Newspaper Page Text
BUTTE RECORD. Castixo Heavy Gras.— lt is mentioned in a j late Ixjndon paper that all the guns east at the j Roval Standard Foundry. since the opening of i that immense establishment, have been con demned as unfit for si rviee, notwithstanding that experiments have been almost daily car ried on for the purpose of ascertaining the best description and the proper fusion of the metals required. The makers of American cannon are more successful than this. At a recenf trial at Castle Island, near Huston, a gun of nine inch calibre, for the purpose of testing its endurance, it burst only at the 1532 d fire — 1,509 tires having been made with ordinary; service charges of ton pounds of powder and a shell weighing seventy pounds, and 22 fires , with bursting charg ■?, varying from 15 pounds of powder and one shot of 90 pounds, to twen ty pounds of powder, and ten shots weighing nine hundred pounds. This last charge very nearly filled the gun to the muzzle, and burst i it. The gun was one of Capt. Dahlgren's for marine service, and was ca t, by Allger & Co. The test was to ascertain the reliability of this formidable engine of war. Guns of this class wci"h ninety-two hundred pounds, and there was°consumed in the test no less than fifteen thousand four hundred pounds of powder, while the aggregate weight of shot and shells fired amounted to one hundred and fifteen thousand pounds. Government has ai-o been trying the new rifle cannon of Mr. Sawyer, at Fitchburg. The cannon is grooved like a rifle, and the ball is shaped like the Minnie rifle bull. It is filled with powder, which explodes after striking and entering an object. It is is said that at one miie the body of an ordinary sized tree would not be missed once in fifty shots, and experi ment has proved it to be nearly so. I Ins is the closest shooting with heavy cannon known to the service.— Forney's Press. jjKy- Says the Knickerbocker —‘T. H. S.” sends us the following, and vouches for its truth : “Lying is held in all Christian countries to he one of the lowest and nio-t degrading of vices : but there is now and then a man who, by constant practice in a particular lino of mendacity, becomes so expert as rather to ex cite the admiration of his acquaintances for his ingenuity and dress. Of this stamp is a personage well known to the people about the head of 1-ake Champlain, and to all travelers who ever had occasion to go over the old stage route from W'hiteha'l to Saratoga, lie was for many yea’s the agent for that most execra ble line of stages, and had every quality fur his office, lie was industrious, wide-awake, and faithful to the interests of his employers, with no other vice but that of lying—a useful gift on that route—which by high cultivation, he had made one of the 'line arts.' Kvcry travel er who ever saw him will remember him and his broken promises. Jt chanced, some three or four years ago, that the conversation which engrossed the tongues of a knot of gentlemen in the bar-room of the St. Charles Hotel, New Orleans, was about liars. At length a gentle man from Northern New York said he would wager the ‘fluids' all round that he could name 1 the most unblushing and ingeninsliar in Amer ica. 'Hone !’ exclaimed a Southerner, 'whom do you name? - ‘I name A. II , stage 1 agent of White hall, New York,’ said the | Nortbencr. -The dnee you clo !' cried the as tonished Southron, ‘it's no bet; you've got my man !’’ Pace Morphv Paris.— Private letters to the editor of Ihe Chesn Monthly, in this city, bring later intelligence from Mr. Morphy than is to be found in our foreign files. His match (for 230 francs aside) with Mr. Ilar wilz stands: Morphy, 3; Harwilz, 2. The Cafe do la Kegenee. the traditional locale of Parisian chess, and the scene of Philidor's. Deschapelle’s and Labourdonnais’ triumphs, is crowded with spectators whenever our country man plays. A gentleman now in Paris writes us follows : ‘ The greatest of living French sculptors, Lcqucsno. the pupil and successor of Pradier, has asked Morphy to sit to hint fir his bust in marble. Morphy gave him the fir.-t sit ting yes terday. The oust will be exhibited at the Ex position des Beaux Arts. This is. 1 think, the highest honor Morphy has yet r ceivcd. But 1 can assure you they treat him here like a god. lie dines with his Uoyal Highness the ! l)nke of Brunswick on Sunday. The Other night, at the Theatre Franca':.-, half the au dience stcod np and Poked at him — ho per fectly unconscious until it was pointed out to him. Everybody seeks introductions to him. and the old players of the time of Eabourdon nais treat him with the greate. t reverence.'’ After finishing his match with Harwitz. Mr. Morphy will pioce d directly to Berlin and Breslau to meet. And .ri sen, Fangs and May t, who, with Von der arc at present the g'eat exponent-; of German che s. It is a matter of much n nret. both to Mr. Morphy and his admirers, that the diplomatic duties of Vender Lasa {who is Pnisian Minister at Kio Janeiro) preclude the possibility of bringing about a meeting between these distinguished players. The last Illustrated -iVcirs of London gives a portrait, and life ot Mr. Morphy, to gether with the ( ight games played blindfold by him at the Birmingham meeting. — A r . V. Tribune. Bettino on the Comet- Zimmerman of of the Crbana (111.) Constitution, after observ ing the “critter"’ carefully through an in-tru raent belonging to the Crbana Brass Band, comes to the following conclusions, upon the correctness of which he appears willing to go his “pile.’’ Ist. The comet will neverstnko the earth ; but— 2nd. If it docs strike if, it will never, <lj it the second time. In case, however any gentleman holds opin ions different from the above, and is w illing to back his views to a limited extent in order to arrive at the truth in this momentous matter, wo hereby make the following propositions : Ist. Wo will wager 820.000, more or less that if the comet otters to strike we will dodge before it docs it: in other w ords that sum, that t can t be brought to the scratch. 2nd. A like sum. that if it does strike, it will be knocked higher than a kilo. 3d. Twenty-five times the above sum, that incase the comet strikes, it won't budge the earth six inches by actual measurement. 4lh. A like amount that after the comet strikes, its tail drops. sth. An optional sum. that the earth can knock the comet further than the comet can knock the earth, nine times out of eleven. 6th. That after the comet gets through striking the earth, it will never want to striio anybody else. These propositions are intended to cover the case of any gentleman on this globe, or, on the comet, or elsewhere. All wagers to la? decided by the judges of the Supreme Four!. Money to be deposited on the ban s ( .f New foundland. Time of striking and other arrangements to be fixed by the parties Applicants for bet? have a right to select any comet they eh -^e. SISOCEAR —Mr?. Marshall, of l aiiahatohee county, Mi-s. a lady > - what advanced in years and very cerpc.l •; —ln r usual weight is over two hundred went ,m ln her car riage, a few days, r > rail e[,on a frh i:d. and on her return to her I, in. wus caught in a violent storm! A large tree was blow n down, and fell directly across h r can i age. between her and the driver, literally smashing the body of the carriage to atoms, and yet neither site or the driver were injured, in the slightest de gree, by the tree or the shivered atoms of the carnage body. The steps, which were iron, folded up inside the carriage, protected herleet from being crushed beicatli the log. The fright threw Mrs. Marshall into a severe spell of sickness, and had the very singular effect also of turning her head quite g.-uy.