Newspaper Page Text
VOL. 6. Declaratory Notice. STATE OK CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OP Butte. 3S. I Man Maclean. " .fe of James T Mclean of the town of Ororille in ‘aid county, and state afore said in the township of Ophir. in said county, do here- V.j declare, that I intend from and after this date tn carry on lui'ines' in my own name and on my own ac count. in the county of Butte; that the nature of said bu-ioess is that of Merchandising and Millinery in said county and State, and such other further things as mar he necessary to carry on and manage *aid business *1 will be tudividually responsible in my own name for all debts contracted by me on account of my said busi ness, and I hereby further declare that the amount of capital invested in my -aid business does not exceed the sum of live thousand dollara. ln witness whereof I have set mv hand and ( l-i S . -ea!: the fifteenth day of '»ct'd>er. A. D. JBSS “ ' MARY MACLEAN M itnes-.: 8. tt. W Conghev. STATE OF CALIFORNIA. COUNTY OF BUTTE. SS —On this fifteenth day of October. A. 1) ISSB. before m<». WM . Cooghey. a Notary Public duly commii •ioned and qualified in and foriaid county, personally Mary Maclean, to me personally known to be the individual, described in and who executed the fore going "Declaration of m>l«* Trader, and being by me examined apart and without the hearing of her said hatband and made acquainted with the contents of the foregoing declaration she acknowledged to me that she executed the same freely and voluntarily, without fear or compulsion or coercive on part of her husband for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, at J dedrt i the same might be recorded as such. . ' . In witnesi wh -reof T have hereunto •“t my ! L 3. J hand and affixed ray official seal the day and ——- ’ year first above written s w w. couoiiet. Notary Public. Butte County. Cal. Oct 10 58 3t Insolvency Notice. ciTATE OF CALIFOHX!A-COr»TV OP Butte. District Court, l. r »lh Judicial District. In the matter of W. 1.. r iT *NDAUT a Petitioner in Insolvency, vs. his creditors. In pursuance of an order made iu said District Court, in and for said County, by the Judge thereof, nt chambers, on the 271 h day of September A. 1). !“>*. Notice in hereby given to the creditors of lh« raid IV. 1. Slaudart. petitioner in insolvency, to be find appear before the Honorable District Court, in and for Butte County, on Monday the fifteenth day of Novem ber, A D I* s **-', at the h-Mir of 10 oVloefc, A. M„ of that day . at the Court House i»f said County, in the T‘*wn of Urovilie. then ami there to show cause if any they have, why the prayer '>l said petitioner should no! be granted, and he be released from all and singular hi debts and liabilities ns set forth in his echeduie cm file in -ai l Court. It i.- ordered that all proceedings aeninst -aid in«*»lv. nt for the collection of debts set forth in said schedule, he stayed until further Judicial order of a court of record, fly order of the Hon VV. T. Sexton District Judge at chambers. Witness my hand. and the seal of raid ( 1 Court affixed, this the twenty ninth day of • seal. J A. D. Ir.'.s. * 1 M. II daxraoh. Clerk District Court Butte County. Tiios. IVkli.3, Attorney for petitioner oi-iOd Summons. jJTATE OF CALIFORNIA—IN THE DISTRICT r. urt of the Fifteenth Judicial I)-t rict. County of Bulb*. ELIZA J HOLERS vs. It B. K-m.F.I S Action b'o ight iq the District Court of the IMh Judicial District and the Complaint filed in tl e County of Butte, in the office '>f the Clerk »f said District Court. The People of the Stale of Califo n a’send greeting: To B. B. ROtJERS. You are hereby require I to appear in an ;*eti««it brought rgain-s you by the a!*»ve mimed | l-.intiffin the District Court of the of Fifteenth Judicial District, in and f..r the county Butte, and to answer the complaint filed therein, (a copy of which at companies tins summons) within lon days, (exclusive of the day •*! service) after Mix servic - on you of this summons, if served within this ounty ;if served out <>f this county, but within this Judicial Dis rikt, within twenty days; or if -erv.*d out of said District. Hi* it within forty da\s—or judgment by default will be taken against you. The said action i- biting! I to obtain a decree ».f -ai I Court that the marriage contract exist li g between you and the plainMif be dissolved and an* nuied, that she may be release.l fr.->rn the bonds of aiatri rmny. and to obtain judgment for the costs and money disbursement* of thi- action, and t »r such other and fur ther relief as may be proper—and if you fall to appear mid answer the sa d eiunp’alnt ;-s above r. q irej the l.laintilT w ill apply to the Ov urt for the diet in tier com plaint demanded. • : »v**n under my band an I the Seal of the District Court of the Fifteenth Judicial District, this eighteenth day of August, in the year o. our Lord one thousand eight hundred and flfty-Mght. M. 11. DARK A< H, anglS-rSm* Clerk. Summons. STATE OF CALIPORNIA-IV THE Dis trict Court of the Fifteenth Judicial District—County «»f Butte. Joanna Yager, vs Rudolph Yager. Action brought in the District Court of the Fifteenth Judicial District, and the complaint Filed in the county o( Butte, in the office of the Clerk of said District Court. The P«*o 'pie of tin* State of Cn'ifornin send greeting to Rudolph Yager: V«ui arc hereby required to appear in an action brought against you by the above named plaintiff in the 4'islriet Court of the Fifteenth Judicial Dls’rlct in and for the county of Butte, and to answer the complaint filed therein (a ropy of which accompanies this summons) within ten davs, (exclusive of the day of service) after th.