(Drmiiltf jOmin 4,'iittf H'ton. n. cimirTi. editor 081H11.1.E. FRIDAY. JIM; 2«lh, HUT. !>• mo< mile Mm* < out union. At a meeting of the iN'iDormiic, State ift-ntr ComrniliH*. held in San Krnnn-roon of .Mi Ihi* f.iilovliiii resolution* were adopted; K k-oi,vkh I hat ilit* next Patnormiir Sink* ('<» vfiitif»«i he holdi ri at the **if\ of Sacramento. i M MIMY the I*th dav of intynext ami th I if* ha.**is of reprcften.Htion he - follow*, wt’ 1 hie *1 • “•aMU* Ifotn every two hundred I*env»rni(tc too v!n fc t a l l* l one delegate for ••vary overm* .mu In*«f Item* cratir viiii* cuml (or any Ueaiocran 'lain officer at fI»• la*l general election—the IV» • Irxi n I elector being r-• nahh-red, for tli«* purpose* i t lif*- re*olu'lon, it* Hf ato off'uv f" If KPoi.vicn Tim* Mt?a*ra, I |h»tiiia. Moore ami lUm Inaioii an* hereby o|*|»«*i• *f#»»l a committee la cnnvi •he official n-tiin -in th* * fflce of 1 1»« S* r H.n « Htat**. and from th* in lo make up and puhli-h the h| |x»ftioiifo**nt of delegnicN to which the tarton* com • tt'y/,,,. •■fitiih'ii #m <** * 1 • 111 k? (a (di* (miHii (it | rent* nia 11011 adopted Ihe ** nominee appointed hy the la**t resofnlio inaih* the folio win l / lei -oft, hy which the Itemoera' *»f the urioii* roiiolt** will he governed In Hertiiu lelegate* to tin* Slat#* i'onventmn AM'ICKII KKDINCT »N 'lmirman. I*. K VVoonvmr. Scc’a liem *»ale • 'ennui < mm. To <»kx. A» mti» Hkdimito* i hairrnati. \c.— I Hir: Iho hommlltee appointed at il e recent me# tin. of ihe I) 'inner ifi«: •dale < eniral < ft 'in 111 it fee lo app*>r lion the i|eh *ate* which each county will h»* eni lie to Heel nn lor the revolutions«*t the f eii'ral f ’omml’ tee. io meet in t onventnui in '•acmmenfo on the ’ 4'l «»f •!ulv proximo. have Hade the following apportion meni, vi/; Cot NTIKM. DkI.KOATKI. f’olJNTlt*. IIK I.KO ATKH Alameda .*» Han Diego g Arnadn,-, ]0 -an lftiioeiiM!o h I hit (<*• •••••••• ~.,14 San Mmeo... *J f.'alav* fax, .14 .**an •loiu| , iin • •*. T Coin*! .. !1 | Sim I,h h (li»(«|iu,... | Contra t'nata . t Santa liar' arn 'i In I Sort* mew > I Hanlnt’lin 4 El Dorado .... 21 Santa i'ruz !l f maun Shasta p llumhohlt . . .... 2 Sj»*rr It Klamnth r » Hlakiyon It V«oa Angela* ft • Holhoo ft •darh d | Ho’ma A Men to lim.. It Mu rip ip.*i 7 I Sint Mum* . .... 3 Men ed 2 » Sutler . 4 Monterey . * | Tehama ft Nit pa - I Trinity h tft Tulare .2 Mac r Ift Tuolumne Iff riuma** 7 \ »|o 4 Sacramento . is Vntni 11l Han Bernardim* .'t , I)< imM i.itK « i.iii.lj Convintlon. The I>♦*in« rrjitic I lortnra m th«* ddfnr Mil PnTincfn 4 ji lintf#* « minty. (ir«* borcbi rnijniMnd in M ini «)• (♦• fplti** fn 111* 1 IN*li»*»€Tr.ff'oiiiify « ‘nnvo* li n w hi* h i* In i* by mil* d u» mi ct HlOrnvilb* < n Mmnlny. July ti. tor llih pirpndo ol • l»T il K (b |» tf:ili * (<• lilt* • Mivmition. Ihn MIV* Mb Jullrlul f>iri« a f Tom♦•nlb'ii Ibo t-l’li Honfitorin) I Mrln ('onvoiitioii, ntnl (nr lb** o» it winfi •I 1 o« nl\ I (llivr- Am r*• I llt r In I In* rpfiortint nn*nl mb | I ♦*» l<\ (In* lit#*! I *n|iv* fi* linn tin* ditTorod I *r« «* itu t h hfo otitllb dto n rej*r» • (MM)1111 Inn !