Newspaper Page Text
BUTTE RECOUP. ■" :rr~: — , ._r. .-st—: :==■=—~r== GKO. H. (IIOSETTE, Editor. OHOVILLE. SATUBDAY, OCT. 30,1858. The Ai.' ;!<*.'i . . A drsi at h from Shasta, d.ktcdOct r . n- that the Alleghani an> will " • n A n Thnrsd y evening, Nrv rr i: .. They v. :.l be warmly welcomed back to Ororll’c. E::; : i ■"‘■'.'.n Farr - & Co. have plac ed n« : 'Ut ■ r files of papers during the week. On:.:ati .—Signor and Signora Biancha are singing at Maguire's Opera Hon.-e, San Francisco. Ti MwicG 1 < mClb 1m ben or ganized in LVwrsieville. Graph J ( !i.p r w.v- rcce ntly married t,p \. ]' • r. i’i D wnieville. The Sierra!' * 1 agricultural pair! Ci r i:: ■ •!■•- .1 A a manufacturer San Ji .in, Nevada Ga • 1’ el to light Weaverville with T i- ol • a proposition to light Or - . A .. ihilar m inner, and a hugeiron tub do'.y ■ r.'U a solitary monument to the gaseous undertaking. To- Drowned.—A valuable horse, attached to a dray I p. led with metal, fell from a wharf into the!! > i : Francisco, a few days since, and was drowned. En'i.a: • . T’. ■S. F. Evening Telegram has been >: !/ ■ 1 . ft ! > met with great public favor auu I. a large circulation. V !’ will be noticed by reference to •! mins that the great land sale wbi> !i . - i - ! <keu place on Thursday last, at * •(.’ ...t II . been postponed until Thurs : in' X;:vada Cotsty.—Accord • yrt - o A : -e- -or of Nevada county ' ’ . . i; tbit county, having ten A: Wo kurn from the Marysville Ex р. i sc, r f TiK'-day thal ‘ two specimens of the genus ' ion ’’ fr r Loomptonites] were arrested in licit city on Monday. F . i•'' ■ ■ \i' F ‘ - zer Timer, aged fifty-five y: : - I,b in hi» bod in San Francisco on > n icy. Tt is -:; cd he remitted suicide by taking Lac via ecu. Pacoin !?y c'-ki*.— : ■ om< r Weller has again 5 W. A. Buster,in * t he public funds while T ", r ...( s '; ;ca, a;,;,-. • ■ Pres* states that on V- ... - named Shay, were on. • -I ic c.c i : :; tunnel in the M< Keehy claims r • n IF ifi’ t . - t earth foil on them and inli'-I int.-rnal injuries. No bones were To nc I;; - . Cl. .-i Henry Me"'es, alias Dow e с. ;■ la the I' it . Ib-'rlct Court of >au Fran ' • S ; v • F'■ ‘cd i■ A b r n t;:o [' t'iof December next. ' i) .f* \ tu. \fr. r '.C Harris, formerly < ■ . < •• : i - bonify now reside,) but a ■ ‘F>, was burned to * i«i .at the lire on Commercial Fo : ■ n... u Sintinel, Lecompton, in ! " •v : . : iD cu speech, prefaces it ' Mr. LSnodu is the Republi ' • y • ‘ Fuch arc Lecf mp •'■a ■*• . - , /Jrmocrat copies the if ■ ;• Johnson had been C V' d icb.F: -‘A man that I blind • ti-c I'emocrat has taken the 1 ' : Fmrentand Brooks, f t FV. i vbs Flat, Tu < of the 16th instant, ’ ;•••'• ■; 1 sopmm it with a billet of weed and made his e cape. • - ?»n Fraiw lac • Call publishes a t. tl..- p- circulated in OroviFe, : ‘"itbng to winch the- Call has a circulation more t;. n‘ d i’ 1 ’V? ... :dl (.>Jier Fan dailies 1* ver the and in < **n Gt-v-Tisor v’fi 'r his refused to restore t ‘ tli* guns taken away . 7h it crowd went over 10 f ' ' 1 b’.v ” hardly procure ' ' Frsr: p. -n the Di.-iric c«c r for Calaveras ' - 111 '*P<N ’0 ■ •..-.-e Joe." yon \. e-l! r m ■ ’er in the second degree, has been ■ *d to labor fifteen years in the States FF 1 fb ;; y 1. g. convicted of murder’ to be I. : 'on the 2Cth. N o v. -Governor Richardson. of Nebraska, b: :c- 1 l»is o:T:ce,and is now stumping Illinois f*»r D ’ . The Lecompton press will have it th itho : • lon r ecount of ill health. I w on by \] » T v , : !Ie pa-w»rs that two of the b ' T .. in * ■! in the Cm-rt of Sessions ii . .'y. or 1 with embezzlement of the public fund-. r:; •: \n Lit.vrature. Mrs. Anna Cora Wo b t t wholly unknown to the late Legislature o; ' ■ h,.-I arrived iu Australia and issued a ; t tns fora pure literary journal, but waa si i k. i and compelled to leave before she had col lected much money. F■ \* Fk nct- - t> Inv i:Nm uiks. Several at tc'": by. vc ••ecu made to fire van jus dwellings ■ Idingslu Saa Fnacisfto. The recent arri v..!: < : !b;r Jars and thieves, has given a fresh im* T fbviis. b-crybui c;, operations, and Fc si. \ (> autz C;u -her—K. T. Steen, a ‘bv.i • -■ i : has invented a new ma p,n It hr : to be m :c!i cheaper, in ;e effective, and b - complicated tfi -n u:c •piurtz machinery new in use. IF at if of * iiOji. O. Lake in, Esq. — A despatch v. iii > y . r.oneFuion j Friday, announces the dc.uu . thisgvatlvtai!:. lie died at San Francisco on tie -rth,a.Urill!:. . ~ae week. 1 . s v\ k l * kativ.— Under Sherifi' John Lillard lea 'or Sviti Quentin m morulrg, hav| g in i... *ur. T.on. ej h scateaced to tie i ‘ : ' ‘- y i f the le. ai of one year. Their . .. ..e--u;aud iarceay. TniNMN-a Oi r. -’j . ; jail is being ed. Them iv ■ : . _ IS now confined therein. Or.v : lac ua- ..mates , > D.dau, who at ,vt term a ih v - ariot Court, will be told the duy.-rh. execuio.. p crcataic, he is in a wt ciylk . .-*au» ol iniu 1. and >i;i:e»i«g from were physical di- id rs. for he steadily refuses to receive medicil aid For Next vi:ab —l ae G Idea. Channel Mining C mpany, which util }ear will flume 2000 feet of tie river next heb**.v th* : - - m-L *'f the Union Cape ' t- ,il f;.e The Democratic Sentiment The toadying, disgusting recreants to principle, who control the Lecompton press of California, denounce Douglas as a Black Republican. A short time since they avowed themselves the friends (4 the Illinois Senator, and called upon thore who would sustain him to vote the Lecompton ticket. The election is over now and the lying horde of hypocrites—the“Fad*lah deens'*of Federal power— are using their endeavors to defeat the Democracy of ihe north-west, and turn them over a prey to their sectional enemies The vile and disgusting courtiers—recreants to principle and shameless li bels upon political manhood. “By .Authority" at the head of their columns may prevent them from sinking beneath their own contempt, but cannot shield them from the scorn their treachery deserves. Regarding Douglas’ adhesion to Democratic princi ples as causing the defeat of the Lecompton con stitution, they wonld avenge themselves by his de feat, though they destroyed the Democratic party. It is some satisfaction to know that the course of the lying and treacherous Lecompton press of Cali fornia is not sustained by the press of other States. They stand alone in their infamy—the base minions of an ignoble vengeance. But enough of the Lecompton press of California. The following extracts from the leading Democratic papers of the Union, will show how the Democracy of the nation regard the issue. We give them for purpose of >howing our readers that the national sentiment everywhere is with Douglas, and opposed to the Lecompton allies of Republicanism in Illi nois. The following extract from that old and staunch Democratic paper, the Richmond Enquirer indicates the will of the Democracy of Old Virginia on the contest in Illinois. The Enquirer is one of the oldest Democratic papers in the United States, having been established long before the conductors of the Lecompton press were out of their swaddling I clothes. Indeed the greater portion of those in California have everl»een the determined opponents :of Democratic principles. But to the Democratic -entiment. The Richmond Enquirer says: “We hold now. as we have from the beginning of the content in Illinois, that Senator Douglas is do ing more than any other northern man for the vin dication of the constitutional rights of the South. We prefer him, not only before a Black Republican I candidate, but l**fore any other Democrat for the position of Senator from Illinois. We fully endorse his position with regard to the insufficiency of ex isting Federal legislation for the protection* of the I constitutional rights of the South,and we appreci i ate very highly bis able efforts to impress this truth ! on the minds of the people.’’ j The Memphis, Tennessee, Appeal says of the i contest in Illinois: “It is a contest of vital importance to the Demo ! ''ratio party, for if that party should lose Pennsyl vania and Illinois, it would in all probability be un able to elect its candidate in the next Presidential contest. It is a contest in which all national men should ieel interested,” The New Orleans Bee says: “Witnessthe re kless, unjustifiable and unpar donable assaults upon Douglas. Such moon struck madness, such desperate attempts at political « n i ride are almost inconceivable. The Democracy ate not sufficiently environed with peril but thev must wantonly court irreparable destruction. Suppose I Douglas is defeated, what becomes of the Illinois Democracy. aye. and of that immense mass of Democrats in Indiana, Pennsylvania New Jersey Ac., whothink with him I” ’ ’ " ’ The New Orleans True Delta, referring to Mr. Douglas efforts in Illinois,says: “Tlie principles enunciated by him in his almost daily speeches to the people of that State, are suc h as to form the political creed of the Dem erratic party. This hostility begins to lie regarded as the off spring of a personal vindictiveness, that is willing to sacrifice the integiity of the Democratic party and its hopes of future success, to the defeat and humiliation of a great Democratic states. Among the possibilities resulting from this most stratum and unnatural wat upon the Little (liant is this, that whether victorious or vanquished in tiie present struggle, Ik must necessarily rise alcove adverse circumstances which surround him, and fulfill ihe speculations here and there uttered of ids being in Dmn,either the candidate of the Democratic party of the Union, or that branch of it which includes the Western States—yet a few witless, bigoted, or rec klessly malicious Democratic organs are doing their best or worst—which is fortunately little to elect the Repuhlirnn Lincoln over Douglas an ob ject of obloquy both in the north ami the south. So mm h malignity and so much stupidity, are rarely example.! in the rnnals of politics. But such ma lignity is rendered harmless by such stupidity; that is some consolation.” The Portsmouth (Va.) Transcript says: We are very anxious to witness the defeat of Uc puldbauism in Illinois, by honest means, for it is impossible not to sec that Its triumph will exercise no small iufiueme on northern public sentiment. Bctwvn the most prominent of the aspirants Per the vacant Senatorship, no true Democrat can hesitate in choosing. One effect of the overthrow of Douglas will be to estrange the two branches of the Democracy in Illinois, so that the restoration to harmony will lie almost an impossibility. The disaffected, it may reasonably he anticipated, will spread to other States, and it Is by no means improbable that the breach may become general enough to serionsly in terfere with tlie chances of a successful campaign against Republicanism in the next Presidential contest.’ The New Hampshire Patriot, a Democratic pa per established by Isaac Hill, and a firm supporter of Andrew Jackson, speaks as follows : ‘ The speeches of Jndjre Douglas, in his discussion with Lincoln, have the old fashioned Democratic ring about them which of yore characterized his efforts. Lincoln is like flaming tow in his hands. He mell>. dissolves, vanishes. The contract l>e tween the speeches of the two men is so great, he sinks out of sight. Even if his party sneceeeds in f e ‘ ; !rin ? the next Legislature of Illinois, we do not believe it will elect him a Senator. Entering the canvass with Judge Douglas was felo de se. and the Judge has only furnished the weapons to his hand and perhaps driven him to use them/’ These maybe regarded as the National Demo cratic sentiments of the country, and are in strange contrast with the vindictive and false denunciations of the Lecompton press of California, the three principal ones of which are conducted by ex-Know Nothings, who doubtless, remember the blows the Illinois Senator administered their wig-wams in days of yore. The Democratic party will yet re main true to their principles, and refuse to be led after strange gods by the jack o'-lantern lights of Lecomptonism. The Placerville Route The Sacramento I'rtltm thinks the petitions to reduce the time for delivery of the mails iietween St. Joseph and i’lac ervillc, ought to be circulated in all the northern counties. The advocates of the Kirk imposition route through Placcrviile should not think of doing such a foolish act. The northern counties care nothing for the mountain and desert toote through Placerville. They have a much better route of their own by Roney Lake. When the t r nion was sustaining Kirk's official report iu opposition to Honey Lake as the terminus of the wagon road, we knew and told them that they were building up a southern route and giving it precedence over ail otheis. Then. Placerville route was decidlythe best, notwithstanding an experience of ten years had shown that its snows were impassible during the winter months. Government knew it, and after Kirk > performances, felt complied to locate the principal route sonth of the wealth and business of the State. If the Placerville route is merely a sec ond or third fiddle to other routes, it will not be able to play its part during the coming winter months. We will sign a petition for a tri weekly mail to Honey Lake, where it should liavc come in the first place.and where it undoubtedly would have come, had not Kirk's expedition shown the Salt Lake route impracticable, thus frustrating the original design Jf Congress. Send none of petitions to the north ern counties, but pray to Kirk; and if he cannot help you. go weep for the botch-work you have as sisted to make of the overland mail routes, and the injustice you have aided in bringing upon northern and midd e California. hasta. —The Shasta Republican says the busi ne-s of their little town is reviving. It has been