Newspaper Page Text
BANKERS. CIUKI-KS 11. HKIiOKa, M. W. HEDGES & HANNON, 11 A N K fii] I* S , W*«iiis«ton k, Coknkk or Mostoomkrv *VW MVKK* STKKKTS, o no vhjle. cold />r \sr rrme ha sun AT TI7S HIGHEST KATES ORFOKW \UI I I> Tt nil K MINT 1-OR ASSAYOR COINAGE. CHECKS ON MARYSVILLE, SACK AM h.NTO AM) SAN FRANCISCO, High* mtil Time DimlCs Kiuiil»liii] on the ATLANTIC STATES AND EUUOPK. Ofovilli 1 , Oct. 5, IKV», ocMf McWII.UA.MS & TY.MESON, B A N K BBS, NEW BRICK 111 lI.OING—< nLNFU MONTGOM ERY AND M VEILS STREETS, O II O V I Li li E . GOLD DUST BOUGHT At the Highest Rates. Clioc It ant 1’ /vi*S ON MARYSVJ 1.1. K. HACK V M I.NTO CITY AND SAN ERANI I'( ii SIGHT DRAFTS For Side, "ii all the Fritieipnl Atlantic Clip*. 5 ■;*' I>l -1 ’• •>! IS received. Spinal mi.l otherwise. July 4, 1850. HENRY KEEFER’S DA Ul & L 'Vit ni OFFICE, Corner ol Miner street ami tl.o I‘laza, BID WELL, Cal GO L D J) UN r li OUG 11 T At the Illtrliest Kates. *«» Checks Drawn on Alurk Rnimii^lmtiCo, m j n v s r i l l e. Hills of Exchange on all the Eastern Cities, New York, «!t Louis, Mu Uokloii, (,'liiciimmi, Ohio Philadelphia, Louisville, Ky. lialliiuori), Detroit, Mich. EXCHANGE ON LONDON. DRAFTS I’AVAIiI.E IN Montreal, C. W Quebec.C. K. 11 amilion, C. tV , Brantford, C. U Toronto, C. W London,C W. St. Catharines. (' tV., Chatham. 0. W. General and Special Deposits Received, llidwoll, September V’s, lS6d. stiH-tf C. B MACY, C. L. LOW, p. F. LOW. MACY, LOW & CO., B A N K BBS, CORNER OF I’l.A/A, AND II 1C ii STREET, MARYSVILLE GOLD DUST J’ UUCHAS ED AT THE HIGHEST RATES, OK FORWARDED TO THE MIN T TOR COINAGE, Olioolia at 2?ar, ON GARRISON, MORGAN. FRET/,& RALSTON, SAN FRANCISCO Wo are prepared to draw SIGHT EXCHANGE on MESSRS, t li \RLKS MORGAN x CO.,NEW YORK Also, on the other principal Eastern CiUe. Marysville, Auipiut 4, 1865. * au4-tl MARYSVILLE ASSAY OFFICE !! II Alt UIS, MARCH AM) & CO., E »(ru ( t near the corner of Second street, MARYSVILLE. ALSO—IO7 J HTREKT, SACRAMENTO. Will continue to carry if*‘ 1 "c business of Mi'lHiiff, Itcfining Assaying GOL 1) AN J) OR E S OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. We guarantee the correctness of our Assays, and bind ourselves to pay any differences that may ariso with any of the U. S. MINI'S. Returns made in from six to twelve hours, IN DARS OR CO N fmixtitt ok lirxßT/. Assaykd and Valckp. TERMS FOR ASSAYING: the minni as in San Francisco. 11. HARRIS, I>. MARCH AND, C. L. FAIIRINGTOJ-J JyW-my GOLI)E N G A T E BAI£33nY, Myers Street, two doors above I3ird Street. fWVIIE undersigned having established a Bakery JL in Oroville, is prepared to furnish families and hotels with nil sorts of Bread, Pics, Cakes & Confectionery, in any quantity,and of the very host quality, and to deliver them FREE OF CHARGE at nil noura. at the houses ol his customers. Thu wheat from which the Hour used in this estab lishment is made, is of thellrst quality, having been raised on the much of the undersigned. hlStf JOHN BRITZ. Turkish Tobacco. A LARUE hi I’ANTITV OF TURKISH TOBAO CO, warranted OEM INF, just received by CURLY. Old Bank Exchange corner. ALSO— A lot of GENUINE .MEERSCHAUM PIPES. Wanted —A Partner IN AN OYSTER and DRINKING SALOON, dolne a good business. For particulars inquire under iha kkoplre iloteL nil—3| MISCELLANEOUS. PIONEER