—Mem phis Each. The New Orleans Statue of Henry Clay. We have received from tlie President of the Clay Monumental Association some interesting information respecting the statue of "the great Commoner,” designed to be placed on Cara street. Late advices rmi Florence represent that the model of the statue (which >8 twelve and a half feet Sigh) was finished in piaster several weeks ago, and ready, as soon a.? perfectly dr\. to be sent to the foundry for moulding and casting in bronze. It will be recollected that the association, af ter mature consideration, commissioned -Mr. J. T. Hart, a young Kentuckian, now residing in Florence, to execute the work of art. The commission was eagerly accepted by Mr. Hart, not only with the natural gratification of an arti.-t, but with the delight inspired by thus se curing the great object of his ambition —the opportunity of exhibiting his skill and ability in the production ot a statue the subject of which is his heart's profound admiration. Letters from Florence state that Mr. Hart has succeeded admirably in his "laborol love." We learn that the statue is a magnificent re prescnta'ion of the great states.raa of the West—that in the expression ot the face, and the commanding attitude of the figure, it is re markably fine and true to the appearance of its great original—in ail respects a most ad mirable counterfeit presentment of the nobio citizen, whose name will ever live in ’he histo ry of his country, as it now docs in the hearts of his countrymen, and in the admiration ot the world. We arc assured '.hat the statue has at tracted more attention from artists and ama teurs in Florence than any other work of art of the present time, and that it has elicited un bounded admiration from every one. Tl ? model, we understand, now goes to M. Muller, of Munich, to be cast in bronze. We have confidence that he wilt add to Ins fame in the casting of this statue, though he has long been the nmst celebrated bronze caster in Ku rope. The progress made indicates that the statue will be finished an t erected within the time specified in the contract, and the accounts we have of it lead us to anticipate that it will be a noble ornament to our city We hope that on the anniversary in FrfiO of Henry Clay's birthday—the 12th of April— we shall have the pleasure of witnessing the inauguration of the statue. It will be a mem orable occasion.— Picayune. Sept. Jdik. Speaking Out in Dreams—A correspon dent of the Richmond D.spatch. tells the follow ing in a letter from one of the Springs : An amusing incident occurred on the cars of the Virginia and Tennessee road, which must be prc.-orvetl in print. It is too good to bo lost. As the train entered the l>ig Tunnel, near this place, in accordance with the usual custom a lamp was lit. A servant girl, ac enmpanying her mi-tr. ss. had sunk into a pro found slumber, but just as the lamp was lit she awoke, and, half asleep, imagined herself in the infernal regions, h i antic with fright, she im plored her Maker to have mercy on her, re marking, a! the same time, ‘'the devil Ims got me at lust." r/cr mistress, sitting on the seat in front of the terrified negro, was deeply mor siiied, and culled upon her. ‘‘Vollie. don’t make such a noise ; it is I, be not afraid I” The poor African immediately exclaimed,‘Oh, missus, dnt you : jest what I ’speeded ; 1 always thought if i b t 1 got to de bad place, 1 would see you dar.” These remarks were uttered with such vehemence, that not a word was lost, the whole coach became convulsed with laughter. JS-2r“ During the progress of a trial, recent ly, at Auburn, says a correspondent of the Jrgtif, the folk wing occurred to vary the mo notony of the proceedings ; Among the witnesses was one of the most verdant specimens of humanity one would wish to see. After a severe cross-examination, the counsel for the government paused, and then putting on a leek of seventy, and with an ominous shake of the head, exclaimed : “Mr. Witness, has not an effort been made to induce you to fell a different story '!” W.—A dilicrer.t story from what 1 have told, sir ? C.—That’s what I mean. W—Yes, sir ; several persons have tri. J to get me to tel! a different story from what I have told ; but they couldn’t. C.—Xow, sir. on your oath, 1 wish to know who those persons are. W.—Waal. 1 guess yoc’te tried ’bout a hard as any of ’em. The witness was speedily dismissed, while judge, jury and spectators indulged in a hearty laugh. Diseased Humanity. rsp.HE Blf-xl. Heart. Brain, Intestines, Sinews, kl Xerve--, the Fluids ami Semi-Fluids, and the whole Physique. The ;! v-rny hvp-'•hondrino. the dyspeptic, tlie nervous, debilitated and feeble, the over-doctored invalid, the billions and liver diseased sufferer, the gourmand, the debauchee, the intemperate, and all who suffer ill health— SHOULD PAUSE AND THIXK ERE SlCK nc<s overtakes them, for then worn out nature suc cumbs to Death, because >lic has not strength to resist. Now, Dr. Jacob Webbers invigorating(’or dial causes stre gth -that is its main quality. The first operation Tonif. the partaker feels then that Sudntion is can od—his skin is damp, his limbs supple and active, he feels a wish for exercise, and he has strength to end;,re it. he is light spir ited; his skin becomes clear, his eyes, too. because his liver is made active, the bile neutralized or h: ted, and his blood thinned and pm Tied. It ho has a foul ich, this acts as an aperient, not othrrwi c. A gain, it immediately relieves belching prevei ts an accumulation of wind in the stomach. The stomach, the great receiver of disease and its cure. I will now enumerate a few of those dis eases where 1 have seen Dr. Webber's invigorating Cordial a t m-M ijeautiftnly. Ceneralderangement «>f the system; wce.kuess in»m various causes viz: Change ef climate, long sickness, the use of mer cury, or being otherwi-e over-d» -gored, from abuse of nature, and her laws, by drunkenness, gourman dizing. «h b.i'ichc~3'. and other excesses, trembling, fever and ag e chills, rheumatic, neuralgic and other pains in the body or limbs, wan* of appetite, sleep *r memory, sour or billions stomach, tick ling in !;••• ears.flc doioreoz,etc.,etc. 'I he reader i- e.n;>eientiou>!y assured that this re illy extraordinary panacea i* all it is represented, and is not of the uostrums of the day. the afflicted try it. a id they will be thankful tor having done >o. I warranted to be uninjurious t > the m<’>t deli ute constitution, or to either -ex or age, to contain no mercury or other mineral. It is nut up. very highly concentrated, in quart bottles, price $3, i. • ior s 3. Sold by every respectable sti 83T Beware of counterfeits. Buy only quart bot tles, and see that the names of f. .1 -nes and J. Webber is blown on the glass .and on the top of each label. X one other is genuine. T.JOXLS. WHO WANTS FOR OHE DOLLAR— White Tech, & Pure B-eath, Lustrous Dark Hair, & a white ne Cornu exion. 1. tFOXT S JAMMCIA SOAP HOOT. -Thisadmi ruble Pentiifie* —» ertainly the finest ever made gives a pcirlv whiteness and polish to the teeth; it lathers jail cleanses the month. tongue, and bar ilcns the trains. Its aromatic qualities purify the breath and leaves a line flavor in the mouth,price reduced to 50 cents. ./(’AY, V Culi.ll. HAIR RESTORATIVE .— READ ITS BEAL REALITIES! It isa char oily siftena, mni-tens and invigorates the'rw ts. and so acts on the hulpsoftbe roots as to force the hair to grow and cause it to assume a dark e-dor. and iu a short time te grow naturally dark from the roots, and although it dresses the Jiair clean ami tine, keeping it suit, dark and silky s onic time, it i< no! sreasy, »od does nut staia the clothes, price reduced to ‘l3 A at) cents. PIMPLES. FIIECaLES, 51SBCRX. TAX. eruptio a.sait-rheum. sores, in lact every cutane ous defect is removed and the skin left smooth, eie-ar and tine as a child's, by—at the reduced price of .0 cents—Jones Italian Chemical Soap. For shaving or washing, if its real worth were told. Jones'snap is worth more than its weight in gold. It isemohent. healing and cleansing; it makes a ri. h. lasting lather; it cures all eruptions, sores or redness; it makes discolored skin white, soft and white.