Newspaper Page Text
OROYILLE DAILY BUTTE RECORD. VOLUME 1 (ftratillt I'i.u!’,'f'P.ttf HttDtb. PUIIL.ISIIED IJAIIsV (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED) Orrtc*—tn Record Itnildlnsr on Myers direct, Kn«t side, between Mnntfrttnnry and Htrd, Ufosille. Tkrms—Ono Year PMall SIS J*ix month'. do M Throw month* 1)0 ft tv * Delivered by Farrier, |mt AA'eok 50 WEEKLY IUT !' MO RECORD. —— For plmnlnlltm In the minlinf and n/'rh iPaml dis tricts of lho conntv. will conlatn Iho local and i/eaerid new < oflhe Week. Inter- i»t* I with Inlan-'Olivr mis cellaneous mutter It sill contain twenty jlrfht columns nfrnndinit matter, and will ho ono «f Mim 1 irunsi mnt cheap.-st Weekly Now,paper* in the jsiaro. Published every Hstoolnv Ti rm* —>$3 per Annum; sis months. three months. §l. A iiVKitTistcnKSTs per square •>( fen lino ' orbs'. Brat Insertion, ■ ... t" 11 " Knch subsequent Insertion,- - ■ ' ft" s jf m \ liberal deduetion will bomadc In fnvorol those who nil vert iso h\ I hi* your |jn«iness cards Inserteil on reasonableterms, .ljsoni« lor Ihf Riilte lleconl* ffF.NftV KKF.KRR, ..nidvrell, T!l,»m V-t UMYFK ‘.17 Merchant «t San 1 mncisco. A 1,, ft UTII, 1) street, Marysville. \ !)' p|,(M Forhestown AVI IITF. .V Nl ifr.R. .’. Orenon Flly. J K .lAFKSiIV I Inflow nl J.KVI s'MITII Thompson’s Flat l»l> ItKOTIIKRTON Hrother'on’s Store. .tAMKS TRMI/tiHTON Wvandolte .1 (SMIRtVIN Kelson Frwk. Plnma* On .lirilKlN** «t OATH American Valley M. PF.SI'F, Mcsilla Valley. Tim ••Record" can be procured from anv ollhe nhovo named Alfenls, who are also nnlhorl/.ed to re reive advertisements aim order* for Job U 'irk j M’VILLE A HVKRTISKMENTS. WALKER, WILSON & Co. DEALERS IN STAPLE AM) FANCY DHY GOODS, Clot 1 1 inI><><»tsi, Ladies’ and aHLi>iH:NS shoes, hosiery. &<:. Ilrst stflo I). st m>ar 2ml sf Marysville. •w ysf 11,|, KilKl* CONST W’TI.Y ON lIAN I*, a full t V assortment oft binds in their line, and would resiiecSfnllv milirit n share of politic patronage I’urtioul-ir mention paid murders iroiu the country. THOMAS c. walker, jambs C. WILSON, JOHN 11. MASON. fcb 2-12-tt N w CI oA ll AN 1> TOBACCO STORE- Weft side 1* ftreot, opposite the the I (unit (louse MJIRYS I* I/.L K , COL, — Wm. Sli/u’ cfi? 00. T9*I’.SIMVTm,I,V VNNOON. r. TO TIIK IM’H CVI I,IC mid Tin: Til Aim, that they have con mainly on hand, ami for sale, at the lowest market l>ric«'s*. at WHOLESALE AND UK TAIL, A I a rue and carefully selected stock of «f Hie (Choicest IlianiN, A- well as lion-of a dumper oiinlily ; also KVKItV DHStU Ull.f. 111 l \M» OK TOBACCO, and in short, m hulevr may be found in any similar establishment in California. ....... , , \ i.d.Ni; KNPF.UIKNCK in the business. we feel assured will, when connected with STR \IOH I’K**»• WARD pi; U.INC, enable us to give K.NTIUK SAT ISFACTION to those who may favor uswllhiheir pat r°C YA"OOIJNTKV TRADERS supplied 15 per cent. loss than nl any other house in the Slain, Mayrysvlllo July 16. IH.’.ti,. jylfi-tr — i - BIDWKLLADVEUTtSEMKNTS BIDWELL BOOKSTORE. fBN lIK undersigned would respectfully inform the sl Citizens Of llldwell ami vicinity, that he his opened u book and stationery store. and will keep constantly on hand an nssor.inenl ol Hooks, Stationery and fancy Articles, of the (Inert ml best qnalllv, and will be in the receipt or the LATEST PUBLICATIONS. as soon as issued , , JJtblt*, School Book*, Spiritual . Masonic and Religious If T ork», Blank Book*, j(i/i sett* or single) Monels, Envelopes, Paper of all kind* POR T E-MO AH IE S, GOLD BUMS, .‘L\r ROGERS Sr H’OSTEM HOLM'S FINEST CUTLERY. Which will he sold at the lowest rates. Latest At lantic Papers received hy every steamer, for sale M KKKFKR. Next door to National Hotel. the greatest discovery of the (;p;; (irent Blessincrto Mankind!—lnnocent hnt Po nt} i»r. 1,. 