Newspaper Page Text
Emerson E A —lmprovements, house on the south side of Main street now occupied by C S Little, Mooreville 8 02 Eeurnier Lewis—lmprovements. house On the south side of Main et, Mooreville 4, TO Gregory A H—lmprovements et Moore ville, and personal property, 14 27 Jones Thomas & Co—lmprovements, (Madison House), Mooreville, JO 70 Ssllty Wm—lpiproTwntnts at Moofe ville, house on the north side of Main street below tho ra vine, and personal property. . 17 80 Marcum Jame* —Improvements 3 02 Noble Chas—lmprovements, houseon the north side of Main street, Mooreville 2 18 Pierce John V—lmprovements, store house at Mooreville, occupied by Morrison 5 54 Stewart Alex.—lmprovements, house at Mooreville, and pereoual pro perly 9 57 Schell Frank M—lmprovements, house and lot in Mooreville, north of Thompson's hotel, and per sonal property 16 96 Seely Guy F Improvements, house on the op msite side of the street from Thompson’s hotel,Moore ville 4 90 Thompson Jno W—lmprovements, two bouses on the south side of Main street, Mooreville, and pergonal property 16 13 Thompson Wm —lmprovements, Thomp son's hotel. Mooreville 25 70 Oro Township SAMIS DESCRIPTION TAXACOSTS Alex.—Claim to 160 acres of land aad improvements, situated about 1 mile S. E. from Forbef town, and personal property 19 14 Bleomfield & Bro—improvements, house joining J. T, Oip. ow’s, Forbes town, and personal property, 17 80 Brogles Benjamin—Claim to 160 acres of land and improvements sit uated on the road leading from Evansville to the Robin eon Mill and the first ranch below the Silver Spring ranch and formerly owned by Esq. Dennison 12 26 Barrow E. G.—lmprovements opposite Lumberfs store, Natehes,... 2 18 Brown Sarah E—personal property.... 394 Brown J E—improvements, sloro house about j mile above Dunn's ranch or crossing on the Forbestown road, and person al property 14 80 Brown E—l6o acres of land and improv ments at Evansville, and per sonal property IU9 95 Crater U-improvcmcnls house in Forbes town 2 18 Courtright—-improvement*. Garden at Evansville 3 86 Lesson Thos S. .Improvements about one mile above Evansville on the road to the Robinson Mill and personal property 22 00 Dooly Linville. .improvements near Ev ansville, 3 86 Gtiger & Janes .. improvements, Ex change Building at Forbes lown, and personal property, 21 16 Crsenwell Ben. .Claim to 160 acres of land and improvements at Tankoe Plat, and personal property, 12 90 Goukin James, .personal property 4 03 Games Richard, .improvements 2 26 liegeman 8 J. .improvements store house on the hill at Forbestoww, formerly occupied by Doctor Williams, aad personal prop erty 85 84 Hathaway A.. improvements, saw mill and other improvements a bant one mile from Orolewa nod personal property 19 92 IlansoDTille Quartz Mining Co..imple ments, Quartz Mill known as the Hansonville Quartz Min ing Co.’s Quartz Mill and ma chinery 85 00 Humph .ey Wm. .improvements at Hun sonville 1 34 Jones W II 11 .Claim to 160 seres of land and improvements situated on the Forbestown road and fir*t bouse above Miller's ranch, and personal property,. .... 11 50 Jackson A.. Claim to ICO acres of land and improvements situated about j mile S E of Forbes towu 5 54 Lambert J K & Co. .improvements at Natchcs, and personal prop erty 11 93 Long Joseph W. .improvements at Han sonville, and (ersonal prop erly,* 15 35 Mallon John, .improvements brick store opposite J. L. Gipson's at Forbestown 17 30 Montgomery Jns. .personal property.... 3 11 Morgan W W. .Claim to 320 acres of land and improvements situated on the Evansville road first ranch above Miller’s ranch, and personal property 12 76 McCawley Wm. .Claim to 160 nerrs of land and improvmcnts known as the Silver Spring ranch and situated about 1 mile sooth from the Robinson mill, 29 06 Martin Michael, .improvements at Ilan sonville, and personal prop erty I 2 26 Nelson J. .improvements, small white bouse down the hi' 1 from the S F Water Co.'s office 2 18 Nichols B F. .petsonnl property 1 76 Pierson Geo. .improvements at the grain gold quartz vein 1 mile N E of Swedes Flat, and personal property, 17 14 Pike O. .improvements at Hansonville.. 134 Rice A & Lewis Rice, .personal property, 14 11 Robinson Sam & W Huvey. .improve ments at Hansonville 1 34 Sumner Peter.. Claim to 160 acres of land and improvements near the Board ranch and about 2 miles below en the left hand side of the road going to Forbestown 5 54 Smalley E. .improvements at Evansville, 3 86 Shields Jas.. improvements at Hanson ville, and personal property, 17 21 South Feather Water Co. .improvements. Water Ditch taken from Lost creek about two miles in a northerly direction from the Czlnmbus House and running thence to the vicinity of F irbtstown and near the head of the Evansville branch of the Honcut and the vicini ty of Wyandotte, also, the vi cinity of Bangor, together with its dams, flumes and Sa terals about £0 miles in length of main ditch with its mean derings : also one house near the head dam and one hnuile near the Orolewa creek, and one house at Mount Hope and water office »t Forbestown and lot on which it stands and adjoining J L Gipson's dwel ling house—lot on the north erly side and on the north side of the street, also the House aud lot on the S K side of said Gipson’s lot on tame side of the street, also that portion of a certain ditch near Mooreville recently pur chased by the South Feather Water Company about three miles of which is in Eutle county, together with the dams, flumes and laterals and reservoirs, in said county .thereunto belonging, 1092 50 Thompson L H—improvements at Han sonville and personal prop erty :. 