Newspaper Page Text
BUTTE RECORD. teif* The Butte Record says that a quartz 'company there took out eight hundred pounds ‘ofgold lin three days of last week. Pardon 'us, but, really ?— Trinity Journal. Nevertheless, notwithstanding your pardon able incredulity, our statement is no exonera tion of fact. This is the -'frozen troth ” A Poet Dead.— Mr. Edward Pollock, the poet, died suddenly in San Francisco on Mon day evening last. Mr. Pollock was a man of much literary ability, and the author of some of the sweetest poems ever penned in California. His funeral was largely attended ; the California Pioneers forming a prominent feature of the cortege. Ax Attempt on Public Opinion.— Post master Weller of Son Francisco has caused a card to be published vindicating himself from charges which he has reason to believe will be brought against him by Senhtbr Broderick. “The w icked flee when no man pnrsuelh.” NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Clii*istmas Eve ! GRAND BALL 1 ! ai hr. undersigned invites the citi irh«< f Dutta Count/, and the public at large. io Mt.-nda HALL to be given at KOTIIHOCK':? HA SCII, on Vritfay Evening, December 2-lth ih commemoration of Christmas Eve. Further fnrita - lion in deemed unnecessary. GEORGE ROTH .OCR, Proprietor. New Year’s Ball. A GENERAL IVITATIOA i. « to the dance (ruin* p iblic to attend the BALI, lobe Kiven at the Wyandotte Kichanee on FRIDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 241 h, in commemoration of New Year’s Kre. J. SNOW, Proprietor. Christmas Ball! —at rue PRAIKIK HOUSE. The dubacriberri. having become proprietors of the Prairie House, will give a Grand Hall Ctirl«tnia» Eve December 'Hlhi te which they invite the attendance of the citizens ot Tutt© County gen rally. , N H —The eirtefion of this hall is under the imme diate supervision <rf Mrs. Homhrook Kverv prepara tion has made to render this the most brilliant affair of the reason oTO-td DAVIS i SHANNON.‘Proprietor.. New Year’s Ball. A A grand ball in COM MEMO rat I N o! the New Year -* birth, will b- held nt the Gar den Ranch, on Friday EVe* ItSer, De*am 31*t. L PAH FLETT, Jr:, J F. REED. General .Managers. Grape Vines for Sale. A GRICULTCEISTS AN??OTHERS ARE INFORMED jfm. that the subscriber has for Sale, at hit Ranch, on Dry Creek, Butte County, 55.A00 €*i « r i itoi« wf the best qualities, which he will dispose of on the most reasonable terms. GEORGE ROTHHOCK. Dry Creek. December 18, 1858 diStf Notice. rrHE PARTNERSHIP heretofore ealslsting M between the undersigned, under the name and style of H. H. Mliren A Co. wag dissolved on the Ist day V)f Itecernber, 18.j8, by. mutual consent. B. H, Hliven wl II still continue thu l<u.«iiu-»s. pay all debts agnin-t the firm, aud collect all debts due the same, B. P, I'Ll VEX, JOHN W. FIELDING. Charley’s Ranch, D£c. 1, I8.*»8. did ui ST. NICHOLAS HOTEL. (Formerly the IlauV) House.> Corner of I) and Third tAr'eSYs, MarysviHey Cnl. Aporit STORY BRICK StlßDixa, with a front of une hundred and sixty feet, with Verandah's onciicli.ig the same, parallel With each story The shore House is situated In the centre of the busr n««s |K»rtion of the city, and was built sad furnished for a first daft* Hotel, and a* such has no superioi on the Pacific coast. There are no dark rooms or corral in the building.— All the rooms are light and we II ventilated. Having recently purchased the abo\ e property. 1 have trade extensive improvements iu the building, and re furnished the saurs iu a superior style. lam now ens bled to offer the public a first class Hotel, at prices that will suit lie timer The entire establ shment will be under my personal supervision, having determined not to rout any portion of the premises The House wdl be kept open at all hours, and rooms reserved for the travelling public arriving by the steamers and coaches: PRICES: Single Meals 50 c s Hoard per week $7 00 Hoard and lodging (according to mom) . |\o 12.15 lAMlging per night “ 50c. 75c, $1 418 ml LEE McGOWN. Proprietor. J. » FITCH,. H. B. IX'Nt PITCH &> HUNT, WHOLESALE AX'D RETAIL LIQUOR STORE. HI XTOOX STREET, OROVILLK. THEY WILL KEEP CC 12 stantly on hand a go id assortment c»f R'U nU I.Ul'dliB. HYKH'S. CIGARS, kc. All will receive prompt attention. Oroville, lire. 14, 185 H. dl6-if TOYS! TOYS! TOYS! FOR THE HOLIDAYS Now Stock, of Toys A.ND Fancy floods. Baskets Kc. JUST RECEIVED, and row opened. Every body who wants io huv Le m iful Presents, at the lowe«t possible prices, should not fail to vigil MRS. SILVER. Monigtuncry street, near Ohio Stable. N H.—A Splendid assortment of Bonnets. Head Dresaes, and Ribbons. dl^ral Taite Notice. THE ISDFRSIGNKD, Trading and doing business under the firm and style of If f Jeno ioga A Co., have this day. by mutual consent, dissolved co partnership. All persons having claims against the soncern. will present them at our place oi business. ‘Jennings Landing." II V. JENNINGS, H C. HUNTINGTON T W. SEELY Jennings' Landinr, Dec. 13tb. 1858. 419w4 Christmas and New Year Presents AT Smith’s Jewelry Store ! OROVIZiIiB. JuM received a Coe lot of WATCHES & JEWELRY, EXPRESSLY FOR THE HOLIDAYS Consisting in part of fine Cold and Silver W atches, Gold Chains. Lockets, 1 him Me-. 6.;s Gold Bell ana Fob Backless Cnmeo, Quartz. Mosaic, and Miniature Pins. Ear King* amt Fmfer Rings in great variely, Gobi Armlets for ioluib, UuM Pens, lluitou-*. Studs. Gold and Bet Creases and everything usually kept in this ho*-—All of which will be sold low *>f Cash. HE" W*lch« and decks Repair ml by U»e most skilful workmen. All kinds of Jewelry mane to order. GEO E. SMITH Orovillr, December 13th, dlBml SPECIAL NOTICES. Masonic Installation of Officers, Notice is hereby given that the officers of Oroville O* number 103, and of Table slouutain number 124. of Free and Accepted Masons, will be ffitdlcly !ns'*l!ed, on Monday, the27th day of December, 1838, at 2o'clock, P. M. t at the Court House. All brelhryr and the public generally, are invited to attend. The members ot the fraternity are requested to convene at i£uauic Hall on that day, at 1 o'clock P. M. Ily order’of the joint com mittee of arrangements. Franklin JR. A.Chapter \o.TiO, Willeotrslfe at Masonic llall, at a regular meeting, on Friday eve ning. December 241 h, A. D. 185 S. The members are requested to be punctual in attend ance. as business will transacted. K. C. GRID LEV, fl.*P LW TIFFANY.Sey Orovllle Lodge, P. Sl A. M. The Members of Ororille Lodge. Number 103, F. y A. M . are requested to meet «t their Hall, December 25th, at 7 o'clock PM. A punctual atteudonce is requested, as this is the regular meeting for the election of officers for the easting year. By order of the W. M. W H All'M^tltoS T G,'Sec‘y P. T AfUkfibnS Sir Knights! The broville Con.raandery of Knights Templars U. D. will assemble at Masonic Hall, on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month. Sir Knights from abroad are invited to attend whenever convenient. f *R C. GEIDLCY, G. C- L. W. ftFFAsr. Recerder. County Treasurer’s Office, 1 Oeovillk. l»ec. 11, lt<sB. J NOTICE.—The holders of Butte County Warrants registered on the General County Fund from the sth to the oth of of February. 