voted "dead” by our neighbors very frequently, bat in spite of all these grave and chilling edicts, it "sUU iivts," It is a good—very good—town. ,\o • iwa of equal size in the State transacts more bosi r., -- . aieiy our town has partaken largely of the - v ; ng prosperity of Cal forma—M re than the ' .ai quantity of goods arrive daily, and in every ir ;iL.'iitn t u. trade we observe an increased ac tivity. The Yellow Scourge. The bright and sunny South is again draped in mourning, and the wail of woe, accompanied by thegnant form cf want, again arises in the fair cities of many of the routhern States. Every arri - val by overland mails and ocean lines, brings ac counts of the fearful ravages of the Yellow Fever. Fearful numbers are daily borne to the final resting place of the dead, and the frequent death-rattle ap pals the stoutest hearts. The utmost efforts of the benevolent societies fail to alleviate the calls of hu manity. Many are discharged from the hospitals cured of the maladj'. but in destitute circumstances. Some of these have been sent to their friends in other States, but a circular from the Chairman of one of the relief committees, states that despite the utmost efforts of these charitable associations many must perish from destitution. Cast forth without money or friends, and nnuble to help themselves, they meet a worse fate than death by the epidemic. This is indeed an appalling picture, and calculated to excite feelings of commisseration in every benev olent heart. What is worse than all, however, it is stated that the Medical Faculty seem to have lost all faith in any regular inode of treatment, and thus are really puzzled to know what to do. The terrible scourge still seems to be a mystery. It comes unbidden and unexpected, runs its awful course, bears away its hundreds or thousands of victims, and then dis. appears, sometimes for one, and sometimes for five years. The Mobile Tribune, in the course of a careful’y prepared article upon the subject, says that it long since came to the conclusion, that the origin, cause and mode of the propogation of yel low fever are just as doubtful and uncertain as ever. It says: “All that is yet known of it, wit i any certainty, is that it is a mystery yet unsolved. It prevails alike in wet weather and dry—among the swamps and smells and sinks and cess-pools of New Orleans, and upon the pure sands and sweet sea-breezes of Vera Cruz, or Pensacola, or Key West. No degree of cleanliness—no burning of tar nor firing of can non can avert it when it is destined to come, and all possible combinations of the miasma of swamps and stagnant pools and the exhalations of foul streets fail to induce it when it is the Divine will that it should not come. The streets of Norfolk were never in better condition than in the terrible sum mer of iKio; and Mobile is always more cleanly I than usual, when it is visited by this disea-e,be cause we ure always forewarned to prepare for it by its previous appearance in New Orleans. 5 ’ It is probable that the October frosts have, ere this, arrested the ravages of the fever. A Haro Cask—On Wednesday, Mr. Hammel, the undertaker was called to take charge of the body of a man who had died on the premises of Dr Gilbert. Hammel found the body in such a coudi. tion and so unusually disposed (it being on the floor resting on its face, with the arms and 'egs doubled underneath) that he determined to give informa' t ion to the Coroner, before proceeding to bury it’ He accordingly informed Justice Berry (acting Cor oner) of the matter, and a jury was forthwith sum moned to investigate the case. After hearing the evidence of such witnesses as were brought before them, the jury agreed upon the verdict which ap pears below, bat one of the number being subse quently shown to be a foreigner, the whole proce dure was set aside as a nulity. We deem it proper however, to give the verdict as agreed upon bythe five jurors whose names attend it. It reads as for lows : tVe, the jury in this case, find that the deceased, Edward Harris, died in the office of Dr. Gilbert on the 27th day of Oct. at 2 o’clock A. M„ from an at lack of the erysipelas, and that he was a native of the State of Tennessee. We also take this opportu nity of censuring the conduct of the County Phv sician in discharging the above named deceased from the County Hospital, as an act that under the circumstances, we think was barbarous and inhu man- P. Maori be, F. A. Matthews, C. SCRIBER, David Martin-. James Ward. The oarae of the juror, whose incompetency de clared post facto, nulitied the above as a legal ver dict, is E. King,blacksmith, Bird street, who should either become naturalized or declare ids inability to exercise the rights and functions of an American citizen before the commencement of proceedings in which if he acts a part they will only amount to labor lost. Not being present at the Coroner's inquest, we are unable to give the testimony elicited thereat, and leave our readers to form their own conclusions from the above verdict. The Camels Loose.— The Southern Vineyard states that, during the storm of October 2nd, which at the Teion was very violent, the U. S. Camels at the Banc-ho of S. A. Bishop strayed away. Parties were out in search of them as soon as their leave taking was discovered. They did not like the storms of the Teion, which are not celebrated for their mildness, they had statted overland for Asia. Nine of them have been recovered. Six are still missing. It is not improbable that the Indians may indulge in a dinner of Camel’s meat, or that they may be claimed by some enterprising stock grower, unless Uncle Sam’s brand is upon them. Petty Larceny at Sea—A Serious Sort of Petty Larceny. —The Sun Francisco nnllctin states that a complaint has been tiled before U. S. Commissioner McAllister, to the effect that Clark second Mate of the bark Myrtle, lately arrived from Bangkok, Siam, had stolen s■"» and a lot of papers from a seaman named Robert Edwards, during the voyage and within the admiralty and maritime ju risdiction of the United States. If the Commis sioner finds sufficient cause, he will bind the ac. cased over, who will then have to be tried in the United States District or Circuit Court, when he will have to be tried by a jury. The punishment of petty laroen\- under the U. S. Jurisdiction, is a fine not exceeding f 1,000, or imprisonment in the State prison not exceeding one year. The Assessorsiiip. —On Wednesday list, a writ of quo irarranto was served on Mr. D. A. Brown onr County Assessor Elect, by Mr. David Weaver the incumbent of that office for the past year. Here tofore our Assessors have been elected yearly, and the right for them to In !d their offices for a longer term than one year, has singularly enough never be fore been brought in question. Mr. Weaver believes himself entitled to the office fora year longer, hence the issuance of the said