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BUTTE RECORD. CiEO. 11. {’ROSETTE, Editor. OROVILIE. SATURDAY, DEC. ,4 1858. STATE & COUNTY .... FOR .... 1858 -—’s9* STATE OF CALIFORNIA,? ss County of Butte. S' > T)UBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY X gLycn, t!i*t dvfauT having been made in the payment of Taxes dne to the State of Caiifo nia. and to the Coun tv of Butte, for the fiscal year ending the 30th day of June, 1859, upon cer tain property enumerated in the follow ing Schedules, I, by virtue of the pow er and authority in m? vested, did, on Monday, the 18th day of October, 1858, lew up'n the said property, and I will proceed, on MONDAY the Thirteenth day of December, 1858, between the hours of 10 o’clock A. M. and 3 o’clock P. M., to sell the same at PUBLIC AUCTION, in front of the Court 11. use, in said County ;andl will continue such sale from day to day, be tween the hours and at the place afore said, until all the real estate and im provenx nts set forth in the schedules, are sold; and I will sell the smallest quantity of said real estate that will be taken for the faxes and costs remaining due and upaid thereof, together with the two dollars ($2,00) for the duplicate Ceitificatc of Sale. This property will be sold subject to redempti n within six months from the date of the sale in case of the Real Es tate, on the payment of the purcha e money, and fifty per c ut. additional thereto; and within ninety days from the date of sale, in case of the Improvements on payment of the purchase money, and twenty-five per cent, additional thereto, and if not redeemed, absolute convey ances of the property will be granted to the purchasers, as provided by s ction« 20 and 25 of the Revenue Act of 1857. W. W. HOBART, Tax Collector, Butte Co. Fated this 13th day of November, 1858. Wyandotte Township, NAMES INSCRIPTION TAX&COST3. Bowman, —Tim>*ovf*n>ent9 in Pauper, north sit?e of Broadway, between .Ann and Lnmbtrt sts., next to Potter’s store Brooks, C.—lmprovements in Bangor. cor ner Broadway and Lumber! sts.. and personal property,.. Bean, Palmer-—One hundred and sixty t-.fws of land and improve ment.-. -mail'd about two miles fr nth of the rilhrge of Wyan dedif.aiK? near the junction • of t-N* (> nrtz Mill find Wyan dotte Ravines, and personal property Brett, John—lmprovements in Bangor, Mn -u-mith shop Pell. John—fmprovefcnl*nts near Bangor.. Boyd.’E, A—r<Ts-'pal property at Thomp son’.*- itam h Calloway. tV P— : One hundred and sixty aerts of land and improve rut-uls. sitmiteel on the Laffer ty and Banpex road, about one and a half miles south of Bangor, and personal proper ty. C order, F—lmprovements rear Bangor and near Boyle’s claim, Ccva 1 au d, S; m ps« •nR a m i rez. A Co—Claims to 4,422 acres of land and im provements, being a portion of th* Cordeway Grant, situated • n Butte county, and being all the land situated between the north and south Horn ut creek, fircl l eh w the foot hills of the Sierra Nevada mountains, and and being in Wyandotte and Ophir township’s, 6,14 74 T)e Cosmos,— i i»n lovements in Bangor, west side of Broadway between Ann and Lumber! sts.. next d< or to the Hotel de Europe. . 7 22 Delerg, Harriet—One hundred aud sixty Cl!e> of laud and improve nu ats.situate d near the Uocky Honcut.between Wilson’s and the Kentucky Banche’s and building in Bangor, o.i Lnm bmt street next door to Read’s cn south side, and personal property 48 38 Devlin, Archy— Personal property at Hon <ut City Ettic, Tran Baptist—improvements in Ban gor. Hotel de Enrnpe, on the south side of Broadway street, between Ann and Lumburt -trcets.and personal property, Emerald Pitch Co- The undivided two tbirils interest of water ditch* a ken from South Honcut, and runs near F- rbes house, ten mill ' long. line 20 50 Feller, T— I*lprovementsin Rangor, comer rfl umbert and Broadway sts., ~.nth -idcof Lumbert aud west side of Broadway, and house at Fnrbestnwn bark of Union Hall , and personal property .. 24 54 Frew, .Sarnuol—One hundred and sixty acres of laud and improve ments, known as Oarby’a Rau-h, siuth Honcut, near Miller's Ranch,between it and Wyman - Ranch, and person al property 15 29 Fleming i Oig" d— Lard and improvetne ments near Bangor Ford. S S—Personal property at Wyan -2 18 27 04 14 20 2 IS 3 SO 10 09 33 34 4 10 1 11 48 ootto. 5 54 15 96 Flood John—Personal property at Ante lope Ranch French. A—Per-oral property at Rice's Ranch Poland. A .I—lrm mvements in Bangor, Ann street, back, .of Swain's Hotel, cagj enter asknp 3 02 € ran can—lmpnvomealaiu Baagur, north 'iile of Lambert street, Hrst hon*£ from corner of Broad w .rv S 3 Hirer. J L—lmpTf cements In Wyandotte, s.t! <4: known as the Bamboo bal«n .... t Hover. A fast a.-—I nipruvetnenta to Rangor. Kcndail. H J -Inn iw»ent« near Bangor a:,.l near Bov Us claim and personal ptnperlr, Kiilbirne, Geo —Pttfosal property at j S Morris*. .. Kerr, J W—One hundred and sixty acres r-f land n Middle Honcut,.. Kyle i Gleavlaud—C laim to one hundred anes of-fard'and Improve ments, situated on the north side of tue south Honcut creek and being that certain held enclosed by a fence on the op posite side"of said creek from Kyle's he use, Lang Samuel \V—lmprovements in Ban gor on the south sideot Lum bert street and west aide of Rroadway Larkin t Flood—32o acres of land and im provements, known as the Kentucky Ranch, on the north 5 54 6 55 3 02 3 02 2 18 3 6S 3 44 3 19 15 60 3 S€ Litany. wg*t s opposite d personal proper -31 $8 5 51 13 94 4 » 2 « •fir «-S2 H 78 13 31 17 30 3 86 17 47 1 34 68 54 10 41 7 64 8 14 11 6 10 8 90 3 18 9 74 enfcent.