1858, and ail Warrants register ed on the Ch of February, 1868, on the Indiyeut Sick Fund, are hereby notified to present the same for pa} mental the office of the und*r®ighed as tho inter est will be s opptd after Hhft dale. wm.lattimoue, Treasurer Butte Co. I. O. OF O. P. Orovllle Lodge, No. 59,Indepen dent Order ot Odd Follows, meet every MONDAY Evening, in the Hull over Colton & McDermott's Drug Store. Brothers of the Order are respectfully invited to attend. J.C WKKT4BArGMF.It, N.G | E. DUNHAM Sec DAVID WEAVER, V. G . J G. K. SMITH, T* J 11. MALSON.P. Sec. ’ I*4, TABLE MOUNTAIN LODGE No. P. A A. 31. THE STATED COMMUNICATIONS of Ta- IMe Mountain Lodge. No. 124, F. & A M , are • held at their Hall in Ororille, on the Even ings of the first Tuesday of each month. CHA’S. F. LOTT, W M. J. 11. Marplk, Sae’y. Je2Sidiffctn OKO TELEGRAPH line. OaoviLLr. August IG. 1858. On and after this date the rates of tariff for dispatches over this line have been reduced. B G. STOCKTON, Sec y, UV. S. c. vOl \ o,lrluh adver tirfenfent kpfffearaln knottierco’ibm'u,is the pioneer adver tising Pbyfcfcuut in th‘fs Slate, has’cured more patients Ilian any other. Attention is ca'lled to tiis advertise ment. OROVILLE LODaB NO. 100, F. A;H. JA The stated co.niuunications of Oroville L<»dge No. of F. A. M., lire held on the last Sut ' ' urday of eoh month, at the .Masonic Hal I, over Colton k McDei ».oil’s Drug Stole. D. A. BROWN, IV. M. A*. D. Rkis, Sec'y. Dr. John \V. A fc»Szan\4t.— Confidentially calls the attention of all those who wish to consult a physi cian or Surgeon on all complaints of long standing, and in all cases requiring surgical operations, together with t’.e following diseases—Nervousness or ?pinal iffectiun. Palpitation of the hea;t. sick head ache. Dyspepsia, ina bility, Lowness of Spirits. Loss of Memory, Fatigue or slight exertion, loss of muscular power, a verson to so ciety. pain in the back anti head, debility and general weakness, with all ailments of a serious nature. Doc». tor Vanrandt can be consulted at his office, foot of *’lay street, Ban Francisco, or by letter, slating «ymp.oms in detail. Physical and Meutnl Drhillty« In no portion of the Unite! .Stales are so many cX nmpl ■ of Physical and Men'll decay to be met with as in California, where dissipation runs riot. The true rea son, it seems to us, lays in the persona’ neglect of health koon in our climate becomes a confirmed habit. Nothing i% so dangerous, end with a view of checking this great’e'd!’, wonld call especial attention to the advertisement of Dr. I, 1. in another column of this paper Unlike the raaj *niv of advertising phy sicians—who are generally empiiics—Dr. Cznpkny i-a Semhnun of rare scientific and umdicalattainments, hav tug held the diatl gabbed posin n of Chief Surgeon in the Hungarian army, and possesses the necessary requi sites foi Itie successful pf-oseclitiMi of ids To his care and advfce we \VouTclVApecWJ.y commend aft sutler lug from sexual or private disease-, which branch of medicine he has made his exclusive practice, feeling assured that in all such complaints, whether arising from inf-ction, self abuse, or toss «»f virility, he can guaran tee a speedy ami permanent cu-e The many testimonials he ha* received, particularly of the astonishing c res he has effected in restoring systems almost entirely wrecked - , from the p-tinful effects ot Physical and Mental debility, •peaks volumes of his skill, and we cheerfully recoora mend him to the public as a skillful physician, in whom every confl ieuce can be placed. ocD-tf Our readers are referred to the advertisement of |K»c tor JOHN IV. VANZ \NDT, City and County Fhysi cian of San Francisco. In 1852, and originally from the great school of medicine, the Now Voik Hospital, who is now devotii g his lime and .-indy to the treatment of all chronic disea-es,and especial} the trouhleslwdooglng to the delicate organs of the I've and Ear ; deafness is dreadfully annoying. Heretofore all difficulties in bear ing have been neglected, until entire and tot*l loss of that necessary sense has sped, when it is in most cases. »ilhin the pale of successful medication. The press i» the only medium through which the surgeon can be successfully known, and we wi h Dr. Van Zandt well, for his legitimacy is beyond question. Oct 23 tf Grape Vines for Sale ! THE UNDERSIGNED INFORMS* THE PUBLIC X that he has for sale at his Garden, near Smith 4c Sparks' quartz mill, IO.OOh ROOTED GR APE VINES. AND 20,000 Cuttings !! which he will dispose of on the most reasonable terms Dec. 11, '6B. 4t 11. 11. 4.MITU. ORIENTAL HOTEL CORNER BtSII, BATTERY AND MARKET STREETS SAN FRANCISCO. This well know> first class and ckn tral Hotel having been rec°nliy improve*!, rcfl.led, and thoroughly renovated, is nuv open for the recep tion «d guests. Kvemhh gin its feveral departineuls u in complete order and condition for the comfort and convenience of all who may be pleased to bestow their i»arx» nage. Every tflbrl will be exerted to render the “Oriental' the first hotel on the Pacific coast. A POLLARD, Proprietor. Dec-1, 13.58. Cable Saloon THR UNDERSIGNED, AN D WELL KNOWN CEN tlem m of Ororille. who was always ready to adapt himself in suth a emitter as heat Seett! thfc interests of the people of Oroviille Bus been induced hV a large number of friends to cater for their Crea ure cdmiorld in a manner more befitting in the turn of the subscriber, lie therefore presents himself in a new character, si the corner of Montgomery and Lincoln street-*, with a fnll and choice assor ment of Liquors, where his friends may.fiud him • illiiig to dispense all kind* of choicfe drinks fo r the small cen-idr-ration of cents per drink. O-LUNCH EVERY DAY n 27 - |ra JOHN DAVIS. Oysters! Oystexs! Oct. 16. fresh OREGON OYSTERS received daily, and served up in every style stall hours of the day and night, at LAMP'S* LUNCH HOUSE. Theatre Block, Huntoon street M. P. Brown, 96 Battery Street, Son Francisco, Cal.( IMPORTER A\l> UHOLESALEDEIIp (.11 in BEtDj AMU INDIAN UOODS of nil to.Us, Guo*. Pistols, Percusaum Cape. Table and Pocket Cut lery. Plated Ware. Rrush»*s. Combs, ami * general vari ety* of Fancy GixrtH. oc'J-3m Borax, cream tartar, tartaric acid For sale by COLTON A McDERMOTT. MISCELLANEOUS. Fall and Winter Stock, J. JM. CLARK & BHO, Are now receiving at, the old stand, on Myers street, their usual large and extensive slock of goods for the Fall and Winter trade, which ha* been selected with great rare, and at liujl, we*t market prices. We are determined that no house in the up cou 1 try shall undersell us. We would respectfully cab the attention of Miners. Farmers, Hotel and Restaurant Keepers, to the subjoinedcatalocue. STAPLE GROCERIES* dßirslKis—Curion* Voting Hy»on. extra quality Old Hvson, finest.lmperial and Gun Powder Duck Tias—Assorted to suit all tastes, and ul prices varying according to quality. CSrrtc—Pes*. O d Cot. Java. Rio and Costa Rica, by the srk. or lb. Bo vet’s San Fran. Fresh Ground. 1 lb peks., also Oroville dodo. Sooit-Onuhed ami Powdered, in Mils , ‘.bbls ,b xce, rnd by ihe lb., San. Frau. Yellow Refine I Cof fee Miear. N 0 Brown Granlated, Calcutta or China No 1. Sraur—F-nst Boston,San Fran Sugar House or Golden , by the hbl. or kegs of 5. 