Newspaper Page Text
(DttuilltDmhi Inttt Jlttodi. jo»o: k. ciontTTit Editor. Droviiic, Monday, DcrunJirr 8, IKi«. Topics of Hie Dav. The Law prohibiting gaming, si in generally speaking a dead letter. Un der the presi rit anti-gaming act the offender is merely liable to a ciul process, an<l in most instances the defendant escapes entirely, either hv previously assigning his property to a third person, or pleading utter in solvency. With no fear of punish ment before their eyes, the gamblers hiMfh at the law as it now exists, and deal their games almost as openly as in the days of ’4l) and ’SO. During the last six or eight months, there have been at least half a dozen places where all kinds of games have been carried on, every one of which is in direct violation of law. The exor bitant rents paid by the gamblers to the proprietors of the houses in which the games are permitted, enable the owners of she saloons to pay their fines, if perchance they are paid at all, and then realize a handsome profit in the capital invested. So long as the present inefficient law exists as the only means where by to prevent gambling, so long will it he curried on, for to bring an act ion against the itinerant gambler is worse than useless, aad the chances for gain are too favorable for such persons as feel disposed to rent their houses for such a purpose, to he de terred by the chance of a civil suit. The probability is that so long as men and cards exist, so long there will be more or less gambling, hut the evil will certainly never he obvi ated, or scarcely palliated, so long as gambling is merely a finable offense an I not designated as a crime amena ble to a more rigorous law. \\ e be lieve that in most of the older states laws are in force making the dealing of banking games a penitentiary clime, and it is to be hoped that our next legislature will pass such a law as will be an intimidation both to the gambler and to the proprietors oi houses wherein gaming is sanctioned. As productive of serious personal difficulties, nothing parallels the vice of gambling, except that ot drunken ness, and they are both productive ot each other and usually go together. A long catalogue of indictments O n is to ho tried before the Court ot Ses sions during its present sitting, and the chances arc that they will re sult to the expense of the county, not lop the want of evidence to convict the offenders, but for the simple rea son that in all likelihood very few >rno fines will be paid, the law hav ing heretofore been so construed as to render the violator exempt from im prisonment for the nonpayment of the fine; thus, in most instances throwing the costs of trial upon the oouhties wherti i such actions are brought. Tbe present statute is ut terly inefficient, and ought to be either repealed in to/o, or so amend ed as to of some avail in accomplish ing what it was intended for. Railroad.— The Sacramento and San Francisco papers are talking about the pros pects for a railroad from Oakland to Stock ton. The San Joaquin Nepubhatt thinks U will soon be commenced. s Counterfkitinu, A man by the name of Joe Moore was arrested a few days since in Sacramento having ih his possession dies, :urd other materials for making bogus coin. Us was about leaving for the interior when arrested.J VngranlN. There are at least a hundred of these worthless beings prowling about Orovillc, a large proportion of whom, arc boys, with their faces and wits sharpened by dissipa tion, want, and rascality. From morning until night and from early night until curly morning the drinking saloons are infested with these idlers, ready at ail limes to en gage in anything but what is useful, and everything that is knavish, mischievous and unprofitable. They have learned that to he “ sharp,” tiiat is, to possess an intimate knowledge of all that is vicious, disregard, ing all that partakes of virtue, honor, and honesty, as an evil, or rather an encum brance to be avoided and despised by all whose chief ambition is to bo considered an fait in what pertains to the popular vices of the day. To be thus “ men of the world” in precept anl practice, openly in their pre cepts and stealthily in their practice, is the sole aim and means of support of these wretched men and boys. The men derive their subsistence by putting their knowledge into practice when chance throws a victim in