Newspaper Page Text
new advertisements. M. P. Brown, 96 Battery Street, San Francisco, Cal., Importer and wholesale deal er in BEADS AND INDIAN GOODS of all kinds, Cans. Pistols, Percussion Caps. Table and Pocket Cul ilrr Plated Ware. Brushes. Combs, and a general vari- Fancy Goods. oc9-3m New Goods. Mbs. sglver has just received a fresh assortment of fall goods consisting of Bon nettn. Hats Bussell*, Capes and a general assortment of Millinery and Fancy articles. Also the Princess Royal Bridal Skirt* a new article, all of which will be sold* at extrcmelf low pricea. Call and be convinced. rj~ Montgomery street, next to the Ohio Stable. H. COBB, real estate, stock, AND General Merchandise Auctioneer, Nos, 100 and 102 Montgomery Street, <EXPBESS BUILDINGS.) oan F rauciaoo, RECEIVER’S SALE, Friday, October 2911 i, ISOB, .... IN .... OKOVILIiB. 600 ACRES OF LAND ... BUTTE COUNTY. TM-OTIOR 13 HEREBY GIVEN,THAT. UNDER and * by virtue of a certain order, duly made and enter ed in the District Court of the Fourth Judicial District of U» Stale of California, on the 2nd day of October A. D. a certain suit pending in the said Court, wherein J, B, E. CAVAUiIER is plaintiff and FELIX ARGPN- Tl is defendant, I, the undersigned. Eugene Dellessert. the Receiver duly appointed in the said action, of all she assets, property and effects of the firm of F. Argenti, Cavallier Sc Co. shall sell, at Public Auction, to the Lift**; bidder, for cash, on Friday the 29ih day of Octo ber A. D. 1868, at 11 o’ clock A. M. of that day in front of the Conti House, in the Citt or Orovillk. the follow ing described Real Estate situated in Butte County viz : Ail that piece or parcel of land as laid down on the offi cial map or Survey made by the Surveyor General of the United Slates for the State of Calfornia. as follows : Sec tion Number Seven, in Town-hip No. Twenty North Range Four K. st, Mount Diablo Meridian , containing •40 acre* The title to the aUtve is deemed to be perfect, but no guarantee will be given, and all persons will buv at theli own risk- Terms Cash., fin the fall of the Auctioneer's hammer. Deeds deliv erable at office of H, A. COBB, 102 Montgomery street Pan Francis'u. upon confirmation of sale. In case the •ale shall not be confirmed, the entire purchase money • ill be relumed. Acts of sale at purchaser’s expense. EUGENE DELKSSF.R7, Receiver. Dated S.*n Fianciaco, October, sth IftoS. 11. A. COBB, o»-ld AUCTION KEE. POSTPONED. The above is hereby po?tnoneJ to the same time and place, on THURSDAY, NOV. FOURTH, lrsB. Pet mH. E WLMIUT. iiedrw. colton & McDermott [Formerly Randal I McDermott,] uay still be found at their brick if B building. Montgomery street, where they have coouf the 1 irgesi and best assortments of Drug* and Medicine*. Perfumeries. Paint*, Oils. Camphene, Ac. Ac. To be found north i f San Francisco, which they can and will sell lower than any other house in the town. They are constantly receiving goods from below, and warrant every article they soli to be pure and genuine. Traders from the country are respectfully invited to give u§ a call. We are agents for the following articles: Bail's.Sands’,and Townsend's Sarsaparilla, Guyana's Yellow Dock aod Sarsaparilla, Jayne's Mtxlicines. Perry Davis' Psln-Killer, WI star’s Balsam of Wiki Cherry, Ayer's Cherry Pecioral, Osgood’s India Choiaegue, Burnell’s Coi Liver Oil, do Kuleston. We are enabled lo Male that after repeated trials, Burnett's Kaieeton has been pronounced the safest and *nv>si certain remedy for the cure of the Rhus Toxico deodron or Poison Qak of this country. It not only removes the “fleet produced by the poison, but also acts a* a preventive when applied in season. W 11. KALB A CO., 1y24-tf General Agents for California. Storage ! Storage! ! I AM PREPARED TO STORE ANY AMOUNT OF Grain and Produce, in my fire-proof building on Mont gomery street, between IlnnUv-n and Lir«ooli> streets. LIBERAL ADVANCES made on grain for slot age C. SCR I HER Orovlllc. August 25th. 185$. aB2su Notice. IS » EREBY GIVEN TO THE STOCKHOLDERS of the \ irgin Quartz Mining Company, tnnt an assecs men: has been levied of thirty dollars to the share, pay able October 2d, is5S, at the office of the Company, at Vanke K; L COMLY, President. C. If. TvßfcKß. Secretary Yankee Hill. August Tib, ISSB. aug7 30d Notice. DR- WM. WILSON HAS REMOVED his office from Rid well to Oruville, opposite the Nicholas Hotel tg: 13 Notice. NOTICE IS HKHEUV GIVRX, THAT X w the undersigned will apt ly to the Board of Super visors in and for Butte County, at their Nov ember ses sion in ISSS, fora renewal of of hi* li>-“r-ge to keep and run a Ferry across Feather river at Ham ikon, and known as toe Hamilton Ferry. ROBERT DAVIS. Hamilton, October 9:h, 185 d. Merchant’s Hotel. Marysville. M the undersigned having become TiJ associated in the management of the above First Class Hotel,respectfully solicit a share of public patronage. SOLON PECK. aaTif GEO. W. STANTON; Assay Office & Refinery, No. 10$ Battery street, cor. Merchant, San Francisco. ON AND AFTER THIRD OF MAY PROXIMO, we will receive deposits of Bullion for Assaying, refining and Coining. Until the Branch Mint gives a preference in payments to deposits of Refined Bullion over Unrefined Bullion, <,as is contemplated by a bill now before Con gress 11 that effect.> we shall pay all depositors to United Slates coin invariably in five days after a doposis is nitde. Our charge for refining gold is 10cen*s per ounce, and S one per cent, for coinage, (being ! cents per ounce k'S than .Mint charges Uni*:ted bars will be made as usual, and returns made on thesanvday on which ihe deposit is made. Public patronage is respect f'Uiy soli: ;ed, so far as ntay be consistent with the in inrofi of the depositor JUSTH fc HUNTER. 