4. Czapkay's Prophylactlcum. (Self- l*is feeling A sent,) a sure preventative against goner .eal and si pliililic diseases, and an unsurpassed rein lv lor all the venerial. scrofahiiis. gangr< nous nod m-erous ulcers. bet id discharges from the vagina, crus and urethra. and all cutaneous eruptionsnnd s»-ases. As innocillaliou is a preventative ngiiiusi mil pox, so is Dr. i. *. t zapkaysProphiliicticuin preventative against syphititical anil ironorrhenl seares. Harmless in Used, it possesses the power cliemicallv destroying the sypmlnic virus, and lert-b* saving thousands from being infected with ie most loathsome of all diseases Let no young an vlio upkreciales henlih be without Dr. Czap iv's Prophilactlcum. It is in very convenient pack •g m „i will ho found convenient to use, being led’ as a soap. Price $5. For sale at I*r L. 4. uipkay’s office. Aimory Mall, corner of Sacramento id Montgomery alreew. San Fran rlaop. All orders must be addressed to l>. J. Czapkay, M gun Francisco, California. n!4 Office Feather River and Ophir Water Co. { Oruvllle, Nov. 3d, 1656. \ A DIVIDEND ha* this day been declared, payable office of the 8-*, OROViELE, BUTTE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3, ISAB. BUSINESS CARDS. lIIARLUS F. IoTT. W.T. SSXTON LOTT &. SEXTON ATT OK N K Y S A T L A W, OKnrtr.r.Ki butte cnityrr. Orr:< k—No HU, 8. Block. Montgomery street. CIIARUES K. LOTT, Notary Public, jyll-tt P* 11. IIAUKIs, J4*n M. llt'tlT. HARRIS BT7RT. AttniilcyM at Ijaw, OK>VILI,LK. BUTTE COUNTY. CAL Offick—Myers street, west side, above Montgomery. j. no«ftrii *■ "oriiw ROSENTHAL &. SORNIN Watchmakers & Jewelers, NO. 105, WASHINGTON ST., San Pranoiaco. Diamond and SpecimentVork manufactured to order. Widebes and Jewelry carefully repaired In the beat manner, ti.'» J. \V. WIN TKR, n. r. nTKt.iN«AWK WINTER &, CURLING AMS. (i(Tice—ln McGrath's Building. D "Ireet, between Second and third, op- RX if V V T Wl'Oaite the llann House. 1 J - Lr MARYSVILLE. We tflso have opener, an oltlce in the C S I thick. Oroville, Unite Co , w here one of in may at all limes he found. J Y. JONES, CONSTABLE AND COLLECTOR OK Noil’S ANI I ACCOUNTS. Also—Will sell Personal Property on Commission. Oppicr, with J T Klliot), Ks*j., Hird slrnel, Oroville. July 14. triad, jyll tf J. G LAWTON. Jr ATT’Y & COUNSELLOR AT LAW AM, fMMMISSIOSKR FOR MASSAI lIVSKTTS& It. ISLAND. Ki' Office* corner of Myers and Montgomery Streets, No. ;>, United States Block, ii(i slalrs. MIMARD II FARLEY ATTORNEY £n. COUNSELLOR AT IiAW, NOTARY PUBLIC, REAL ICSTATK AIIICNT ANII CON VKYANt Kit. Oroville, Untie Comity. Cal. VVn.f. I’R A i Til K IN ALL TIIK Col It PS OF THIS STATK. THOMAS WELLS, ATTO U N E Y AT LA W , 0H0V11.1.8, BUTTE COUNTY. Special attention given to the searching of County Ueeords, investigation of Titles, ice., and to the draw ing of Deeds and all instruments for record. Office (u lhe Court Ifonae. *lB-45 J. \V- SCOTT, X)UNTY SURVEYORFOR BUTTECOUNTY AND CIVIL ENGINEER. OROVILI-E, BUTTE COUNTY. OA MKOUNIA Persons desiring his services will please leave their irdersnl the oltlce of Messrs, ilarris Part. 1411 J. W. DUNN, It K . ft. KsTA T /•:, STO C A' ii mmi AUCTIOMHER. tn >o <ldice, rit. Nicholas Hotel, OROVILLE . {resides in any purl of the city or county prompt, ly attended to. oc.Vtf J. D. BROWN. M. D. Graduate of New York University, New York Modi cal Institute. Honorary Graduate of Syracuse Medie.»| College, offers his professional services to the inhabi tants of Oroville and vicinity, office, hi the Unite Drug Store. Montgomery street, one dour from the corner of Downer street. July 14, 1K56. • jvU-tf r, M. SMITH. « lIAKI.KS O. 11l BRAKD, SMITH &. lIUBDARD. Attorneys & Counsellors at Law CHARLES G. UUltllAKP—Notary Public. EFICK—Bird street, north side, between Myers and llnntoon streets. oiB LEGAL NOTICE PROBATE NOTICE A LI, persons holding claims against the estate ol /AL James P. Ifnghes. deceased, jute of Untie coun ty, are hereby not tiled to prerent them with pn»j»<r vouchers to the