Newspaper Page Text
BUTTE RECORD.! The Power to Rule. The following poetical effusion, written by Don Pedro IT, Monarch of Brazil, is not very bad to em nate from a man in that position. TNe publish it in order that it May rea h the eye of our venerable Chie! Magistrate, James I,Monarch of America: If t am pious, Element. just, I’m ''illy vrhat I ought to be, The sceptre is a weighty trait, A great responsibility; And he who rules with faithful hand, With depth of thought and breadth of range. The sacred laws should under.-tend. But must not at his pleasure hange. The chair of Justice is the throne; Who takes it bows to higher laws, The public good, end not bis own, Demands his care in every cause, ycglect of duty—al* ays wrong— Detestable in young or eld— By him whose ! lace is high and strong, Is magnified a thousand fold. When in the east the glorious sun Spread- <' r the earth the light of day, Ail kn ,w the enure that he will tun, Xor wonder at his light or way; Bi t if, perchance, the light that blazed I dimmed by shadows lying near, The startled world looks on arnueed, Aral ' ach one watches it with fear. 1 likewise, if I always give To vice and virtue their rewards, But d" my duty thus to live; Xo one hi- tL inks to me accords. Hut, should I tail to act my part, Or wrongly do, or leave uud"ne, Sarpri-ad, the people then would start. With fear, as at the shadowed sun. KcKibben and Johnston. The following card appears in the San Fran cisco JKrahl : To tiik Public.—Two anonymous publica lions liave recently appeared in the columns of the National, respecting a misunderstanding which has arisen between the Hon. Jos. McKibbenand Geo. Ten John ton. Esq. It is obviously improper that an affair o', the kind should be obtruded on the public attention, but as the publications in question arc marked by undue personalities, with an evident politi cal intent, and as they contain several flagrant errors which are calculated to prejudice the reputation of an ai ■ :it party, wo consider it to be our duty to , tier a brief and temperate reply. it is true that Mr.McKilbcn and the under signed, on the day named in the National, pro ceeded to the county of Marin, with the view of holding communication with Mr. Johnston ; but Mr. Me Ribbon [v, give his own language] Had no idea of prejudicing Mr. Johnston in present position, only sought in the course he pursued, to relieve himself of misrepresen tation. Being compelled to leave the State c.i the steamer of the 20th inst., he was un willing that Mr. Johnston's action should re main altogether unnoticed.'’ But it is not true that the “friends of Mr. -McKibbcn express! d a r/ut anxiety to obtain be identical pair of pistols used in the uufor • rate affair between Messrs. Johnston and t urgason.” It is not true that Mr. McKibbcn and his nds knew that Mr. Johnston was in custo ■,'y when they loft this city. And it is not true that any person was re i .cited to convey -a peremptory challcnfe’ to Mr. Johnston. Knowing that “the public always remember ■ charge and seldom the reply,” we must i: vertheless. say that only one letter was ad cs-cd to Mr. Johnston, and that was simply . communication of inquiry, couched in the ■ rost unexceptionable language, in it nothing was said about a challenge,and Mr. Johnston's t lend was so informed and as-ured. Surprise is txpres-ud ia the National that ■ long a time liouhl have elapsed before Mr. , Ribbon Icldcomiimmeati-ia with Mr. John ■ a. In reply, wo do not consider it necessary ay more than that Mr. Mi-Ribbon's pledged ; .itical engagements, and Mr. Johnston's i abscenco, render'd snob communication /..rely impracticable. V>"m. A. Addisos, On vs. Kincaid. San Francisco, Oct. 21st, 1 tmS. Southern Papers on Douglas. The Memphis (Teun.) Appeal says of the ■ .test ia Illinois : It is a contest of vital importance to the aocratie party, for if that pa;ty should lose i' msylvania and Illinois, it would in all prob .dry be unable to elect its candidate in the ■:t Presidential contest. It i- a contest in ■ L i he New Orleans Bee says : Witness the reeklc.-s, unjustifiable and nn .. donablc a.-.-aults ttj on Dottgl.-.s. Suchmoon , ;ck madiu such desperate attempts at pC al suicide are almost inconceivable. The . tocracy ara not sufficiently environed with . but they must wantonly court irreparable ruction. Suppose Douglas is defeated, . becomes of toe Illinois Dem cracy, aye, of that immense mass of Democrats in hi ,a, I’eunsylvauia, Now Jersey, 4c., who _k with him ? '.'he New Orleans True Villa, referring to 1. Douglas’ efforts iu Illinois, says: lie principles enunciated by him in his al ; daily speeches to the people of that State, such as to form the political cree'd of the . ucratic party. ■ bis hostility begins to be regarded as the ring of a jwtsonal vindictiveness, that is ■g to sacrifice the integrity of the Demo ■ party and its hopes of future success, to isleat and humiliation of a great Demo ■ : ■ statesman. Among the possibilities re ig from this most strange anil unnatural upon the Little Giant is this, that vrbeth . etorious or vanquished in the present gle, he must necessarily rise above the ad circumstances w hich surround him, and the speculations here and there uttered s being iu IbGO, either the candidate of , tcmocratic party of the Union, or of that h of it which includes the Western yet a few with;.-, bigoted, or reckless licious Democratic organs are doing their r worst—which is fortunately little—to the Republican Lincoln over Douglas, an of obloquy both in the North and the . So much malignity and so much stu . are rarely exanipled in the annals of s. But such malignity is rendered harm ■ such stupidity ; that is no little conso- Portsmouth (Va.) TVoti' ript says: re very anxious to witness the defeat ;blicanisr;i in Illinois, by honest means, impossible not to see that its triumph ireise no small influence on Northern -cutiment. Between the most promi thc aspirants for the vacant Senator true Democrat can hesitate ia choos- Tect of the overthrow of Douglas will t range the two branches of "the De .in Illinois, so that the restoration to will be almost an impossibility. The on. it may reasonably be anticipated,, id to other States, and it is by no iprobable that the breach may be eral enough to seriously interfere with ■es of a successful campaign against auisni iu the next Presidential Con or Schools. —Superintendent Janes muai report, states that the expense ol ,ic schools of Sun Francisco, for the year, has been $lO4 502 43. Washington T>fxttep.ino ms Farkwbm- Address.—A lady over eighty years of age, now residing in Philadelphia, in a letter to a grandson in Washington City, gives him a de scription of Washington a- be appeared when delivering his Farewell Address, which she heard. She savs, ‘'Gen. if ashington s dress was a full suit of black. His military hat had the black cockade. There stood the ‘bather of the Conntrv.’ acknowledged by nations the first in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his conatrymen. No marshals with gold colored scarfs attended him ; there was no cheering, no noise : the most profound silence greeted him. as if the great assembly desired to hear him breathe, and catch his breath in homage to their hearts. Mr. Adams coveted his face with both of his hands ; the sleeves of his coat and his hands were covered with tears. Every now and then there was a sup pressed =ob. I cannot describe Washington's appearance as I felt it. perfectly composed and self-possessed fill the close of his address; then, when strong nervous sobs broke loose, when fears covert d the faces, then the great man was shale, n. 1 never took my eyes from his face. Large drop - came from his eyes. He looked to the yonthfuf children who were parting with t! :r father, their friend, as if his heart was with them, and would be to the end.” rgl I! F- Cl OT.l> K \ PRIZE. M the golden prize. Tin: GOLDEN' PRIZE. THE GOLDEN' PRIZE. THE GOLDEN PRIZE. THE GOLDEN PRIZE. THE GOLDEN PRIZE. THE GOLDEN PRIZE. THE GOLDEN PRIZE. THE GOLDEN PRIZE. ILLUSTRATED! ILLUSTRATED ILLUSTRATED! ILLUSTRATED EVERY WEEK. ILLUSTRATED EVERY WEEK. ILLUSTRATED EVERY WEEK. ■ ILLUSTRATED EVERY WEEK. SPECIMEN COPIES SENT FREE. SPECIMEN COPIES SENT FREE. SPECIMEN COPIES SENT FREE. THE GOLDEN PRIZE ILLUSTRATED I ILLUSTRATED! The New York Weekly Golden Prize is one of largest and let weekly papers of the day. An Imperial Quarto containing eight pages, «>r forty columns, of entertaining original matter: and ele gantly illustrated every week. A gift worth irom 50 cents to $ >OO in Gold, will he presented to each subscriber immediately on re ccipt of the subscription money. One copy for one year $2 00. and 1 gifts One copy for two years 3 50,and 2 gifts One copy for three years 5 00, and 3 gifts One copy for five years 8 00, and 5 gifts AND TO CLUBS Three copies one year. $.5 00, and 3 gifts Five copies one year 8 00, and 3 gifts Ten copies one year 15 00 and 10 gifts Twenty one copies I year... .30 00and 21 gifts The articles to be distributed are comprised in the following list: 2 packages of gold, containing.. .s.‘>oo 00 each 5 do do do 200 00 each 10 do do do 100 00 each 10 Patent lever hunting cased wathes 100 00 each Gold Lockets, bracelet Broaches, Kir Diops, Breast Pins, Cat! Pins, Sleeve Buttons, Rings, shu t Studs. Watch Keys. Gold ami silver Thimbles and a variety of other articles, worth from fifty cents to $l5 each. Immediately on receipt of the subscription nvuiy. the subscriber's name will be entered upon oui subscription bi»<;k opposite a number, and the gilt .arresponding with that number will be for waiitcd, within one week, to the subscriber, by all or express, post j aid. All communications should bo addressed to BECKET & CO., h ami 40 Moffat Building. 335 Broadway,N. Y. *% Specimen copies sent free. Agents wanted. Specimen copies of the Golden Prize maybe seen at this office. 1-yw Diseased Humanity. fMIHE Blood, Heart, Brain, Intestines, Sinews, 0 Nerves, the Fluids and Semi-Fluids, and the whole Physique. The gl »*niv hypochondriac, the dyspeptic, the uerv >;:< debilitated and feeble, the over-doctored invalid, the billi>::- and liver diseased sufferer, the gourmand, the debauchee, the intemperate, and all who super ill health— SHOULD PAUSE AND THINK ERE SICK ness v< rfakes them, f*r then worn-out nature sue to Death, because .-lie has not strength tc re-Li. Vo/. Dr. Jacob Webbers invigorating Cor 'b.:! causes stnncth—that is its main quality. The ; : r-t operation Tonic, the partaker feels then that Sedation is caused—his skin is damp, his limbs supjde and active, he feels a wish for exercise, am knows he ha- strength to endure it. he is light spir ited ; hi< >kia becomes clear, his eyes. too. because hi-liver is made active, the bile neutralized or ejected, and his blood thinned and purified. It he ha— rr *• ji -tomach, this acts as an aperient, noi oiherwi-e. Again, it immediately relieves belching prevents an a- cumulation ot wind in the stomach The sioniucli. the great receiver of disease and it> cure. I will r. >w enumerate a few of those dis eu-es where I have seen Dr. Webber’s invigorating Cordial at m --t beautifully. General derange men • vi/. Uluru za ci climate, long su. kue.-s, the use of mer cury. or being other-vi-e over-doctored, from abuse 1 nat , :r»*. and her laws, by drunkenness, gounnan • i Ur bauclnoy. and other c\ esses, trembling h.-wr and ague chills, rheumatic. neuralgic and other pains in the body or limbs, wan* of appetite !■ • Memory, -nr or billions stomach, tick ling in the cars, tic doloreux, etc., etc. i v reader is conscientiously assured that thL ready ex-. iiuary panacea i- all it is represented and i> not one <<f the nostrums of the day. Let the •del i a n*3 :t uml they will be thankful lor having warranted to be uninjurious to the ; i -i delicate constitution, nr to either sex or age to contain no mere nyij- other mineral. It is put up, very highly c uiccntrated, in quart bottles price $3. two i t $5. Sold by every respectable Druggist in California. lieware uf • ouriterieits. Buy only quart bot ll*and m-o that the names of f. Jones and J. Wenbor is blown on the glass,and on the top of each lab 1. N >ne other is genuine. April 1 ’>, Is*>s. dm T. JONES. WHO WANTS FOB. ONE DOLLAB White Tech, & Purs B-eath, Lustrous Dark Hair, & a white ne Comp exion. I.AKt ’XT's .1A M .IT! ASt IA P ROOT This aiimi rable Dentrillee—o plainly the finest ever made give- a pearly whiteness and polish to the teeth; if lathers and cleanses the mouth, tongue, and har dens the gums. Its aromatic qualities purify the biaath and haves a tine flavor in the mouth, price redii' cd l" *o cents. JOS'E s' ('ORAL HAIR RESTORATIVE .— READ ITS REAL DUALITIES! Jt is* clear oily preparation, it softens, moistens and invigorates the roots, and so acts on the bulps of the roots as to force the hair to grow and cause it to assume a dark eolor, and In a short time te prow naturally dark fi\uu the toots, and although it dresses tlie hair clean and fine, keeping it soft, dark and silky a ong time, it is not greasy, and does not stain the clothes, price reduced to 25 Jt 50 cents. PDiPLKS, FRECKLES, SIXIU RV, TAN, eruptio s. -alt-rheum, son s, in fact every cutane ous defect is removed and the skin left smooth, clear and tine as a child’s, by—at the reduced price of .0 cents—Jones' Italian Chemical soap, h<»r shaving f*r washing, ii its real worth were told. Jones soap is worth more than its weight in gold. It is emolient, healing and cleansing: it makes a ri'. h. lasting lather: it cure- ail eruptions, sores or redness; it makes decolored skin white, solt aud white.—Price redm-ed to 25 cents. Fho -c -uperb article are sold at the above price, at every respectable Drug Store in California—Pro prietor A wh. de-ale Agent, T. JONES. I*3 Mont gomery st. san Francisco. d2B-3m. Sheriff’s Sale. BY VIRTUE OP \ DECRETAL ORDER ..f sale issued out of the District Court of the Fif teenth Judicial District, in and f*;r Bntte «’oanty. and SiiV of Cwlifurrd t. ag.lrst M. D. LAS WELL and in fax or cfE. H. RAIL, f r the :aa of three hundred fourteen dollars, <s3l4 (Hi) wilh int,-rest thereon at the rate of three per cent, per month front the rendition of lodgment until paid, and ail costs of suit, taxed iu the sum of *en d«-li*rs, and all accruing cos’s on said order, tome directed and delivered, commanding me to sell the mortgaged premises hereinafter described to *ntisfj sv.i I demand, I will, on Monday, the 11th day of October, A. D. D-58, : the hour of J -V; P. M„ of s«id day, sell ai public sale, to the highest bidder for ca»h. the prop-rty described in aid order, as follows, to wi:; Commencing on Montgomery street, seventy-nine fee: from the northeas; corner «»f lot n amber sixteen, <l6? in block number nineteen, (19) ns the same is laid out «.o the map or {dan of the Town of Oroville, County and .Slate aforesaid, on file in the Ceunty Re* C' -rder s office of said County, running thence in a south erly direction one hundred :>e*. thetice easterly at nghl aatcles twenty teet, thence southerly at right angles thir -y two thence easterly at right angles twenty -four le*ct. thence northerly at right angles, eighteen feet, thence westerly at right .lutes twenty feel, thence northerly at right angle* to Montgomery etreei one hundred and fourteen feet. thence aloo-j; said street lo he p ace of beginning twenty-four feet. The above sale to take plsce at the Court House door in the Town ot Ornrille. County aad State aforesaid. N, O. PLU>f. Sheriff Bmte County Qrori’ 1 *- September 18th. a. I>. ISSB. MEDICAL. Physic til and mental Debility. In do portion of the Unite! States are so many ex ample.