OCR Interpretation

The weekly Butte record. [volume] (Oroville [Calif.]) 1858-1864, December 04, 1858, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86058108/1858-12-04/ed-1/seq-3/

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Emersen E A—lmprovement*, home on
the sooth side of Main street
now occupied by C S Little,
Moorerille 8 03
Fenraier Lewis—linproTemenls, house
on the south side of Msio st,
Meoreville 4 70
Gregory A H—lmprorements at Moore
rille, tod personal property, 14 27
Janet Thomas & Co—lmprorements,
(Madison H r n»e), Moorerille, 20 70
Kelley In—lmprorements at Moore
rille, bouse on the north side
of Main street below tho ra
rine. and personal property.. 17 80
Marcum Jams*—lmprorem nte 3 03
Noble Chas— Impressments, house on the
north side of Main street,
Moorerille 2 18
Pierce John V Improvements, store
house at Moorerille, occupied
Morrison 5 64
Stewart Alex.—lmnrorements. house at
Moorerille, and personal pro
perty 9 57
Schell Frank M—lmprorements, house
and lot in Moorerill-, north
of Thompson’s hotel, and per
sonal pn perty 10 96
Seely Guy F—lmprorem -nts, house on
the op oaite side of the street
from Thompson’s hotel,Moore
rille 4 90
Thompson Jno W—lmprorements, two
houses on the sooth side of
Main street, Moorerille, and
personal property 16 13
Thompson Wm—lmprorements, Thomp
son’s hotel, Moorerille 35 70
Oro Township
Adam Alex.—Claim to 160 acres of land
and improrements, situated
about 4 mile S. E. from
Forbestowa, and personal
property 19 14
Bloomfield A Bro —improrements, house
joining J L Gipson's, Forbes
town, and perso al property, 17 80
Bregies Benjamin—Claim to 160 acres
of land and improrements sit
aated on the road leading
from Evansville to the Robin
son Mill and the first ranch
below the Silrer Spring ranch
and formerly owned by E«q.
Dennison. 13 26
Barrow E. G.—lmprorements opposite
Lambert's store, Notehes,... 2 18
Brawn Sarah E—personal property.... 394
Drawn I E-improrements. store house
about 4 mile shore Dunn's
ranch or eros-ing on the
Forhestown road, and person
al properly 14 86
Brown E—l6o acres of land and impror
ments at Eransrillt, and per
sonal property 109 95
Crarer D-improrements house in Forbes
town... 2 18
Conrtright—-improvements, Garden at
Eran-rilte 3 86
Denson Thos S..lmprorements abont one
mile shore Eransrille on the
road to the Robinson Mill and
pers'nai property 22 00
Dooly Linrille..improvements near Ev
ansville, 3 86
Qsigsr & Jones .. improrements, Ex
change Building at Forhes
town, and personal property, 31 16
Gratnwell Ben. .Claim to 100 acres of
land and improrements at
Yankoe Plat, and personal
property, 12 90
Goukin James, .personal property 4 03
Games Richard.-improvements 2 26
Ht|emia IJ.. improrements store house
on the bill at Forhestown,
formerly occupied by Doctor
Williams, and personal prop
erty 85 84
Hathaway A.. improrements, saw-miil
and other improrements a
bout one mile from Orolewa
and personal property 19 92
Hacaoorille Quartz Minins Co..impror
men's, Quartz Mill known as
the Hnnsonrille Quartz Min
ing Co.'s Quartz Mill and ma
chinery 85 OO
Humphrey Wm. - improrements at Han
snnrille 1 34
Julius fII H .Claim to 100 acres of land
and improrementofi'uated on
the Forhestown road and fir«t
house abore Miller’s ranch.
and personal property II 50
Jackson A.. Claim to 100 acres of land
and improrements situated
about 1 mile S E of Forhes
town 5 54
Lumburt J R & Co.-improrements at
Hatches, and personal prop
erty 11 93
Long Joseph W. .improvements at Han
sonrille, and personal prop
erty 16 35
Malloc John.-improvements hrick store
opposite J. L Gipson's at
Forhestown..... 17 30
Montgomery Jas. .personal property.... 3 11
Morgan W W. .Claim to 320 acres of land
and improrements situated
on the Eransrille road first
ranch abore Miller’s ranch,
and per* >nal property 12 76
McCawlsy Wm. .Claim to 160 acres of
land and improrroent* known
a« the Silrer Spring ranch
and situated about 4 mil*
south from the Robinson mill, 29 06
Martin Michael, .improvements at Han
sonrille and personal prop
erty I. 2 26
Nulson J. .improvements, small whit*
house down the hill from the
S F Water Co.'a office “1®
Nichols B F. .petaonal property 1 76
Pierson Geo. .improvements at the grain
gold quartz rein I mile N E of
Swedes Flat, and personal
properly, 17 14
Pike 0.. imprereroents ot llansonrille.. 134
Rice A A Lewis Rice, .personal property, 14 11
Robinson Sam A W Horey. .improve
ments at Haosonrille 1 34
Bumnsr Pater.. Claim to 180 acres of
land and improrements near
the Board ranch and about 2
miles below on the left hand
side of the road going to
Forhestown 6 64
Baolley E. .improvements at Eransrille, 3 86
Shields Jas.. improrements at Hanson
rille, and personal property, 17 21
jkiftb Feather Water Co. .impreremente.