—Price reduced to 25 cents. These superb articles are sold at the above price, a: every t'espe taoie i i.r C al:;’ iruiu — Pro prietori waolesaie Agent, X- JUNES, ltd! Mont gomery st. San Francisco. d-’S-Jm. BORAX, CREAM TARTAR, TARTARIC ACID For sale by COLTOX A McDERMOTT. MEDICAL. DH J C YOUNG, I ATE PROFESSOR AT THE PENNSYLVANIA can be found at the old stand, corner of Montgomery and California streets,San Francisco, where hecan oeconsultedprjvatel) ana with the utmost con fid* nc#* by the afflicted at ail hours daily, from 8 A. M.. until 8 P.M. (Cures always guaranteed or no pay re quired. Found man, have you contracted that terrible disease which, wh**n on- »* seated in the system, will surely go from one generation to another, nnderin ini nit the con stitution and sappii c the very vital fi lids of life? Do not trust yourself in the hands oft hose mushroom quacks that start up every day in a city like this, and fill the pa pers with aborrjinah!-. falsehoods.loo well calculated to dec ive the voting and ibo-e who are not “ported up" it) the tricks oft-‘reign and domestici posters. You cannot be too careful in the of a physi - a man who h i- bad ampleexperience,and who potsess ps true skill in jbe rjeaiiacnt thereof. Such a Pbysi cian is Dr. J. YOFN who has treated and cured more cases of such di-eases than any on*k man living to day, in this or any other country His offices were the fir- 1 that were opened in this city f-r the exclusive treat ment of private dit*ea*e« llif different publication? have been re-published Id almost every country in Europe, end are now acknowledged rsstaidard \vork*.hy our own medicalcolletrea and the profession throughout the coun try . *l>r YOU NO. by recent improvements in the heating art, is enabled tot-flV*** pure? in a few days, without n er cury or a chance of diet, under a challenge ot Ninrrie<| persons, or those content | filing marriage I oing aware of physical weakness, should consult DR. Y< H'.Nd. Young i n r. —especial’) who have become the victims of -oli.ary vice. Dn-t dreadful, fascinating and destruc tive habit w hich fills thousands of sick rooms with para lyticnnd consumptives.anu hundreds of unit ' ely craves with its misguided victims.should consult, without a mo incut’s delay, one who will sympathise with their suffer ings. and cure them for a moderate compensation. In deed, he who places himself under the care ot D11..1 0. YOUNG, may religiously confided in his honor ns a gentleman, and confidently rely upon his ski!' as a Phy sician, acknowledged by ai'ihe wealthier and moat res peel able portion of our old inhabitant. OFFICE —Comer of Montgomery and Califon.t. sts. IMPORTANT TO MINERS. HI A V SEEKS. BTC. rgIMJ'.RE is no malady ot deeper importance, in f 5 medical or moral light of view, to which the hu man family i« more liable than that arising from im pure connect ions. :i medical man it is the luty of every physician to look atdis**:i“o as it effi-cts heal;hand Hie,and his sole object should be to mitigate, ::s far as lies in his power, the bodily suffering.Hnmnn nature at best is but frail, all are liable to misfortune. Of all thrills that affect man none are more terrible than those of a private nature. Dreadful as it is in the person who contracts it. frightful ax are its ravages upon hiscon-tilulion.ending frequently in destruction and a '" becomes of still greater importance when it i? transmitted to innocent offspring. twitch being the ersehow necessary it becomes that every one naving the least reason to f, nr that they have con tracted the disease,should attend to it at once by con sulting some physit inn. whose respectability and educa tion enables him to warrant a aaf*-. speedy, and perma nent cure. In accordance with this necessity, DR. Yof'Ni; feels called uptr. to state that, i»\ long study and extensive practice, he has bee me perfect rnasterof all those diseases which come under the denomination of venereal, and having paid moreattention to that one branch than any ether physician in the Doited SlaUS.he feels himself better qualified to treat them, Syphilis in all if* form*, such a? ulcers, swelling In the groau«, ulcer in t lie throat .secondary syphilis, cutaneous eruption*, ule* rations, terluary syphilis.syphilis in chil dren. nierrnr. al syphilitic affections, g'-norrheu,gleet, strict nre.s. false par •‘ages, in ion i»f the bladder and pro>;r ite glau-is, oxc.Tuitions, tumor*, po-tules, etc., are a* familiarlohirn ns the most common things ot daily obst n ation The Doctor effects a cure in recent cases in a few davs.and finds n-» difficulty in curing those of long du ration. without submitting the patient to such treatment as will draw upon h m the slightest suspicion, orobllv him to neglect his business, whether within doors or wi'h out. The diet need not he changed, except in cases of s.-v» re inflnmntion. There are in P.-ilifornia patients (amounting to over two thousand in the past year! that could furnish proof of this; but these are matters that require the nicest secr*>y, whirl, he always preserves. A!! le tr-rsenr 10-ing •?! o. will be promptly attended to. Otn« e hears from 0 \.M. to S P. M. Address .1 VuUNG, T.T. I*. Express Building- 1 . corner of Mont* g.'ip.'ry and t’•iliforniustreets, over Wells Fargo & Co.’s Fxpr. Department. g *EW ’.KB OF IMPOSITION. —ln consequence of S wide-pread celebrity of DR. Vol‘Nnumer ous imposters have sprung into existence, pretending fi he perfect masters of the hea'ing art. and have succeed*, ed in imposing upon a few ifthe unwary sufferers.— Per-'.;,* wishing to .■ n*nlt a physician, elimld he ver careful how they put confidence in tie* published stale ments of such charletane. tor they are as unscrupulous in st’li s*:. lenients ns in tre-ir ora.-: i eof medicine, and ;» very ur.sate to trust. They will first deceive you by false certiffcase* \ ro* ur- ! from “ drunken loaf, rs.” who perjure ihamselve.s to get money to satisfy the cravings of a diseased appetite. Whet> such Quack gains your corsdcnce. h<» will F«-'i dose you with mercury and t>: p«.i-!:■ i:e dr g*. and .-Per they have robbed you of your money and injured your constitution, they wilt cast you off with the charge that you have not to'lowed their dree* ions. The only wav to avoid such Imposters, is to consult Dr .1. r. Young, the Pioneer '.dveriisieg Physician of California. At a meeting of the Medical Faculty oft Stale, called to investigate the s- urce ol mnlpractice that has caused so much suffering in ihiseoaoiiv, it was 'ly recommended that all Hie afflicted should is the only regular phvsiclan 1 others in his line be and are net to be trusted t ke notice tliat there was not ho had ever heard of a « from Dr. Young, while not one number of cases Pom the for* vaut.tingly set forth their pre tended virtues in the punlic prints. M e above fact* sh at i be borne in mind by all seeking medic 1 Thank heaven, thev an* gutting thoroughly exposed, and it will not he lone before they will have to fiy the country, to avoid the just indignation of an outraged public Then will all good people thank Dr. Voting f r his continue*! efforts to banish quackery from our midst. DR. V' >fN'l can be consumed fr**m 8 A 8 p. r.l hi< *e, corn* rof •’:ilß »n:ia and .Montgomery streets, over fh«‘ Pacific Express office. San Franci.'co All letters end sii.g tiic usual fee ol SlO, will meet with prom pt at tention. ? HERE ARETID fSANDS in te suffering for I want of s i.citinc i!;« tlical treatment, and yet fe to apply to a Phy»ic:an, because they have been dect ved, *;r their friends have been, by s'-me of the churla i o;s • !