Newspaper Page Text
OROVILLE DAILY BUTTE RECORD, VOLUME 1 (ftiDuille S.iiln Suite ilvfror'h. • - ■ / ' . aa/W'/-' r r-A/-/W'A^yw-A^A/v^v» PUBLISHED DAILY (aL'.VDAY* KXCKPTEO) f"jr“ OrrifK—Ti»nrrorl Bnil-lins on 'lvor* Plreol, Kn«t siile, between M»ir<'"nery uml bird. i irovillf*. TttKMn—Ann Year I't Miiil ?15 *'** f»;v montbs. <lo * "" liree monilm. tin * **' llcilivereil u) Carrier, |mt Week 50 WtfKKLV iTuTI E 11KC0RD. - ■ For rlrrftVill<vi lathe mnitier soul <li»- |r, I- i ! (lie* rt* . will ronuin Iloral a'lil irenm al i,i tli<* w ek, tiilffn'ipracil a Mi iiitareallmf n'if e..|| iii.-n ik rei.lile,' waiter. ll «iil contain twenty 0 i >)|( , ol to tiling mailer, ninl will !>'• one «f tl,:. net etn-ap -I Weekly Newspaper* in the D m ic. i>,,„iiKtioi every Painrday. Tirm*—*3 per Annum; nix month*, £•; tli r«*i* inonllin.Sl Aiivtutuk «t ks r» p -r aijnare •>! ten lines or leas, Br»t Inaerlion, • ... f- ' Kadi siibaeiinent Insertion.- - • if"' r~ff' \ liberal ilrliirtiiin will bn made In fiivor of (Rose wbo ml vortiao b> Ibe year HiT Business rnrilr inserted on reasonablolerm*. Agents lor Uic Unite Uccord. henry reefer, nbiwrii. TlloM X- 1 !'•’ 'VCK ...07 Merchant si San Franeiseo. . . <n” i H street. Marysville Nn" ‘|M.fV ..‘.V For I ie*town. j w l"l^kov ttbr •vv.‘V.:°'VCtiovni J f‘l A ’ ■ •••• , (l| . . l*v) SMITM I noiiifkpoii * ‘ J*!n' rt«i»rilKKT<»V ’ Urol let ton's -loro. .UMVS TROIDJIITON J.SIMRWIN Nelson Creel:. I’lnmas' " jrnßiN.' * t-viT. M rr _vi) Manilla \ alley■ ~ v * ,’riV’ enn In pro nireil from any ol ibe i Mneil AirenlK, who toe nl-ii inilliorUe.-i to re reive ;iil«erli!*i*iiienlH amt oplera I’ll' •lob \\ or’ M'V ILLK AI>VK HTISKMKNTS. STAr'j WALXER, W!LSON & Co. DKALV.HS IN mz Aira FANCY DRY GOODS, Clollim*, Hoots, Latlios* and ('HiI,HI!KN'S SHOBS.IIOSIhin. ,v! -> West l). ft near 2::d si Hnryjvttle. T aril,!, KV.K I’ fits 'I'ANT I - V ON II A NH, a I ill 7y ,rii'ii‘!*t i r (inods in !l *i’ line. and would respectful.)’ «i.lint u share of public (.utroima I’-iMiuu.M ■•■‘•l'ion pod io**r.! •<- "■■•■ n the country. TIlnM LI. W MAEII, ] \MKS C. WILSON, ,lo;i\ I?. M ASON, fchC-l-Mt MOW CIO Ail AND TOBACCO STORE. Wont sldri H ftrent, opposite the the II aim House m.i ursr n.i.E, cal. TTU'soa.. ESlinvKcy 00. T ® I'si’ii TIT!,!,V ANNOUNCE TO TIIK IM •<- i. X |.|r and TIJi; TRAPK, that Huy have con dl,,„ily on hand, ami fur sale, at the lowest mark el prices, ut WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, A Inruo and car fully selected slock of Ci«ars ot On* Choicest Hratids, Ah well*- tuns- of a cheaper "iialily ; ,; VKK\ DKS! K \151.K UU ANl> OK T i|t Ai T' 1 1, it ml in short, whalevr nitty he found la any similar establishment in California. ... . \ I.'IMI KXPKRIKNCK. ill the hu«mcs“, we feel nssurod will, when connected with STRAIHH I H'j>- \V AKH DKAI.INI I, enable ns to tfive I N lII' I. • A 1 • ISKAi TIHN to those who may favor ns withvheir pat r"r TR APKRS tmpf.Uott 15 per coni. less than at any other house in the Slate, Muyrysvillo .Inly Id. lyltHi BIDWKI.I, ADVERTISEMENTS EIDWELL BOOKSTORE. rtnilßnmlcrsiiriie.l woitiil respcellidly inform the U ci l irons o! Hi dwell and vicinity, that he his pencil a JOOII AND STATIONERY STORE. ml will keen constantly on hnm| an nssor.tneiii nt in+>, Sta. emery and Kaney Articles, of the lineal mi last (piulitv.utid w ill be in the receipt or the LATEST PUBLICATIONS. a soon ast.-misl , iiOliK, Sri.oot Hooks, Spiritual. Masonic and U' Unions M’o/.' .v, Blank Books* j(i/i it Its orsing/rj .\'ovel», Knot lop ts. Paper ofnll kinds *ORTE-MO.\:-tIKS, GOLD PP.VS. - /A r HOG Pits ,s* irns TPA HOLMS finest citllkv. I’hich will ie sold at the lowest r ites. Latest At .t.ltc Paper-received by every steamer, for sale II K KKFBH. Next door to National Hotel. the GREATEST DISCOVERY OF THE ;p_* (treat liles-iaj to Mankind! — Innocent hut Po ., r.. —. —. * ~ ~ ut!