Water Ditch taken from Lost
creek about two mile* in a
northerly direction from the
Columbus House and running
thence to the vicinity of
Forhestown and near «he
he* d of the Eransrille branch
pf the Iloncut and the vicini
ty of Wyandotte, also, the vi
cinity of Bangor, together
with its dams, flumes and S i
lerals about £0 miles in leng'h
of main ditch with its meao
derings ; also one house near
the head dam and one house
near the Orolewa creek, and
pne house at Mouqt Hope and
water office*! Forhestown and
lot on which it stands and
adjoining J L Oipooo's dwel
ling house -lot on the north
erly sid* and on Ih* north
side ot the street, also the
House and lot on the S E sid#
of said Gipson's lot on sam*
side of the street, also that
portion of a certain ditch
near Moorerille recently pur
chased by the 800th Feather
Water Company about three
miles of which is in Butte
county, together with the
dams, flumes and laterals and
reservoirs, in said county
thereunto belonging, 1092 5(
Thompson L ll—improrements al Han
sonrille and personal prop
erty . 4 2f
Worden J A—l6o acres of land and im
provements al O'olewn, Eagle
Hotel and other holdings, and
personal pro| erty ~,. S 3 39
Worthing Frederick —improvements nt
Natches 2 18
White Geo. V A Bro—persona! property, 3 52
Willoughby Chss—personal property, 10 16
Wall Jno— improvements at Hansonville,
and personal property 2 28
Wheeler Sim’n & Co—personal property, 60 90
Wygle t Nelson. .improvements. Han-
Boorille, i 34
Oregon Township.
Arnapiger A J Improvements at Con
cow Valley and personal prop
t erty..,. 37 46
Abrahams Lewis— improvements, House
at Oregon city 2 60
Bachman Henry—personal property,... 11 00
Bisselt Joseph personal property '3l 25
Billings J. & Osborne improvements
at Yankee Hill on the west
side of M in street sonth of
McKrae's old house and per
property, 8 98
Butte Quartz Mining Co --personal pro
perty, Quartz Mill situated
nbout 100 yards south of
Hedges and Hannon's Quartz
Mill bead of Oregon 0u1ch.59 30
Butler J H improvements at Yankee
Hill situated on the east side
of Main street, first bouse
south of Ripley's 8 86
Bateman A—improvements at little Kim
shew, and personal property, 7 72
Barrow A J—improvements at French
town 2 18
Benjamin Reese--improvments at Spring
Valley and personal property 3 52
Bassett J S— improvements, house at
Cherokee Flat 3 86
Berry James H—Claim to 160 acres of
lard situated north nf Satn'l
Lewis’ ranch, improvements
and personal property 30 60
Brown Albert—claim to 160 acres of
land and improvements situa
ted in Concow Valley and per
sonal property 10 16
Burt Aaron—Claim to 160 acres of land
situated north of Mary Dela
ney's, and adjoining the same
and personal property 11 42
Bagnell Geo R—Claim to 160
acres of land and improve
ments at Cone w Valley 5 49
Bane H—Claim to the 160 acres of land
three miles from Flea Valley,
and personal property, 11 34
Burnham L and Durbon—improvements
situate! north of and adjoin
ing Hastey’s ranch, and per
sonal property 49 51
Collins P M—persmal property 1 34
Cooper Henry—personal properly 2 85
Curtis CS —improvements, bridge across
the river at Nelson's 8ar,... 34 10
Cadeae John— improvements at little
Kimshew, and personal prop
erty 9 40
Carter D F—personal property, 2 61
Cooper S P--improvement? 2 18
Clifford Hiram—improvements at Oregon
City opposite Nash's and per
sonal property 5 54
Cannon F E—Claim to 640 acres of land
ami improvements --land sit
uated as follows, to wit: 160
acres at the head of Oregon
Gulch, 100 acres on Mud
creek in Chico Township, 160
acres on Butte Creek in Ham
ilton town hip, and 160 acres
near Frenchtown, formerly
owned by Pierse. also one
water ditch taken from Jonei
Hollow, thence running a
round the hi 1 through Jones’
garden and near F E Can
non’s hou e, rnd personal
property 255 26
Dawley Wm —personal property 12 16
Davis A Reese-improvementi.water ditch
taken from Spring Valley
Gulch at a toint near the
steam Quartz Mill and run
ning thence around the hill
to Chen kee Flat 35 10
Davis E J. .personal property 18 56
Dodge E. K..personal pro, erty 24 06
Day Frank-improvements at I tile Kira
sbew.and personal properly, 4 36
Elliott Allen. .Claim to 80 acres of land
and imp- ovem-ms situated
on Chub Gu'ch near Spunish
town, and personal property, 13 35
Farenfelder & Sorrenson .160 acres of
land and improvements, first
fa, use below Kunk'e's ranch,
m the road from Pence’s to
Dogtown 19 06
Folek Abraham. .Claim to 160 acres of
land situated at Saw-mid
peak about one mile from
IVlilard's, 3 8
Friend John. .improv ments near Pier
son's store, Cherokee Flat,
and persmal property, 8 48
Gregory RM..personal property 2 93
Grub E ll..improvemen’s and personal
property 3 10
Geiste G F. .improvements a; Yankee
Hill, and personal pr perty, 3 62
Gardner L M..improvement, bouse at
Oregon Ci y, and personal
property 18 14
Harrison M. .improvements at Balsam
Hill, and personal property, 7 72
Hendricks W C, .Claim to 160 acres of
Isnd and improvements at Or*
egon Gulch, and water ditch
and personal property 13 85
Hasey S D. .improvements at Yankee
Hill 7 90
Honk John, .personal property 2 60
Hendricks & Baker, .personal property, 9 i 7
Jones Horace. .Claim to 200 acres of
land and improvements, land
bounded on the south by Mor
ri-on’s ranch and on the north
Frank Cannon's, and person
al peoperty 30 74
Jones Thos R. .Claim to 160 acres of land
and improvements, land situ
ated at the head of saw-mill
ravine, and personal property 29 30
James Win. .Claim to 4 ac r es of land and
improvements at Frenchtown
and persona! properly 3 71
Jamea Wm. .improvements at St. Clair
Flat, and persona 1 property, 27 21
Lewis Hearietfa. .Claim to th# 160 acres
af land and improvements sit
uated about i mi e west (run
Cherokee Flat, end personal
property 13 26
Lowe David, .persona! property 12 68
Lindley B. .personal property 2 18
Lewis Thos E. .personal property 1 85
Lewis Geo 8. .personal property 2 18
Lockerm-m Jas..persons! property.... 8 63
Larkin Thos O.. Claim to 22,110 acres
of land and improvements sit
uated in the townships of Eu
reka. Oregon aod Kimshew
and known as "Boga - ' con
firmed by the United Stales
Commis-iuners at San Fran
cisco. The s uthern bounda
ry line being 39 c 33’ 40" N
latitude and the northern
boundary line being 39° 48’
45" North latito ie, situated
on the west side of Feather
river and adjoining the same
and sufficient in width to con
tain 5 square leagues of land
according to the terms of the
Grant •>( the Mexican Govern
ment, and being the same
land conveyed by deed to
Tboa. O. Larkin by O. W.