8 and 10 gallon* each, also by the gallon. PROVISIONS Beam. Cal white, CViile and r»-d # Cal. £moked Beef, Butters Cal fresh, in rolls and tins. “ C«*shen. in firkins A kgs Mackeral. No 1 it 2, in X and X hbl* and Kilts. Codfish, extra fine. Bosun drd Herring, in tins and by the lb. Holland salt Herring in kca Crackers, soda, suiiar, pic pic and ship h ead Corn Meal and Corn Starch, Tapioca 4c Sago,extra qual. Hominy, and flue, Salmon, pickled and smoked ; etc..etc, FRUITS- ETC Armies, dried, in % and % bbts, or by the lb. “ in cans.and bottles. Peaches, * 4 *• Peaches, drie , by the box or lb. Macaroni and Vermicelli* Italian & French, Carolina, China or Manilla .R ice. Split Peas k Pearl Bar'ey, Farina. Oatmeal aud Arrow Cal. Flour. No 1, Eastern Haxal and Gal lego. Buckwheat Flour, ext fine. Cal Jk enstasn Cheese, No 1, Pork, in hbl* A % bbls. S F Corned Beef, extra, Han s, Oregon & eastern. Bacon •* “ Lard, in 5 Sc 10 lb tins, or by the pound. Citron, dried and preserved Zanle ' arrant*, French Prunes, by the box or lb, “ preserved Peaches, in . , glass jars. Pie Spirit*, asstd, in coses or j Jam-' ami Jellies, all kinds. by by ( ihe bottle. Onmbeirics, 'tmwbenies. Raspberr'ins. Gooseberries. I Pine,. Apples and Pears, fresh and preserved. | SPICES , Allspice, whole <»r ground Currie Powder, India, Uayepne Pepper, Cloves, whole or ground. Cinnamon A Ginger, *• Blk & Chile Pepper, “ Cre»:n Tartar, Chocolate A. prord Cocoa, in tins, Malaga Layer Raisins, in and whole boxes, 1 reuch Tomatoes, extra, in tins, ETC. English, Mace and Nutmegs. Olive < dl, by case or bm. Lemon 4: Raspberry Syrup Worcestershire anil olhwr English Sauaes, Super Carb S da, in b ilk or bottle**. Irish Hop*, in j*. % k 1 lb ) ?ag»*. Thyme Sc Mnjoram papers, j Preston & MernlPs geifuine Mustard, Cal, French and | Yeast Powders. PCELES AND PBESERVED MEATS Anchovies, French Capers, Tomato Ketchup in bottled or keg*. Green Corn, in cun* 1 , “ Pens Cal Pick es. in kegs or jars, English mixed *‘ in ■* Olives, French & Spanish Clams & Lobsters, in cans. Turkey & Chickens “ Oyster?, various brans. Pepper Sauce, by cs or bot Sardines, * & i bxs. Pure Cider Vinegar, in kg* and bbls. OILS* PAINTS- COLORS. VARNISH ES CANDLES ETC. Oil. Sperm, China, Nut 4: Lard, “ Boiled Linseed, “ Unboiled ,4 *• Pine Best Atlantic While Lead, in 25 4: 50 lb kegs, C/hio Dust, for painting roofs, Spe in Candles in bxs and cartoons. Patent and chcm’l Candles, in bxs and cartoons, Adamantine do, various brand*. Alcohol 4: Cam phene, HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES. ETC Brooms. Cal & casters Broom WhUlts, Tllackin/, Scrubbing and Du'ling Brushes, Bucket* ami,Palls, Market Si La chopping Baskets, Metallic Wash Boards, Blacking for Stoves, Bread Sc Mincing Bowls, Butler Ladles Sc Prints, Bath Bricks, Ck es Pins and Lines, Cans for oils or syrups. i asso’t sizes. Stone Jar's and ChuiW, Indigo and Fife Blue, Mops. Matches 4c Mincing Knives’, Potato .Mashers Rolling Pins, Ces ile. English and Hill’s Family Soap. Colgate's 4c Kings land's Family Starch, Shl Soda, V' ashing Fluid, in qt bot*, Sieves, iron 5c brass. SUNDRIES. Nails, cut and wro’t. all szs Cordage, all sizes, Wrndow Gias* 4c Putty, Wheelbarrows, Baling Wire Sc Rope, Blocks and Sheaves. Miners’Supplies on hand constantly. Our stork of Hardware and Cutlery, Glass and I’roc er> ware. \Vmes, Liquor* ami Syrup*, will also be font to be most complete. California Produce also kept ( hand at all times We feel satisfied that there is i house in the up-country possessing n ore superior n vantages and facilities lor giving entire satisfaction customers »nd patrons. Our prices shall at ail times I us low as the lowest, and as uniform. C7* Goods delivered promptly, free of charge. 825 TURNER BROTHERS, Manufacturers of TTRNKR’d GINGER WINE. SIRUPS. CORDIALS, BITTERS, Ac , At New York. Buffalo, N. V.. and Francisco,Cal. Cl ACTION TO THE PUBLIC—THE BEPUTaTION / awarded to TURNER S GINGER WINE, and the unheard of popularity it has received, ha* been the means «f putting into the market many spurious articles. BEWARE OF THESE BASE COUNTERFEITERS. *if“We therefore caution all consumer* ofGINGER WINE to examine the label, a* myie is genuine save such as have our portraits in a circle on % *te«-l plate and surrounded by the nsivu.lion—*TUh NER’S GIN GER WINE, prepared by TURNER . R( >TH HHS. New York. Duffa o N. Y.. and San Fr ncisco, Cal.” nu‘2o TURNER’S bSHtVAI.LEb VEGETABLE HITTER* r.V ESE HITTERS. FROM THE ■ choicest medicinal root*, burns and herb*, by TUR NER BROTHERS, are warranted t<> b« the best now in use on the Pacific and can be taken with perfect safety by person* of ail ages and conditions; us a cure for ( FfeVEU AND, r nlu'ency. Dyspepsia, ('ostiveness. or Heaviness. Genera,l t Debility, Mansea and Headache. Irregularity of the Digestive Organs, Nervous Pros ration. Neuralgia, Rheumatic Affection* and biost ol tile ill* that “esh L* heir to. . TurUer’s Vegetable Bitters will be I'ouvd !>v all, not only a cu rative. but al*o the BEST PREVESTITIVK EVER INTRODUCED IN CALIFORNI \. Thi* article will abide ail chemicrll lest* as to its purely vegetable properties. and at the same dine it is guurran • teed to be an Alierutive of lonic, superior in every par ticular to mII Billers that hare been in use in California, and (he manufacturers challenge proof to Ihe contrary, and. with perfect confidence as to its purely vegetable and medicinal properties. TURNER BROTHERS. Manufacturers, au‘2o-3m Market street San Francisco. colton & McDermott [Formerly Itamlall iV McDermott,] n.AV STILL BE FOUND AT THEIR BRICK building, Montgomery street, where they have cue of the larges! and best assortments of Drugs and Medicine*. Pertumeries. Paint*. Oils. Camphene, See. Ac. To lie found north of San Francisco, which they can and will sell lower than any other house in the town. They are constantly receiving goods from below, and warrant every article they sell to be pure and genuine. Traders from the country arc respectfully invited to give us a call. We are agents forthe following articles: Bull’s.Sands’.aitd Townsend's Sarsaparilla, Guy soil's Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla, Jayne’s Medicines. Perry I>av|»’ Pain-Killer. Wistar’s Balsam ol Wild Cherry, Ayer s Cherry Pectoral, Osgood’* India Cholagogne, Burnell’s Co l Liver Oil, do K&lesion. We are enabled to state that alter repeated trials. Burnell’s Kaleslon has been pronounced the safest and most certain remedy forthe cure of the Rhus Toxico dendron or Poison ‘»ak of this country. It n-douly removes the effect produced by the poison, but also acls as a preventive when applied in season. W. H. KALB 4: CO., 1*24-tf General Agents for California. Storage ! Storage! ! ■ AM PREPARED TO STORE ANY AMOUNT OF ■.Grain amt Produce, in my fire-proof building on Mont gomery street, be«#H*n (Dmtoon and Lincoln streets. O**" LIBERAL ADVANCES made on grain for sto.age. C. SCRIHER. Oru+ille. August 251 h. 1858. NEW BAKEEV. Hun toon St.. Adjoining Ttieatrfe Blobk. VVTItEftK I KEEP CONSTANTLY ON hand Bread; ▼ w Pies and Cakes, alio Butter Crackers. \V ill also supply Bi<l<H>ns and Families with Letribn Glffger and Sarsapnanlla Beer, on reasonable terms. A share of the public paironage is solicited. G. LAMP, Prbpfielor. Oroville. May 3d- Dissolution Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. TO ALL WHOM IT a. v may concern that the partnership heretofore ex uding between the anderaigned. under tb« name of "Bloomingdale Quartz Mining Company 5 * is tbi* day dissolved by mutusrt consent of the members of said company. JOHN BRKW. G W. PRESCOTT JAS I. MACLEAN, P. J WEI-SII. per JAS I MACLEAN, atty |H I B^TOTU CroT.l> October *h. I*sB U MISCELLANEOUS. ST. NICHOLAS HOTEL, AND General Stage Office. THIS FAVORITE HOTEL, FOR merly situated on the c. r %r of Montgomery ami Hontnon streets is now located at the corner if Lino Inan-1 Montgomery streets iu the building *ormeriy known as the While Hall The SF. NICHOLAS has been provided with an en 'irel v new outfit of beds, bedding nrd other fixtures.and in its table and all i’s appoint meat.