—Dr. I. J.Kz.ipkay s Prophyliiciicuni. t>eli His ifectimr A«ent,) a sure preventative attains! Ronor land and syphilitic disease* mid an unsurpassed rem it- | ( ,r all me venerlrd. scrolulons. Kiinyreiionsand uioeruus ulcers. betid discharges from the vmniia, ierus and urethra, and all cutaneous eruption*and st‘.i-i w . As ililiocilluttotl is a preventative in.: mM nail pox, so is Hr. L, J. t zupkay > ITopmlactu um preventative niratnut syphilitica! mid sieves, lltirinless ill IlStdl, It possesses 111 ■ power ■ Chemically ilestrnyhiß the sypniluic virus, and leiado savimr thousands from be hit; iulecU-d with iii most loathsome of till diseases te> youiu mu who apkrectutea heal h he without Hr. < zap av’s Pnipliiiacticum. It is in very convenient pin k ;es, and will •«. found couvonieiit ui iif, bein; sed as a soap. Price »•’> For aide at Hr 1,..1. tupkiiy’s office, Aimory Hull, corner of Sacrameuto id Montgomery streets, 8«n Francisco. All onlers must be addressed to L. J. Czapkay, M i., Sau Francisco, California. uH Office Feather River and Ophir Water Co. I Oroville. Nov. 3d, 1M56. > A DIVIDKNU has this day been declared, payable \ at the office oflhe Company. twlm JAS. MURDOCH, OROVILI.E, BUTTE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5, l« BUSINESS GAUDS. I IUKtKK r. toTT. W. T. HIM* LOTT &. SEXTON. ATTORN H Y S AT LAW, OUOriU.E, HCTTF. COF STY. Orru if —No HIL.S. M w.k. Montgomery street. CiXAltLBd I'. LOTT, Notary Public. jyi»tt it. BARKIS, ■"U * M. BART. HARRIS ft BIRT. Attornoya it U»w, 0U0V11.1.1.K, IHTTK COI'STV. fA I, Opkick—Myers street, west side, r>mv Montgomery. J.V.OS, XTIIAI A - SIIRNIN ROSENTHAL &. SORNIN Watchmakers & Jewelers, NO. 10.3, WASHINGTON ST., Son F'raucisco. Dinihond and SporlmenWork manufactured to order. Watches and Jewelry carefully repel red in the Leal manner. n ’» J. W. WIMKR. I) O. BITRLIVHAIK WINTER & ISDRLINGAMB. Olllce— lh McGrath's Building, D slreel, Between Second and Third, op | lh»* 11!? uII film-.*. MARYSVILLE. We itfso hiive n|H*n««; an lt» Tl»<* I S. I'lock. Oroville, finite Wo., \*lier»- one of iw may jil all be found. J . Y. JON E Si CONST AI ILK AND COLLECTOR np n tii:s ,\Nit accounts. Also will "ell Personal Property on Commission. Orpine, with I T Klimt), Keq., Bird strnei, Orovillu. July 11, ISj«, jj H' l * J. G- LAWTON. Jr ATT’Y &, CoIJNSKLLOR AT LAW A\ I) COMMISSION*'(I VOR MA.SA' 111 - CTI s U. IHI.ANB. Ho' Uili '• corner of Myers and Meatgoinei y ."streets. Nci.:».t (tiled Stale" Block. upstairs. T.H.VARD U FAULGY- Attorney iv ('gi;nsi:lluh at Law, NOTARY P. BI.Ii.RKAI. KSIAIK AC.KVr ASH lON vkyam kr. < *roville. Unite Coinily. C d. \VII.L I’KA' 111 V. IN AU Tllfcl Cocßls or Nils STATE. THOMAS WELLS, ATTORN KY AT LAW, OUOVILLE, BUTTK OOUX I V. Spreial attention given to the searching of County teeords, inve-aigatlon ol I tiles, vVe . and to the draw ni; (,1 Deeds and all iii«trnnuiiils fur record. Ottico in the Court llouae. *lB-45 J. V - SCOTT, COUNTY SURVEVOR FOR BUTTECOUNTY AND civil engineer. lIROVILI.It. ni TTLOHI NTV. OALIPOUNI \. Versons desiring his services will please leave iheir orders tilth ■ .till,a- of Messrs. Harris \ Hurt. 1411 J. W. DUNN, It i: J! 1. K ft ta /■;, s T OCk rtmvnn irnriuAViHi ftli All iSUjLiI MU luge (illl-e, St. Nicholas Hotel, OROVILLE. f-jTjiales io any purl of the city or county prompt ly attended to. oc.Vlt J. D. BROWN. M. D. Graduate of New York University, New York Medl a) Institute. Honorary Graduate ol Syracuse Medtea| 'olleife. (lifers his prol'essi it service*to the inhahi unts of (irovtile and vicinity. I Mtiee. at lln* Lutte (rug Store, Montgomery street, one door from the ornerof Downer street. July 14, 185(1 j.vl4-tf , M. SMITH. riIARI K!