<■> infest ihe community, and who publish them selves ns good physicians, professors, etc. To all Mich we unbesdalingty recommend Dr. J «’ Yotu-g,a Phy Niciun in whom all can place confidence. He is a man <u eminent ami prc.hnm! study, a g*>od surgeon, an hon ora.’de gentleman, who can *ympa>hise with persons in afliicn *n. His smn ii'-g as a I’nysscian and geinlemr o are both guaranteed—the first by his medical works which .are an honor to their author, and tin* ext-iiMve and highly s".icc«*ssf , ;| course of practice with which he has been honored since his advent in Calih rma, ami the latter by hi* numerous patrons ana large circle ol ac quaintances, UK'I EMBER—That Dr .T. Voting’s office for the treatment t*f Private Diseases, isutthe corner of Mout go i t*r_> and t'alilbrioa sts., .-an Franc.isc**. liE 'i EM HER—That Dr. Voting wants no patients toil those fuliy capable of appreciuting and dist riguishing the •rvi* *ff a regfil r. thori>ugh bred physic an, from the paltry unlearned and trifling quack. KEMEmHEK— I hut Dr Young is the only regular bred physician advertising to cure diseases of imprudence. REMEMBER—That Dr Voting's r-medies and treat ment are entirely unknown to all others, prepared from alio- spent in the gre it II vpitals <>f Eu-iml. and the first in this country,from pure chemicals i imported. Dr. Guyaotf's Kxtract of Yellow .inti Savtapar ilia i n quart bottles the Great Purifier of the Rlood—Not a particle of Mercury in it—Let the afflicted read and ponder. An Infalli ble remedy for Scrofnla. King’s Evil, Rheumatism,, f tbstinate f’ntancor.s Emiptions. T'implesor Pustu les on the Face, Boils, P.lotohea, Chronic Sore Eyes. Ringworm or Tetter. Enlargement and Pain in the Bones or Joints. Stubborn Ulcers. Syphilitic Disorders Lumbago, Spinal Complaints* and all diseases arising from an injudicious use of Mercurv, Imprudence in Life, or Impurity of the Blood. This great alterative medicine and Purifier of the blood is p.ow used by thousands of grateful patients from all parts of the United States, who testify daily to the remarkable cures performed by the greatest of all medicines, GFYSOTT'S EXTRACT OF YEL LOW' DOCK AND SARSAPARILLA. Neuralgia, Rheumatism. Scrofula. Eruptions on the Skin. Liv er Diseases. Fevers, Ulcers. Sores. Affections of the Kidneys, Diseases of the Throat, Female Com plaint.-. Pains and Aching in the Bones, and Joints, are speedily put to flight by using this great and ine- timahle remedy. For all diseases of The Blood, nothing lias yet been found to compare with it. It cleanses the system of all imparities, acts gently and efficiently on the Liver and Kidneys, and strenthens the Digestion. gives lone to the Storaache makes the skin clear and healthy, and restores the Constitution enfeebled by disease, or broken down by the excesses of youth, to its pristine vigor and strength. For the Ladies,it is incomparably better than all the cosmetics ever used. Af *w doses of DR.GUYSOTTS YELLOW DOCK AXD SARSA PARILLA will remove al! sallowness of complexion, bring the roses mantling the cheek, give elasticity to llie step, and improve the general health in a re markable degree, beyond all the medicine ever heard of. The large number of Certificates we have received from all portions of the United States, is the best evidence that there i> no humbug about it The press, hotel keepers, mag trates, physicians, and public men well known in the community, all add their testimony,!# the wonderful efleets of this great'blood purifier. &m~ Be careful to buy none but that which is put up in QUART BOTTLES. Colton A McDermott. Agents for Oroville. Park A White General Agents and importers for all valuable Patent Medicines, 132 Washington st., San Francisco. au2o*dmjs. Notice to Lien Holders. lATE < F • AL!LF*JRNIA—Coon > of Bute.—Dt«- trict Court, loth Judiciti Dis r ct. Jam-.-s C. Caine tt al- T s.D- C. owner el al. Wheffß? the above named pi?* l l; tiffs having oomraouced an action in said Court ; gainst the said tor the foreclosure of a cer tain mechanic’s lien held and cUimM by said plaintiff*, upon that certain building, ij iugand b~ing si.uate.i in tbe town ol Uioviiie. in sajdc ui.i -kinl .-iiif. a*;*! known ■s th? Theater building located on the corner of Hoot on ind Bird stiee * in said loan and occupying a pari ot Damtertd I) one ana (■-.» t»o in clock «3> th-ee as ta.d a* era on the map ot the town of Oruvilh- on fi.e in R eorder's ofifiae ot Butte ecu ty Notice is hureuy given to all pentoits * oldirg or 1 tm iig li ns upon faid b' f* re described property. io pte-eot tbeis «ai i liens before the <iid 0 nrt on the first done?a of November, A. D ISOB, then and then: to make proof ot the same. D. w. CHCE6MAN, AtPy for plaintiff MEDICAL. Phj-siful and Mental Debility. In no portion of the United Stales are so many ex ample* of Physical and Menial decay to he met wilh as in California, where dissipation runs riot. The true rea son, it seems to us. lays in the persona’ neglect of health which soon in our climate becomes a confirmed habit. Nothing is so dangerous, and with a view of checking this great evil, w e would call especial attention to the advertisement of I’a. I* J. Czapkay, in another column of this paper Unlike the majority of advertising phy icians—who are generally empiiics—Dr. Czapkay La gentleman < fra re scientific ami medical attainments, hay ing held the dbtf guisbol posiil a of Chief Surgeon In the Hungarian armv. and possesses the necessary requi .'i e» foi fhe -Mt-nsssJul | r osoeution of his profession To his care and ; dv ce we would especially commend uli suffering fnm s or private diseases, which branch of medicine he has made his exclusive practice, feeling assured that in all such complaints " hi ther arising from hd tutor, mlf abuse, or lus- of vi ility, he can guaran tee a speedy and permanent cure The many testimonials he has received, p rucularh of the a-touLhiog c- res he has effected In r- s; nng system* alnioSlentireiy wrecked, from the p inful effects ot PhVhlo I and Mental • ebllity. speaks volumes of hi« -kill, and we cheerfully recom mend him to the public as a skillful physician, in whom every confi :eu.c tan be placed td-tf J}si L* J CZAPKAY’S RRIVATE MEDIC Ah AM) SI KGICAL fe INFIHITE. .-a r'.imeiiio street, below ' oulgotn try, « pposite I’a i ’c vinil Companyoffice. F;ti. r rm* i»co. Kslabl'SheJ in 1854. for the permanent cure «*f all private and chronic disease, and the sup press!on ol quackery Attending and r.-ident physician 1., j. ( ZvPKAV. M. D.. I ite in the Hungarian Kevo lutionary War, Chief Physician lo the -Olh Kegiment of Honveds, Chief Surgeon l *the Military Hospital of Pesrth, Hungary, and ih • lie Lecturer on the Diseases of o men anil Children Comm.intentions strictly confiden tial. Permaneit cure guaranteed, or no pay. Consulta tions, r»y letter or ..M.crwLe. free AUdre-s. DR L. J. CZAPK AY, San Francisco, Cal DR. L. J CZAPKAY returns his sincere thanks to his numerous patients for their patronage, and would lake this opportunity to remind them that he continues to consult at nis iistil he to- the cure of all form- of pri va’e dir* vise;—such ns syphilis, gonorrhoea, neciurmd einissis-un s, ami all the ro .sequences ol self-abuse In the rr.-t stng-s of svphilnic or gomeri ce il disea-es. he guarantees in a few days, without inconvenience in the imlii nt or hindrance to his business When a patient, by neglect or improper treatment, developed the secondary symptom- of syphilis, such as buboes or pain ful swellings on Hie groins, or ulcers in the throat and which, if not checked, destroy the soft purls and cause the h-nes to nn rtif , separate anil come away, leaving the sufferer hideous to behold : or when blotches and pimi les break out on the skin, or when he has pain lul s-eiiings upon the b nes, or when his const it alien is injured s > a- to pre-<iispo«e to consumption or other con stou iorial di.-ease, the doctor gu runteea .. cure or asks no coinpenea h n. In rheuma'ism, chfonic or accate ; in dysentery or di arrhee •, he has safe and effectual r. medles ; for the treat a ent of t< e consequences of self-abuse, such as noc t‘ rnal emission;, nervousne-. 