ten. Oroville, Untie County. Old. Wit t. Prai tick in Ai l. tub i Ot a rs or Tins Static. THOMAS WELLS ATTORNEY AT L.V'W, OKOVJLI.K, HL’TTB COUNTY. Special ntteiilion given to Hie searching of County Reeovdv, invesligalitMi of Hides. Nc., ami to the draw ing of Ileitis and al! liWrtiilTontS for record. Office in the Court llottae, »IS-45 3 W SCOTT, COUNTY SUUVHVOR FOP. UI’TTKCOUNTY AND CIVIIa engineer. , oßovii.i.k. item: county, California. Person* desiring Ins serving will please leave their orders al the office of Messrs. Harris & linn. 141 f J. W. DUNN, «kjt i. k s r.i r i:. sto c r A\i! lIEMIL MTIOMII. t*ge (Iffiee, bt. Nieholas Hotel, OROVILLE. jy Sides in any part of Hie city or county prompt ly aWetided to. odetl J. D. BROWN, M. D.” (1 rwtnnte of New York University,New York Medi cnl Institute. Honorary Unnlinke of Syraeuse Medlra) College, offers Ids; ■professional services to the Inhabi tHiii* of Oroville and vicinity, office, al the Hutte Drug Store, .Montgomery street, one door front the cornerof iKiwner street. July l«, IBatt jyl4-tf r, M. SMITH; IHARI.KS O. IU BBARO SMITH & HUBBARD. Attornevs & Counsellors at Law CHARLES «!. IIUHUARD—Notary Public. OFFICE hird street, north able. between Myers unit lluutoon streets. "2S legal notices. PROBATE NOTICE. A LL persons holding claim* iigninsl tin* estnt* o( Jriuch P. Itu/lies,dec.-n»ed» lute ul Unite cimn tv are lierehv notified to pro.eiit thorn with proper vouchers to the undersigned within ten mouths (rom this duff, or tliey will he forover burred U. lIUoaIIm Public Admuusiral r Hutto <!o. Dlth>tU,oct.9i» MM. “ 4 '’ > NOTlCE hereby ttl.ven to nil persons holding liens on the 1 -Jennv l.iml lintel.” In town of Uruvil e, “ate county,* Hltfornla. to the some with leilul proof,ln the Justices Court o( JJ. K .lj j p., in mil tor Ophir Township, ou , Monday Nov V 4. Ih.Ui, nt 10 o’clock A. M. ‘ ttk L(jMJJEn COMrxNY . By Tom AtPy.j Oroville, Nov. iri. le.irt. ferryl notice VIITII'R is liereby given that tin* undersigned will to the Uos.r.l of Supervisors in and lor Hutto County, m tne February wtters »»«r--.asra4»ss juaciion Oroville. Nov. It), l?id. nlU ~‘ f probate notice- A LL persons holding claim* ag.idist the estate oi V Victor Laud lore, deceased, lute of Huttoeouniy, ■e hereby to pr.-s.nt them w “ h projwr .nchers to* the undersigned. «i»kln ten mouths Irom us date, or be forever HOBART, Public Administrator Hutto County. LEGAL NOTICES. STATE OK CALIFORNIA, County t»f Hutte. Probate Court. ■VrtW this 4nv. il apfwarimr to my sati.laciion as JudlTf of tiie Prob:■{«• Court in :iml for Hutte Countv, dial the Board of tbipervisor*. an I lor -:u.J County, did, on tlio twenty-fourth dny of M pt. tnt» r A D one thousand elrfht hundred Hud (tflysi*. decln-e Oroville 10 I*o the County Seat «f Hutto Co. from ami after the sard twenty-fourth day of September. A 1) IHMi, in of iin Act nuillt*<l An Act lo change and tlx the County Sent of Untie County, ap proved Mnntli loth, IS.W, mid It further appearing lo mv sail shed lon. thnl Hie present buildings in which th- wild t o.irt him been held, ami in « hieh Hie Uec oMs have been kept hi the town of Ibdwidl. are un safe ns « pine* of depository lor said Records, and that the same is lialtle lo destruction by tire, by rest sou of their helm! constructed entirely of wood. And il further appearin'.! that. He re is no butldimr in the town of Itid well,suitable for h.ddimf the terms of this court, and to safely keep it* Records from tire or other calamity, and it ap|ieartm! that the town of droville Is a 111 place to hold the terms oi this Court, and dials cotniuodious and salt* brick hullditur in -aid t .wn has oeen tendered lo the county ns county hllihlimfs. . .. , Il is, therefore ordered adjudged and decreisl that the Clerk of the I'rohaV .Coyrk tr and for it lit hi County, forlwlih remove his orttce mid the Records thereof, toliroville. in the hnilditil! selected hy the said Hoard ol .