« in Bangor, ofUrnadway street, . r vsrain*? H0te1...... l.ang k Co—Personal property at Wyan dotte, • j McGreerey, Thomas—l6o arre« of land and improvements, situated about th»*e-f«wth» of, a mile from WnerVffenefc. *n the mad to - Wyandotte, and bounded on jpii mi I 'ffwlti by Thompson' tfcXHly- Jan»es— in Ban and personal .property. f Morris; Geo W—lmprovements near Wy-'i andotte,. .... Owen, E S—Personal property at Wyan dotte, Osgood Gardiner—lmprovements near Bangor,and personal property, Oroville Co—lmprovements, water wheel and machinery n the north side of Floyd k Co’s claims near Bangor 13 94 Palmer, J Q—Claim* to ltd acres of land lieine the south west nnarter of section 16 township 17 north range 4 east, and im provements r Pioneer Co.—lmprovements, water-wheel and machinery on raining claims.hnown as BoyleV claim Rocky floncut Ditch Co— Improvements and water ditch taken ln>ra Rocky Honest, ami running near Kentucky Ranch, and is about 9 miles long Romaifie in Bangor, north side of Lambert street and two houses west of Broadway. .. Bice, Fisher administrator of the Estate of Pleasant Rice. -deceased—l6o acres of land, south west quar ter of section 15 township 17 north range 4 east 13 94 Bell,George—Claims to 320 acres of land and improvement, situated Wyman Ravine, first ranch above Garden Ranch, and im provements, and personal pro- Riley, P H—lmprovements near Bangor,. Rowe Nathan—Personal property, Roll lAwis—Personal property Stebbins Francis—Claims to 40 acres of land, situated near Bangor, south west of Watson's field and improvements Se veil, E D—lmprovement- near Bangor, Snow Jacob—lmprovements near Wyan dotte, and personal property,. Stevenson. James—Personal property, Storey Edward “ “ Shepherd, H B—lmprovements in Wyan dotte and personal property,. Spaulding, Wni —Claims to 160 acre* of land filiated about 1 mile east of Bangor, improvements and personal property, balance due, Tingley, J—Claims to 16*0 acres of land and smprovments, Thatcher, Wm—lmprovements near Wy andotte and personal proper Tucker O B Co—lmprovements, water wheel and machinery, near Bangor Whitney, A M— Improvements, blacksmith shop in Baagor,. Wallace Wm—improvements at Honcnt City, and personal property,. Watkins, Peter—C laims to & acres of land on Middle Horn*at near Lin con House, and personal pro perty, Eureka Township. Allbright—improvements Thompsons Flat, and personal property Austin H.—Water Co.—improvements, wa ter ditch taken from Cotton Wood Creek from thence around near the foot ot Table Mountain to Thompson’s Flat, Alley S. A.—personal property, Brown Rich'd—improvements near head of Morris Ravine Brown Sam'l- improvements near Sebasto pol. Morris Ravine, and per sona! property Drown Henry—personal property Beck Jos.— improvements, Thompson's Flat Clark Wallace—claim to 320 acres of land cornering with Philip Myers’ land on the S. W.. improve ments and personal property. C 7 78 Ckmese Wm. H.—improvements, Myers' Ranch, wagon shop and per sonal property, I 4 86 Climper John C.— improvements, Mor ris Ravine lower store person al property, 24 10 O.M. Evans k Co—improvements, road running from Yankee Hill to Cherokee Flat and bridge. 8 90 O.M. Evans -improvements Yankee Hill and personal property, 9 44 French L. R.—improvements Thompson’s Flat, opposite Western Hotel, corner of street, 7 22 Fittz Albert—improvements Thompson’s Flat opposite Western Hotel north Gun.son Robt.—improvements upper store house Morris Ravine, and per sonal propei ty Gunson Oliver—improvements near Sebas topol, Morris Ravine... Goidbick Martin—improvements Goldie Thos. —personal property Hammond M—claim to ICO acres land and improvement near Hale k Co. ferry, and 2d house below said ferry Howard David A.—improvements Thomp son's Flat and personal prop erty 30 32 Lindsley Oliver—personal property 3 02 Laundry Francis—improvements Ist house below Hale it Co's ferry...... 3 02 Seaman Henry—improvements ferry house near Lalhrop k s ferry and per sonal properly 3 44 Masters John—personal property 13 78 Peters Francis—l6o acres of land situated near the head of Morris Ra vine. and east of and adjoining J. Carters ranch and being the same land that was transferred by W. B. Smith to F.W, Fickert, and by him to Elizabeth Brooks, and by her to Francis Peters by deeds re corded in deed book B volume 2. pages 56 and 93 and book 6, volume 18, pages 547 and 548 in the Recorder’s office. Butte county; also two houses at Thompson's Flat, one of which being formerly knmra as the U. S. Hotel—improve ments and personal property, Rosser John W—personal property Rossay William —improvements opposite Myers street across the river, -? i • ......A.Miititu TUnmh.nMli 9 07 3 50 84 50 9 58 4 70 9 15 3 53 1 70 3 02 11 50 1 34 3 86 149 44 5 54 30 72 4 76 Smith Lori—improvements Thompson's Flat on the corner opposite Filz's house, j devant James—improvements lamp's Bar, first house almve A. Wolf and personal property Swaringer John —improvements Thnmp son's Flat,. 3 02 8 90 3 86 Taylor Kyte k Co.—improvements Thomp son’s Fl«t next door Austins 3 86 store, 10 58 Thompson George—improvements Thomp son s Flat Union Bakery and house opposite,.- 10 58 Taylor W.K improvement*, blacksmith shop and tools, Thompson’s Flat, 2 60 Wolfe A.—lmprovements below Slurdc vant Long’s Bar and personal property, i • 19 06 Wagstaff James—improvements Thomp son's Flat, and personal prop erty.-.