42s Worden J A—l6o acres of land and im provements at Orolewa, Eagle Hotel and other buldlngs. and personal proj erty 32 39 Worthinc Frederick —improvements at Natehes 2 18 White Geo. V & Bro—persona! property, 3 62 Willoughby Chas—personal property, 10 16 86 7 -2 18 1C 42 49 34 Will Jno—iroproTements at Hansonville, and personal property, 2 28 Wheeler Sim’n k Co—personal property, SO 90 Wygle & Nelson. .improTementa, Haa •onriUe X 34 Oregon Township. Arnepiger k J—lmprovements at Con eow Valley and personal prop ... ? r ‘y- 87 48 AWabamg Lewis—improvemenlg, Home at Oregon city a 60 Baehman Henry—personal property,... 11 00 Birael) Joseph—personal property..,,,. 31 23 Billings J, & Osborne improvements at Yankee Hill on the vest side of M in street south of McKrne’s old house and per property, 8 98 Butte Quartz Slining Co —personal pro perty, Quartz Mill situated about 100 yards south of Hedges and Hannon's Q inrtz Mill head of Oregon Gulch... 59 30 Butler J II improvements at Yankee Hill situated on the east side of Main street, first house south of Ripley's, 3 Bateman A—improvements at little Kim shew, and personal property, 7 Barrow A J—improvements at French town, 2 Benjamin Recse--iinprovments at Spring Valley and personal property 352 Bassett J S—improvements, house at Cherokee Flat, 3 gfi Berry James ll—Claim to IGO acres of land situated north of SainT Lewis* ranch, improvements and personal property 30 GO Brown Albert—claim to 160 acres of land and improvements situa ted in Concow Valley and per sonal property 10 Burt Aaron—Claim to 160 acres of land situated north of Mary Dela ney’s, and adjoining the same and personal property 11 Bagnell Geo R—Claim to 160 acres of land and improve ments at Cone »w Va11ey,.... 5 Banc H—Claim to the 160 acres of land three miles from Flea Valley, and personal property 11 Burnham L and Durbon—improvements situated north of at.d adjoin ing Hastcy’s ranch, and per sonal property 49 51 Collins P M —personal froperty 1 34 Cooper Henry—personal property 2 85 Curtis C S —improvements, bridge across the r ver at Nelson's 8ar,... 34 10 Cadeac John— improvements at little Kimshew, and personal prop erty 9 40 Carter D F—persona! property, 2 51 Cooper S P—improveinet ts 2 18 Clifford Hiram—improv cuts at O: egon City opposite Nash’s and per sonal property 5 54 Cannon F E—Claim to 640 acres of land and improvements---land «*it uated as follows, to wit ; 160 acres at the head of Oregon Gulch, 160 acres on Mud creek in Chico Township, 160 acre** on Butte Creek in Ham ilton town-hip, and 160 acres near Frcnchtown, formerly owned by Piersc, also one water ditch taken from Jones Hollow, thence running a* round the hi I throngh Jones* garden and near F E C»n non’s c, and personal property 255 26 Diwley Win—personal p-operty 12 16 Divis & Uecse-improveracnt ,water ditch taken from Spring Valley Gulch at a point near the steam Quartz Mill and run ning thence arounl the hill to Chert koe Flat 35 10 Davis E J..personal property 18 56 Dodge E. K..personal property, 24 06 Day Frank--improvements at I tile Kiin shew.and personal properly, Elliott Allen. .Claim to 80 acres of land an 1 improvemen's situated on Chub Gu!ch near Spanish town, and personal property Farcnfeldcr & Sorrenson-.160 acres of land and improvements, first house below Kunke’s ranch, on the road from Pence’s to D 'gtown 19 06 Folck Abraham. .Claim to 160 acres of land situated at Saw-mill peak about one mile from Wlilard’s, 3 8 Friend John. .improv near Pier son’s store, Cherokee Flat, and personal property, 8 Gregory R M..personal property Grub E 11. .improvements and personal proper \y 3 Geissc G F. .improvements ac Yankee Hill, and personal property, 3 Gardner L M. .improvements, house at Oregon City, and personal property, 18 Harrison M. .improvements at Balsam Hill, and personal property, Hendricks W C.. Claim to 100 acres of land and improvements at Or egon Gulch, and water ditch and personal property, Ha»ey S D. .improvements at Yankee iiiii Houk John. .personal property, Hendricks & Baker, .personal property, Jones Horace. .Claim to 200 acres of land and improvements, land bounded on the south by Mor ri on’s ranch and on the north Frank Cannon’s, and person al property, Jones Thos R. .Claim to 160 acres of land and improvements, land -Hu nted at the head of saw mill ravine, and pergonal property 20 30 James Win. .Claim to 4 acres of land and improvements at Frcnchtown and personal property 3 71 James Wm. .improvements at St. Clair Flat, and persona* property, 27 21 Lewis Henrietta. .Claim to the 160 acre* •f land and improvements sit uated about I mi e west from Cherokee Flat, and personal property,... Lowe David, .personal property Lindley B. .personal property 2 18 Lewis Thoe E. .personal property 1 85 Lewis Gee S. .personal property 2 18 Lockermtn Jas. .personal property.... 