-Supervisors ns county buildings. and that he do and transact the business of his said offlee at the town of Uroville, ns the County J'eal of Uulte County , . Audit is lurther ordered that the terms of said court,from and after the said iweutydoiirib day ol September, A It |s.a'.. be held ht till) raid town of I iroville, until ot her wise ordered. And H is fmlh-r ordered that the Clerk ot the Pro bate Court, in and fur Hutto County, issue murder, under seal of said Court, in confonnily w ith this or der. \nd thnl the same lie published in the Its ly but e Ih-eord. a paper published in dm town ol itroville, fertile space of forty days from the date herool. Hy order of Court. A ttest the foregoing a true copy of the urlgfuul or der now on (He m mv court. * Witness mv hand and the seal of said Pro [LSJ bale (’our-.amveil, lids the iitli day of fmp tember, A 1> IH.di. nl Hidwell. MII.KS CHAPIN, Probate Clerk. l!y Dxkkai n.lieputy. .STATE OF CAUFDRNIA, f County «f mine. t Comity Court. iliis ilny U appearing to my satisfaction a« Judge of Hie County Court, in unit lor llului (Viiiniv, tlinl the Hoard it J-npervisors in mul for said County. did, on the '2)l h day of September. A. 11. one thousand eight hundred mid ty’v.t-ix, ileopire "roville to tie the thinnl; !-i-»l ol Untie County from and lifter the said twenty-fourth day ii. 1). le.iti. in piirsunnce ol an act enlitied An Act to change and tlx the County Seal of Unite Comity, approved uarcli lOlh. IS. Vi; and il ftirtlier appearing torn) satisfaction Unit the present buddings i'l whtoh I lie said Court Inis Ime ii held, ad* l*i n u Inch the Hecords have lieeti kepi 111 the town ol yMwell. are unsafe as a pine f de pository for said It. confn aiUTthat Hie same is lialde tode> heasmi of their being con. strutted entire of woo. 1. And il Inrlher appearing that there is no building ifi Shu town ol Ilidiveil. suit at,lc for hold ini' the ternfcdf this Court, and to safely keep its Hecords from lire hr ulh. r catmint y, and it appgitVing lliat tlnflowjUyl'Cro- die is a til placo to hour the terms ui and Hint aside and com modion* brick building in Said nwn has been ten dered the minty ilk county bunding*. It i« therefore ordered, adjudged and decreed, that the Clerked the County and tor Hullo i’uiiiilv, forthwith remove ids office and the Hecords thereof, to Oroville. in the building seleetctl liy lh« s ihl Hoard rtf Supervisors ns Comity llmldings, and Dial he doTmd t nnsacl the business ot hissnid office, at Hie town of Oroville, as the County Seat of Unite County. And it ie further ordered, that the terms ot said Court, from and afterthe said twenty lourth ilny of September. A 1> 1 Safi, lie held at the said town of iimvilie until otherwise ordered. Ann it is further ordered. Hint Hie Clerk of Ihe County Court in and for Hutte County, issue an order under Hie seal ol said Court, in conldrmily w ith this onler. And that the same l«- published in the Daily Hidle Record, a paper published in the town ol nroville, for the space ol forty days from the dale hereof llv order of Hit Court. Attest the loregoing a true copy of the original or der now on tile in my office. Witness my hand and the seal of said Court [I,. S.J affixed this the 24th day ol September, A. D. )H»6, ul Hid well. MIEfiS CHAPIN. Clerk of County Court. Ry M H. DaKKACH, Deputy. STATE i»K (A I.ft "KM V r County of Hutte. 