- of Physical and Men's I decay to be met with as in California, wh- re dissipation runs riot. The true rea son, it seems to us, lays in the personal neglect of health which soon in curcl ruale becomes a confirmed habit Nothing is so dangerous, and with a view of checking this great evil, we would call especial attention to the advertisement of Dr. L J. CzaPKat, in another column of this paper Unlike the majority of advertising phy -'ichtiis who are generally empirics—Dr. Czapkay is a gentleman of rare scientific and medical attainments, hav ing hell the disti quisled poiiiim of Chief Surgeon in the Hungarian array, and possesses the necessary req ni si es foi fhe successful jr.-ecutiou of his profession. To his care and advice we would especially commend all --,rt ring from sexual or private disease-. which branch of medicine h.* has made hi- exclusive practice, feeling assured that in al) such complaint-, whether arising from inf ciion, self abuse, or loss of viiiliiy, he can guaran tee a speedy and permanent cure The many testimonials he has received, p r'icuiariy of the astonishing cares he has ttf -clcd in r• storing systems almost entirely wrecked, from the p riiiful effects o i Physical and Mental debility, speaks volumes of his skill, an! we cheerfully recom mend him to the public as a skillful physician, in whom every confl len.e can be placed. oc9-tf D 8 X- J CZAPKAY S PRIVATE MEDICAL AND SURGICAL INSTITUTE. Sacramento street, below Montgom ery, opposite Pacific .Mail Srearaship Company’s office. Sat. Fnn -isco. Established in 1834, for the permanent cure of all private and chronic tit-ease , and the sup or* rsion of quackery. Attending and re-ident physician L. J. CZ U'K AY. M. D.. late in t!ie Hungarian Revo lutionary War, Chief Physician to the 20ih Regiment of llonvedu. Chief surgeon t »the Military Hospital of Pes.h, Hungary, and the late Lecturer eu the Diseases of Wo men cud Children Communications strictly confiden tial. Pern!men cure guaranteed, or no pay. Consulta tion, by letter or otherwise. free Address. DR L. J. CZAPKAY, San Francisco, Cal DR. L. J CZAPKAY returns his sincere thanks to hi- numerous patients for their patronage, and would ink*- this opportunity to remind them that lie continues to consult at hi- ' nsi.l r.e for the cure of ull forms of t>r»- rale disease*—such as syphilis, gonorrhoea, nocturnal emif scions, and uli the consequences ul self-abusd In the rrvt stag srf s', pliilr.ic or gonorrh®:»l disea-es, he guarantees in *1 few days, without inconvenience to the palit nt or hindrance to his business When a patient, by neglect or improper treatment, nas developed the secondary symptoms of syphilis, such us buboes or pain ful swelling- on lh«* groins, or ulcers in the throat and nose, which, if not checked, destroy the soft part- and cause the b nes to mortify, separate und come away, leaving thesnflh-rerhideous to behold: or when blotches and plm, les breakout on the skin,or when he has pain ful swellings upon the b nes, or when his constitution is injured s> us to pre-disp‘-se to consumption or other cmi stnu ional disease, the doctor gu*. ran tecs t cure orusks no compenea’h n. In rheumatism, chfonic or accate; in dysentery or di arrhoea, he Ims safe and effectual r< inedies ; for the treat n ent of let* consequences of selfsabuse, such as noc turnal emissions nervousness, Imldity, headache, pains iu the back a 1 Jiiuhs, with general wakin «.°, loss of up petite, less of memory, ii jury to the sight. restK -snes*, coniusion of Ideas,dislike tor society, and a fee ing of wearine s of life, with the nervous sy»;era so excitable that slight noise- .shock or startle the patient, making Ids existence mi.-eruble. Ft r the above maladies the doctor will guaran'ee a cure or a.-k no compensation. Do can be consulted lice of cha;ge, and invites all to fail, ns it w ill cost them nothing, and may be much to their a :vantage. Office hours from 9 a. m. tu 'J r m. Remark..blc Instance of 3l«cHoal Relief. Relow we publish the certificate a of two of the puff r er- from the tangs of disease who, having recovered their former health, and Impelled by gratitude, make known the! cases and feme linl ugen r , and their state ments are authenticated by a Notary Public The tie mauds of society imperiously counted their publicity, and we comin nd their peru-ul to the attention of all ufflicted : Thaufulness i- the Incentive to Gratitude. Certificate. The undersigned, desirous of acquainting those who may be unfortunate enough t«»*be similarly rltlicted, where a permanent relief of their sufferings u.ay be ob tained feels it hi- du y to thus publicly exprt ss his rno-t Sincere gratitude to Dr. !, J. Czapkay (or the permanent recovery of his heal.h. Horne down by th. distressing symptoms im identic the vicious practice of uncontrolla ble (ttisii u iu jouth ; depressed iu body und mind, un able perform even the most trifling duty imposed upon tho daily av. cations of life. I sought ih * advice of many physicians, who st first regarded ojr disease as of trifling impjrtauc ■; but,ala-! after a few weeks and iu sever al instances months < f their treatment. I found, to my unutterable horror, that ins’cad of relief, my symptoms more alarming in their torture ; and, being told by one that my disease being principally confined t<» the I rain. m**dtciues would be of litt’e consequence, I de*s paired of evei regaining my health, lirenglh and energy; and, as a lasi resort, and with hut a faint hope, called upon Dr Czapkay. wtoaftei examining my case, pre scribed some medicine which almost instantly relieved ran of the dull pain and dizziness in my head. Encour aged by this result, I resolved t> place myself immedi ately und r his cure, and by a strict ob. d euce to all ids dlrrc'.i i. and advice*, my head became c ■ ir, my ideas collected, the csn-tat.i pain my back an! groins, the weakh .-a of my limbs, the t e.vuus reaction ol my wm>ie body on the sli-btest adim or exeitsment; the misan thropy and dull for boding*; the s»*lf-di-t-u land want of confidence in others; the i capability tos'u ly and want of resolution ; the frightful, exciting, and at all tonus pl. ii-urahle dreams sit night, followed by involuntary discharges,have ull disappeared, and. in fact, in iwo months, alter having c« n-ulle 1 flie doctor, I f-lt as if in spired by a i.i'ff life—that Die which, but a short lime ago, I contemplated too d with my own hand With a view lu guard the nnfortuna't from fall ii g into the snares of Inc in pe ten I quacks, I deem it mj duty to offer this testimony loth - merits and skill of Dr, Czapkay and r.v oinr.iend him to all who may stand in need of medical advice l eing Ha tred by my own experience, that once under his c re, a radical und permanent cure will be ef fected. li. P. Fillmor K .-Rite ol California, County of Sin Francisco. Sub scribed ami sworn to. before me, !his ITth day of April, a i>. 1856. (signed) Jour Middleton, Notary Public, [l. s ] Card.—Prompted by an honest desire of my heart, I wish to lay before the public a case which deserves a c.’inm lelatio'*, not only as an ac. of scientific skill, but lb.;l of humanity also. About two ye;.re ago. I sudd nly. and from c uises unknown t > me. was selz d with « fit of epilepsy, which, owing to my inability to meet the ex pens ■- consequent upon a thorough medical trenlment, and the disconr gemetu whi h I met with on attempting it s on becan e hi. h (as I was then led to believe,> as to defy (be sk.ll of any physician I was frequently, while in the pursuit of my calling, thrown down t • the ground without the Plight-si warning : and although in sensible to the rgonfes, I yet • espised the of inf life, and soon learned to look upon those who would render assistance or shelter me from d inger, as < nemies wh.