853 Larkiu Thos O.. Claim to 22,110 acres of land and improvements sit uated in the townships of Eu reka, Oregon and Kimshew aud known as “Bogs" con firmed by the United States Commis-ioners at San Fran cisco. The s uthern bounda ry line being 39° 33' 45" N latitude and the northern boundary line being 89° 48' 45" North latitude, situated on the west side of Feather 4 36 13 35 48 93 10 14 7 72 13 85 7 90 2 60 9 57 30 74 13 26 12 68 river and adjoining the same and sufficient in width to con tain 5 s-qurtre leagues of land according to the terms of tho Grant «*f the Mexican Govern ment, and being the same land conveyed by deed to Thos. O. Larkin by O. W. Flugge, dated the 2lst day of January A. D. 1847, record ed in deed book "A.** vol. 1, page 47 at the Recorder’s of fice in Butte county Cal., and the confirmation of -aid claim by the board of commission ers appointed by the United States to examine the title of Mexican grants ot la»d in the State of California, recorded in deed book “B” vol 2 pags 89 in the said Recorder’s of fico---a«d personal property, 995 90 Morrisson II J—Claim to 160 acres of »■ land and improvements houn ded on the north by J one's land and on the south by Hendricks' land, and person al property, 41 74 Muon Alfred & Andrews Claim, to 320 acres of land and improvt mtnis bounded on the S W bj Merriibew’s ranch and west by Sarah Delong’s ranch, and personal properly, 28 Morrison G B—Claim to 160 acres of and improTementa situated at 70 71 4 53 20 Oregon Caleb, and person*! property 10 60 Meline Francis J K—Claim to 160 aeraa of land and improvements boanded on the north by aid raaa Ma ine’s ranak, and Moore's ranch on the south, and personal property 12 63 Moline Francis—Claim 100 acres of land and improvement* bounded on the north west by Mor gan’s and on tlie south by Francis Meline Jr. ranch, and personal property 14 16 Miller Jaa improvements near Sim mons store Oregon Gulch and personal properly, 5 82 Morgan W G—improvement at Cherokee Fiat 1 34 Nash J M improvements at Oregon City 3 80 Patnam Calvin Claims to 100 acres of of land and improvements bounded on the north by Ca ble's taneb, atd personal property 20 65 Pollard & Derby improvements at Crane Valley, and personal properly 14 44 Rotbrock George—Claim to 320 acres of land nod improvements sitn nted on Dry Creek at tha crossing of the lower road leading from Pence’s to the Cotton Wood ranch and per gonal property 108 49 Ramsey and Tookey improvements at Balsam Hid, and personal proFf'y 7 65 Rodgers J—improvements at Spring Val ley, and pers< nal properly, 6 91 Rockhill Tbos—personal properly 04 9 Simmons C A. .Claim to ICO acres of land and improvements, land loca ted oear the bead of Oregon Gulch and south of W Hend ricks’ land, and personal pro perty 04 73 Simmons Chas and Jessee. .Claim to 160 acres of land and improve ments near Frenchfown, and personal property, 33 68 Spring Valley Quartz Mining C« provements and machinery at Spring Valley 63 16 Stcdman Isaac, .personal property 5 37 £ tilth C. .improvements at N. Ison’s Bar 8 90 Stewart J I. .improvements situated at Frenchtown and known as the Pioneer Hotel and personal property 13 Smith Mary C.. Claim to 10 acres of land and improvements near Frenchtown, and personal property 6 Simpson J K. .improvements at Yankee Hill and personal property. Smith James P. .improvements at Ore gon City, and personal prop erty Towell Thos—Claim to 70 acres of land and improvements situated in Crane Vail y and personal property,....' 10 5(1 Taylor Edward, .personal property .... 1 85 Table Mountain Quartz Mining C 0... improvements, Quartz mill and machinery situated near the head of Oregon Gulch on C A Simmons claim of land, and personal pr perty 109 00 Terry J M-improvements at Spring Val ley, and personal property, 15 00 Table Mountain Ditch Co. .improvemen s water ditch taken from ra vine on the north point of Table Mountain and running thence through Jone’s Hol low passing through the hill in a tunnel thence running round the hill near Frank Cannons thence toward Cher okee Flat (and not yet com pleted! 