undersigned wiiliin ten months from this date, or they will be forever barred R. HOBART, public Adminislrut r Butte Co. llidwell,Oct. 2d, 1H56. NOTlCE hereby giAcn to all persons holding liens on the ■Jeanv Lind Hotel, 1 ’ In the town of Oroville, le county,Cslifornia. to pres-nl the same with I thereof. In the Justices Court of J T. Klh> J. P., in and for Ophir Township, on*JMouday . y'4, 1850, at 10 o’clock A. M. r Order of Court. C() , lrAN y. ■Tom Wkll«, Atfy.j oville, Nov.lh* PROBATE NOTICE- I, persons holding claims iign’iist the estate of Hctor Laudiere, deceas«-d. lateol Butte county, rrehy not died to present them with proper r« to the undersigned, w ilhlli ten months front le, or be forever barm.. R Pnhltc Administrator Butte County. SIGNS, SIGNSI lain, Gold and Ornamented, Executed in n superior stylo, at low rates, W. H. Haydon. LBo—House Painting, Graining. Gilding, Pa- L per Hanging, Stc, done well and Cheap. Shop Myers street, opposite United Stale* Livei^Sla* LEGAL NOTICES. Probate Court ST AT E OK CALIFORNIA, County of Butte. %TO\v this dnv, it appearing V> my satisfaction a« 3 Judin- of lii" Probate Court, in ami lor Untie County, Hint the Hoard of Supervisors, am) for stud County did, on th<* twenty-fourth day of September A I• one thousand eight hundred and ll!l> -I* declare (trovillo to be tin- Comity Seat of Unite Co. from and alter the said tweiiiy-foutili day of September, A l» ISMI, lu pursuance of nn Act entitled An Act to change and fix the County M-ul of llulle l omit), ap proved March loth. U»fi, and it further appearing to my snilsfuction. that tin- present buildings m which ih- «nill i'otirl has ta-en held. and in which the 1.-fi ords have been kept in the town of Bidwell, are un safe as a place <-1 depository tor said Itecords, mid that the same is UaliU- to destruction by lire, by rea s.iii of their hehiit constructed entirely of wim»l. And it further appearing that, there ii uo building in the town of Ui-lwell,*uilalile for holding the lerms of this court, and to sately keep its Records trout lire or ot her calamity, and it iip|H-artug that the town til droville is a lit place to hold the terms of this Court, and that a commodious and sale brick budding In said I -wit has neeii lendi-fed to the county as county buildings. , , It i«, therefore ordered, adjudged and decreed, that the Clerk of the Probate Court, in and for Butte County.f.irtwilh remove his office and the Records thereof, to i troy die. in the building selected by the said Hoard id Supervisors an county buildings. awl that he do and transact the liusiness nf his said office at tin- town of Urovillo, as the County Seat ol Hutto County , And ill* further ordered that the terms of said court, from and alter the said twenty-fourth day ol September, V l» I Safi, he held 111 tho Bttid town of Omville, until otherwise ordered. And it is fin liter ordered that the Clerk oil he I ro hate Court ,in awl for Hutto County, issue in order, under seal of said Court, in conformity with this or- And that tho same lie published in the Daily Hufe Record, a paper published in the town ol Urovillo, for the space of forty days from the dale hereof. By order of Court, A ttest the foregoing a true copy of the original or der now on Hie in my court. Witness my tiand and the seal of said I m [l, S] bat.- Court affixed, this the 2Uh day of Sep tember. Al» Is*.Mi, at Bidwell. MILKS CHAPIN,Probate Clerk. Hy DaruacH,Deputy. STATE «)K CALIFORNIA, ( County of Untie. \ County Court. this day it appearing to my satisfaction as INI Judge of the County Court, in mot for Untie Conniv, Unit tlio Itonril >f‘ Supervisors iu aad for said County, ilul, on tin* tilth day of toptemher, A. I>. one thousand eight hundred amt liftj.*ax, deojare Oroville to be tlki ('omit' scat of Itutto (Smnty from and after the said twenty-fourth day of September £.. I'. IS.Mi. in pursuance of an net entitied An Act to change and Hx the County Scat of Itnttn County, approved .'