VARIETY STORE! Yankee Notions Depot. MYERS STREET, TIIURI’ HOUR* FROM MONT GOMERY. SEW BRICK BLOCK, O ROVILLE • w ITKUB CAN UK OBTAINED all sorts of useful »iii! ornmneeiid artich-s. nut to Ik? foiinii In ■ny i ther «u>reli the cutnty, ous*liUd| of tie- Itrgwt mu! Ik"*l selected stock of Hardware, Carjuinters’ Tools, Garden Seeds, Hooks, Stationery, IJ aild - ers’ Materials, Wooden ware, Latent Medicines and Locket Cutlery, r. vr.u orrrurh fou s.u.r is mis Ton's— A L.SO Prime Chewing Tobacco. :m<l Genuine Havana Cigars, .lain y A r'teles, Perfumery. Looking Glasses, Wall • Paper, Children's Toy*. Revolvers, Points, nils, Tt rpenline, I*ntly. ram* |ihene. I.limp I til. ('undies. (;ulek silver & Musical Instruments. ALSO Ladies’ Hiding Gloves, Lump riiimneys, Sand I’aper, W riling Paper, Knives a nl Forks, rimih? ami Brushes. Brass Ilium ami t Insets, Faucets ami Kilos, Marker's and Gauges, Mine Knives. Candlesticks Playing Curds, i Screw llnvojs. Gauger’s Kales, (Tap Hi rers and Gimlets, Locks, Hooks. Staples, Punches, Paper Cullers. Hammer' and Compasses, Huts and Planes, Andirons Horse Brushes. Pumps. Spoke-Shaves, Sailor's Palms, Dm; Collins and Chains, Colhe Mills, Meat Hooks, Wash Hoards, Bench Screws,Sa-h Tools. Chillies Pins, Fancy llas l-isk Hooks, lied Cords, keis Screw Wrenches, Cun Caps. Chopping Tray s W hips and Canes, Cue-files and Wax. 'die Lelilheus, Gents Driving Gloves. ALSO A complete assortment of Toilet Articles, Candles of every description, Dried Fruit. Preserved and Green. Nuts of all kinds. The Atlantic and European Papers mid Magazines, on the arrival of the Steamers. Those goods have been selected with the greatest care, purchased cheap, and will lie furnished to our customers either nl w holesale or retail, as low us by any other store in the Mines. j gT Persons desirous of obtaining any article from Han Francisco,cun do so al iisiiiail per cent, advance upon the llrstcoslby leaving their orders at ibis store. \VM C PAYNE N. I!—All outstanding debts due the Arm of J. I! .Smith & Co . must be paid to the undersigned or his agent. J .1. 1.0 k wood, us lie alone is authorized to use Die name of the linn in liquidation, oca-lf WM. C. PAYNE. GREAT BARGAINS IN GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, LIQUORS, HARDWARE, CROCKERIES, GLASS-WARE, &c., &.C., at J. F. KKHSING’S Oroville Store. No. 3. Monlgemery street, near Myers. Don’t forget the Oroville Store. Goods delivered free of charge. n!2tf EMliKOII) E R I E S ! laces. niEmoNS! MEN'S, WOMEN’S AND CHILDREN’S Hosiery of every Variety. GLOVES. CRAVATS, Collars, Shins, mid Drawers. American, English, French Sf Herman FANCY GOODS. Ry late arrivals of Steamers ami Clippers, HUGHES & WALLACE, 3iu lo.iaml lu" Sacramento street. ST^GE» FOR SHASTA AND YREKA! T S.! COMPANY’S Splendid four horse Coaches leave their oßlce Oroville, every evening, al (i o’clock, for Shasta and Vreka. passing through Neal’s and Itidwell’s Ranen, Chico, Tehama, Red Ulutfs, Cotton wood, One-horse Town and Middletown. CKO. K THOMAS, General Superintendent. OFFICE at St. Nicholas Hotel, (lute lluntoon's Exchange.) < troville. FROM OROVILLE TO Spanishtowii & French town. fBAHE undersigned will run fi Itnily Kxpress he- JL tween * troville, Spanishtowii and Frenchlown. All