0 . imldity, headache, pains in the buck a d£imli», with general weakness, 1 »ss of ap petite, less of memo’y, ir jury to the Sight, restlessness, conim-ioii of ideas, (iis ike lor society, and a fee ing of wearing a of life, with the nervous system so excitable that -light noise-; shuck or startle the patient. making his existence miserable. Ft r the above maladies the doctor wi 1 guaran’ee a cure t r ask no eompeufaiion. Hu can b« consulted five ot cha ge, and invites all to cail, slt v. ill cost them nothii g. and may be much to their a v intage. Olfice hours from 9 a. m. to 9 p m. i’emarkublc Instance of Medical Hcllef. I’.elow we publish the certificat- s of two ot the suff r ers from the wings of disease, who, having recovered tin ir former health, an ! impelled by gratitude, make known thel cases and rem idial agrn*, and their stale moi.ts are authenticate’! by a Notary Public. Tre de n.aiids 01 society imj eriously comm d their publicity, and w- commend their pera. al to the attention of all afflicted : I hanfulness is the Incentive to Gratitude. Certificate. The undersigned, desirous of acquainting those who may bo unfortunate enough tojjbe similarly afflicted, where a permanent relief of their sufferings »» ny be ob tained feels it hi- diry to thus publicly express h:s most sincere gratitude to Dr. L. .1. Czapkay lor tiie permanent recovery of his health. Horne down by the distressing sj mptoms incident to the vicious practice of uncontrolla ble * a-si. n in jo i.h ; depre sed in l> -dy and mind, un able to perform even the must trifling duty imposed upon the daily av. cations of life. I sought the advice of many physicians, who at first regarded my disea-e as of trifling imp iriaiice ; but. alas! alter a few weeks and in sever al instances months of their trea’menl, I found, to my unutterable horror, that ins « ad of relief, my symptoms became more alarming in their torture : and. being told by one that my disease being principally confined lo the brain, medicines would be of little consequence, i des paired of evei regaini gmv health, ftrength and energy; an-*, as a la»i resort, and with but n faint hope, called upon Dr Czapkay. w-.i_i-.ftei examining my case, pre scribed so »:e medicine which almost instantly reli -red mo of the dull pain nnd dizziness in my head. Encour aged by this result, I resolved to place myself immedi ately u;.d r his r- re. and by a strict obedience lo all bis directions and advice, my head became clear, my id*-ns collected, the csnsta: 1 pain ray back and groins, the weakhe-s of my limbs, the r e vous reaction ot my whole body 011 the slightest a dim or vx<dismeni; the misan thropy and dull forhoding* ; the sep-disl - u land want of c i tl fence in others; the i-capability to s'-udy and want of resolution ; the frightful, exciting, and at all times pleasurable dreams at night, followed by involuntary discharge-. have all disappeared, vnd, in fact., in iwo months, utter having consulted ihe uoetor, I I* It as if In spired by a new life—that life which, but a tdv n lime go, 1 contempt .-.ted toe d with mv own hand. With a v ew to guard the unfortunate from falling lido ’ho snares of inc mpi lent quacks, I dee it mj duty to off:r this testimony to ih • merits and skill of Dr. Czapkay and re onn.ieiid him lo all who may stand in need of medical advice l eing assure 1 by my own e-p*n* nce that once end r Ids c r*‘, a radical and permanent cure will be ef fected. It. F. Fillmore s:uie ot Califtirrin, County of S*n Francisco. Sub scribed and sworn C. before me, this 17lh day of April, a i». 18511. (signs 1) John Middi.ktov. Notary Public, [a s] C\pd—Prompted bv nn honest desire of my heart, I wish lo lay belore he public a cn-e which deserves a comna< ndaliow, not only as an ac' of scientific skill, but lb .lot humanity also. Vbout two ym<rs ago Isudd nly. fin-1 from ennsg- unknown t . mi*. w’;i» si- : z • 1 with • fit ot ► pih psy. which, owmg t«» my inability to meet the ex pen- -■ con-iajuei t u, on a th* rough mei!i<*al treatment, and the disc <ur igenm'H whi h i met with «m anenipling it s on became such (as I was then led t" believe.) as to defy (lie sk il of 10 y phyirian I was frequenl’y, while i i th** iiiirsuii * f my calling, thrown down t ■ the ground without the -lighe.-t w .ruing : and although in -•■n-ible to the r.gonies. I y*. I espised the of mi life, an l soon learned to look upon those who would render assistance or slieher me from danger, ns * monies who sought to j rolling the existences ol my m -eries. While in sins state, a'.d having, provlou.- to my afflict ion, tasted Ihe sweets of hiv*, I. m* re was induced to attempt seeking a« i ot a 1 eysi ian. and bv recoin inerdiihn, calletepnn Dr. L. J. <’2ipkay. I told him of my circnmeanccs. and of my innbi ily to reward him for hi- service?—regard!'• 9 of which, however, he at once undertook my case, and with the ble.s-inr of God, I was • nee mme n s ored to perfect health. Unable to reward him b'r the ro»n which I fin joy at present, and yet donscious of my in t'-dness, I consider il due to in S'-lt and all oflloved, to make the case pu lie in order that those in need ol medical novice m iy find a physi cian in whom every congdence can tm placed. Mkykh Yabuonskt Sta‘e of Calif’ruin. Comity of r=an Franc sc, Sworn and subscribed to, before me this 1-t day of Au gust, a x>. I-tU. Gilbert A. Gkast, Notary Public. Sp^iiuatorihoea, Dr local weakness, nervous debility, low spirit o . lassi tude, weakness of inc limbs aim trick, indispc'sitiou and incaprbilily for h.bor >inl s;u !y, dulliies? of apprehension loss of memory, aversion to society, love of soli:ude, timidity, self-di-’.rust. d zz : ii”.“.s, headache, involuntary disc urges, pain- in the sibe. affec-ion** of the eyes, pimples on the face sexual anti »thvr iiiflrmuties in man «re cured by the justly «»lebraied physician and surgeon. L J. « zipkay. His methed ot curing diseases is new (unkni.w n to others) nnd I ence the great success. All consultations, ty letter or otherwise, free. Address. L. J. CZaPKaY, .M. D., San Franciace. Certiil *ateT. Hie nnd; rsigned. Governor of Hungary, do testily hereby that D - . I . J. Czapkay has served du ring th- contest «>| 11 <1 garian liberty, as Chief Surgeon in the Hungarian army, with tuithtul perseverance— w bcrei f l liave given him this certificate, and do recom e d him to this sympathy, attention an I protect! n f all those who me capable of a preriating patriotic .-elf sacrifice and uude-efved rr.i fortune. Kossrr'i Lajos. Governor of Hungary. Washington Cll>,.LiU Olh. ISG2. The Greatest Dl-corcry of the Ape! Greatest to Mankind!—lnnocent hut Po; ent! Dr, L. J. * zipkav’s Prophylacticum. (self-disinfecting agent,> a sure preventive against Gonor r hce il and Syph ilitical di-eases, and an unsutpissed remedy for ail vene real. ?crof dous, gangrenous, and cancerous diseases, discharges from ihe vagi in, uterut and urethra, a d all cutaneaus eruptions and riisenses. As innocula turn is asuie preventive against small pox, so is Dr. h. J. *_ zupkay’s Hronhvlacticum a preventive against syphi litic and goiiorrhie il diseases. Harmless in ilselt, it pos susses the (mwerot chemically destroying the syphilitic virus, and thereby savinfi th-> isands of debauchaes from being infeclea by the most loathsome of all disca-ea Let n«. young man who appreciate* heal h Ih* without Dr. Czapkay 9 Prophylacticum. It is in very convenient packages, andtwill b - found convenient f r use. being "S'-'S as a soap. Price, five dollars For sale at Dr. L. J. < zipkay's rnvale Medical and Surgical Institute, sacra nn-nio street, b«o.v Montgomery, opposite Pacific Mail Company's office, Fan I’r.iocisctr, All letters must be addressed lo L. J Czapkay, M. D. San Francisco. To the Ladles of California. T-. i. CZAPKAV, M. D.. Physician. Surgeon and Ac coucheur, invites the attention of the sick and afflicted females laboring under auy of the various forms of dis eases of the I rain. )ci gs. heart, stomach, liver, wo ob. Mood, kidneys and aU diseases peculiar to their sex.