> sought to prolong the existence of my nvserie-. While in sb;s state, at d h: v;ng, previous to my afflict ion, lasted the sweets of life, I once more was induced to attempt seeking aid nt a |eysi inn, and by recom met da tic it, calk* 3 epon Dr L. J. Czapkay. I told him of my circum-tancHs. an! of my in«M ity to reward him for his service*—regardless of which, however, he at oi ce undertook my ease, end with the blessing of God, I was once raoio ns’ortd to perfect heailh. Unable to re wan I him for the boon which I tinjoy fit present, and yet donscioiis of rny m ebtedneas, 1 consider it due to m sell and all afflc’.ed, to make the case pu lie. in order that those in need ol medical advice in ;> find a physi cian in whom every cougdence con be placed. Meyer Yablonsky State of California, County of Fan Franc sco, as:— Sworn and subser b d to, before me this Ist day ot Au gust, a d. 1*56. Gilbert A. Grant, Notary Public. Spc; mater- hoea, Or l-wal woa\ nes j , nervous debility, low .-plritn. lassi tude, weakness of the limb-and back, indisposition and iucaprbillty f->r labor and stu ly, dullness of aj.prehension ..f memory, aversion to society, love of soli ude, timidity, self-dlsirnst. d zziness, headache, involuntary di-c urges, pain- in the sihe, affec-ions of the eyes, pimples on the face sexual and wther infirmatics in man yre cured by the Justly celebrated physician und surgeon, f- J. Czapkay. tiis met bed ot curing diseases U new lUnknown to others) and hence the great success. All consultations, ly tetter or otherwise, free. Address. L. J. CZAPKAY, .M. 1)., Fan Francisco. Certificate :— T, the undersigned. Governor of Hungary. d'» testify hereby that Dr. 1.. J. Czapkay h i- >erv**q du ring the contest of Hu gariuu liberty, as Chief Furgeon in the Hungarian array, with faithful perse.erance a hereof | have given him this certificate, and do recom ** il him t«* this sympathy, attention an i proterti >n «>f idi those who are capable of appreciating patriotic self sacrifice and uiule-.rved misfortune. K>>-sl'th La jos. Governor of Hungary. Washington Cil*, Jan Cth. 1852. The Greatest Dl*>covery of the Age! Greatest Bl's.-ing t<> .Mankind!—lnnocent but Potent! —Dr, L. J. « zapkay’s Prophjrlact.cum, (self-d sinfecting a!ient,> a sure preventive against <io»or»-b«al and >\ph ih’.icul di-eases, and no unsutpaseed remedy for all vene real, scrofulous, gangren ms, and cancerous diseases, fmtid cischarges from the vagini, uterut and u*ethra a d all cutaneous eruptions ami diseases. As inuociila lion i- asuie preventive again- 1 small p*»x, so is Dr. L. J. * xapkay s Hrophylociicum a preventive sgainst syphi litic and gonorrhoea) diseases. Harmless in itself, it pos s -sse- tlie power ot cbemiculy destroying the syphilitic virus, and (hereby savi.,t» tbo isands of debauchnes from being infected by the m-»«t loathsome of all dtsea-es no young man who app.eciat. « heal h be without Dr. Czapkay s lt Is in very convenient packager, andtwill be found con\euienl f- r use. being used a- a soap. Price, five dollars. F.-r sale at. Ur. E J. Czipkay - hrivale Medical and Funrical Institute. Sacra menu* street, b**ojr Montgomery, opposite Pacific Mail Company’s office, San Francisco”. All letters must bo addressed to L. J. Czapkay. M D. Fan Francisco. To the Ladies of California. L. J. CZAPKAV, M. D , Physician. Surgeon and Ac coucheur, invites the attention of the sick and afflicted females laboring under any of the various forms of di eases of the I ran, Icrgs. heart, stomach, liver, womb, blood, kidneys and uil diseases peculiar to their sex.— Ine Doctor is effecting more cures :han any other phy sician in California. Let no false delicacy rre vent you, but apply immediately, and suve yourselves from painful sufferings and prtraaiare death. AH married ladies, whose deheste health or other circumstances prevent an racrease in ibeir families, shouid cail at Dr. L. J, C z;tp s y s Re iical In-: it me, Farraneut.. -treet, below Mont' - unery, <<pfv»-it Pacific Mail Flearoship Company's office. Jpan DtoeiKo. and they will receive eve j p r-i biU help. All cwoaaitattoßS, by letter or other wise, free Address L. j. , ZAPKAY, Medical Institute, Sacramento street, below .M- n gom ery. opposite Pacific Mad tf-.eamship Company's office. Fan FVaocisco. NEW BAKERY. llantoon Si..adjoining Theatre Block. WHF.ftK I KEEP CONSTANTLY OX hand Ri ▼ ▼ Pies and Cakes, also Butter Crackers. Will supply Sal HHis and Families with Lemon. Ginger Bei*r, on reasonable terms. A share of lae public patronage is solicited. ... .. G. LAMP, ProprieD Oroville. * v MEDICAL. DR- J- C TOUNG IATE PROFESSOR AT TOE PENNSYLVANIA -irnir-r-hy. can be found at Ibe old stand, corner of Montgomery and California streets, San Francisco. where lecan oeconsulted private!) and v* ith the utmost con idence bv the afflicted at all hours daily* from c A. -i.« until P.M. (Cures always guaranteed or no pay re out red. Voand man, hare rou contracted that terrible disease which, when once seated in the system..will surely go ‘rom ono veneration to another, undermining the con stitution and sapping the very vital fluids of life? I>o not trust yourself in the hands of those mushroom quacks dial start up every day in a city like this, and fill the pa pers with abominable falsehoods.too well calculated to lec ive ihe young and those who are not-posted up” in the tricks of foreign and domestic I posterg. You cannot be too careful tn the selection of a physi cian, or a remedy,i n these cases. Von should apply to a man who has had ample experience, and who potsese es true skill in the ueaiment thereof. Such a Physi cian is Dr. 4. 0. VOL*NCI, who has treatad and cured more cases of such diseases than any oxc man living to day, in this or any other country His offices were the first that were opened in this city for the exclusivetreaU meat of private diseases. His diOerent publications have been re-pahlished in almost every country in Europe, and are now acknowledged aaslandard ourown medical col leges and the profession throughout the coun try. Hr YOUNG, by recent improvements in the healing art, is enabled to effec. cures in a few days, wpliout mer cury ->r a change of diet, under a challenge of $5OO. Married persons, or those contemplating marriage being aware of physical weakness, should consult DR. YOUNG. Young men—especially who have become the victims of solitary vice, that dreadful, fascinating and destruc tive habit which fills thousands of sick rooms with para lyticand consumptives-and hundreds of untimely graves with its misguided victims, should consult, without a mo men Us delay, one who will sympathise with their suffer ings, and cure them for a moderate compensation. In deed, he who places himself under the care of DR.J.C. YOUNG, may religiously confided in his honor as a gentleman, and confidently rely upon his skill as a Phy sician, acknowledged by ail the wealthiest and most res pectahle portion of our old inhabitant. OFFICE—Corner of Montgomery and California .sts. IMPORTANT TO MINERS. TRAVELERS, ETC. fllliEßE is no malady of deeper importance. In a ■ medical or moral light of view, to which the hu man family is more liable Iban tbnt arising from im pure connections. 