* service on you of this Summons, if served w ithin this county ; if served out of this county, but within thb Judicial District, within twenty days i or if served out of said District then within ferty davs—or judgment by de fault will betaken against you. The said action is brought to obtain a decre.* of thus court to di-solw the bonds of matrimony, existing between yourself and said FI mi iff. and that said marriage contract be forever annuded, and plaintifThy decree of this court ho divorced and forever freed from ton, the said defendant, and if you fail to «*p l»eflr and answer the si id complaint is above required, will apply to the Court for the relief demaned In her said complaint filven under my band and the seal of the District Court, of the Fift»*cn th Judicial District, this --wl day of June, in the year of our Lord one thou-aud eight hundred and fiftv-ei ;M. M If. DARRACIT. Clerk, J«24 td By J. 11. M arpi.e. Deputy. Harris A Howard, Attorneys fur Plaintiff. Justice’s Summons. ITMTED STATES OF AMKRICA-STATE J California, County of Butte In Justice’s Court, Oplijr Township. The People of the Stale of California toCKORGK D FRENCH: You are herebv summoned to appear before me a: my office io Ophir Townsidp, County of Butte, or the 13lh day ot Nov> mlnu, A. D. l--“, nt Irt o'clock A. M.. to answer unto the complaint of J. P. Coleman 4c Co., who sues to recover the sum of one hundred and seventy-might 62-100 (8178 62) dollars, claimed to be due from you on account for monies had and received, liquors sold and delivered and suodrie«, as per complaint fl'ed in my office, when judgment will he taken against you for the said amount, together with coats and damages, if you fail to appear and answer. To Ihe Sheriff or any Constable of suid county. Greeting: IC.ake legal service and due return hereof Given under my baud this sih da of August, A. D. DSH JOHN s. BERRY. a!0-3m ostice of the Peace Ophir Township. Notice to Lien-Ho’ders. f|TI» ILL WHOM IT MAY COSf ERX ■ Notice is hereby given, to prsvenl their liens, held under provisions of An Act oi the Legislature of this I •‘An for«Mufaf Lkm to Mechanics and others*’ passed Apii| I‘slh IS.'id, and all amendatory acts On thel certain building now being erected on lots muubers five and six, of block number three, in Oroville, Butts County, <California, and so much of said lots as may necessary for the oonvrment use and «>ccup-»lion of said . adding, on Monday the Bth day of Novemdes, 1836, «t 10 o'clock. A. M , in the Hon. District Court of the Fifteenths Judicial District, County of Butte, at the Court Hons* in Oroville, tueu and thereto bepr»»perlp proved and A. LEWIS, By A. R Galinoxk, Agent. Orovllle, October I’e.h. 1553. [oI6 3w] Lieu Notice. STATE OF CALI FORM \—IN THE DISTRICT Court of the Fifteenth Judicial District, county of Butte A LEW 18 vs. A. kufUlACll. Action brought in the District Court of the Ffleenth Judicial District, and the coui{dalnt fl’.ed in the county o( Butte, in the of ffice of the Clerk of said District Court. The people of the Stat»* of California greeting: To Ail RBACII. v on are hereby required l<> app u r ,n an action brought against you by the above nnm.-d plMntiU in the District !>>nrt Of the Fifteenth fwHcinl District. In and for the county »>f Butte, and to answer the complaint filed there in, (» copy of which accompanies this sunou.msv within ten days, of the day of service) aft*-r the ser vic I .’ on you of this summons, if Served w ithin this county : if served out of th»« county, but within this Ju dicial District, within twenty da vs! or if served out of said District, then within forty days—or judgment by de fault will b-» taken against you. The said action is brought to obtain a decree fo- the sal* of that certain piece or parcel of land, situated in Butte county Cadi for n an i known as Lots N •■-. sanl c :n Block So. three ,3. of the lowu of Oroviiie. and that certain building n *w being ejected thereon by you, the said defendant, to satisfy a mechanic’s Hen, taken upon said building and lan I tor the sum of seven hundred and sixty dollars am! thirty-four cents and costs of sale, and if you fail to appear and answer the slid complaint as above requir ed, the plaint ff will apply to the court tor the relief in his complaint demanded. Civ* n under my bar ! and seal of the District I curt of - \ th« Fiitecuth Judicial District, this Ci>;h day l. «. ( of October, in the year of our Lord ono —\ thousand hun lr -d and flf y eight. By order of the District Judge of the Fifteenth Judi cial District, California. . M. n. DAR&ACH. Cle«*. Taos. Wills, Att'y. for pa in tiff. OcL dt^3w Notice. Office of Bn(tcl|nartt Mbdug Co « f Onuau. November 10, PJv \ mi'ILL HESOI.B AT Pi BMC' AUCTION v ▼ the highest bidder for ciuh, m front oi the LVntrt House in Ofoville. on the loth dav of December a. n. ’.vei. shares No, IT. 16. 20. 1* 2S, 19, 24, f 5. 3«, 32. 36. 37. 41, and 45, to pay as-- sanenl. now due on the Aid shares- C 0> LINCOLN i*rcs'l- J. F. JoHf Sec y. Nov. IG, ISGS. THE WEEKLY BUTTE RECORD. BUTTE RECORD. GEO. H. (ROSETTE, Editor. OROVILLE, SATURDAY, WOV. 20.18-58. Newspaper Change. — L. G Chandler, one of the original proprietors of the Sacramento Bee has disposed of his interest in that paper to his partners, Messrs. Tobey, Thompson and Davis. Wells Fargo k Co.