•** InllnU : Orn l.i'wa 2r.’union Knvirh 2 II Ibntfh ru’* 11;i r !• t 1 *ninil Hnini* 2 Forbr-town . - ' j 1 \ ft«*f|9t||r«f 2 Nfitrln V( Unbin.*M)h h Mill I'.vnii-viMr Vi '' hlt»* llnrk ”1 VMiiii»»»» , 4 Sf»»r» i 1 bomkoo ... I I nt* rpri*M* .'I • •mi*'- 1 Mnnnl 111 pftntf ’ nif«o l"»tn H4f*' Knu ll i Rloiibnrt*** Pnr Ip hint d Monrctnwn 2 r*»W• • Kbit !i It orovtlb* I W|*i»ii*m I nr 2 Prorlnri v b-hct'N It neb 3 I’iifbl'iitilvillo.... , V ronrlitm* .... .... ( K\ tin lotto 2j ‘btnmmiV .'I Ilnncut t’i .* -niiiMfl k ■ II *7ln\v •' .... .*’> Mniinliiin lloih** ViKniikli-’- b;m<*h 1 VU'lwoll 'IHII-wn 2 Vir'/inm V M'« ... I’ rk-* Ibitto 2 A|jift|ii% K «ncb .... 11 nroibfrinii’M Mnn 1 ,.,. *2 I’c iv| >■ V I’m inn pm I T'irlur'** b Hiirb .. V. *Mn*nnvil(o I Vlmnilion Nnnl’n Ibincb 1 Faulk* or’% Runrb 1 k\ Hijb I Tbrnniomt.** Kbit 'j diiNtjuitn Tm ok I II nrrli Uhviiu* .... • | Tin- r••(♦• .'n'l-H, on Tburmlay, July 2d. t#V7 (;K‘l It rh drrnnn Hutto * ’•*»nity H in t Vnir il t’oin. llriiiiH'ir.llc Piimnij F!l« tlon. Notin' i« herein iflvon Ihul the lie oernilr I’rimiin K.le i >n fur OroviHe I’recinei. in elect Pol. jfnte« h the ('minty <'iinvelilloii to lie hi'Men on the t'lh tiny Ot -Iv, .1A 'I K ' IIAHI.iHV Orovtllo, June 20. Inspei tor*. Nkwshapkk F a vim- —We ii''(i under obli g'tiiotm to Mr. J It■ angnti for tit Sacramento Union firrTLVH«’ I'dNVI NTI'IN l'lio Settlers’ Piste (Vntnil Cum mi ll re will meet in Saci a memo, on Friday July 31. Nkvaha (’i)lin i v.—Tlie primary elect io. in Nevi I t comfy will lie hell on Smut ’ * 27ili insinm. Tiump I lev* it i < aikins will plea-e accept our thanks for lull files of papers from below Si’icii'K.-* foe Sonoma Journal learns tliMt hi Bodega I’orl. on the I lilt inst. Mr. George Kern comniitteii suicide, by shooting himself in liie mouth with a Colt’s revolver, whilst laboring under a temporary fit of in sanity, lie was about fifty years of age an 1 a u Hive ot Germany. Whiw! — I’he publisher of Ned McGow an’s forthcoming work, adverfired it in the Sail Francisco Hullrlin, tf Tuesday The Editor discovered it on Wednesday, ordered it tint and reinmied the money. The (act is paraded forth in an editorial. We mention it us a singular proceeding on the part of tick a Koiivr as Tom King. yt>a msrsr.