writ. Now that this ques tion has been mooted, and the parties have joined issue—as we believe they have—we trust for the sake of the county the case will be taken to the Supreme Court, that we may know, definitely, how often we must elect our Assessors and length of time. Difference or Opinion The Marysville Ex press, edited by an ex-Whig, ex Know Nothing Le comptonite,speaks of Senator Douglas as follows: "Mr. Douglas, despairing of the ability of the Democratic fparty to sustain him upon the great principles of his own Kansas Xebraskaact, is en dearing to impress upon the dominant partv the Repnblicen party—that he is a better republican than his opponent, or Seward, or Chase, or any of the Republican leaders." The Richmond Enquirer says that Senator Doug las is doing more than any other man “for the pro tection of the constitutional rights of the South," ami prefers him -before any other Democrat for the position of Senator from Illinois,” Of course, this difference of opinion brands- the Editor of the Uich m°nd Enquirer as an unmitigated liar and a Black Republican ass. and the party is well rid of such a dirty and contemptible sheet ! 1-os Angelos Oysters. —We learn from the Star that the existence of an Oyster bed at Xew San Pedro, was made patent recently by the production of a bag of the ac ioas bivalves. The Editor's palate tested them and pronounced them well fla vored. Fillibustees.— The Los Angelos Star credits a report that Walker, the rc lonbable grey-eyed man ■f ’estii.y, i--i-tii-i - u the n-s o-.f that he is s>xm to join a body ofS.tmO men. well armed, and Sonora. Their object is said 11 iy . to avenge the murder of Crabb and his followers, and tne con quest and occupation of the State The present Postage Law. Tbe people of California should rise as one man and demand an alteration in the law concerning postage. As it now stands. It is the most inequal and partial in its workings of any law spread upon the journals of Congress. Because we are further removed from the seat of Government and sharing least in the favors and benefits of the Government, is not a good reason why we should be taxed more than doubly what the inhabitants of other States are taxed toward tbe support of the postal Depart ment. Ten cents per letter is too much for any of us to pay ; we all were taxed at that rate but a few months ago, but now, some of us can send our let ters as cheaply as the citizens of other States can correspond with each other, —but a part of us can not. Those of ns who happen to have friends in the New England States, or at other points in the Union, three thousand miles hence, most pay the old price. The overland mail, is, therefore pecun iarily beneficial to but a portion us. It should be made to work for all alike, and for one price. Laws should, and must be, to be just, general, in their nature and workings, and the postal law should be made conformable to this rule. Arrival of the Overland. Mail On the afternoon of Tuesday last the Overland Mail arrived at Pan Jose. The Sacramento Union contains an interesting report of eastern news furnished by the papers which came through. We therefrom make the fol lowing synopsis. The Steamer which was seen burning at sea. is ascertained to have been the Austria. Out of six hundred passengers only sixty-seven were saved. The survivors were brought into Halif »x. The par ticulars of the terrible disaster are not given. The Missouri and Kansas papers declare the Pike’s Peak mines to be a humbug. Large prospect ing parties have returned to their homes and rep resent that although gold can he found in the coun try, tnat miners can average but about 50 cents per day. The Staten Islanders are rejoicing over the an nouncement that the Quarantine Buildings are to be removed from their present location by order of the Board of Commissioners. The Xew York Herald says, on authority, that the cable has not been broken. How it knows, or if it knows, is more than we know, but ’spose it i; all right. Preparations have been made to lay the shore ends, and Hughes electrical apparatus will probably be applied to it when ready for work ing. The yellow fever in Xew Orleans was rapidly de creasing at last accounts. Paul Morphy has gone to Paris and was beaten in the first game which he played with Hwarwitz, I the celeb; ated German player. Farther news con cerning his playing lias not been received. The following is an epistolary account of an iudi | an fight: Fort Belknap, Young Co., Texas,/ October, Hth, 185.5. f Major Van Doran’s command had a fight with i the Camanche Indians at daylight, on the morning I *<f September 4th, thirty miles west of Fort Ar buckle. in the Choctaw Xation. Major Van Doran was wounded, hut not serionslv: Lieutenant Van Camp, killed ; three soldiers' killed, and eight wounded; Captain Ross, Jr., slightly wounded: forty-four Camanche Indian.- killed and wounded. The Indian women and children were all taken prisoners by the f iendly Indians, who accompa nied the expedition. Labor at a Premium. —We learn from a returned Frazerite, that three men who gave away good half ounce divings on Butte Creek for the purpose of going to Frazer river, wore, at last accounts, at work for the Hudson Bay Compaii3’ opening a road up Frazer. They gave twenty-five dollars for the privilege of working on the road, wi-h the under ! standing that, if they persevered in the good work | unto the completion of the trail, they were to re ceive hack their twenty-five dollars; but if fhey j failed to assist in completing the woik, they were | to have nothing but the grub they had eaten, and |to forfeit the sum they had advanced. If that is anything more than “grub” diggings, we don’t know it. Should they return to California after their road fever subsides, the Legislature should ex empt them from road tax hereafter. But what magnificent diggings there must be, when men adopt snch means to work their way into the mines? “Oh, Humbug! thy name is Fraser/’ Law Wanted.—The next Legislature should pass a law prohibiting Chinamen from walking on the side walks of respectable towns, in greater num bers than two together, or within a hundred yards of each other. They stampede over our walks now, like so many cattlo, single file, and in stogy boots, rarely less than twenty in a drove, all smoking their stinking paper-covered cigars, and every cus sed one of’em drawling and snorting out his hea thenish lingo. They arc offensive to the sight, touch, hearing and smell, and should be made to take the street with the other brute beasts. The St. Lons, Memphis, Texas, and San er an cisco Mail Route a Fizzle The Southern Overland route has proved a failure, even while its advocates were loud in its praise. It has failed to deliver the mail in schedule time, and the a»ent requests them to forward no more through passengers owing to the bad state of the road-. Indian Attack.