their way, and teach their ready pupils that the weaknesses of honest, unsuspect ing men, are their rightful “ stock in trade,” their lawful plunder, whom, to use one of their own expressions, “ if they don’t pick up, somebody else will.” All that fhlls short ot their standard of shrewdness, they arc taught to regard with scorn and contempt, and an “ honest miner ” is a term of ridi cule and contempt, sneeringly applied by the vicious teachers and sneeringly re-ech oed by their vicious pnpils Roys, scarcely in their ’teens are made familiar with the brothel and the gaming table, and regard them ami their occupants with an air of nonchalance and ca-y inti macy. These instances of precocity in vice are by no means rare, they are painfully common. Keen, shrewd looking lads, with checks pale and wrinkled with habitual ex cesses, sleepless nights, and days spent in indolence or mischievousness, are to be met with at every corner. Parentless and house loss, they have been turned loose upon the world, and allured by the vices that sur round them, have become the pitiful,wretch ed creatures that they are. It was to he hoped, that when the law prohibiting gambling was passed, this state of society would have been partially obvia ted, and so perhaps it is in some of the largS er and older cities, bat driven from those places by the progress of improvement iu morals and the consequent difficulty to ob tain a living without work, these vagrants Hock in crowds to localities where they are unknown and where thera are better opportunities for living iu indolence and practicing their rascalities The existence of these serious evils is to a certain degree owing to their toleration uml consequent encouragement by ourselves us a community Such should nut be the case idleness and vice merit a rabuke.nnd should receive it, both from our citizens and the authorities. We have a law whereby these vagrants may be punished, and it ought to be enforced in every instance where it is ap plicable. Ry sucli measures wo could at least rid ourselves of these pests, oml per haps in some instances by proper manage ment, reclaim the younger ones from their indolence and viciousnes. Personal —Col. Bust, the able editor of the California Kxpress, and Mr. Bloor, his associate, made us a flying visit on Satur day. They express themselves as highly pleased with our town, and surprised at its wonderful size and busy appearance. We wish they would come oftener and stay longer. Steamboat Doings. —Some gentlemen connected with the California Steam Navi gation Co. came up from below on Saturday, bringing with them a boat in which to ex plore the river, take soundings, &c. We are informed that the snag-boat has ascend ccudcd the river to a point above Charley's Ranch. Official Vote of the State. —The vote of the State was officially counted on Mon day, and certificates of election issued to Au e ustin Olivera, George Frcauor, P. Della Torre and A C. Bradford, the Democratic electors. The official rote of nine counties had not been received at the Secretary of State's office. Failure. —We learn tram the Marysville Herald that the firm of S.W. Langton & Co. have suspended payment. It is thought they will be able to meet all their liabilities, This is one of the oldest express companies in the State. Cold Weather.— There seems to have been some very cold weather in some parts of the Slate. Last week the Cosumnes riv er was frozen over at Daylor’s Ranch. Another Miners* Strike. — A corres pondent of the Sacramento Union says that the miners and ditch stockholders Sn the vi. cinity of San Juan North, as far up as Cacr okee, tlicnce down the divide, including Sau Juan itself, Sebastopol, Swcctlands and 1 French Corral arc at loggerheads as to the price of water the coming winter. The mi ners arc now paying forty cents per inch for the water, and wish to have the prices ic duced to twenty-live cents, though they might give thirty. The miners were to hold a public meeting on the subject at San Juan on last Wednesday evening. The Sluice Box. —The Humboldt 7'imes has seen a recent number of tho above named paper. It says: “ We have recicved, from Orleans liar, the fourth number of the "Sluice Box.” IN e notice that the publication oHice has been removed from " under a tree back of the livery stable” to the "hall of the E (J. V.’s.’