* W* IB DIIAKO* SMITH &. lIUBOARD. V.TTOUNEVS & Counsellors at Law GHAIII.K.S G. 11l Lit Alt D—Notary Public. ppiOK Hird street, north side, between Myers iuki lluiitooii streets I.KU.AL NOT!OKS. PROBATE NOTICE LL persons holding claims against the estate of & .hum's I*. late of IDHto num- R 4 »F 111 I' I - I i,re hereto not tiled to pre.ent them with proper ichors to the undersigned wiiliin ten months Irutn s dale, or they will ho huever barred u, llOn.ilHi Public Adinimstraf r Butte Co. lid well, Oct. iM, IBS6. NOTICE. 41 V 4. nw .mw - i-hv ci veil to all (hTsoiis itoldiiur liens on the pv' Lind Hotel, in the town of Orovtile, nilitv. California to pres 11 the saute w ith .ol thereof, ill the Jllsliei si omt >d J. 1. Lhlj .in and I'oruptiir fownship, on |Mondaj )s.MI. at In o’clock A. M. Ur ol Court. li MBKR COMrAN Y. \\ \\ # KLLi. All V,|i . k* Nov. Imi 11 nODATE NOTICE .... tndditiK Claims aua'nst thee«tat“ ol 1 mn'.iere. deceased, hue ol Butte county, liotilled to present them vvnli proper te inidersiuiied. within ten months trout m forever harred. R Ho||A Public Administrator Untie County. 6HB, SI6NSI Gold and Ornainoatcd, iUr! In a superior style, at low rales, IV. H. Haydon. -House Painting, Graining. Gliding, Pa lluntring, i r « Jo “* ! w * -11 Cb f*P- ?bo P streel, opposite United Stales Livery t»u- I.KGAL NOTICKS. STATE OK CALIFORNIA, I Comity of Unite S Probate ( ourt. »”im- this day. it Hppearlnn bi my satisfaction iw Judireof the Prohalo Court, in and for Unite Count \ , that Hit- I loan! of Supervisors. and lor .nut Comd'v. did, on iho twenty fourth »»»>••* •"< |>l> niIHT li in,., thousand eight hm»<lrod ami flfty six declare ( iroville to ho I tie County Seat of Untie ' o Irma and itlltT llic ronl iweiily-fointhday of r-ephmher, A I' js.Ti, in pursuance of an Act entitle*! An Act lo change Hint tlx Iho County Sent of Bnltc County, ap prove I MnnUi loth. IH.VI, ami it further appearing to m\ satisfaction, that H** present buildings in which tie- said l oan Ini* been hold, mol m which the K-T, onN have been kept in (he town ol lliilw. il. arc tin safe a- a place of depository tor said Records, amt lint the Mime is liuhle to destruction hi tire, hy rea son of their being constructed entirely of wood. Ami it further appearing that, there is m> building in the low n of Iti.lweli.suitahle f >r holding the terms ot tin* court.and to stilely keep ita Records troin tire or ot her rn amity, and it appearing that the town ol Oroville i* « fit place to hold the term* oflhia ' ourl, himl ilint a conuiHNtiDiis »ii*l nut** iirit k miii*liii!< m said I iwn has heen tendered to the county as county It i*, therefore ordered, and decreed, that the Clerk of the Probate Court, in and for Untie Cotmlv.forlwilh remove htB office and the Records thereof, toilrovilto, in the building selected by the said lioiinl ol Supervisors as county Imildinvs. and that he do and transact the business of his said ofllce ai the town of Oroville, as the County Seal ot Unite County . , ~ And it is further ordered that the terms of said court from and after the said twenty-fourth day of September. A I) 1556, he held at the said lowuot Oroville, until otherwise ordered. Anti it i- tintli**r *»nl**rv*l ttuil tin* «*!nrk ot Hn* Ir» bale Court, in and for 1 1 lift* County, i-sue in order, under seal ol said Court, lu conformity with this or (lff And that the same be published in the O i ly Hal e Record, a paper published in the town ot Oroville, for the space of forty days from the dale In rent. Ity <>r lerofCourt. Vttest the foregoing a true copy of the original or der now on tile in my court. Witness my hand and the seal id said I ro. [I, SI hate (lour t’afllxed. tin- iheJith day of Sep leather A U ISIIi, Rl Hid well. >III,KS CHAPIN, Probate Clerk. Hy Hmuiai 11,1'epuly. ifATK or CAU KOUNI A, t Coiiniy of Unite. t County < otirt. •stinv tl.i* dnv it aptruring to my satisfaction ns .''J .Ind. ee! the Co mty Court, in and lor Unhe 'oiin’v, tied lie Hoar i it' Supervisors in a id for said ' Mints. ili 1. ell the '..till day of September. A. !'