08 medical man it is the duty of every physician to look at disease as it effects health and life, and his sole object should be to mitigate, as Taras lies in hie power, the bodily suffering. Human nature at best is but frail, all are liable to misfortune. Of all theills that affect man none are more terrible than those of a private nature. Dreadful as it is in the person who contracts it. frightful as are its ravages upon bisconstitulion,ending frequently in destrucGon and a loathsome becomes of still greater importance when It is transmitted to inncccnt offspring. Such being the erse bow necessary it becomes that every one Having the least reason to fear that they have con tracted the disease, should attend to It at once by con sulting some physician, w hose respectability and educa tion enables him to warrant a safe, speedy, and perma nent cure. In accordance with this necessity. DR. YOUNG feels cal led upon to state that, by long study and extensive practice, he has become perfect master of all those diseases which come under thedenommntion of venereal, and having paid more attention to that one branch than any other physician in the United Slates, he feels himself better qualified to treat tb«-m. Syphilis in all its forms, such as ulcers, swelling in the groans, ulcer in the throat,secondary syphilis, cutaneous eruptions,ulcerations, lerlunry syphilis,syphilis in chil dren. mercurial syphilitic affections, gonorrhea, gleet, strictures,false passages, infiuinationof the bladder and prostrate glands, excoriations.tumors, pustules, etc., me as familiar to him us the rrcsl common things ol daily observation The Doctor effects a cure in recent cases in a few days, and finds no difficulty in curing those of lone du ration. withontsuhinitting the patient to such treatment as will draw upon b m the slightest suspicion, or oblige him to neglect bis business, whether within doors or with out. The diet need not be changed, except in cases of s vere inflamation. There are In California patients (amounting to over two thousand in the past year) that could furnish proof of this; but these are matters that require the nicest secresy, which he always preserves. All letters enclosing $lO, will be promptly attended to. Office hours from 0 A,M. to 8 I*. M. Address I YOUNG, M. D, Express Buildings, corner of Mont gomery and California streets, over 'Veils Fargo & Co.’s Express Department. S NEWARK OK IMPOSITION.—fn consequence of P the wide-proud celebrity of DR. YOUNG, numer ous imposters have sprung into existence, pretending to be period masters of the healing art. and have succeed-, ed in imposing upon a few of the unwary sufferers. — Persons wishing to consult a physician, should be very careful how they put confidence in I lie published state ments of such charlatans, for they are as unscrupulous in such statement* a« in their practice of medicine, ami a very unsafe to trust. They will first deceive you by false certificate* procured from *• drunken loafers.” who perjure themselves to get money to satisfy the cravings of u diseased appetite. When such Quack gains your condenee, he will then dose you with rn rcury and other poisn -us drugs, and after they have robbe 1 you of your money and injured your constitution, lb* y will cast you off with the charge that you have not followed their dree'ions. The only wav to avoid such imposters, is to consult Dr. J. C. Young, the Pioneer Advertisiag Physician of Ualifornia. At a meeting of the Medical Faculty of this Stale, called to Investigate the source of malpractice that has caused so much suffering in this country, it was unanimously recommended that all the afflicted should consult Dr. Voting, as he was the only regular physician new advertising in California, all others in his line be ing quacks and imposters, and are net to be trusted The afflicted will please Uke notice that there whs not a Ptwpician at the meeting who h;.d ever heard of a sin .'le case of malpractice from Hr. Voting, white not one of them but had seen a number of cases from the for* ei'dn quack?, who so vauLlingly set forth their pre tended virtues in the puolic prim?. The above facts should be borne in mind by all seeking medical assistance Thank heaven, thev are getting thoroughly exposed, and it will m>t he long before they will have to 6y the country, to avoid the just indignation of on outraged public Then will all good people tbank Dr. Voting f. r liis continued efforts to banish quackery from our midst. DR. YOUNG can be consulted from H A 8 P.M.. at his office, cornrrof California and Montgomery streets, over the Pacific Express office. San Francisco. Ail letters end- sing the usual Ice of SlO, will meet with prompt at tention. '1 Ml ERE ARETIIOUSANDS in thisStnte suffering for 1 want of scientific medical treatment, and yet fear to apply to a Physician, because they have been decei ved, or their friends have been, by some of the charla tans who infest the community, and w ho publish them selves as good physicians, p rofessors, elc. To all such we unhesitatingly recommend Dr. J C Young, ns a Phy sician in w hom all can place confidence, lie is a man of eminent and profound study, a good surgeon, an hon ora hie gentleman, who can sympathise with persons in affliction. liis landing us a Physician and gentleman are both guaranteed—the first by bis medical works, which are an honor to their author, and the extensive and highly successful course of practice with which he has been honored since his advent in California, and the latter by his numerous patrons ana ot ac quaintance*, REMEMBER—That Dr, J. C. Young’s office for the [realmi ni of Private i* ;it the corner of Mont gomery and California ?fs„ San Francisco. BE - EMBF.R—That Dr. Young wants no patients hut iho*e fully capable of appreciating and distinguishing the ■•ervices of a regular, thorough bred phvsio an, from ,he paltry unlearned and trifling quack. REMEviRER -That Dr Young N ■only regular bred physician advertising to cure disease - >f imprudence. REMEMBER —That Dr Young’s remedies and treat ment are entirely unknown to all others, prepared from i life spent in the great Hospitals of Euaiul. and the first n this country, from pure chemicals 1 imported. Dr. GuysotCs Kvtract of Yellow Doc k ai*il Sarsaparilla in fjUflr f bottles the Great hirificrof the Blood—Not a particle of Mercury in t—Let the afflicted read and' ponder. An Infalli •!e remedy for Scrofula. King’s Evil, Rheumatism, dbstinate Cutaneous Emiptions. Pimples or Pustu ■ Gff on the Face. Roils, Blotches, Chronic Sore Eyes, Ringworm or Tetter, Enlargement and Pain in ' lie Rones or Joints, Stubborn Ulcers, Syphilitic disorders Lumbago, Spinal Complaints! and all diseases arising from an iniudictons use of Mercury, mprudence in Life, or Impurity of the Blood. This great alterative medicine and Purifier of the blood s now used by thousands of grateful patients from ill parts of the United States, who testify daily to he remarkable cures performed by the greatest of ill medicines, GUYSOTT S EXTRACT OF YEL OW DOCK AND SARSAPARILLA. Neuralgia, ihenmatism. Scrofula. Eruptions on the Skin, Liv Diseases, Fevers, Ulcers,Sores, Affections of the Kidneys, Diseases of the Throat, Female Com plaints, Pains and Aching in the Bones, aud Joints are speedily put to flight by using this great ant ne? tunable remedy. For all diseases of the Blood lOthing has yet been found to compare with it. It leanse< the system of all impurities, acts gently and efficiently on the Liver and Kidneys, ant strenthens the Digestion, gives tone to the Stomache makes the skin clear and healthy, and restores the Constitution enfeebled by disease, or broken down by the excesses of youth, to its pristine vigor anc -trength. Forthe Ladies, it is incomparably better than ail the cosmetics ever used. A f*w doses oi DR.GUYSOTrs YELLOW DOCK AND SARSA PARILLA will remove all sallowness of complexion bring the roses mantling the cheek, give elasticity to the step, and improve the general health in a re markable degree, beyond all the medicine ever heard of. The large number of Certificates we have received from all portions of the United States, is the best evidence that there is no humbug about it The press, hotel keepers, magistrates, physicians, and public men well known in the community, all add their testimony,to the wonderful effects of this great blood purifier. %ir Be careful to buy none but that which is put up in QUART BOTTLES. Colton A McDermott. Agents for Oroville. Park A White Genera! Agents and importers for all valuable Patent Medicines, 132 Washington st., San Francisco. auio-Jmia. Notice to Lien Holders, ATE of CALILFORMA —County of But e._Di«- tnct Court. 