Flugge, dated the 21st day of
January A. D. 1847, record
ed in deed book "A."’ v-1. 1,
page 47 at the Recorder'* of
fice in Butte county Cal., and
the confirmation of - aid claim
by the bo'rd of commission
ers appointed by the United
States to examine the title «f
Mexican grants ot lasd in th*
Slate of California, recorded
in deed book “B” vol. 3 page
89 in the said Recorder's of
fieo---a»d personal property,99s 9®
Morrisson H J—Claim to 160 acrea of
land and improvements boun
ded on the north by Jones
land and on the south by
Hendricks' isnd, and person
al property j. 41 74
Mann Alfred 4 Andrew—Claim to 3#)
acres of land aqd improve
ments bounded on the 8 W by
Merrithen’s ranch nnd went
by Sarah Delong’a ranch,
and perso *1 property,...,,. 38 33
Merriaoo 6 B-Cl*im to 160 acre* of
sad improvements situated at
Oregon Gulch, ml person*!
property 10 <6
Meline Francis J R— Clnim to 160 sores
of land and improremente
bounded on the north by eld
man Me'ine's ranch, and
Moore's ranch on the sooth,
and personal property 12 33
■eline Francis—Claim 160 acres of land
and improremente bounded
on the north west by Mor
gan’s and on the south »>y
Francis Meline Jr. ranch, and personal
property 14 14
Miller Jas improvements near Sim
mons store Oregon Qulch and
personal properly, 6 82
Morgan W G—improvement at Cherokee
Flat 1 84
Nash J M improvements at Oregon
City 3 86
Putnam Calvin—Claims to 160 acres of
of land and improvements
bounded en the north by Ca
ble's tancb, and personal
properly og gg
Pollard A Derby improvements at
Crane Valley, and personal
property 14 44
Rotbrock George—Claim to 320 acres of
land and improvements situ
ated on Dry Creek at the
crossing of the lower road
leading from Pence's to the
Cotton Wood ranch and per
sonal property,, 108 49
Ramsey and Tookey —improvements at
Balsam Hi I, sod personal
property 7 65
Rodgers J—improvements at Spring Val
ley, and pers< nal property, 5 91
Rockhill Thos—personal property 64 9
Simmons C A. .Claim to 160 acres of land
and improvements, land loca
ted near the bead of Oregon
Gulch and south of W Hend
ricks' land, and personal pro-
P* rt y 64 73
Simmons Chas and Jessee. .Claim to 160
acres of land and improve
ments near Freaehfown, and
personal property 33 68
Spring Valley Quartz Mining C*..im
provements and machinery at
Spring Valley 63 16
Stedman I-aac.-personal property 6 37
Smith C. .improvements at Nelson’s Bar 8 90
Stewart J I..improvements situated at
Frenchtown and known as the
Pioneer H tll and personal
pfopefy 13 70
Smith Mary C.. Claim to 10 acres of
land and improvements near
Frenchtown, and personal
properly 6 71
Simpson J R..improvements at Yankee
Hill and personal properly, 4 53
Smith James P.-improvements at Ore
gon City, and personal prop
erly... 5 20
Towel! Thi s --Claim to 70 acres of land
and improvements situated in
Crane Vail y and personal
property. 10 60
Taylor Edward, .personal property .... 1 85
Table Mountain Quartz Mining C 0...
improvements, Quartz mill
and machinery situated near
the hea I of Oregon Gulch on
C A Simmons claim of land,
and personal property 169 00
Terry J M-improvements at Spring Val
ley. and personal property, 15 00
Table Mountain Ditch Co. .improvemen a
water ditch taken from re
vine on the north point of
Table Mountain and running
thence through .Tone's Hol
low passing through the hill
in a runnel thence running
round the hill near Frank
Cannons thence toward Cher
okee Flat (and not yet com
pleted! 17 30
Vance R E and Spangle.-improvements
siw mill. 1 mile below Crane
Valley. Kim-hcw creek 20 56
Virgin Quartz Mining Company .. im
provements, Quartz mill and
machinery situated on the
east bank and near thv bead
of Rich Gulch and about i a
mile from Montevista and
about 300 yards above the
'49 and '56 quartz mill 101 80
Wampler A C. .personal property 1 76
Williams E. .improvements at Oregon
city 3 86
Williams Daniel.. improvements at Ore
gon city, 2 18
Welder Charles, .perronal property..,. 17 88
Chico Township,
Alexander J D. .Claims to 1.280 seres of
land, situated on Little Butte
creek, about 18 miles north
west of Ornville 108 02
Arndold D E.. Personal property 2 18
Baleom Joseph “ “ 3 95
Boulenhamer John. .Personal property. 453
Retry Jas & wife. .Personal properly.. 78 12
Bets Cachavia..lmprovements 7 22
Barber A H. .Claims to 640 acres of land
and improvements, and per
sonal properly 158 92
Chaney Henry. .Claims to 320 acres of
land and improvements, situ
ated between Chico and Mud
crerks, and bounded and des
cribed as follows, 10-wit: Be
ginning at a certain ouk stake
on the north side of Big Sandy
gulch and running ther.oe at
right angles with the survey
ed county road in a north
easterly direction ICO rods
to said county road, thenos
northwesterly following said
road 160 rods, thence south
westerly and at right ang'es
with sail road 160 rods,
thence southwesterly and par
allel with said road 160 rods
to the t lace of beginning as
per description in deed from
J Bidwel' to Henry Chaney,
and J M Speegle, recorded in
deed hoi k "A” vol 1. at the
Recorder's office, in Butte
county, California, and per
sonal property 70 77
Cox A J.. Personal property 16 51
C sey Dan’l.. •• •• 2 18
Cbcser Alfred.. “ “ 1 85
Covington Joseph M. .Land, bounded on
the west or south by land
owned by Chaney A Thorp,
and being the land in posses
sion of A T Sparks 13 94
Carson Mrs Linsley & James Williams,
Potter A Co—Claims to 22,-
193 acres of land, known as
the Farwell ranch, bounded
as follows. to-«it: Beginning
at a point on the Sacramento
river about one and a half
miles below the fourth stand
ard parallel north, the same
being the nsrth west corner
of Slano Seco ranch, and run
ning thence north 68" east,
502 and 46-100 chains to a
stake marked Farwe'.l. thence
thence north 144® east 503
chains to Chico creek, tbeoeo
down said Cbieo creek with
its meanderiogs to the Sacra
mento river, tbenee down
■aid river with its meander
ings to the place of begin
ini : 11,19 02
Davenport Marshall B. -Personal pro
perty 3 86
Dexter Poind.-Personal property 12 85
E -at John.. “ ** 87 86
"ayC F Btuee A Co.-Claims to 17,376
acres of land, known as Slano
Seco rancho, bounded as fol
lows, to-wit: Beginning at a
point on the Sacramento riv
er abont 14 miles south of thn
4" standard tins north, tbs
same being the southwest
corner of farwell Rancho,
running tbenee north 68 *,
cast about 350 ebaiaa to Mt.