. one ti<. ..send edit hundred and fifty.six. d* • (are oroville o ho the < . lilt' - :d of ItUlte Coun' v lioin and after i;,. sahi twenty- trhdi\Of Si pt t ter A. I>. IS I, n pursuance ol an no! end tied An Ad to ehai ure and . mill} ■. .o of liultf Ooun y, np]>i >v 1 ban h \ lit tu»*'l"T jjpjM'.'irin/ 11>! 11 > hat the present hud lings in wln.ili the - od Conn has let*). In ',I. io.d in widen the P.ecords have been kept n tii. low nof Indwell, are unsafe a-a place ot d— ,,,-Uory f..r said lh cords, and that the same is liable 0 <lc .true'.hm hy fire, hy reason of Hi ir being con .irncled entire of wood. Ami it Inrlher appearing hat there j* no building in the town ol llii!w,11. suit ihi- f..r holding the terms rtl this Court, and to safely oa p it - Records from other calamil y, and it ippeariiut that the town of Oro-ille Is a lit place to loud lie' lerins of this Court, mid that a sale and coni inodious brick building infcuid town ha# been ten ilereil (he county as county' buildings. tl i. then-loro ordered, twjndged mi . decreed, I tint the Clerk el the liiantyrtfoiirt. in and lor Untie 1 , ill 111 v, forthwith r.flhov.Trkfifltreand the Record* there .f. to i iroville. in the building side, led hy Hie said Roar lof Supervisors us Coinr.y Buildings, and Unit he tl., and t an-act the business of Ire* said oltiee, i,l die town of I Iroville, a- the Counly 'eat ol hullo i 'onitlv. And it is further ordered, that the lerins ol -.Mill < ourt. Iron) *t*i*l .ill* r Iho sjhA lw«*ni) I.# ul l l l *!»> ~| September. A I) I Sell, he held at the said town ol i Iroville until otherwise ordered. Ami it is further ordered, that ( ler., of Hie Countt Court in ami for Butte County , issue an order iinih r’lhe real ol said Court, in conlorinily with Hus Ami that Hie same be published in the Daily Hullo |[ .cord, a paper published in the town ol Oroville, lor the space of forty days from the dale hereof ity order of tin Court. All'll the (oregoing a into copy of thu original or der now mi Hie in my office. .. Witness mv hum! and the foal ol said Court [|„ s.] affixed this the 24th day ol September. A. I). 1856, at Bidwell, MII.KS CHAPIN, Clerk of County Court. By M. H. lUbrach, Deputy. ST AT K OK CAMPOIIMA, I Couiitv of Hutte. S Court of Sessions. Wi r n\V this day it appearing to my mil intact ion, ns 3 ~r, snliii" Judge of the Court of Sessions, in Hint for Dutto Conn y. that the Board of Supervisors in, mid for said County, did. on Urn twenty fourth nay 01 September. V D oiie thousand eight hundred and (illy six. detdare (Irovillo to he the County Sent of Unite ('ountv trom tm<l mHit ihuttiiid Iwt*uly lourtli , !,v Seoteiiilmr, A I) 1856. in pursu nice of an Act entitled \n Art to change and lix tho Comity Seal ol Butte Count v. approved Ma'di loth, 1*56, and it Imlher appearing I-my satislaction that the present timid ini's in which the said Court has been held, and in which the Kecords have been kept in the town ot Uidwell. are unsafe ns a place of depository tor said Kecords. and that the same i, liahle to destruction hy tin . In reason ol their being constructed entirety ot win’id. Audit further appearing, th it there is no building in the town of BidWi 11. suitable for holding tlie term' of Shis Court, and to safely ke. p its Kec« orus from lire or other calamity, and it appearing that Il„. lown of Oroville is atH place to hold the lenns oi tins t oiirt, and that a commodious and sale hnck hmldrtg in said town lias been tendered the County as county ouildiugs. !i is therefore, ordered, adjudged and decreed.that tile Clerk of the Court of Sessions, in and for Butte Counts, fortwilh remove bis office and the Kecords thereof, toiiruviile, in