— Fbe Doctor is effecting more cures than any other pby siciaa in California. Lei no false delicacy prevent you, bui apply immediately, and save yourselves from painful sufferings and premaiure death. All married ladief, »h'j9f delicate lieallb or nth r cimimsUnc prerent *n increase m :Ueir la niiies, >hoald call at Dr L. J. Czap kiiy's edital lnsiitu;e. pacri i-.euto »tre»-t, bel >w .Mom gomery, Pacific M til steamship Company’s • office. Fan Francisco, and tney will receive eve jr p ssi hie relief an l help. All c« w illations, by letter or other wise, free. Address J- oZAPKAY, Medical I nsiimit-. Sac ram *nto street, below Mouigom ery, opposite Pacific Mail S; aiuship Company's office. !9aD Francisco. oc9 NEW BAKERY. Iluntoon St..adjoining Theatre Block. i 54’HER HI K SEP C .INSTANTLY ON hand Bread, Pies and Cakes. .\ Iso Butter Crackers. 111 9J90 supply Saloons and Families with Lemon, Ginger and Beer, on rea-onabe terms. a -fia/eut toe public pa.rorage • so’i ' bd. “ O. LAMP, Proprietor. Oroville, May 3<j. MISCELLANEOUS. Til F. GOI-D E !« PRIZE. THE GOLDEN' PRIZE. THE GOLDEN PRIZE. THE GOLDEN PRIZE. THE GOLDEN PRIZE. THE GOLDEN PRIZE. THE GOLDEN PRIZE. THE GOLDEN PRIZE. THE GOLDEN PRIZE. THE GOLDEN PRIZE. ILLUSTRATED! ILLUSTRATED ILUSTBATED. ILLUSTRATED EVERY WEEK. ILLUSTRATED EVERY WEEK. I LIUSTRATED EVERY WEEK. ILLUSTR ATED EVERY WEEK. ILLUSTRATED EVERY WEEK. SPECIMEN COPIES SENT FREE. SPECIMEN COPIES SENT FREE. SPECIMEN COPIES SENT FREE. THE GOLDEN PRIZE ILLUSTRATED! ILLUSTRATED! The New York Weekly Golden Prize is one of largest and Lest weekly papers of the day. An Imperial Quarto containing eight pages, or forty columns, of entertaining original matter: and ele gantly illustrated every week. A gift worth irnm 50 cents to $5OO in Gold, will be presented to each subscriber immediately on re ceipt of the subscription money. One copy for one year $2 00, and 1 gifts One copy for two years 3 50. and 2 gifts One copy for three years 5 00, and 3 gifts One copy for five 3’ears 8 00,and 5 gifts AND TO CLUBS Three copies one year $5 00, and 3 gifts Five copies one year 8 00, and 3 gifts Ten copies one year 15 00 and 10 gifts Twenty one copies I year.... 30 00 and 21 gifts The articles to be distributed arc comprised in the lollowing list; 2 packages of gold, containing.. $5OO 00 each 5 do do do 200 00 each 10 do do do 100 00 each 10 Patent lever hunting cased wathes 100 00 each 20 Gold Watches "5 00 each 20 do do 60 00 each 100 do do 50 00 each 300 Ladies Gold Watches 35 00 each 200 Silver hunting cased watches.... 30 00 each 500 Silver Watches $lO to 25 00 each 1000 Gold guard, vest A fob chains 10 to 30 00 each Gold Lockets, Bracelets, Broaches. Ear Diops, Breast Pins, Cuff Pins, Sleeve Buttons. Rings, Shirt Studs, Watch Keys. Gold and silver Thimbles and a variety of other articles, worth from lift}' cents to $l5 each. Immediately on receipt of the subscription ninny, the subscriber’s name will be entered upon our subscription book opposite a number, and the gift orrespondiug with that number will be tor waiued, within one week, to the subscriber, by mail or express, post paid. All communications should be addressed to RECKET & CO,, 48 and 49 Moffat Building, 335 Broadway,N. Y. Specimen copies sent free. Agents wanted. Specimen copies of the Golden Prize may be seen at this office. 1 yw Golden Gate Restaurant! Corner Montgomery ntul lluntoon street?, Oroville. THIS ESTABLISHMENT, having been r*- built since the tire. un«l filled up in the most excellent manner, is again open to all its old patrons and as many new ones as may see fit to call. The i r«prieU»r. having had his efforts duly ap preciated while keeping the old establishment, lla'ters himself that this fact alone will i.duce a continuance of patronage by the public. HOARD PER U EEK, 8* OO SINGLE MEALS. OO Chicken, Oyster and Clam Soups always on hand, and served up at short notice. Meals at all hours. THE BAR—I do not say tii il my Liquors cost me s x, eight or ten dollars per gallon, cut will *ay—just give them a trial. SABE? [jy-Open Day and Night. Thankful for post favors, I respectfully solicits a con tinuance of the same, uug.t JOHN DR AG II I, Proprietor. Dr. J. W. Van Zandt, Oculist and Aurist, Oculist and Aurist, Oculist and Aurist. Oculist and Aurist, Oculist and Aurist. Is treating diseases Is treating diseases Is treating diseases Is treating diseases Is treatii g diseases Dr J. W. Van Zandt, Dr J. W. Van Z«ndt, Dr. J, W. Vau Zandt Dr. J W. Van Zandt, Dr. J. W. Van Zandt, Of the Eye and Ear, Of the Eye and Ear, Of the Eye ami Ear, Of the Eye and Ear, Of the Eye and Ear, Medically and Surgically, Medically and Surgically, Medically and ‘•’urgically, Medically and Surgically, Medicallv and Surgically Amaurosis, Cataract, Amaurosis, Cataract, Amaurosis, Cataract. Amaurosis, Cataract, Amaurosis, Cataract, Weakness and Inflammation, Weakness ai.d lidlaiiimtilbm. Weakness and lull tminaiioii. Weak ness and li tl iuimuTion, Weakness and lafluiuimili m. Injures from Blasting, Ne vous Deafness, Nervous Deatueso, Nervous I leaf ness, Nervous Dent'll a*. Nervous Deafness. injuries from Blasting. It'j iries from Bias'mg, luj iries tro •• B aMing. I fr om Blasting, Binging Noises in the Ear, Ringing Noises in the Ear, Kingn.g Noises in the Enr, Hinging Moises in the Ear. Hinging Noises in the Ear, Office, foot of Clay street Office, f-*• t«»f Clay street Office, foot or Clay street Ollice, foot of lay street » ’tfice. fool of Clay street Oculist and Aurist, Dr. J. \V. Van Zandt, Surgeon to Charity Eye and Ear Hospital, City and County Physi cian of San Francisco in 15.12. Dr. Van Zandt having devoted his study, for years, to the surgical and medical treatment of the diseases of the Eye and Ear. and having had the benefit of the la’-ge hospitals at home, is treating with great success amaur osis. or disease of the nerves of the eye. cataract, ob struction of the lens, inflammations, opacitiaa. injuries from blast*, weaknesses—also deafness of long standing, and from the result of fevers, measles. Ac.. ringing nois es in the ear. and all defects of the delicate organ of hearing. Institute for the treatment of diseases of the Kye and, foot of Clay street, San Francisco. «18 New Store, New Goods. T AXG CO HUNTOON STREET, TWO IJ doom below the Theatre building. Uroyille have just opened the best assortment of Groceries, Provisions, Liquors. Dry Goods. Clothing, Bools, Shoes. and Hats, Ever brought to this market, and which we will sell at wholesale and resail, cheap for cash, and no humbug. The undersigned would respectfully inform the peo ple of * ’roville and vicinity, that hey will sell goods of all descriptions at Marysville Prices, and warrant every thing sold as represented. Trailers and Packers will do well to give us a call, a* we will save them the lime and trouble of going farther below to make purchases. Part icular attention will always be given to the supply of Groceries to families, hotels, miners, &c. mh2fl LANG L CO. Glorious News ! ! STOP YE HUNGRY AND READ! ORO VI I. EE RESTAURANT OPEN AGAIN!! SIMON R. ROSENTHAL herewith in forms the public and his friend?, that he dissolved partnership with A. Michineau on the 7ih of July, and furthermore, desires to state, that he ha* os socia'ed with himself Mr. F. Ilammemick, recently of the United States KnoUiurant, for the purpos** of re-of**n ing the Oroville Restaurant on Montgomery gi.. between Myers ami Huntoon street*, where they both will be happy t«» serr their old friends and ouatomers. thankful for pa*t favors, and promising to do ample justice to all. we bespeak for ourselves the generous patronage of the public. BOARD PER week-in ADVANCE, 88 00 SINGLE MEALS, 50 SIMON R. ROSENTHAL, July iHth. eve EAR & SURGICAL INFIRMARY Hubbard & Teed, PHYSICIANS fc SURGEONS. OFFICE—D street, between Second and Third streets, Marysville N. U.