17 30 Vane* R E and Spangle, .improvements saw mill. 1 mile below Crane Valley. Kimshew creek 20 56 Virgin Quartz Mining Company .. im frovements. Quartz mill and machinery situated on the east bank and near thv head of Rich Golcli and about i a mile from Monlevista and about 300 yards above the ’49 and’so quartz mill 101 80 Wampler A C. .personal property 1 70 Williams E. .improvements at Oregon city 3 80 Williams Daniel, .improvements at Ore gon city 2 18 Waldor Charles, .personal property..., 17 88 Chico Township, NAMES DESCRIPTION COSTS Alexander J D. .Claims to 1.280 acres of land, situated on Little Butte creek, about 18 miles north west of Ornville 108 02 Arndold D E. .Personal property 2 18 Raleotn Joseph “ “ 3 95 Boulenhamer John. .Personal property. 453 Berry Jus & wife..Pers nil property.. 78 12 Bets Cachavia. .Improvements 7 22 Barber A 11. .Claims to 040 acres of land anil improvements, and per sonal property 158 92 Chaney Henry. .Claims to 320 acres of land and improvements, situ ated between Chico and Mud cre.ks, and bounded and des cribed os follows, to-wit: Be ginning at a certain oak stake on the north sideof Big Sandy gulch and running thence at light angles with the survey ed county road in a north easterly direction 100 rods to said county road, thence northwesterly following said toad 100 rods, thence south westerly and at right ang’es with said road 160 rods, thence southwesterly and par allel with said road 100 rods to the t lac* of beginning ns per description in deed from J Bidwel to Henry Chaney, nad J M Speegle, recorded in deed book “A" vol, 1, at the Recorder’s office, in Butte county, California, and per eonal property 70 77 Cox A J.. Personal properly 16 51 CiseyDan’l.. “ ■■ 218 Cheser Alfred.. •* •* 1 85 Covington Joseph M.. Land, bounded on the west or south by land owned by Chaney & Thorp, and being the land in posses sion of A T Sparks 13 94 Carson Mrs Linsley & James Williams, Potter & Co—Claims to 22,- 193 acres of land, known as the Farwell ranch, bounded as follows, to-wit; Beginning at a point on the Sacramento river about one and a half miles below the fourth stand ard parallel north, the same being the nsrth west corner of Slano Seco ranch, and run ning thence north 08” east, 502 and 40-100 chains to a stake marked Farwell. thence thence north 14J = east 503 chains to Chico creek, thence down said Cbioo creek with its meandcrings to the Sacra mento river, thence down said river with its meander ings to the place of begin in| I .11,19 02 Davenport Marshall B. .Personal pro perty 3 86 Dexter Poind..Personal property 12 85 Edgar John.. •• ~ 87 86 FayC F Btoce 4Co..Claims to 17,376 acres of land, known as Slano Seco rancho, bonnded as fol lows, to-wit: Beginning at a point on the Sacramento riv er abont 14 miles south of the 4" standard Use north, the same being the southwest corner of Farwell Rancho, running thence north 68 east about 350 chains to Mt. Diable meridian. thence south 537 and 65 100, tbeueo west 230 and 16 InO chains to Sacramento river, thsneo up said river with its mean deringa to the place of begin ning 876 26 Garner Coon—Claims to 80 acres of land and improvement?, situated Mod creek end bounded on the lootb enst by Whitesides, 10 97 Hensley Cka*. .Claims to 049 acres of l*nd 64 26 Heaingway Wn. .Improreraentaand per sonal property 14 44 Jennings H U & Co. .Improvements and personal property 86 18 Lindtnrr John.. Personal property 8 53 McDowJ Hugh & Co— Improvements, known as McDowd’s rancho, snd personal properly 14 24 Mnzson B F & J P. .Claims to 160 acres of land and improvements near Dr J B Smith’s rancho, and personal property 45 60 Moore Chas. .Personal property 14 78 Owen Benjamin.. “ “ 2 18 Poly G P.. “ “ 0 13 Ro.-ser W C H.. •• “ 61 32 Sanford J& J 8.. “ 4 70 Spreegle Joseph SI Co.. Claims to 160 acres of land and improve ments, situated on the west side of the Shasta road, and bounded on the south by Chany and Dr Smith's on the north, and personal pro perty 70 82 Spreegle N F.. Personal property 25 28 Tbrop W M & Chaney. .Claims to 160 acres of land and improve ments. bounded gonth by E Chaney, south west by Spee (ties, on the north west by Coles nod on the north east by Delaney's ranch, and per sonal property 30 99 Prengle John. .Personal Property 2 18 Tormy James.. Improvements, about 3 miles below Jennings, and personal property.. 105 49 Thomasson Wm If. .Claim to 100 acres of land, situated on Big Chico, and being in the north east corner of J Bidwell's grant, and personal properly 33 17 Turner Robert. .Claims to 3,691 acres of land described as follows. to-wit: B'ginning at a point on Big Buite creek at the south east corner of S Neal's tract on the Hensley grant, running thence down said creek to the southerly line of said Hensley gran', thence westerly along said southerly line about 2'7 chains, thenee north about 63 chains, thence north 47 0 , east 180 chains, thence south 43 0 , east about 40 chains, thence south 7° cast about 43 chains, thence north 83 0 , cast 80 chains to the place of beginning, con taining 3,012 acres mtc or lc?s; also, beginning at stake marked VII