'spM-SmMp) 1 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Fall and Winter Stock. J. M. CLARK & BRO, A RE NOW RECEIVING AT, THE OLD ST\ND, i helr uau/ ’ 1 and extensive £^. th * Fall R ”' l Wi '"" r trade, which has wen selected with (treat oars, and at the lowaat market JUL®S_ We are determined that no house in the up wuntry shall undertell ns. We would respectfully call the attention or Miners, Farmers Hotel and Restaurant Keepers, io the subjoined catalogue. STAPLE GROCERIES* G&kkn Teas— Curiona Young Hyson, extra quality Old Hyson, finest Imperial and Gun Powder. Black Tbu— Assorted u> suit all tastes, and at prices varying according to quality. CSffik—Best Old Gov. Javn. Rio and Costa Rica by the *ck. or lb,. Bovetr’s San Fran. Fresh Ground, 1 lb. peks., also Ororllle do do. Scoak—Crushed and Powdered, in bbls., > t bbls.. boxes, and by ih* lb., Fan. Fran. Yellow Refine I Cof fee Sugar. N 0 Brown Grantaied, Calcutta or China No. 1. ?ncp—East Boston, San Fran Sugar House or Golden Syrup, by the bbl. or kegs of 5, S and 10 gallons each, also by the gallon. PROVISIONS Bean*. Cal white, Chile and red. Cal. Smoked Beef. Butter, Cal fresh, ia rolls ami tins. 44 Cohben, in firkins ft kg* Mackeral. No 1 it 2. in X and X bbls and Kilts, Macaroni and Vermicellis Itaiian ft French, Carolina. China or Manilla Rice, Split Peas ft Pearl Bar’ey, Farina. Oatmeal and Arrow Roof, Cal Flour. No 1. Eastern HnxaM and Gal lego. Buckwheat Flour, ext fine. Cal ft eastern Cheese, No 1, Pork, in bbls ft bbls. 8 F Corned Beef, extra, Harrs, Oregon ft eastern. Bacon ,k 44 Lard, in 5 ft 10 lb tins, or by the pound. Codfish, extra fine, Bos'on drd Herring, in tins and by the lb, Holland salt Herring in Crackers, soda, sugar, pic pic and slop b r ead Corn Meal and Corn Starch, Tapioca ft Sago, extra qual. Hominy, coarse and fine, Salmon, pickled and smoked ; etc..etc, FRUITS. ETC Apples, dried, in X and X bbls, or by the lb. 4 * In can* and bottles, Peaches. 44 *• Peaches, drie , by the box or lb. Pie Emits, asst 1, in cases or by by the bottle. Cranberrias, strawberries. Raspberries. Gooseberries. Pine Apples and Pear*, fresh and preserved. SPICES Allspice, whole or ground Currie Powder, India, Cayenne Pepper, Cloves, whole or ground. Cinnamon ft G itiger, *• Blk ft Chile Pepper, 44 Cre«m Tartar. Chocolate ft prprd Co on. Cit-rm, dried and preserved Z-«nte * 'm-rants French Prunes, by the box or lb, 44 preserved Peaches, in glass Jars, Jams and Jellies, all kinds. in tins, Malaga Laver Raisins, in ’t, and whole boxes, French Tomatoes, extra, in tins, ETC. English. Mace and Nutmegs. Clive Oil. by c*ise or h.*t, L«mon ft Raspberry Syrup Worcestershire and other English Snnaes. Super Curb Seda, in bulk or botlle*. Irish Hops, in X- S ft 1 lb I Sap.*. Thyme ft Majoram, papers, j Pre-to«. & Merrill's genuine Mustard, Cal, French and | Yea-t Powders. PCELES AND PRESERVED IVIEATS Anchovies, French Capers, Tomato Ketchup in botllea or kegs. Green Corn, in can 3, 44 Pens Cal Pirk'es, in kegs or jars, 1-ngltsh mixed * 4 in • Olive*, French ft Spanish. Clams ft 1.. Inter?, in cans. Turkey ft Chickens • Ovate's, various brans. Pepper >« )- «*. b/ cs or hot ■ Sard.lies, j ft £ bxs, Purei'ider Vinegar, in kgs and bbls. OILS* PAINTS- COLORS. VARNISH ES- CANDLES ETC. Oil. Spcrr, Chino, Nut ft Lard. * 4 Boiled Linseed, 44 . Unboiled * 4 Pine Ben Atlantic White Lead, in 25 ft 50 lb keg«, Ohio Dust, for painting HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES Brooms, Cal ft easterns Broom Whisks, Blackin', Scrubbing and Dusting Brushes, Buckets and Pails. Market ft La Shopping Baskets, Metallic Wash Boards, Blacking for Stoves, Bread ft Mincing Bowls. Butler Ladles ft Prints, Baih Bricks, Clothes Pins and Lino 3, Cans for oils or syrups. SUNDRIES. Nails, cut and wro*t. all szs J ( ord.utre. all siz *s, Wrndow Glass ft Putty, j Wheelbarrows, Baling Wire ft Rope, j 81. cks and Sheaves. Miners’Supplies on hand constantly. Our stock of Hardware and Cutlery. Glass and Crock eryware. Wines, Liquors and Syrups, will also be found to he most complete. California Produce also kept on hand at all limes We feel satisfied that there is no house in the up-country possessing »• ore superior ad vantages and facilities l»»r giving entire satisfaction to customers and patrons. Our prices shall at ail times be as low rs the lowest, and as uniform. £7* Good* delivered promptly, free of charge. s 2"» roofs, ?p<* m Candles in bis and cartoons. Patent and ehcrn’l Candles, in bx- and cartoons. Adamantine do. various brand 3. Alcohol ft Cau pho-'P. ETC 1 em j dm*, asso’t sizes. Stone Jars and (’burns, Indigo and Fig Blue, Mops. Matches & Mincing Knt vos. Potato Mashers Rolling Pins, Oas'ile, English and Hill’s Family Soap. Colgate's ft Kingslaud’a Family Starch, Soda. Washing Fluid, in qt hot*. Sieves, iron ft brass. Segars and Tobacco ! ! AT THE YOUNG AMERICA PEG \R STORE!! J. J. JOSEPH offeis t'» the public treat imlaco men»s to call and examine bis st ek of SKGAKS AND TOBACCO, as he has the best selection «*f gonds i.i his line of to be found in lh« market—as they have been purchased of first hands in Fan Francesco. He can and will sell cheaper than any store in Oroville— Wholesale nnd Retail. (U7* Romeraber the place—Montgomery street, next to Colton A McDermott's Drug Store. a3O Pr. M. Vrooman. OFFICE —On Bird street two doors Irom the Post Offie, Theatre block. Office hours, from 9A, M,. to 12 M., and from 2 P. M. to G o’clock. Culls from the country, of responsible men, will be punctually at tended. Kates of charges the sama as adopted by the Butte County Medical Society. apl New Store, New Goods. W AXG & CO..—HUNTOON STREET, TWO MLA doors below the Theatre building. Orovlll© have just opened the best assortment of Groceries, Provisions. Liquors, Pry Goods. Clothing, Boots, Shoes. and Hats. Ever brought to Ibis market, and which we will sell at wholesale and re sail, cheap for cash, and no humbug. The undersigned would respectfully inform the peo ple of (>roville and vicinity, that hey will sell goods of all descriptions at Marysville Prices, and warrant every thing sold as represented. Trailers and Packers will do well to give us a call, as we will save them the lime and trouble of going farther below to make purchases. Part icular attention will alwavs be given to the supply of Groceries to families, hotels, miners, ft?. mh2G LANG ft CO. Glorious News !! STOP YE HUNGRY AND HEAD ! ORO- V11.1.E RESTAURANT OPEN AGAIN'! SIMON K. ROSENTHAL herewith in foims the public and his friends, that he dissolved partnership with A. Michinean on the 7ih of July, and fur he nn ore. desires to state, that he haa as •ocia'ed with himself Mr. F. Hnmmernuk, recently of the United States Restaurant, for the pur;»o»> of re-open ing the Orcrviile Restaurunt on Montgomery fh. . between Myers and Huntoon streets, where they both will l>e