letters and packages clitrns'ed tohis care will be delivered with promptness and despatch. Agents, VVM. C. PA YNK, < trov ille, o22ray S. MeCLELLAN, Spanishtowii NATIONAL HOTEL AT BIDWELL’S Fort sazjS i AT LOW It ATF.S, and on reasonable terms. ' This property can be made valuable by re, IfiTl moving the house to Oroville. Thn binding is large, and can be made a first class Hotel. There is a rare chance for investment in the pur chase of this property For particulars inquireOt Cheesman &. Co., Marysville, or n5-lm II ARRIS & BURT, Oroville. EAGLE BAKERY, CORNER MYERS & BIRD STS., OROVILLE. I WOULD SAY TO MY FRIENDS and the public, . that having become sole proprietor of the above establishment. I am ready to serve them w ith the best and freshest BREAD, PIES, CAKES. &C., At short notice and on the most reasonable terms SODA, SUGAR & BUTTER CRACKERS Constantly on baud. My Waggon w ill deliver every thing in my line at the residence of my customers. CHARLES CHERRY. Oroville, Jo’.v ISoti- jyliii-tf LUMBER YARD. ALLEN & COLBY would call the attention of Madders and the public gen>*rally, to llieir Lumber Yard on Myers street, rear the Bluff. They keep constantly on hand a lull assortment of Doors, Windows and seasoned Lumber. They are prepared to furnish everything in their line cheap as the cheapest. oHlf o' MISCELLANEOUS. vX \c W^ oles a/e f AND ''A< LIQUOR VAULT, iVi Slyer* street, above Montgomery, TilK UNDKUHIGN Kit It \H IN STORK for stile, the following stock ol l.bjnors, w hich he will Bell, hnviitg no rent or city taxes to |my, at rates lower time can he bought m eittnrHacmmenloor Mary-v die; and « oukl call the at lea 1 ton o| retailers to examine hit «tock he. lore purchasing eln where. Tt'.H.M '. 2b barrels Mommgsliela U hlsky, i!‘> barrels Domestic llrandy, 2 barrels <l. I>. J;. Co.. do 4 barrels Uonetie Hnueiy, 4 pipes Holland Gin, 3 barrels port Wine, 4 barrels Uulf Gordon Hberry. fogei! er with .Vi c;ws Claret. Curacao, K.olde in’ I iiiiit/.iek, 2o Cases Iswlle's 11 11-rs, 12 cases Haul Saule rue. 6 case's Kxtrail Absinthe, 12 eiite-s Hteinberger Cubiuef, Scotch \\ Inski-y Imperial Ale in cases, 12 cases Ginger U me, Raspberry. straw berry, l.emoa Hyrup, In cases Cbaiiipagtie I'ie'er. Itranily Peaches. Scotch, Publish ami American Ab s. ot dif ferent brands. \c„ \c. THuM.VH IJIsHKT. Oroville, July la, 18,‘G. jyHelf Blank Books. VFUI .SU SU ITL V, and f!r-t n»l»* M*«orl*nent of tail sml Half Ittmnfl HI link liuok'S) Just ncfivecx *• Vomur Anit*ri«*:i, M I’ASS ROOKH, SHEER AND TUCK MEMO KAN DIMS. MONTHLY AND W L HIL LY TIME BOOKS, RECEIPT ROOKS, SHIPPING AND storehouse, AND CASH COPYING PRESS ROOKS, School Writing Hooks, .Miniature Blanks NOTES DRAFTS, BILLS LADING, &.C Ac- Noisy Carrier's Hook and Stationery Co., Nos. 64 and bli Loin; Wharf, n27iii3 and 97 llutlery street. J. HAMMEL, UNDERTAKER. 