—Operations on the Eye and Ear and the treat ment of their Diseases, will receive special attention. jeiiif J. Upstone, Corner of Montgomery and Oak Streets, Oroville. Dealer in ikon, steel, springs, axles. Borax. Coal. Blacksmith’s Tools. Carriage Lumbar, etc. Quartz Selves, Iron Shatters and Doors, made to order. je'JUlf JAMES S- LONG, COUNTY SURVEYOR. Ornci-Io Um Cent Bono, eoO OFFICIAL. REPORT Of the Treasurer of Butte County from the first day of July to the thirtieth of September, 1858 in clusive. 1858 STATE FUND. Dr. July 1 To balance on hand as per last report 112407 28 Sept 30 To amount received from State tax 1858 . ...1728 18 44 To amount received from Po 11 tax 1858 2222 88 44 To amount received from Foreigu Miner’s Licenses 4804 00 44 To amount received from Auction Sales 14 76 44 To amount received from military tax 58.138 83 44 To amount received from collector on licenses due from last quarter 39 79 44 To amount received from licenses 232 50 121588 22 1858 CONTRA, Cr. Sept. 30 By amount paid collector’s com mission on State taxes... .201 19 44 By amount paid collector's commissions on Foreign miner's licenses 1104 92 44 By amount paid Recorder’s ’ commissions on Foreign miner’s licenses 14 i 12 44 By amount paid Assessor’s per diem 885 75 41 By amount paid Auditor’s ’ commissions on poll tax . 36 85 41 By amount paid Assessor's commissions on poll tax.. 135 00 44 By amount paid State Trea surer 13673 28 44 By amount paid Treasurer's commissions 452 78 44 Mileage 30 00 44 By balance in treasury, 4924 33 521588 11 1858 GENERAL COUNTY FUND, July 1 To balance on hand a« per last report Sept 30 Amount received from county taxes 1858 44 To amount received from poll tax 1858 44 Toamou:.t received from Foreign mi ner's licenses .... 44 To amount received from Fines jus tice’s courts 44 To amount received from Ferry licen ces 44 To amount received from licenses. . Dr. $l3OO 80 1440 15 1481 92 4804 00 255 25 168 00 3385 50 $12835 62 1858 CONTRA. Cr. Sept 30 By amount warrants re deemed 8954 39 44 By amount paid collector's commissions on county taxes 167 65 44 By amount paid collector’s commissions on Foreign miner's licenses 1104 92 * 4 By amount paid Recorder’s commissions on Foreign miner’s licenses 144 12 44 By amount paid collector’s commissions on licenses 72 92 44 By amount paid Auditor’s commissions on poll tax 24 57 44 By amount paid Assessors comniiss ons on poll tax 90 00 44 To Treasurer's commissions 316 75 44 To Balance in Treasury 1960 30 512835 62 ISSB SCHOOL FUND. Dr. July 1 To balance on hand as per last re port $1043 70 Sept. 30 To amount received on county taxes of 1858 288 04 44 To amount received on p"ll taxes of 1858 500 00 $lB3l 74 1858 CONTRA, Cr. Sept. 30 By amount warrants redeemed 767 00 44 By amount paid collector’s commissions on county taxes 33 54 44 By amount paid Assessor’s commissions on poll tax 125 00 44 By amount paid Auditor’s commissions on poll tax 7 50 44 By amount paid Treasurer’s commissions 27 99 44 To balance in Treasury.... 870 71 slB3l 74 1858 ROAD FUND, Dr. July 1 To balance on hand as per last re port 321 74 Sept 30 To amount received on county taxes of 1858 144 03 $465 77 1858 CONTRA. Cr. Sept. 30 By amount paid collec tor’s commissions on co. taxes of ISSB 16 75 44 By Treasurer’s comisions 50 44 By balance in Treasury 448 52 5465 77 1858 INDIGENT SICK FUND, Dr. July 1 To balance on hand as per last report $506 71 Sept. 30 To amount received on county taxes of 1858 1008 09 $1514 80 1858 CONTRA, Cr. Sept. 30 By amount warrants redeemed 1278 46 44 By amount paid collector's commissions on county taxes of 1858 117 33 44 By Treasurer’s commissions 41 87 *• By balance in treasury 77 14 51514 80 1858 COURT HOUSE AND JAIL FUND, Dr. July 1 To balance on hand as per last report $7O 39 1858 CONTRA, Cr. Sept. 30 By amount warrants redeemed 68 34 44 By Treasurer’s commission 2 05 s7o 39 1858 ESTRAY FUND, Dr. July 15 To amount received from Nan cy E. Berry $77 50 Sept 9 To amount received from I*. Ma guire 6 00 $B3 50 1858 CONTRA, Cr. Sept By balance in Treasury $B3 50 RECAPITULATION. Receipts Disbursements. State Fund ‘21588 22 16663 89 General county fund 128.35 62 10875 32 School fund 1831 74 961 0.3 Road fund 465 77 17 25 Ind. Sick fund 1514 80 1437 66 Courthouse A jail fu’d 70 39 70.39 Estray fund 83 50 00 00 $.38 390 04 $3O 025 54 Total balance in the treasury $8364 50 Made from balances on the following funds: State fund 4924 33 General county fund 1960 30 School fund 870 71 Road fund 448 52 Indigent Sick fund 77 14 Estray fund 83 50 Total balance in treasury $8364 50 STATEMENT Of indebtedness of Butte county as appears from the books of the county Treasurer, ending Sep tember 30, 1858. Amount of unredeemed warrants regis* istered on the G ncral county fund $54202 39 Amount of unredeemed war rants registered on the indi gent sick fund 15779 50 569981 89 WM. LATTIMORB, Treas. Butte Co. Oroville, October 1,1858, John W. Tucker, IMPORTERR OF AND WHOLESALE AND RE .aii Dealer in Watches, Diamonds, Silver Ware, Jew elry, and Silver-plated Ware. Quart* Work of all kinds on hand. Watches repaired with care, and warranted, No. Ik 5 Montgomery street, San Francisco. in the interior, desirous of purchasing ar ticles o( Jewelry, by forwarding a description, accom panied by the rash, can obtain them, and depend on their being of the best quality, and aelected with care; and there is little doubt that this mode will prove as satisfactory to the purchasers, as if the articles had been selected under their own supervision oco-tt Dr. M. Vrooman. OFFICE —On Bird street two doors Irorn the Poet Offle, Theatre block. Office hoars, from 9A. to 12 M., and from 2P.M. to 6 o’clock. Calls from the country, of responsible men, will be punctually at tended. Kales of charges the came as adopted bv the Butte County Medical Society. apl 3 LEGAL NOTICES. Declaratory Notice. STATE OP CALIFORNIA, COUNTY op Butte. SS, I Mary Maclean, wife of Jam** T. M«I H of the town of Oroville in said county, and State af<. r J! said in the township ofOphir. in said county, do by declare, that I intend from and after thia dal# t* carry on business in my own name and cn my own ke count, in the county of Butte; that the nature 0 f **i.l business is that of Merchandising and Millinery in •* i county and State, and auch other further thing* as i aaT be necessary to CJ fry on and manage aai-J bu*in#** [ will be individually responaible in my own ram* ’f or all debts contracted by me on account of my u d bur., ness, and I hereby further declare that the amount of capital invested in my Mid business docs not * X c*w the sum of five thousand dollars. « . In witness whereof I hare set my hand * c < |h, S ) seal, the fifteenth day of ctober. A. D ISJS ~ MARY MACLEAN. Witness: 8 W. W Coughey. STATE of CALIFORNIA. COUNTY OF BUTTE 8* —On this fifteenth day of October. A. l>. 1858 befo r , me. 8, " . W. Coughey. a Notary Public duly commit. sioutM end qualified in and for t-aid county, personally appeared. . Uty Maclean, to me personally known to b» the individual, described in and who executed the for.. going Declaration of sole Trader." and being by *. examined apart and without the hearing of her sail husband and made acquainted with the content* of ih* foregoing declaration she acknowledged to me th*t«h. executed the same freely and voluntarily without fri T or compulsion or coercive on part of her bndtaii'l f or the u*es and purposes therein mentioned, d« Slr ,» the same might be recorded as such. In witness wh reof 1 have hereunto *et mr J 1. 