happy to s«*e their old friends and cus; mers. Thankful for past favors, au-.l promising io do ample justice to all. we bespeak for ourselves the generous patronage of the public. BOARD PER WEEK—IN ADVANCE, $S OO bINGLE MEALS, AO 81 MON U. Ko-KNTH >L, July 18th. V. HAMMKRNICK, Summons. CjTATE OF CALIFORNI A —IN THE DIS iricl Court of the Fifteenth Judicial District—County of Butte. Joauna Yager, vs. Rudolph Vagt.r. Action brought in the District Court of the Fifteenth Judicial District, and the complaint Filed In the county ol Butte, in the office of the Clerk of said District Court. Tl.e Peo pie of the State of Ca’ifornia send greeting to Kud-Iph Yager: You are hereby required to appear in an action bronchi against you by the above named plaintiff in the Distriei Court of the Fifteenth Judicial District in and for the county cf Butte, and to answer the complaint filed therein fa copy of which accompanies this summons* within ten days, (exclusive of the day of service) after the service on you of ILL Summon*, if served within this county ; if served out of this county, but within thl- District, within twenty days 4 or if served out of said District then within ferty days—or judgment by de fault will betaken against you. The said action is brought to obtain a decree of this court to dissolve the bonds of matrimony, existing between yv»urself and said Pianriff. and that said marriage contract l»e forever annulled, and plaintiff by decree of this court be divorced and forever freed Irom you, the said defendant, and if you fail to ap p»‘ffr and answer the said complaint as above required, will apply to the Court for the relief demaned in her said complaint. Gives under my hand and the seal of the District Court, of the Fifteen lb Judicial District, this —ml Jar of June, in the year of our Lord cue thua-oed eight hundred and flfty-eiehu . _ , M. H. PARRACH. Clerk, je-Uld By J. 11. Marplk, Deputy. Ilaaftift *• Howard, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Justice’s Summons. f TMTED STATES OF AM ERICA—ST ATI California, County of Butte. In Justice's Court, Ophir Township. The People of the State of California to GEORGE D. FRENCH: You are hereby summoned to appear before me a: my office in Ophir Township, Conn tv of Butte, or the 13:h day ot Novembet, A. D. 185 S, at 10 o’clock A. M.. to answer unto the complaint of J. P. Coleman ft Co- who sues to recover the sum of one hundred and seventy-eHrfct 63-IGO (BITS *52; dol!ars, claimed to be due from you on account for monk** had and received. liquors sold amt detivered and sundries, as per complaint filed in my c«ce when judgment will be taken against yon fur the said amoan:, tosreiher with rew.s and daroacs. If yon fa:! *o appear and an.w. r To the tdif-nifor any '' natat»ie«d 1 coon:>. iimetins Make legal service .vi a : - re.uru Uareof ‘ i ivfu u ar mv baadihlss;h ds of August, A. P. !*6S. JOHN #. BERRY, a’.o-to naliw of the Peace Ophir Towcahlp BANKING HOUSES. CHARLES H. HEDGES, 51. HANNON. HEDGES & HANNON, BANKERS. Cor. Montgomery and Myers Streets, GKOTILLE Gold Dust Purohaocd it xn HIGHEST RATES. OR FCiIWA?sSED TO THE MINT FOR ASSA.’iT or COIKTAG-B Advances Made on Gold Dust! CHECKS OS MARK BRUMAGIM & CO SAN FRANCISCO, ALSO ON MARK BRUMAGIM & CO., MARYSVILLE. Deposits Rocoivod (GENERAL OR SPECIAL.) Sight and Time Drafts Furnished on the ATLANTIC STATES AND ECKOPE. apl-tf GNO. A. EMERY, LO'.V BBo’s. & CO. GEO. A. EMERY & CO,, 43 A X Iv E II S , PRO VILLS- G-olci Dost r m-cliascd at t;:k HIGHEST RATES, OR FORWARDED TO THE MINT run ASSAY or COINAGE CHECKS OX Itow Bro’si. cfc 00., MARYSVILLE. AND OS Parrott Co ~ SAN FRANCISCO DRAFTS FURNISHED OX HOW LAND J: ASPINWALL, NEW YORK SPECIAL DEPOSITS RECEIVED, and a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS transacted. jyl Dr. J, W. Van Zandt, Oculist and Aurist, Oculist and Aurist, Oculist and Aurist. Oculist an<l Aurist, Oculist and Aurist. Dr. J. W. Van Zandt. Dr. J. \V. Van /andt, Dr. J. \V. Van Z.indt Dr. .1. W. Van 7. nidi. Dr. J. W. Van Zandt, Is treating diseases Is treating diseases Is treating diseases Is treating diseases Is ti eatii g diseases Of the Eye and Ear, Of the Eye and Ear, Of the Eye and Ear, Of the Eye and Ear, Of the Eye and tar, Medically and Surgically, Medically and Surgically, Medically and ' urgically, Medically and Surgically, Medically and Surgically AmauroeD, Cataract, A mini rods, Cataract, Amaurosis, Cataract. Amaurosis. Cataract, A maurosis, Cataract. Weakness and Inflammation, Weakness and Indummaiion, Weakness ami Inflammation, Weakness ami Inflammation. Weakness und Inflammation, Injuries from Blasting, Injuries from Blasting. Injuries from Blasting, Inj tries Irotu Blasting. Injuries from Blasting, Nervous Deafness, NwttoUa Deafueso, Nervous Deafness, Nervous Deafnep*, Nervous Deafness. Kinging Noises in the Ear, Ringing Noises in the Ear, Kinging Noise* in the Ear, Ringing Moises in the Ear. Kinging Noises in the Ear, Office, foot of Clay street Office, foot of (May street Office, foot ui CUy -.Lett Office, foot of Clay street Office, fool of Clay street Oculist and Aurist, Dr. J.W. Van Zandt. Surgeon to Charily Eye and Ear Hospital, City and County Physi cian of San Francisco in 185-2. Dr. Van Zandt having devoted his study, fur years, to the surgical and medical treatmentof the diseases of the Eye and Ear. and having had the benefit of the la r g« hospitals at home, i* treating with great success amaur osis. or disease of the nerves of the eye. cataract, ob struction of the lews, ir.ilanimations, opacities, injuries from blasts, weaknesses —also deafness of long standing, and from the result of fevers, measles. Ac.. ringing nois es in the ear. and ail defects of the delicate organ of hearing. Institute for the traatneni of diseases of the Eye and, foot of Clay street, San Francisco. blB EYS- EAR & SURGICAL INFIRMARY Hubbard & Teed, PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS. OFFICE—D street, between Second end Third streets. Marysville N. B.