1111 HCIIHCl!I Ill'll lakes this method of inform- JL pnhiit ;lint he has established liimself in the business ol I'M I) KKTAK Kit. and is prepared to pay prompt intention to all calls that may be made on him in his line of business, with neatness and dis patch. N. It—Also, strict attention given to reding I d iinrd Tables, Coloring' Milliard l!ail*,Jte., and general Cabinet business, on bird street,adjoining the setiti uttry. oliilia J, liAMKldv BBMCnOFSM Mm B world) KKHPKt "IT I l I.V inform the public . of Oroville and vicinity, that 1 have opened with the largest and best selected stock of DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING, ever brought into this market which I will sell just us low as our bouse in Han Francisco. II HKMO.V, New Fire proot llrick lllock, Montgomery street. Please give me a c ill and examine for yourselves. Orcviill. Hep l 2a, I Pi. a' s2li-lf N. It—JOT IlKClllVEn, by the latest arrival from the Atlantic slides, a large"(asso:'.an at of Dry Goods and Clothing. California Coal Company. NUTI C E ! TjBI II K tindersi'-rmd having lxm :t| joint'■.! sole U agent tor the sale nr ili« California ion I i ompa ll)'9 Coal 111 1 iro* ill** mi l \ trinity jv now prepared to supply ml those In want of 1 .'on I til 111! ill 1 !•', It it A I T..S ami convenient nuantilies. Delivered free o| charge. .1. L. K I'.>> 1 t;, .Went, No :» Washington Itlock, Montgomery street, near Myers. n I g SJ . XyT JK. n TC X 3XT , Opposite the Upliir Drug More, Montgomery street, OKOVILIE EEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND, a well sc- IttCU'll ftl* K' l\ Of Gn-curies, Provisions, Pools, Allocs, Clothing, Liquors, Mining Tools, ice., &c t , Which lie olf.-rs at Ilia lowest rales F’oll (; \S[|, £ deliveredLßEL OE CHARGE. Oroville. July 14, ISott. jyH-ll IVIiNEKS’ SVofi£ 3 BETWEEN Mt.NTGtiAIERV ,N IIIKD STREETS, the Katie Record Printing OOlce .1. M.CLARK h OHO., rril.ike tliis method of tendering their thanks to the B citizens and n.ue rs of Oruville, (or their past litoral patronage, amt respectfully solid! a com mu mice of the same. The patronage extended to us we shall endeavor to merit liy keeping on hand a well si lected Stock of Goods at the lowest market rat' ?, such us PROVISIONS. J 3 KOCH KIES, HARDWARE, BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTHING and other articles 100 numerous to mention.J N It.— We have on hand the lu st ipinlity id Hided Hay, which will he sold in lots to suit. Oruville, .Inly 185(1. MUSKS o’c'OXNOR, I HOWARD t'AHKKK, Sails,, me st.. Sun Francisco. | Orm-HU. PARKER & O’CONNOR, Importers, Dealers, AND RETAILERS, In liiquors, Wino. 3, ENGLISH ALE & POUTER, ■ KK.. T.EAVR T>. STATU THAT TIIUV IUVC. IS opened a Store in Myers street, Dreville. tor in sale of the above articles, in their PI KE AND NADI ETEKATED STATE. Their stock will heir the CLOSEST St’ULTINY. he TRADE ate llieretore respectfully reipies'isl to ill and examine it before purchasing elsewhere Orovillc, Sept. 8, IS.-.0. svtf BEST HAVANA CIGARS * ND TOHAOC0 —WHOLESALE and retail Im. at Pinch * Cigar and Tobacco Emporium, over the Phoenix Saloon. Pi I. WATERMAN. CARDS, ■ m/RITING MATERIALS. PORTMuSIBS and \W Knives, at Bloch’s. ai7 PU. WATERMAN'S. MISCELLANEOUS. Competition the Life of Trade! CHEAP' JOHN, mm AM) t'OMMISiSIO.X MHIitTl ANT! Myers st., d doors above I ’.S. Stables Regular Auction Sales on .Mondays, TJ'< la slays, Satin lays anil Sundays, fspilr dily r. al g-niin and on.aie l Cheap-h n. S Informs the p-ihli ilml li ii:made arrante- I’c-i'l* by »tii Si In. 4 imn (lord to cell m•»■<!» al lower rule* tlitin nny olher honce in Orov i'i . lie la reedi ■ 1114 iliuiy, and has cons'ant > mi Imtul, Clothing, Hoot* an I S'ons, S/tirls, Woolen and India Rnb'.nr Goods.' Notice—l Tmhi;» John is connected with no ulln r house in 1 In.ville. X 1 trouble to show trends. All (iiit-ilcnr Snies iiiii tided In pr iitplly. ninl al tlm (tales. h.i i> 11H forget 111. 