--Gb.r't'i M Peterson, proprietor of an Assay office in Sacramento street, Sou Francisco has been arrested on a charge of embezzlement from John Cleary, a miner from Sonora, of sl,- 7UO, which was left on deposit at his office. A part of the deposit was left for assay. I*l limn* Count}- Convention. Tlif* Democratic convention fur Plumas ■unty met nt Quincy on Saturday Inst, ami ectel Delegate* to Hip Sta*c Contention, ri'l to the* Senatorial mi l Judicial District ■nventions also. The following are the lelegates to the Slate Convention —.l I, hirwin, K. F MeKlwain. W. I) Sawyer. II Clark, J. C Lewis. Rich’ Cate, K-q , of the American Valley, was iecoiiiinended as nsuitahle candidale for Senator from the 14'h distiict, composed of the c-unties of Rutte mid Plumas, iI• was the Democratic candidate (or Member of Assembly from Plumas County, in 1 hoO lie is a somnl Democrat and excellent gen tleinen, who would confer In nor upon the position, and we commend him to the favor able consideration ol the Democracy ot It .’IB We are indebted to M. II Failey, Ksq., w ho returned troin Plumas yesterday niorii mg, tot the above intelligence The proceed ings ol the convention will he received in a d:iy oi two. when we -hall he furnished with more complete in urination concerning the action Minn*e this morning upon ii»ur a report of the -not f ornnj -*h ners published in every pnpt-r in thU cdy *"*% fl T r potf; and Murk (i r p •» I —l defy any person, rrrn thr framer of the doiurnmt itarff, to ihr Ponte hy whirh they propose to build the ro.nl whether by Aitmr can V*de> t r not Hut I t us take op purti ms of their re|s*rl by sec • »ons. ,»n » s»*i- v, /, j m (« » rm* mii'hv out of if . x\ e u * «f ! h**m at Indt.in Valley, about to commence lht*ir In hors, ami Pom ll•••»#• tfmir report runs a- follows: M •• i» •• rl\ hour on the follow!) if nioruii g. a re route i«ance v in* made • f tin cannon I. mimic d* 1,1 Indian i » niM-nniK V alb y W o found I In** canon m*t oil!) prin tiniMr 9>ut < j.pjP h- ot a good gride, on rwinli h« On. arrr»uaiir him that *aa line 11 ro id could o»* cona rueied aa c.i tie found in the countryin ai >ted m Hour report. Mr tieo. |\ 1 tioti) »a waa n d at Kabhil i re* k June loth when tin* t’omiuiw»ioiier» met and p ea» nie tin ir report, and liuviiijf heard him hm views relative p» tlint route, a id knowing th t fie could not he inllueiiCt d liy the views of others after hat mv ex am tied lot himself, ia tin? reason why I take ih • hh er;y ot *aynu/ to y -i, di u he will not endorse dial part of dour rejne t. Alter knowing what represenlaliona were m .de htr? at tin* 1 onveiil*on ol May 4lh, I kas prep an d to hear of aim si unythimt ih ii inii/in he I avorahle to American Valley hit mini say dial w lien I read thn f pu rt w hicfi siiya (hit tile “cuViii w;e capahle tmeiit. f odowmtf lies |t h.rh’Hi r»an* n * ot uni M more we descended a pass I h n . »o 'i had lo Homy Lake Valley, when we • m , sd.*’ VVeh, here we are in «»,ey Laki \ alley. urnf.rA" and alter | iiHsinu llironifh as in my c. non** a** w*- nave w* witl mu ini e ourselves v« r» much la ii/»u*d. and ready lo 11 d Ih ill with the cook for not Unirrymtr up the cak*-s; M hut as I **aid. liere we me, nnraeln■* Hfid rnulrs. hut where is the road we started with? what has h* come of it? After hriruiiik' ft lud’in Valley and ii|> •• f ifill's fuftoti !’