* There is not the usual quantity of good locals in this number that we have been accustomed to find in it. Turn on a fresh supply of water, dig deeper and throw in more dirt, and give us moro of the true metal again. It appears from the following item that they arc having some experiments in sj ii il ualisin. It says: * This matter is attracting a good deal of attention at this time in our village. Sev eral circles have beta formed and long and strong communications been received by ta Lie ti) pings, rappings, &e. NVe don't know what to think of it, and mean to investigate it further liaising the d—l has heretofore been the extent of our power, but wo intend to have a talk with Solomon, and some of the other old chaps that flourished long ago.’ A Lyceum.—We are pleased to learn that several of our citizens are ranking a mova ment toward forming an association of this kind A meeting will be called in a day or two, of which wc shall give due notice. It is to be hoped the enterprise will succeed. Young America. —Wo received ycstcr. day a copy of a new weekly bearing the above title It is published in Sau Francisco by 1) F. Verdcnal &c Co. It is a neat little sheet and is about the size of the Daily Re cord. Serious Accident. — A miner was seri ously imjured on Saturday by the caving of a bank in a claim near Harriott's mill. NVe ! have not learned the man's name, The Capitol.—The ground on which the new Capitol is to bo built, was broken on Thursday last. New Town. — Wc are informed that a new tawn is springing up near Spanishtowu, at a place known as Yankee Hill. A con siderable number of lots have already been claimed and staked elf, and several houses are in process of erection. Rich diggings have been discovered at this locality. Quartz mining—There arc four quartz mills in successful operation at Oregon Gulch. The average yield of tho various ledges is about sixty dollars per ton. State Land Commission. —Major Win. Neely Johnson has been appointed agent of the State Land Commission, a position his well known experience in the real estate business qualities him to fill with credit to himself and the State. — Town Talk. Fire.—The town of Eureka,Sierra coun ty, was partially destroyed by tire on Friday last. The loss has not been estimated. Boats for Florida. — A fleet of thirty metallic boats are being built at Francis’ establishment at Qreenpoint, designed to aid the United States troops in their opera tions against the Indians in Florida, this winter, particularly in penetrating the ev erglades They are twenty-two feet in length, and three feet six inches in breadth, with lockers at each end for ammunition and provisions. Fifteen of them are already finished, and present a fine appearance. T-t3~ The following paragraph is " going the rounds” of the newspapers. It is de cidedly " interesting, if true : ” Mr. Delane, managing editor of the Lon don Times, it is said, comes to this country to pick out an American editor to place among the corps of able writers attached to the columns of " The Thunderer ” —to se lect a person sufiiciently well informed to take charge of American affairs in ihat fa mous journal, and write on that subject, with the proper amount of knowledge in re gard to our country, its habits, its popula tion, its institutions, its statesmen, its poli cy, politics and politicians He is to have six thousand a year, a comfortable berth.fa position of honor and an opportunity to do bis native land a service. Cost of a Presidential Election — The New York Times has made an estimate of the actual expenses of the late election, and makes them in the aggregate, twenty five millions, five hundred thousand dollars I Enough to pay the salaries of Presidents of the United Stales, for more than a thousand years! Whew! Extensive DrrrfiEs.— Kl Dorado county containsfire hundred und nine* iy mi lbs of ditches, besides four hun dred and fifty branch ditches. Their entire cost was $1,4‘20,000. Snow.— Fron all accounts from va rious parts of the mountains, a gre..t quantity of snow has fallen. At Duw nievillc, last week it was five feet in depth. The New York Journal of Com ma re pnbli-hes a li-t of forty-tight >ttamships now running petwecu the ( nited States and Liverpool. Milliards. —A Filliard table is of fered for sale at the Metropolitan Howl ing Saloon. Nebraska. —The ceu-ns of Nebras ka Ins just been taken, and it shows a population of 10,710, and *I,OO • vot ers. The population has increased over two and one-fourth fold in a single your, and the munbi rofvotns i- nearly three tinted greater than in IS.V>. French town Dm n Co. —1 >y ref r ence to their advertisement, in will he seen that this Company are about in creasing their Capital stock to $1)0,000. Relief Meeting.