- *39 Ophir Township. NAMES DESCRIPTION T4X4C A llisor. B W ft T S—claim to 200 acre? hind ft improvements situated next north of and adjoining McCon nell's Ranch at McConnell'!! ferry, . i Annthony Samuel—personal property.... Aiiison itw — ir. 3 Allen J Arnold I> K- 11 “ ' j Bliven B B ft Fielding John—l2Bo acres land ami improvements near Central House and personal property 511 Beaver David—improvements house and lot in Middletown, hounded on the north by Chapman's and personal property..... Beale William improvements situated about two hundred yards east of the Brooklyn House aiCar [enter s Flat, and [esfianal property ... Butts—improvements, stable south east of the Plaza Lynchburg antiper sonal property Barnes Henry—improvements, a house be low McCoanei's, and pone rial property Bordweil John ft Cobb Chas— peraonal property . Barton Jacob—personal property.,, .i:... BartotkAndrew— *■ “ ......... Bcve A— “ •* ..., ? ... Bristol Lyman—Claim to 160 acres land and improvemsnts situated on raver road leading from Oro viUe to Marysville, and first aneb below Kent’s and houn -10 24 ded on south by Heninger’a ranch, and personal fwopertw, Collins Jerry J—improvements. Middle town near wmt*r ditch, and personal property Coons James, A Clynier—Claim to 600 acres land situated on the east side of Feather river oposite Rich Gulch and bounded as follows to wit: beginning at stake on the line of James Coon's survey. White Oak 10 in bearing JST 23 deg W 24 links and running W 78 chains to an inaccessible corner in Feather river, thence S 22 chains and 80 links down Feather river, thence E 78 chains then«-e to Coon's line, thence W along Coon's line 22 chains 80 links to place of be ginning, containing ICO acres of land : also ICO acres situa ted on the E side of Feather river, opposite the place for merly known as Adams town and beginning at a stake above Long's Bar ferry land ing at high water mark and running S 80 chains to stake, thence W 20 chains to stake, W oak 24 inches bearingN 20 deg E 106 links, thence north 80 chains to stake on bluff be low Long’s Bar, thence E2O chains to place of beginning, improvements and personal property.—2Bo acres not de scribed, Cleveland M V & W C —Claim to 320 acres of land and improve ments situated on the river road about seven miles below Orovilleand personal property Craig Ge». M.—personal property Corbett J J—improvements at Cape Claim and personal property Dignan Peter—improvements at Middle town, and personal property, Evere John improvements at Middle town near the water office.... Fitzel A Hall—soo acres of land and im provements bounded on the south by the Honcnt creek the east by Geo Allin’s ranch, north by Kirbys ranch, and north west by Cody’s and be ing one mile from Honcnt bridge, and formerly known as Mattoon’s ranch, and person al property, Fining Z A Co—improvements and person al property Farnam Joseph—Claim to 160 acres land and improvements known as the lone tree ranch one mile south of the Prairie House, and bounded on the east by South's ranch and on the south by Cox’s ranch, and per sonal personal property, due, Gage B F—Claim to 200 acres < f land and improvements bounded on the south by the lioncut creek and on the west by B B Bliven and Fielding's ranch, and person al property, due, Gibbs SH— personal property, . Gallagher Anthony—personal property. .. Garner Geo—Claim to 160 acres of find and improvements- situated next up the river from Onyet’s ranch on the Feather river road leading from Oroville to Marysville, and personal prop erty* Hanscum C S—Claim to 160 acres of land and improvements being the north half of the ranch known as the hole in the ground or Buckly’s ranch, and personal property Hefner Philip—Claim to 320 acres of land and improvements adjoining the Central House ranch and bounded on the south by Kir by’s much, north by Chester A Launtz’ and west by Feath er river, and personal prop erty Haywood Mark—personal property, Harington Denis— ** “ Holland Mike—Claim to 19 acres of land and improvements described a- follows, to wit: beginning at a stake on the side of the Marysville road between Bird and Robinson streets and run ning thence 3.57 chains to a stake, thence south 41 s W along road leading to Hale's Ferry 20 chains to a stake, thence south 62 1-2 ° W 15.50 chains to slake on the west line of the Marysville road, thence north east along said road 23.50 chains to the place of beginning, Hart M S—Claim to 460 acres of land and improvements situated near the head of Wyman’s Ravine and at the junction ot the roads leading from Oroville to Wyandotte with the mad lead ing from Bid wells Bar to the Prairie House and known as “Garden Ranch,” and person al property, Huber Enrique—claim to 30000 acres and and improvements, known as the Huber Grant, situated on the east side of Feather river, and contained within the fol lowing boundaries to wit: the Honcnt cieek. the foot hills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains and Feather river Ireland Thomas—improvements north east of the Plaza Lyinchburgh and personal property, Jackson A ll—Claim to 30 ) a« res of land and improvements, bounded on the south by B B Bliven and John Fielding's ranch and cm the north by Kirby’s ranch and formerly known as Char ley’s ranch, and personal property Johnson Gust—personal property, Jones M V B—improvements, first house west of the water office Middle town Kent Geo W—32o acres of land and im provements. known as Kent’s ranch, and personal property, Kirby|S A—l6o acres of land and improve ments bounded on the east by land known as the Mattoon ranch and north by Palmer’s ranch and south easterly by Allen’s ranch, and personal property Kirby Marshall—l6o acres of land and im provements bounded on the east by the Marysville and Oroville road, east by the slough, north by McKeuney’s