1 Court of Suasions. ■%'OW this day il appearing to my sails faction, as presiding Judge of the > oiirt of Sessions, in and for Hutto Coun y. that the Hoard of ship imsors in, and for said County, did. on the twenty lourth day ot r-eptcinher. A I* one thousand eight hundred and lifty six, doclareOroville to he the County of Hullo County Irom and after the said twenty fourth day ot fieptemher, A I) IK*), in pursuance of an Act entitled An Act to change and tlx ihe Comity Heat of Hutte County,approved Ma r ch 10th, 1 Kilt, and it further nppeaVing to inv satisfaction that the present build ings in which the said Court has been held, and in which the Records have lie< n kept in Hie town ol Itidwell. lire unsafe as u place of depository for said Records,and that the same Is liable to destruction by lire, by reason ol their being constructed entirely of wood. And it further appearing, tbat there is no building in the town of Hniwell, suitable for bolding tbe terras ot this Court, and to safely keep its Rec ord* from tire or other calamity, and il appearing that the town oft Iroville Is a 111 place to hold live terms of lids Court, and that a commodious and sate brick building in said town has been tendered Hie County as county uuildiugs. It is therefore, ordered, adjudged and decreed, that the Clerk of Hu; Court ot Sessions, in and for Untie County, fortwith remove his office and the Records thermit, to Oroville, in lb« building selected by the saiti Hoard of Supervisors ns Comity Huildimts, and that he do and transact the business of hi* said office at ihe town of Oroville, as the County ileal ot Unite Comity, And it is further ordered, that the terms of said Court, from and after ihe said twenty-fourth day of September, A D KW. lie held al Hie said town ol Oroville. until otherwise ordered. And It is further ordered, that the Clerk ot tho said Court of Session*, in and lor Unite County, issue an order under the seal ot said Court, in contonnily wif h this order. Amt that Hie snma be published in Ihe Daily Hutte Record, a paper published in Ihe lown id nroville, lor ihe spcce ot forty day* from the dale hereof. Hy onler of Court. Attest the foregoing a true copy ol the original Dr ier now on tile in said court. Willies* my ha ml and the fea! of said Court g] of Sessions*affixed, this the twenty fourth day ol September. I D xl Hidwell. M D-E- s CHAPIN, Clerk ol Court of Sessions. By M.H. Darraih. Deputy.* «itW NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION COPARTNERSHIPhbeetofore existing be JL tween the undersigned, was dissolved by mu tuot consent on the Mb of dept* tube*, IKW>. The partnership business wiM be settled by B. B. iiltven & Co,at Charley’s B. B. HEEVIN, ROGER*. CborWy a Roach, S«pC !«, 18SR tia-la . LEGAL NOTICES. STATK <»k CALIFORNIA, » Con lily of Untie. i ninth Jimici u, nif*rum court. ’V OW this aiay il appearing to my siiHslacliou, as ;N Judge nf the Ninth Jttdidnl Utsim! Court ti mnl tor Itutt*' <>.iiiiiy. licit the Hoard of Sujierv in mill lor -aid Chumy, did.on thv twenty-fourth day> ■if September. \ l> mm tlx•u«;itill eight hundred ami Ally-six, declare OroVllK' 111 be I lir I Nullity ssi Ilf Hutto (’• inf ily fnim mill after I hi* said twenty-fourth day of t«epletnher \. .