-* is s-econd to no puo- Uc hou-e in Northern California. To keep pace with the limes, the prices have been set at the following low rates Single Meals* 50cents, Lodging per Night, 50 iV 75 cents. FRANK JOHNSON, Proprietor, •yN. It. —The office of the California Singe Com pany is at the St. Nicholas, 14 ,j F. J. BECKER. GUNSMITH AND STALER IM Guns, Rifles and Pistols POWDER, SHOT, LEAD, CAPS, ANI Li n, Montgomery fine:, below ibe Ohio Stable, or«' ill.*, Butte County. tyr nk \V WORK tnadeioord r. aad repairing cxe cuted in the neaU st marine r. nO-u* orio ville IROS AND BliiSS FOUNDRY! AND - MACHINE SHOP, JAMES LOCIIEH, Proprietor. W E ARE SOW Tt> FURNISH at the shortest notice, STEAM ENGINES QUARTZ MACHINERY, Saw and Giist 31111 s Pumps DERRICK IRONS. CAR WHEELS, HYDRA I LIC I’IPES AND NOZZLES, ANil ALL OTHER KINDS OF MACHINERY BUILT TO ORDER OR REPAIRED AT THE SHORTEST NOTICE. UTA Iso. every dcscrlptian of Blackstnitbing done on reasonable terms, n6*tf WHAT CHEER HOUSE-, .‘■’tin Francisco* ai F yoi li ’F in gff NBSj? OF AN V. KI*D TO transact, is it not important I hut, yoq.should en deavor to get as near.iu possible to where business of all kinds is qiiown to centre V Do you want to patronize a house conducted on strictly temperate principles? Do you want to patronize an establishment favorably known throughout California, Oregon, and all other places, for its moderate charges, good and the be-t of beds. togeG r wiih order, comfort.convenience,and su perior nccn...inodation&? Ii you desire all these, we advise you to go to Wood worth's What Cheer House. s‘J and 91 Leidsdoifl street. 119, Ul, Sarramenlo street. This establishment is centrally located in the business part of the city, and in the immediate vicinity of ibe Steamship Co.’s offices, ami the United Stales Branch Mint. Board per Week. §5 50 per Day, 1 UO Meals, ."HI Lodging. 50 to 75 Single Rooms furnished complete, 75 cents per night Yg Booms or Lodgings cun be had by the nighl or week, with or without Board, to suit the c mvenience of all. Tb.* bedsare fitted up in the very best style, with pat ent French springs, and the best of curled hair mat tresses, clean bedding, fee. Superior Bathing accommodations ronnacted with the h I use. Shower Baths Free «-/V. Free passage iu the Omnibus to. and from the bpats -7- Look to the name on the Omnibus fo avoid imposition. By unremitting alleninm mid untiring efforts to fur nish the greatest amount of comfort and convenience at extremely low prices, the proprietor hopes to merit a con tinuance of the increasing patronage that the U hat Cheer House at present enjoys For the accommodation of miners and others having money or valuables, there ire two Urge safes inlhe office. There is an extensive Library and Reading Room, well supplied with pa crs. periodicals, fee. cf Travelers will please b* remember that there are no runners commoted with this establishment THE HOUSE IS OPEN ALL NIGHT. Jel4-3m R B WOO WARD, Proprietor. Emit Trees. 30.01 OPE AC II T REES. 50, 1 *OH Catawba Grape Vines 30.000 California Grape Vines Also, Apple, Pear, Nectarine, Apricot, and China Trees All of the above are thrifty and of vigorous growth, embracing the finest Varieties of Fruit adapted to this climate and will be sold in large or small quantities at the most reasonable rates. The China Tree, in this climate, is unequalled for bo uty and rapid growth by anv other ornamou;al Shale Tree. Terms Cash. J. BIDWELL. Chico. November 20, IS'S.ffitf Golden Gate Restaurant! Corner Montgomery and Hunloon streets, Oroville. THIS ESTABLISHMENT, having been re built since ihe fire, and lilted up in ih»* most excellent mehm-rj is open to all its old patrons and as many new ones as may see fit to call. The ! ropriet<>r. having had his efforts duly ap preciated while khebing iHe old establishment, flutters himself that this fact alone will induce a continuance of patronage by the public. BOARD PER WEEK, $« OO 6 INGLE MEALS. 50 t'hickeb, Oyster and Clam Soups always qn hand, and served up at short notice. Meals at all hours. THE BAR—I do not say that my Liquors cost me sx. eight or ten dollars per gAHcn, ut will say—just give them a trial. S ABE? t . Day and Night. .-£3 Thankful lor past favors, f respectfully solicits a con tiriuiince of the same, aug t JOHN DR AGIIL Proprietor. Glorious News ! ! STO PYEH UNO RY AN DREAD! ORO - RESTAURANT OPEN AGAIN!! SIMON R. ROSENTHAL herewith in foims tlie public and his friends, that he dissolved partnership with. A. Micbiheau on the 7ib of July, anti furthermore, desires to slate, that he has as sociated with himself Mr. F. Uainmeniick,*recently of Ibo United States Keolaurani,lor the re-ojien mg the Oroville Restaurant on Montgomery St. between Myers and Hun toon streets, where they both will be happy to see their obi friends and customers. Thankful for pa<l favors, ami promising u> do ample justice to all. we bespeak lor ourselves the generous patronage of the public. BO\RD PER WEEK—IN ADVANCE, $G 00 SINGLE MEALS, 50 SIMON It. ROSENTH \L, July Ibth. John W. Tucker, IMPORTER R OF AND WHOLESALE AND RE jiil Dealer in Watches, Diamonds, shiver Wire, Jew elry. and Silver-plated Ware. Quartz Work of all kinds on hand. Watches repaired with care, and warranted. No. 1 *4 5 Montgomery street,*a»» Francisco. Unpersons in the Interior, desirous of purchasing ar ticles of Jewelry, by forwarding a description, accom panied by the cash, can obtain them, and depend on their being of the best quality, and selected with care; ami there is little doubt that this mode will prove as satisfactory to the purchasers, as if the articles had been selected under their own supervision oc-Vti M AGNETO-E LECTRICITY. DR. BURNELL, Electropathic Physician Room* No 2. southeast rn«xkr Montgomery and CaLIPOUXIA STREETS, (CP STAIRS) SaN TradclSCO. TREAT, UPON THE PRINCIPLES OF ▼ T Mag nopal hy. as practiced in Europe and the Attgnttc Stales with* unparalleled success, all diseases of the the Nervous and Muscular Sysleuas, and such as are superinduced by derangement of th Nervi ms forces (which is Identical with electricity) viz: Paralysis, Apo plexy, Rheumatism, Catalepsy, spiul Disease, Bron chitis, Toothache, Dropaey of the limbs. While dwelling of Toinis. Fyuovitus, of the Eyes, Dyspeptic Fits. Hysteria, Headache. A«thma, Chorea, St. Vitus’ Dauce, Consumption, £ore Throat. Also, ail Diseases incident to ihe delicate • rganizatiou of woman—as Leuchorrehea, Fluor Alifbs t*r V\ hiies, Prolausus Uteri or falling of the Womb, Obstructions or continued flawing ot the Meases, Weak Back, general debility, etc., with a great variety of di-ease-*, too numerous to mention The above diseases afe Mil greatly altercated or readily cured. Consultations at office gratuitous. 