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(Druuillt Sailq Unite ißttotb. Kate Lansing. BV PEBOITA. Yon should have seen her then, her young and girlish ferm bending first over one couch of pain and then anoth er. Ib-w anxiously she watched and tended those sick friend*—das, in vain, f'hc saw the lifeless forms of her pro tectors, first, the wife, then the hus band, and finally their child —all com mitted to the bosom of the terrible deep. Kate was alone, she hit that she «as nlone; yet she sank not, but, like an angel of mercy, she passed from couch to couch, ministering to the af flicted. It mattered not where sick ness and suffering were, whether in the steerage or the cabin, there was Kate Lansing to bo found, giving medicine to one* nourishment to another, cons •- lation to a third, and bathing the burn ing br<»w and parched lips ol a founh. It was no wonder that they felt com forted when they saw her coming, or that they greeted her, and spok'* of her ns “the kind lady.” In this work of womanly devoteduess, twenty-one days passed away, before icaching the en trance to the long looked for and wel come harbor of Sin Francisco. The sense of her loneliness pressed heavily upon her heart, and she r* tired to her room to pray that she might bo pre served from all danger, and guided in her future course, earnestly commit ting herself to His care and keeping, who had promised to bo “a husband to the widow and a father to the father less.” Hastily arranging her toilet, she went upon deck to take a first view of San Francisco, just as they were rapidly nearing the end of Long wharf. This wharf was full of anxious faces, eagerly looking for loved ones expect ed to arrive by that steamer. As Kate looked upon all that vast multitude of human beings* and felt that there was no one to look for her—no one to take her by the hand and say, welcome to California—a heart-sickened fooling crept over her, and she retired to her room, determined to wait till the press of the crowd was over and the Captain was at leisure, and (hen seek from him advice as to her future course. Kate bad not waited long before the crowd had nearly all dispersed. Night was fast corning on, and she began to feel uneasy, when a light tap at her state room door arrested her attention. ‘‘Excuse me, madam,” said a manly voice, which slic recognised at once as belonging to one of (ho passengers whom she had nursed on shipboard. “I know that you have lost your triends on the passage, and have come to say, that if I can ussi-t you to find your friends here, it would afford me plea sure.’’ “I thank you, sir,” said Kate, ‘‘but I have no friends. Those I lost by the fever were all 1 had to depend upon iu this country, now I am alone.” ‘*l am very sorry to hear it‘ madam, but surely I nan do something to serve you. Do not fear to let me know if I can ; 1 have a sister myself at home. You may trust me as you would a bro ther; for Californians, though some times rough and coarse among them selves, know how to treat a lady res pectfully, and as gentlemen should ; and am I not already deeply indebted to you for your kind care while I was tossing in the delirium of that drcadlul fever f” “Do not mention it.” said Kate, “but if you can inform me of some ho tel or boarding-house whore I can put np for the present and feel safe, it would oblige me very much.” “Surely, that I will do with plea sure,” said the stranger, “fortunately 1 am acquainted lure with a widow lady who keeps a private boarding house. With her you will be wi ll pro vided and cared for. California is my home, although business called me to New York* from whence I have, as you know, but just returned, so that I speak from personal knowledge.” The manly and courteous candor of the stranger induced Kate to accept his proffered services, and on arriving there she found it all that it hail been represented to be. [continued in ouk next] $5O 00 REWARD 3TOLKN rrora the stabl" <>r iht* subscriber, Wednesday night, Nov. iith, a halt! iHirrel Mare. Any one returning said animsl to me at the Steam Sawmill, Oroville.will re ceive the above reward.) ■ 15 W.'GAKRIOTT. MEDICAL. DR CHARLES H TOZERS Private .Medical Card. (j3TRANOK.iI? visiting Sacramento will fi'mcml»‘r Ij that Dr. Toaer’s Infirmary in in bth street, be fw I*ll n J amt K sis,, Sm-niinento. The great success and many nut teal cures made hy Dr. Toser since hi" commencement in this city, which hundred* can testify, induce* itirn to inform those afflicted with tiny private complaints, recent or chniliu-, met wi-h to Ire w*-H and thoroughly cured. It will lit thflr interest anti welifarel > calf <m him ivho (of the hist twenty (lie yearn ban given hi" en tire attention to Private Complaints, and to all cases of a private nature, acute, and chronic, such as Sy philli". Secondary and Constitutional affections, f.onorrhhoe unit Hemimtl VVeakm-"; (;|eet and strictures and nil diseases of the «t-niiirn and urinary organs, noth in male and female, such os Prolapsus, Kloar Albas, Hysteria, ,kc. Patients can he assured that their complaints will not be tampered with, hut treated upon strictly sci entific principles. Private complaints eradicated in a few days; new cooes cured in n short time, without mercury. tie can he consulted lit Ms office nt all times of the day, from !