— For the many kind attentions paid ns during the week by the Oroville agent of this enterprising Express Company, we lender our warmest thanks. He keeps us in daily supply of the latest Ma rysville, Sacramento and San Franisco papers Tun Largest Daily.— The Sacramento Union, as it was issued on Wednesday last, in donble form, was a larger and and handsomer daily, and contained more reading matter than any other daily paper in the United States.— The publishers of the Union display great en terprise and deserve their extraordinary suc cess. Indisposed.— ln consequence of severe in disposition, the Rev. Mr. Simonds, who was expected to preach in Oroville to morrow, is compelled to postpone his visit here until some future occasion. So we have been requested to state. New Military Company. —The California Light Guards is the name of a new company of citizen soldiers just organized in San Fran cisco. What particular light they are to guard, is not stated in the notice which ap pears in the S. F. Herald. Fire at San Andreas. —The dwelling of a Mr. Weaver, at San Andreas, was consumed by fire on Thursday night of last week. All the contents, consisting of furniture, clothing, and a sewing machine were destroyed. Loss ,10ft. So we learn from the San Andreas Independent. Acqeittat, of Edward Lloyd. —The trial of Edward Lloyd, lor the killing of Giles Thornton, was terminated on Saturday last, and resulted in the def nnant’s acquital. The Jury was occupied some llrec hours in arriving at the verdict. The Rack last Synday.— The 300 yard race on Sunday la-t between Wallace's Grey ho rsc and White's Sorrel, was won by the lat ter by one foot. In a subsequent race, of the same distance, the Grey was successful. Making a Mii.e Track.—A circular race course, one mile around, lias been laid out and commenced at Wallace’s Ranch. Such a track has long been wanted by the lovers of fast stock in this locality. Another Indian The militia troops nmlcr the command of Captain Mcs sick, have had another fight with the Northern Indians, ami killed six of them. One while man, so the report says, was wounded in the hack We reckon that chap had been reading Hudibras. Hot i p and Got.— The presence of great numbers of in our town last week, occasioned as our readers will rememb er, a pointed and well timed warning from our correspondent,“Argus.” The publication of that communication seems to have had a good cflect, f. r there has occurred a great thinning out of the vagabonds. Rascality is Sacramento. — The local col umn of the Union, indicates the presence of great numbers of thieves burglars and font pads in Sacramento. There are almost as many rascalities being perpetrated at the Cap ital, daily, as during the sitting of the Legis lature. Reason Why. —Close observers will see that we publish an advertisement from the Tax Collector, this week. By reason of this pub lication. we are obliged to limit the amount of our reading matter, and to set it in larger type than usual. This is not an oppology. Christmas Ball. —Messrs. Davis & Shan non. the purchasers of .Mr. Browns interest in the Prairie House, signify by an advertise ment in another column that they will give a ball at their house on Christmas Eve. The Prairie House is a favorite resort for the vo tains of Terpsichore and will doubtless be the scene of great merry making on the occasion of the dance. Gone Eastward. —Joe. Column and Charl ev Partridge, who for so long a time have played prominent parts in the history of Butte county generally, and Oroville in particular, left here on Mond y last with the intention of tak ing passage in the next outgoing steamer for the East. They felt the warm grasp of many a “God speed" as the moment of their depart ure drew near. Wc wish them all the plea sures they have autisipaled, and a safe journey back. Randall A Co., Marysville. —Wo owe a thousand thanks to this liberal and enterprising firm, for the great generosity they have shown us. in placing us iu possession of a bountiful supply of interesting and valuable pajiers and periodicals. We acknowledge, at their hands, a full file of Daily Tribunes, copies of the illus trated London News, Harpers' and Frank Leslie’s Pictorials, and Leslie's Magazine. Child Drowned. —A little daughter of Mr WheelerJliviiig at Lynchburg, was drowned on Monday, in a branch of the Sooth Feather and Ophir M ater Company's ditch which runs through the grounds surrounding Mr. Wheeler’s house. The little girl with other children had been playiug iu the door yard, and failing to come into the house when the others came for their dinner, search was made for her, and her body, quite lifeless, was found iu the ditch, lodged against the fence, down to which she had floated. She had been in the water, but a verv few moments, but all attempts to resus citate her was unsuccessful. Her age was iu the neighborhood of eighteen months. OROVILLE, ATURDAY MOHXING, NOVEMBER ‘20,1858, This is our latest opportunity to remind our readers that next Thursday has been suggested by our Governor, as an appropriate season for •■thanksgiving' and praise to the dispenser of all earthly blessings. - ’ All, or nearly all the States of the I nion have fixed upon this same day), and thus, the occasion is made a national one, as it ought to bo. When we feel thank ful. we feel happy ; and as happiness is the natural result of health, we arc pre-supposed to be possessed of all the blessings flesh is heir to: not the least of which is a keen appetite and good digestion ; and this latter is, and from time immemorial has justly been, regarded as one of the most indispensible incidents to cheerfulness and chrislian-like deportment.