Diable meridian. tbenee
south 537 and 65 100. thenon
west 230 and 16 KK) chains
to Sacnmento river, thenon
up said river with its menu
derings to the place of begin
ning 876 2&
Garner Coon—Claim* to 80 aergn of land
and improvements, (Hatted
Mod creik and bounded on
the (oath east by Whitesidee. Id 97
■enslsy Cl>a<. .Claims to 040 eeree of
_ . land *4 26
Hsningwsy Wm. .Improvements end per*
eonal property 14 44
Jennings HU & Co. .Improvement! and
personal property 86 18
Lindtner John. .Persona) property J 53
McDowd Hugh & Co —Improvement!,
known »s McDowd'i rancho,
and personal property 14 24
Maxson B F & J P. .Claims to 160 acres
of land and improvements
near Dr J B Smith's rancho,
and persocal property 45 60
Moore Chas. .Personal property 14 78
Owen Benjamin.. “ •• 2 18
Poly OP.. “ 6 13
Rosser *CH.. •• •• 61 82
Sanford J& J 8.. “ *• 470
Spreegle Joseph M Co. .Claims to 160
acres of land and improve*
meats, situated on the west
side of the Shasta road, and
hounded on the south by
Chany and Dr Smith’s on
the north, and personal pro
perty... 72 82
Spreegle N F.. Personal property 25 28
Throp W M & Chaney.. Claims to 160
acres of land and improve*
ments. bounded south by E
Ci aney, south west by Spee
gles, on t e north west by
Coirs and nn the north east
by Delaney's ranch, and per
sonal property 30 99
Prengle John. .Personal Property 2 18
Tormy James, .Improvements, about 3
miles below Jennings, and
personal property 105 49
Wm U. .Claim to 100 acres of
land, situated on Big Chico,
and being in the north east
corner of J Bidwell's grant,
and personal property 33 17
Robert. .Claims to 3,691 acres
of land described as follows,
to-wit; Beginning at a point
on Big Butte creek at the
sooth east corner of S Neal's
on the Hensley grant,
Vanning thence down said
creek to the southerly line of
said Hensley gran', thence
westerly along said southerly
line about 2'7 chains, tbenee
north about 63 chains, thence
north 47 0 , east 180 chain*,
thence south 43 3 , east about
40 chains, thanes south 7°
east about 43 chains, thence
north 83 3 , east 80 chains to
lb* place of beginning, con
taining 3,012 acres more or
less; also, beginning at stake
marked VII and VIII. and
running thence south 47 ° ,
west 80 chains to a stake
XXII, theoce north 43 3 west
71 chain to itake on Little
But e creek marked IX XI,
thence up said creek to itake
marked V VII, thence couth
43 0 east 78 chains to the be
ginning containing 519 and
3-10 acres mure or less; also
beginning at the north east
corner of S Neal's tract above
mentioned, running thence
south 83 3 west along north
line of said Neal's tract 80
chains, thence at right angles
30 chains, thence at right
angles north 83 3 east to Big
Butte creek the beginning,
160 aertt more or leu, and
personal property 382 30
(odd Samuel..Cla ms to 2>,915 and
58 100 acres of land, known
‘‘Agues Frias" or “Gaia*”
grant, beginning at a point
on Big Butte creek, about 27
chains south of the 4th stand
ard parallel n-rth running
thence west 537 and 65 100
chains to Mount Diable meri
dian, thence 4JI and 56-100
chains to the north line of
L>scolusts rancho, thence
east 63 and 68 100 chains,
thence south along east line
of Los Col uses rancho 440
and 85-100 chains, thence
east 85 33 chains to Big Butte
creek, thence northerly up
said creek with its meander
ing! to the place of brginningB7l 24
Watson J.. Personal prosperity 5 12
Woolen J R & Co—The undivided two
thirds interest in the follow
ing described property to-wit:
Claims to 642 acres of land
leing a portion of the Far
well grant, and bounded and
described as follows to wit:
Beginning at a stake on the
east bank of Little Butte
creek, opposite the lower line
of Hcnshaw's garden, run
ning thence south 9 0 east
along the line of a surveyed
c unty road shout 95 chains,
thence north 43 0 east about
100 chains, thence north 9 3
west nboat 55 chains to Little
Butte creek, thence down said
creek with its meanderings to
the place of beginning courses
run by true meridian, due.. 51 44
Watson O P. Claims to 6.414 acre* of
land and improvements,
known as “.4gaa» Nieves” or
Henly grant, described as
follows to-wit: Beginning on
Big Butte creek at the north
east corner of the Osias grant
and running lhance west
537 and 65-100 chains along
the northern line of the
Osias Grant to Mount Diablo
meridian, thence north 46
and 09-100 chains to tha
southern line of the Farwell
rancho, thence north 68 •
east 155 and 16-100 chains to
a slake marked Farwell,
thence north 144 s o*at
along easterly line of Far
well grant to Little Chico
creek, thence up said creek
to the line between Watson’e
and Bidwell’s, thence sou h
12 3 east along said dividing
line to Little Butte creek,
theoce up said creek with its
meanderings to its junction
with Big Butte creek, thence
down Big Butte creek to the
place of beginning, and per
sonal property 616 21
OroTille, Ophlr Township.