• in the morning until o in the even I nip All In affliction can find in him one who can see and sympathise with and hetriend them when in irunhle, and ne relieved and i tired. Apartments privately arranged so as to preclude the possibility of exposure. I.eliers eimlosinu -*ln w ill receive prompt attention with fieri ad vice urn I instniciions. c. h. tmZ!:u. m. i,. f 6th street, between J und K, !|KBAD \NL» UKFLKCT. Dr. Cha'n 11. Tozfr's Cant to (hr Afflicted. 'iuick cure* ml low prices at, the old established olllce, lilli street between J and K. B V It. T*'/.fill returns his thunks to bis numerous MM patients for iln ir patronage, and would ,-m -brace Ibis opportunity to remind them that he con tinues to consult on those cases i I i s:skk(eai, widen have ballh-d the skill ol seme ol the most celehntled physicians of Ihe wire. ami upon which ho has near fitUnl hi prr/iirm n ru'lunl nor. Dr. Tozor’s reputation as a physician stands on e pi-ilh-d. His exclusive attenfion to diseases of the genito urinary organs for so many years, renders him perfectly milsler of syphilitic <li"eases. Tin* large number of aggravated cases that he his perfectly cured after they have heeu given up hy many others Is the onlv proof that a physician re i|illres of Ids uhilily. Dr .Timer would slain that In can cure any mid all esses of varieties of the disease, no mailer how lout; standing, or what proyross tin disease tins made, every patient can rely upon it cure. lir Tozer has, it is well k nown, i.iken patients front the very verge ol the crave, tin I restored them to perfect health, lie weald farther state, that he deems ii siitttcli-iit lo attract the attention of those who might nei-d the services ol a physiefae in all cases, Imt particularly those etiumernfed In the ad vertisement, expect mg tln-y would ie«i inv merits as a practitioner; and tin- result of my practice tins been lints fur s.alishiclory to my patients and myself Nor do I deem it nece.-snry to Mil colinnns of the newspa per" with fulsome einpric ami bomba-lie adverii-e -inent, professing my ability to heal all diseases Mesh is heir 10, for to do that I mast he something more limn Man, ha' to give liaise that are afflicted wilit Vem-real. Chronic, ithd ether diseases, to understand from long experience, I am fully competent to treat them siiccesslnllv, M y regard for llie dignilyof the medical profession, to which I have the honor to la-long, deters me from committing any act savoring of rank ipmckery, and regard for my own dignity would prevent my plactiiK myself on a par wilhipiucks and iiosiriini venders of tile present .-life. I otter no fraudulent or genuine certillcntes or pn (Is of my superior ipi all (leal lons as a pracl if loner; neither do I assume to myself medical honors lo which I cm not entitled, lint merelr ask those who are diseased, to read the different advertisements relating lo the cure of private diseases, mid Judge for themselves where to apply for relief. M y rooms are so arranged that I can be consulted in privacy at all boors ol the day, from !i o clock in the mommy until rt o'clock In the evening. Persons with Chronic Diarrhoea, Dysentery. I.ocml Weakness, Nervous DeliilCy. Dow Spirits. Lassitude Weakness of the Dlmbs and Hack. Indisposition.l.oss of Memory. Aversion to society. Dove of Solitude. Timidity, Sell Dlsirnsl, Dizziness Headache, Pains in the side. A tied lon ot the Dyes, pimples on Ihe face. Sexual and oilier inllrmilies in Man, Jtc., will tind it important to consult Dr. C. 11. Tozer, til his office, mb street, between J and K. Sacramento. RHAD AM) REFLECT. DR.nHARI.K* M.TO/Kirs CARD to the afflic ted of California. In approaching any now cinirw of systematic Inquiry, there am certain points concerning which the incjuin r should always he care fnl to satisfy himself, lie should comprehend dis tinctly wind the subject of inquiry is —Health and Disease If we can form and tlx in our minds a dear (•(incep tion of the state of Health, we shall have no dittleuliy in understanding what was meant by Disease, lint beyond, thonith not above, these objects of investiga tion ot the human body, we have another and still Holder end It is