ranch,and personal property, Keller A Rice—32o acres of laud and im provements bounded on the south by the Honcut creek and west by Allen’s Ranch and on the east by Wood’s ranch, and personal property, Keister Joseph—l6o acres of land and im provements. bounded on the wes* by Feather river, sooth by Onyett’s ranch, and north by Cleavcland’s ranch, and personal property,, Kane John—improvements between Lynch burg and Garden ranch, and personal property, Loud Michael—personal property Longley A C—improvements adjoining Da vid Beavers at Middletown, house and lot, and personal property, Lynholm H K—B acres of land and improve ments about 2 miles east ot Lynchburg and personal prop erty McConnell M F A Billings—277 acres land and improvements situated on the east side of Feather river, and known as McConnell’s Ferry ranch, and the ferry boat, and fixtures at McCon nell’s Ferry, and personal property Howry Lyman--160 acres of land and im provements situated on the east >ide of Feather river at Burt’s Ferrv, and known as the Burt’s Ferry ranch, and ferry boat and fixtures known as Bmt’s Ferry, and personal property, Mioott H B—personal property Myers Jos. improvements south of the Hospital and west of the Oro ville and Marysville road, Lynchburg, house and per sonal property Moore Wm Taylor A Co—personal property Murray Anthony— “ “ McCcy A G—l6o acres of land situated near Channel Rock on the east bank of Feather river, and personal property Nelson Peter—personal property, Xew York Mining Co—personal property, Nance Henry— « “ U'Farrall Feter—32o acres ol land and' im provement. known as the Prairie House ranch being the same land conveyed bv Allen 1c John Onyett by deed recor ded on deed book “A" pages • 302 and 563 and lying on the oid road leading from Bid wall’s Bar and Marysville, and 29 IS 2 68 43 33 38 32 10 38 4 36 1 61 1 34 46 36 9 77 31 16 26 20 2 86 12 26 23 77 20 16 90 97 5 78 1 31 7 90 238 14 1396 50 55 94 113 69 3 86 3 02 32 92 21 18 8 73 60 81 30 91 8 14 6 33 8 36 7 47 36 63 42 16 52 58 5 37 3 61 1 34 S 31 10 92 ♦ 70 1 79 9 34 2 18 6 88 4 62 9 24 4 86 personal property 59 30 Onyett Amy—4Bo acres of land and im provements situated west of and adjoining Feather river and bounded on the north by J Keister’s ranch and known as Onyett s ranch, and personal property #7 45 O’Neal Peter— improvements at Center ville, and personal property, 646 Pitner Wilson—l6o acres of land and im provements. situated on the on the slough leading from the Lone Tree ranch to Stephens A Slocum’s ranch and bounded on the north by Cox’s ranch, personal property 13 60 Perry Francis—Claim to 160 acres land and improvements situated on the south bank of Feather river about one mile above and opposite the village of Hamilton, and personal prop erey, 16 71 Packard Ira—personal property Powell Wm G—improvements 2nd house east of water office at Middle town Parks Wm. H—ls acres of land and im provements situated on Wy man’s Ravine about one mile below Zurawaits, and personal property, Pheelen Michael—improvements at Middle town. and personal property. Rickets Thos. A Davis Alonzo—Claim to 160 acres of land and improve ments situated on the east side of Feather River and bounded as follows, to wit: beginning at a stake on the line between township 18 and 10 N and 100 rods east of section corner in Briggs’ orchard and running south 40 chains to a stake (slough) thence east 40 chains to a stake, thence north 40 chains to a stake, (township line) thence west along said township line to the place of beginning Reynolds Alex.—personal property, Rose Wm.—l6o acres of land improve ments situated on the east side of Feather river below Hamil ton beginning at a stake N W from Greenwood’s house White Oak bearing S 22 ° W 78 links and running N 32 chains to a stake near slongh, thence south 32 chains to a stake, thence east 50 chains to the place of beginning, and personal property 14 Snell John A—l6o acres of land and im provements, land lying in Hamilton township and being part of sections 19 ana 24 town 18 N range 2 and 3 east and about 1 1-2 miles N E of Shaffers’s ranch, and person al property 25 61 Shons Andrew—personal property, 6 38 Sapp B—personal property 20 76 Siiwart Alex—improvements at Lynch burgh, and personal property, Sherman A D—personal property 13 61 Stone Hibbard—personal property, 10 84 Stephens B K—personal property 5 66 Strong Robert improvements on Dry Creek near Middletown anti personal property, Tinker WWA Co—improvements and per sonal property 11 92 Thomas G G—improvements Wilson Peterson. Clark & Co.—personal property Wallace Greenwood A Notson—l6o acres of land and improvements situa ted about one mile north-east from Cherokee and persoual property, 12 00 Wilson A Sanburn—personal property, - - Wallace W S—personal property - - - Wagner John—improvements house and lot south side of the Plaza at Lynchburg, and persoual property, Wheeler James—improvements at Lynch burgh and personal property, Worth Denis—Claim to 80 acres of land sit uated on Wyman’s Ravine and joining Zura waits ranch on the north, • , Wording D W —improvements, house op posite S. F. A O. Water Co.-s office at Middletown, - - - Zuumwalt Wm.—Bo acres of land and im provements situated on Wy man’s Ravine one mile below Wm Sealv’s ranch,and known as B!ood f s ranch, and personal property, Mountain Spring Township, XAMF9 taxjkcosts Ah property 5 12 Boston Quartz mining Co—lmprovements, quartz mill on Sucker Run, near South Fork Feather liver Crandall B P—Pesronal property Dale John—lmprovements Dickinson R—Personal property 4 87 Fairfield Mining Co—Personal property.. 