—* >oerations ou th»- Eye and Ear aud lh*- treat ment of their Diseases, will receive special attention J. Upstone, Corner of Montgomery and Oak Streets, Oroville. Dealer in iron, steel, springs, axles. Borax. Coal. Blacksmith's Tools*. Carriage Lumber, etc Quartz Selves, Iron Shutters and Dcor?, made to order. je>Olf John W. Tucker, IMPORTF.RE OF AND WHOLESALE AND HE •II peah r in Watches. Diamonds, Stiver Ware, Jew elrv, aud Silver-pla.ed Ware. Quartz Work of all kinds on hand. Watches repaired with care, and warranted. No. 1 4 •» Montgomery street,S*n Pranclico. -"T*persons in the interior, desirous of purchasing ar tist* ol Jewelry. by forwarding a description, accom panied by the cash, cat* obtain there, and depend on their being of the best quality, and selected with care; and there is little doubt that this mode will prove as satisfactory to the purchasers, as if the articles Had been selected under their own supervise a ocs-H Bridge & Ferry Notice. \OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAI the undersigned will apply to the Board ol Snpenri hi ai.d i. Be:**- :on: ■. a* their Nuv ;b*-r > -'ion, in ICSB, Mir a Pcttnze to eonUxct Coll a Bridge and Fer ry across the Middle or South Fork ».f river a few rods above ite junction with the > or lb Fork of said river SYLVESTER P. SAVAGE Bl ivnll TOW ;fhip. July 4th, IMS. JrT.lra SPECIAL NOTICES. County Treasurer’s QHlre, » Orotillk. Oct. 9th. 1858. } Holders of Butte County Warrants registered on the General Fuad from the sth to the 21st ‘December 1857. inclusive, and warrants No. 10. 1416. 141 f, 141|. and 1419 registered on the 224 I>eeemh°r; also ws rr»nt« No. 1653 and 1654 registered on the Indigent Sick Fund. February 4th 1858. are hereby notified that the same are now payable at this office, and after this date thev cease to bear interest. WM.LATTIMOHE, Treasujer Butte To. Dr. J, C. I’OUSG, whose advertisement adver Usement appears in another column, i a the pioneer adver tising Physician in this sMote, has cured more patients than any other. Attention is called to his advertise ment. U I. O. UP O, P, Orovllle I.odi-e, No, 59, Indepen dent Order oi Odd Fellows, meet every MONDAY Evening, in the Hall over McDermott's Drug Store. Brothers of the Order are respecllully invited to attend, J. C WKKTSBArOIIF.II, N.G I E. DUNHAM Sec DAVID WEAVER, V G. JG. B. SMITH T* J C. MALSON. P. Sec. * Colton & OUOVILLE LODGE NO. 103, p, A. 51. The slated communications of Oroville Lodge F. A. M., a-e held on the last Sat 'unlay «-f each month, at the Masonic Hull,over Colton &. McDermott's Drug Store. D. A. BROWN, W. M. A D. R*!•«. Sec'v. f ABLE MOUNTAIN LODGE No. 144, P. & A. 51/ THE STATED COMMUNICATIONS ol Ta ble Mountain Lodge, So 124, F. & \ M , are held at their Hull in Oroville, on the Even ings of the first Tuesday of each month. CHA'S F. LOTT, W. M. J. H.Makpi.k, Soc’y- je2Sid(ffgin ouo telegraph like. Orovillk. August 16. ISSS. On an I after this date the rates «*f tariff for dispatches over this line have been reduced. aIS I!. G STOCKTON, Sec’v, MISCELLANEDUS. P. & U. FARRELY, «m*IIOLKSALE AND RETAIL DKALERS IN CKO v v ceries. pr visi ms. Win> s and Liquors. Ale. Dor ter. Itc Thankful to <ur friends for their pi si liberal favors, we respectfully solicit a continuance of the same, and flatter ourselves that we can sell as cheap, mid give as good satisfaction a& any other store in the city. l ire proof brick store. Washingtou Mock, Myers St., rimville. Goods delivered free of charge. jelS Roman’s Book Auction! Salesroom—No. 114, Montgomery. Between California and Sacramento Street-*. SAN FRANCISCO. 4 UCTHIN AND PRIVATE«AI.I!g CATAf.OGCK /u Embracing llbiorb Biography. Explorations, Travels, Adventures. R**l gion. Th -ology, Bibles and Prayer Books. Poe’ry. Th.* Drama, Kiel! »n. F.«sa»s, Bel e-Letlres, Art-* amt Science-, Doun Stic and Political Econoiny, I lustr. led Books and Annuls. Natural History. ALSD —Many New and Works just fr«*m the Fivss ' slBra2 Money Advanced! Q\ TO AN V AMOUN T , AT BF.DUCEI) \ RATES OF INTEREST, on Watches, Din- CAmonds. Guns, Pistols, and every kind of val uable property, by 11. MYERS, Fir*'•-proof brick, W;n*h hinglon Block. Mye*S street. I have constantly for sale, forfeited pledges, coi.lsisth.g of gold and silver \\ niches. Rugs Breast-pins, Pistol*, Ac , Ac, wh : ch lean and will s« II at New York prices Call and satisf* yours Ives be tor* paying exhorldlant charges elsewhere. Silver watches for >7 50 and warrantedj or twelve month* as correct timekeepers. au27 Select School. C. A. .MEIGS&, SIIS> C ATHERINE It M. 1.. CURTIS, intend opening a S KLK<’ I SCII> OL in the public school house, at Oruvilie, to commence on the first Monday in October. TER M > : Fore mmon English Branches per month $5 00 For the following Branch* s esln *.»* r month. ..2 50 Natural Fhilosoph 'Physiology.*. Geometry. Trigonometry. Botany, luudl- ctual Phil*s>;.hy, Laiio Grammar. .Mias Cl Rl'iS will also give lessons on the Piano and in Drawing. Advanced payments will be in variably require!. Oroville. Oct, 1858. 02-tf Attention, Smokers! ll’E CALL THE ATTENTION OF TilK PUBLIC ▼ v to our large and w* | se'.ec'ed stock of Hcgars, To bacco. Snuff. Flay ing Cards. Pipes, Fm.ff and Matches, which we can and w?il sell : s cheap as any house in ihi* >tafe. Cur Motto is. ‘-Quick Sale* and sma I profits.” Terms—Cash. 11. 108 C- CO. Montgomery Block, Montgomery street. jysa tf Lager Beer I Lager Beer! M 3 CON KM) TEMPI. BS CITY BREWRV! JWe ere i*onr prepared to manufacture Lager I Beer of a .-upewe-r article—the material used •being conducive t«» health and of invigora liig quality. ll*del keepers mid Saloons will he furnished at all times. Call and See us, and try our beverage. C. TEMPER Oroville, Feb. Slh. 18jS. THOS. BOYOB, ADVERTISING AGENCY N.E.i>raer I mlgo nerv and Washington Sts ,SAN FRANCISCO. Autb. o r i m o d ;cut! BUTTE RECORD, QROViLLE, Republican, Shasta; Citizen, I) *wnieville; Piumas Argus, Plumas; Tribune. Sau .Jose; Herald, luburn: Courier. Yankee Jims; Union iepyocrat Sonora; Californian, Oroville; I ndependeiil,San A nd reas; Placer Press, Auburn; Democrat, Cachevllle, Gazette. *faii Leandro; Amador Vaa’.incl,4ackson Messenger, La Porte; Heral l, Crescent City; Democrat. Mariposa; Sentinel, Santa Cruz; Chronicle, Yreka, El Clamor Publico}* 1 Angeles; Herald, Benicia* Courier, Columtuf; Sentinel, Jackson. 