to lay before you in such terms that you ( annol be mistaken and will know where to ap ply for relief. I use the word “disease *’ generally, and before I speak of the sinus of particular diseases, it w ill he proper to take a general view of symptoms. When a person is troubled or alllicted with disease, which causes a weakness of the hack and limbs, pain in the head, dimness of sight, loss el muscular | uwer, pal pitation of the heart, irritability, nervousness, dys pepsia, derangement of the digestive functions, mm ■ oral debility, symptoms of consumption, and many others which are better explained than put on paper, and require Medical or Surgical attendance, it would bo well for them to inquire il there is u physician who Is competent to attend them, and whti underlsunds the application of medicine, and whose scientific at tainments in Ins profession, and whose age and exjre hence entitle him to yours confidence. Considering these Ihi airs. Dr. t’hss. II Toler has concluded lo in form yon that are afflicted, advertising Ins place of business, slating (bat he has been a successful prac titioner for over twenty five years, and has ATTENDED AND CUBED HUNDREDS, when they have bet n considered by other physicians and have been pronounced by them past recovery Therefore you may rely upon him as one in w hom secresy and the utmost confidence can be placed. Dr. C. il. T.would invite all that are afflicted local! on bint, and if be does not administer for them,there will be no charge made. I.el no false delicacy pre vent you, but apply immediately, and save yousrlf from the dreadful consequences which must follow those who neglect lo receive attendance. Dr, 0. 11. Toaer’s office is on fUh street, near the Belvldere Hotel, between J and K street*. Ills rooms are so arranged that the Doctor can be consulted without fear of molestation. Oiflce hours, fro m il In the morning until din the evening. C- H.TOZKR, M. D., novd Gih st.. between J and K, ttacrumentu. ViJ.Dr. J. 1.. UiaPKay.—The gentleman whose name form* the caption of this notice is one of the lew modern physician* whose application to hi* pro Cession and devotion to the afflicted, render him alike an ornament to the one and a benefit to the other. A Hungarian by birth.he sought w ilh Kossuth to place in* country among the nations of earth, beyond the oppressor's rule, that her sons might rejoice in the practice of those precepts which are alike our glory and our pride la his efforts so to do, he has rea|ied the reward of in* Cectual resistance to oppressii a .and ■•a home and a country know him no more ” Apart, however, from his claims upon our consideration as a patriot, the testimonials of character and capacity which he brings entitle him to public confidence, to the exclusion of those who possess neither the one or the other. As a gentleman his character is untar nished: a* a physician, his skill unsurpassed; and to those whose imprudence has left Upon them the taints of disease, we can conscientiously commend him with the assurance that in him they will find a friend w hom Ur know i* great gain. The Dr ’s office 1 is No. 3 and 4 Armorv Hall, corner of jacruim-nU.snd Montgomery streets.san t’ruueuoc. a!4-3m MEDICAL. DR. .T C. YOUNG’S CARDS. IMPORTANT TO MISERS, TKAVKLKUrt, ETC. rWTMF.RF. f- no malady of deeper Importance either fi ina medical or moral liirl l l at tii’w, to which iiic human family i* more liahki than that ariring from impure connections. As a medical man it is the duly of every physician to look at disease ns it effects health ami life, amt his .ole object should be !<• mitigate. ns far a. lie. in his power, the leatilv suffering. Human nature nt best is but frail, all are liable to ml«f<irtnne. lif nil ihe ill- affect man none nre mere terrible than Ibo.e of a private nature. Urea.lfni a- It is In the perron triirhtt>il a- are it. rsvng. ea upon hi.con.tiUltioii. ending t're.mently in ile.trm> lion and a loathsome grave, it becomes of -till greater Importance when It i M transmitted to ttincrent off spring. Huch being Ihe -e how m-ce-sary it be come, that every one having the least reason to tt ir that they have contracted the disease, should attend toll at "once hv consulting some physician, whose res|K-etalbility and education enable, him to warrant a s ife. .pc. dv. and porntelteiil cure. In accordance with tills necessity, I l|t, A Ol N<l teeN ealled U|e-tlto .'ate that, by long study and extensive pracllr.