8. J hand and affixed my official seal the da* mj * - 1 year first above written 8. W W COUGHEY. Notary Public. Butte Ceuuty Cal Oct 16 58 St Insolvency Notice. STATE OF CALIPOHMA-COI \TY OK Hull® District Court, 15th Judicial District. In I * matter of W. t. BTAND.AHT a Pcblioncr in Insolvency, ▼a, hi* creditors. In pursuance of an order made n aid Disnci Court, in and for said County, by the Jiid«* •here- f, at chamf*ers. oil the 2Tlh day ol September D. 1858 Notice is hereby given to the creditor* of it,* said \V. I, Staudun< j*elitioner in insolvency, to be appear lieforc the Honorable District Court, fu and f, r Hu lie County, on Monday Hie fifteenth day of Novem ber, A D 1838, at the hour of 10 o’clock, A. M . of that day. at the Court House of said County, in the Town of Urovilie. then and there to show cause if any they have, why the prayer of said petitioner should not he granted, and he be released from all and singular hi. debt* and liabilities as set forth in his schedule on A'.* In said Court, it is ordered that all proceedings auaiDi: said insolvent for the collection of debts set fortri >o mid schedule, be stayed until further Judicial order of * court of record By' order of the lion VV. T. B*zu>* District Judge at chambers. Witness my hand, and the *eal of said t ) Court affixed, this the twenty ninth day uf 'seal. >Bepteinter, A. D. 1858. ' S M. H DAHRAOII, Clerk District Court Butte County. Titos. Wells, Attorney for petitioner 02-40 d Insolvency Notice. CIOUNTY' COURT, in and for the County of Rutte, /State of California. In the matter of the petition of Elijah Hunt. Jr., an insolvent debtor, pursuant to id order of the Hon. Thorais Well*. County Judge of the county of Butte, made this day. notice is hereby given to all the creditors of the said insolvent. Elijah Hunt. ;o be and appear before the Hon. Thomas Wrlls afore said. in open court, on Monday, the rid day of Novem. her. A.D 1858, at 10 o'clock A M. of that day. ai th* court room of said court, in the town of Oroville. then and there to show cau-e. it any they can. why the pray er of said insolvent should not be granted, and an »•- slgnment of his estate be made, and he be discharged from his debts as an insolvent debtor. Witness my hand and the seal of saidCoar. this 13th dav of September. A D 1858. M 11. DA BRA OH. Clerk County Court Butte county. Harris 4 Howard, Att'ys. Summons. STATE OF CALIFORNIA—IN THE DISTRICT Court ol ihe Fifteenth Judicial District, County of Butte. ELIZA J ROGERS vs. B B. ROGERS Action b ought iq the District Court of the 15lh Judicial District and the Complaint filed in the County of Rutte, in the office of the Clerk »f said District Court. The l'e* plr of the Slate of CaHToi nia'seml greeting : To B. B ROGERS. You are hereby required to appear in an action brought * gaiuss jo i by the above named plaintiff in the District Court of the of Fifteenth Judicial District, in and for the county Butte, and to answer the complaint filed iherels, (a copy of which »» companies tin* summons) within ten days, (exclusive of the day ol service) after ih<v *ervies on you of this summons, if served w ithin thi* musty ; if served out of this county, hut within this Judicial Dis trict, within twenty days; or if served out of said District, then within forty davs—or judgment by default will t»e taken against you. The said action i« brought to obtain a decree of sai 1 Court that the marriage contract exist ii.g between you and the plaintiff be dissolved and an ntiled, that she may be released from the bond* of matri mony, and to obtain judgment for the costs and money disbursements of this action, and for such other and fur ther relief as may be proper—and if you fall to ap|M**r and answer the said comp aim as above required the plaintiff will apply to the Ct.urt for the ‘eliet in her com plaint demanded. Given under my hand and the Beal of the District (’owrt of the Fifteenth Judicial District, this eighteenth day of August, in the year oi our Cord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight. M. U. DARK A« 11. uuglB-3m* Clerk. SEAL Notice to Lten-Ho I ders. f|M» LL WHOM IT MAY" CONCERN— • Notice is hereby given, to prsvent their liens, held under provisions of An Act ol the Legislature of thi* Mate, entitled ‘ .An Act for securing Liens to Mechanic* and others,” passed Apji* I9lh 185 b, and all amendatory acts, on ih t certain building now being erected on lot* numbers five and six. of block number throe, in Oroville, Butte County. California, and so much of said lot- as may lie necessary for the coiivrnient use and occupation of said building, on Mouduy the Bih day of Novemdes. lASB, at 10o’clock. A. M, in he llou. District ourl of the Fifteenth Judicial I dstrict. County of B itle. at the Court Houart in Oroville, lueu aud there to be properlp proved and adjudicated. A. LEWIS, By A. B. Galinokr, Agent. Oroville, October 15lh. 1858. [old 3wj WTATE OF ( ALIPORNIA, COI NTV OF Butte; District court Fifteenth Judicial Distric' la the matter ot the petition of PHILIP M ATER.MAN vv. HIS CKKUITOBr 1 :: In pursuance* of an older made by the Judge of the said court at Chambers on the eighth day of October A I> 18 »8 Notice is hereby given to the creditors ot Philip Waterman a petitioner in insolvency to be and appear before said court, on Monday the 15tl» day of November. A D. 1858. at the hour of ten o clock A. M, of that day at the court room, in the town of Oro ville, in *aid county, then and there to show cau e if any they h »ve. why the prayer of said insolvent should not be granted, and he be discharged and released from all Uis debts and liabilities set forth in his schedule on file in the clerk s office of said court. It is ordered that all legal proceedings for the collection of debt* set forth in his said schedule be stayed until further Judicial order of »aid comt By order of the District Judge Fifteenth judicial Dil . . trict. Witness my hand and the seal of *a 1 ] LJB. [ court affixed this the Bth day of • ictober A D. *- ’ 1858, Mil DARRACH, Cl k Dial. Court, Butte Co. Cal. t*. Roscsbawm. Attorney for Petiuiicr oct 9 3Ud Notice IS HEREBY GIVEN. THAT A MEETING WILL be held by the stockholder* of the Butte Tunnel Com any at their claim on the Bluff, on the north *ide of Feather river, opposite Oroville. November 25th, 1858. All as<ees i.euls due and unpaid, will be sold to pay - aid a-sessm<Miis. M, GREEN , t»e«'y Oct. *5, 1858. BUTTE RECORD. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING, Office on lllrxl Street, bmvern My era and Hunlson Sts. Term*—One Year Per Mail 5 00 "Hx months, do ’ 3 oq Three months. do 2 Wl Delivered by Carrier, per Month *., ,*,*!.*! 50 Single Copies, 95 Auvkktisrmrnts. per squure ol ten lines or less, first insertion. $3OO Each subsequent insertion,- - - . 160 liberal deduction will bemadcin favorefthose who advertise by the year. Cy* Bualnesfcards inserted on reasonable terms. BUTTS RECORD Book and Job Printing Office, Bird street, between Myers and Hun toon, Oroville, The proprietors of the above named establishing, would respectfully announce to the citizens of Oro villle and the surrounding country, that they are now now prepared to execute all kinds of Plain and Orna mental JOB PRINTING. in a manner unsurpassed by any other establishment in California. Having FIVE PRINTING PRESSES, of the latest i oproved patterns, we are prepared to turn out work with the greatest possible speed, atfall limes, and at the shortest notice. Having an extensive assortment of Jobbing Materials of thevery latest styles, and as we employ none bo I the beat of worlunen, we can ifiutranlee entire Mtlifae lion and at rates which will defy competition ! Posters, of the very largest size, for Theatrical Enter tainments, Concerts and Exhibitions, printed at this es. tablishiuent at short notice, and at the lowest price. We are prepared with an extra quality of Tjpe and other material peculiarly adapted to the printing of Programmes, Bills of Fare, Way Bills. Circulars, Pall Tickets, Visiting Cards. Billheads, Checks, Blank!) etc. Blakxs.—Every description of Blanks executed on the shortest notice, with unrivalled taste aad neatness