.arch mill. IS.V; and it further appearin'./ to my satisfaction that the present buildings in whlali the said Court has noon hold, and in which the Records have been Kept in the town of Itidwell. are uiUMde as a place ol de pository for said It* cords, and That the sumo isliuhle to deatrnctiou by tire, hy reason of their being con. ,imeted entire of wood. And it farther appearing that there is no building iu the town ol Bidweli. suit* able for holding the terms of this CouC and to safely keep its Records from tire or other cnlnmit y, mid it appearing that the town of Oro-ille Is a til place to hold the terms of Ibi' Court, and that aside and com inoiflons brick hnildiii^iin said twii bn* boon ten dered the county as county building*. It i. therefore ordered, adjudged ami decreed, that the Clerk el the County and for Unite County, forthwith i t move bin office and the Records thereof, lo orovillo, ill tint building selected by Iho said Hoard of Supervisors ns County Buildings, and dial ho do and iinsacl iho business of his said office, ;,l the town of I Irovllle. as the County Beat ol Unite countv. And it is further ordered, thut the terms ol -aid t ourt, from and after the Said twenty bturlh day ol September. A l» 1 Sab, lie held at the said town of t trovdie until otherwise ordered. \im jt is furltuT nnlfiv.'l. tlint Iho ( Irrk of the Co'niily Court in ai d for Unite County, issue an order tin<l< r the seal of said Court, in conformity with this And that the same Ire published in the Daily Untie Record, a paper published in the town ol ilrovlllc, lor the space (.t hirty days from the dale, hereof dy order of the Court. ... Attest die loregoing a true copy of the original or dernow on tile In my office. Witness my hand and the seal ol said ( ourt [I., a.] affined this the J4th day ol September, A. I). 1806, at Bidwell. ’ Mil.f.S CHAPIN, Clerk of County Court. liy M 11. Uarrm h. Deputy. STATE OF OAI.UOKMA, { Counlv of Butte. S Court of Sessions. HjkTOW this tiny it appearing to my satisfaction, ns presiding JlldUe of the Court of Sessions. 11l Mint lor Untie Conn ) . Hint the Bonn! of Supervisors in, in,, l for sni.l County. «li«i. on the twenty fourth day 01 September. A 1> one thousand ciltlil liuinlretl nml Hfiy -lx .lecture Oroville to t.e the County Seal of Unite County from ami alter the said twenty fourth day ol •September, V D DCifi. in pursuance ofnn Act entitled \n Act to chamte and tlx the County Seal of Butte Countv. approved Ma-eh loth, ls.'.ii, and it lurther niioearini to mv satisfaction that the present build iilus in which the said Court has been held, and in which the Records have lieen kept in the town ol Bid well, are unsafe as a place ol depository tor said Records, and that the same is liable 10 destruction by tire l.y reason ol their beinit constructed cniirety ol wood. Audit further appearm*. that there is no building in lli«* tow ii ol Ui»lwi 11, for hula tuff the terms of this Court, and to safely keep its Hec« orns from tire or oilier calamity, and it appearing that the town of l 'roville is a til place to hold Hie terms ol ihis Court, and that a commodious and sale Brick 1,i,i1,1i M o ju said town lias been tendered the County as county ooildiap’s. It is therefore, ordered, adjudged and decreed, that n Court of Sessions, in and for Untie the Clerk of tin County, fort with remove his otlice and the Record* thereof, n.Oroville. in the bnildinif selected by the said Board of Supervisors as Count) Buildimr-, and lied he do and Inmsacl the hnsiness ol Ins said office at the town of Oroville, as the County Seal ol Butte Couniy. . ..... . . , ■Anti It is further ordered, that the term*of said Court, from and after Ihe said twenty-fourth day of September. Ali Is.Vi beheld at the said town ol (iroville. until Otherwise ordered \nd it is further ordered, that the • lerk ol the said Court of Sessions, in and lor Butte County, issue an order under the seal ol said Court, in conlormily \nd lii it the Mint* be published in Hie Daily Butte Record, a paper published in the town ol oroville, lor the spe-ee ol forty day s from the date hereol. Bv order of Court. ... Attest the foreKoimt a true copy ol the ordinal or der now on file iu *aid court. Witne.s my hand and the seal of said » ourt t « 1 of Sessions affixed, this the twenty fourth * " J day ol September. A I» .»