-. be has belome perlhct master of all thos iliseases wltieli com. under the dononiinntion of venereal, and Inn ing paid more attention to that one branch than any other p|o nie'.iu in the t idied Slat) s. he feels hltn-ejf belteninnlifled to teal them. Pyphili* in all its forms, such as ulcers, swelling In the gr- mas. nicer in the throat.secondary svphd i-. cu taneous rr iptioies nlrenil ions, lertuary -> philts. >y phil s in children, niercureal -yphilltic affections, gon orrhea, gleet, strict«res, lulse na-sr.ges, (iiduu.alnoi of the tdadder and protrate ahinn*.excoriations. tumors, pustules. Me., nie ns lam I liar to him as the most com mon tilings of daily observation. Tim Doctor effects a cun- in recent case, in n few dnvs and Hilda no difficulty in curing those of long duration, without submitting Hie patient lose. !i treat ment as w ill draw upon bun the aligbtesi -mpieion or oblige him to neglect bis business Whether within (airs or without. The diet tn-ed not lie changed i x repl in cases of severe InfhimateUi. There are in t’.di fornin patients i amounting In over two thousand in the pa.) year) that could furnish proof of this; hut Hie--- ure mailer, ihotrwfulri* thi nicest eecre-y which lie always preserves. All letters enduing SlO, w ill lie promptly nltc-nded In. Office hours from ft \.M to 81* M. Address .1 i’, Yol’NC, M. O. r.Xpress p.uilding- eorner of Montgomery ami ('nliforniiin streets, over Well, ’ur go Co.'s Express Department. A <- AUD—FROM 111!. VOI NC'S PItIVATR g'\ M KDICAI, Offh-e—To the ullhclerl—ln tide age of progress, whon seletice is develop ug itself m siicah a manner a. to appear almost inu aculon-. every thing in common place is finked upon as not worth notice In view of this fact. Or. Voting, corner iff Montgomery and California streets, has concluded to leave the head'll track hitherto por-Ulsi hv most sci entific physicians, i that ot waiting for the politic u> And you out alone,! ami publish to the world, as much as tnav he. his knowledge of Ihe healing art. to let those w ho he In need of assist)!nee l!how w here they can Hind relief without tear of heing imposed upon. In continuation of this .object. Dr. Voting would -ay. that of the past ten year, he has pursued (he prnrtlue of medicine in one of Ihe largest oil ie. In the 1 rilled Stales, w itli Ihe hlglu-t success, and that bis standing as n physician Is without reproach, having at one lime been lecturer at Ihe I iiiversity of Penn sylvania on venereal di-eases. \-c. I pon all of these conideralions. Ur. Voting hnscoti- Ildenee in introipiciiig Idtnselfto Ihe putiiic, knowing that they will sustain wall earned merit. The following are n few of the ninny testimonials which have appeared in the public journals the last few years: [From the Ilo.ton Medical Journal ] Although we urn opposed to the system o| advertis ing. for good mid sufficient reason, still we deem it hut justice to say that Dr Voting is one of the most industrious and indefatigahlc votaries of the medical science in the fulled States. from I’rofe-sor Jackson The vibs.-ril »r is personally acipiainled with Dr Voting, and has seen much of his practice, anil can hear testimoney to his merili as a practitioner. From the New York Herald Tho eminence of this distinguished gentleman in his profession, and Iho very extended opportunities possessed hy him for the observation of venereal ills eases, make hi. service* invaluable to those afflicted with the above complaints. From the Whig and Advertiser. All afflicted wilti private complaintsshould consult Dr Voting, whose education is not surpassed hy any physician In the country. In his skill, honor and in tegrity all mav rely with safely, while most of the practitioners In this city nre without honesty or res portability their pretentions heing grounded in ignor ance ami assumption. (ifliee eornor of Montgomery nnd California streets, up stairs, opposite the hanking house of Wells Fargo fc Co Open from 9 A. M. to 8 I*. M , Sunday In cluded- PRIVATE Medical Office—Hundreds of those who have contracted disease are dlsadpointed of a cure hy not rail)nv on Or. Voting at first lie will forfeit any sum if he fails to cure any cam* Hint may rerne under his care, ne matter how long standing or alllieting. such as ulcers, tumors, nodes, hunches, pimples on the fac® and hi sly, pains in the hones and loins, wakefulness, trembling, copper colored sores, wasting of Hie hones, emaciation, loss of appetite, strength ond flesh, sores in the nose and ears, loss ot hair, weak eves, itching humors, fc Many persons after being relieved ef all extern il appearances ot private disease, suppose themselves cured, hut alter a few months find they are troubled with various symptoms which they never hail before, and which they And il impossible to relieve. To all who are af flicted in this way. Dr. Young would particularly rec ommend a trial of hi* skill. The symptoms with which you are troubled tire caused by taints in the blood, which sooner or later will destroy your health and hap