‘KTi't. In 'iunmajivii "I mi Act (■nil I led An Act In Change ami tlx lilt' I linn ; y Seat I 'l Untile Comity. apjrroied Mnroli Hub 1> »•. mat it l’«ir— Iticr np|ieariug to my satisfaction that the present building* in which llm said Court I’.sa been held, unit in which the Uncords lime hoon kepi in the town ol Hidwell, aro unsafe as a pNicv ofideposilory for.said- Records, mnl that the same is liable in destruction by flic, by reason ol llmir being constrnrled entirely of wood. And il fun her nii|ioari:ig, tli d linn-is no hnildinif in llm town of UlilwelVi sellable nir In I ling Hit- terms of lids court, and to salfdy keep its* Uncords from tire or other paltnn'ly, aiwl it Hppmxring that tlie town ol • inn 1 1 In is ald (dace to hold the terms ot I hi-. Court, and that a conimodnais and safe brick build ini; in said town has been lendnrnd the county ns contnv buildings. It is llicrntdre ordered, adjudged and (lecreed. that tin- Cler . of the Ninlh Judicial l"#lricM'nnrt ■« mid for Unite comity forihw ilh remove Ids oftlce mat the Iteeords thereof. to I In I'M He, in tile building • elected >iy tile said Hoard of Supervisors as Coiinly llilil ling-, and that he do and tmus.ict the business of his said office, al the town of Oroville, as the ITmnlv Heat ol Rntte Coiinly. Aial I is furtherurdrrisl, that the terms of said Court, from and after the said twenty four Mi day of Sejilembos, .V. !>. Isa IV, !«■ held at llm said town ol firm tile, until otherwise ordered And il is further ordered, that the Clerk of tin* Pis- Court in mid for Unite County, issue mi order, under the seal of sard Court, in conformity with lids order. And Hint the sains he puhl shed in Mm Jhiily. I’.nMe Ukcoko, n paper published in tin* town ol iirovdie, for the space of forty days Imm the dale hereof fiiven under uij hand, this —4lti day ol September, A. It. IHSO. VVM. I’. DAINtiF.UFf FI.IL District Judge. »2it-4til Ninth .Indiciul District, Cal. STATK OF CA 1,1 !•’< MINI A, t Hoard of Supervisors, (Jotinly of Italto (j Nov Term. 3 N Hie mutter of t « declarntion of certain streets m 2 Hie t arltoii tract to lm highways, and to alter the road to McConnell’s Ferry. It i » hetvhy ordered that the present road running from Iho termination of Itird, Itoliinson and Montgomery slresttvin the town of t iroville to Hatcher llaiich in said connty, he, and the same is hereto declared vacated as a public high wuy And it is further ordered that the said Itird, Montgomery and Uohllison streets of said town of I Iroville. he extended as public Highways across the tract of land known us Hie Carlton Tract, and ad joi niiil; «aid town of * iroville. Said coniian.i‘ / ;oiis of Itird. Robins - n and MonUroraery street. In ho sixty six feel in width, mid extending in dirtctions parallel with each oilier, ascording to tile plan or server ol said Carlton Tract, made hy M. 11. Fnrhe*. \nd ibis further ordered that the street marked Fourth Ave nue. according to the plan and serreyi of the sui t Carlton Tract lie. audlhe same >s hifchy declared to hen public highway —the said \venue Rvhe sixty six feel in width, and esrtejnttng uemns-said ;nirt of land. And il is further ordered Unit so nined. of the First, Second. Third. Fifth Sixth. Seventh and Kighth Av enues, as he hetweeu llohia-on and Montgoinery streets, according lo llm plan or survey of said M 11. Farley of said Carlton Traci saw on Bin in the office Of the comity K-corder of *aid county, lie. and the same are hereby declared lo he public highways, all' of said highways to he six*7 fesi in width. And ’t is further ordered that the road now laid out from the termination of tho said Uohinson street, across the Hatcher Ranch, to its jitfictioti with the old'coin' he, and the same is hereby iluchc-ed a public high way, said highway to he sixty six feet in width. AUesllho foregoing a flow copy. MIL 