•'>*> «t Bidwetl ’ >1 lI.KB CHAPIN, Clerk of Court of Sessions. By M. 11. DaRBjO H. Deputy. e.-Hrt notice or DISSOLUTION rItB CODARTSKRSHIP bbeelofore exist iwf be tween the undersigned, was dissolved b> mu 10l consent on the nth of Septerabor, 1856. The partnership business will be »ellled hy R. B. Illven fc Co ,at Charley’s B. B. BLi.VbN, Churlsj’a Ranch. Sept. 13, 86* al»l» LEGAL NOTICES. STATE OF CALIFORNIA, t Comity »>( Hutie. I ninth jchut u, district cornT. V()W till' >1 >v It nppeariuif to lII* -aiistacll a* Judw of tin- Nin'h Judicial Hi'lncl Court in mill for Untie County, that tho Hoard of Super*isorx in iitnl 11 ir until t.*i Mini v, itill, no I tin t w ent r-lonrth iluy o| September. \ l> one thousand e:<ht hundred arid flfty-»l», declare ttrmtllo to In 1 tin* CiMlOty "•‘n • * * limit* County from tint after the said IwelUV-loerth liny of September A. n. KVi. in (liirxiiiiii t* of .11 A. t entitled aii Act to t bamte mnl li\ Hi" ’ omit* • <i 1,1 Until" County, approved March ItHli I s in"! 1' htr- I tier appeanmr my wit infliction that tl»« |>r»" "J hnildimrs in which tin* said Court linn hceo held, mnl in which the Knconlii have been k<*|>t in tin* town ol Hidwell, are unsafe us a place of depository for said Records, nml 11 nll tin* same ix liable to destruction by tin*, by reason ol their beiuu constructed entirely oiwooil.’ it further iimiearinir. that there ix no huildiiiif in the tow 11 of IFnlwell xmluhle ror hoMim/ the term* of Ihix court, mnl to safely k""|i its llecoril.x from (lie or other ciiliiniity, mid it api»»artiw tli"! Hi.* town of t troville ix n tit |iluce tii hold tin* t"nnx ot (hix Court, mid Unit 11 commodioux nml xiil" brick build- I nt; in Ha hi town htta been tenderod the county nx coni 11 y Iniildinirx. It ix therefore ordered, adjudged and decreed, Hint the Cl. r, of the Ninth Judicial Dixlrict Court in and for Unite count) forthwith remove his ofllct* and the Record' thereof, to 1 iroville, in Hie butldiuv selected by the said Hoard of Super* isorx ax Cimnly Ituil liiilt', and tout lie do mid Irmixact the t.nxinesx of his said offlee, alt he town of Orovllle, ns the Comity Heat ol Unite County. And it is further ordered, that the terms of said Court, fro,a and after the said twenty fourth day of September, A. I). ISaO, be held at Un said town ot Oroville, until otherwise ordered And it is further ordered, that the Clerk of the l*is trtet Court in and lor Unite County, issue an order, under the seal of said Court, in conformity with this order. And that the same he published in toe Dally Unite Rkcord, a paper published in the town ol tirovilh*, for the space of forty days trout the dale hereof (liven under nij hand, this tUth day of September, A. I), isr.6, WM. I*. I)AINf!KKFTKI,I). District Judge, «20-4 tit Ninth Judicial Ihslrict, Cel. STATU ok o \ M FORM A, I Board of Supervisors, Oountvof Butte $ Nov Tumi. 8\ the matter ol he duel arm ion of curium streets in thu Carlton triiut to bo highways, and to alter the road to McConnell's Ferry. It is lioruby ordered lliot Ihu present road running iroin llio termination ol Uird, Robinson and Montgomery streets in thu town oft trovillu to Butcher Itunch in said comity, he. and thu Hiimu is hereby declared vacated as a public higb wnv And it U further ordered that the -mid bird. Montgomery and Robinson streets ol said town ol itrovillu. he uxtundud us