and VIII. and running thence south 47 0 , west 80 chains to * stake XXII, thence north 43 3 west 71 chain to stake on Little But e creek marked IX XI, thence up said creek to stake marked V VII, thence south 43 0 east 78 chains to the be ginning containing 519 and 3-10 acres more or less ; also beginning at the north east corner of S Neal's tract ab ive mentioned, running thence south 83 = west along north line of said Neal's tract 80 chains, thonecat right angles 20 chains, thence at right angles north 83 3 east to Big Butte creek the beginning, 100 acres more or loss, and personal property 382 30 Todd Samuel. .Claims to 23,9 5 and 58 100 acres of land, known “Agua? Frias'' or “Osias” grunt, beginning at a point on Big Butte creek, about 27 chains south of the 4th stand ard parallel nrih running thence west 537 and 65 100 chains to Mount Diah'e men dinn, thence 491 an 156-100 chains tu the north line of Lotcolusas rancho, thence east 6S and 08 100 chains, thence south along cast line of Los Cdusas rancho 410 and 85 100 chains, thence cast 85 33 chains to Big Butte creek, thence northerly up sail creek with its mcandcr ings to the place of beginningB7l 24 Watson J.. Personal prosperity 5 12 Woolen ] Itji Co—The undivided two thirds interest in the follow ing described property 10-wit: Claims to 642 acres of land leiuga portion of the Far well grant, and bounded and described ns follows to-wit: Beginning at a stake on the cast bank of Little Butte creek, opposite the lower line of llcnshaw's garden, run ning thence south 9 0 cast along the line of a surveyed c unty road about 95 chains, thence north 43 0 east about 100 chains, thence north 9 3 west about 55 chains to Little Butte creek, thence down said creek with its meandering? to the place of beginning courses run by true meridian, due.. 51 44 Watson OP..Claims to 6,414 acres of land and improvements, known ns “Agues Nieves” cr Ilenly grant, described as follows to-wit: Beginning on Big Butte ereek at the north east cornerof the Osias grant and running thence west 537 and 05-100 chains along the northern line of the Osins Grant to Mount Diablo meridian, thence north- 46 and 09 100 chains to the southern line of the Farwell macho, thence novth 08 ® east 155 and 16-100 chains to a stake marked Farwell, thence north 144 0 oast along easterly line of Far well grant to Little Chico creek, thence up said creek to the line between Watson's and Bidwell’s, thence sou - h 12 3 east along said dividing line to Little Butte creek, thence up said creek with its meandering? to its junction with Big Butte creek, thence down Big Butte creek to the place of beginning, and per sonal property.... 616 21 Orowille, Ophir Township. NAMES DESCRIPTION TaXACOSTS Antons Jesus, .imp-overaents on L 2 B 3 adjoing the theatre 7 22 Artoev AD. .18*132 ft B 17 L 4 (rooting 18 ft on Montgomery ?t and easterly of and adjoining Brurnagim & Co., and im provements 13 94 Allison i( Rice. .Lots 12 3 and 4 B 12 and 40 by 132 f part L 7 and 8 B 38 being 40 feet on Oak st and 133 on Clay st 8 90 Asheim M 5..12 by 132 ft L 2 B 17 ad j doing Lot I, and improve ments 3 86 Allen A Co by. .107 by 132 ft part ot lot 3 Sf 4 B 8 cornerne of Robin son and Myers sis, and im provements 8 06 Alliek. .improvements and personal pro perty 4 36 Bryan Wm first house above Parker’s on the bluff at the head of Montgomery st. 1 76 Byrne J- Lot 8 b 21, Improvements and personal property 16 12 Sutler Shaw A Curtis—. Lot 8 b 20, and improvements 0 02 Boehm F P- Lot 8 B 16 and L * and 0 b 28 Carlton estate, IT 30 Berry John B. .Lots 8 4 5 and 6 b 14 Carlton estate improvemanU and personal property 14 44 Bardic M S. .70x66 ft part of lot 8 b 23 southerly end of said lot, and improvements 0 90 Beva Joseph 12x132 tt part.of lot 6 b 21 adjoinining Harvey A Co. on the waat and improvement*. 302 BrUtol Lyman-Lots A 1 24b 21 b’a 5465 14 I 8 65 66 nod all that part of mop ri» at from High to Montgom ery except that part claimed by Wm Coffee, in the town of Ororille, also in the Carltoa E-tate b 35 except L 8 and the undivided half of blocks 31 32 33 9 10 11 12 7 8 Fund 15 and 6 except one lot in each and lot 7 b 28 lot 5 and 6 b 14 lota 4 and 5 b 13 lots 3 4 5 6 and 7 b 1, and improve ments 58 Drown D A--80x 4."» ft lot 5 block 9 cor ner of Miner’s Alley and Myers st 45 ft on the alley, and I 2 3 b 9 except 2ox 54 ft of 1 3 adjoining 1 4 and Mi ners Alley heinc 54 ft on Mi ner’s Alley, and personal pro perty 38 Barker J B. .L 3 4 5 and 6 B 7 except ing 20 tt on Robinson st by 40 Iluntoon also B 36 and im provements and personal pro perty 12 Bliven B B. .66 by 66 N E e. d of 1 1 b 9 and improvements 3 Bird & Morris—L tlb 21 lot 5&6 h 4 lot 3 4 5 nod 6 b 14 112 8 and 7 B 37 B 55 and 58 alsj 19 acres of land designated by the line on the map of the town of Oroville used by the Assessor for the year 1858 as as Bird & Morri’a line 27 Baar 11—10-5 by 132 blB improvements 