10 ti (TI Al'IN, Clerk of Foard. P>y M. 11. Dnrrach. Deputy. nls—sd SHERIFF S SALE VIUTI'K OF AN F.XF.rCTD>N issued out m 3 of the District t’ourf. Twelfth .ludwail- District, in and tor the county of Fan Francisco, Btale oi Cal ifornia, lo m« directed mid delivered, commanding me to make (h« mini of three hundred and ten iwev ty lwoono-hiindredlli dollars principal, wit 11 inleresl thereon utlt'o rale of ten per r lit. per imnmn. Irom date of Judgment until paid, and costs nt suit, amounting to the sum ol tinvty-loiir twenty-live one hundredth dollars, together with tlie accruing costs of said suit; wherein M l>. Lassevell is plaintiff and John (J Thompson and George Marquis tire the de fendants. 1 will, on the "tilh day of Novemher. A |». 1 Kill, between I lie hours ol two and three oVlocls F. M , sell at public sale, to the highest bidder lor cash, all of the right, title anil interest of said de fendants in and to one huildiug situated on Mont gomery street, about till by U let t in • i/.e and one story high. with a stoop in front Also, all that part or parcel or lot of hind upon which said house is -out led. described as follows lo wit; fronting fitly feet cm Montgomery street, and runninig baek log feet be tween the tVench hotel and Itrewsler’s house, ns l>e iug part of Lot number Iti. and Itloek number 19. as marked on the Town Flat of the Town ot Oroville, Butte couty, California, and partlv upon ground not include*! in said Plat, the same being the house-and lot aow occupied by Brown ami Peacock, us « dwel ling house, rode to lake hi the Court hoiiso door, in the Town of Oroville. county amt .-tale aforesaid. F. 1-UliBK, Slu-rifl t KMober 31, A. I). IPad. Untie counfy. SHERIFF S SALE BY virtue of a Decretal Order issued out of the District Court, sixth Judicial District, in and lor Sacramento county and Slate of California, tested the 14th day ol Novemher. A. 1). IWW, to rue directed and delivered, commanding me to make the stun of twenty five thousand and sixty six and eighty three one hundredth dollars and interest on fifteen thou sand dollars at the rule of three ( er cent per month from the 14th day of November i-. Mi. and teu per cent per annum on ten thousand and sixty three and eighty three one hundredth dollars Iron, the 14tu day of November A. D. Dv.i, ymi '.h> sum ol fifty-seven dollars costs ol suit, atm the accruing costs ot said Order, wherein Francis VV. ir’rall and John McNulty are plaintiffs, and Japies 1.. Iturlis mid John Foster defendants, out of eight hundred and thirty live head of Cattle. Therefore,is pursuance of said order I shall sell the said eight hundred and thirty head of rattle, at public sale, on the SfiUh day of November IV>«> at the Rauch known as Fuller's Rauch, near the Ranch ol John Bidwell in Chico township, Itmte county, In Ihe highest bidder for cash, F FULFIL Sheriff Butte i ounty. ( Rutte Cosnty. Nor. 18, 15.16. tntih NOTICE N- OTICR tahereby given, that “the undersigned _ will apply to the Board of Supervisors, in mid for Butte County, at its February Tvmi, A. D. 1*57, or as sisin thereafter as application can be heard, for a Bridge and Ferry License across Boiith Feat her Kiver, at or near its junction with the North Fork of Feather River, in Bulwell township. in said ccuntyj By order of he Bidwell Bridge Company. Nov. Id, 1&5B, GEO. W. HESS, President. Ob*. W. Hess, i R T. Nas Nobiiew, I J. A. Mi-kray, j- Trustees. Joseph Ulcekaoe, I Jos. E. N. Lewis, J B. T. VAN HuHDffN, Sn#’y. *\\—U MJMItKIt -H* / * ' LEGAJ. NO I ICES. CONSTABLE S SALE’ r•p V VTKT'TK ofthe followii# executions ' it) out of J.T Kllioil's • min Justice of the Pear in mid for ophir township, Mnil* mutiny, statu California, In mi* directed. coininandltiif mu in nroo* 111.