15th Judicial James E. Caine et al. vs. D. C. Downer el al. Whereas the above named plaintiffs having cummer-'"d an action in taW Court against the said defendants tor the foreclosure of a cer t-run mechanic’s lien held and claimed by said plaintiffs, upon that certain building, lying and being situated in the town of Uiovilie. In said count) and State, and known as the Theater building located on the corner of Hunt on and Bird Btieets io said town and occupying a part of k>t* numbered (I) one and (*2> two in block (3) th*-ee as laid down on the map ot the town of Oroville on file in Recorder's offiae ot Butte county. Notice is hereby given x> all persons bolding or Liming liens upon said hereio >efere described property, to present iheis sail liens before the said Court on the first Monda> of November A. D 1858, then and there to make proof of the same * 82-sot D. W. CHESSMAN, Ally for plaintiff. OFFICIAL. 33 Y AUTHORITY, tww [So. 2.] R List of Letters EMAINING IN’ THE POST OFFICE AT Orovilie,October Ist, 1858. Andrews A F Andrews A B 3 Anderson Wm Arnold D A Armstrong W Ayres A S Abbott John Adams J 0 2 Aikin Wm N Alexander 0 B Bail II J 2 Bennett A Brown J B Ballon irer E Boon M A Brown John Baker Alfred Bowers Wm 2 Brown Harrison Bales Simon Boyd S A 3 Brown D L Bates Martin 2 Brock way W F 2 Brown S F Bath A L Brinkley James Buckner J C H Bennett X F Brady A B Burgess II B Beckett Michael Brooks Miss V A Burge Joseph Berthline Joe Brabant Nelson Burroughs Bernard John 2 Bredsford K Buddman II Billows E P Brown E P 2 Barnes O E Boyington G F Brown Ezekiel Carknerd W 2 Carcnan W Co mow Wm Chambers Th Carvelho Alex 3 Chester J D Carlile Daniel Cambell E B Callison TO 3 Can tin J 11 Carmichael S Caulkins S Childers W II Clancey A Collins Charles Cable Charles 2 Coriely C Cook D M Colton Sidney Clarkson S II B Coffee Ira Clevenger T P Caffer David Crosby G W Craig R M 3 Cuuiiiugbams W Drum A J M Clark Alfred Cockrill C Cameron DoualdCockran J II L) Davis W J Delapp S J Davis W Devenport M B Driver John Davis Mrs Ange- Dory J A Dutton Geo W lina Dickey Derius Duffy John Darling Thos. Dodson John Dukes WH 2 Dick John Driscoll Cornel's Dooy-er Jen Doyle Edward E F Fisher Chas 2 Fish S . Eagar Chits Eade T T Eckert Mrs L A Field S W Eckert Hiram Field M H Idwards (I S Edwards John Ei.-enhart I) Englist Wm Fielding J W Fin lid Wm Forbes B J Fleming John Estabrooks Ed 2 Fass Thos. Fisher Wm N Fay Edwards <; H Haley Dennis Ilaviland Win Halley John Hall Sohn Gafferny Thos Gartland Pat Garraty W II Gallagher Ed Gallagher Anth’yHall H R Glue kin J Godfiey Benj- Gor.-e Madam Goodheart Geo Gaham B T Grimes Chas Grow John Griffin J J Hast in J J Hast in J P Haynes Halsted Wash Forman Tlenrick Fogg J B Foster A J Foley Miuhael Foley Lawrence Fuller Jasen Fuller E Furnald D A 2 Freeman Wm French Chas Hightower A S Hicks Walter Hilton J W 1 lorusman Henrj Hopkins Thos Holmes John I Howes Matliew Houser Cal P Houser A G Hancock J II Hathaway C P Hay David Harris T II 2 Hanscum Chas SHoaley Patrick Hern Thoe Hoover James Ilenegan MrsE a Hurley Denis Herning Danl Hudson II J Healey John llua-kiu Abram Hetterman Pat Hunter James Hennings Aug Huber Miss L Hightower J D Hull J A 1 J li Irwin J B Jones Hiram Ingels Miles Justus Morgan Irammger Sami oXlavana Denis Ishmael Win Kallcnburg TucoKurraan rat Johnson Wm B 2Keho Henry Kavary Chas Johnson E N Hern John Kunttle Anton Jones Thos Kelly Mrs. Mary ij ?i Lamaste M F 5 L'-veMr. Larns Oliver Long S Lamereaux A S Lowery George Land C’ as Lynch Wm Langley T D Lund John S Lain A W Lyons T B Lake G M 2 McCoy Wm Leonaad A S 2 MeCrady Caleb Leech F McCafierty Pat McNeil Mrs. lira Love John McDonald Chas Me Tosh Daniel Martin Wm JohnMontgomerv J NMyrick I) B Kelly Janies Kelly John Kite Wm. McDaniel Benj McGrath Henry McGee Thos McKee Jrmes 4. McKenna John Me Lane John 2 Me Marti n 1) McMillen Nelson Martin Wm Martin I J Master J H Markey U W Magown Chas Maderson John Merritie d Alex Meders M Morrissv Ed ward Myers Ignat us Morris Jacob S Mvcrs Win F Miller II B M me G H More J C oe L Moore Peter Wn Milliard C G Milbourue Jos Pitts A M Phels L P Pickett G W Pandon George Pieur Louis Puik James Pitts George Morse FN Morse Calven Murphy James Murphy J P Murray John Murray T B K « V Xawmann Fred Page Daniel Xeal S Parsons J G Niles 0 G Patchin Henry N'icholls Dan 2 Perkins Edwin Xicholls East II Pearh X O'Brien Wm Perry Oliver H O'Conner P Powell J O’Leary Daniel It s Banda 1 Jonas Boche Edmund Smith P 2 Randall Aimer Bodrigur J S Smith Sinus 2 Hogshead L Rollins Miss C Smith Bann Kaynett AlexanrHuthcrford J D Smith F O Reilly Eugene Sample John 2 Smith Bernard Reilly John O Sanford A P Smith JF B Kemick John Salisburg James Smith Mrs Sarah Bearden Dennis Schart Carl Smith Wm B Redpath J G Sewell E Smyth It I) RcberJohiA Seaton Wm 2 Sparks A T Rege Mary Sherman A D 2 Sprout Atwool Richards S C Shoors W II Sprague E Richards Robert Shaw Mrs S 2 Spain Thos Richards J P ‘B* Shinby E F Spear R Rice H L Sheldon G Stewart J A 2 Silver W 1 Strong Mr Small A A Strong K Smail George Stamp Wm Snow Jr A Strode Edward Squire Hagers Stan hens Thoms Sullivan John 2 St Jcmmer J B Swan 1 N T V W WallenDr Wm WhitterP Washburn Sihla Williams Thoma Thompson John Wagner John Wilson John 2 Thompson J W Ward Parson Wilson Wm 2 Thompson II Webb Mini row 2WinfildJ E Thompson P Welch John Wiescarries Fred Thompson Mrs A Wesley Jr John Wilkins George Tongate F D Welker Wm J Whsecker F Tawsou Chas Welley Miss S M Will ai d Chas Thompson Geo Weyman Henry Warnt H Truax A M Wheeler John Woods J M Turner A C Wheeler M Van Camp Z Tucker S Woodward W RWack J A 3 Vanderiu.S'J if Wright W P Wallace ,1 0 2 Van I! R H Young Wm A Yager F Vivion 51 2 FOREIGN LETTERS Milinovidi C 4 Bonnett AfflahlcAngelbeak GS Elyregovieh Eli Schmitt Jean Bowman J S Marrich ChristoTßossura C Lieckcl Conrad Tapia Josejo Schal Thiland Lallelamed F Camparehaa V llofgren Chas Eggahrtt 0 Perarich slieheießorget Steorge D. C. DOWNER, P. M. Eingsby G P Rojers Joseph Rogers Joha T Roberts W Stilley J Strieker Frep Stephens W Tiedamann M Tompkins C H Golden Gate Restaurant! Corner Montgomery ami Huntoun streets Oroville. THIS ESTABLISHMENT, having been r built since the tire, and fitted up in the mos manner, is again open to all its ol< • patrons and a* many new ones hs may see fi to call. The proprietor, having had his efforts July ap preciated while keeping the old establishment, flatters himself that this fact alone will induce a continuance o patronage by the public. BOARD PER U ELK, $8 00 SINGLE MEALS. 50 <Thicken, Oyster and Clara Soups always on hand, and served up at short notice. Meals at ail hours. THE B All—l do not say th lmy Liquors cost me sx. eight or lea dollars per gallon, ut will Kay-—just give them a trial. SAHE? Open Day and Night. Thankful for past favors, I respectfully eoliciU a con tinuance of the same. Bugd JOHN Dll AG HI, Proprietor. Summons. fcTATE OF CALIFORNIA*—I\ THE DI . trict Court of the Fifteenth Judicial District: coun ty of Butt**.—AN N SAUNDERS. Plaintiff vs. CHARLES W. SAUNDERS. Defendant; Action brought in the Dis trict Court of the Fifteenth Judicial District, and the complaint filed in the county of Butte, in the office of the clerk of -aid District Court The people of the State of California, send greeting to CHARLES W. SAC NDEBS: You are hereby required to appear iu an action brought against you by the above named plain tiff in the District Court of the Fifteenth Judicial Dis trict, in and for the county of Butte, and to answer the complaint filed therein, (a copy of which accompa nies this summons.! within ten day.-, (exclu.