.'♦* mil ”* ’ and through a succession of meadows miles *e left it at de* mouth ol i canon lour tildes in hecaose >he r« $* would not. jn%fify thr rjpfi imint*' and my impression i- that i *vill he "f n » th** toi/o hack to lih k for it, for I think em Him Hi- carton has swhllowml il. and if the Iru h was known, enuh* vary near Hwaliowim( die t’oin ni«su» o rs l »o e, in die follow in# day all our rompu y havinff r»*- fnrn**d. We journeyed to Ho* •st»• 1 11 1 ej|-I end of Ii" \ ; lley wli low pas-, f!ie allllude of whi hwid led exceed 1- d» feel above the l.nke,w a-* di*i men «I. M Now win do they is»l in their report -ay thnt Hom y Lake V die; is once forlv miles in lenuth V and that tin* immik. rant road con es into lids vallt* » i,'ht e- n miles from Hie extreme west ei d -I Uo«>p*s i amdiV and th u ii is thirty in h s from where the im migrant road -trike, th valley to the soudi east end where tiny propose siartit’k out of tin* valley wrh die wrir ro »d ? (tor vo" wdl r collect the first road was swallowed up hy that cart u ) T e\ -av the Ititud •d* -s not exceed 1-00 feel they do not say h*»w far they liuv** to travel to »*»taiu this heiif d, wi ethei I i- one or Kmile-’. If nL* it woul ib • a ery hur I at eI • in.ike a road over d Iml f six tun s it would nuke a very k*hk! grade providing il was a n crut. •‘Ascending tins without tiring our animals a par ticle, Mid ova r Din e ijuarles- <•! winch a hngg* might he* d'liwu we can e to a succession ot tin* most heau liiiii ■» endows ii is pi'i-spiie lor die yey «* to rest on f f Him altitude could heohtaiuel •* wiihoiit I ring ihe nnimnls u particle M and •• over three cjuarters ot w hli h a huggy might he iinwu,’ I would like to know what is thrre to prevent them from drawing the hurgy over the other quarter?— that ».«. if they ti'trnt U draw it mn ! I only ask for infosrnnti.m, %fc In many places the level i> no grra\ that it was with dtfTlrtdty we coni I ascertain which wav the wh h*r mu. \t this summit onr par y separated, trior tier fo make the exploration more thorough, soau* taking across the nie*tflowft to Heck worth'* and the others pn-sifig :» westerly course to Indian Valh-y, “At a distance from six to eight miles from the summit, where the parties »eparated, the luxuriant meadows meet, ami pass it down toward Lights Csflpn and, isiUnn ..