— Shakespeare makes Macbeth his mouth piece for paying a just tribute to digestion, which he (Macbeth) does in presenceof his assembled and unsuspecting guests, by proposing as a toast : “May good digestion wait on appetite and health on both.” In the whole category of toasts, where is there the match for this ? But we started in to speak of Thanksgiving Day, and not of properly regulated stomachs— though, as we have incidentally thought, and still think, Thanksging cannot be right heartily enjoyed without them, and hence the digres ion. r I he setting apart of this day, is a custom peculiarly American, although it is only of late years that it has obtained a general observ ance outside of the Kew England .States. As one born in the land over which the Eagle is supposed to sail most proudly, and in the most complete freedom, we are proud of the institu tion of Thanksgiving. We feel a glow of na tional pride at the thought that after all the bickerings engendered by political differences, and with all the strifes of religious sects, there is one day in which all can meet at their res pective altars to offer thanks and praise for the properity bestowed upon the land, and for the continuance of that liberty for which they who inaugurated Thanksgiving days, were among the first to take np arms. After the harvesting of our crops, after the “horn of plenty” has been emptied info the lap of on est 'foil; after the products of the field and the orchard have been garnered, and prepara tions for the inclemencies of an approaching season of storms have been completed, then comes, in the most proper of seasons, the day of praise. Now, as we were led to remark in the outset thaukhilness results from health—good appe tite and digestion—and so it does. The man, or woman, or child, who cannot feel an exqui site tingling of the nostrils at the scent of roasted turkies and the steam of plum pud dings. or whose nether lip does not moisten at his or her anticipation of a heaping plateful! of those substantial luxuries, is unfitted for the earnest giving of thanks. Gratitude ami par alyzed stomachs, arc as much incompatible as good humor and the toothache. A pre-deter mination to this conclusion, led us to say what wc did say at the commencement of this arti cle ; and now we will conclude with the hope that every one of our readers, they and their friends, and their friends’ friends, may be so tempered as to properly celebrate and enjoy the coming holiday. May they all be permit ted and constrained to offer up fervent thanks for the blessings conferred upon them and their households and kinsfolk ; may their enjoyments lie seasoned with temperance and reason ; and in the discussion of a plentiful provision of the good things of earth, “May good digestion wait on appetite, and health on both.” The performances of this highly popular troupe, at our Theatre during the past ten evenings, have been very successful, more so than those of any theatrical company which lias visited Oroville for many mouths. The reasons for this success are easily divined.— Their plays, generally light and amusing in in style, are rendered with great vivacity; and characters best suited for the rare talents of Miss Susan, the ‘ Fairy Star’"—as she has aptly been styled—songs in which she best displays the rich melody of her charming voice, and dances in which she appears in sylph-like grace, have been uniformly selected for her, in all of which from frequent reher sals she is—to use a stage phrase—‘-Dead-let ter perfect,” as are, iudeed, with an occasional exception, the other members of the company. Mr. J. I?. Robinson, though sometimes a little extravagant in the rendition of his parts, is an excellent comedian, and succeeds in keeping his audiences in extreme good humor. Mr. Wm. Robinson. Mrs. f”ara Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton, and Mr. Mortimer, are each entitled to credit for their happy assumption of such characters as have been assigned them. The Robinson Family go hence to Marysville, where we believe they will remain for a few nights preparatory to embarking for Australia. They are all too well and favorably known at “Nyes” to need any introductory compliments from us. A Bek Truk. —The San Andreas Itt lepcn detxl says that Mr. John Rarey recently found a Bee tree in Gordon Valley, near the bead of Suisun Creek, which he cut down, and obtain ed therefrom some sixty pounds of Honey.