tho building selected hy the .aid Board of Supervisors ns • 'oillil > Building', and 11,:. i tie uo and transact the business of his stud office at tin* town of t irovtlle, aa the County seat ol Balte Comity, . . . . . \nd it is further ordered, that the terms of mini Com ;, from tied afn r the said twemydonrlh day of Sejiteinln r, Al» 1856 he 1 1 eld at the said town ol i i r .,v ille. until ollierwise ordered. Ami it i« I’urllit*r onier**'!. lhnl lh<* (Mt*rk <»l Ins suit! Court ot Sessions, in and lor Butte County, issue an order muter the seal ot said Court, in conformity with this order. \nd that the satin* he published in the Daily Untie Record, a paper published in the town ot i irovillo, lor the space ot forty days from the dale hereof. By order of Court. Attest tln' loregoing a true copy til the original or ler now on tile in said court. WiltiC'S my baud and tho seal of said Court fST ot Ses'ions iitlixed, this the twenty fourth 1 J (] a v ol September. A!• ;856. at Bidwell y, lI,EB CHAPIN, Clerk ot Court ot Sessions. P.v M.ll.Dakrsch, Deputy. o.tnt notice OF DISSOLUTION THU CO-I AUTNKHSHIP hbeetoforeexisting bft tween the undersigned, was dissolved by mu tool consent on the Btb uf t-epletabor, |?3< The partnership business will MtMb« B. B. Bliven SCO. at Charley. B. B. Ch*rt#j**RM«bx»eS** l*s 864 •***■ LEGAL NOTICES. ST AH' OF CM MKoKNIA, f County c»( Hint#*. S ninth .11 Tun m. district cocrt. »\V tin* d.ix it i]'i- iriiu’ !•> my as .N .1 nice df th<* Ninth n-li.-tMI I>i»trir( lAmrt in ami f..r Unite County. that th* Hoard of Supervisor* tn and tor -aid I ’oil i !y, did, on Iho I wont r -fenn Ii day ».l Septoinhi r, \ U inio llion-and eight hundred and lillv— it. dec ire Urovillo to la* I In- t ouniy seal ol Unite County from and after the -aid Iwaniiydoiirih il n of ,-o|tf. other \. I>. Is-iH. In |inr- rina* of hi Act raid led V n , ! to I 'hall: • and lIX I In* i o inly Seal o| llullto County ajipr vo I M .reh loth Is li, and it Inr- Unr apiie.iriin! *o my -ii.iriaolton that llio (.resent building* in which tin* -aid four! ha. hoon In-id. and in which the Record* havo boon kept in the toon ol llhlwell, ar • ini-alo a. a place of de|Ki»ilon for.aid Uncord., and that tho - line i- liable U> destruction by Hi,., by reason oftlifir Itelng constructed entirely ot wood. And it further appearing. tlial llioro is no building in lb** lown of llidwoll .nitaldo ror holding llu* term, of tin- conn, and to safely keep its Record* from tiro or other c:ilainity, mid tt ajijn* irinir that tin* [own of Orov ilto i- a tit place to hold Hie term-of Hit* fonrl, and Unit a commodious and safe lirick build* mg in -aid town ha* hoon leudertsl tin* enunty a. coutny building*. |t j- therefore ordered, adjudged mid decreed. Unit the Tiers of the Ninth Judicial District Co in in and for Unite county forthwith remove In- office aod the liecord- thereof, to ( fpnville. in the building -elected *,y the said Hoard of Supervisor*as County Hud lings, and lost tie do and transact the business of his said office, at the town of Hroville, ns Hie County Seal ot Unite County. And it is Outlier ordered, that the terms of said" Court, fhiiii and after the said twenty* lonrfh day of September, A. I>. Is.Vh he In-Id at the said town ol ltroville. unlit otherwise ordered And ii is further ordered, that the I'h-rk of tin* Dis* Iriet Court in aid for Untie Comity, issue an order, under the seal of said Court, ill conformity wilh this order. ... And that the same In* publishisl in Itie Daily Untie itfccocn. a paper published in flit* town ot nmville, for tin* .pa e ol forty d iys trout the dale bertsd i.i.en under :n. hand, this iiitli day ol September, A. 11. I Safi. \VM. I*. DAINt; I’llf 11’.1.D. Hi-tricl Jndgw, B‘2!