Anton* Jesns. .improvements on L 2 B 3
edjoiog the theatre 7 22
Artney A D. .18*132 ft B 17 L 4 fronting
18 ft on Montgomery at and
easterly of aod adjoining
Brnroagim & Co., and im
provements 13 94
AlUeen If Rice.. Lots 123 and 4 B 12
and 40 by 132 f part L 7 and
8 B 38 being 40 feet on Oak
at and 133 on Clay at 8 90
M 5..12 by 132 ft L 2 B 17 ad
joining Lot 1, and improve
t( Colby. .107 by 132 ft port of lot
3 4- 4 B 8 cornerne of Robin
son and Myers sts, and im
Allick. .improvements and personal pro
Bryeo Wm —.improvements, first' bouse
above Father's on the bluff at
the head of Montgomery st.
Byrne J- Lot 3 b 21, and
personal property
Butler Shew & Curtis —.Lot 8 b 30, and
Boehm F P- Lot 3 B 15 aod L 5 and «
b 28 Carlton estate IT 30
Berry John 3. .Lots 3 4 5 end 6 b 14
Carlton estate improvement*
and personal property 14 44
3 86
8 06
4 36
1 76
16 12
5 02
Bardie M 8. .70*66 ft part of let 8 b 28
southerly end of said lot, and
Bev* Joseph 12x132 ft part of lot 6 b 21
adjoinining Harvey & Co. on
the wort aod improvement*. 8
Bristol Lyman -Lots A 124 b 21b'» s|ss
8 90
€5 66 and all that part of Mor
ris at from High to Montgom
ery racy that part claimed
by Wid Coffee, in the town of
Oroville, also fn the Carlton
E-tale b 36 except L 8 and the
fin divided half of blocks 31 32
33 9 10 It 12 7 8 Fand I 5
and 6 except one lot in each
and lot 7 b 28 lot 5 and 0 h
14 lots 4 and 6 b 13 lots S 4
8 6 and 7 b 1. and improve
ments 68 40
Brown D A--80x 45 ft lot 5 b’ock 9 cor
ner of Miner’s Alley and
Myers st 48 ft on the alley,
and I 2 3 b 9 except 25x 54
ft of I 3 adjoining I 4 and Mi
ners Alley being 64 ft on Mi
ner's Alley, and pcr,on«l pro
perty 88 30
Barker J B. ,L 3 4 5 and 6 B 7 except
ing 20 ft on Robinson si by 40
Huntoon also B 36 and im
provements and personal pro
perty 12 51
Blivon B 8.. 66 by 66 N E e dofl 1 b 9
and improvements 3 86
Bird dc Morris—L tlb 21 lot 6&6 b 4
lot 3 4 5 and 6 h 14 112 8
and 7 B 37 B 56 and 58 also
19 acres of land designated by
the line on the map of the
town of Oroville used hr the
Assessor for the year 1858 as
as Bird & Morri’a 1ine...... 27 38
Bear H—lo 4 by 132 blB improvements 302
Briggs Jonn—loo by 120 ft on the bluff
on the east side of the road
above Qarriott's Mill at the
brow of the hill upon which
there is a small white house,
improvements and personal
property 6 46
Dnffum J W—Claim to 60 acres of land &
improvements on the bluff
and personal property 10 46
Bail Mn. Henrietta M—personal prop
erty 2 52
Bird Ralph—L 5 b 10 and tbe uudivid
ed ops half of lot 1 5 6 7 and
8 b b and personal property, 12 76
Carroll—part of lot I and 2 b 1 on Bird
at adjoining James Dunn's,
and improvements 10 58
Covington J M—L in Cbinmtowu and im
provements 10 58
Crossetts Q H—Block 3 in Carlton estate
improvements and personal
property 16 54
Cohn L 12x44 part of lot 3 b 16 adjoin
ing Colton and McDermott's
on the N. E , improvements
and personal property 36 70
Campbell Andrew—73xl32 ft parts of L
2 and 3 b 20 adjoining E King
on the westerly, improve
ments nnd personal property, 18 64
Cook Mary M. .66x66 10l 8 b 14 fronting
on Lincoln st and being the
centre of said lot 1 76
Coburn Mary R—66x132 b 19 improvc
men s and personal property, 14 44
Cummings Miss J..personal property, 1 34
Cochran & Brook-, .personal property, 302
Ceughey 8 W W. impr vements on lot 2
bB, and personal property, 856
Cousins £ben.,'he filth house from the
foot of the bluff above Garri
ott's mill on the east side of
the road A personal property, 3 94
Clongh John, .person tl 1 34
Charley a Chinaman..personal property 5 58
Downer A Garlow.. L lb 4 nnd lots 1 and
2 h3B and 1 2 7 and 8 B 39 8 90
Downer D C 36x132 w sid of lot 8 B 9
and 150 ft on Dawner st by
200 on Bird st b 19 improve
ments anil pernnal property, 25 19
Downer J O. .114 by 132 b 18 and 30 by
30 ft b 19 & i of an acre on
tbe bluff, improvements and
personal property 10 24
Danforth ffm. .improvements first hou-e
this side of th • Brewery on
the bluff at the head of Mont
gomery st, and personal pro
perty 6 04
Dennison E F..66x80 ft erner 10l 8 B
1 and 16j by 80 E side of lot
3 b 2 fronting on Bird st ira
provemants and peasonal pro
ertv... 57 28
Dearborn Mary L.. 16J by 132 ft lot 2 b
16 adjoining D - Cosmos on
the E and W and personal pro
perly, 11 80
Dunn James—.part ol lot 1 and 2 b 1 80