0 T Standard, Portland, 0. Argus, Oregon Cily,o. Messenger.Corvallia.O. Times, Portland. O. T. T.: T; T ; Pea-Vine Ranch For Sale! CII ANCK FOR A R \KGA(N ! The valuable property known as the PE WINE RANCH, on . i'll th,- American Valley Road, about 20 miles above Bidwed. is offered FOB SALE. It i* situated in a good mining locality, and i* an excellent stand for a Hotel. Possession given April Ist, 1859. Apply ou the premises to WHIPPLE Ac ALLEN. Pea Vine. August 1859. tf United States Restaurant RE-OPENED THE undersigned b• - to inform the cifizeis of oroville and no community 'y; ,r«-i»»-ly, that they have ::gais» associated , ;»>s in busines*. »n • recommenced on t’-e -s**- of their old stand, the LNITUD STATES RE FA CHANT, which w e have Rtir i ami furnished in If.t* Ih-i iin.-' »*o9*ib!e. aid which we shall seek to make l~&~ The Bk*t Eating House in Grozin ! To suit onr*e!ves to the times, we have fixed our pri ces a* 6»l»o*s: Board, per week, 8 8 00 Meal. N. B.— We have weli arrange ’ I.oDGINuS connected with our Res:aurant. WEISS i tIA.M *!EHNIOM. Sept. 25th, If r WATCH! WATCH 1 HAVE JUST RECEIVED, UIHECTfmm San Francisco thelarfeft flock of WaTCH KS AND JEWELRY ever bnmghuo Oroville, ind it is well Wurth the attention of persons wishing to purchase, to call on me before purchasing e'se shere I have averythtng uusuaily kept in this business, in abundance, and am bound to eedi ai very low figure*. r, j7» jewi*lrv of all kinds made to order Wa»ch4es repaired car**ful!v at.-i warranted KosonThai's old stand. D**u’l forget the name. April 1, 1d57, Oko E. SMITH. Tell it to to the People I HAT GEORGE E. SMITH, HAS FCLL-JKWKL JL ED GiH.D Hunting Ca»*d new Lever WATCHES, warranted to keep good lime for one year, for only #5O each September 10, ISSB. New Goods &. Fresh Stock JUST ARRIVED AT CURLY'S BRICK 9E6AR Store, career Montgomery ard Wyers atreel*. — CURLEY respectfull) infonsa hi* fnenos and the public in general that he ia u«» w enabled to supply them with the choicest ass ortment of SUGARS. TOBACCO, PIPES, GENERALLY fN HIS LINE OF BUSINESS, And at such prices that will satisfy the wholesale merchant or retail smokers —that he -has the traps properly set” in San Francisco to receive ibe choicest assorlnießt of aegars and Tobacco that cut be bought for cash, on Ihe arrinU of every steamer. Give me a coil and *ou waive** at CURLEY *B, vva.-i.<bgiott Hi'Ai.eor. Moatp*m«r> and Myers street, Oroville. OUAX. CREAM T AKT AK, TA Ri A KIC ACiD For sale by COLTON A McDfcRMOTT. B BUSINESS CARDS. UH- J. B N OWEN, OFFICE—On the western side of the Plaza, imme diately opposite the rear end of the Court House. »8 3m . srauaoAME, *. DUELING AWE A MYERS DENTISTS, OFFICE —ln Mathews* Uriel Building, on Uunioon street, betweei Montgomery and Bird streets, OROVILLB. HENRY A GASTON ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC. OFFlCE—(Temporarily) with Jsdge Wells. Court Uou.-w. east side Plata. j s- ROSENEAU9S, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE—With J. B Barker, Ssq n eaat tide of Ike Plaza, opposite the Court House. aug4 GEORGE WATCHMAKER E SMITH, AND JEWELER. Montgomery street, between Myers ana Hun toon Streets Orovillle. ALL KINDS OF JEWELRY made to order—DIAMOND WORK and other Precious Stones set in beautiful style. GOLD AND SILVER v . atch* Fv* * C*,Chaius,Gold Buckles, Pons, Clocks, l** •’»/ Ac., ic., for sale. “ ** AT*TIES REPAIRED by myaelf p*~wnaliy. and warranted. Don’t fo»vv h'- name. At Rosenthal! s t Id Stand GEO. E. SMITH, d2S HENRY 6ATEYIKAN' GERMAN PAINTER. Miners’ Alley, East side, between Duntoou and Myers streets. Oroville. my 7 MATTHEW J PURCELL CONSTABLE. vv~ Office with Justice Donaho, Myers street. Pai lieu tar attention paid to the collection of Notes, Bills, Accounts, &c., Ac. RIINARD H FARLEY ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, NOTARY PUBLIC, REAL ESTATE AGENT AND CONVEYANCER. OFFI E—On Uird street, north side of the Plaza u3l P. MAGUIRE CONSTABLE, CODLECTOR AND REAL ES TATE AGENT. Houses mid Lots fur Sale or Rent. OFFICE—With John S. Berry. n 2 D W CHESSMAN ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, ( >rrrrr—First door west ui the Post Office Oroviile, April JU, 185 H. EDWARD DONOHUE, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. OFFlCE—lluntoon street above Bird, opposite the Court House. 06 BURT & RHODES ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS aT LAW, Oroviile, Office, —Bird street, in Burl’s new brick building, up rtairs. o!3 CHARLES F LOTT ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Oroviile Butte Co. Ornric—Bird street, between Myers and Iluntoon. |y 14-tr THOMAS WELLS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Oroviile, Butte Co. Special attention given to the marching of County Records,!» realisation of Titles. Ac..and to the drawring Deeds ami ail instruments for record OFPICE-rHuntoon street, opposite the Court House. 8-45 JAtVIES O'BRIEN. M D Particular attention paid to chronic diseases, and all others common to this country. Has had large experience in hospital and family practice, and con fidently hop js for a share of public patronage. Or rtea—At the County Hospital, Lynch burgh. ■2O JOHN S BERRY, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE OFFICE—Bird street, three doors above the Butte Record office. MISCELLANEOUS. TURNER BROTHERS, Manufacturers of TTRNER’3 GINGER WINE. RUPS. CORDIALS, BETTERS, Ac., At New York. Buffalo, N. Y , and c an Francisco, Cai. C 1 ACTION TO THE PUBLIC —THE REPUTATION J awarded to TUUSJEIt’S GINGER yFINE. and the unhead of popularity it has received, been the means of putting into the market many spurious articles. BEWARE OF THESE BASE COUNTERFEITERS. fiF'D therefore caution all consumers of GINGER WINE to examine the lain;!, a* none is genuine .save such a.