'Prescription* given whsa required. Charge* or.->derale n 27 3m MISCELLANEOUS. P. & C. FARRELY, 7HOLESAT.E AND RETAIL DEALERS IN ORO w ceri*»s. Provision*. Win-g. and Liqu* rs. AU*. Por ter, Ac Thmkfu' to «ur friends fur their past liberal we rwiiecUulJy solicit a contlnuaucu of the same, and flatu-r our?elv»rj» that wo can sell «s cheap, and give as good satisfaction us any other store in ihe city. Fire proof brick stor**,’Washingtun block. Myers Si , Oroville. Good? delivered free of charge. jelS Roman’s Book Auction! Salesroom—No. 114, Montgomery, Between ('aliforula and Sacramento Streets SAN FRANCISCO. 4P« TH»N AND PRIVATE '•ALES CATALOGUE Embracing Hiflorv, Biography, Exploration*. Travel*, Adventure*. Religion. Theology. Bible* and PraMT Books. Poetry. The Drama, Kiel ion. F.wtava, Reiv I etlr* s. Arts and Science*. Dom» stic and Poiiiicnl Economy, ill’islr ted «.itt Books nnd Annuls Nnimal History. ALSO —Many New and Valuable Work? just from the Pngs ’ rlSm-2 Select School. MR. C. A. MEIGS A mSOr.VTIIERIRE L. CUKTIS. intend opening a SELJ3C I SGIH»OL In the public echool house. at Orovllie, to commence on the flrgt Monday in October. TEU M « ; Fore muon English B’-ancbe* per month. s'< 00 For the following Branches extra per nionMi. ..2 *o N-.turul Phil<«s>ph , Physiology. Historic* Geometry, Trigonometry. Boi-tuv, Iniell* etna! Philosophy, Latin Grammar Mlw CURTIS &i!l also give lessons on the Piano and in Drawing. Advanced payments will be In variably require Oroville. net. 1858. 02-tf Attention, Smokers! 11 T E CAM. THE ATTENTION OF THE PUBLIC ▼ v to our large amt well selec'ed sl«n-k of Segar.-, To bacco. Snuff. Playing Curds. Pipes, Snuff and Matches, which we can and will sell ns cheap as any house in this state. Our Motto is. ‘-Quick sides and Small profits ” Terms-(’ash. II 108 .V CO. Montgomery Block, .Montgomery street. jv23-tf Lager Beer! Lager Beer! CONR \D TEMPLES CITV BREWRY! Wo are now prepared to majuifucture Lager Beer o< a superior article—tin* material used being conducive to health and of invigorating quality. Hotel keepers and Saloons will he furnished Call uu-i see us, and try our beverage. C. TEMPEL Oroville, Feb. Sth. 18VS. Pea-Vine Ranch For Sale! CH ANCE FOR A B \RGAIN J The valuable property known as the PEAVINK RANCH, on wjPilL the American Valley Hoad, about 20 miles above Bid well, is offered FOB SALE. It is situated in a good mining locality, and is an ex- elleut stand for a Hotel. Possession given April Ist. 185'J. Apply on the premises to WHIPPLE A ALLEN. Pea Vine. August 1858. If United States Restaurant RE OPENED. THE undersigned beg to inform the citizens of droviile and no community generally, that they have again associated ihem*e' v es in business, and recommei ced on the site of their old stand, the UNITED STATE- 4 KETAL’RANT, which we ha*’e titled and, fitrniabed,in the best manner possible, and which we. shall seek to make f'gT' The Bkst Ealing Hmisoin Oroville! To suit ourselves to the limes, we have fixed our pri ces a? follows'; Board, per week, $ 8 00 Meal. N. R.— We have well arranged LODGINGS collected with our Hes'sumnt. WEISS 4: HAM dERNIOH. Sept. 25th, IriSH. WATCH! WATCH i HAVEJUST RECEIVED. DIRKOTfrom Sail Francisco the largest stock of WATCH ES AND JEWELRY ever brought to Oroville. and it is well worth the attention of persons wishing to purchase, to call on me before purchasing elsewhere I hare everything uusually kept in this business, in abundance, and am bound to sell at very low figures. Jewelrv of all kinds made to order Watches repaired carefully and warranted Rosenthal’s old stand. Don’t forget the name. April i, 1857. GKO E. SMITH. Tell it to to the People ! f|lH.\T GEORGE E. SMITH, HAS FULL-JEWEL JH El) G< H D hunting Cased new Lever WAT' HKS. warranted to keep good lime for one year, for only SAD each. September 10, 1858. New Goods &, Fresh Stock JUST ARRIVED AT CURL VS BRICK. SEGAR Su r--. corner Montgomery and Myers streets.— 'CURLEY respectfully informs his friends «HJ the public in general that he is now enabled to supply them with itie choicest ass >rtnuntof SEGAHS,. . ~ tod \ oco*, Pipes’, and GOODS GENERALLY IN TITS I.INK OF BUSINESS. And at such prices that will satisfy.the wholesale merchant or relail smokers—that he ,‘-has the trap*- properly set” in San Francisco to receive the choicest assortment of Segurs and Tobacco that can be bought for cash, on the arrival of every steamer. Give me ncall and satisfy yourselves at CURLEY’S, VVn-bingt'»n Block,cor. Montgomery nnd Myers street. Oruv.lL*. Assay Office & Refinery. No. 10S Battery street, cor. Merchant, San Francisco. ON AND AFTER THIRD OF MAY PROXIMO, v. will receive deposits of Bullion for Assaying, n-fini n and Coining. Until the Branch Mini give*'a preference in payments to depositsof Refined Bullion over Unreflne 1 Bullion, (us is contemplated by a bill now before Con gress i > mat effect.! we -hall pay ail depositors in United States coin invariably in five days after a deposis is made. <>ur charge for refining gold is Idcen'a per ounce, and ’ j of one per cent, for coinage, (being 4 cents per ounce less than .Mint charges Imparted bars will be made as usual, nnd returns maite on thr same day on which the deposit is made. Public patronage is respect fully solicited, so far as may be consistent with the in terest of the depositor, JUSSTII k HUNTER, |ap23-3m2dpl Merchant’s Hotel. Marysville. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING BECOME T;;;1 associated in the managemen: of l|io above Fir-«l ot Class Hotel,respectfully solicit a -hare of public patronage. SOLON PECK. Til if GEO. W. STANTON; Ice, Ice! Ice !! Ice!!! PUKE AND CLEAR AS CRYSTAL.—THE UN derslgued are again prepared to furnish the cili £enaof OfoviHe wjth the very nest quality of ICE. on be most reasonable u*rm£. A large supply constantly eon hand. Orders left at our office on Miners’Alley, between Myers and lluntoon streets, promptly attended to. We have the most perfect facilities for supplying hotels, saloons and fumilie i with any amount desired May 3.1 J. T. DICKEY A CO. Jabez Suwin, Montgomery Street, South side, between Huntoon and Lincoln streets, Oroville. WHOLESALE A RETAIL DEALER IN Cho ; . Wines, Brandies, Cordials. Ales, P«»rt ers, Fancy Liquors, Syrups, etc. The public is informed that Mr. Snwin is the SOLE AG ENT in Oroville, f.