— The bees were, probably, estrays from some farmer s hives. We believe this is the first discovery of wild bees in this State. Tiif, District Court. —Some cases in which Judge Sexton had acted as an attorneu, before his election, coming up for trial in the present terra of the District Court, and Judge Searls being similarly circumstanced in relation to some cages m his District, the two have “paired off," and while Judge Searles is bolding court for this portion of the Fifteenth District, Judge Sexton is at Nevada, holding Court there. We bear members of oar bar speak very highly of Judge Searles. Thanksgiving Day. The Robinson Family. Shooting of a Stage Driver. On Saturday last a driver of one of the Cal ifornia Company's Stages, was shot while on his box by a passenger by the name of Ames on one of Foulers opposition Stages, while both vehicles were on the road, near Nicholas. The weight of the testimony as since adduced, shows that Case, whose coach was empty, pur posely drove his horses in such a manner as to hinder the course of the opposition stage ; that he several times caused a collision between his and the horses and stage of the opposition and that he even threw bunches of ignited fire crackers under the horses attached to the stage upon which Ames was riding. After the per oration of these most unwarrantable acts, he ho at last suddenly reined his horses so that they and his coach were brought into a position highly dangerous to the safety of those on the opposition stage (seven in number) and while the two vehicles were so standing, Ames raised his gun and Grid, shooting Case in the loft shoulder blade, causing a dangerous wound. Case thou turned the team into the road and after driving a short distance, get off his box and lay down by the road side. A passei-by saw him and procured his assistance and surgi elal aid. lie is now lying in a most critica condition and will probably die. This shooting affair causes us no surprise. Similar acts of aggression on tne part of the California stage Campany, have more than once come under our own observation, ami we only wonder that persons riding on opposition stages running between here and Marysville, have not been provoked into like resentments. As a Company, monopoly as it is, we have no reason to complain of the California stage cor poration ; they have shown great enterprise and by opening roads to distant places in the interior, have vastly beneSttcd the State : but because they have seen fit so to do while in the prosecution of a lucrative business, they arc furnished with no shadow of an excuse for seek ing to rid themselves of such opposition as they may legit amatoly encounter by any other than lawful moans. Arrogance and brute force are not the means whereby to maintain their rights to the stage travel! in this Stale ; the roads are free to all and the right to travel) them should be exercised even, if necessary, by force of arms. Keenan Convicted. The Jury in the case of the people vs. Kee nan, indicted for the murder of Wakcman liurr, brought in a verdict on Wednesday evening, of‘‘Guilty of murder in the first de gree." The evidence in this case was entirely circumstantial, but of so conclusion a nature as to justify the foregoing verdict of the jury. The evidence for the prosecution was, in sub stance as follows: Burr and Keenan were conducting business in partnership ; having their principal store in Mooreville, and a branch trading post at Brown’s Diggings, some ten miles from Moore ville, on the Middle Fork of Feather river,— In August last, Burr and Keenan concluded to close out their branch at Brown's Diggings, and on a Saturday in that month, they both went to that locality to carry out their inten tion. The effects at the trading post were disposed of the next day (Sunday) and on Monday they packed what was remaining of the stock on a mule, and started for Mooreville in company. Some two miles out from Brown’s is a way station, kept by a Mexican named Juaro, on arriving at which, Burr and Keenan stopped, and, at the suggestion of the latter, Burr obtained a saddle mule from the Mexican and rode on ahead. Keenan, after a delay of some twelve or fifteen minutes, fol lowed Burr, with the pack animal, About 10 o’clock in the evening, Keenan arrived in Mooreville, and upon being questioned by Mrs. Burr corcerning her husband’s whereabouts, told her that he was “back with the things’’— thus inducing the conclusion that he had pass ed him on the road, and came on ahead. About eight o'clock on the following morn ing, Keenan told some of the people of Moorc ville the fact of his leaving Brown’s Diggings with Burr, and suggested to them as the rea son of his non-arrival, that he had probably been robbed ami mnrdercd, saying at the same time that the old man (meaning Burr) had a large sum of money wilh him when they left Juaro's. A company of some five or six men immediately armed themselves, and together with Keenan, started onja hunt for the missing man. After a short search in the neighbor hood of aspring, which flows from the moun tain side about midway the distance between Mooreville and Brown’s, they discovered the body of Burr, with a mortal knife wound in the breast and several horrible contusions on the head. Keenan led them directly to the spot where the body lay. After taking the corpse to Mooreville, and the investigation of the Coroner, suspicion be ing awakened against Keenan, he was arrested examined and held by the magistrate to an swer. The evidence of Juarro, showing that the prisoner followed immediately after the de ceased , the fact that Bnrr had a considerable sum of money w ith him ; (some Slf.OOO), the mis-statement made by Keenan to Mrs. Burr ; the delay made by him in giviag the alarm to the people of Mooreville; the readiness with which he discovered the dead body ; his fail ure to explain how and why he conid pass the scene of the murder while so short a distance behind the deceased, without hearing or wit nessing any part of the struggle between him and his assassins: the fact that he and Burr were the only persons known to Layc passed over the trail on the