—A Nicaragua relief meeting was to have been held in San Fran cisco on Friday evening- NEW AIIVEK TISE.M EN IS. FOR SALE! ONF, HII.I.IAlil) TAHI.K. liiqin-lit tli« Melfo» pulllmi llowllnu Hiiloon, on Myt rs street. till STORAGE! STORAGE! \ HAITI PLACK TO PTOKK (IUOUH rnn bo found nl llic I'.re-prool llrirk Store, tippi'Mlu llio Daily Unite Record ofllce, at bov rale* <IE .). ,M. CI.AUK & DUO. Bear it in 31 Imi ! FHAIIAT A 1.1. TIIOHK wbowi»li lo |inrcltnn‘ Cro. W ceric*, l’ro\ 1*1011.4, of Ilinlwarc, will (1 11< i i! lo lhc*ir lnlcrt**? loculi al the rnv-| root liri k Slop*, opposite (lie Dally Htlllc Keconl ttlllcv, M \ cr* Mn 1 I. <lO .1. M 01. AUK & 1>U(». 7.» Tons Kalcd Hay for Sale! «N LOTS ID HI IT. J M. CLARK 4; ItRO., 9 Fire proof brick store. opposite tlm Daily Hullo Record nfflo. (lt» ‘2.>,0»0 Ihy. Barley for Sale. SAi UK-I*ll OOF HUH’K HTOKK, opposite the Daily Untie Record «IHco. (It) ,r. M. CLARK & m;o. FOR SALE —A. RARE CHANCE! THK HI TlSCUini'.n la iiiif ib siroun of rc turning to the Atlantic Stab-*, now olTcisbr 1 j>ab Id* lili.ekHnill. Sliop anti 1.01, wnli tool* Hiock ill tr.nlo. '1 ho properly i* *b .ib d (Mi Main street. Forbeslow n. I or particulars enqube of llio muier-difnetl on ihc preini* * I'i ri t-lowii, Deo. 4, JOHN Col I.St >N. Dll GILinSUT’S 3 y o I xi llv an n r jr ; Di'slflN OK THIS INSTITUTION i» fur .0. this treatment of DISEASES OS’ THE EYE lint pieMicularly such cvs ;isuudi r 'ss rii• 1 Medi cal, S trsiciil, uml Hmieniu supiriision ihnn could In’ (given hi 1.11 establishment ol tl.i' kind, would lor the ims! (i art lio incurable. 111!. iiIbIU.KT i* a HK' of tim Iloynl (to) lego ol Surgeons. I.oinlon. mid has studied in Him Im-t hospitals In that oily, and linn resided lour year* in I lima, wlu re In* Inis Inn I opportunities ol seeing and treating diseues of tin - Kyi* in their worst f rui*. (tnnmiita'.ioii* iron between h and 10 every morn ini,'; at all oil.or linn*!* flu will charged lor a con saltation. Inf,or* reiiuirinit advice must he accom panied I y llu- same fee in all emu s, wl least lor llio llr'i limn. Dr. (I had an extensive experii -neeln the treatment af the VKN Kill AI. DISEASE. durimi his residence in China whore he hass.ien it in its very worst forms mill Ofkii k —St. Nicholas hotel, Oroville. Deci tnbef 4, IH.'Mi. WANTED ! A HUS! NESS MAN, n living In cash VKH Oto f.'OOfi I U can h-arn of a favorable opportunity to eiiuiiße in a permanent anil | rofltohle luerthaimi'o hn«im -s, by addressing al this office. ‘*l UADI,.” STAGE NOTICE! # ■ :V A Stages forj,* ifll M i. i.i St:.rt from the office of the California Stage < om pany, (imvilie. EVKKV MDIININD at 7 o'clock. F. J. BECKER, G-U3NTSMITH, WJ And dealer in d'NP U'Et.ES. I* I'•'l'D US, I'tiw lifilt. SHOT. I,HAD. I U'S, I) DI N T II I M M I Nti.s, Montgomery itreet, Oroville, Unite I umity. f'jT' Ne w Work made to order, and repairing exe cuted in the nea,e»l manner. iii-if BUY YOUR ~n i* y O ooda and CLOTHING-! AT TM VfcWlMi' American Theatre, Mentgt mer j st .Orcville. SPECIAL NOTICES. ImirlHctui 4 ana! Minin? Company. f'HKX IlT>>« N, I>«C. lb 1 Notice is hereby given, thiii n meeting ol the Mork holders < f llio ••Fn-nchtowu ( 'mi ml M In mu • 'iiinjiany will he held 111 the Merchants’ I. Marysville, on the (filllt <,luih(, d;i> ofJuiiuSry, iH.iT. for the purpose ol increasing the eapiti'.'i sloek if M.iil Company lv» ?ix;v thousand dollars itho,nn(i ) Signed M. KIM.I.m, 11. H. AIU'I^I»N, u. M. >:t A.V». \V. d W.\T-"N. d(Md Trustee. Extension I'm ever 1 I Iwinittfl the immense burinei-ldohi* hr I he tinders slutted, they have found it necessary to open ll’ l ' tiler Hi: \ N‘’ll in Itrovihe, noil have loeidi'd it nearly op posite llo> t rleiu.s Hotel, and dire ly oppi Mte 100 Miners’Halt or), on Mooittoinery tint I, where they are now opening nod otter for sale, as the* a steck ol Clot him;, hoots and Mines, Hal*. Clips, nod lIS L’ood 0 stock of Coder < lathing a* call ho lotllid in their well known eslahlishmiilit. To the Miners and resi dents of Thompsons I. it. Morris Ravine, t •remui Hutch and, mid everybody, "ilh ll.eir (rlt ads, we would simply say, drop hi mol see os at tho Itranch, ixainiiio our -lock, you t avo i th the right ijirinlity mid <jn.