20 16 Harrison Diteh—lmprovement, waterditch this ditch is taken from Ore gon Gulch and taken thence to Stringtoivn. Jones R—Personal property Kirby c— “ “ Martin & Dickinson—Claims to 160 ocres of land, improvements and personal property, ranch known as Woodman’s Ranch, situated on the road leading from Buffalo Ranch to string town.. Pollard Doctor—Personal property Shaffer A Wallace— *• “ Shaw G W— •* <* Stevenson A—lmprovements, water ditch taken from Sucker Run about 5 miles above Mooretown, run ning thence d wn the ri Ige near Kanaka City, thence into Oregon Gulch about 15 miles in length, capacity ana about 500 inches of water 30 74 Sherman A D—Personal prosperity 13 51 Winter Ditch—lmprovements, ditch taken from the the South Fork of Feather river, about one-half of a mile above Enterprise and near the head dam of the Feather River and Ophir wa ter corapanys ditch, thence following the bank of said stream to a point above String town Wilcox Fredrick—Personal property.... Winters H— “ “ .. ... Woodman J W—lmprovements at String town and personal property.. Bid well Township, NAMES DESCRIPTION TAXACOSTS Adams FC4 C—32o acres of land and im provements,known as the Bald Rock Mill Ranch, and situated on a branch of Berry creek and adjoining Geo Smailes ranch, and personal propeity Brooks G W—l6o acres of land and improve ments, described as follows to wit: begining at a sycamore in McCabes Ravine," thence north 160 rods to stake, thence east 160 rods to a stake, thence south 160 rods to a stake, thence west 160 rod? to the place of beginning.. Bensley David—lmprovements at French Creek,3 miles from Peavine, and personal property Bordwell David —l6o acres of land and im. Srovements. known as the liner's Ranch, situated in 'he road leading from Oroville to Bidwell’s Bar, and personal property Bergen! Lewis—lmprovement., brick building opposite Hess' brick store, Bidwell's Bar, and per sonal property Barnes Wm—lmprovements at Bidwell's Bar, and personal property.. Baker John—Personal prosperty at Bidwell s Bar,house 70 feet front on the corner of the pla aa on the west side of the st, opposite the National Hotel and Glnckaufs store snd per sonal property Brewster H Claims to 160 acres of land and improvements, and per gonal property Citing If Co -Improvements, bouse and Ball Alley about 6" yards be. low Eckman. Tenant A Co's, building on Union Bar, boose one and a bah' stories high and formerly known as Ci ting’s A Madame Christian's. Davis W P—lmprovements, about 2 miles west of Peavine. and person > al property Dolby John—lmprovements. House and lot opposite the Hotel D* Europe, and adjoining Hass' brick store, at Bidwell's Bar, and personal property. Denckla. Fall A Co—Claims u> 640 acres of land and improvements, saw mill and other improvement#, known as the Virginia Mill Eckman, Tennant I*f 1 *f Co—imorovements, house at Union Bar, 65 feet long, 2 stories high, contain ing store room, her room, din ing room and cellar Bond John B— 320 acres of land and im -3 02 3 76 2 82 33 26 4 70 5 62 14 27 3 86 6 39 49 14 39 14 12 26 2 IS I 22 3 86 3 02 87 52 2 1H 3 02 13 10 7 22 5 54 66 86 7 22 96 61 41 76 11 24 80 48 66 02 32 O'* 3 86 17 80 70 47 13 90 10 04 23 68 140 44 34 10 3 SC 22 31 5 29 68 75 prorements, known «s the Buckeye Ranch, and bounded as follows; beglning at a tree north corner, south of Walk er's Plains, thence running southeast 1 mile,thence south west one-half mile, thence northwest one mile, thence to the place of beginning, and personal property 72 7i Harris F M—lmprovements at Peavine, ranch and personal property 148 51 Kirby Alex—lmprovements 12 26 Isrgan James M—Personal property 17 li Lamp A Co—lmprovements at Bidwell's Bar, house and lot, west of Fitzgerald’s Hotel ® 9® Martin D G—l6o acres of land and im provements, situated on the road leading from Bidwell’s Bar to Buckeye Ranch, and personal prqjerty 25 70 Main Thomas—lmprovemALs. house and gaiden on the east side of the river, at High Rock, and per sonal property 56 14 Phipps Dr—lmprovements, house on Min er’s street, between C B Pike’s shop and I)r Wilson's drug store, Bidwell's Bar. and lot . 13 91 Reed Wm A Co—House and lot, opposite Chamberlain A Hess' brick store, Bidwell's Bar. and in the the rear of the National Hotel, and personal property 17 11 Ross G W A Price J M—Claims to 160 acres of land and improvements near Peavine Ranch, and per sonal property 15 15 Servis Gordon—Claims to 1-2 acre of land and improvements, situated at Bidwell's Bar, and adjoining Pike's butcher shop, and per sonal property 32 95 Skinkle A—lmprovements on the bill back of Kirby's stable, Bidwell’s Bar Slater E W—l-2 acre of land and improve ments, on Court House Hill, anti lot, and water ditch. taken out of the Big Canyon, south of Bidwell’s Bar and running thence to Court House Hill, Stolberg—lmprovements, blacksmith shop, between the Bidwell bridge and Hess’ store, Bidwell Bar, and personal property 17 80 Trooghton James—Personal property Unknown—lmprovements, balance due.. Union Claims Mining Co—lmprovements, flume about one mile above White Rock and the first above the Channel Bock Co's flume 501 50 Wilson Dr Wm—lmprovements, brick house at Bidwell's Bar near Hess A Chamberlain’s, and personal property 21 16 Whipple David—l6o acres of land and im provements, known as Pea vine Banch, and personal pro perty 139 11 WestJM—Persons! property 20 76 Klmslaew Township. NIMES DESCRIPTION TAX&COSTB Arnold A Place—lmprovements at Inskips on the east side of Main street, between Baltimore’s butcher shop. Mrs. Smitch’s Hotel, 28 feet front by 36 feet back,and personal property 29 23 Anderson A Gable—lmprovements at In skips on the east side of Main street, and next south of Gil leland's blacksmith shop.... 5 54 Avisseaw Lewis—lmprovements at Center ville, Big Butte Creek, and personal property 6 21 Avisseaw Charles—lmprovements at Big Butte creek, and personal pro perty 11 92 Baltimore C—lmprovements at Inskip, butcher shop, on thee side of Main street, between Arnold Place’s stable, 16 feet front by 26 deep and other improve ments, and personal property*. 