afternoon of the murder ; corresponding shape of the wound in Burr's breast with a knife known to be in Keenan’s possession, and other incidental and connect ing circumstances, forming parts of the chain of evidence, make, when skilfully bandied and so completely “dovetailed” together as they were by the District Attorney, a very strong case against the defendant. The Court appomted Saturday (to-day) as the time for sentence. Keenan's attorney gave notice of a motion for a new trial. Eastern News. We condense the subjoined from Forney’s Press: The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania has de cided that railroad companies have no right to obstruct, with their cars, the public highways. A calf with eight legs and four ears was lately born at Sunbury, Fa. A five legged frog has been fou- d at Har risburg. The Moravian Church at Bethlehem, Penn., have over 31.000,000 at interest. Mrs. Charles Grocer, of Troy, Xew York, was horribly mangled by being caught in the machinery of her husband's grist mill. At a row which occurred at a Butch Ball, in Clarence. Xew York, a woman killed a drunken Dutchman with an axe. Marco Bozarris’s daughter has married a Frenchman, and has become the mother of several children. An aged woman named Crosin was brutally beaten at her ow n house in Xew York, by a gang of young rowdies. The entire scenery, properties and wardrobe of the Broadway Theatre have been sold to satisfy a chattel mortgage. The wardrobe is said to be very magnificent. Several of the survivors of the burning of the Austria are now in Xew York, in great distress from want of funds. Mr. George Parish, of Ogdensburg, X. T., has fallen heir to the title and fortune of Baron Soaftenberg, a Bohemian nobleman. Helms gone to Europe to take charge of his windfall. Capt. J. J. Wright has projected a new line of steamers, between Xew York and Havana. A citizen cf Gotha»“ paid 31500 for a pew in Dr. Alexander's church. He also pays a ground rent of per year. The Atlantic Telegraph Company are “mak ing wages'' working a lead mine in Newfound land, near Cyrus station. The Xew York City Hall is to be repaired by the erection of a new dome and clock tower at an expense of 340,000. Some wealthy sporting gentlemen of Xew York, have determined to challenge all Eng land to a four mile race over the Fgshion course, for one hundred thousand Commodore Vanderbilt drives a span of matched horses that cost him six thousand dollars. He has been offered nine thousand for them. They manufacture bogus coin at Hoosac, X. Y. at the rate of 310,000 per month. Coal is used in the locomotives of the Xew York and Erie railroad Company. At a dam riot in Virginia, some severe in juries were received among the rioters. The military was on hand in time to prevent fatal results from the dam outrage. A child seven years old, born in Virginia, weighing ninety pounds, and being forty-four inches in bight, is causing comment in the eas tern papers. A boy named Edward Mulligan died at his fathers house in Kitchiccounty, Va., from the bite of a rattlesnake.] Two fellows in Patrick county, Va., swap ped wives the other day, the one having the best giving the other two bushels and a half of Potatoes to boot. Two men got into a fight at Abington, Ya., and one struck the other with an adze, shaving the whiskers off his chin, but not hurting the hide. A tornado which visited Tthica, K. York, blew down a Circus tent and cut up other un pleasant pranks. During the storm, several houses were struck by lightning. A chap named Derry, at Petersburg, Va.. having a felon ou his thumb, stuck his wrist under a railroad train and had his hand cut off. It. Y. Thompson, of North Carolina, was i recently robbed at Fredericksburg, Virginia. I of notes to the value of 55.500. His pocket : was picked. The Pastor of the First Baptist Church, of Richmond, Va., Rev, Dr. Barrows, while bap tizing some converts, was robbed of his gold watch. A preacher named Parker, was lately gored to death by a bull, on his farm in Ilincklev, Ohio. Michael Elk, killed his wife at Cincinnati, and gave as a reason that she had the phthisic and by her hard breathing disturbed his rest! .jCn old man named Ami Baker, of Sheffield, Ohio, stabbed his son with a dirk, while dis puting with him about business matters. The assailant is over 80 years of age. The First Congregational Church, of Hart- j ford, Conn., is two hundred and twenty-fivo years old. Its present pastor, Dr. Haws, has presided over it for forty years. There is a married lady in Salem, Mass.. whose weight is only 73 pounds. John W. Keyes, Postmaster, at Springfield. Illinois, and John Donlan, road agent, have l>ccn turned out of office because they refused to sustain Lincoln against Douglas. A Dutch shoemaker, of New Orleans, cut his own throat, and then taking a bottle of wine, poured it down into his stomach through 1 the hole in his gullet. He didn't die. A lady named Edgerly, lately died at Co rinth, Maine, at the advanced age of one hun dred and seventeen years. O. B. Smith has turned np in Marathon county. Wisconsin, where he had his right ear cut off, by striking a tree with his bead while his horses were running away with him. We are left in uncertainty whether he ever got i “that letter.' 1 For Hosev Lake.