piness. Nr person who has ever hud an attack of any private complaint should not fail to consult Hr. Voting and taken few bottles of his invaluable purifying medicine, as they can rest assured that their biood is In a perfectly pure and healthy comiilien, and that every truer* of disease fs removed from the system, Decent cases cured in srotn two to five days without change of diet or hindrance from business, or no fee. lilt .1, ('. YOl’Xrt office, corner Montgomery mid California streets, opposite Weils, Cargo & Co.’s, office hours from 9 A M.,t08 I*. ,M. Marysuille, June 10th. 1855 Dll. J. C. VOITNG —D**n Sir:—Please send me some of the medicines you prescribed in my case. I have a friend here who is troubled in exactly the same way that I was. Me has nightly emissions, ringingacise in his head, weak hack, loss of memory, ami Is generally debilitated ; he is discouraged and has not confidence enough to enable him to call and see you. I told him how 1 was and that rny friends all said I was in consumption.and thedoctors up here gave me up and advised me to go home to die. but instead ef going home I called upon you, mid here I am. as well as anv of them, anil likely to live a long time yet. w itfl street h enough tc work with the strong est of th‘*rn. Doctor. I will sen'* e'e'y one to you that hs>ks to me ns though he needed u p.issicinn It shall not be my fault if any one die# lor want of medical treatment. I w ill do all I can to keep the afflicted away from those pest# of society, yelcpt protewsors and high si a idim: titled men who, if the facts were known, tea men who left their country foi their coun try's good. Puhlis this letter, doctor, if you wish, and I hope some of those that humbugged me, may see il and sleep bad tor one night. Truly yours. GEO. DAVIDSON. EDWARD M. BURROWS, INTEKN ATI ON AIJ l OTEIS A LOON JACKSON STREET, Between Wlontgemcry and KcarncV* SAN FRANCISCO JBcjf Thtßraruia if Brandiei, ll'tnet and -It! 3 MEDICAL. DR. BEINIMANIVS P EIVA TE AIE DIC A L O I-EtC E. corner Montgomery i jaca«i»n street,** RAN FRANCISCO. ■ A?. II El INI M ANN. corner of Kearney and ■ w P.iriftc strvets. Han Francisco, has for h number of your*. In Iho military amt other hospital* of France, devoted hi? study prtin-iiiiilly to the Ireaimi-nt i*f He. cn l di*,-a*»*s. nml ihiTcfure p<«*•«•**>•* a ihori «'h ex perience in tin? partWiuiliir lirmich 1 1 •• i« «!••• p.-r -fort I y furntliiir with all tin* recently discovered nml highly Important retwslies nml mean- for the cure cf sin h disease*. It l? *i irci*ly necessary lo mi.l tier*- thnl ‘.n France where secret disea-es uro of more fee* c|it<*> it occurrence thun *m where else. th.i physicians of thnl country sre more rxnecl in thi-lrciire, nml iin* constantly nml successi ullv endeavoring to thnl out now remislles, more efficient urn! le«« dangi-ious than those fonnorly usoil lir lloinlTnanii i* therefore. cti'ilded to rnro all these diseases with fnTlocl rorlaiutv. without n*iug moiriiry. in a very short, anil wit hi it subject mg his imiii'iit* to tin’ risk oi eiili-f piont injurious conse quences. chronic Gonorrhea. Rycrmnlorrhes. Plonr Alhns, ( Debility tho ro-nli ol misconduct, pollutions, (fuin in tho hark nml side* Eruption*nf nil k:inl«, ;ir* nl• if*oil hy uhorlor raiisi's, I ,ns“ ol 11 air. Kin mil'll' i'iii in tho Joints. Nocnrmi! sweat*. Seminal and I fin al woakuoss. Injnrios roroivotl hv nn rrininl tn-al tiioiil. vr ikr tiro rnro.l hv Ur. 111110111111111x1111 tho aid of remedies known hut to himself, to tho jwrfi-ct snlisbictien ol his rlionls. Recent ilisoasos ol tho ahovo named kind will ho proni'dlv and rildically removed helore Ihey rot sot* tie iii il.o inslv nod horotno rhronir. hy l)r. Mi-mi mum's own purifying vegetable roino.iios. I ir. Ih.iidmuiiii further possesses a sure roinoily ful.y tested, and which ran ho reins! nisni. lor Hie rnro of Intornilltrnl i'Vvsr, Chill and fever. li'Vor ami Ague, also a means lo remove, in a low days (or* ovor. a had hroalli. with ml Die least Injury to the slomarh. In tho pdesenl .lav? inmiornns remedies nro offorod everywhere for 11 1 i'miaitiahle diseases, hill in most nflhociisos the snlh r. s* so sadly dis appoinbsl that Ihoy look with Justifiable niislrnst on all ridvorlisainonls of this kind. Dr lloiniinaiin s ro' medio- iioisf not he rivommended hy puffling charla lanism (or Ihoy rocotninonil Ihemaelvi-s hy thoir i t forts as has hooti soon and experienced hy ininioons palionts who. fortunately for lliotnsolvos, havo used itu-iii. For Iho inli-rninlion and satisfaction of iho n( loniioroi vid pnhlir. tho slalonionl will suitin' that 1 1 r. 11 <*i 111 mu tin has in his possosrion ovor two him dro.l testimonials from pallenl? rnrod hy him, 'losjiles many olloT