ft on Birt st and 08 o > Him
toon street and 33 by 66 ft
S 3V corn«W of lot 4 b 3 and E
4 of lot 3 b 32, improvements
and personal property 79 54
Deivine Wm,—lo by 132 blB E end of
concrete house, improvements
and person <1 10 66
DeMott J,—22 by 66 ft lot 4 b 9 adjoin
ing Wm Coffee S E and per
sonal properly 24 52
Donaho properly ... 10 58
Emanuel H. .20 by 66 lot 3 b 16 adjoin
ing L Cohn on the N E and
improvements 13 94
Elliott Mrs L B. .L 2 b 7, improvements
and personal property 51 40
Evana T J . .30 by 89 ft N corner of lot 7
h 1 nnd improvements 3 86
Eaton 1ra..38 by 132 ft in bl 9 com
mencing on Montgomery st at
nt a point 56 ft N R of tbe N
E One of Downer st thence at
right angl ‘S with Montgom
ery st 132 ft thence at right
angles 33 ft thence at right
angles northerly 132 feet to
M .ntgomery st thence south
erly along the line of Mont
gomery street to the place of
beginning 8 90
Elliott J T-—improvements 5 54
E Chong, .improvements 3 86
Erskino W H. .improvements and per
sonal property 37 99
Farley tf Bristol,—all of that portion of
the Carlton estate south of
Robinson st except lot 1 b 39
and tbe west 4 of b 59 and
the east 4 of b 55, also blocks
19 2u 21 22 23 and 24 also
lots 10 11 12 13 3 and 4 b 16
also 5 and 6 in b 27 and 3 and
4 b 14 and 5 b 28 81 14
Parlay M H.. 22 by 132 west side of lot
3 b 2 and lot 8 b 7 lot 1 2 and
3 13 and 14 b 1 Carlton estate
S 3 by 132 E 4 of lot 9 b 16,
improvents and personal pro
perty 27 80
Ford J B— Lots 1 and 2 b 4 improve
, meats and personal property, 21 16
Friedman Chas—2l by 132 blB and im
provements 5 20
Oarriott G W. .gronnd attached to Qar
riott's mill, improvements &
personal property, 272 74
Oattarman H. .16 by 30 ft of lot 3 b 2
on Miner'* Alley, adjoining
J F Dickey--and Co.’s on tbe west, and
personal property, 3 52
Garasee Charles 33 by 80 ft
1’ lot 3 b 2 adjoining Marchel
la A Zatnberlich on tbe east,
also lot 7 b 11 and improve
ments 20 OS
Gibijn A Dell..claim to 132 by 36 in
Morris st fronting on Robin
son st and ruoviug back to
wards Bird st and improve
ments 3 12
Grave WS. .32 by 132 ft west 4 of let
2b 11 and improvements..., 7 22
Granger L C..L 3 4 5 and 6 b 27 Carl
ton Estate imrovsmeots and
personal property 17 80
Edward-'-Lot in Chinatown. I 34
John—74 by 182 ft blB and im
provements 8 90
Greenleaf W. .per-onat property, 12 26
ofJDßrowm—L3 b 10 and im
provements 11 42
A Co. .30 by 132 ft part of let
4 b 14 corner of Montgome
ry and Oak at and let 7 b 21
150 ft situated west of and ad
joining A Campbell's in block
20. improvements and person
al property 66 18
D D—46 by 132 cast side of lot 7
b 9 and 24 by 52 ft part lot 5
b 9 corner of Montgomery
nnd Myers st sod p erases 1
property *7 28
Harris DD A N A.. Lot 1 2 8 6 6 and
7 btoek 26 6 3a
A fruwwrd. .personal property, 7 87
Harris k Bart. .lot 1 block 6 tad im
provements 10 68
Hsrlsw James., lot 1 nod 2 block 6 and
improvements and personal
property 14 44
Harvey QC. .improvements on lot 2b S 802
Hake* Harry.. 27 by 132 block 19. im
provement* (City Hotel) and
personal property 6 68
Hawley Miss Nelly M—Personal pro
perty 3 02
Hawley 4 Gihoon—Personal p-opcny... 428
Henisler 3 K—L it 6 b 8 anil personal
propeftr.. 7 30
Huasey A C-2‘J by 133 ft e side 1 6 b 2
and improvements.... .. ---• 37 14
Hong Lee—lo by 132 ft of 12 b 17, ad
joining Hally, and improve
ments 8 SI
Holmes Wm—l 24 by 132 ft b 18 and im
proyenien's 3 86
Hesse Wm— 25 by 50 ft I 8 b 2 adjoin
ing llaudal and McDermott's
and tl>e west 4 of 1 2 b 15 and
22 by 66 ft lots 1 and 14 ad
adjoining Dippman's 6*5 ft
and 66 by 115 ft lots 5 and
6 adjoining Cbeestuaa't and
lot in Chinatown 18 97
Hendel Q K—Lot 2 b 21 and personal
property 3 52
Heirs of Samuel J Trenanmn—Lot 8 b
11 and improvements 10 58
Jacob H—The last bou-e excepting two
on the south side ot the road
above M mtgomery st in the
city of Oroville and personal
property . 7 46
Jewett E—26 by 13 bl 9 and improve
ments 10 53
/ sephs J J —2O by 46 I 4 corner of b 34
improvements >-nd personal
property 4 02
Jones J Y—l 64 by 132 ft part lot 3 b 3
adjoining W S Saflord on the
north east, improvements and
personal property 8 93
Juds Miss—" Black as Billy be damned"
lot 4 in Chinatown, improve
ments and personal properly 13 60
King E. .30 by 132 L 7 4 8 B 1 b-ing 3
ft on Bird street and adj lin
ing E F D -unison and 42 It