-, have our portraits in u circle on a steel plate and surrounded by the inscription—"TUßNEß'S GIN GER WINK, prepared by TURNER cBOTHERS, New York, Duffa u N. Y., and San Fr.ncisco, Cal.” au*Jo TURNER’S UNRIVALLED VEGETABLE BITTERS. riIHESE BITTERS, MANUFACTUED FROM THE Jl choicest medicinal roots, barks and herbs, by TUR NER BROTHERS, are warranted to be the best nos- in use on the Pacific coast, and cun be taken with perfect safety by persons of all ages and conditions; as a cure for FEVER AND AGUB, Flatulency, Dyspepsia. Cost i vetoes*, or Heaviness. General Debility, Man sea and Headache. Irregularity of the Digestive Organs, Nervous Prostration. Neuralgia. Rheumatic / Sections and moat of the ills that flesh is heir U>• Turner’s Vegetable Bitters will be foued by all, not only a cu rative. bui also the BEST PKEVENTITIVE EVER INTRODUCED IN CALIFORNIA. Tliis article will abide all chemical tests as to its purely vegetable properties, and at the same lime it is guaran teed to be an Alterative of Tonic, superior in every par ticular to all Bitters that hare been in use in California, and the manufacturers challenge proof to the contrary, ami, with perfect confidence as to its purely vegetable and medicinal properties. TURNER BROTHERS. Manufacturers, au*2o-8;n Market street San Francisco. WHAT CHEER HOUSE, San FranciscoJJ •A JF YOU HAVE BUSINESS OF ANY KIND TO transact, is it not important that you should en deavor to get as near as possible to where business of ail kinds is known to centre ? Do you want to patronize a house conducted on strictly temperate principles? Do you want to patronize an establishment favorably known throughout California. Oregon, and all other places, for i:s moderate charges, good and the best of beds, together with order, comfort, convenience, and su perior accommodations? If you desire all there, we advise you to go to Wood worth s What Cheer House, 87, 89 and 91 Leidsdorfl street. 119, lil, gar ramento street. This e-lab ishment is centrally located In the business part of the city, ami in the immediate vicinity of the .-leamship Co.’* offices, and the United States Branch Mint. Board perWeet, $5 50 per Day, 1 OO Meals. 50 Lodging. 50 to 75 Single Rooms furnished complete, 75 cent* per night. Rooms or Lodgings can be had by the night or week, with or without Board, to suit the convenience of all. Tb»* bed*are filled up in the very best style. with pat ent French spring*, and the host of curied hair mat tresses, clea.) bedding. Xc. Superior Bathing accommodations connected with the blure. Shower Baths Free —<T; free pa-vige in the Omnibus to and from the boats l.ook to the name on the Omnibus to avoid imposition. By unremitting attention and untiring efforts to fur nish the greatest amount of comfort and convenience at extremely low prices, the proprietor hopes to merit a con tinuance of the increasing patronage that the \\ hat t. l»eer (Ruse at present enjoys. For the accommodation of miners and others having money or valuables, there are two large safes intbe office. There is an extensive Library and Reading Room, well ipplied with pa ers, periodicals, Ac. Travelers will please to remember that there are no runners connected with this establishment THE HOUSE IS OPEN ALL NIGHT. jel4-3a» K B. WOO WARD, Proprietor. Ice, Ice! Ice!I Ice!!! PURE AND CLEAR A 3 CRYSTAL. —THE UN den-igned are again prepared to furnish the citi zens o» Oroviile wjth the very neat quality of ICE. on he most ruas<4iahlft terms. A !arg“ supply constantly ton hand. Orders left »i our office >n\ Miners* Alley* between Myers and iJnotooo streets, promptly attended to We have the most perfect facilitie* for supplying he els, saloon* aod famihe • with any amount <!e»ired May 3d J T DICKEY 4c CO. MISCELLANEOUS. Sheriff’s Sale. BT VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF FJCE' Ac tion issued out of ‘he District Court of £ht* 4 h Judicial District in and for the countv ofSan F;:»* c sr. and State of California, to me directed and u-i •. , i commanding me to make the sum of nine hundred t i two 21-100 dths dollars, with interest thereon at v rate of 10 per cent per annum till paid.and all of uit taxed in the sum of fifty-three 75-100 dths dollar* ind all acruing costs on said writ, wherein Alexander Able is plaintiff and Beverly C. Sande and Charles .1 trenham are defendants. I Lave levied upon and will expose at public sale to the highest bidder for cash hi the Court House door, in the town of Oroville. countv of Butte, and State aforesaid, on Moi<<l»y tin* I*| «««>• °fX«Ttml.rr, A. D. IS-18, at 1«,, o'clock ‘ * of day. of the right tit e and inter ->t of the above named Charles J Brenham in and to all that portion which lays in Butte county and St «te of Cal: r nia. of the following described piece or p arcel of land known as the Rancho Slano Sec-, situated in th-c„un ties of Butte and Colusa, and State afort-Ud and -r • particularly described as follow- to wit- c.-inn - - . point on the Sacramento rieer about one a"„d one bait tmlei sopth of the fourth standard parallel north at the sonth west corner of the Farwell Rancho. ~„1 runni thence north sixty eight [6B { degree- ca>t ah -t thr. ~ hundred and fifty [3so] chains to the Mt. Diabl o Mere diap. thence south five hundred and thirty seven him : sixty five one hundredths (537 65-100) chains*:!.- 1 west two hundred and thirty and sixteen one hundredth (230 16-100] phains to the Sacramento river, thence ur said river with its meandering* to the place of b irin- ' ning. containing in all about seventeen thousand three hundred and seventy six. and thirty one hundredth [17376 30-100] acres of land more or less, tegeth r w i all and singular the tenements and anpurtena; ce thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining to -aid interest—it Wing the said” land granted to Sebas’i n Kayser. April Ist A D 1*44. by Simeno Govern r ad i;i- ■ terum of the Department of California, and on the 4'i day o( October A D 1845. by Pio Pico Governor of .-aid' California, and approved by the depaitimental of California. October Bth A D 1845, ' ' Reference being had to the documents and maps on file m the office of the United States Surveyor Generals office of California and particularly to a deed of c n veyance made and executed by John F Po—e on the eleventh day of April A D 1850. conveying to the'- i. i Charles J, Brenham. five undivided'one bundled and eighty sixth ot the property above described. „ N D. PLUM, Sheriff Butte Co. Oroville, October 9,1864. Sheriff’s Sale. IJ*’ virtue op a decree a.voor. <,er of “I®. issued out of the Pimriot Co'irl in mi I for Butte Cotiiuv, apnnst J. J HI.KINK, hi .1 i„ : , of JOStl-H GLUCKAI F. foe the ? mi. f three hundred and twenty seven dollars, with interest aid cos*, specified in said order, crmmandiiig me to s 11 the pro-t -erlybereinafier described 1-. -atisfy -.-. id demand, I will on Saturday the alxtli clay of .V»veiul»ct A. I). 1858, at 2 oclack. P. M. in trout «.