—A considerable num ber of persons, some twelve or more families now living in and around Petaluma, intend emigrating to Honey Lake Valley early in the coming spring. That beautiful valley is fast being redeemed from the Indians and wild beasts. STATE & COUNTY TAX SALE. STATE OF CALIFORNIA,? r' u > ÜBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY given, that default having been made in the payment of Taxes due to the State of California, and to the Coun ty of Butte, for the fiscal year ending the 30th day of June, 1850, upon cer tain property enumerated in the follow ing Schedules, I, by virtue of the pow er and authority in me vested, did, on Monday, the 18th day of October, 1858, levy upon the said property, and I wid proce d, on MONDAY the Thiitmih day of Dectiiibcr, 185 S, between the hours of 10 o’clock A. M. and 3 o'clock P. M., to sell the -ameat PUBLIC AUCTION, in front of thp Court House, in said County ; and I will continue such sale from day to dav, be tween tlic Lours and at the place afore said, until all the real estate and im provcm nt< set forth i i the schedules, are sold; and I will sell the smallest quantity of said real estate that will he taken for the taxes and costs remaining due and upaid thereof, together with the two dollars (§2,00) for the duplicate Ce tifieatc of Sale. .... for 1858 ’59. County of Butts;. $ ' ‘ This property will be sold snbj ot to redemption within six months from the date of the sale in case of the Real Es tate, on the judgment of the purchase money, and fifty per c nt. additional thereto; and within ninety days from the date of sale, in case of the Improvements on payment of the purchase money, and twenty-five per cent, additional thereto, and if not redeemed, absolute convey ances of the property will be granted to the purchasers, as provided by s ctions 20 and 25 of the Revenue Act of 1857. W. W. HOBART, Tax Collector, Butte Co. Tated this 13th day of November, 1858. Wyandotte Towndvp. NAMES DESCRIPTION TAXJt O-TS. Bowman, —Improvement? in Banner, north side of Broadway, between Ann and Lumber! sts., next to Potter's store 2 iS Brooks, C.—lmprovement? in Bangor. cor ner Broadway and Lumber! rts., and personal property,.. 27 Of Bean, Palmer—One hundred and sixty acres of land and improve ments. si u a ted about two mile? south of the village of Wyan dotte, and near the junction of the Q artz Mill and Wyan dotte Ravines, and personal property 14 20 Brett, John—lmprovements in Bangor, blacksmith shop 2 IS Bell. John—lmprovements near Bangor,. 3 *0 Boyd,S. A—Personal property at Thomp son's Ranch. 10 00 Calloway, W P—One hundred and sixty acres of land and improve ments. situated on the Raffer ty and Bangor road, about one and a half miles south of Bangor, and personal proper ty, 33 31 Corder, F—lmprovements near Bangor and near Boyle's claim.. 4 10 Covilland,Sampson Ramirez. ACo —Claim? to 4,422 acre? of land and im provements.being a portion of the Cordeway Grant, situated in Butte county, and being all the land situat' d between the north and south il mnit creek, and below the font hills of the Sierra Nevada mountains, and and l»cing in Wyandotte and Ophir township's, 0,14 74 I)e Cosmos, —Improvements in Bangor, west side of Broadway between Ann and Lumber! st?.. next door to the Hotel de Europe . 7 32 Delong, Harriet—One hundred and sixty acre? of land and improve ment-.situated near the Rocky Honcut.between Wilson’s and the Kentucky Handle's and building in Bangor, oi Lum bar! street next door to Read’s on south .side, and personal property, 43 3P- Devlin, Archy- Personal property at Hon cut City, 1 77 Ettie, Jean Baptist—lmprovements in Ban gor. Hotel de Europe, on the south side of Broadway street, between Ann and Lnmbiirt streets,and personal property, 11 $3 Emerald Ditch Go—The undivided two thirds interest of water ditch taken from South Honcut, and runs near Forbes house, ten milfis long, due, 20 50 Feller, C— Improvements in Bangor, comer ofLnmliert and Broadway st?., south side of Lumber! and west side of Broadway, and house at Forhestown back of Union Hall, and personal property.. 21 54 Frew, Samuel—One hundred and sixty acres of land and improve ments. known a-* Darby's Ranch, south Uoornt. near Miller's Ranch,between it and Wyman .s Ranch, and person al property,. 45 20 Fleming & Osgood—Laud and improveine ments near Bangor 5 54 Ford, S S—Personal property at Wyan dotte, 15 90 Flood John—Personal properly at Ante lope Ranch, 5 54 French, A—Personal property at Rice's Ranch, 6 55 Poland, A J—lmuroYements in Bangor, Ann street, hack of Swain’s Hotel, carpenter’s shop 3 02 Grangan—lmprovement* in Bangor, north side of Lumber! street, first house from comer of Broad way, west 3 02 Glger, J L—lmprovements in Wyandotte, saloon known a? the Bamboo Saloon 3 02 Glover. A rust us Improvements in Bangor. Kendall, H J —lmprovements near Bangor and near BoyFs claim, and ]>ersrmal property Killbirne, Geo— Personal property at J S Morris’ Kerr, J W—One hundred and sixty acres of land on Middle Honcut,.. Kyle & Cleavland—Claim to one hundred acres of land and improve ments. situated on the north side of the south Honcut creek and being that certain field enclosed by a fence on the op posite side of said creek from Kvle’s house Long Samuel W—lmprovements in Ban gor on the south side of Lum l*ert street and west side of Broadway, Lrrkin k Flood—s2o acres of land and im provements. Known as the Kentucky Ranch, on the north Honcut. and personal proper- Lunny, Hugh—lmprovements in Bangor, west side of Broadway street, opposite Swain’s Hotel Fang *k Co—Personal property at Wyan dotte McGreevey, Thomas—acres of land and improvements. situated about three-fourths of u mile trom Miner’s Ranch, on the road to Wyandotte, and bounded ou south by Thompson* s Ranch, McNally, James—lmprovements in Ban g-r, and personal property... Morris, Geo W—lmprovements near Wy andotte Owen, B B—Personal property at Wyan dotte, Osgood Gardner—lmprovements Bangor,and personal property, Orovilio Co—lmprovements, water-wheel and machinery on the north side of Floyd A Co’s claims near Bangor Palmer, J Q—Claims to 160 acres of land be'ng t‘ic south west quarter of section 16 township If north range 4 cast, and im provements Pioneer Co.