of L i B 20 adj lining A
Campbell, and L 5 and west
-4 L 6 b 23 and 20 by 66 ft of
1 5 b 3 adjoining P Scriber Sr
improvements ami personal
properly 55 60
Kine John. .Part of I 4 b 9 commencing
at the c oner of Myers amt
Bird sts., thence n rtherly 49
ft, the ce westerly 46 ft
thence northerly 48 ft., thence
easterly 20 ft., thence along
the easterly line of I 4 89 ft
to Bird st,, then e along the
noitherly line of Bird st to
the place n* beginning 13 94
Kelly 5..4 of 1 T and 8 corner of b 32.. 302
Keene S H..72by132 b 19, improve
ments and personal prop -Tty 17 80
Kirchner C W. .Personal property 2 18
Light Ham.. L4b 26 improvement -an I
personal property 16 96
Lakio JB. .28 by 132 I 1 corner of b 20. 3 86
Lass well »I D. .51 by 132 b 19, and per
sonal propet ty 6 89
Lodge B F--18 by 132 ft b 18 and lot in
Chinatown,improvements and
personal property 09 56
Linmn C O. .Personal property 34 10
Le Yew. .Improvements 2 18
Lo Tick. .Improvements and personal
property 9 40
Miller John W.. 45 by 132 b 19, and
personal property 17 80
McWilliams Jas. .170 by 264 west side
of b 2, Curllnn estate. In
prorements nnd personal... 27 88
Marshall & Jamison. .Improvements on
Bird st between Mjcrs’ and
Huntoon sts-, and personal
property 7 72
Mason C H. .44 by 132 ft east si le, 1 6
b 3, and personal property.. 19 4S
McConnell &Co . Block 40 and personal
proi-eriy 11 08
McConnell & Kiop* •L 3, 4, 5 and 6. b3J 3 80
McGuire.. 19 by 132 b 18 2 18
Maurice A Jr. .N 4 of I 7 and 8 b 32, im
provements and personal pro
perty 13 18
Muller Amelia.. 33 by 132 5414 b 15
and 42 50
Marble Nelson. .100 by 132 1 1 and 2
corner of b 11. and improve.
meats 8 90
Moro Lewis. .67 by 132 part 1 5 and 6 b
21, improvements and per
sonal property 8 *56
Myers H R. .Personal properly 420 50
Newman FW..Personal property 36 62
Overton E P. .22 by 33 b 19. front Djw
ner st., improvements and
persimil property 8 56
O'Shea Th0»..36 by 132 b 18.... 2 18
Oro Telegraph Co. .Telegraph line ex
tending from Oroville lo
Mary-vil e. ami machinery.. 34 60
Polly T P. .Lot in Chinatown 2 18
Phillips S M..south 4 of lots 5 and 6 b 6
improvements and personal
property 13 GO
Popper Earnest. .Part of I 6 b 9, im
provements and personal pro
perty 26 20
Phipps HM..Personal property...... 13 10
Pans Koscph .. “ “ 3 86
Proctor Ira..E 4 of 1 10 b 16, Carlton
estate, and improvements... 080
Patton R L. .Improvements at Long Bar
and personal property 20 32
Root E M. .Lot in Chinatown, improve
ments and personal property, 23 24
Rintbsrt B. .12 by 132 14b 17, adjoin
ing A D Artney on the o e .
and improvements 8 90
Rodrngo Hubbard & Smith—Claims to
40 acres of land at the lower
end of Oroville, and known
at the Rodraz's tract, and
improvements, due 34 34
Ritchey Mrs. .Lot 4 b 4. improvements
and personal property 40 43
Riley Micheal—Lot 41 by 132 ft and im
provements, first house un
der the bluft on the head of
Montgomery at 5 1
Rosanna Miss —Person >1 property 3 86
Richey Robert—Personal property 8 90
Rich Gulch Mining Co—lmprovements
and machinery 17 34)
Sovereign O W—l 64 by 66 ft 15b 15
fronting on Liocon at . ad
joining Smedes & Jenkins,
and personal property 3 52
Sovereign! & Wing -Lot 1 b 39, Carlton
estate 2 13
Smith Phillip—lmprovements and per
sonal property 23 85
Smith C A-30 by 66 ft bl 9 corner of
Montgomery and Downer ets,
improvements and personal
property 63 16
Scott J W—South 4 of 1 6 b 1, and per
sonal property 28 35
Simmons J H—Personal property 8 48
Snyder Joseph—47 by 132 of 1 5 b 21
on the corner of Morris aod
Montgomery sts and running
9 ft by 132 into Morris st.,
and imp-ovements. 8 90
Simons H—l 2 by 132 ft n e side 14b 17
and improvements 8 90
Sharp J H—w 4ofli b 32 and improve
ments 8 90
Shidell David—22 by 6*5 Un w corner of
15b3andne 4ifl 7 b 3.. 13 94
Silver M A—lmprovements on lot 8 b 3,
and personal property 17 80
Tnrner T M—lmprovements and person
al property..... 21 16
Tempi* C—lmprovements and brewery
on the corner of II and Myers
tta , aod personal property., 44 01
Unknown—s 4 by 132 b 18 west 4 con
crele hunse i improvement-. 10 5u
•• —74 by 132 b 19 and improvement*
(Hotel de Franee). 10 58
•< _22 by 132 b 19 and improvement*.
This is the lit and brick stor*
house forly occupied by Hedly *
000 •*ee** ,, ** # * , *** , *>* , ll WO
« _2O by 32 b 18 and improvements.