-d* xr* . -wss*. uud-.t mg a road that cannot he surpassed, and we question it equalled hy any in the mountains** As regards the ‘ level being so great,’* I have noth ing to say, only that 1 do not betive il is as ‘great** as that cafton which swallows up the road with w hich they started from American Valley Why do they not Hate in their report whether the six or eight miles from the summit were over hills or ihro'ich or rAflotit, of o>ur*r we «ro bound to believe it to t»«- the ArW unite In the mountain*, be am** they tellun •*», Ju*l a* they have about the flood ffrade through the cnAon from Indian to American Valley “From Indian Valiev lo the pa*« lo Honey I nto* Valley, the di-mnre i* twenty » or mil*- nnd | hm * * t 111« t r**:u!v HI tin 4 moment to lake x route* ct t" i«di hi* part ol the mad fur twelve ihoii-and d* Hnr« Now, if ihl- nuul In a « c hn! a* they would luiv** ns »Hieve In their report. why will It c -l si*.MHV»to make it from Indian \ nPey to the Aiiinmiha do* •*• of mile-? \i that ram it would com * *‘ r » nod ill'll through *• n aucce-A'on of lb* moat ben j iful meadow"it i- ia*- *if*tor the *ye to • on ' Li* her thermite |» 'po«*«l to Indian Valley I-much w -r-r ttimi Hppea 4 in their r**|»or% or el-e muii' pep-on wl-he- lo n-ili/r a In (It* tort >1 n** oil! of a rout nr' I will -ay h r* thru none of lb** thunmi—ion-r- from Vuhn w - *v* r fhi" art of the mute.l and w»» i n tr none id iti. m * I’lniivii i'ommi»*iotn*r» nr** covern« 1 l»y w'llldi ni’ :i \ • * ih no! Tbev h oiild not make any inmir) out «»i *hi- r nd, »I #• v jh»—too much *>*n. (wiihy for tli»* imtniafii t l• » profit li vi* too much reirird tor tto* comm ‘nitv Ml I’irtfe to imo -«• upot their i r**«) ill if v In! -ill mme of them. or tln*«r f> » h wou-d h’Hdllnc i■» toind thi- roiul thmuch fhe-e * -ucce—ion of m »-l beautiful v.i lev f‘i r flu Imi* itrt*l •• Hi.-m to pr- *»• their wmj to tb»* Marinin nto \ dl« > ? N •: ih»*y would »».iv to tii *m, w«* liavo im-in’i-d you *b ih f. r. and now b l tlio-o In \on I do a- mnrb l*»r yo i. It will bt* b* r«» that tin* iinivi / til i*■ ir.i for t*n* t!r-i tun • in ihr w II a I (»i*r «•*• it;ur** "t b - >*t >rk t»» poison, if In proro’il- I i r ll»**r. Whit I- ho lo dn? rin bod" hii k? No; 11*111 k*’-up tiu mind t > ol Ini hi hk, winch bo it »•• al r* «l’irod prnv-. I bun it ■- limt I In* ciii/.on- of iln- \ alloy « v pr« I lo *_r* i iiioir re turn-for tin* iiivo-nn. nri b* to build tin- ir* jirli orou- roil, mad’* hut In (irn.ivr the poopiu bolow . And to |iliiii l«*r llio iinmur int ol b - • tork A- i n ov ilnin’o of h w far tboy i Mild Co t*» theirobjoot, tin* I ihowinc h i I pp »*. W b**n Win. A , i.a nl. l*- iiiiinc the flit!' rent r miioji from ii »!»••> l/iko Valley, that wh inubt h lert lb** bo-t on.* to the >;■. rmi nloV dley, Ihero appoar»*d all lirlirlo in the * ( ii«l M«» in’n leor. 'a pip Tp ib -11-lied at i mui *y, in lb • Arn* riean \alloy. w h h not calculated lo reflect much credit on u« * Ihe author of ttio ar’.i le I am -ati-ll *d v. a- acj ininlod wnh an at mo*l i lily durn c our »iny n* Amorican V’alloy, nd hi b flint -liorl ac<|ti;oiilanr» -btp. to* would retfa'd <1 our f«*e|inifH j uidi-b anythin* in order lo Id'e-lall tiie opinion-of M ine of the dcltf* C .lo- who wore lo inoel here on the lib ol May. It'll lo» U-O’ lllpu o t o ili-lniice fro.ii II »n»*y Lake Vail y to Aun ri I i V d <■> : I rom i June v to e fi n 15 mile- I oiniib of < ui ui in rp’in eafloji »» L'. liT- i anon I > *• I rotii 1. 