*r OAKLEY’S Celebrated Pre- R.iuip CHAMPAGNE CtDER. . %S“ COUNTRY TRADERS and others will flndil to their advantage to call at the above establishment before purchasing elsewhere. Sept. 10th. New floods. I|RS: «ELVEK HAS JUST RECEIVED ivJI. a fresh assortment of fall goods consisting of Ben netts. Hat' Bussells, Cape? and a general assortment of Millinery an 1 Fancy articles. Also the Princess Royal Bridal Skirt- - a new article, all of which will be sold at extrcmelr low prices. Call and be convinced. Montgomery street, next to the Ohio Stable, Dissolution. riIHE FIRM OF HEDGES &. HA If If ON JL is this day dissolve*l oy limitation. Either parly will use the name of the firm in liquidation. CriA’S. 11. HEDGES, M. W. HANNON. Oroville 23. Oct. 1858. New Store, New Goods. W ANO CO.,—HUNTOON TWO JL A doors below the Theatre building, OrofUto bare just opi-ned the best assortment i»f Groceries, Provisions, Liquors. Dry Goods, ClnAimt, Boots, Shoes, and Uses, Ever brought to thfe market, and which we will sell at wholesale and resa*?!, cheap for cash, and no humbug. The undersigned would nspecttully inform the peo pie of * iruvdle and that will sell goods ol all descriptions at Marysville Prices, and warrant every thing sold ns represented. Traders and Packers will do well to give us a call, a* we will save them the lime and trouble of going farther below to make purchase*. Part icular attention will aVwav* be given to the supply of Groceries to families. hotels, miners, Ac, tah% LANG A CO. Fresh Oregon Oysters! HA9DKERYICH A CO., OF THE UWl led States Kentaura t. will serve fresh Oyster* in srsry etvls day end night. regon oot 23 LEGAL NOTICES. Constable’s Sale. By virtue op a witri op attach. ta-hment. ;s*ued out of the Ju>*ice Court of ■ .G. Lincoln. a'lTh-tfse of t r ve Fence in and for <‘phir Town ship. in the countv .of Bntte and State of California, to me directed :»nd del;vered.commanding me toinake the sum of one-h\injired nod eighty dollars (BV*O- meney loaned, and fourteen dollars yS 14) cost* of suit, together with accruing costs* of .suit on said writ, wherein Ah Tim is plaintiff, am! Ah W 5 is defendant. I have levied upon and will expose at Public Sale, to the highest hid oer for ca-di. on the premise-, in the town «*f < >ro\ille. county of Butte ami State aforesaid, on Saturday, the 8:h day January. A D-1559. at two o'clock P M. • f -a«d day. all t>e right, title and interest of said Ah Wi in and to the following de-cn Led property, to wit. One two story house and lot. 11 by 50 more or less, situ ated in China street. Oroville, opp«*site l.» Thy Chong A Cos. amVadjoining Ilnng Yet & Stores ; Also one cookipg stove. five pine Tables, together with ail and singular the tenennM ts. hereditaments and appurte nances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining. Witness r.'.y hand this 17th dtv of Pechmber. A D 1858 tv . JERRY J CoLLINH. d!3,Cw Constable. 'Constable’s Sale. BY VIET' E OP A WRIT OF ATTACH. mesL Lsue 1 out of the Justice's C »nrt ot (*. G. -Lip:o n, a Ju-tice of the Peace in and for Opnir Town ship. in the county of unite and State of Ca ifornia. to n*e disec led an*V delivered .cotnwaudiic mo make the sum of. one hundred and eighty doll rs (SIS’M mon ey loaned. and fourteen dollars ( :4' costs of suit, to gether with accruing costs *»f suit on said writ, wherein Ah Ti is p'aintiff and Ah Wi is defendant. I have levied upon and will ex >«se at public sale; to the highest hid der for cash, on the premises, in the Town of <»rovil! . county of butte and State aforevid. on SaturdKy the Btli day of January. A. I) IS 9. at two o clock P M <.f said day, all the right title and interest of the said Ah Wi. in and to the following describe*! properly, to wit : One two storv frame hou-e and lot 11 by 50 feet more or less, situated on China street opposite t*> Thy Chung A Co. and adjoining Hong Vet A Co's Flores ; Also, one cooking Stove, fi e pine Tables, together with all and singular the tenements hereditaments and apdurteuan ces thereuto belonging or in an} wise a pertaining. Witness my hand this 17th day of December. A D, 1858. JERRY J COLLINS d!8 3w Constable. Notice. 4 LI, PKRSOXS HAVING CLAIM* AGAINST TIIF. Estate of Richard Tobin, dec used. are hereby required to present the feme to the undersigned at h it* residence in Grot ille, county of Butte nnd Stale of Cali forn i within ten mouths from ti.b, the lt?th day of December A. D. 1856, JOHN Oroville. December ISth, 1554. SPEI.LVA.V, Ad n’r. d!8ml Justice’s Summons. ITNITEI) STAT'S OF AMERICA —STATE OF / California, County of Hulle, ss. In Justice’s Court, Opltir Township Ihe People of the Stale of Calif* rnia to Ah Wi. tree ing ; V ull are hereby summoned to ap pear before me. a t iny office in Ophir township, county of Ituite, on the 11th day ol D.-cc-mber A. I) tHSS. null) o'clock A Manswer unto,the complaint of Ah Ti, who sues to yecovi r iln* s im of one hundred and eighty dollars, allege.l to be *'ne trout you to him, for money loaned, when jtujgiQgni will be taken against you for the said amount. loguJier with co-ts and damages, if you fail to appear, aijd answer To the -be/ IT or any C<»n stable ot said County."'greeting. Make legal service and due return hereof Given under my hand this 3*l day of December .\. I>. ISSB. i C. G. LINCOLN, Justiee of the Peace. Doc i, ISorf. Probate Notice. CTATE o’/ CALIFORNIA, COI NTY (»F RI'TTE Probate Court. In the matter of the Estate of J 8. Williams, deceased. In pursuance ef an order made by the Hon Thomas Well-, Judge of said Court at chain Iters, on the 4th day of December, a d 1858, notice is hereby given to all whom it may concern, to b.- and ap pear before the said court on Monday the H»th day *»l January, 1559, at the In-tir of in <> cbmk. A..M of that nay. at the Court House at Oruvi le. in sai<l cou .ly, then and there to show cau-e if any they have, why an order should not be made fur the of the interest of the said 4 S. VN illiams. deceased, in ami t«* the undivided fourth interest of what is known as the Rancho Furwell, situate*! on Chico creek in said con ty. Witness my hand, and the seal of said 1 Court affixed, this the tenth day of D> cein > ter, A. D. 1«58. HAL C. V. M. II D \RRACfI, Clerk Probate Court Dull** County. Lott. Attorney ducll-lw Lien Notice. STATE OF CALIFOIIMA-COUKTY OF Bntte. s*. To all whom it may cone rn. notice is h< rehy given In pursuance of an order h •reJof«-e made by the District Court of the 15th JmDcial District in and tor sal » c unty . f Untie, on the ilh day of D c*-m ber a u ISSS, fur all i-eis ms bating liens upon the pro perty known as the Orovi i,* ( rewery. situated on Montgomery street, near G irriotCs Haw Mill, on the Bluff, in the town **f Oroville. and now occupied by S. Wunderlin as a brewery, to presen. t‘ * lr add liens on Monday the 12th day of January a n IS.‘*9. at 10 o'clock a m in the said District Court',’ at the Court llottse in said low n yf Oroville. Attest: M II DAUBACH, Clerk. Dec. 11. '5B. By J. H.Makpi.c. Deputy. Notice to Lien-Holders. AU WHOM IT MAY COXCERX- Notice is hereby given, t<» prevent their liens', held under provisions of An .Act ui the Legislature of this Slate, entitled ‘‘An Act for securing Liens to Mechanics “•id others,” passed Apji* Jllth 185$, and all nipendntory acts, on that certain building now bjing erected on lot * >f bl numbers five n/id six', of block number Hire**- in Oroville, Bntte County, Calito/ni.'uantj so -:*id lots as may be necessary for the conrrpjent us** a»i<! occupation *>f said building, on Mouday Ihn tfih day ofNovemdes. ISSS, ul 10 o'clock, A. M , in the Hon. District Court of the Fifteenth Judicial l.jslrict, County of Butte, at the Court llousa in Oroville, tueu and thereto be properlp proved ana adjudicated. , p A. LEWIS, Ry A. I’. Galinokr, Agent. Oroville, October I'dh, 185 ft. r»l6-3«r] Notice. T A MELTING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS /5L of the Oro Tel* g aph C<». mis day, it was ordered that a Meeting of the Stockholders should be held tl»« office of Judge Wells, in this city, on Wednesday the sth day of Jammy. 