—The Yreka Union relates that Messrs. Breed and Chamberlain were attacked by Indians near the junction of Main and Second streets in that city. Mr. B. received a slight cut in the hand from a knife, and Mr. C. was knocked down by a blow. Mr. B. shot one of the Indians in the neck, the ball pa-sing out through his face, when the assailants tied. Apparently Obstinate—Notwithstanding the Lecompton press have denounced Douglas as a Black Republican, since the election, the Amador Sentinel still defends him. That paper was origi nally anti-Lecompton, but somehow “slumped** through previous to the election. It does not soon consent to denounce Douglas, LecomptonUm will >oon consign it the “Lower Rauchareu.” The Guano War.—There is a prospect of war between the “Pacific Guano Company,” and some squatters who have jumped their claim. The com pany have despatched a ship with well-drilled men, armed with Sharpe’s rifles, Colt’s revolver and howitzers, to intercept the .-qnatters, It is expect ed they will make the guano fly when they over- , haul the offensive vessel. j The Difference. —The Republican party de ; mands that there .shall be “no more slave States.* 7 The Lecomptonites demand that Congress shall : pass a•• ve code for all the territories.' 7 The National Democracy ‘‘recognize the right of ■ *hc people of all the Territories —including Kansas ; and Nebraska—to regnl.ite their domestic institu tiona in their own way—subject only to the Consti ; t itionof the United States. Chinese Sugar Cane.— The Los Angelos Vine- I yard mentions some Chinese sugar cane, grown by : Mr. Gibson, of El Monte, thirteen feet in length, and the three lower Joints, after stripping off the leaves, mea-ured respectively, four and a quarter, 1 for and a half, and four and three quarter Inches in ■ circumferences. Singular Case of Drowning.— The Salem (Ore gon) Standard mentions a singular case of drown ing that occurred at Palmer's Creek, on the 29th of September. A family named Thomas, on their way from California to Oregon, were encamped on the creek. Mrs.T. laid down her babe and went toward the creek, where she was subsequently found drowned in eight inches of water. It was supposed that she had fallen in a fit. Accident at Yankee Hill. — A letter from Mr. Vivcn of \ arkee Hill inform-* that a man named Divid White while chopping w;*od at the Hhi, was so an fort a u ate as to -trike hi- axe entirely tL. -jh his foot, it Ir on the toes to the instep and -ovc through the sole of the foot. The ugly cut ; was dressed and the wounded man is comfortable. Arrival of the Central Overland Mail. We condense the following report of news by the last Salt Lake Mail from the columns of the Sac ramento Union : The bridge at Brockliss’ being broken the mails had to be sent on ahead by a horseman, who being thrown from his animal, was obliged to foot it» hence a detention of several hours. All was quiet at Salt Lake City. The U. S. District Court. Judge Sinclair, had met but adjourned in consequence of the ill health of the District Attorney. The Mormons held a third animal Fair on the 4th. It was successful. It is said that the Mormons intend applying for admission into the Union at tbe next session of Con gress. Two Mormon women having been violated by In dians. Col. Johnston sent a detachment of dragoons to arrest the offenders. The Indians resisted and one of them was killed and ten taken prisoners. All the mules which were stolen from Mayfield in August last have been recovered. Some of the Bannoc tribe of Indians arc thought to be the thieves. The troops at Camp Floyd, were generally ( healthy. Lieut. W. P. Sanders had been very ill, but was recovering. Senator Broderick and Company were met or Goo«e Creek. 250 miles from Salt Lake. Mr. Brod erick’s health still continued poor. An Indian’s Idea of a Nuisance.— The Digger Indians of California are not very’ backward in ex pressing their contempt for John Chinaman. An Indian was lately convicted of the murder of a Chinaman in Amador county*, and asked the inter preter why it was that the white people interfered with him in the matter, and stating, according to the Sentinel, that the Chinaman was of no account whatever, and he thought he was doing the country ‘•some service,” in ridding it of one nuisance. Reduction of Time on the Salt Lake Route. Petitions are being circulated in Sacramento and elsewhere, asking Cangress to reduce the time for the delivery of mails on the Salt Lake route, and increase the service to a tri-weekly mail. This all : very proper, and Congress ought to grant the rea i sonablo prayer of the petitioners. The proper way i to reduce the time for the delivery of the mails be tween Salt Lake and Sacramento, is to adopt the Honey Lake route. Immigration.— The Los Angelos Star learns that a very large immigration from the South-western States is on the road to California, and anticipates an addition to the population of that portion of the State greater than that for several years together. Several parties had recently arrived in that county from lowa. Missouri and Texas. They arrived in excellent health, not having experienced the slight est inconvenience, the stations *of the Overland Mail Company affording them resting points at convenient distances. A’ t Dead Yet.—AVe observe in looking over the papers that the inimitable John Spotter is in | Downieville. It is a two to one bet that John's j posters announce the astounding and gratifying fact, that he has under his management, “the best I stock company in the State and it is a similarly I safe wager to double the amount, that both he and the world renowned and talented corps whose cash ier he is, arc all dead broke, and in “soak their board.” Lucky Shot.—John Minear, a former resident of Sonora, but now sojourning in the mountains, one day last week shot a grizzly—the second one by the way, he had killed during the week—which rolled down the mountain some distance, lodging against a ledge of quartz rock. While engaged In skinning the animal his attention was attracted to some broken pieces of the rock containing gold. On further examination along the ledge, by knocking off the moss, he was made aware that he had found a lead of astoni-hing richness, which he at once took possession of. Some specimens from the claim we have seen—taken from the surface, and gold is visible in profusion. This is in the neighborhood of the Bannister claim and on the famous “Buchan an” lead. -Sonora Democrat. Auricular.—The Editor of the Stockton Weekly Democrat was recently the fortunate possessor of ten ears. Now he has but nine. Eight-tenths of the former number, however, belonged to a corn stalk hanging in his office. Some per son stole one of the ears from the stalk, doubtless desiring some of the prolific seed. The rascal ought to be sent to the Ear Infirmary at San Quentin. New York Democracy.