> 4l't Ninth Judicial Ihslricl. * id. STATK f»K C \ I.ll't MIN IA. ( Hoard of Snnervisnrs, Cniiiil) of Untie $ Nov. Term ON the mutter of lie declaration of certain el reels in 1t,,, i nrlton tract to tie highways, and to idler the mad to McConnell', ferry. I*, is hereby ordered Him llu* pre-mil road running from tin* termination of bird, Robinson and Montgomery streets in the tow n ot i iro\ ill*, to lintel • r Itmn h it. * aid tv inly, he, tin I !■ sain** is her.*'i ih dared vacated n* a public high* .., > v Ami it I- farmer onh n*v| Ilia’ tin* said Und. Montgomery and Robin on streets of sml town of llroviile. he’i Xtemh Ins |i thlic hlghxvax s tu rns* the tract of land known tis the Cr.rlim Trot, nod ad j n nii iif - aid town of i iroi ill**. Sai I con 1 inn it ions ot bird, Kohiiis -ii at I Montgomery *ti lobe sixty .i\ foot in width, and extending in directions parallel wi h each o le r. according to the plan or serve* of *dd Carlton Tiact, made by M 11. i arley. And it is Curlie r ordered that the street marked fourth Ave nue. m cordim' to the plan and survey ot the said Carlton Tract In*, and lie* s me* i- In retiv declared to h< ;i pnhlic highway—the - .id Axenne to is* *ixt\ six (col in width, and ex ending across nod I rad ot I ind. And it is farther ordered that so min i ol the first, Sei mil. Third, fit'll Six! h, Seventh and I light h Av enues, as lie 1. tween Uoliinson and Montgomery streets, according to tin id in or surx ev of -aid 'I. 11. Curley of S lid I’arllon Tract now on lile in tie* ol'e-e of the county R 'order of said county, lie. and the same are hereby declared to lie public highway *. all of said highways to be sixty feel in width. And il is further ordered that the road now laid nut from the termination of the said Hobimum street, acne* the Itutcher Ranch, to il- (unction with the old road be, and tint same is hereby declared a public high way. said highway to In* sixty -ix feet in width. Attest tint foregoing a true copy. Ml I, ( lIA I* IN, Clerk of Hoard. Tty M. 11. Darrtich. Deputy. nIS— r »d n »V VIKT! !'. tiF AN IM;r( Tl')N issued out U of iti'- District f'o'irt. Tw.-ini! .Itulici d District, m mid tor lhr county of Sun I Tanclsco, Mule ol • al ii,,min, Mme directed in<l delivered, cmnmindiiii' no- loinnUr the cum of Hirer hundred :imt Ini twen- H hundredth dollars principal, with interest thereon at H-e rate of ten per cent, per annum. troin date of judgment until paid, and cods ol mil, amounting to the cum of thirty-four twenty live one hundredth dollars, together with the nccruiiux costs ol said mil: wherein M I>. hassevell is plamtilf and John t; Thompson and George Mar<piis are the de fendants. 1 will, on the -ditlli day of November. A II IH.’iti hetween the hours ot two and three o’clock I'M .sell at public sale, to Hi- highest hidd-r for all of the right, title and interest of said die feiidnnts in and to ono building situated on Mont gomery street, about 2« by 14 feet in size and one story hIK ,. with a •loop In front. Also, all that part or parcel or lot of land upon which said house is situ tVd. described as follows to wit:fronting fifty feet on Montgomery street and minding back 132 feel be tween the french hotel and Brewster’s house, as be in- part of Lot number Id. and block number 111, as marked on the Town Plat ol the Town of Orovilht, Unite emu, California, and parlK upon ground not included in said Plal. the same being the house and lot now occupied by Brown and Peacock, as « dwe’. ling house. Chile to take place m the Court ho iso door, in ilus Town of Oroville, county and Mato aforesaid. !'•, Flu-iff October 31, A. I>. 1-aO. Butte c unify. ■WY virtue of a Decretal Order issued out of the E District Court, sixth .ludiciid District, in and tor Sacramento county and Stale of Ci-.iiforiiia, tested tbe Itili day ot November, A. I). IHIJtV, to mo directed and delivered, commanding me to make the sum of twenty live thousand and sixty six uud eighty three one hundredth dollars nnd interest on fifteen thou sand dollars at the rate of three ( er cent per month Irom Hu.