3 Briggs Joun—loo by 120 ft on the bluff on the east side of the road above Harriott's Mill at the brow of the hill upon which there is a s nail white bouse, improvements and personal property 6 Buffum J W—Claim tooo acres of land & improvements on the bluff and personal property 10 Bail Mrs. Henrietta M—personal prop erty 2 Bird Ralph—L 5 b 10 and the undivid ed one half of lot I 5 6 7 and 8 b 8 and personal property, 12 Carroll—part of lot 1 and 2 b 1 on Bird st adjoining James Dunn's, and improvements 10 Covington J M—L in Chinatown an 1 im provements 10 Crogsette G H -Blcck 3 in Carlton estate improvements and personal property Cohn L 12x44 part of lot 3 b 16 adj lin ing Colton and McDermott’s on the N. E , improvements and personal pr operty Campbell An Irew—<3xl32 ft parts of L 2 and 3 b 20 adjoining E King on the westerly, improve ments nnd personal property, 18 Cook Mary M. .66x06 10l 8 b 14 fronting on Lincoln st and being the centre of said lot 1 Coburn Mary R,—00x132 b 10 improve men a and personal property Cummings Miss J..personal property, Cochran & Brook■■. .personal property, Cougliey 31V W. intpr- vements on lot 2 b 3, anil personal property. Cousins Ebon..the filth house from the foot of the bluff above Garn ett's mill on (be east side of the road k personal property, 3 Clough John..personal I Charley a Chinaman, .personal property 5 Downer & Oarlow..L lb 4 and lots 1 anil 2 h 38 and 1 2 7 nnd 8 B 39 Downer D C 36x132 w sid of lot 8 B 9 ami 150 ft on Downer st by 200 on Bird st b 19 improve ments and peronal property, 25 Downer J 0.. 115 by 132 blB and 30 by 30 ft b 19 & i of an acre on the bluff, improvements and personal property, 10 Danf jrth Wm. .improvements first hou>e this side of the Brewery on the bluff at the head of Mont gomery st, nnd personal pro perty 6 Dennison E I?..06x80 ft c irner lot 8 B 1 nnd 16j by 80 E side of lot 3 b 2 fronting on Bird st im provemants and pcasonal pro ertv 57 Dearborn Mary L.. 165 by 132 ft lot 2 b 10 adjoining Do Cosmos on theE nnd W and personal pro perty Dunn James—-part ol lot 1 and 2 b 1 80 , ft on Birt st and 98 on Hnn toon street and 33 by 60 ft S W corner of lot 4 b 3 nnd E 5 of lot 3 b 32, iraprevements and personal property 79 Delvinc Wm,—lo by 132 b 13 E end of concrete house, improvements nnd person il 10 DeMott J,—22 by 06 ft lot 4 b 9 ad join ing Wm Coffee S E and per sonal property 24 Donaho property ... 10 Emanuel H. .20 by Oil lot 3 b 16 adjoin ing L Cohn on the N E nnd improvements 13 Elliott Mrs L B. .L 2 b 7, improvements nnd personal property 51 Evans T J . .30 by 80 ft N corner of lot 7 b 1 and improvements 3 Eaton 1ra..33 by 132 ft in bl 9 com mencing on Montgomery st at at a point 56 ft N E of the N E One of Downer st thence at right angl s with Montgom ery st 132 ft thence at right angles 33 ft thence at right angles northerly 132 feet to Montgomery st thence south erly along the line of Mont gomery street to the place of beginning 8 improvements 6 E Chong, .improvements 3 Erskine W ll..improvements and per sonal property 37 Farley Bristol,—all of that portion of the Carlton estate south of Robinson at except lot 1 b 39 and the west J of b 69 nnd the east 4 of h 55, also Mocks 19 20 21 22 23 and 24 al.o lots 10 11 12 13 3 and 4 b 16 also 5 and G in b 27 and 3 and 4 b 14 and 5 b 28 FarUy M H.. 22 by 132 west aide of lot 3 b 2 and lot 8 h 7 lot 1 2 nnd 3 13 and 14 b 1 Carlton estate 33 by 132 E 4 of lot 9 b 16, improvents nod personal pro perty 27 Ford J B—Lots 1 nnd 2 b 4 improve ments and personal property, 21 Friedman Chas—2l by 132 blB and im provements, 6 Harriott G W..ground attached to Har riott's mill, improvements & personal property, 272 Qatterman U.. 10 by 30 ft of lot 3 b 2 on Miner’s Alley, adjoining J F Dickey--and Co.’s on the west, and personal property 3 Garasse Charlos 33 by 80 ft P lot 3 b 2 adjoining Marchel la k Zamberlich on the east, a so lot 7 b 11 and improve ments 20 Gibson & Dell..claim to 132 by 36 in hlorris st fronting on Robin son it and runving back to wards Bird st and improve ments 3 Grave W8..32 by 132 ft west 4 of lot 2b 11 and improvements.... 7 Granger L C. .L 3 4 5 and 6 b 27 Carl lon Estate imrovemeots and personal property Gallagher Edward---Lot in Chinatown, Qareten John—74 by 132 ft b 18 and im provements. —............. Greenleef W. .personal pr perty,.,.... Heirs of J D Brown, —L 3b 10 and im provements Harvey & Co. .30 by 132 ft part of lat 4 b 14 corner of Montgome ry and Oak at and lot < b 21 150 ft eitwated wvst of and ad joining A Campbell’• in block 20, improvements and parsoa al property....-., Harris D D-*-46 by 132 eaetside of lot 7 'bo aod 24 by 52 ft part lot 3 b 9 corner of Montgomery and Myera at and personal property 57 Harria DD & N A.. Lot 1 23 5 6 and 7 block 86 6 Harria t Howard, .perianal property, 7 46 36 51 86 38 02 40 46 52 58 58 16 54 30 70 64 44 34 02 8 56 94 34 68 8 90 19 24 04 28 11 80 54 06 <l2 58 94 40 80 Elliott J T, 90 54 86 99 81 14 80 10 20 74 52 66 12 22 17 1 . 