Lafayette H0u5e...... 8 90
•• £4ofl 2 b 32 and improvement!,
d*e 3 58
>< ef 1 4 bB4 except 33 by 66 ft
owned by Kingeley, 20 by $6 by
Joseph’s, and improvement! 7 15
“ —Lot 6 b 22..,.. 3 86
M —North 41681.,.. 2 60
•• —33 by 53 ft 1 3 b 3SBft os Mis*
•rs’ Alloy, and •. 470
—Lot 6 b 1. 4 70
•* —The undivided ha'f of b 4 Carlton
estate 3 02
•• —The undivided half of b 17, Carl
ton estate 2 IS
" Alt that part of block 25 east of the
line of the Carlton estate 2 18
“ —All that part of block 41 cast of
the line of the Carlton estate 134
••—Block 62 02
“ - Undivided half of 1 8 b 25, Carl
io« estate 1 34
•• Undivided half of b 18, Carlton
esta 2 18
“ Undivided half of lots 3 4 5 6 7 8 0
10 11 and 12 b 1 Carlton estate.. 5 64
•• —L 18 bl 6 .. 2IS
•• —Lou 6 and 7 b 15-..- 2 18
“ —22 by 69 ft I 1 b 14 between Hess'
and D'ppoiao’s 2 18
*• —Lot 7 b 16 1 34
•• —West i 1 6 b 16 92
“ —Lots 6 7 and 7 b 20 2 18
•‘ —2O by 40 corner of 14 b 7 and im
prov merits 3 02
••—Lot 3 b 22 3 02
•• —Lota 2 3 4 5 6 7 and 8 b 86 2 1
“ —South 5 of lots 5 and 6 b 35 1 C l
•• -Lots 1 2 3 and 6 b 34 1 34
•• —Lot 3 and east i of 1 4 b 38 2 18
•• —Block 69 1 34
*' —Lots 5 and 6 b 38 1 34
•• —West J 1 2 b 22 2 18
•• —Lots 3 and 4 b 23 2 18,
•• —Lot 7 b 7 2 13
•• —Lot 4h 22 and improvements.... 638
••—Lot 6 b 82 82
■• —Ea«t Jof 1 1 h 15 7 22
*• —Lots 6 6 7 and 8 b 17 1 34
—Part of I 8 b 2 commencing on
Miners' A'ley 30 ft from Myers'
»r, thence westerly 36 ft, thence
northerly 66 It , thence easterly
16 ft., thence somberly 20 ft ,
thence easterly 50 ft , thence
southerly 16 ft to place ofbegio
ninj 3 86
“ . .13 by 66 ft n corner I 7 b 14.... 218
*• .. 16 by 66 ft n w corner 17 b 14.. 218
•• . Ei*t I I 2 b 16 10 58
• ..92 by 132 n end of lots 7 and 8
block 38 2 18'
•• ..All of block G not marked to any
owners on the Assessor's plat
book 3 86
Varner H. .42 by 132 h 18 improvements
and personal property 17 80
Vraoman M. .Personal property 2 18
Wing E.. 16 i by 69 ft 1 5 b 15, adjoin
ing Sovereign's on the n west
and improvements 5 54
Wells Thomas.-Lot 1 b 7 improvements
and personal property 90 46
WyerM M. -Lets 1 and 2 b 27, improve
ments and personal property.... 1192
White A M. - Lots 7 and 8 b 27, and per
sonal properly 5 20
Winfield D..lmprovements, Enterprise
Hotel, on the Bluff, and personal
property 6 87
Wunlcrlin 8. -Lot 56 by l”‘i ft and im
provements, Brewery on the Bluff
above Oarriot'e Mi I, aud person
al property 21 52
Wo H >p. .Improvements 2 18
OF 1857.
Wyandotte Township.
Bergerale Lewis 3 97
Kyle A Cleavland, 18 95
Maya, J P 17 96
Mooney, Charles 8 88
Murray, Stephen 54 36
Natter, Wm 174 56
I- nreka Township.
Smith, Levi 20 94
Ophir Township.
Beals, Wm 8 93
Burt, J M 38 42
Buffum, J W 15 47
Brewster, H 161 70
Farnam, Joseph 64 93
Farley, & Bristol 40 90
Fowler, J W 6 89
Fowler, R G 2 99
Haines J M 5 89
Kent. GW 45 09
Keller & Rice 56 06
Rice, W N P 10 77
Wright, Samuel J 10 55
Mountain pring Township.
Walker, J C 2175
Wolf, J & Co 15 96
Bidwelli TJownship.
Bordwcll John . IB 96
Burt, Howard 47 88
Logan A Lowery 22 95
Martin, David G 56 87
Main Thomas... 7 00
Skiukle, A 4 39
s Kimshew Township.
WUraott A Co. 164 CO
Hamilton. Township.
Harris, Lewis F 93 77
Harris, A Goodrich 3 87
Murray, Capt • 499
Ord, Pacificus 227 96
Pitts,, Posy A Heushaw A Co 10 98
Packard, Ira. 15 96
Shaeffer, F W 131 18
looting, A 26 15
Cascade Township.
Chandler, A Marcum..... 3 00
Dodge, Ezra 47 17
Gingle, Jacob. 26, 94
Wra 4 99
Seely BF 4 99
Oro Township.
Babcock, C......* 41 10
Denson, Thomas 3.., 3U 13
Garst A Galloway 80 80
Pierson, Ge0,...l -. 350
Pierson,UT 03 23
Pine Grove Mill, 29 53
White Geo V A Brothers .. 43 49
Wood, Joseph due 12 42
Williams, A B 301 84
Oregon Township.
California Coal Cq...... 13 00
Hitchens, Joseph..,,, 16 96
Larkin, Thomas 0 .1085 95
Purcell Geo 5 49
Virgin Quartz Mining Co 180 oo
Van Ness 2 30
Chico Township,
OrovJllc, (Ophir Township.)
Bird A Morris
Friedman Charles
Fowler John
Harriott G W.
Gibson Henry
Henisltr J F
Jackson Andrew
Lass well M O
Maurice A Jr
Marble Green & Co.
Rhodes Wm H
Turner T M
140 63
24 95
16 96
441 49
3 47
5 02
52 87
21 15
23 ( 5
10 97
18 46
36 .4

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