roliahle ]arsons wldrh hr •* roady to ox whon roipiiroil. while rointnon ilocoiiry lorhids him to publish 1 hem In iho newspapers. I’orsons n|i|il> inc In Dr 111-110111111111 shall not ho obliged |o pay in advance the lull priro ol the rnro, a? ho is willing to submit his shill ami his romodios first In ho tosh 1 1 . (iho ihliiit Iho Doctor invariably requires from all his palionts, (tint la a faithful and strict roiifurmiinro w ith all los dirorlions and preemptions, otherwise ho cannot and will not warrant a rnro. AVriltotl lainsiilliilions will ho given without charge and communications iiitswornl whether containing a foo or mil proiri|dy, punctually anil with sirirl sen ry, on applying, postage paid,ln Iho English, Frencli or liorman l.angunges, to Dr. M. lIEINIM ANN. Corner of Kearney and Pucillc streets. San Francisco. To show to the snlisfaclinn of all that IT Iloinl inanti i * a Ihorougtv i*-ducated, practical and expi-ri onrnl idivsiriaii and siugeon. the following from liis iiniin r.ins lostlmonials. tiro sulimUlrd to the public. Nairn's are suppressed. hut Ho* authors are at any time ready r» proclaim their truth ami iiuilienlichy before the world. («hic 1C NWOOI) VaI.I.KV, IS.'iti, Dnnp Doctor;--I have known you since 1“I0 and you have given so many proofs of your talents and o.x|a-rletiro. thnl you have entirely won roaflilonce Although yon reside at at a great dislalice Ijiuii mo you know that I have several time son! you patients « Midi other dociojw have uiven up as Inoiinilile, and you have always received them and saved not only thoir limits (ml also thoir lives. I w ill mny moaiion horn the case of .Mr C .from Auburn, who Is indebted to you for iho preservation nt his right arm. which other doclors wanted to amputate, mid that nf AD, <s ofiloloma. who allhomih ifiven upas hopeless by two disdnrs was cured by you in Iwo works lime .As 10 what you have done fur rny I unis ly. suffice il lo say. 1 will never be a bin In repay you. Accept dear Doctor, these few lines ns a proof of the hiuh esteem I have of your talents as a medical mini, and believe me te be your constant friend. E (I. Proprietor ofthe Miner’s Hole To Dr. neinimnnn. San Emui'isco (•reenwissl, February fllh. ISafi, II it vim; slydied medicine myself at Ibe liiiversilj of Tuvin, 11 Italy, I suppose I know enouitb to be he. lieved when I declare hereby that you are the best physician I ever met with In California. This decla ration is fi-nnded on what 1 have seen you do and heard from every lusty w hen I resid 'd at Mormon I*, land. I know of many persons to whom you hate saved life and limbs alter they had been completely Uiven up hy others, and who will at any lime come forward and testily to tho truth id Ibis and to your science. AVishinu you for the future, the same sue cess which has attended you thus far. I remain truly yours, C. K. To Dr. Iletniinunn, Him Francisco. ('oloma, Janrrry 10th, 1556. My Dear and Much Esteemed Doctor; —II i* with much reuret lha I I and all your other friends saw you quit Mormon Island. AA e have lost in you 11 physi cian of ureal talent and experience, who wecould not appreciate too much. It was proven enom/h hy the numerous who came to call on you from all parts of the mines, and you are in the best remembrance of nil. Myself, uiven up by whom I considered our best phy sicians. prepared myself to die; hy chance I came un der your treatment and you ha'e cored me of a urave sickness in a short lime. You have proved yourself a physician and you do honor lo the name («. To Dr. 11, Ilcliilinnnn, Corner Jackson and Monluiimery streets, San Nrancisco.—Dear Sir:—lt is with yleastire that we notice the unbounded suc cess which has attended you In your practice since your residence in this Stale, now over seven years The ueml you have done and the skill you have exer cised in the cures that come under our observation make It our duty to let it be known to the world and more particularly to those now snfferinu with disease Most of it were well acquainted with yon while! you resided at Mormon Island, and witnessed there some remarkable cures which you effected on patient* w tio-e case* were pronounced hopeless hy eminent physicians. VVe have also seen w hat you have done for some of our friends now residing at Cnloma and Placerville, who after niiteh pesnasion and Induce on tits oil our part, consented lo go and see you, when Hies had almost despaired of their lives. They did so and returned, and are new living hale and hearty mm; and read r. if this notice should reach your eye and you are afflicted, take our advice and go to Dr HEIN- I A| ANN. and you will never regret il. Dear Doctor, receive with our most hearty wiihe* for your future welfare, the assurance that we believe you lo la- one of our most talented and exjierienced physicians in the Stale. Fkkiikhiik Hasvwass, I (nror.’r Millers' Hotel.) | Jaiob AViski.kmasn, Aflreenwood Valley (p r Greenwood Ilrewery, | John Urorok, J Arucst lUiisk, J Josksii WiuHAMN, { Colotna. CHAtlri il is s. I T.