1 l*r* I’' non to Aummir .. . J I * fr »m hum.mu lo Money oak** V iil”\ . ». *• I rom -onfb »*• d Money Lak* Valli*r to Immierntu road db u -li Tliih makinu tin* iiii I Kuiibil Cr»***k I" ary-ville, 17*» mile-, hihl then -oine ol the I lumM- delec t**— will *eil m u tliai il I- tin* »liorte«t oute tbroiuti tin* inouiilaiii- I lint then* can he a c-»d road made by the way of L fbhil reek liinl -I•»u:i- mi t’n-ek , and nine . - o»rb r than lie Am* r c;»n \ i by, tb* r \* r* • one- jo a, iml I am lull) •iileli d Ibal * b • <’oinml“»iion* , r-frmu tin* roMiily have hele* ti d a jroed one by Ibi- roun—me lbm will roijnir* to b * worked but at**nit -even mile-, tin’ rent ol il.” way it y lid Ii Idi.t l fe*’k benei n arly lie* whole di.-i < nee ibroncb r ell mid M ri e v |l»*y- A- lex i'ci i o c ' v- r lit m muled rue Hu* n.ul week* I will wail until I -* e il lor nij-» If. and will w rile yon all l!ie \ irticu ir- Ine oidy w a !»» co pop* il e *1 i-lance- from Mi ner Lake \ :’ll**>, i- troiii lb | oinl *«i the valley v* I* r-* the efniur.ml road llr.-l vtrrke- »t, W i< h It - mile frum K" p - Kmicti, wide make- Mir oi-t in**** It in Or tvil.e VI . lioctown, Ibe Mead«*W Ate., one b m Ore i iiml iru mile-. I only -tab* hi* in orner «* -b w that Ib la-t nan e l mute i- ii"l quite a- lar a- by \ineriran \ aile.. \ our- , VV'I. KINM, # A- regard- tin* niitln.r or the t r id** ref* *r <1 t«> I w ill Ju-t - . v M» it lie i- lev id «»l ev» py »pi dhicuimu ner**- ary l » eoii-iiw'de a ifenlle nan, aol »n li* «i there ol Ii i- I'nhi* e I all the proper! e- Mo.I unlur* li- .all) be?t-.w» ou on** "f b• > >j jj t *r bran tie- ol the canine -peci* 1 -, vulu riy l« rin d puppy* V\ . K. NKvV ADVKKTISKMKN IS. DENTISTS’ LATHES ! JIVI UK' KIVI,I» AM) Foil tUI.K ItV I'A \<’ S. IOSKI'Ii I, 105 31 oii t s«in or y sdrc I, jJf» lin nmit rof .l;u S\N KKaN* IS< < SHEET BRAt S ! just uk Kivr.n >M) ►< u -ai.k by IS\ \<’ S. JOSEI’III, I O.» M outs o iti v r v M i rot, jl.ll c **r 'I Q It* 4 n, .*■* \ N KK \ N HC I I. MINT JULEPS! PHESII M T ! BJKCKIVKI) KVKUV HAY IKOM UKACII’S □ % (ianlfii. Mar)-villf. I ir *nli* M ilu -I*l • iNKKit VAKII V sr'HlK, IVnahiligUin Block. Min* »tr< •I. four Jour* from Moul.’oiiifrv Mrrrl. |f*.