public highways across the tract of land known as the I’arlton Tract, and ad joining said town oftlrovillu. Said continuations ol bird, Uoliins'n and Montgomery slroet to be sixty six feet in wldlli, and extending in directions parallel wiih uadi oilier, according to Ihu plan or survey of said Carlton Tract. Hindu hy M 11. Farley. And it is further nrdcrod Unit the street marked Fonrlli Ave nue. according to tin-plan and survey of liie said Carlton Tract be. and the same is hereby declared to tie a public highway—tint said Avenue to is- sixty >i\ feet in width, and extending across mild tract of land. And it is further ordered that so iniiel. ol tlie First, Second. Third, Fifth Sixth, Seventh and Highlit Av enues. as lie between Unbinsoii and Montgomery streets, according to the plan or survey of said M. 11. Farley of said Carbon Tract now on file in the office of the county Recorder of said county, lie. and the satin* are hereby declared to he public highways, all of said highways to In* sixty feci ill width. And it is further ordered that thu road now laid out from the termination of the sain Robinson street, across the liutcher Hunch, to its (miction with the old road he, and the same is hereby declared a public high way, said highway lobe sixiy six tuet in width. Attest the foregoing a true copy. M IDKB CHAFIN', Clerk of Board, by M. 11. Darrach. Deputy. nls—sd SHERIFF S SALE. H9V VIRTCH OF AN EXW DTION issued out ci of the District Court. Twelfth .Indicia! District, in and lor the county of Mm Francisco, Stale of Cal ifornia, to me directed aiel delivered, commanding me to make the sum of three hundred and ten twen ty two one hundredth dollars principal, with interest thereou at the rate often per cent, per annum, Irom date of judgment until paid, and costs of suit, amounting to the sum of thirty-four twenty five one hundredth dollars, together with the accruing costs of said suit; wherein M D. Ramie veil is plaintiff and Johnd Thompson mid (Jeorge Marpiis are the tie feudants. I will, on the 2»lh day of November, A 1). is.iO, between the hours of two and three o’clock F M , sell at public sale, to the highest bidder lor cash, all of the right, title and interest of said de fVndiinlH in unci to one Imilding Hluaied on Mnin gomery street, about 20 by U feel in sir.e and one story high with a stoop in Iront. Also, all llial part or parcel or lot of land upon which said house is situ led. described as follows to wit: fronting titty feet on Montgomery street and rmiiiimg bark M 2 feel Is;- tween the French hotel and Brewster’s house, ns be ing part of Dot number Iff. and block number 19, as marked on the Town Flat of the Town of OrovlUe, butte couly, California, and partlv upon ground not included in said Flat, the same being the house and lot now occupied hy brown and Peacock, ns * dwel ling house, Bale to lake place at the Court houao door, in ihe Town of Oroville. county and Mate aforesaid. F* I’KF., Sheriff Ciclols-r 31, A. D. 1H56. Butte counfy. SHERIFF'S SALE BY virtue of » Decretal Order issued out of the District Court, sixth Judicial District, in and lor Sacramento county and Hlaleid California, testi d the Hih day of November, A. D. IH6«, to me directed and delivered, commanding me to make the sum ol twenty live thousand and sixty six and eighty three one hundredth dollars and interest on tllteen thou sand dollars at the rate of three ( er cent per month from the Hlh day of November 1*56. and ten per cent ta r annum on ten thousand and sixty three and eighty three one hundredth dollars from the Ulu day of November A. D. 1856, and the sum of fifty-seven dollars costs ol suit, mm the accruing costs of said iirder wherein Francis VV. Fratt ami John McNulty are plaintiffs, and Junes 1,. Iturlis and John Foster defendants, out of eight hundred and thirty live head of Cattle. of said order I shall sell the said eight hundred and thirty head