« \ Propr’s of the 1 T. II a/it, j Croix Federate, /Placerville. Jkas lUciii-rr, j A. 11. AValkier. El Imraflo Slide. G. y.RoicKK. ttirra of E. Poppe 4. C 0.,) Orovillo. Josmi i.i.AVieL, Aubnni. Chari ks K asi kli 1, Hpanish iiry Diggings. T Hksmsuak. (jicop’r of bridge,; Condemned Bar, C., .sucnunenlo, R. Fissirorr, do R*sacp, do Capt. Ilxsn, Michigan Bluff*. (’apt. F. I*. Miaroco. Mormon Island. lUsat Tactu (Republican House,) Jackson. Thi* leaiiraaaial waa not soli ailed by Dr Ilelnb majju. MEDICAL. DS- L. J. CZAI’KAY S llrand Mr./icrrl and institutr* ,\r ory f/.MI hiilldifKf. corner of Moniifotncry .*l*nl Harmon nfo •(*. Han Fnnu i*co. r.'tahJi 'h*! for ikf pe r,mmt nirf o( »U p'irn'' nml rhriimr diff'Urf, nnd Iff ftipftrrftinn of i/nn. k'rii. 3 % fj. r. J. (7. M*K i\ , I MT IV TUP. IM'Nt: V H WrUn l!evolulion.u r y Unr Chief (In.ii bn i * ri:c jiih reiflrheni ol (liihvi-iN. Chief s'C-'een I* l the Military Hospital of fVs'h, II unv f). mi-1 !•'?* I.eclo r. r on |»(.i ii*. < nf I rlriMry nnriin and rti* <>f women add chHifrvn h 1 a 1 ■ • ■ * ■ r-.r the cure of all form* <.f fl ir ifi such a* svphilis, cmVorrhci*. taic'erh'il etuis** •hiii« nml all the c(*tl«eO»i""c«** of *ell- tlmse In Hi" fir*f stakes of iMftofflinai • 1 1 ~• * I" 1 ir'i*" 'iii'ee* a • In a few * l.i v•. . 1 1 1 . * 11 1 .•.i • • i., j. ■» i f hind Di nee la hi* lai*.in-** I* h* fi ’ fi"'lelil. I>V nett left, or Improper fremment. It < *‘• -I H>' mvowdar? «*ni|ili rn« of -vhili* ’Hah 'i* '• ihoi**. or |i’iii|fiil -weftlmrs on the i'rol i\ or •>!» ■ -• D the* throat and bi*p. which if net checked. deor . Hi* *"(1 parts and ran*.* Iln* 1 * mo'fih. -*'h , i , 'i : e ami come awn», (vavlmj tin 1 *ufr**r» 'ino' ’ I' In "« *ii iiehold; or w lion «('! >(<ti"« and n mple* It. -ik out n|»iii Hie din. or wtn*n ft** hi* painful ■ n.** upon lln* hones, orwhen hi* roimfiinlima I* injnri-il *o a* n. pri*ili*|ioaii to consumption or nf hiT e i* *tiiii! - nrin« disease. Ihe fVrloj if'lnrunlces a cure or ;•-!.« in i-nm* rnii«:ilioii. In Rheumatism. fhnntr or ni’iDin in lU*i*i|ii*r>. or fdnrrhisn. In ha* “an an*l • f* rt'iul r<*- ini-ilii**. Fur lh'* 1 renlffteiH of tin* ron* ip'eoc.s o' self-abuse, such ns nocturnal emissions, n rveitsuessf timidity, headache pain* In lln* I»:i**l* in .*iili«. with Ui n< rai wenkne-*, In** of appetite, lo** o( ra. Miorx. injury lo Die *i»’lD, re*.‘les*iie*s conluslofr of ideas, dislike for soelelv. llml fiflimf "f wenriue* of life; witli tin* nervous *i*fiM m iv •lliali'i* rAm «11 v 1 • t lioi*<*« .|iock i»T slnrlle the p’lliifil oink in* exUl* euee rni«iTalili*. I'or 1 hi* above niahidies .In' I tort (rtf will L'lmr.iiilin* a cure nr n*k no ciim|n*ii* i*ion, (lo ran la* ron*nlt'*d re" of rhiiriTo, ami llivitoanll lo call. Halt will coal I In* in nothin#- and t nay hr lancii In Ihnr advanlatfr. TIIANKM'LLM “S la THE IMCthITIVK TO (iRATirrnK. api’.l.OW wr puliliali Ihr rrrlillralr* o( wo ofth" Em rntfiTiir* Iroin tin* piinc* oi ili>ra*i . «lm Imv inn rrrovrrnl Ihrir l'i rim r Imalfli and • rn;n-Il.*d hv k'nililndr. imikr known llirir rinri nml Ihr rrmrdial adrid; and Ihrir ."talnnrni* nrr inithriDn all d hy a Notary I’llhltC. Thr ilnranda of aorirty nr|n rio-mlv commaiid their |iiddiril\, mi l we rominrml ihrir |w*ruaul to tho ntlriilion ol ail alTTtclnl. CK KTIPICATH The nndrr*isnird, d«*iioit« ol ar(|iintnliiiv thoair who may hr iinforliinnlr wioo/h to !«• *imil.'irly nf lliclod whrrr a prrmmiriit rrltrf of (lo ir «iiffn iinrw non Ito ohl iiinrd, frrl* it lII* duty to riot* |Hlldh*ly rx|irr*« Ida ainrrrr (fmliUnlr hi i• r I, .1 l'*«|ikiiy, for tin* (irriiianriil ncovrrv of hi* health. Horn" down by Ihr di'lrr«.*int{ *Mn(>hmi« inruh lit fo Ihr virion* pracllrrs of iinconlrollnblr |m*“ron in youth, dr|)rr*«rd In liodv ami mind, imaldr to rform rvrii Ihr mod trillimr duly ini|ioard iipon tin dadv avoca tion* ol lit)*. I tmil.dli tin* mlv irr of m ain |div*lrian*, who id tlr-t rrltardrd inV di*i*ii*i > id trilti " import niirr. hut nlafl iifirr a Irw wia I.• and In «rvi*: al in* •tuner* nuniili*. ofthrlr trrniiiiciit. I loiind to tny mi— iilli,ral)li* horror that limtrad ol i In I tin- ym|ihnns hrcatnr morr iilnnninL' in ihnr ImT n*. and hrimt dually (old nir In otn* I tint thrdi*r;,*r ’a i ntt rontliird prilll’iply to tin* hiain. mrilirilir* w ould hr of li-Dr ron.