596 Baily T A Co—lmprovements at Dogtown, hlack>mith shop and tools, first building yvest of Bader’s store 4 70 Branan James—lmprovements at Mineral Slide, and personal property.. 3 94 Barrett A Co—lmprovements, water ditch taken from the West Branch of Feather river at Whiskey- Flat near Dogtown, and fol lowing the west bank of said river about one and a half miles 17 30 Brotherton J R—lmprovements on Big Butte creek, kuoyvn Brother ton’s store, an I personal pro perty 116 11 Bader Charles—6o acres of land and im provements, hotel, store and dwelling-house at Dogtown, on the southerly side of the street, formerly knoyvn as Ba der’s store, and personal pro perty 42 92 Brown Chides—Personal propertj* 84 Bogan Patrick A Co—lmprovements, cast side of Main street and next north of Tar bell’s store, In skips, and personal property,. 43G Cadwell F M—lmprovements, house, situ ated on the east side of Has- Kin’s Restaurant,at Dogtoyvn, and personal property 14 61 Cochran A Swasey—lmprovements 3 miles below Inskips, and personal prope ty 8 90 Carpenter, Phillip Sc Richardson—l6o acres of land and improvements on Little Butte creek four miles above Dogtoyvn, and personal pjoperty 28 78 Carr A B—lmprovements on Little Butte ejeek, about two miles from its mouth, and personal property. 44 24 Carter J S A Powell—Claims to 320 acres of land and improvements, sit uated on the road leading from Lovelock's to Inskip and about about 5 miles from at the junction of the roads leading from Dogtown to In rkip via. Lovelock’s and the forks of Big Butte creek, and personal property 25 70 Comstock E S—Claims to 320 acres of land and improvements, situated about two miles northerly from Geo. Wilmot’s ranen and on Dry creek, near its head, and personal proj>erty 21 86 Champlain Wm A Co—lmprovements at Insk ! p on the west side of Main street, and bounded on the north by Vau{.h’s saloon 15 feet front by 32 feet deep.. 3 02 Danc’l Benjamin -Personal property ... 92 Debaige Dan el—lmprovements,store house, situated at Inskip on the west side of Main street, between Londsey’s and John Libbey’s house’s 7 22 Dougherty Jno H—Personal property.... 14 45 Evans W D A Co—lmprovements at the forks of Butte, and personal property 6 46 Fuller E C—lmprovements at Diamond* villc, and personal property.. 3 67 Friedman Chas—lmprovements, store and dwelling house about 80 rods above Lovelock’s and second store above Lovelock’s and personal property 43 59 Gillelaod TEA Co—lmprovements, situa ted on the ca«t side of Main street, Inskip, next to Gabbes house, north side, 18 feet front by 20 feet deep, and personal property 5 20 Geer Wm—lmprovements at Inskips, on the east side of Main street, between Kelley and Buck ley’s and McL’s, 24 feet front by 36 feet deep, and personal property 11 08 Hackett Geo—lmprovements, first house on the right side of the road going into Inskip 3 86 Hubbard Chas G—Personal property..., 6 03 Harris Henry—lmprovements at Dogtown, and personal property 26 96 Harris D M—lmprovements, saw mill, situ ated about 2 miles above Dog town on Little Butte creek, and known as the upper Butte Mills and formerly owned by Miller, and personal pioperty 165 42 Ingles Sam A Knott—lmprovements, situ ated at Inskip on the east side of Main street, first bouse south of Rbeem’s Hotel 3 82 Jeannia August—-Improvements, Cosmo politan Saloon, east side of Main street, 24 feet front by 40 feet deep, and personal property 14 86 Libby John—lmprovements, situated on the west side of Main street between Dehaigc’s store and Cannao’s Inskip Market 4 70 Lindsey H D-~ Improvements at Inskip.on the east side of Main street, bounded on the north by D Duchare, 13 feet front and 20 feet deep 3 02 Long Erastus D—Personal property 6 55 Light Ham— “ 41 12 26 Layton R C— 41 44 2 18 Lowry Wm— 44 44 28 22 Looney Patrick—lmprovements, store, sa loon, restaurant and stable, and other improvements on the we*t side of Main street at the north end of the town of Inakip, and personal property 72 82 Moore Alfred—lmprovements at Center- ville. Big Butte creek, sod personal property- t 53 Hay J C—lmprovements at Mineral Slide, and personal property 20 32 Mineral Point Ditch k Mining Co — Im provements, ditch taken from Little Butte creek near its forks and running from thence down the creek on both sides . 17 St Marks Sam —lmprovements, store house at Inskip, situated on the east side of Ma ; n street an! be tween Buckley’s saloon and Baltimore’s meat Market, 18 feet front by 36 feet deep, and personal property 78 28 Muller Amelia —Improvements house on the west side of Main street, and first house north of Clark’s store S 52 Marks Lewis J—lmprovements, store house atPogtown, nearly opposite from Pollard & Johnson's, and personal property 39 05 Miller W B S—Personal property 21 66 Miller SH— “ “ , 9* 58 North Christian—lmprovements, situated at Inskips, on the east side of Main street between Water’s hot*! and Kellev’s. 19 feet front and 26 feet deep 6 54 Odolph Muller A Co—lmprovements, situ ated on the east side of Main htreet and south side of Tar bell's store. Inskips 2 18 Poumarat V—2o acres of land and im provements, first store above Lovelock's store, store house and bake oven, and personal property 26 54 Pond Jas A Co—lmprovements, house on the east side of Slain street, and first house north of the Cosmopolitan saloon, at In skip 3 86 Patty Joseph—Personal property 13 94 Rapp Andrew—lmprovements, house and blacksmith shop, forks Butte, 6 80 Riley P—lmprovements at lovelock’s, blacksmith shop and t 0015.... 