- felhe.wiii'./ rnnts* || -vrUf i )n>' i-v mi.>ii ii favor of Marlin Shun and acr i- Jas, lira* Irr'lii* -inn id i .ViHv dollars iletn, mill tnidoll ar* mid eiuhly live cods eoslsol coiiil. On' "> -mil'mil In’ (inn nfi I’. llltm It Million «'id I in.i ,la*. Hr i liny for the - i'll of forty W'Vi'H d'd* ■•Ti>f; , <v cents debt m. 1 .out*dollar* naiiaiM; u'i|i« r i«!>i of mart; i ii»- execution ill i.ti’nrof Mantel Cirrid • nunii 'i .fas. Hradh-y lof |n*i mini Ilf 1 1 .1 r• >■ nine dollar* au • twcirt, (In- and towrdodarsamlsvsty cem* cost* ot conn; One oxtomilon ;« Jiinuwur.t, Ifiillowavnnd unain*" ,ti 'i. Hrmliey lots Ido mm of forty dollar* ■ml seventy live ivnis debt iiml (bur dvJiars and sixty cents cost* of mil; • »iai uxecul i n in favor ol Thor.Water* and a-rnin-i •In*, lirmlioy for tin* mm of thirty seven dollars and thirty seven cent* debt ami lour dollar* and sixty, a ot> cortsof conn; i ine e.\i#ni|ou in favor ot J. Riley anti against das. Rradlcy for iho ninn of forty four dollars do lit un I tour dollnisi awbsilty rents oosis of court; dine- execution in lavor ol .las. Iliriniiiifhnni amt ititainsl ./as. Urndh'y fur thr sum of forty eight dollar uni flfly ciint* <1.1)1 and four dollars and sixty coins costs ol court. together wilti all the costs accrnitiK on said writs, I have levied upon and will expose to pitlillr sale to the highest bidder for cash on Tuesday ;ti,i 2.1 day of Ifeccmher. A. It. 1 *Jo'Mock M , iti » fiilhovlnitdescribed properly, to will tails N". 1. 2 and 4 Iti tilock No. 21; i,no No I and 2in block 1 and lots N"i2. I, and din hlouk ‘.' laid down and described in the map of t;l* town of < troville, Hutto county, to,'ether wi.ftud the impnivenirrns and ap purtenances t heir unto belonging. Sale hi take plaeo at the Cntr:/ Mouse door lit lias town of Urovillc coHiiiy and stale aforesaid. Ii /. PATTON, novVJU (’onsialde Opltir Township CONSTABLES SALE IflY VlKTf’l’. m' the billowing executions b-sred IP out of -10111 l Jones' I ‘olirt, Justice of the I'iaa’e in and lor Ititlle t'oinity. t aliforidn tome directed, cum ma tell tut me to make the follow ini/ sums, to w I:: one eseciilioti in favor of Ooldsmith. and against .la*. Hradh -y, tor the mm ol litty live dollars debt. t -ix dollars and for'y cents nets of court; one i v re lion in favor of ' has Mct'alluni nnd against .!;.>» Hradlev. for the sum i f lorl v eight dollars debt find six dollars and lolly cents costs of conrl; one e.xec.u lion in lav. rof fViltinm >lortid nnd nguinst las. Hnidley fill'lhe »um ol lli’v one dollars and sina dve ,vmis debt nnd six dollars and hirtyicenl* c ists of court; seu execution m favor of Itnn'l (iullo •ry and against Jus. Hradlev for I he sun* of eighteen hol lars ib 'it and six dollars and h.rly cents coals ol i <me exeeiilion In lavor of John Priati and against Jas. Ilnalley for the sum of ei Id dollars and fit ly ■ ■••nt s debt and six dollars and forty rents costs of court . one execution ill favor of John Riley and again*! J;.-. Headley lor the sum of forty nine dollars debt and six di liars and !