—There is at present no split in the ranks of the New York Democracy, al the AVrrs, plethoric with Federal patronage, is en deavoring to create a schism. It says the Demo cratic State Convention “was controlled in the in terest and for the benefit of Stephen A. Douglas and his fellow conspirators.” Fiue Engine for Yreka.—The corporate au thorities of Yreka, sent to New York for a Fire Engine, and it was recently landed at Red Bluffs. Its transportation thence to Yreka cost them five hundred dollars. Its entire cost will be less than one-hnndreth part of the loss sustained by the late fire in Oroville. Telegrammatical.—The Rev. Mr. Griggs of New York, reached the jumping off place of grandilo quence, when he “shot his mouth off” thuswise : j “When the sulphuric acid of true repentance cor- j rodes the contaminating zinc of innate depravity and actual sinfulness, the fervent electric force of prayerful entreaty,” etc. Again, “Go to the tele graphic office of the atoneing cross, and touch the wire of penitential nature.” Tough Cuss.—A Sacramento drayman named John Carr, had a piece of marble, weighing two tons and a half fall on one of his legs, a day or two ago. He was held fast by the rock, until some busybodys near by, after prying around t<> see what was the matter, turned the marble over and reveal ed the fact that John’s shin was only “barked” nothing more. A Hard Hit—The Amador Ledger plants the 1 following sockdollager under the left ear of Tuol umne LecimptonDm: “TheCehimbia Weekly News, a rabid Lecompton paper, in one of its political tirades against those of the Democracy who still adhere to their principles, says: •Wecan inform our friends abroad, that the De mocracy of old Tuolumne were never so united as at this time, and we feel able to thrash the enemy every day if it was necessary, If our friends in the different sections of the State will work with us. shoulder to shoulder, the cause of pariotism and genuine Republicanism will ever triumph in Cali fornia over sedition and higher law humbagism.” Wc will admit that Tnolsmne county is in the hands of the Lecomptonites . beyond redemption; and as one of the effects of their patriotism and gen uine Republicanism, we give another cutting from the same paper: •‘But.seriously, the corruption that has existed in ••high places" in Tuolumne county for the past eight or nine years has gone beyond endurance- The present grand jury is the ablest one that has r ‘var been known in the county. They are business men—men of energy and peraeverence, and of known integrity. If former grand juries had ex hibited one-half of the interest for the welfare of the con ty which they have done, we would not now be gr »anmg beneath the weight of such enormous tax ation, and the county debt would not foot up as it does now, in almost the round sura of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars." Surely if the above is the effects of Lecomptonisra it i* a warning to other parts of the State; for it is hinted at in another part of the same article "that the grand jury had indicted every officer of the county, from the Sheriff down to Constable/’ If The advice of the News is followed, the Lecompton ite.-of other sections of the Suite raav find them selves working “shoulder ta shoulder’ with their Tuolumne brethren, if not in the cause of patriot ism. at least for the good of the State, at the States Prison.” Cove Mining Company. —Treasurer's Report. Dr. To assessments SSOO to the share, 38 shares, to meet payments on contract *l'.».000 00 To total amount receded from the claim jit ,234 18 $103,234 18 Cr. By amount paid John Lytic on contract for drying claim..! $19,0*10 00 By dividend no. 1. s3o*l to th« share {11,400 00 By am net paid for tools, la ter. service*, taxes, .Vc .{19,330 13 By dividend no, 2, 81,493, to the share |53,504 00 Joh>‘Bopchsp., Treasurer. Assessor's Report. Assessor's Ollloc, ) Oroville, 0ct.20,1858. f To the Honorable , H. A. Higley, Surveyor General of Califot'nia, Sir: As per requirements of the statute, I here by submit to you my report for the year 1858. It is not as complete as I should like it to have been, owing to the utter impossibility of obtaining the information sought for from the inhabitants of the countv ; that, in a great many instances, lieing of the opinion that the questions asked relate solely to their private business, consequently of no interest to the public ; and at other times that it is the method adopted by the Assessor to aproxiinatc to the value ot their property, for which reason their answers are generally very unsatisfactory. The number of acres of land assessed is 250,313, of which 192,442 acres is claimed under Spanish grants’, and, as in other portions of the State, are dotted over with claims of 160 acres, which they, the claimants, eventually hope to hold. How much grounds for such a hope, there is, I know not ; but 1 do know, that this unsettled state of things is a great disadvantage to the prosperity of the county, for were these (seemingly never-to-be settled) land cases decided, one way or the other, instead ot the eight by ten cabins that we now find upon these small claims, we would find substantial improve ments and other evidence of advancement in what is generally conceded to be the great source of wealth of the State—the Agricultural interest. About one-half of the county is well timbered, comprising all the varieties usually found in the mountains of California. In the estimate of the product of the county ac companying this it must of necessity refer to the products of the year 1857, as but a very small por tion of the county is assessed after harvest, (at which time the statistics are procured,) and that portion principally the mining region. lam satis fied that the crop of 1858 exceeds that of 1857 fifty per cent. The quantity of honey produced is not known, but of necessity be small, as there are but two swarms of bees in the county, one of which is in the mountains, the other in the valley, and their pros perity is but another evidence that our State is well adapted t<» their access and profit. You wil. .1 the number of Apple and Peach trees repoi; i il : ytar much smaller than lust, from the fact that bearing trees are only report d, (the number in nurseries not known) the number given are in a thrifty condition, and the yield this year is large. In regard to the county boundary I would refer you to the report of my predecessor, the evils corn : plained of by him, exist, and the suggestions there in contained as to their remedy, should meet with the favorable consideration of our law makers. A , RICULTURAL PRODUCTS. I Land cultivated—acres, 11,332 Wheat—acres, 2,497 Wheat—bushels 46,829 Parley—acres, 4,086 j Barley—bushels, 78,669 ; Oats—acres, 218 Oats—bushels,. 6,235 I lye—acres,..., 6 Rye—bushels, 135 Corn—acres 115 Corn—bushels, 3,630 Peas—acres.. 26 Peas—bushels,.... 