2 60 Rodgers Lewis—Personal property.. .. 2 18 Rodgers S T—l6o acres of land about one mile above Brotberton’s store, on Big Butte creek, and per sonal property 8 56 Rice F H—lmprovements, a* two story house near the top of the hill, where the trail goes down to the forks of Butte creek, and on the east side of the road lead ing from Dogtown to Doctor Carter's 7 22 Smith Mrs Harriet—lmprovements at In skip, house on the east side of Main street, situated next north of Place A Arnold’s stable, 28 feet front by 40 deep and personal property ... 755 Smith A Daggett—lmprovements, water ditch taken iroin the West Branch of Butte creek, and running down on the west bank of Butte creek, below the forks 7 22 Sweasy James A Cochran—lmprovements, house at Inskip, on the east side of Main street, bounded on the south by Mrs Smith’s hotel Z 86 Sriker F—lmprovements, water ditch, known as XcaPs ditch, taken from Little Butte creek at a point alsmt one and a half miles below Mineral Slide and running down the west bank of said creek 17 33 Segraves Curtis—32o acres of land and im provements, known as the Cold Spring House, about 15 miles above Inskip, and per sonal property 15 62 Sichlcr Angelique—Claims to 480 acres of and improvements, described as follows, to-wit: 160 acres of said land is situated on Dry creek, beginning on the east side of Dry creek at the south west corner of a piece of land formerly known as the Ohio Mill Company's land, and run ning south one half mile to a stake for a corner, thence cast half a mile to a corner stake, thence north one-half mile to the south line of the Ohio Mill Company's south line, thence along their line to the place of beginning, contain ing 160 acres of land together with the improvements there on, known as the Gipsep Mill Company’s rand, and proper ty ; also, 2 quarter sections of land containing 320 acres, known as the Hog Ranch, sit. uated about two miles west of the Gipsey Mills, and about 2 miles east of Little Butte creek, together with the im provements thereon and, per sonal property 123 39 Turner John—lmprovements at Inskip.... 92 Thorp Geo—lmprovements at Inskip, nouse on the west side of Main st., and bounded on the north by Cham pi in’s.. 3 02 Tingley—lmprovements, situated on the west side of Main street, be tween Mrs Muller's house and Lunney’s store, Inskip, and personal property 10 24 Thomas A Saddlemire— Improvements at Mineral Slide, and person*l property. 11 92 Van Ness Andrew J & Folk—lmprove ments, ho .sc on the west side of Main sttreet. at In-pklp, !>e tween Clark’s store and Cham plains house, and personal property 7 30 Victor Durand—Personal property 3 19 Waters Geo—lmprovements, hotel, on the east side of Main street, be tween C North and / Hheem’s house,at Inskip, and personal property 7 72 Wilmott Geo—Claims to IGO acres of land and improvements, situated on the road from Dogtown to Kunk'es ranch, and personal property 22 76 Watson A Craig S W—Claims to 320 acres of land and improvements.. . 12 76 Zadiz Phillip—lmdrovements at Diamond ville, store house, situated next north of G L Tarliell’s store house, and personal property. 36 60 Hamilton Township, NAMES DESCRIPTION TAX&COSTS Bartlett E M--Clnims to 3-0 acres of land and improvements south cast quarter of section 23, and south west quaiter of section 24 township 19 north range 3, east Mount Diablo meridian, and personal pro perty ... 26 62 Beall John/—Claims to 160 acres of land and improvements, the south east quarter of flection 6, township 18, north range 3, east Mount Diablo meridian, and personal property.••••• 25 96 Butte D W—Claims to 160 acres of land and improvements, situated on the east side of Butte creek opposite Reed’s ranch, and personal property 17 97 Boulware Phillip. .Personal propeity.. 12 10 But well John.. •• •• .... 44 01 Brooks Robert.. “ 44 .... 31 41 Clanton J M.. * 4 44 .... 13 94 Cechrmn John H.. “ •« .... 18 01 Case John A.. Claims to 160 acres of land and improvements, sit uated on the road leading from Hamilton Pence’s ranch, and known as the Prairie 11 mse ranch, and personal property 22 6S Chaundon Wm. .Personal property 6 05 Cunningham Sam.. 44 44 .... 14 36 Davis A J.. Claims to 90 acres of land, known as the Butte Creek Is land, and personal property. 43 67 Freeman Fanny A Chaundon Wm.. Pe rsonal property 20 66 Freeland James. .Improvements on the east side of Butte errek, four miles below Neal's, and per sonal property 8 40 Foster M O. .Claims to 160 acres of land and improvements, 4 of sec tion 15, town 18 north range 1, east at the sit k of Dry creek 7 56 Gasaway C D-. Claims to 160 acres of land, situated on Dry creek, the first ranch bolow Doctor Vance's, and personal proper ty 63 00 Holloway Thos J. .Claims to 160 acres of land and improvements, ly ing about one mile south of Shaffer’s, and personal pro perty 278 26 Hop Mow. .Improvements, lower raoob arie, and personal property. 965 logals Miles. .Claims Co 160 acres of land and improvements, bounded on the north by Harrington’s ranch, and per onal t roperty 822 Jamison Wm. .Claims to 160 jerei of land and improvements, bounded on the south by the Climer ranch, and personal properly 44 ,g Lewie Samuel. .Claims to 160 acres of land and improvements, situ ated next south of and adjoin* ing J Berry’s ranch, and per sonal property 05 4^ Lots Bob’t i Co. .Personal property... 