| r ~ ■ ■ House, in the Town of Oroville, •'ounty of i. - - at public sale, to jhe higln-t bidder lorca h, Dm : V erty dessert bed in sai<l onh r of sale, as f ; The easiefily one-half of lot number twenty-tw ■ J. , laid down on the map of the Town of Oroiille, nou- . ~ tile in the offios of the Recorder of Butte Conn*' ivn r a front . n tne north side of Robi n -:■■■ . three (*3) feet, and and thirty-two (132) «. el, <! ly nfi ing a lot owned and occupied *by one B. N. s.’\,*, ;ir • also, one certain lot In te • Town of Bidwjp, nV.d cribed as folk ws: Reg oulag at the a of w hat is known as the George Buckley i t on Chur’ street, in sai l Town, running up said f L..r'.-- -•. . r two hundreod [2oo] feet, thence pack in an p -■ reetkm from said Charles street R.T. Va lot tleoee in a southerly direction two but Ir feet, thence thence w- ste’rlv to the point < f t> - : ».,»• ® on said Charles street, together with all ar.d -1 auliir tenements, hereditaments, and nppurtennnees th, r . ; i belonging or in anywise appertaining, all of which i - i - erly is situated in Butte Ouuiv. California. N. I). PLUM, sheriff Butte County. Oroville, Oct, ICth, A. D. ISSB. Justice’s Summons. TTXITED states of America—state ot California—County of Butte...ln Justice’s <. un Cascade Township. The People of the St it -"f « ; .| , r . nia, to JOHN GILDBRSLEVK greeti'-g: Von are hr by summoned to nppeae before"n-e, at my office, in Cas cade Township. Countv of Bulle, on the 30lh d n ot Oc lobcr ad , a. I the complaint of JOHN K. MOOR CAR &. Co . who sue to recover the sum of fitly three and twelve ton : dollars fur wate had and received out of the ()ld Di-mu ion dilen. said to be due from you, when judgment w i'l be taken against you forthesai-1 amount, together u i i» costs and damages if yeu fail to appear and answt r. To the Sheriff or any Cnnstalile of said Count-. - , greet g: Make legal service and due return hereof. Given u:; my hand this IJlh day of Oclyber, A 0. Irss. JOHN KEYES, Justice of fhe Pence of said Town- 1 ip. It is hereby ordered, that Venice ot summons la* :•;,<{ in this cause, by publication of tliu same f< r two w after the 15th dav of Ociolier A. 1) 1858. in the W- eklv Bttte Kkcord newspaper. Wlines- ray hand h;- 1 li day of October A. D. 1858. JOHN KEVE-4, J. \\ Summons. STATE OPCALIFOR.\T \ -l\ THE Dis trict Court of the Fifteenth Judicial Di.-trie:: --- - ty of Butte.—ANN SAUNDERS. Plaintiff s -. CHAR LI > W. SAUNDERS. Defendant: Action brought in th ■ Di trict Court of the Fifteenth Judicial District, and the complaint filed in the county of Bjtle. in the office of the clerk of -aid District Court The people ».f the State of California, send greeting to CHARLES \\. SAUNDERS: You are hereby required to appear in an action brought against you by the above named pi- ri tiff in the District Court of the Fifteenth Judicial Di trict, in and for the county of Butte, and to an-w, ; the complaint filed therein, (a copy of which accompa nies this summons) within ten d*y>. (exclu-iv** of th day of service] after the Service on you of tni- sum raons, if served within this county; if served out .-f tiii county. but within this Judicial Di.-trict. within twenty days; or if served out of -aid District, then within forty days—or judgment by default will be taken again.-* you. The Said action is brought to obtain a decree of divorce from the bonds of matrimony now exi-ting - tween you ami said plainUff. and if you fail to a- i. and answer the said complaint as above requin J. t , . plaintiff will apply to said court for the reli. f in her complaint demanded, and for judgment for costs ot -u:t. Given under my hand and seal of the Di :>:<•: com t of the Fifteenth Judicial eighth day of October in the y:ar of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty eight By order of District Judge. M. H. DARRACII. Clerk. HI Oct 9 58. Scientific American. —VOLUME FOURTEEN BEGINS September ji. 1868. Mechanics, inventors-. Manu facturers and Farmers. The Scientific American has now reached its fourteenth year and will enter up»n a new Volume on the lllh of September. It is the only weekly publication of the kind now issued in this country, and it has a very extensive circulation in ail the States of the Union. It is not. as some might sup pose from its title, a dry. abstruse work on techr>al science; on the contrary, it so deals with the at events going on in the scientific, mechanical and indus trial worlds, as to please and instruct every one. If tilt mechanic or artizan wishes to know the best machine in use, or how to make any substance employed in his busines*—if the housewife wishes to get a recipe for making a good color. Arc—ifthe invenior wishes to know what is going on in the way of improvements—if the manufacturer wishes to keep posted with the T mes. and to employ the best facilities in his business—lf the man of leisure and study wishes to keep himself familiar with the progress made in the chemigaJ labaratory. or in the construction of telegraphs, steamship?, railroads reapers, mowers, and a thousand other machines and appliances, both of peace and war—ail these desiderata can be found in the Scientific American, and not else where. They are here presented in a reliable and in teresting form, adapted to the comprehension of mind. unlearned in the higher branches of science and art. TERMS—One copy one year, 52; one copy 6 months. $1; Five copies six months. {-4; T-n c«pi»*> - s month-. $8; Ten copies twelve months. $l5; F fte*-n -■< p e- 12 months §22; Twenty copies twelve months. S2S, ::i ..1- vance. Specimen copies sent gratuitoa-dy for inspection.— Postage stamps taken for subscriptions, Letters should he directed to MUNN fc CO . 128. Fulton street. N, Y Messrs Munn A; Co. are extensively er-krtg*"! in procuring patents for new inventions, and will a ivi.-- inventors, without charge, in regard to the novelty of their improvements. #25 Declaratory Notice. STATE OF CALIFORNIA, C OUNTY OF Butte. SS. I Farah Maria Derrick, wif • - f i: F. J» rick both of Oregon town-bip. county of Butte, an 1 Btate of California, do uereby make this my lion, that I intend to carry on and transact 1■ i. buying.and selling personal property and real ■ date in my own name and on my own account, ar.d in the t . i ness of mining an-1 quartz mining in v>-:. L in ches. and from the dare ot this declaration I will be ;n dividualiy responkihle in ray own nam • for all < contracted by me on account vfani in any w i ted with the business aforesaid, and I further « . Ur-* that the amount of money invested by me in \.d bu.i. ness is less than the sum of five thousand doll.; , £. M DERRICK. ! STATE OF CALIFORNIA. COUNTY OFBUITE. -S —On tliis .seventh day of October A D. one thou-and eight hundred and fifty eight, before me, ii. A, a Notary Public, in aud lor said county of Butte, per sonally appeared, 8 >I f Derrick, wife of K. I Derr k, perMinally known to me to be the individual de.