18:9, at 2 o’clock r m . for the pur pose of incr» - a«lng the capita stock of lII*- company to thirty-two thousand dollars, (32.000) to extend said line to Honey Lake via Quincy. Plumas County, and Dow. nieviile, Sierra county : also from Marv-vjilo !o Hacra mentoCity. J M« KiNSTKV HMITII, ) PETER FREER. >Trustee* Til IM AS WELLS. \ R. 0 Stock ros, Secretary. dectl^w Notice 4 LL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST TUI, Estate of Lewis G randy, deceased, are hereby re quired to present the same to the undersigned, at his residence in. the town of Oroville. county of Butte, and Httfi * p) California, within ten months from tins 4tn day <»l December a o 185 S. J. W. BL'KFUM. Dec. 4, ’5B Administrator. Declaratory Notice. STATE OF CALIPOUXTA. County of But ef 1, Mary Barnes, wile of V\ illiam Barnes «»f ti e Township (J Hidweli , in said county and State, * o hereby declare that 1 intend from anil ai’.er this dale, io conduct business on my own a count in t e c»« nty of Butte—that the nature of said bu-iness i* that of ra> r-t chandi.-ing. and snch other and fu- H er things as may I d necees ry l« carry *>n and manage said business—that I wi I b** individually responsible in my own name, for all debts contracted by me on ccount of my said busine a and I hereby further declare that the amo int ot ctpilal invested in said business, does not exceed the su ti of live thousand dollars In Witne s whe eof 1 have he e nnto s.*l my ban*! and seal, this 17th da? of Dec*. mb«r a A. D. 1858. MARV BARNES, [Benl] STATE OF CALIFORNIA. County of Butte—On thii seventeenth aay«f December, A. L). IHSS before me. Gei.rge Mcßride, a Justice of the Peace in and for «a : d County, appeare*! Mary Barnes, to mu petsonally known l<» f»e the imlividu il described In and who executed the foregoing declnrat*o;i of ‘-sole tracer” and being by me elamiued apart and without the hearing of her saiil husband, and made ac*|iiain!»jd,vfith the contents *.| the foregoi g declaration, she sic\i< w lodged to me that she execute*! the same freely and vof-'intardy without fear or compulsion, or *j uder on part ol her I hus band for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and desired .the sain ? iujgj.l »>« a* **uch In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and •eal thed .y and year first above written. (*EoR(JE MG I IDE. J P. Dec 18, ’5B. Notice. r |N HE SHARE HOLDERS OF THE B Oakland Mining foinpany nre hereby notified that an assessment of $40.00 to the share ha- been made and now due. A. K. HIEARNs, Secretary. Dogtown. October 23 4t MISCELLANEOUS. CAUTION TO PURCHASERS OF EUREKA WHISKEY. IT HAS COME TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE undersigned, that various parties are putting up whi«k**y. in imitati**. pack sires, made in Han Francisco, and branding it “Eureka Whiskey.” We caution dealers in the interior again*' pure hating any of those imitations lor the genuine imported art iolev Tim genuine “EUREKA WHISKEY Is Imported In Barrets and II«" Barrel*, amt ars branded on head. - Eureka V\ hiskey. Win, Newell it Co. n with a copy t;*hl attached, aud on the other bead, “TD T ” To any one who has purchased the Genuine Eureka Whiskey this caution is ummoesenry, as they cannot be deceived by imitations. vvm. Newell & co., B<de Agent*, 100*Battery. street, gan Francifteo, Hept. 15, 1856, Tbo Oepuine Eureka Whiskey is for sale by all th# prlocfpal Lienor Houses,fr Han Pranciec j. u2T.^m LEGAL NOTICES. Justice’s Summons. IfXITKD .STATES OF AMERICA ' State of California. County of Butt**. SS. In .Tua* ties.* court. Kim» i hew Towuship;th** people of th* Blat# California, to Phillip Dun Sim-re Greeting • Yon are hereby summoned to appear before ra«, at mv office in Kimshew Township, county of Butte, on the 2'>lhdav of December A D ISAS, at 10 o'clock, A M to answ-runto the complaint« f Schnphil >'mitfc«ho »n« In recover the sum of ninety three and 48 ICOth dollars, bal -nee d«»«*on boot nec mnl from June 10th to S»p'ember 19th, 1858, for (rood**, wa-es ami merchmi IHe *old and deli*, cr-d to de»» ndant by plaintiff when judgment will be taken against von for lh«* said ainounMiTether »kh route and damages. if yon fail to ai*p**ar and answer. To the Sheriff <>r any constable of said county cretin.': make service and due return hereof. Given under my hand this U*th dav of November. A D I*s* E. B KINSDN. Ju tice of the Peace of said Townlhlp It Is herch orhered that th«* above summary oe pub lished in the Butte Record three week* before the <t«r «f -»!-• is. n. kiMFofi, i.r. -4 Notice. People of tiii: state of state ■ alifor- FORNI A VS. D U.AN—District Court, Isih Judicial Diafricl. Bntti- County r Warren T. Sexton, Judge of said District Court. and P. 11. Harris, District Attorney for the C'ohnlv of Butle shd State aforesaid; will hereby take notice that the .undersigned a HI apply to John R.\Voiler Governor, of the State of ( alifo nia for a commutation of the sentence rf death passed u on the said John Dolan on the 111 h dav of November, \ l>. 1 B*B. f. *r the murder of Edward Shftdtry, to IrtSfiriaon* n.enl in the States Prison of said Slate. Xly said John P Inn was convict ini of the above murder rv. of December A I>. I*-S7. .nit np the .'"th of sumr month sentenced to be hung on the *j7ih of Marc\ A. I*. 1858 — r *aen appealed to Supreme CotlM of Sait! Slate, point a | overruled and final sentence page*-d on the ll’h inst that he be executed on the 7 h day of January A D IS’9. D W CHEESE.MAN A L. C. GRANGER. Attorneys for Defendant, j 1 hereby acknowledge service ..f the above notice by copy. ’ d.IiARRIS, List Alton <*v • t Butte County, Col. 1 hereby ackn--wle ge service of the above no'ice by copy. WABUKN T. Judge IMh Judicial District. Attest the follow Ing a true cat V of Application of Com , mutation of the Sentence of J inn Dolan. Witness my hand and the Seel of the said Qourt, on. ,11 Is 12ui,dny of .Ncren.ber A. D. 1858. M. 11. DAKR VCIJ. Cletk of District Court, But « Cor By J II .Martle. Deputy. ' Gru villa, Nov Utb, 1858. Insolvency Notice. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIFTEENTH Judicial District, in and for the county Jof Butt** In the matter of the petition of Elisha W. Slater an in solvent debtor. Pursuant to an order of the Hon War ren T. Sexton, Judge of the Fifteenth Judicial Di-trict aforesaid, made this dav. notice is hereby given to all the cry.ditofs of the sa ,1 insolvent- E. W Slater, to be and appear before the Hon WarrerrT. Sexton, aforesaid in open court, on the twenty; eigth 4l>>’ <*f December. A. !). 1858, nt ten o’clock A M of that day at chamber*, at the court room of said ( oust, at the Town of Ororille. in said county of Butte, then tnd there to show cause, it any they have, why the prayer of said insolvent should mil be granted, and an assignmer tof his estate be made, and he be discharged from his debts as an insolvent debtor. . Witness my hand and th**»«al of *vd Court \ seal f this, 16th day of November , A D 1853 ' M 11. DABRACM. n2lt—4t Clerk District Court 15lh Judicial District. Summons. fiTATE OF C A UFO It XI A*—lV THE DlS trict Con: t of the Fifteenth Judicial District; courv tv Ilf lll,tt-.