*ri|iirncr. I di**|ialrrd of i*vi*rrrirainiii!.' ru> In dtlt •irrngth and rnrnty; nml nn a Inst mw»rt,innl with hut n faint hopr. calh d upon IT. ('/.ttpkny who. aflrr rxtuiiiiiint'm v cii.i . |»ri*HcrilM*d *omr no d let nr wh u h idmo*l ludnntly rvlirvrd imp of Ihr dull pain* n I di//.itni** in mv lirad, Ilnrourat'rd hv Ihi* rr*iill, I n «olvrd to plan* m\*rl( innnnlinlrly iinih r hi* rarr, mid, hy a •trirl ohrdirnri* to hi* dirrrlirn* ami ml** vlrr. my hnnl hccatnc rlrar. my Idrn* mllrrl id. ihr roii*tatd pain in mv Inn k mid irroni*. Iln* w. akm »*■ of mv limh*. Ihr nrrvmin rniclloll it my wliolr rr** lemon ihr iditthh**! ahtrin or rxcilrnn nl, tin* mi*- nnlhropy and evil forrhodliuns Ihr *• 11 ilictrn*! and want of conlldnic* in o’her*. Ihr inraf ahllhv to Hliidy and wind ol rrnoliilioii. the Irii/hlful rxcltlnir, and at limra plrnanrahlr dreams at iiiirht, follow i d hv involunlary dicchartfra. him* all di'.'ippr irrd. and hi fact, in two moldin' after lunim' ron*nlli*d the Ih.ctnr, I fell It* if ItTpirml hy a new lit.—Dial lifo which, hut ft abort time uk'o, I (•onh*iii| lahil to end hy my ow n hand. ' will, a view to trntird tin* iiliforliinnlr from fiiliint? into Die *nnrr*ot incomprtrnl ipiark «. I derm it my duty to offer tin* tralitnony to tin* merit and -'till of I>r. T/apUay, and rrcommcnd him to all who may Miami in lira I of inrdiral advio*. hrintr a**iirrd hy my own experience Mint, oner under hi* ruir a rad ical and permanent cure will hr rffrrird 11. K. I lI.LMiiRK. Ptnli* of ('allfnrnin, comity of San I'ram i-ro—Snh •crllird and sworn hrlnrr me, Do* IT'li day of April, \. I). 1850. (Signed) John Minin.kto\. Notary I’ulilic. a. CARD—Prompted hy an honc**t di virnof my ta heart. I wi.h In lay Indore the public a ciimi w hich ilr-rrxr* a hiith comnirndntlon, not only a* an id ol Hcmalilh* nkill. hut timl i*f hinianity also. Aim'll two years flip ■, I •iiddrnly. and from i*aii**** unknown lo me, seized with a 111 (if **plli*p*y .whirh. owinit lo mv inability to inert Ihr exprlirr* ron i ipn al upon a Ihoronuh medical irratmrnl, mid Ihr diMrourairrnient I met with on atlrmplliiK il, noon hrcanir *nch la* I wtiM then led to believe) as lo defy the skill of a phy sician. I win* freipienlly while in pursuit ol my call inif, thrown dow n to tlir ground wiihont lln* sdirhieMl warnlnii, and iillhomrh iiiwmslhle to itn* intnnn * I yet de-jdsed the miseries of my life, and soon learned lo look upon those who would render me assistance or shelter me from danker ns enemies v ho s,»u«ld In proloiiK the miseries of my exUtenrc. \\ Idle in this Stale, and havinu previous to my affliction lasted the sweet* of life, 1 once more was induced lo attempt see kin# aid of a idiysieian, and, hy recommendation, culled upon Hr. 1.. J. t’eapka*. I told him my cir cil instances and my inability torewurd him for his services, regardles* of which, however. In* at once umlerlook my case, and with the hlessink of fi'id I was once more restored t<» perfect health. L'nahle to reward him for the boon which I enjoy at present, mid yet conscious of my indebtedness. I consider it due lo royselfar.d to all the tilliicled In make the case public, in order that those in need of medical advice may tlnd a physician in whom every confidence can l>e placed t .M MKYKK YAIIhONHKV. Plate of California, county of Pan Francisco, ss—Snh scrilied and sworn before me this flr*l day of Aiikosl A. I), IHjti, (jILHKRT A. (Irast. t.s. Notary Public. I»r. T. .T. Czapkny's Medical and Hurtrica) Institute is at the corner ol Monikomery and Sacramento sis., Hun Francisco. Cnlituriiia. The Doctor offers free consultations, and asks no remuneration unless he effects a cure. SpKRM ATORRHCKA. OR. local weaknoss, nervous debility, low spirits, Isasilude. weakness of tin* limbs and back, in disposition and incapability for labor and study,dull ness of apprehension, loss of memory, aversion to so cieiy. love ef solitude, timidity, »**lf distrust, dizziness headache, involuntary dischnrKes, pains in the side, affections of the eyes, pimples on the fare, sexual and other infirmities in man, are cured without tail hy the justly celebrated physician and sunt eon. 1,. J. Czapkay. Ill* method ef curlntr diseases is new,i un known to others* and hence the irreal succe**. All consullatiomi (by letter or otherwise) free. Address 1.. J. Czapkay, M. 1).. Pan Francisco, Cal. nlt-ltm yuea—ai—x—ne—i. .ssiwrmi ■•vs 1,1011 SALE hy the I’nse or Package in qaantities to snit. Long {till paper. Legal cop Letter Paper. Ink Broad bill paper, Fools cap, Note paper, Pen cil». Blank Books, Wafers, &c kc. Noisy Carriers Book & Stationary Co. 87 Battery &64&8C, Long Wharf. San Fran cisco C- P* KIMBALL. Pres. OROVILLE LODGE, No. st», L j.O. of ((. F. meets every Monday eve- in the Masonic Hall. HrotiM-r* In ipxidtUoding are riwpectfully Invited s attend. TUOMAS COUkHAN, it. «. J. M. CIaEK, Secretary,