8 12 80 34 90 26 11 42 53 18 28 38 07 Herris & Burt..lot 1 block 5 sail im provements 10 58 Harltw James..lot 1 and 2 block 6 and improvements and personal property 14 44 Harvey GC. .improTementa on lot 2b 8 302 Hakes Harry. .27 by 132 block 19. im provements (City Hotel) and personal property 6 68 Hawley Miss Nelly M—Personal pro perty... 8 02 Hawley & Gibson—Personal property... 4 28 Ilcnisler J F—Lot 5 b 8 and personal property ” 80 Hussey A C—22 by 132 ft e aide 15 b 2 and improvements 67 14 Hong Lee—lo by 132 ft of I 2 b 17, ad joining Hotly, and improve ments.. 0 54 Holmes Wm—l 24 by 132 (t blB and im provcmen’s 3 80 Hesse Wm —25 by 50 ft 1 8 h 2 adjoin ing Randal and McDermott's and the west 4 of 1 2 b 15 and 22 by 60 ft lots 1 and 11 ad adjoining Dippraan's 60 ft and 6 ! by 115 ft lots 5 and 0 adjoining Cheesraan's and lot in Chinatown 18 97 Hsndel G K—Lot 2 b 21 and personal property 3 52 Heirs of Samuel J Trenaman —Lot 8 b 11 and improvements 10 58 Jacob ll—The last buu-e excepting two on the south t-Me ot the rna 1 above M mtgomery st in the city of Oroville and personal property . 7 40 Jewett E—26 by 13 bl 9 and improve ments 10 53 Josephs J J —2O by 40 1 4 corner of b 34 improvements and personal property 4 02 Jones J Y—10) by 132 tt part lot 3 b 3 adjoining VV S Siflord on the north cast, improvements and personal property 8 98 Juda Miss—“ Black ns Billy be damned” lot 4 in Chinatown, improve ments and personal property 13 00 King E. .30 by 132 L 7 & 8 B 1 being’s ft on Bird street and adjoin ing E F Dennis >n and 42 It of L 2 B 20 adj doing A Campbell, and L 5 and west- J L 0 b 23 and 20 by 06 ft of 1 5 b 3 adjoining P Bcriber Sr improvements and personal property 55 00 Kme John. .Part of 1 4 b 9 commencing at the corner of Myers and Bird sts., thence n rthorly 49 ft, thence westerly 40 ft thence northerly 48 ft., thence caste:ly 20 ft., thence along the easterly line of 14 89 ft to Bird st,, then c along the noithcrly line of Bird st to the place of beginning 13 94 Kelly S.. jof 1 T and 8 corner of b 32.. 302 Keene S H..72by132 b 19, improve ments and personal property 17 80 Kirchner C W.. Personal property 218 Light llam..L 4 b2O improvements and personal property 10 90 Lakin J 5..28 by 132 1 1 corner of b 20. 380 Lasswell M D. .51 by 132 b 19, and per sonal property.,,,,,, 6 89 Lodge B F - -18 by 132 ft b 18 and lot in Chinatown,improvements and personal property 29 50 Linonn C G. .Personal property 34 10 Le Yew. .Improvements 2 18 Lo Tick. .Improvements and personal properly ..,, 9 40 Miller John W.. 45 by 132 b 19, and personal property 17 80 McWilliams Jas. .170 by 254 west side of b 2, Carlton estate. Im provements and pc-sonal... 27 §8 Marshall & Jamis in. .Improvements on Bird st between Myers’ and Iluntoon sts - , and person il property 7 72 Mason C 11. .44 by 132 ft oast si le, I 0 b 3, and personal property.. 19 43 McConnell &Co .Block 40 an 1 personal prorerty ... 11 08 McConnell & King. .Ij/1. 4, 5 and 0. b 39 3 80 McGuire..l9 by 132 DlB 218 Maurice A Jr. .N 4 of 1 7 and 8 b 32, im provements and personal pro perty 13 18 Muller Amelia.. 33 by 132 s il4 b 10 and improvements..., 42 50 Marble Nelson. .100 by 132 1 1 and 2, corner of b 11. and improve ments 8 99 Moro Lewis. .07 by 132 part 1 5 and 0 b 21, improvements and per sonal property ~ 856 Myers II R.. Personal property 420 50 Newman F W.. Personal property...,, 3,0 02 Overton E P. .22. by 30 b 19, front Dow ner st., improvements and personal property 8 50 O'Shea Thos. .30 by 132 b 18 2 18 Oro Telegraph Co. .Telegraph line ex tending from Oroville to Mary-vile, and machinery.. 34 00 Polly T P. .Lot in Chinatown 2 18 Phillips S M. .south 4 of lots 5 anil 0 h 0 improvements and personal property 13 00 Popper Earnest. .Part of 1 0 b 9, im provements and personal pro perty 20 20 Phipps HM..Personal property...... 13 10 Pana Boscph.. “ “ 3 80 Proctor lra..E 4 of 1 10 b 16, Carlton estate, and improvements... 080 Patton R L. .Improvements at Long Bar ami personal property 20 32 Root E M.. Lot in Chinatown, improve ments and personal property, 23 24 Rinthart B. .12 by 132 1 4 b 17, adjoin ing A D Artney on the ne., and improvements . 890 Rodrago Hubbard & Smith —Claims to 40 acres of land at the lower end of Oroville, and known as the Rodraz's tract, and improvements, due 34 34 Ritchey Mr».. Lot 4 b 4, improvements and personal property 40 4S Riley Michcal Lot 41 by 132 ft and im provements, first house un der the bluti on the head of Montgomery st 5 12 Rosanna Miss —Personal property 3 80 Richey Robert —Personal property 8 90 Rich Gulch Mining Co—lmprovements and machinery 17 30 Sovereign G W—los by 00 ft lo h 15 fronting on Lmcon st , ad joining Smedcs & Jenkins, and personal property 3 52 Sovereigns & Wing —Lot 1 b 39, Carlton estate 2 13 Smith Phillip—l provements and per sonal property 23 85 Smith C A-30 by 60 ft bl 9 corner of Montgomery and Downer sts, improvements and personal property 63 16 Scott J W—South 4 of 1 0 b 1, and per sonal property 28 35 Simmons J ll—Personal property 8 48 Snyder Joseph—47 by 132 of I 5 b 21 on the corner of M irris a id Montgomery sts and running 9 ft by 132 into Morris st., and improvements 8 90 Simons H—l 2 by 132 ft n e side I4b 17 and improvements 8 90 Sharp J H—w 4 of 1 3 b 32 and improve ments 8 90 Sbidell David—22 by 66 It n w corner of 1 5 b 3 and n e 4 sf 1 7 b 3.. 