400 Potatoes—acres 39 Potatoes—bushels, 9,936 Sweet potatoes—acres, 1 11 “ —bushels, 440 Hay—acres— 1,620 Hay—tons, 1,7 *9 Butter—pounds, 2 . .456 Wool—pounds,. 1,0300 FRUIT TREES AND VINES. Apple trees, 5,210 ! Peach “ ... 20,100 ! Pear “ 2,696 ! Plum “ 90s | Cherry “ 590 Nectarine ‘ 2,22 s j Quince “ 4,124 | Apricot “ 1 496 Fig “ 599 Almond 1,708 Crape vines, 80,711 Strawberry “ 0,616,450 Gooseberry “ 85 Raspberry" “ 60 Wine—gallons, 400 LIVE STOCK. Xunber of horses and mules 2,126 “ *• Jack Asses, 98 “ “ Calves under 2 years old.. 6.378 “ “ Cattle over 2 years 01d,.. 15072 Total number of Cattle,’ 21,450 Number of sheep and goats, 16,454 “ “ Hogs, 8,6 3 Cattle slaughtered, 3.176 Value of same, $147000 Hogs slaughtered, 1.314 Value of same, $21,688 Sheep slaughtered 7.20 Value of same, $4,950 IMPROVEMENTS. Gristmills, water power,.,. 2 Value of same, SIO,OOO Run of stones, 4 Grain ground, bushels, 20,000 Saw mills, steam power, 7 Value of same, $34,600 Water power, 10 Value of same. $31,900 Lumber sawed, (feet) 3020,000 Value of lumber,. $500,000 Quartz mills, number in C 0.,. 9 Value of same, (about).... $60,000 Mining Ditches, number in county, 30 Total length miles, (main trunk).. 150 Amount of water discharged, (inches) 20,000 Toll bridges, 1 Value of same $20,000 Ferries. 8 Value of same 8,000 Amount of real estate asses sed, $1,978,846 Supplementary assessment,... 2,700 Total real estate- $1,981,540 ' Amount of personal property assessed. $2,328,316 Amount of supplementary as sessment,...- 47,860 Total $2,376,176 Total amount of taxable pro perty. real and personal in the County of Butte,... $4,357,722 All of which is respectfully submitted. DAVID WHAVER, Assessor of Butte Co. Report of the Grand Jury. To the Honorable Court of Sessions for the Conn ty of Butte and State of California : The Gr°nd Jury empanneled for the October term <f t Honorable Court have given vonr charge matiin- <’i liberation ; and would repeat that they have had before them for their investigation one case for murder, four for grand larceny, one for assault with deadly weapon with intent to kill, one for malicious mischief, and one for mayhem ; and that they have found true bills in the following cases viz : murder, one, grand larceny, two, assault with deadly weapon with intent to kill, one. malicious mischief one. mayhem one. and have ignored two cases for grain! larceny. We have also visited the county jail, which presents a clean and orderly ap pearance, and find within its cells ten prisoners who nil, with one exception, speak well of the treatment received from the several officers of the prison, and of the quantity and quality of their food ; and should say that they are as comfortably situated as the c;rcam.s*ances of their case will allow. We would congratulate the citizens of our county upon the apparent decrease of crime as manifested by the limited number of cases before this Board of Jurors, and the decreased number of commitments to the county jail during the pa-t quarter, together with the limited number of prisoners now confined, whose nativity is Ireland six and China four. H e find by investigation and actual knowledge that there are parties doing business without li cense in the following places, viz : Oroville, Forbes* town, Bangor, Jackass Flat, Hansonville, Peavine, Pence’s Ranch, Diamondvlle, Knterprisc, Little Kim-shew. Inskip, Garden Ranch, Virginia Mills, White Rock, Strawberry Valley, Mineral Slide. Morris Ravine, and Long's Bar, in violation ol the laws of our State, assuming to themselves a privi lege not guarantied to the law-abiding citizen, con sequently in a pecuniary point, reaping a decided advantage ; and we have presented the several par ties and trust that the intention of the law as well a - the letter may be fully carried out and thereby place all upon equal ground. In relation to gaming we are under the impression that in the precincts of the several members of this board the gaming law is respected and that there are no grounds for com plaint, and that during our session we have no knowledge or have heard any complaint that the law is not equally respected at the countv seat, and would congratulate the citizens upon the improved state of affairs ; and what we say of gaming will equally apply to houses of ill fame. • financial affair- of our county, heretofore con sidered within our province, bat of late doubts hav ing arisen as to the correctness of that considera tion, and after the thorough investigation of the ac counts of the officials of the county by the honora ble board of Jurors that were impanneled in July last, ye consider it unnecessary to have any further e * a ® lQ 3tion by this body, leaving the matter with the Honorable Board of Supervisors whose ability the citizens of the county have the utmost confi dence. The affairs of the County Hospital we leave in the same able hands, believing that their good sense w 11 lead to the most economical management con sistent with the welfare of oar unfortunate broth ers who by the dispensation of divine Provi deacc may be thrown upon its tender mercies. All of which is reipectfuiiy submitted. E. R. LCMEZRT, Foreman. Grand Jury Room, Butte Co. Oct 23. 1355. Tonsobial —lf you want your Hair Cct in manner that becomes yon-yonr head Shampooved with an article that thoroughly removes the dan draff, and stimulates the capillary organs of the hair, or a delightful share -with the accompany mentsof the purest hair oil. cologne, pomades, hair tonics,and cosmetics ;if you want a clean, ’core, fortabebath, a warm hath, a cold bath, a shower hath, a salt bath, a sulpher hath, or a perfumed bath—call at -FERGUSON'S Hair Cutting Head Quarters.'’ Montgomery street, next door hi come- Myers street, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Lien Notice. S T <Vil« o ?m C /i ,FORNIA ~ IN ’ THE DISTRICT against you by. he above named plaintiffli, lh e 11,, f„u Court Of tne Fifteenth Judicial District. In and f., r lh ‘ county of Butte, and to answer the complaint Died then . in, (a copy of which accotnwinies this summon* ■ w r.i, r ten days, (exclusive of the day of service) oft.-r the -* r vicn on you of this summons, if served within tl-i« county; if serve*! out ofthi> county, but within Uu„ -i. diclal District, within twenty dnvs! <»r ifservt d out of said District, then within forty d«>>—t ji. -rni. : ,t i, v fault will b; taken atjainst you. The s;d<] atvi.i’n brousrht to obtain a decree for the sal* of that cert., \ :i piece or parcel i.t land, situated in Unite county t*.,;i•..r nia. and known as Lots Nos. 5 and ►; in Hock N » i.iiree (,!) of the town of Oroville. and that ceitatn buihlinir now being e'tctcd (hereon by you, the said defendant, to satisfy a mechanic’s lien, taken upon said ouiMinJ und hind lor the .