—ANN S U NDER*. Plaintiff v. CII4KI.KS \V. SAUNDERS. Defendant: Action brought in the Dis trict Court of the Fifteenth Judicial District, and the comp’aint Died in the county of Butt*', in the office of tin* clerk of said District Court The people of the State -if California, send greeting to CHARLES W. SAUNDERS Yon ar“ hereby required to appear Jn anf action brought against you by the above named plain tiff in t Re. District Cnilrt of the Fifteenth Judicial Dis trict, in and f<-r the county of Butte, and to answer the complaint fil**d therein, (a copy of which accompa nies this summons) witlr’n ten days. (exclusive of the day of «ervicej after the service on you of this sum mons, if served within this countv; if served out of this county, but within this Judicial District, within twenty days; or if served out of said District, then within forty days—or judgment by default will be taken again*} you. The Said action i- brought to obtain a decree of divorce from the bonds of matrimony now existing be tween you and said plaintiff, ami if you fail to,.' pea? and an-wer the said complaint as above require**, tho plaintiff will apply to said court for the relief in her complaint demanded.and for judgment for costs of suit. Given under my hand and sea) of the District court - of the Fifteenth Judicial Di.<*trict.|thi* eighth C j 1 day ol October in the year of our l.ord on* * £ > thousand eight hundred and fifty eight. By f x ) order of District Judge. M. U. DARRACH, Clerk *1 ocl 9 ’SS. Declaratory Notice- CJTATF. OP CALIFORMA, CCll'-NTY OF' / Bn.Uc. SS. I.Mary Maclean, wife of James T. Mcleau of the ■ wn of Ororille in said county, r.nd State afore said in the township ofOphir, in said county, do Kere hy declare, that I intend from and afier this date to carry on business in my own name and on my own ac count, in tho county of Butte; that the nature of said; bruines* is-that of Merchandising and Millinery in said county and State, apd snch other further things a* may bo necessary to carry on and manage said business, f will he individually responsible in my own name for all debts contracted by me no account of rny said busi ne-s. I hereby further declare that the jtrtwtY.t of capital Invested in mr said business does not exceed the sum of five thousand dollara. . - . In witness whereof I have set my hand and J L, S f seal, the fifteenth dav ol October. A. D 1858. ‘ * * MARY MACLEAN Witness: S W. W Coughey. STATE OF CALIFORNIA. COUNTY OF I UTTF, Sfl —On this fifteenth day of October. \ D before me. S. W. W. Coughey, a Notary Bublic. duly, sioned and qualified in and for said county, psrsoaally appeared. Mary Maclean-, to nut personally known to be the indivi.Dial, described inland who executed the fore going “Declaration sole Tratler.'' and being by m*» examined apart and without the hearing of her said husband and made acquainted with the contents of the foregoing declaration she acknowledged to me that she executed the same freely and voluntarily, without fear or compulsion or coercive on part of her husband' for the uses aud purposes therein mentioned, ntd desirfcl the same might be recorded as such , . In witne*-* whereof I ha\e hereunto set my | 1* 8. J hand and affixed my official seal the day and ’ ■—•— ’ year first above written a. w w coughey. Notary Public. Butte County. Cal* Oct 16 58 Ct Summons. STATU OF C M.IFORNIA—IN THE DISTRICT 1 Court of the Fifteenth Judicial District. Countv of Butte. ELIZA J aOGKRSvs.It It. ROGERS. Action h-ought in the I jslrict Court of the loth Judicial District nnd the Complaint filed in County of Huttt, in tho office of the Clerk of said District Court. The Pe pje of the State of California* send greeting: To B.K ROGERS. You are hereby required to appear In an action brought • cainss you hy the atmve named plaintiff in the District Court of the of Fifteenth Judicial District, in and for the county Butte, and to answer the complaint filed iherdin,- (a copy of which nt companies this summons) wltbio ten days, (exclusive of the day/d 1 ■ on yon of thi* stirnmons. if served * i;hin thia r-ounty;’lf served out of this county, but wi:l»ju this. Judicial Dis trict, within twenty days: or If served out of said District, then wi‘h : n forty day*"—nr judgment by dr fault will be taken against yon. The said action is brought to obtain n decree of -ai ' (*ot.rl that the marriage contract eglst ir-g between you nnd the plaintiff be dissolved and «n -nubul, that slit* may be released from t e bond* of matri mony, ami to obtain judgment for the cost* nnd money disbursements of thi? action, and lor such other and fur ther relief as may be proper—and if y«>a fall to appear niul answer the said complaint as nl*ove required the plaintiff will apply to the Ct urt for Hie *Cliet liVher com plaint demanded. Given under my hand and the of the District Court of the Fifteenth JtidVcml Dietricl, this eighteenth day of August, in the year, o* our tx»rd one thousand eight l.undred And fifty-eight. M. 11. DAURAGR, atiglB.'lm* Clerk. I"*.-! Summons. CJTATK OF CALIFORNIA—IN THE DlM trict Court of Fifteenth Judicial District—Oaitity of Butte. Joautia Yager, vs Rudolph Yager. Action » rotight In the District Court of the Fifteenth Judicial District. nn»l the complaint Filed in the county n( Butte, in the office of the Clerk of -aid District Court. The Pe«e pis of the Blade of QsHhAVI|9M greeting tf» RaMfl Yager: Vqti nre hereby required to nppear in an action brought against you by tbfe above named plaintiff in the Itistriel Court ot the Fifteenth Judicial District in an*l for the county of Butte, and to answer the complaint filed therein (a ropy of which accompanies this summons! within ten davg. (exclusive of the day of service) after the service on you of thi* Summons, if seized within this countv ; if served out of this county, bin within thi- Judicial District, within twenty days; or \( serve*foul of said District then within ferly days—or judgmeu?by de fault will betaken against you. The said action is brought »o obtain a decree of this court to df-s«»lve the h«>nds of matrimony, existing between y<Hinn*lf and said IManiilT. and that said msirriiig** contract be ftirever annulled, and plaintiff by decree of this court be divorced nnd forever free«l from you, the Mid defendant, and if you fail to ap fH*flr and answer the said complaint as above required, will apply to the Court for the relief detnaued in her said complaint Given under ray hand and the seal of the District Court, of the Fifteen th Jwlfcfaf District, thia 22ad -lay of June, in the year of otif L4M ouo itkousaad eight hundred and lift}' -eight. M H. DAftRACIT. Cl*rk t j**24 td By J, 11. Marvi.e, Deputv llarris k. HewAtn, Atlonuys f.»r PlamtHT. Justice’s Summons. STATES OF AMERICA—BTATK California, Ccunty of Butte In Justice’s Court, f,iphir T*>wi>9tiip* The People of the .State of California to GEORGE I). FRENCH: You are herebv «uminoooii flw appear before me at my office in OpWr Townsfdj), Coain'y of Butte, ot th*? 13th day of Nm>raU-i. l>. |H5d, .H 10 o’clock A. M.. to«n««Ver unto the ct*ft>p?aiQt «»f J. P Coleman fit Co- who sues lo re«t»vei;the sum of o«i« hundred and seventy-eight 62-100 (BITT fay dollars, claimed to be due from you on aaooui.t Urt had and received, liquors sold and delivered and sundries, a« per complaint fl'ed in my offibe. wMefi'/udgmeiit will be taken against you for the said amount, together with costs and damages, if you fail U> appear and answer. To ♦he Sheriff or ary Constable of wiitf county. Greeting: Make legal service and due return hereof Given under my baud this Mb da* of August, A*. D. I*6B. JOHN S. BERRY. al>3rc aati*sw of th© Peae* Ophir Tonnehlp.