13 94 Silver M A—lmprovements on lot 8 b 3, and personal property 17 80 Turner T M—lmprovements aud person al property 21 16 Temple C—lmprovements and brewery on the corner of H and Myars sts , and personal property.. 44 01 C*know a—s 4 by 132 h 18 west 4 con- • Crete house & improvement-. 10 58 •• _74 by 132 b 19 and improvement* (Hotel de France) 10 68 •• —22 by 132 b 19 and improvements. This it the lot aad brisk store bouse forly occupied by Hedly k Ce 1® 28 •« —CO by 32 b 18 aed improTements. Lafayette Hou-e 8 80 <■ —£ 40f12 b 82 and improvements, - due-.• 8 58 •• —All ef I4b 34 except 33 by 60 ft owned by Kingsley, 20 by 46 by Joseph’s and improvements 7 15 “ —LotC b 22 3 80 “ —North 4 1 0 b 1 2 00 “ —33 by 53 ft 1 3 b 2 33 ft on Min ers’ AU*J. improvement*... 470 “ —Lot 5 b 1 4 70 “ —The undivided half of b 4 Carlton estate 3 02 " —The undivided half of b 17, Carl ton estate 2 IS “ All that part of block 26 east of tho line of ihe Carlton e-tate 2 18 “ —All that port of block 41 east of th» line of the C.irlton estate 1 .14 " —Block 0.2 “ —Undivided half of 1 8 b 26, Carl ton estate “ Undivided half of b 18, Oarllon eala’o “ Undivided half of lots 3 4 5 G 7 8 0 10 11 and 12 b I Carlton estate.. “ —Lot 8 b 10 —Lota 0 anil 7 b 10 *' —22 by 66 ft Ilb 14 between Hess' and Dippmau’s “ —Lot 7 b 16 “ —West J 1 0b 10 •• —Lots 0 7 and 7 b 20 <■ —2O by 40 corner of 14 b 7 and im provements “ —Lot 3 b 22 « —Lots 2 3 4 5 0 7 and 8 b 80 “ —South i oflots 5 and 0 b 35 “ —Lots 12 3 and 0 b 34 “ —Lot 3 and oast 40f14 b 33 •• —Block 59 —Lots 5 and 0 b 38.. «• —West J 1 2 b “ —Lots 3 and 4 b 23 “ —Lot 7 b 7 “ —Lot4 b 22 and improvements.... •• —Lot 0 b 32 “ —East Jnf 11 b 15...;, *• —Lots 5 0 7 and 8 b 17 “ —Part of 1 8 b 2 commencing on Miners’ Alley 30 it from Myers’ t»-, thence westerly 30 ft. thence northerly 00 ft , thence easterly 16 ft., thence southerly 20 ft , thence easterly 50 ft , thence southerly 10 ft to place of begin ning “ .. 12 by 00 ft o earner I 7 b 11.... •’ . .15 by 00 ft n w corner 1 7 b 14.. •• ..East 11 2 b 10 ‘ ..92 by 132 n end of lots 7 and 8 block 38 •’ .. All of block Q not marked to any owners on the Assessor’s plat book Varner 11..42 by 132 hlB improvements and personal property Vrooman M.. Personal property Wing £..10 1 by 06 ft 1 5 b 15, adjoin* ing Sovereign's on the n west and improvements Wells Thomas.-Lot 1 b 7 improvements and personal property Wyer M M.. Lots 1 and 2 b 27, improve ments and pergonal property.... White A M. .Lois 7 and 8 b 27, and per sonal property Winfield D. .Improvements, Enterprise Hotel, on the Bluff, and personal property Wunderliu S. .Lot 56 by 132 ft and tin provements. Brewery on the Bluff above Garriot’g Mi 1, and pergon al property Wo Hop. .Improvements 92 1 34 2 18 5 64 2 18 2 18 2 18 1 34 92 2 18 3 02 3 02 2 18 1 34 1 34 2 18 1 34 1 34 2 18 2 18 2 IS 6 38 92 " »>.» 3 80 2 18 2 18 10 58 2 18 3 80 17 80 2 18 5 54 90 40 11 92 5 20 0 87 2+ 52 2 18 \T TAX SIST OF 1857. Wyandotte Towiiiiiip. Bergcrale Lewis 3 97 Kyle k Cleavland, 18 95 Mays, J P 17 90 Mooney, Charles 8 88 Murray, Stephen 54 30 Nutter, ffm 174 50 Eureka Township. Smith, Levi 20 94 Cphir Township. Beals, Wra 8 98 Burt, JM.i 38 42 Bnlfum, J W 15 47 Brewster, II 101 70 Farnam, Joseph 64 93 Farley, & Bristol 40 90 Fowler, J W..; 0 89 Fowler, R G 2 99 Haines J M 5 89 Kent, GW 45 09 Keller & Rice... 56 00 Rice, WN P 10 77 Wright, Samuel J 10 55 Mountain t pring Tow nship. Walker,JC 2175 Wolf, J& Co 15 90 Hid well Township. Bordwcll John ...I Burt, Howard Logan k Lowery Martin, David G Main Thomas Skinkle, A Kimshew Township. Wilmott & Co IC4 CO Hamilton Township, Harris, lewis F •• 93 77 Harris, & Goodrich ..... 3 87 Murray, Cant 4 99 Ord, Pacifieus 227 90 Pitts, Posy k Henshaw & Co 10 98 Packard, Ira 15 hO SI aeffer, P W 131 18 Young, & Crabb 26 15 Cascade Township. Chandler, & Marcum Dodge, Kzra Gingle, Jacob Kelly, Win Seely 8P....- Oro Township, Babcock. O Ifenson, Thomas S .... Garst & Galloway...* Picrsoib Geo Pierson, H T Pine Grove Mill, .. White Geo V & Brothers .. Wood, Joseph due Williams, A B Oregon Township. California Coal Co 13 00 Hitchens, Joseph 16 90 Larkin, Thomas O 1085 9.) Purcell Geo 5 49 Virgin Quartz Mining Go 180 ;>•> Van Ness 2 30 . 3 00 . 47 17 . 25 94 . A 99 . 4 99 41 10 30 13 80 80 3 50 63 23 29 53 43 49 19 42 301 84 18 90 47 68 22 95 50 87 7 00 4 99 Chico Township. Oroville, (Ophir Township.)