98 n Main John. .Claims to 100 u„ros ■ f land and improvements, ritnated about 1 i miles east of Clif ford’s, on the slongh in the timber, and personal proper ty •••• 14 31 McManus Wro .Claims to 160 acres of laorf, situated about one mile southeast of Case’s ranch, at Prairie H n nse, and personal property 8 Moore, Henshaw 6c Ord. -The undivided one-sixth (or Ord’s) interest in 17805 and 84 100 acres of land, (said 17805 84-100 ntres of land bring assessed to Moore, Henshaw & Ord) known as the Fernandez Grant, and situated in Ham ilton and Eureka township’* and according to the survey of public lands in the Stale of California, in township Dau ber 18 and number 19 north range 3 east, and also section number 87 in township num ber 19 north range 4 east Mount Diablo meredian, am) bounded as follows, to-wit: Beginning at post F 1 on the west bank of Feather river above Lathrop's ferry, at the n w corner of lot number W in town number 19 north range 4 east (said meridian) thence running west accord ing to the true meridian 285> chains and 44 links to post T 2, thence due south along the line between section 10 and 11 in town number 19 north range 3 east to post F 3. at the corner of sections number 10, 11. 14 and 15, in said town 10 last meridian, thence •long the line between said sections 10 and 15 west 39 chains and 81 links to post P din said line, thence south 120 chains to post f Five in tha centre of section 22 in town 19 north range 3 east, thence west 39 chains and 88 links to post F 0 in the line between sections 2i and 22 siad township, thence south on the s <id line 40 chains to post F 7, corner of said sec tions 21 and 22, and sections 27 and 28 in same town, thence west on the lins be tween said sections 21 and 28 and 20 and 29, 120 chains and 25 links to post F 8, thence south 40 chains to post F 9 in the centre of section 29 in the last above mention ed town, thence weal 39 chains and links to post F 10 in lltc line between the said section 29 and section 30, thence south along the line between said sections -9 and 30, 40 chains to post F 11 corner of section 29 and 30 and 31 and 32, same town, thence west a'ong he line be tween sections 30 and 31, 40 chains to post F 12 in said line, thi nee south 80 chains to quarter section stake in the line between -action Hand section 31 in townships 18 and 19. nor It rangeS east, and continuing thence south 380 chains and 59 links to pos' F 13, from which an oak 24 inches in diameter, bears south 81 3 west, distance 54 links, thence east 192 chains and 80 links to post F 14 on the west bank of Feather riv er, and being 93 chains and 41 links north of the south boundry line of said towns) ip number 18 north ranges east thence up Feather river with the meandering- of the same to the place of hegint ing at the said post F 1, in town number 10 nortla range 4 eas', due §192 OT .Moore John..Pers nal proierty 30 30 Khndes Henry. .Claim to 100 acres of land and improvemet is. bounded on the cast by Mas ter’s, ami on the west by land formerly in possession of Ros ser, anil personal property.. 8 ' ■ Stockton J E.. Claims to 100 acres of land and improvements, the south wen quarter of section 21 town 18 north range 3 east and personal properly 35 til Schreiber Philip. .Claim to 100 acres of land and improvements, and bounded as follows, to wit: commencing at the s nth cast corner ofSrfmucl Cub e’s land, thence running ;■ mils south, thence i mile west, thence 5 mile north, thence J mile east to the place of be ginning, and personal proper ty 19 1* Sherwood E.. Claim to 160 acres of land and improvements, situated between Wilkerson’s ranch and Feather river, and per sonal property 9 40 Steward Hamilton. .Personal properly, 654 Taylor Edward. .Claim to 160 acres of land and improvements, the north cast quarter of section 4, town 18 north range 3 east, and personal property. 46 94 Tabar & Co. .Improvements and person al property 32 M Vatburgh A H.. 100 acres of land and improvements, bounded on the east by Feather river, south by A W Campbell’s sod north by S P Thrasher’s land, and personal property 12 51 Woodland T W.. Improvements at Kancharie, and personal pro perty 9 46 Wallace Wm & J M.. Claims to 100 acres of laud and improve ments, the s ,utb half cf tha South west quarter, and tha fractional south east quarter section 33. town 19 n range 3 ea«f 62 Weaver David & Co. .Claims lo 320 acres of land nnd improvements* the east half of the east quarter nod the north, ha f of the south east quarter section 21, and the north west quarter section 22, town 17 north range 3 east, and personal property... 77 95 W ells Jame*. .Claims lo 160 acres of land situated about half mile west of Rancharie, and personal property 14 02 Wilcox & Shinier. .Personal property.. .263 60 Voting & Ccbb.. *« 12 61 Cascade Township. NAMES . DESCRIPTION TAXi Andrews tlobt—lmprovements at Moore vide, and personal property., Ah Tee—Pers' nal property Biglow P K—Personal property Babcock Chester—lmprovements about one mile above the Columbui House, (the Seneca House), and pergonal property Brown Jertmiah—lmprovement# west of Esquire Keys lot Bridgbam W L—l6o acres of Und and improve cents. now in posses sion of John Mathews, under lease, and personal property, Clark J M—l 6o acres of land and im provements, and personal property Chandler am-lmproverm-nts, UeLani Biles—lmprovements north of Main street. Mooresvills, on the b<ll adjoining .Schell's, and personal property