4 place—North sale of Myers street, three doers above the I. S. studies. ulUtf ROBERT JOSEPH!, \V lIOLKSA IK DKAt.KR I'll Watches, Jrtnhy, Diamonds, Tools, Watch .Materials, Glasses, Fancy Goods, S, c. 10.") Montgomery street, corner of .lackson, (iiu. u uioirrs iuii-dinc.) B 5 OUKUT .1 OSKi’ll I Inn mg pm ehased the entii* 4 sti ck an 1 trade ol ISAAC iDsf.i'lll ,v i'i .. vi lli can; nil lie 4 .-.uue h r Ills on 11 Hecoillil. al Itu Montgomery Street, conn r oi Jackson, Irr. Wright's Unit ling. TTT IT! N7V O X Or jTs. I I TOBACCO STORE I'lUi; t’Uuol 4 ' IU SUMNtI, MOMCO.MKRV Sl'.. I »N II I>‘ >OU . ill I.M M V 11118 ."I. P iiltN S. IliiU MAN w nild espi eiiully inform the IF cili/.eiis of i »rm ill* 4 Mid ll'llte < ounly gem rally, I hat lie is now opening the llne-i and nio-I ex . a M >e Hlock of Cigun tobacco to be lonnd tills side ot Sacramento, which will bo sold al Marysville and Sacrniienilo prices. A I,so -Playing Car ls, Pipes, Matches, I'igarltos, Smill, .vc., etc., at U holesulo and Jtelail, Ciuae roit Cash. oat t (JALT'S m im;\ am:, TUt’KMAN’B I.OMMIN POKTIU in lihils.; AI,It A N V 1 UK \\l A 1,11 in bbls; ITUNCII AM) In»Ml'sTli' HRANDV; Sk (ITI II .l»I U R VK. At .MOMiNO 1,- lIA I, A UII ism; V; I.ONlnfN 1 IN, ire., fire, r Just received and for Sale hv 1“ \UKKK N 1 > VOX NOB, n2U-lin Corner of Mini and Myers sir, < iiovilk'. I, ATE S T NEW S ! 151031 Till: BAY! RATI-; would respectfully inform llio ies and V V OeiiUeim n ol Uiomlli ml vicinity, Ihel we have lids day received Ihe Inaivn M and hestselectcd slock of DRYGOODS CLOTHING, HOOTS, SHOES,&c. that him ever been exliihitcd in this city, and which we now 1 Her to Ihe public at a very small advance on San I’rancifco tost. Call and see ns. and examine onr slock liefore pur chasing elsewhere RUIB v XKWMAN, ii l7 Ameiic .n Theatre Itnildii.a. Montgomerys!. Three Daily Lines OF STAGES FltO.M OKOVLVLE To jj'i s 11<* X SaciTiiiiPiito. leave 11i<• olllce ill'ilit! t’ulilWnia £tngu ► i* roinpiiny. Dili 11 i/.1. H, t n A. ,M., I 2 Al and .» I’. M., every day, for il ~rv svillo and Sacramento. UKO. f’. TIH>.MAS, ■ *oiu-rill Sup<nnliiidcltl. OFFICII— olasl. ul. Orville. Musical Instruments, Strings, *■ 7 &c„ vi - 'vjim. vmlf, 3ll p o x* t o ci Direct Irniii tin; diT rent manufactories, and Sotd CHEAPER THAN EVEU. lU'U KU < WII. I. KIND AT A. KOHLER’S, li7<» Stockton street, The real Homan ai d II iliaii Strings an 1 all kinds i.f Ml Sir.\l, INSTIUJMIiXTf*. Ac., of the very best quality and ul the iilu—tin l.i>\Vl'.Sl’ PRICES! Notice to Contractors. SEALED PROPOSALS will bo received nt the Western Hotel in I.ynchbnigli. until Id o’clock M.. on Saturday Nov. 22d, lor Hunting and braining ‘•Poor Plaint.” on I ember River. Uy order of tho Trustees .1 (f. A TIIKIIUKR. Sec’y of Poor .Mining Company. Poor Claim, Nov. 12, Ibo.V ni:t—ini* U. S. Livery Stable. Myers Street—Near lYloatjcmcry riv» KKKP PACE WITH TIIK Tl.Ml.c. and 'tij.i l B growth of our town, w e Inn e, ol late, and w ill trout Unit! to linn, make extensive additions to our stock and otherwise improve our establishment, tt meet w all entire satisfaction tin* increasing demands of I he age. Slin k taken on Livery on the most reasonable Terms. U desired, we will buy, sell or exchange slock—in short.transact all business apt enabling to a ilr.