-il.fy to m leet Horn, clot ho your b. |m s iout, ■ .tidily, go on your way rejoicing. and if oar goods don't give you set -faction. our names arw ■a l D. TOY k Oi l UUHiN, Montgomery street, opposite 81. Nieholns, nod llrmich, ojipofito M tiers* llaki ry. d 5 To lire klixklinldns ol Hie '• Om Tcle ,pr;-|ili Company.” Notice is hereby given, that the llrsl installment ol Ja pi r cent, ol the amount ol slock . tihsi nhed, is oow tine, payiddu t<> the Tn usurer of said Company, James McVVill.ams, at the Ranking House id Mc- Williams ,v lymeMin In OroviMe, and at ttie bunking house of Murk Hrnnnigini fctii, in Marysviije. Ity order of the I’n-sident and Itotird of Directors. K. C, HHWINUB, i-eert I ary. Oroville, Deermbpr I, 18.’i(5. dl-lf - NOTICK. f, Thefc- will lie n meeting of lh« ‘-Orovilk (’iior'i\' Right Huard” at Ihe i trleans Hotel, on .Mon - --..'.S?d:i y I’.vi mug. Dec. the’sili. fill, at 7 o'clock, for tho organization of said Company, electing tuTt cets ami niui-ci’iumtssioned olllcers, ami lormlng, Jtc., for the sanii-. Ity order of u27—lt;t M. \ Mi I.AFHH Id.N, Insjiector. NOTIC I .. To the stockholders in Ihe Freiiehtoivn Cant I Mi ning Company is herehy given, that an additional as-essiaenl of tell per cent, on the enpdnl slock is called in, and juiyahle oil or hi fere Ihe - fit ll of De sutnher next. ANAN FA RHO, Secretary. Frenchtown, Novemher 'Jfdh, IH.'dl. ii'JH Hu S*S rllMlitll it I Ciuiiif JUC ! JF.-T UKCHIVfD—a large assortment of Fund- Inre. Also, an invoieit of large Hilt Frame hooking H lasses, for sale In*'at SC It I ItFK'S Furniture Ware Kootns, Mnnlg an ry »t., three doors below Myers st. n.d -<•- Hods ! lied , ! I’eolit heds for everybody, at 20 per cent. less lh*t» Mary svillo prices, for Jo days only, to n ke room for n entire new stock first steamer to < iroville at C, SCIMIIKK’f Furniture Ware Itooms, Moinyon.ery sheet. oS.OOO lbs. POOI.A in Hales, for sale very low to the trade, at fh HCUIBFU’S Forniltiro Ware Booms, Montgomery sb, three lours below Myers st. -ly- Ajlnilioii 31iiiA , i , s -S. I'amiSios! 1). TOV ,V OIThIiSO.N lignin request the osjiecild atfei-tiun of all w ho m i.-h to lay in ilu ir w inti r Btm k. 01 Cl,. >i ll IMJ, HI.AN KH TB, lloni s anil Woolen Hoods, to the intiginlleenl usKulinenl i f goods re ceived liy them during the past tea days. They are now opening and olli r ror sale online ml In-rvy Heaver and Petersham Overcoats, Fr ok s anil Sacks; 100 heavy Pilot Cloth Coats, latest styles ; 30 supi rb '‘liaghiti” Coals, sujierior to ar.y Talmas; 5 bales. 50|>r in each, heavy gray blanket.-; •2 hales, 100 pr ifi each tine heavy blue hlunkels ; 1 hale, 100 jTextra •* I rench Super Mipi r ” while- Hialikets; 3o do/,, assorted Cassiinere and Bntt. Pants, lido styles, besides a ningailirent assort meal of Furnishing. Hoods. Montgomery st., Opposite Bt. Nicholas, Into 11 null mu’s. n7tf t ; r DU. A. It, olfers his jirofessionul ser vices to the c llizins of < Irov Site unit vicinity, having had nnudiund long experience in the treatment of the i arioiis diseases incident to this clilnate. ho hot es to give sun-faction special ulleiilieii given to diseases of a private na-» lure Hheumiuisni, kc., which lie can cure without tho use of mercury. omen, fruul room, No. 17, United States Hotel, ttj) stairs—Oroville, ocl-lf 0- s-iMa.-iiUJß'a..« wreaTji in-j.t' NEW ADVKUTLSEMENT.S. OPENING BALL! TIIK ?U: \rtUUF OF YOUR COMPANY is 1.-pecifiiliy solicit**! at an IIFKMMi y fv 11 he given at WEI.HHV RANCH, .—J>.eight mill- Iroin Mury-riHe, on Wednesday evening, l>Kt I..MHKK 2Jth, Isili, hi JOHN WIH.CII. FOR. SALE! raAHK FL’IiSC u 1 It 1- It offers for vile his n H Hoods or his Him Ills alone.or Ida |,.g nn< j sc ded on Montgomery *lr.-< t near Hie Orleans Hot for terms and further information, utility to »• martin, on Die premises STOLEN ! ON WRDNF..BHAY MORMNH, December : from the subscriber, mote drawn in his far byC. 1,. White, of Bacrain<-utX), for the sum „f t , hundred uml fifty dallars. (St j(i,un) All persons ; her.-hv caulioued against purchasing or negociati for said note ns pay mem on the saute has been tu P'" 1 J. HAVIS. (Jroville, Dec. 3. lb&6. dilw