• >rt> cents costs of court; one exoi it lion lit favor of fhos. .tones Ii rtheanni ol |..rty six dollars and Ally live cents debt and six dollars an ! forty cents m>t> of court. ( 11 u• oxt oiilion in lavor of linn’l Peterson for the sum ohh sly two dollars anil fmirteen ceiils-ib .'e <1 six dollars and forty cents c -is ot court, to a th. - v< illi llie costs accruing on s .id w rlts. I have bo i" 1 upon and will expose to public sale to the l.i. i bulderfor casts on Tuesday liu 2d dny of Uereiuhe. A. It. IH-Vl, at 12 o'clock M , Hit" following de*. ri l • •'■ I ,'u]4-r‘.y. to sir l.otv So. 1,2, amt Vin block No. I; bis No. I mid 2 in block No. 2H. and lots No. 2. d bin hlo :k No 2lv, a-- laid d**» ii an fib scriln.d .11 '-he mapoftlie town ol'Oroville. Hiitte county, toy iu.r wtill all the improvements and nppiirteimnce* lhere unto la .'ill ■ to lake place at the Court I in the town ol I troville, county and slate iiloresiiiil. I!. I, PATTON, nov. 12—It Constable Opltir Tow nship, I'lM STV OK IiI’TTK. COUNTY COURT—AT CHAMBERS, Onovvl.l K. October 21. If.-.c. SN Till’. MATTKH UK HORACE BEVMH.Ub mi Insolvent Debtor' In pursuance of arm viler. made on Hu* 21st, day of October, *SVi in lie-(,'oiuily (yiurl of said "oiin'y, the .Indue thereof. Iho I he* .1. K. N. I.KH'IS, Notiee ih hereby Riven, to Ilie creditors of the will insolvent debtor Horace ItetHohb, to be ami appear be to re lb" Jlldße of the Counlv Court in and lor sn I roimty. Ih« Hon. I. E. N. I. iwis, nl the Court bouse, nt Uroviile, in said county, on Monday, the 2IMi day of November. A. I), DAdi. at 2th o’clock. A. 'I., ilia same heinu tin- ft -I day of the November term of said Onirf, then iml there to skuw cans*. if Mil), why the prayer of said insolvent debtor should no it ran led. 'and an a-siifiiuieHi ot bis eufiU* I* iwno t and lie be discharged Irom Ids debts and liabilities as an insolvent debtor. U iini.“« my band and the I of said Court affixed, tliit the 21sl day t October, A. O I , „ } 185® } ( .MILKS CUAVIN, County Clerk, By M II DAHaacu, Deputy. Oroville, Oct oner 21, IBSA. 021-td INSOLVENCY NOTICE STATE OK CAUKOUN AF, I , SH. NOTICE Probate Court. PRODATE State of California, I . Coiiniy of Hullo, i raTo AI.L WHOM IT MAY CONCEUX.-edVl.ere. U as, a petition haviiiß hern filed in the Prolixin Court In and for Halle comity, on the day of No vember, \. It. IttSd, )>ra> intf that the will ol Henje. min Jobliswn deceased, lie admitted to probate, Mu tliut John, named in said pelil lon as i x< color, lw confirmed as snob If ts therefore ordered,Hint ail persons interested therein, be and appear helore the Honorable probale Court, In und for said county, on Monday the fib day of December, IKltt, a I 10o’cloc k A. V.,to allow cause il any, why said will sbenld not tie admitted to I’robale und the said John l.anli. not be appointed executor. Hy order of Court. Wtlaess tny band und seal of said Probalfl i..s. f'uurl. affixed tins the 21st day of Novem ler .\. 1). IH.iO, at < iroville. MILKS CHAPIN. Probate Clerk. By M. H. Daruauh, Deputy. n27-2taw‘2w. DISSOLUTION r«M HP. Co-Partnership heretofore existing lie? ween U A. (Touehel and Louis Rnlluid, under the in ni and style of Cloncbet k Uulliod, In the bwim—of hotel keepitiif. is this day dissolved by mutual' li stin'. All -ons indebted to the concern are I • r '-t y requested to call and settled their hills with A. ? I" cbel at the Hotel de Frwoce. and per»o ns bin uc comils atfidnst the lormer firm are requested "pre sent them to him (A. douche# > lor settbmewi idhin ten days. A.CLOI'OI KT, L. UULLIOIL Oroville. Nov. loth COUNTY TU EAST BEK’S <iKKICK. / Hiowtcu, July Is 1 b 1M& * ■NOTICE D hereby rivne, that all person* holdu K Usntc County Warrant* payable trow the gene ral fund, registered between February Ifilh. Is.v . and May llh. Is A that the s»me wd! be redeemed on iiteaentalion. at my office. And node* is further giteu. that from and aftc: thi* daw, said warrants WU ".*“ U> “ M “""wVILIAS LXTTIMOHt. iTreaaurcr of Ball* Oounlf.