—lmprovements, water-wheel and machinery on mining claims,known as Boyle’s claim Rocky Honcut Ditch Co—lmprovements and w Per ditch taken from Rickv H meut. and running near Kentucky Ranch, and is about 9 miles long Roma’ne—lmprovements in Bangor, north side of Lumber! street and two houses west of Broadway. . ■ Rice, Fisher administrator of the Estate of Pleasant Rice, deceased —160 acres of land, south west quar ter of section 1» township 17 north range 4 east Bell,George—Claims to 320 acres of land and improvements, situated Wyman Ravine, first ranch above Garden Ranch, ami im pr wements, and personal pro perty, Riley. P IT—lmprovements near Bangor,. Rowe Xathan—Personal property, Rell Personal property Stcbbins Francis—Claims to 40 acres of land, situated near Bangor, south west of Watson's field and improvements Se veil, K I>—lmprovements near Bangor, Snow Jacob—lmprovements near Wyan dotte.and personal property,. Stevenson. Jaraos—Personal property, Stocey F.dward i 4 “ Shepherd, II B—lmprovements in Wyan dotte* and personal property,. Spaulding. Wrn—Claims to 160 acres of land siuated about 1 mile cast af Bangor, improvements and personal property, balance due Tingley, J—C laims to 160 acres of land and amprovments, Thatcher, Wm—lmprovements near Wy andotte and personal proper ty, Tucker O 11 Co—lmprovements, water wheel and machinery, near Bangor, Whitney, A M Improvements, blacksmith shcij) in Ba.igor Wallace Wm— Improvements at Honcut City, and personal property, Watkins, Fete-' —Claims too acres of land on Middle Honcut near Lin con House, and personal pro perty, 2 18 S GS 3 44 3 19 15 GO 3 86 31 S 3 S 54 13 94 5 54 4 36 2 3 j 2 77 « 52 13 94 It 73 13 34 17 30 3 30 13 94 17 47 1 34 1 70 3 19 2 f,B 6 61 Ift 41 7 04 3 14 11 93 6 36 7 23 6 10 8 90 2 13 9 74 9 07 Eureka Township. Allbright—improvements Thompsons Flat, ami personal property 3 SO Austin H.—Water Co - -improvements, wa ter ditch taken from Cotton Womi Creek from thence a-ound near the foot of Table Mountain to Thompson’s Plat. 84 SO Alley f \.—personal property,. 9 38 Brown Rich’d —improvements near head of Morris Flavine, 4 70 Brown Sam’l—im provements near Sebasto pol, Morris Ravine, and per sonal property 9 15 llmwn Henry—per oml property 3 53 Heck Jos- improve nents, Thomnsons’s Flat 1 70 Clark Wallace—claim to 320 acres of land cornering with Philip Myers' land on the S. W„ improve meat* and personal property, 67 78 Wm. H.—lmprovements, Myers' Ranch. wagon shop and per sonal property 14 SO Climpcr John C.— improvements, Mor ris Ravine lower store person al property, 24 10 O.M. Evans & Co.—improvement l *, road running from Yankee Hill to Cherokee Flat and bridg'-, 8 00 O.M. Evans -improvements Yankee Hill and personal property r 0 41 French L. IF.—improvements Thompson's Flat, opposite Western Hotel, corner of street, 7 23 Fittz Albert—-improvements Thompson’s Flat opposite Western Hotel north 3 03 Gunson Robt.—improvement- upper store house Morris Ravine, and per sona! property 11 50 Gnnson Oliver—improvements near Sebas topol, Morris Ravine ... 1 34 (lojdhick Martin—lmprovements 3 80 Goldie Thos. —personal property, 14‘J 44 Hammond M—claim to 160 acres land and improvement near Hale <k Co. ferry, and 2d house below said ferry 6 54 Howard David A.—improvements Thomp son's Flat and personal prop erty, 30 33 Lindslcy Oliver—personal property, 3 02 Laundry Francis—improvements Ist house below Hale A Co’s ferry 3 02 Seaman Henry—lmprovements ferry house near Lath tops ferry and per sonal property 3 44 Masters John—personal property 13 78 Peters Francis—l6o acres of land situated nor tie head of Morris Ra vine. and east of and adjoining J t Carter’s ranch and being the -am<* land that was transferred by W. B. Smith to F. W, Fickert, and by him to Elizabeth Brooks, and by her to Franci-* Peters by deed- re corded in deed book B volume 2 ,pages 56 and i»3 and book 6, voiurne Is, pages 547 and 348 in the Recorder's office, Butte county; al-o two houses at Thompson's Flat, one of which b«-i:;_r f ormerly known as the I*. S. Hotel—improve ments and personal property, 30 73 Rosser John W—personal property 4 76 Ros-ay William—improvements opposite My era street across the river. 303 Bmith Lpvi—improvements Thompson's Flat on the corner opposite FitzV house, 8 ntuidecant James—improvements Long's Bar. first house above A. Wolf and personal property, 3 86 Swaringcr John —improvements Thomp son's Flat, 3 86 Taylor Kytc & Co^-improvements Thomp son's Flat next door Austins store, 10 58 Thompson George—improvements Thomp son s Flat Colon Bakery and house opposite 10 58 Taylor W. K.—improvements, blacksmith shop and tods, Thompson's Flat, 2 GO Wolfe A.— Improvements below Slurdc vaat Long's Bar and personal property, 19 OG Wag staff James— improvements Thomp son’s Flat, and personal prop * 39 NO. 2,