ol Cattle, at public sale, ou the 2#itli day of November ISSII at the Ranch known as Potter’s Ranch, near the Ranch ol John llldwell in Chico township, Unite county, to the highest bidder for cash. P Fit KICK, Sheriff Ruffe • ounly. Hutte Cosuly, Nov. If 4 ,1856. tn 26 NOTICE IV' OTIfT. i« hereby Biven, that Pthe undersigned IN wtH apply to the Board of Supervisors, in and f. r Unite County, at its February Term. A. D. Jf.x, or as soon thereafter as application cun Re heard, for a Uridge and Ferry License across South feather River, at or near Its junction with the North Fork of Feather River, in Bidwell township, in said ccuntyj Uy order of '.he Bidwell Bridge Company. Not. Hi, Uwh. GEO w HEPS, p r «iident. r,«o. w. lit**, R T. Nxv Noanaa, j. A. Murray, Joseph tILURRACf, Jos. E. N. Uwu, E, r, TAH BURDIN, Eag’j all—ui NUMBER LEGAL NOTICES. DECLARATORY NOTICE f»TATK OK CVUKOUM A. I Ciirm or ISi iiv,. y M.-i'T Jam- Walker I i 11. c ~.r;il'.on of Sole Tr a hr. Svtts m ary j\ u; wai.kk.ts. wit.-of.i i»- cy \\ alker, being desirous ol availing hersell of tli. hem-fli- i'l h certain \rt ih ■ l.cgislnlure of lhi .“inti-n| i''liii-rni.i unit rn'i'' ■ I •• \n Act in n-iili is • married v nni'-i « i |r ms t.-i h i~.tnt—> ill their ow I ii.-nn- ii. Sole frailer- ;ia—. I \pni I Oh, A 1» " «Iu li.-r.-'iy 1 1 1 -i'l lm. la ■j(is my iiilmitlnii M transact nti-1 carry mi it.- On-ness ot keeping i il.i ir\ for the pn--p->-i- unite h-itter \ ’ . it unity ni lluili- i-i I Mai- i i‘ililtirui i ItiU I in tend in curry mi null) lui-i i. •< In my own 11 nnc :m 1 will lien liter In- rc«ponsiMe fur any debtscontracted by me. and that tie-amount of pro|icrty invested liy nit-in Mini business does mu exceed the sum ol live thousand dollars MARY .1 A\K, VV AI.KEU, [f. S J Signed, -< ated mnl delivered in presence of I'rank K. T*u«» ST aTK <>K CALIFORNIA, / < iii stv iif 111 rric. 1 **■ ’ THIS linn lln- 17th hay of November. \ l>. H * one thousand null I Imadrid and lifty-six, in-- fore me, \\ il lini ii C. I'.ngli-h, u Notary Public in and fur Hie aforesaid t'nnnly, personally iippe.nnst InTore me. Mary June Walker, trader, personally knowiito ihi- lobe the Individual described in and who exi-cilled the within instrument ns the party thereto,l she m-kiinwli deed In me that she exes cnlei! the nitnie freely an.l voluntarily, fur the line, atilt purposes tliereiliinentloiie.l. '.nil the Mini Mary Jane Walker, wife ofMain/. I Walker. having been by me llrM ininle 111-11111111111-11 with tin- contents of -mil instrument, acknowledged to me, en an examination Imd tM-prvrale, apart from ami » itlionl the hearing ot her 1 1 itstmii<l that »in- exi-eiited the tonne freely ami Tulnnlarily, williont fear, compulsion, or any undue iniiteiice of her said liu.-hniid, a- d that she did not wish to retract the execution of the same. In -a-sttinony whereof I have hereunto set (1,. S.) ni) hand and affixed rny nlllctai seal, the day ami year first above written. 3n53w ■ WM.i.. EM, 1.1 -11, Notary Public, NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE is HEREBY lilVKN—That the undersigned forliid all persons from tres passing upon it certain trin-t of land, known as the “ RnDKICEK.S CLAIM.’ situated in the Township of opiilr, Unite county, State of t'liliforiiln, idiotii oliedmll irlle south vn st from Orovilh-, and descri bed as follows: Beginning at a live oak slninp mark ed with threi- mitelves on (In- north and west sides, 11 pi no tree blazed on Hu- solh-west side, situated Sti.