-urn of seven hundred and M\tv an lhirf\ -four cents and «.f gale, and if yon fail to appear and answer the said complaint os above requir* ed, the plaintiff will apply to the court lor the relief-n nis compl ii t demanded. <5l veil under my hand and seal of the District (k>urt of ( ~“* K ) the Fifteenth Judicial District, c 1... vu.h day J of October, in the year or our Lord unu ( 1 thousand . i*ht hundr d and flf y ■ Ry order of the District Judge of the Fifteenth Judo • ial Dis rict. California. M. 11. D.IRRAm. Clerk T.vos Wklls, Att’y. for plaintiff. Oct. 30 3w Sheriff’s Sale. VIRTItR OP \N KXKcrri'lX ISSI'Rn ort P of the District Court... the!i .1,|,i,.|,',| ni,- irict. in mi.i for the ('mum o.Yuhri. nn.l -i, ~ nia to me directed .-ui.l delivered, commanding t, the mm of three hundred and s.venhni and > I-IU 1 uiiilars and iut rest there..n. Irion Hie 14 h dar of .-eptemher. ». n ISSS ui.til p id and all on s-ud writ, vv he .in (’ Hudson Ik <•„ j, , tjg John A Marlin is defendant, I loop levied u im lex ose at puhli ode In Ih highest hid lerf.-rea«l., ■ t the Conn House door. In the town of • roville. '■•"i 0r...,id, 11 Saturday, lhe tltli nay ofXnrrmhrr next nl iw.. ..’.-lock I* M ali o, the riel,l, title m,I inter,,-I of the above name,* defendant. (J..MI A. Martin) in ami loahiliat certain piece or p-rc -lot land situated in tl e town of Droville. .um tv of Bui to, and Stale aforesaid. and hi-inn areord -1 ' 'he [.lot of raid to V 11. p-r , of lots Xo. I and ’. in Bl- ek 2C. ami more particularly described a- follow-. t.._ wit:— Beginning on lhe wesle-ly side of Montgomery street, twenty-eight feet southerly Iro n of I me and .Montgomery -reels, thence running southerly and along the we t r'v line of M.-utgoin. r> street, fif y fmir t.-.-r, then -e easterly and at rigid angle- with Montgomery -reel on- hundred an I thirly-two feel, h.-nre northerly and al right, ang l .- and parallel with Montgomery street lii y.fonr feet, thenr.- a t right .- i.gles - a-1.-r'v one hundred and thirty two f et. 1., the j.laee of begiiling; together with all mid singnlar.lhe tenements, hereditaments aed apr art.-naneos thereunto h longing, or ia arywise apperlai. '■ ' N !•. IM.I'M, gheriff Butte County. Orovil p. October Sm.’S f*. Sheriff’s Sale. §2 V VIRTUE OF* A WRIT OE EX! < „ 5 :I '"‘ "" :ed of the Co„„, V Court, in and Bate c.-a.-v. C.hf.mia, on the -jl, her-A. 1., me ~i„ ■ . | !;I „I ,1. li. ereil. -° - r - k the sit .n of forty -nl leaml 7:>- 1 n , do.lars. wit!, inter,-,l 11. e.-eon at Hi- rate .f c 11,1 of Mil lay,'dm CH c", Nen I s * 11,0 ' ?J,i '*■’ 11 'I crau.g costs on said writ ; v, herein .1 ili. r-k c, philnluT and I . Adams i: . are lt, levied upon th* riahl. title and namec defemlants, a, .1 wi! eap. S- at „t',| c . | ugliest I.alder, for cash, r.l :he c,.,,rt i 1.,:,,,. | )01 , the tnwn of crnyilie. coun-y nn.l “late si "clues,lav. the HtU day of X wet"her a. d. ISAS, all 11, -• ~ ,ia pi, ~r , 1 hmd and mil pmperfy. which i- . t;a -,li-i |-id. Tnwashij), a: .1 ,n the i; a.,,- crlhi-d a, follows, to u.! il „■ ; l erry Cre k. about one and .., ~ hall , J, 1} direction .roai lhe Berry Cre. k p., w Min, |„. j,,,, on '"■ni'ie'toVh rU ' ust cr U‘ner and running thence s.. ner m ‘ rlier ’ lh, ’ ,,ce we- I" chains a , ner. thence nor.h one mile io acorner. ihen.-e .-a* hind- t 'fining, cauaining ::-.'i,ac-.- Rocl’un W ', th 1 "-I known as i menu • V" “•"* " 1 nts le r. d menla and appurtenances thereunto h U... ■ „ r ... .. wise appertaining. ' r " -l \ l | "'," l, !’ vu mentioned sale will take pi ee at 'io'cl .’’ 011 above mentione.i l.iu? i. i ex , -V. D. PLL’M, ofatr ffDu le Cc Orovillp, Oct 20 IS.'vS. Notice |S HKriRiV HIVEN. THAT A MEFTINfJ Will, ■. beheld by the stockhohl-rs of the Unite T rnrl Company at their claim on the on the north ... .. of Feather rner.opposite Or,a ille. November -.!h, A «w-eBBmenu due and unpaid, will be »..M j., ~.,v ... ,i a ~?'iV m. ms r tec y Social Ball!! THE (JITIZK.NS OP lIUTTE COUNTY and I lie public generally, are invited to .7 * ~CI u ' Hit.l., to l,e given at the MIN KHS KAN’t'H, (by Special request) on Tuesday evening, October 2nd. as- Music by J. L. Tabb, J. A. Tour and I). It Calloway, JA ” E3 ™ oTC ,l™i'i,. Our readers are referred to the advertisement of 1),. c . tor JOHN W. VANZAXDT, City and County Phy.i cian of San Francisco, in iSAS!, an t originally from the great school of medicine, the Now York Hospital. who is now devoting his time and study to the treatment ol all chronic disea-ee,and especial} the irnubles'xitaaging •o’the delicate organs of tbo Fye and Ear ; deafness is dre idfully annoying. Heretofore all difflculli. sin I car inghare been neglected, until entire and total low o( wuh! , oTT Sa 7 '"T I " M W**’ *•>•" it is in most ra-e-, within the pale of successful m*Mlicnli'>n Th** r-re-s - ther.nfy medium which the »,rg enn h" surcew'.fully known, and w<- wi-h Dr. Van Zandt w.dl, for his legitimacy is beyond question Oct 23 tf 1 Notice B S lIERKBV OlVi X TO THE STOCK, ■ dl lt*r- «>t the Vuxi Q'i rtz -Mini * i .-m n,v U.aT ut ! ti.l l.. r rv(|.ill, in)l . n : l ,h l ,> li t- h»v.. i.-vi -Id. paiable on the >1 ol N i< mher, 1 b5B. at the offic-. f lh. Cnii'ii my at Yankee Hill. E L. C-.MLLV, |* r , C. li.T-irner. eec. Yankee Ilill, °ept. 25. 1858 Notice « s HE.tI.BV hIVEX 'i'll THE STOCK ■ : " r ' "•« ' U".rtz i..,, , p„., v . uil shiir.-s »:- winch „ r „ ; , un| * ll t* * "I I " .lie -all. at the court I. mi —, ir (Irov.lle, „ ho- :.r,| .toy ~f A. veml-r l-.,5. H , o „ l -o pay said H-tes meats I. it th-r f ~,,, t l . H t T r urn,'r. s..c. 0 IMLEY. Frest. I ukve Hill, ■ ict. 3. 15;,3 Notice. gHE SII.WE HOLDERS OP Till * Oakland M, I . iiio .ny -1..- hereby noli lied thu in assessment ol *40,00 lu the share ha been made an ‘°* ,l r- , , A. It SIEAItSS, Secretary Doxtown, Octobe r 2:j 4t 7 Dissolution. r B T HE PIIOI OP HhOdnS A HAN] » Is las .la, dis... ved uy l.mimti in Either ‘ vdl use the name of the firm in liquidation. Oroville 23 Oct. IS'n. EH A S. 11, HKbOE M. VV. HANNON. Fresh Oreoon Oysters I B AAiyrEKXiru Ac to ** '»-<l Sta es Hestaun t, . 1 }»ters in every style day and night . OP’ THE l.\ ta es Iteataura t, will serve Iresh oreg< oct 23 Oysters ! Oyste. s ! Oct 10. FRESH OREGON OYSTER? received daily, and ter' c*d up in every utyk at all hours of the dav and mxht. af LA M P’S l-U.M II HOUSE. Theatre Block. ifumoon street Jabez Sawin, Montgoircry Street, South side, between Uuntoon and Lincoln streets, Oroville. WHOLESALE fc RETAIL DEALER fN* Choice Wines brandies, Cordials. Ah** P-.rt-. -ra, Fancy Liquors, Syrups, etc. The’public is informed that Mr. Sawin is the -'ll F AOENT in Oroville, for OAKLEY’S Cele! - • ' miam CHAMP AON E CIDER. ' '“ t - 1 r " . **■ COL’NTKV TRADERS and others will flndit In “ “•* > b »" establishment before Sept. !orh. C HARVEY. pirchaMne els^whem. G ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW Oroville, f) u u e County. «>o Ccart Hot. si r x street. Special a'tcntion piven to the rebiux U>.,nly Rtccrds, levee:Ration ad' , the -ira Dg oi D«eca dni Conveyaocps fn r r e o-r 1 ot r