-ive of the day of service] after the service on you of this mam mons, if served within this county; if served out of this county, but within this Judicial Di-trict, within twenty days or if served oat of said District, then within forty days—or judgment by default will be taken against you. Ti.e Said action is brought to obtain a decree ot divorce from the bonds of matrimony now existing be tween you ami said plaintiff, and if you fail to appear and answer the said complaint as above required the plaintiff will apply to said court for the relief ia her complaint demanded, and for judgment for costs of suit. Given under my hand and seal of the District court —■ — of the Fifteenth Judicial eighth J 1 day ot October ia the year of our Lord one J > thousand eight hundred and fifty eight. By * ) order of District Judge. ~ , Ea M. il. DARRACK; Clerk, oct 9 58. OFFICIAL. REPORT Of the Treasurer of Butte Countv from the first Jay of July to the thirtieth of September, 1858 in clusive, 1858 STATE FUND. Dr. July 1 To balance on hand as per la-t report. . $12107 28 Sept 30 To amount received from State tax 1858 1728 18 “ To amount received from 1’ 011 tax 1858 2222 88 « To amount received from Foreign Miner's Licenses .....4801 00 “To amount received from Auction Sales 11 70 “ To amount received from military tax 58.138 83 “ To amount received from collector on licenses due from last quarter 39 79 “ To amount received from licenses 232 50 1858 CONTRA. Sept. 30 By amount paid collector's com mission on State taxe5....201 19 “ By amount paid collector's commissions on Foreign miner's licenses 1101 92 “ By amount paid Recorder's commissions on Foreign miner's licenses 11l 12 “ By amount paid Assessor's per diem 885 75 “ By amount paid Auditor's commissions on poll tax.. 36 85 “ By amount paid Assessor's L commissions on poll tax.. 135 00 “ By amount paid State Trea surer 13673 28 “ Bv amount paid Treasurer's " commissions 152 78 “ Mileage 30 00 “ By balance in treasury, 1921 33 $21588 22 Cr. 1853 $21588 11 GENERAL COUNTY FUND, Dr. July I To balance on hand as per last report $l3OO 80 Sept 30 Amount received fiom county taxes 1658 1110 15 “ To amount received from poll tax 1858 U« 92 “ To amount received from Foreign mi ner's licenses 180100 “ To amount received from Fines jus tice's courts “ To amount received from Ferry llcen -255 25 To amount received from licenses... 168 00 3385 50 $12835 02 1858 CONTRA, Cr. Sept 30 By amount warrants re deemed ; 8954 30 “ By amount paid collector’s commissions on county r taxes 167 65 “ By amount paid collector’s commissions on Foreign miner’s licenses 1104 92 By amount paid Recorder’s commissions on Foreign miner’s licen-t 144 12 “By amount paid Hector’s commissions - . licenses 72 92 “ By amount paid Auditor’s commissions on poll tax 24 57 “ By amount paid As-essor's comniiss’ons on poll tax 90 00 “ To Treasurer's commissions 316 75 “ To Balance in Treasury 1960 30 512835 62 1858 SCHOOL FUND, Dr. July 1 To balance on hand as per last re port $1043 70 Sept. 30 To amount received on com.ty taxes of 1858 288 04 “ To amount received on poll taxes of 1858 500 00 $lB3l 74 ISSB CONTRA, Cr. Sept. 30 By amount warrants redeemed 767 00 By amount paid collector’s ' commissions on county taxes 33 54 “ By amount paid Assessor’s commissions on p*»11 tax 125 00 “ By amount paid Auditor’s commissions on poll tax 7 50 “ By amount paid Treasurer’s commissions 27 99 “ To balance in Treasury 870 71 slB3l 74 1858 ROAD FUND, Dr. July 1 To balance on hand as per last re port 321 74 Sept 30 To amount received on county taxes of 1858 144 03 $465 77 1858 CONTRA, Cr. Sept. 30 By amount paid collec tor’s commissions on co. taxes of 1858 16 75 “ By Treasurer’s coraisions 50 “ By balance in Treasury 448 52 5465 77 1858 INDIGENT SICK FUND, Dr. July 1 To balance on hand as per last report $506 71 Sept. 30 To amount received on county taxes of 1858 1008 09 $1514 80 1858 CONTRA, Cr. Sept. 30 By amount warrants redeemed 1278 46 “ By amount paid collector’s commissions on county taxes of 1858 .... 117 33 “By Treasurer’s commissions 41 87 *• By balance in treasury 77 14 51514 so 1858 COURT HOUSE AND JAIL FUND, Dr. July 1 To balance on hand as per last report $7O 39 1858 CONTRA, Cr. Sept. 30 By amount warrants redeemed 68 31 “ By Treasurer’s commission 2 05 — $7O 39 1858 ESTRAV FUND, Dr. July 15 To amount received from Nan cy E. Berry $77 50 Sept 9 To amount received from I’. Ma guire 6 00 $B3 50 1858 CONTRA, Cr. Sept By balance in Treasury $B3 50 RECAPITULATION. Receipts Disbursements. State Fund 21588 22 16663 89 General county fund 12835 62 10875 32 School fund 18,’ll 74 961 03 Road fund 465 77 17 25 Ind. Sick fund 1514 80 1437 66 Court house* jail fu'd 70 39 70 39 Eatray fund 83 50 00 00 04 02) o 4 Total balance in the treasury $8364 50 Made from balances on the following funds: State lund 4924 33 General county fund 1960 30 School fund.' 870 71 Road fund 14* 52 Indigent Sick fund 77 14 Eatray fund 83 50 Total balance in treasury .$8364 50 STATEMENT Of indebtedness of Butte county as apjK*ars from the book* of the county Treasurer, ending Sen teraber 30, I*sB. Amount of unredeemed warrants regis tered on Hie G ueral countv fund $.54202 39 Amount of unredeemed war rants registered on the indi gent sick fund 15779 50 569081 89 WM. LATTIMORE Oroville, October 1,1858. , Treas. Butte Co. Notice to Tax-Payers Tax Collector's < ’rru )-.. f September *20,1058. \ ’%JOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO THE TAX-PAY i-v era of Butte county, that the ?Hate and County Taxes for the year A. I). a-e now due and pay able, and that pursuant to Section 13 of the Revenue Law of 1557. an additional five per cent, will be collected upon ail I axes remaining unpaid after the third Mou day of October next. Notice Is also given that the laws in regard to the ooj lection of Taxes will he strictly enforced. Office hours—From 10 o'clock, A M. to 12 M, and from Ito 5 o'clock, p. M., every day in the week ex cept Sunday. Cfllce in the Court Mouse. VV. w. HOBART, e 25 Tax Collector Butte county. JAMES S LONG : COUNTY SURVEYOR. Orrict— ld the Court House, o«9 LEGAL NOTICES. expose u‘ prop. »lt: Sheriff’s Sale. By virtue of a decree a\dor. der of sale, issued out of the District Court n and for Butte County, aga nst J. ,1 KLEINE, hi .{ i.. f. IVI „ of JOSEPH GLUCK AUF, for the sum of three hundred and twenty seven dollars, w th interest ai d c«*>n n , specified in sard order. crnimnnding me u> ?. || the prop erty hereinafter described to satisfy said demand, | W | j on Saturday the sixth day of \or« nii» e , A. I). 1858, nt 2 o'clack. P. M.. in front «{ , , House, in the Town of Oroville, County of R • at public sale, to the highest bidder lor ca-' . erty dessert bed in said order of sale, as fn ’.»* The c&stefily one-half of lot nnmber twenty-:* , laid down on the map of the Town of Orovill.-, r.,'w file in the offrs of the Recorder of Hutte County. a front on tne north side of Robinson street of thirty three (33) feet, and running back northerly one hun «rJd «n,t Ihirtylwo (13J) IHI. and Ijin* ea«t*rlr „.n i join . mf a lot owned and occupied by one B .V Seynto ir also, one certain lot In tee Town of Bidwtß, and .)**' cnbed as follows: Beginning at ihe sonth-wes? corm-r of what is known as the Gforge Buckley 10l on Chari street, m said T. wn, running up said Charles sir*-; two hand reed feet, th a nee hack in an easterly di rection from said Charle-* street to It. T. Van N rden’ lot thence in a southerly direction two hundred fjOb feel, thence thence westerly toll - point of t>. gin..irur on said Charle> tit ct, logo Her with all and singular th»* tenements, hen dilaraeals, and nppurtvnunccs th. r-m : belonging or in anywise appertaining, all ol which j.r erly is situated in Hulte C ■ ■•inty, c niornia. N D. PLUM, Sheriff Butte County. Oroville, Oct, 16th, A. D. 1858. Justice’s Summons. ITNITED STATES OF AMERICA- STATE ' of California—County of Unite . .In Justice'* t „, rt Cascade Township. The Peep eof the Slate of Gap . r nia, to JOHN GILDERSI.EVE greeting: You are here, by summoned lo apfteae before me, at mv offir.-. in i !S _ c:ule Township. County of Butte, on the 30lh day of • »c toiler A. I). 1858, ul It) o’clock, A. M.. to answer ant the complaint of JOHN It MOOKI.AR &. CO %*| sue to recover the sum of fifty three and tw.-l*.