®K. one eiiain from - aid beginning; running thence S4JO : W. tii ch -in- 10 a pine tree in the lino of a brush feni-e; Sli.'i K. Jo ehallis to a slake id the west edge of tin- road, M -K. 10 chains to a stake and Ida oak; N :t4 s K. a Vtooths chains to a stake, N :W. f» a-tooths rhaias to 11 live oak; N-to -W. nT.VlOoihs chains In the place of beginning. con taining lo acres more or less, ns surveyed by J. \\ Seoti. County Surveyor in nml lor sail cimniy - f Untie, said survey being recorded in tin- Coinitv Ch-rk's oitlce in said county of Unite, in k -hook It” vol 1;;, pages 117, 1 IS. lIP. All psrsi-ns an- further cautioned against piirclm-ing within the nhov-de scrilud trust I>y viriute of the --Carllon I lll,*,*' 1 r any other title,as we are the soleow to rs of the same Mi nl. \S KMl'KlcntS, K M. SMI 111, CHARI.KS <i. iI IT Hit Alt l>. Orovil!o, December i, IB"«6, dllf INSOLVENCY NOTICE STATE OF C A I.IK' >H XA I, I '(II’NTV (*r 111 TTK. i' ‘ * COUNTY COURT—AT CHAMBERS, Oiiiivili n. October 21. 1 H.'itl. gN THE MATTER OK HORACE REYNOLDS iin Insolvent Debtor In pursuance of un order, inmle on llie 21st day ol October, !b56 in llie County Court of said comity, by the Judge thereof, the lion *1 K. V. LEWIS, Nnliee is hereby giv< 11. to the i re lilors of Ibo said insolvent debtor Horace Reynolds, to tie and appear before lb" Jin life of the * 'mint v Court in and for sin l county, the lion. -I. E. N. L -w i-, ul the Court bouse, at 'lroviile, in said county, mi Monday, the '.Mill day of November, A. lb>, ul til) o’clock. A.M., the sumo being the 11.-sl day of the November term of said Court, then and there to show cause, it any, why the prayer of said insolvent debtor should not. tie granted, at it an assignment of bis es, ite be made and lie be discharged from his debts ami liabilities as an insolvent debtor. Witness my band and the Seal of snul Court a nixed, tills the gist day of October, A. l». I I1«50 I l, ' i - $ MILKS CHAPIN. County Clerk, By M II ftAKKAi H, Deputy. Oroville. October 21, ISWI. 021-td PRODATE NOTICE -BUile of Calilorn.a, / Pri)l)ato Cmlrt . Cotmty ol Unite. ) raio ALL whom IT MAY CONCERN.—Where. D t,s, a petition having been tiled in the Probate Court in and for Rune county, on the 6th day of Xu vemlter. A. I>. 1*56, praying that the will of Ileiija min Johnson deceased, lie admitted to probate, and that John l.anlr. named in »aid petition a* executor, lie confirmed us such It is therefore ordered,that all persons interested therein, be. and appear before the Honorable Probate Court, in and for laid county, on outlay the Bth day of December, 18511, at Id o’clock A. > ~ to show cause If any, why said w ill ilnuild not he admitted to Probate and the laid John Lanu not be appointed executor. l!y order of Court. Witness iny hand and seal of said Probate l s Court, affixed ibis the 21st day of Novem her A 1). IVAV. at t Imville. MILES CHAPIN. Probate Clerk. By M. 11. Darrach, Deputy. n27-2taw2w. DISSOLUTION THAIIE Co-Partnership heretofore existing between E A. Cloucbel and Louis Itolloid, under the name and style of Cloucbel k Bullied in the business of hotel keeping, is this day dissolved by unit mil eon sent. All peisons imlebleil to the concern are hereby requested loculi and settled their bills will) A. ( lou cbel at the Hotel de Prance, and persons having ac count- against the former firm are requested to pre sent them to him (A. Clouchet) for settb inent w ithin ten days. A. CLOCCHKT, L. lILLI-lOD. Oroville, Nov. 10th IBM. n!2 COUNTY TREASURER'S OFFICE,/ Ilimvxi.L, July 18ih. 1*56. < IVOTICE is hereby tivne, that all persons holding Butte County Warrant* payable from the gene rnl fund, registered between February Ifith, lean, and th. Is Mg that the same wilt be redeemed May on pjesenlation. at my office. And notice is further given, that fro Hi and alter Hus dale, said warrant* ill cease to bear luiereal WILLIAM LATTIMOKE. Treasurer of Butte County. FERRY 1 ! NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned will apply to the Board of Supervisor* In and or Butte County, at the February term thereof in 1857. ft* a License to run a Kerry and Bridge across [he M Wills York of Feather Kiver, a lew rod# above the function of the North Fork of said river. ’ SYLVESTER P. SAVAGE. Oroville, Nov. 10, ISS«. nlO—if