-i class Livery {stable Ihe lines! buggies, hacks and Saddle llot-es. inrni-hed at a moment's notice. Thankful for past favors, we hope to merit a cut) tinuance of the same IlltiiVV N a. HOKEMAN bated Oroville, July 10, I bad. jy Unlit. For Sale. - -s . T’lK Mill properly, Dwelling lb.use. known asCAKV’fs CLOCK M I LL“ _ Sacramento.— b The are and have 0.-nn i n oj era lion lor the past two years, un i make seventy to eighty barrels Clour per day. No brand of flour made Pi the Stale is superior to it. Kegulurcash customers lake ill the intli can make It is a very desirable and profitable property. Can be hud on reasonable terms, 11 not disposed of before tho 27th msl.. it will he sold on that day ul public -ale, n.s the proprietor in tends leaving lor the Atlantic {‘fates on the steamer slh December, 1u27 H. U. CAUV. IK*OTIC K —My wife, Luciene LI leu, having left Xw my house, and refusing to live with me. all persons are hereby cautioned uol to trustor harlx.r tier ou ray account, as I w ill not be responsible for tot) debts ul her contracting. nl7—4w WILLIAM AIuSTCOUCBY. RESTAURANTS. Union Restaurant. Mon'gcnury Siract, «|»|"silo I,IW 1 ,n l ,ifu * lolel, OROVILLE Tilt.' EsrAIU.IsMMI NT. the first r <~7 our i-sialoMied in ( To' ile* uml -o long w v Ui- lav«mii* ri’v’ri li nl • l«v**rs* t coin! h;y. j i*-. m eu 11 *»• r. ■ 'nfidv reulleii anil d nud is ie.w open lor Hie iiecoiniuwdfi' lion of Iho public. . . Tlin House Will In* open during all hour*of Hu* any uml in. h l , ami Moats can ho o'liaimd, cooked t*» •riVr, at all la airs. v* ii.iii arc always in , ■' minii e. anil ev> ry luxury amt delicacy ol “ lJ markets, always on hand HOARD, per Work S* MEALS -'dj ol Itr Ml ul.Al s / \ Mill.Ml 11, Proprietor i HANK’S UF.S TAURANTJ I nltrd Mails l> ( 1 11< 1 n iL;, L'OUNEU Vi-Nriit'Ml I.V \M» >U I.US STREET!* OROVILLE. /V. FRANK CARRIED respeci- lolly miumim>'> lo l.i. o.i Ineml. amt A • 'a* oilij.i i- " 1 i'i.o ii I'l-iicially, Hull <***•*-*«« t li>B oin-iii i ari (.> i i't,.\ ~ - K»>- 1' Vl’lt AN 1 in tin* no ui- it:, ii.i'il iluilduuf, w here In- is (iiv parrel lo Hr pnltlii- Willi all Hu* edibles amV il.-.tiMri « o 1..-iiiiiial iii Ho. or Ho Marysvdlo Alar* ket Tlio following an* In- IUTKS OF CILUtaKS; P >ar l per wnU wi ll,Mil Wim . . , $lOOO On ilo (lii Willi W inn, .... 1 - IMf Single meals w illuml Winn, .... 7j do do *ln Willi Wi ic, .... 100 I!milit: rented iln upprr story ol Iho new firo-prool Trick tin- lulled Males, and dl toil <l l> tln* suino lor sleeping nparliin ills, lam pre pared to liiruisli Hik r‘IM->T LEDS to be found in urov i Ili*, a! Hu- follow mg rail-.-: Single rooms per night Sd ol) Single boils. . . ! I" 1 00 d 0..,. d0....d0 ...(lo oO TEKMS, CASH* Oiovllel,July Iv'iu, j\2S-lf Merchants Hotel, fi it s r s rH/; i: r , .'•Tar liir Sloaiuboat Landing, MARYSVILLE . i • Tin: si lirO'iiiHKii ii wim; i.eased Ho* Alerclmuls Hoii r a term ol years, wilt SIvi ■ his pi r.oiial:i!: :. 111 ' 11 1< keeping a t ins i i Lias Ho i til., and soili'il-* a sharii ol pulilli* p orou m;. . bar, ItillmrOs mid Hailnng Rooms m Ha* House, els! <». M. E\ AN?