*li JA« IT I .INK. J. J. BI CKII •*, P. P ' ll.S«. LUMBER, LUMBER. .1 as. i;. caim: r. to., PEALf R 4 IS Luiiilht. Simmies, Doors a Sasli, Southwest corner Court House Square, OHOVILLF nAVK AND WIU, 0 INSTANTLY KKF.P . on hnwl. h large mid welt w'ocusl twortilirnt >1 ibe uinivf unipifn. Are al«o |.rf|iart-d io SAW l.nillKK TO ORDKK >n the S' lllil ).M Jio'TICK H the It* I \ lII* P \NI H S K MILL, W« I, i V** ilii* >e«t c! if Sug ir I’uif lumber in the Suite rouvanily mi h ind. Tlr'»*' '•i-lutu; lo purt'tiiuwr lurnterr williV, well to itive us r. rail before | sirup's, Alih rm*nis If itpsirnl, turn, ishfl in out epnilfiiifn a lilt their wlvis, nr njntlx Lfplitlcmpli (n» Hip ra»p inn* l«*.l A|■l■ 5 > In V;Ill ItKV. j, ; • •> •h" | r f,..fs.*»l lii lln* I ietd. Tin 1 frlpmls <• f H I. sN V I'TK n sprtl'xll* nn • (K MI lien In mi rs acu tl<) i,! :* t<* f i r \f*' li I In mi l >i( ll > I hi 1 111X1111)111 inn ul tin Ixn i xrnl'C • ixiv. hi. m i)otri (I:nm tour Horn v put u' • t•) HKNhKKS an«t hn\*■ \ . nr ' K. i . *«• takf*ii. r«»riii r id Huiu«h»ii »l and Mm» \!!* \ TNpv hav«* h i*l ovrr y*ur* t*x| rrii i»«v in tin* art, .hi i v% am it llicir |»» ’ltirv* In In.* n* u 1 *0 m r. 411 f»r* im*» v <•I V K I 111 M \ 1 ' I 5 I up-: - viliv***, > i »ro\ n 1 ► . May 1 M. »“ T > V»:i f* I*•h* r* !i% u 1 v« 11 ihnl nl p*r*< ■!<• *» f I? nt *• (\nnil) VV rr.’iiiH*, |*a> al»l« Iroiu ill 1 » r 1* t» % Mini flit- .Mir •»f l»m*nilMT inchMiv.', if .1 tin* paint* m l paid Imi |.r»*- imi! at i<» f 1•» 11 *•d* » ♦*, ?1 * i nltiT tliip ilhu* said U arrant* * ill « i ?**«• i«* l nr in* I'. 4*ll « r I• 1 n«• i 1 inly. I'.comtiin sSionl.l In* ihe order cl list* i)a>. Tim Sul»«<’rtl» r hrK< I- iifiu ini mu the pro( nr'y , w ni-rs tX 1 )n>) ill'', til'll lit* I' :t- I*' Xl l l* I1 1 ]ln 1 ' I Willi tlx* lx r- 1 ■ iri lias in I- ill I in* I, • WlinliaV Hill: I* It I l"l' .'I IKI > ill 'l>. < 'I! r. 11.1 IK 111 'N , 111 a 111 iin£ <'l ’..'l |u*r I'm!. In-In a I ;ix I’ i't ul lx ir 1; liiniiluitr*. ll nii ij .1 iii 111 1 1111 1 a I 114• * * l l ill ■ I*lllll |nmi xil pans nl Hut 111.1lxr1.il mi 1l mx ii- uixxr of II .11,," )1 . ||f (MU IlxI) . I Xlll ixl ■. Ixl. 11l i*x (I* - I full. 111 till lli 11 Ul| Ax l> 1 .I i vlxli In 4lvx 111 1 X i .ill. i*l 1 11 XU I S|.i'fill 111 HIM, ill* IWXIVI i ll 11 f*| 111 tl. \|>) .1 ;i l»l IX l ! n 111- lilt il I In* l>u iik 1 ii'4 luiil-x nf lli il .'!•< \ 11. ml. (111, will li.ri I All.. I If. >lll LX n*.. »*nlli >l». j,-Kill J I’ Is IHU AS. NEW AhViaiTlSl.'l IN rs. OPPOSITION LINK? 4 o:iip«'*> it ion Hu 111. and Soul «d i rath* l CHEAP JOHN, UlliO\ l\!l COJimsllH M I*, m n A \ 1 ; M>»*rs t'lrt-fl, dirt rlly npp4»*iu* < hi< k \ I'n’nPank* MU' I lolls. , 4»lo »\ 11 . LL. rnm; oi,h wi» oiiicinm. t in \\* .ions Q iiiHirin- 1 l.r put • it* 1 1 1 .11 Im« It.»'• I w iy - • ii fi . 1 i 1 la'ifr a-*orlliu hi nl la«>tincl lliiti-, t»• *• *1 -• ’-a i hlkm p hulH 1 (I slnriJ* nl t*vpr> tli-mTipl «*h.mid winch lit- |a d» it in nini h» id n lar L pn. . ih.ni m»y (11 1 1 *■ r -I< •r» in i • n»v d 1• ■. ll* hit** Itls»‘i.-t* nli « 1 --cr. - 111«* 11 1 *•! * ullcrv ml t ific> ariicl*ro»p**i*in _■ in pint «>t hn*c UnurpA, ra/rn - *, pn* k» \ knivr. an I t.il»,» p lav tun Card'*, w .