- Hill day of November Is.'il. and ten p. r cent per annum on ten tb- uismid and sixty three and eigldy three one huiulrei'.tli dollars from the 14lu day 1.1 Ni ’veniber H. is’ifi. and the sum of tlfty-neveii dollars eo-ts ol suit, and the accruing costs of said < irder, wherein Francis \V. t rail and John McNahy are plaintiffs, nml James L. Burtls and John Foster defendants, out of eight hundred arid thirty tive head of Cattle, Ttu-ti fore,in parsuniica ot said order I shall sell ttie said eight hundred and thirty head of Cattle. Hi public sale, on the 2Wh day of November D'-'> at ‘.he Kanch known a- Potter's Kancb, near tie'li ol John Hid well in Cliico township, BuMe county, to llio highest bidder for cash. •’ Hit.Fl!, K Sheriff Butte County. Butte Cosnty, Nov. 18, l*>. r i6. 1, i20 SHERIFFS SALE NOTICEx M'MIiKR LEGAL NOTICES, DECLARATORY NOTICE. tt \ti: i r cvliform \. I I'm \u or Hi v i k. > Mary Jan.. Walker to In-elanilton of S *l.* I rn*l«,r -a Mi;-s M UJV J\ \K WAI-Kl’.)!. \\ ii'mf, li i I,' ilr-ir.h o< u\ a i 111 VT I""' (»ilhuci'l*- »1 fl i* lion Ac 1 nf Hie I,ev;i'lal are " ’ i Slate ivf f liliiniU. and . .. tiled •• %n ** i/- m u-ri il wiim •!! < . «•*.»«»• ». ' *vi«fne« '** 1 „ ■Tr ,1 r-—|. .'.l A|in I 1 >il.. A ’ l-'.i” iln *i— 11 • *\ .l. i-i-iri.. i . M it in my intentem ' tran-iet mu-1 r-.rrv on if ■ busine** «*• keepiu.t ' l . | ,tf v tor tin* jmrn.Mn of —• • ’!inur milk, EutUir. '>-•* • I lit* ounl> “i I ml "iitt* H t’llilorui « il* '• I 1 * to’i I»o rM r r* on vii I l»o ♦i i- , <-» in niy onvii imin**. „ ~| 1, lIIHI lie for -1 . 1 •■'■' “ "" rr ['• 1 I.v me, nml that h« amount of property iuv. M d ■ me in said lei'iness does not excued the sum ol it..' thousand dollars. MVUV JA\ K WALKER, [L. > J Signed. m uled and delivered In presence ol Thank K. lav ta>R ST VTK OF t'AIilH »RNI \, t„„ foniTV OK Hi TTK. S , ON THIS tin. Hie 1 7(1 1 bay of November. A. IV one thousand eight liimdred Kiwi Hlty«,ix. be* fere me. t\ till on G. F.itgli-h, n Notary l , nl»lic in and Tortlie aforesaid coimtv, personally appeared beiore me. Miry June Walker, sole trader, per-onally known to me to be tin* individual deserilied in and who executed the within inslrnmeltl usllie parly llierelo, and she acknowledged to me that -lie . \e-. roiled the same freely and voluntarily, lor the uses tunl purposes tliereiiiinenlioiied. '.ltd the said Mary Jane Walker, wife of .Inin * (’. Walker. having l a it hy me Mrst made n-apiainfetl with Hie contents ol sal . instrument. aek m w lodged to me. eti an exam Inal iota had separate, apart fro n and w ilhoul die heatmg "I her liusliHild lli it -lie exeenled the same Irei ly and voluntarily. willnmt tear, eoinplllsioii. < >r any nndui in Inetiee of her said hits’ tnd, tr d that site di.l not wish to relraet the ex. eni i. n of the same. In testimony wlere d I have hereuntoset (L. S.) my hand and Hived in) olticiui -id, Ihe day and yearllr-l nlnue written. o||-,:;w " \t M.i. I.Mil,Oil, Notary Public. NOTICE e Jfl’llMi' Ni >Th r. I s II Tl! TOY GIVEN —Tint. IB tile nndersiitned for hid all persons Irottl Ires passing upon a cert in I raid ol land, known as the •* IlollT.ltil T.S n.AHI," siiualed in the Township Ilf Opliir, T. .lie fell: v. Stale of I'alilnrllla, is half n iln south west from tfrovllle, Witl deserl l- d ns follows: He.inning at a live oak slump mark ed will. I lire. • in n dies on I lie north and west sides, a pine tree Id ~ I on he soth west side, situated is»- one chain IV mi said beginning! running I hen e V Tjt> W. -V eh in- l>> i pine tree in Hie line of a inai'h I' i .v: s- H i T. •Jn ehmim to n stake id the V,. ' r ■ I. N ; ~K. In clmlns to it mill big oak; Net- T, a ..