*. LAFAVIMT i: IIKSTAI lIANT, ■Mootg imt-ry street, upp *itn tin* Oman* 11 old OROVILLE I II E St h- RIIIEKS RESPECT jS'Ts? loll;, uiiiioum't* lo ilirir friends and Iho *a i.'ilir.i us ol fro*ill. g.-m rallv, Hull lliryr opi ii.-il a spI.CN Dll) liK.- l \l . Il.\ * 1 in Ha aii nr nan.i 0 p.a a , w licet* Hit*y urn pn • pared lo luruisli Hie puoli will) all llio luxuries and delicacies to lie I, uml iii Hu* market. Uatevs ol lioaid: Heard per w.-ck will mil l.odiii-*- s..s 00 Hoard per uok with Lodging, o o.j U al. <. 1.1.1* x, A ,'dlt'llENE VI . nStf Proprietors. EAE I. E SAE(> O N , Montgomery sireet, between Hie Minors’ liakory and Jiotel de franco, OROVILLE* fllllir !’li‘ i»':; H. 10 HH ha' iun li ■ lup |limhlk>V)i li imni'l II It I( K HAId n V in u sty (•■ second in hi'ic hi dr ivilli- mull n -pecllullt iiitorin their fri-nhs Hint tin- punlie, lha: • i.-y have received irmii lir’ I 111 pur'i fs.:i 'I nk ul I .Kfl 'I MtH n|‘ Ihe (Imt (1 11 ill - ilj, \s 1 1! i will' ii l In-j guaranie. in i ilim* i all wI a i niuy favor them with i. cull. U M. NiLTIOLH >v ( i). Orovillo, October tjlh. oclU-lf ii. vv a<; N i: u \Vll'»LK.v\l,K ASD K KIAIL BOOKSELLER! (Hnccessi roJ.f. Ii ’.ul A, 1,. Smith ) Hus on hiiini and for salo a lav. o ipianlity of I?JT o ’\7V jO o o ii. f~i • Ami Ni> v<*lij, aim Si-iiiiiiiiTV of nil kinds. Newspa pers unit periodicals b> Urn arrival oi tho Eusturu mail. All orders from this country promptly fillel at th • IT' ! Hutu ul.itf Toys and Fancy Goods!! lIY THE WllilU.jAkt 111 greater variety, more beautiful, mul lliau. U t/cr I A . KOHLER’S. 1170, Stockton street. Dealers in these goods w ill find ul this well knowo establishment tlie most perfect as-oitmont m ran Francisco, selected by Mr. Kohler himself, at the dill real Man ifa toru s in l.ei’iuiiuy, t r.uice, i.ngluud and the Atlantic Mates, and sold by THE CASE, Oil OTHERWISE! nib—lindp Watchmaker and Jeweler. V. 1 IVUIII.II KLHPIHJTKULLV INFORM 6 , J the ciu/.ei:s of OroviUo and viciiniy, that 1 have v&rvp purvlia-eii of Mr !!o.■■.•ailed, his Walrlima- Kiiif; nail Jewelry ItKlubl.iimi'iil, on Mont lmim ry si reel, and have located myself perinanenUy in the above business io this place, and hope hy strict atluutmn to husiie-ss. luiße.Uu r> usonable share ol patronage in the above line. I will guarantee to tin Work as wi ll as it can he ilonc anywhere in the Slate. ALL KINDS Of’ JEWifJ.ItV MADE TO ORDER. N It —Particular attention paid to the Repairing of U ah hes. 1 • K< I, li. SMITH, Oruville, August 11, l s .>fi. augll-tf LAT E S T AIIIiI V A LI * a ’ L would inform the dozens of Oroviile. that ▼ ▼ we have just r-ceiv d th” largest slock of UKY GOODS, CLOTHING, HOOTS & SHOES lint* and Cap*, and a general assortment of Fancy Ciooiaev--r lirmight to i'roville, which wo w ill tell ala «! ml' one on San I'raneiscH prices. i all aim ?en >.» atoi.r Hicre on donigoiuery street, opposite the Orleans. If MEN HAI'M A MEI NINE EH. p, S —'Ye would respectfully call tins aUenliou of thi- Ladies to the lacl that We have Die only regiilai assortment of Dry Goods in this plate. tksl-liu CIANDLEH AND MATCH EH, at llloch’s. j PH. WATERMAN. VIOLINS AND ACCOIIDEONS, Italian violin l guitar hirings. undg<* and Bows, at PH W* TERM Aid*.