- l(*i \\ - dollars for write had and received out of the (Md Donne ion diten. said to be due from you, when lodgment will be taken against you for the said amount, together with coats and damages. If you fail to appear and answer- To the Sheriff or any Constable of said County, greelin/ Make bgil service and due return hereof. Given under my baud this 13lh day of October, A. I». 1858. JOHN K RYES, Justice of fhe Peace of said Township. It is hereby ordered, that service ol summons he h«d in this cause, by publication of the same for two w»>- > after the 15th dav of October A. D. ISSB. in the Weekly I tttk Record newsp per. Witness my hand ths- ! .ii day of October A. D. 1858. JOHN KEYJ P. Notice to Lien-Ho 7 ders. r|N«» LL WHOM IT MAY (OMERX JL Noll '• is her.'by given, to prsvent their lien-, he ! under provisions of An Act ol the Legislature of this Male, entitled **aii Act for securing Liens lo Mcchaun -< and others,” parsed I'.Hh 1856, and all a:nvnda!< r. acts,on th t certain building now being erected on 1«. ■> numbers five and six. of bloek number three, in > )r ; >ville, Unite County. Cald* rnia. and so much of said lots as may Ik* neccss ry for tht- coiivrnient use and occupation « s said building, on Monday the Bth day of' Novemdes. !■« \ at 1U o’clo k, A. M , in lie Hu i. District Court ol . Eitleen!li Judin d : istrici U-uniy of Butte, at the U n liouso in 1 Toville. tuea there lo be pro pt-rip prove 1 and udjudicut d. A. LKWIB, By A. 15. Galinokk. Agent. Oroville, October 15th, I Hoc 4 . [olb J Justice’s Summons. ITXD'rI) STATES OF A3l?'Kir% J State of alif.nnia. «u*unty of Burt -. SB. In Jus tice.* cou rt, Ophir 1 own 1 ip: the people of the ’.ate o' California. to lohn Guildetsft-w. Greeting : You are hereby summoned to appear before roe. at my office in Ophir Township, county ol Butte, on the 21 day "f \ . vemher. A DIH *B. at lo'ccloi k, \ M. to aicucr uMo the complaint of Dav -I Weaver who .sues to recover ha sum of two hundred dollars claimed to be due fiom >-«»•, J. D' ''oU and Alexander Mewart on a certain bon 1 ex ecuted by you and J. De. Mott and Alexander Mew:.; * , M the 9th day .-t \ ugu-i 18 58 which h nd is for the U fu! performance on >onr part of the duGc* of Depu'v Assessor of Butte county, when judgm • i.t w 11 he t • ei» against you for the said amount, together with , :» and damages, If you fail to appear and answer To the Sheriff or any constable of -aid county greeting', make legal service and due return hereof. Given under mv hand this 15th day of October, A I* 18.58 JOHN "v BERRY, oct 16 I4d Justice of the Peace of said Township Declaratory Notice. riTATE OF C LIFORM t, ( Ot7XTV OF Butte. SS. Sarah .Mai in Derrick, wih- f It. V. in ■ rick both <>f Oregon township, county o| Butte, and State of (’alifornia. do hereby make tl|j< mv d-«Nr* lion, that I intend to carry on and tra sa. t bu-in;. - ,i. selling personal property and real e-tate :i my own name and on my own account, and in the ! neas of mining and quartz mining in it< varii u* b:.v’.- chea. and from the date ol thi- declaration I will L<- m divldually responsible in mv own name for all debt contracted by me f»n acc*»nnt otand in anv ttav concer ted with the i-usines-i aforesaid, and I further that the amount of money invested by mein -aid bu ness is less than the sum of five thousand dollars. H. M DERHICK. facat 1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA. COUNTY OF BUITK AS —On this seventh day of October A D. »>ne thru-*r.d eight hundred and fifty eight, beiore me. If. A Gasv.n. a N«'tury Public, in and tor said county of But:.- p#*r sonallv appeared.. S M, Derrick, wfc »t K. K !>■ personally known to me to be the individual dt ■ d in and who executed the foregoing declaration, and fil ing by me first made acquainted with the content* of the foregoing instrument upon an examination by mo had separate and apart from and without the bearing of her husband, she. the said S. Al. Derrick acknowb edged to me that she executed the «ame. free,-- and voluntarily, and for the uses and purpose* therein*men tioned without fear or compulsion < ( undue ;r flu ■ . ( her husband, and that she does not wish to retract t execution of the same ,— — . In w itn- - whereof I have hereunto set » r , L.S, J band and official seal the day and ye ir 1 —~•— J ceruSc te written, 11. A. GAifTON Notary Public in and for Butte County. Cal. Oct 10 58 Declaratory Notice. (jjTATK «F PALIFOKMIA, COUNT V OF Butte. S>. I Mary Maclean, wife of James T. Mclean of the town of Oroville in said county, and Mate afore said in the township of Ophir, in said county, do here by declare, that I intend from and after this date to carry on business in my own name and on my owr> ac count. in the county of Butta; that the natur.. of -ait business is that of Merchandising and Millinery in »> i county and State, and such other farther things », t ia v be necessary to carry on and manage said bushes* 1 will be individually responsible in my own name for all debts contracted by me on account of my said bu ness, and I ht-rebv further declare that the amount ■ capital invested m rny said business doe* not exceed U:o sum of five thousand doll&ra. : . Iu witness whereof I Lava set my hand and { L, S J seal, the fifteenth day of < »ctober. A. I) 1 >;.s “ MARY MACLEAN M itnes.-,: S. W. W Coughey. STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF BUTTE. HS —On this fifteenth day of October. A. I). IKSS bef. me. S. \\ . A\ . Coughey. a Notary Public duly comn - sinned and qualified in and for county, persona., v appeared. Mary Maclean, to mo personally known t.. tlie individual, ilescribed in and who executed the f *r»*- K'-'intr ‘ Declaration of sole Trader.’ - and being by m** examined apart and Without the hearing of her said husband and made acquainted with the contents of the foregoing.declaration she acknowledged to me that -he executed the same fre-sly and voluntarily, without tear or compulsion or coercive on part of her husband for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, atd desired the same might he recorded as such. ■ | 1° w**ne« wh reofl have hereanlo set ■ j j L.S. > hand and affixed my official seal the day and * ’ year first above written 8. W W. COUGHEY. _ , Notary Public. Butte County. Cal. Oct 16 58 3t J BUTTE RECORD. PUBLIST!ED EVRRV r» \ TUKD A V MORN 1 O/llce on lilrd Street, between Nycn Iluutouii Ht«, Tkrms—One Year Per Mail. $5 oa •ix monlha. do ******* 3 (!l| Three months. d<i ..*’ ***** !»,.<» Delivered by Carrier, per Month, " .v» Single Copies, .... *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*..*.*. Advmtikmlt.. per square ol i«n iinWor n-Rt insertion, - .«,td Each s ibs- ijuent insertion,- ... 1 51, I liberal deduction w IHbemadcin favor t! th>-». who advertise by the year Cy Bunlncsfcards inserted on reasonable terms BUITK RECORD Book and lob Printing Office, Bird street, between* My. r.i and Iluntoon, Oroville. Thu proprietors of the above named establish at-1 . would respectfully announce lo the citizens of vtllle and the surrounding country, that they an sow now prepared to execute all kinds of Plain and Orna mental JOB PR INTING. in u manlier unsorpassed bj any other establishment in California. Having FIVE PRINTING PUKHSK?, of the latesi •mproved pauerns, we are prepared lo turn uul work with the greatest possible speed, alkali times, and a the shortest notice. Having au extensive assortment of Jobbing Materials of thevery latest styles, and as we employ none but the best of workmen, wo can guarantee entile satiatuQ lion.and at rates which will defy competition ! Posters, of the very largest size, lor Theatrical Enter tainments. Concerts and Exhibitions, printed at this es tablishment at short notice, and at ifie lowest pi ice. V\e are prepared with an ez.tra quality cf Type and Other material peculiarly adapted to .he t riming 01 Programmes. Bills ol Fare, Way Bills, Circulars, Ball Tickets, Visiting Card*, Bill Heads, Checks, Blankvj etc. Busks —Every description of Blanks executed on the ehorteat notice, with unrivalled taste and nextaefr