\ . a a I «*\ 1 1 y .c, ;n r u*»i * I »*l in..|(* 1 iinir Iru l.» t« in - I* ir nil I . 1 \ -**nj s 111 (41 p* rl»iii'* r iiili'iniiiilin* 1 4 aiidl* ■* p 1 <>• ini"ii *v U«i h.u-. n*.|>l >l* lli s, innKintf L f ln*'*- 11 nv vla-tf Laj'-. htafiniii-ry • 11*1 writing limit rtiiH. :«11«I n»*i4 * n I'.nm-i 4 Vi rv WH. )• 1 1 f ulr, al.d W lilt ll ii<»ir »II lii'.lt i. 111 1 atilt* an 1 vvdniin l»» m*»l lar «• I* t* ■p* r than nn> ollit*r Hi*»r«■ in < * nv in*-. I () I! ,\ ('(' () AND (' I<; AI! S .i; tin- Ii ■ 1 1* -ii lx 11 nl ■>-111 tin ll tin* ii-iixl |in i*i li* li*r* ini|. .!■ KIN 11M.S \-ls< INK » V 1.1., llxil )oi| may m*»i iiini j 1 1.1k.* iit \ihi 1 i*i i. 1 -i. lilfcllllll Sil/rn ilttil/ 11 / (//(/•> Tl,•• OIiKIIS \I. .11)11 s I,a- an 11,1111. xluxi vvill. my ul Im p In iiiw* .11 I Irnv il'x, \ 111 ixl-.I nr .-siii*-. xiii 11 xlin pri>ll11 >l l y.mill ul Hm I.DA -ill; • I .*r Hi.'ll. lIKU Till' A 1 1 1 >I: T. - <’ H I \l* Jii ll , u| (in.nli; Clink ,V i n.’.. In.llUl l ; lininf, 1»r vilic. umr .11 if LADIES TAKE NOTICE Mlt S. \1 A ( LIiA > , \s- .11 ST KC« i:i\ I.l> A SI’I.KN -11 ill 1..1 . 1 Mi 1.1,1 \KK V mul 111I 11 ancy Gr oocls! Ciin-isliliK in jiiiil nf 1 .in l l. Drx-« 11. a., j.iiiiiiiM. mi I ri.iAxrn, MrnA. H»*uil lirx»-i < Ni | ><,| 1 ti. 11 nrul u nxiili*.. -i»ui., I ..111-, I*. I mil. I* rill!* imil r.lll'lliXll llx. I In-ixry II sil-, Hi.linir Hal*, mul i.lnvi M\N I'II.I,AH, lire , 1. IV. xixi j., Um*, int I IT-’i mi min 11. my nllixr sluri) iu • 'mlii .mi 1. in ).N NI T' c:,K INI! • ami ulli rxil to t!n* I'lil'.-t- KN 1 K \ 111 < in. MM,I, NKUV OK KV iIHV I»IH Mfll'MOS, liflf ill 1. II xl * *** K fill*, fix . 11l llf In iTilxr. f HKMH iHIKH line um: .llU’e Mlllll if.>ii|i*ry n‘ 1 xia 1 .jtjni-i!. 1 llii* llnl.'l ‘lx Irl ix ■ Ij Ef *)i rnniin t ,r|l Eg I I I ill!! Walker, Wilson & Co., I) nlrix-l, itirxxily o po lU* (ho ' nileil Malxi llluck, Mfvrywvillo. nw IM. HKMIK Kl» I'll Kill K N TKSHIVR “im k nf Mil A t.nOWrt. Irnni ,ii. i ui| rUtlul, I- 1 M'ill lilt** 1 1 I H'XUplX'l 1 1) J \1 . I.l*. V \ ii i'll, wXI lit rt-H|.fi tuny in i.rui nix r tri.'inl# iiifl Hie (iiiijiic m*ue rnllv, Hull Huy lln\(‘ Now Ki(*u:uit!\ Filled I p Til K MOST SI *A < lois FANCY AND im\ liooit.i i:ntaiius!l>ii:\t In thx BTATK ami Hint Hx*y urx oTfriuii, al a very Mn.ill ulvmicf nvxr N •» Vnrk pne h. Hu* rlutk nit n|H iif 1 in tin. n iirkt l riiii.i-im/of men silisls, IVKKY Vi.IITT or FRENCH LAWNS. ORGANDIES. CAM BIIK’S, JACONETS, AND In hi x*i fvfrr sarx'jr ~ f P\SCY aril ST API. K DRV (iOdllS, wi.icli ur>* lx* (ounil in tfif m irki t Thfir fiw*i 1 fnr an Mlni.m*. Iriule arc uiifipml- Icil, unit Hi. > ci-i.k'leally aulicifiale a lurgu incrxiu* In ihfir fiiiH.nxHH. £ ~fT RKM KM I'.KR, OCR VRKSKNT I.OCATTON |« on 11 BUM*x r ., ifljniwiiir Wills. Jfarvn It Co’s Express oflicf, mul oppusifx I'nlml Sutn*s HlocK. Je-J-ltn W AIKEK, WIL.SOX & CO.