-d'l'Mhs chains to a spike; ,V .' 7-W. eln.ins ton lire oak; N hi ‘ U’. n Tv'lliith- ■ hams to the place ol beginnin'/. ran taming 1" 1 ’ * i ; . r less. surveyed by .1. W. Scott. Cot nty mayor til BWI lor sail county of II , ; . , | ’ a t. corded in the t'iHtnly Clerk’s eilire in ■l.• * in:y of Hu’le, ill *■ book H CilAlil.T.S G. linißAltn. Orovil'e. It -cembi r 1. Inti. dill INSOLVENCY NOTICE js'T.Vi l.m < \ 1. 1 ’> H!N VI, i <ii m v or Hi rrr. V ‘ CCUI'ITY COURT—AT CHAMPERS. Milovil.t K, Odtdier 21, 1 sTitl. 2n tiik mat rid: of ii.uaii. ttT.VNMidis an Insolvent Debtor In pursuan e of in. order, made on the '.’ls! day of Me.nlier, ! -.".a in tlv I'ollliiy Court of said " inoly, hy the Judife t a -11 01. a I n *1 ■ i- - A,I,T \\ 1 Ne;ice is hereby fiiven, to the creditors of th sni t insolvent del |.ir iloiaifl He) Holds. In he and appear helnre 11. ' .tnrlife el the <‘ounlv ion tin nnd b>r sa>tl loamy, the Ibui. 1. it- N. T w t-, at the Tottrl home, Ul iiroviile. ill said roanty, on \lomhiv. the ‘Jllhday ol November, A. It. I'.di, at 211 o'elodv. \. M., the sivine In im; Hie li st nay of Hie November linn ill said ('out, limn and there to show valise, H any, whv the | raver ol sa d insolvent dnblo should not he i; ran led, m d an ol Ins es d< be nnnlu mid he be discharged Iroin his debls and liabilities as ah insolvent debtor. Wi!iie«s my hand and Hie s r I of said Court altixevl, this Hm "Jlst day t October, A. U, i . . I lead ( i MILKS CIIATIN, Mouldy Clerk, Hy M II Darhach, Deputy. Orovltle, October 21, 17 di. o'Jl bd PROBATE NOTICE State of i 'aliloriiia, Comity of Hutto. ) Troliile Court. TO ALL WIH ‘At IT MAY CONCERN.—M here* as, a petition liavim; been flit d in the Probata onrl in and I >r Unite county, on the lilh day of No* vmnher. A. I>. Ivatk praying Had the will el HenjU' ruin .lohn-oii vleceasesl, he admitted In probale, mat that John I.aid/, named in said petition as executor, he continued as su ti It is therefore ordered,Hud nil persons intt rested therein, he and ap| ear I elore the llonorahl. I'r diate Court, in ami for said count). on Monday Hie Nth day of Ileeeniher, le li,; t tOo’clov k to show cause il any, why rani will shoijhl not be admitted to t’robaUs and the vuid John lß.idi not be appointed . xccutor, Hy order of Court. W itness my hand and seal of said Probate t. s Court, altlxod this the 21st day of November V. 1». Isjli, alOtoville. MILKS CHAPIN, frnbale Clerk. Hy M. It. Darrav h, liejmly. n27-2law.’w. DISSCLLTION rnillK Ciel’nrlnerslup her* lofore exist im/ between W A. Clouchel and bouts Ituttoid, under the name and style of Clouchel ft liulHud in Hie bltsiin sh of hotel keepintr, is this day dissolved hy mutual con, sent. All persons indebted 10 Hie concern are hereby requested to call and settled Ibeir lolls with A. I lou clo tat tin- Hotel de Trance, and per-o ns hav A uc* cniiul' against the loruier linn are requested to pre st nt them to him (A. CloucheU for settlement within tctidavs. A. CLMI'CIiJ.I, L. HTLbIMD. Oroville, Xuv 10th nl2 COtXTY TKKAH'ULIC.n nTMUL, ( HinwitLL, July 17 ti ]SSC, tj va-mTITF. is hereby 'jvne, that all] . rsons boldihtf Xnl Hutte t.ounty Warrants payable Irom the (/cne rat fund, registered between 1 ebrnary Ifilli, is.’n, and May “Hi, i'-ti, that the same will be redeemed on pteseiifaimn. at ray office. And notice in further given, that froffl and alter lids date, said warrant* will cease- to Dear interest WILLIAM LATTIMMHK, Treasurer of Hutto County, FERRY-i NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned w ill apply to the Hoard of Hupervisv.r* in and tor Butte County, at the February term thereof in 1757, for a License to run a Terry and Bridge across the Middle Fork of Feather River, a lew rods above the function of the North Fork ol said river. SYLVESTER P. SAVAGE. Oronlle, Not. 10 sib— U