-cr; 4 in and who executed the foregoing declaration, and be ing by me first made acquainted w .th the content- of the foregoing instrument upon an examination by tne had separate and apart from and without the bearing of her husband, she, the said S, M. Derrick acknowl edged to me that she executed the i-am**. freely and voluntarily, and for the uses and purposes therein men tioned without fear or compulsion of undue influence of her husband, and that she does not wish to retract the execution of the same . . In witness whereof I have hereunto set r.:/ J L.S. > hand and official seal the day and year in this * *eertific ite written, 11. A. GaSTON. Notary Public in and for Butte County, Cal. Oct 16 58 Notice to Tax-Payers Tax Colukctok's ‘ rru a, ( September 2<». 1858. ( Notice is hereby given to the tax-pay era of Butte county, that tne Mate and Lou-.ty Taxes for the year \. D. ISSB, are now due and pa. able, and that pursuant to Section 13 of the Revenue Law of 1857. an additional five per cent wii. be colic, cd upon all laxua remaining unpaid after the third Mon day ot <JcU»ber next. Notice is ;.lso I at the laws in re ard * - p «• lectioil of lM*» WIiJ «■ - U> eii <• •• - i tj.-hce h «trs—i r- ,n 1 -3 . \ . from 1 w iircfock. I* every day »* if .- cept Sunday. Lfiioe in the Lour: 125 Tax Collector Butte county. LEGAL N( >TICES. Dissolution. Notice. IS n 5 1 \ ;i> -•• r -*• \ • isting h.*tw»-en t’ uii t •Bl • o dissolved by mutual consul of . . - Company ’ Kl'b- C* W I’Ri ItTT. J r OX« : : VN. r J WEI>H. per J\> I M \ L v.V. ally H 1 OOTH - Justice’s Summons. 'LO S' Ti>wm*h : .f, T . t* Janies Harlow., ap|M?ar bed n- m of Butte, on i e o’clock A. >T. .■> rr.y. who sues to rarest on the sai ini'n’.h from day ■ I Marc If I7;h 1* gment will b< yon fall to api Constabler| and due return b-.v day of Aureal, \ I> " “ Justice •*. end * taken aulS Justice’s Summons. ITS iTKI) ST AT 'r\ ■: ■ ..- r \TK OF •' Cal:;..ruin, C y . . ■ in *s Four. Ophir t'» v> -!;!:> T ■ . : red i. ■■ s **»i ' ’ VV T . I. , . Martin. Pit r Sho tn : Fra l :,.i i 15. ; d «.e<»r«e Thompsoo i'.r a tuned !•• *r belt rente, daj ‘it-- isOpl ii tm i »•.bblj • I Butte, on the AV.h d; of S-pt- ,r. \ H l -,>. at 10 O’ci ck, K. 11.1 nwwer onto ■ j Jen* kins, who mi.** l t » recover !> sum ol on** hundred and eighty-?i\ doliarrai.d -ixiy-two rents cl d t.i to be dm* lr»>m Silvan S id, :»• d W j| S on » pr r i -■ rv note dated N. v-Tohcr - JV. ivb-. and to oMain a decree oi 1 to wu: n»at i i«c« ■ parcel of land ti ... r« r-- title, county >r ! *. «•: « .ikon . knew nas the easterly forly f.-ot of lot one t:j L-lo.k N ». t'.vca!/ extendii gforty feeli Bfo. I dred a; d thirty two f.-oten Pine <tro< the matte HIS filt.J.i • A the Judge rah-j ‘ creditor.- ot to bo an 1 a. day of N . A. M. Of to.' !. Ville, in u.o any they have, v." B ail hisdebt- :i : ;; hie in the clerk'. • all loyal jam- d;T . . . order «f .-mu oiiia Bv order oi : ~ . t:i W ] L. 3. [ court ak • ( S. Ro-U nEAWM . . oct ‘J dud Itoruey lor ■ Fifteenth . th day of < f M 11. DA. I’ctiouer. I Juatiee’; Summons. 'XiTEB •- - ■ A’ - S <*!' .* h ‘ -> ; Oph rT - n ? t■. Alex I, 1 to appear 5». i County of nt fO «i'c'a *k A. Mason, who s chiiroetl '■ h ■ « y*»" from ! i w ill he taken ■ w i h .• wer To <Jn*<Tinc: M:. *' ren ua ■ ••! ISSB. Ju*t Ins ol vop oy Ff oi i f •:. tat a ? r o' ■ r 11 , >- r Buna l*.- ■ i muter of VT. h. r v-, hr* cr»*t ! if<.r-. said Dlstrici Court, then- f, at c■ * . 11 I) lS*>e X,.;, f-aid \V. f. >-a appear hefot cr the •nitre Fourkv. on ' her, A I) "• that da-’ at tire Co i • n they have, v. ny sir* t>e irraniet% and h • ! debts and llKbilit; s in ral ! Court. I, i said insolv< nt for t ►aid schedule, he sU cou»-t *>( record Jo, District Jo-I : • at s p; r EiL Tims, . ‘. i Insolvency r id N v . • . of Klijah llant, Jr. order of the ID-n. 1 ti 01 ’ • ... to all the ’ .i ;o he r.-n-l app-ft 1 ; -aid. in open dm-:, her. A. I». 1 • court r< i>m of • i ! and there to . v . er <■! said i.. sfgamert of his r from his deb*.- as a i i \> feS ■ ay . M. 11. DAHR.VCH. Cb’rk F.innty Court Halt • co . HvrrisA Howard, Att’ys. Summons. CTATE of c\mi ;iSi.\—in t; n m-rn. t M* Coll i of ’.»;e 1 ; ! .»• 11.-ial l> , ( • • Butte. ELIZA J Hot; EUS rs. B B. ROGERS - u b-ought iq the I»i trirt r. urt of ho llih Jn ’i ~* i , r and the Complaint fi oftice of tlie f’lerk -d ‘ i the Pt.iO- ' f Ctki;' -■ • You me h-r i r .r- ’ rgainyou i• F , ■»>. \. ; Court of tie- nt Fiji-. . county Butte, at I : . a. - ... (a copy of w hich a< r>. • days, (r*xcl-5 ivo of V !.i . on vim of thi.-= . • i;■ > ■ . !■■ - served -*ul of th. • c- u:' tv. ’ trict, wiii..a twiuiP - tbcu wi:h:n forty da —-,r taken aeab.-t % u. Ti e . ~i nuled, that she m.a. } mo .y, and to o’ j : rtisburvmeiu.' of iki- .. ther rebtf ~n:y i < and answer i’ • ; I c plaintiff will a; ; Lj • plaint deni’ ‘■iv. il • of ft . Tin : • • W irict. In lie c- : filed i Notice to L.e.. gMI LL HO IT ?! VY < ‘ « >Ol5 rt. - ■ i under p. .V - e IB ..... t th lau ild < d h<‘ r S,’' p; s i acts, on Hi t o**rt m • t nuroben* five urei “tx, Butte County. Cal i ift: r i J . < said b on Mo«; . . Fifteenth ‘ .:-:y H House in C'rov.iM, tuoa there I / u>- j and adj iu ca* -1. By \. B. Caps Oroville, Oc:< her 111. . i . Justice’s . rj t'M Ll) MA ilw -• fl t€ Of tice-s court, j. • r T > ; tb ... ■ Caldorma, to J:,u. u.. .. ” -. - f Ophir Tow». reo'.xr. Al> IV-.s, p, •. . _ ... the c«mpla.:at oi ■ . : . vx - . . ..... . .. sum of two hufidred ded ■ • ... . • J. UeMotl au4 Alaxa- - . • \ eculed by you ... , ■ ; . the 9»h day #.f , u ...>, ri ful peiforman >o Assessor of Butte cou*. - .. voenjul.ui *-a aga-n-t you for the >wi. ..i. and dan>age-». .fyon f.'i to a. e- Sheriff or any ■ *k* . ■ f • l*lpid service and 1 : r : baj.d Hu- 1 *i,... 1 3 Ait »1, U Cp-iX-l - Xk.'- Lt i tz -*4 U * . • • « 1 a