OCR Interpretation

Richmond palladium. [volume] (Richmond, IA [i.e. Ind.]) 1839-1854, January 12, 1839, Image 2

Image and text provided by Indiana State Library

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Senate. Tuesday, January 1, lS'W. Mr.
Vuwtar from the committee oa llie State Biuk,
ttade the following report:
Ths committee on the State Bank, to which
wao referred that part of the Governor1 message
tiiat recommenJ3 tui increase of state stock, in
tuebank of Indiana, with a view of increasing
tie resources of the state, for the purposes of pay-
sturdy mechanic, plying the implements of hi9
trade exhibiting, as expressed by Mr. Owen, the
means by which the money is to be derived for
paying off the principal and interest, and the slow
process of accomplishing that object. He read
the bond, showing that the faith of tho State was
irrevocably idedircd fur its redemption. Wo would
only say to our Legislators, givo us prudent and ' The estimated cost of the Canal between lirock-
I pfnnnrriir-.-il I rrr i ,1 1 1, ,n mid r.ur wnnl fur it. the : villo mid the National Koad, is live hundred anu
The White Water Canal, when completed from (by those in power to secure success, and dishoties
Lawrenceburgh to Ilaarstown.a distance of sixty I ty is ccunteuauced and encouraged as their most
,'.!., u.-iii i-nst il.p i :i t at iho contract orices. I activo and efficient nirent. Either a rpcfnprai inn-
"""- ) .. . . . ... - - i 'i o
one miIlion,two hundred and eighty four thousand. '.spirit must speedily exert its energies upon our
eight hundred mid seven dollars being twenty- " system so as to purge it flf the profligacy, crime
one thousand, four hundred and thirteen dollars, and corrupting influence?, which now hold an al-
and fortv-five cents per mile. most complete sway ov er it action, or the Gev-
H!g interest on loans made for internal improve
i-.eut purposes; also sundry petitions of the citi- j brawny arms of the mechanics of Indiana will
en of fJarrolf eonritv. nrnvinr nn increase of' tho last to fnlter in our noLlu enterprise.
'...o banking- capital of the state T and two resolu-! Prodi u, the Chairman of the committee on Canals' thirty-seven thousand, nine hundred and sixty- j informs us. Ltxington ( i ) Intelligencer,
i.on of the Senate directing said committee to ; and interna! improvements, now rose and stated three dollars. All this portion ot the line is un- j
eminent, an 1 not anly the Government, but all
our social relations fjuniod upon its institution
be sixty-four thousand, two hundred and twenty-one f must inevitably bo swept away. Anarchy must
lr. : dollars. The amount already expended on it, is ; succeed, and wh-.t will sueccd anarchy, history
ented a memorial from
the Ualtiniore t'hroairie.
ASHINUTO.X, Jan. "Jd, 1S$'..
Clay, of Keutacky prc
the Peace Society of ..
that the merits of the bill before the House had
not been touched. IIo challenged the gentlemen
to defend their proposition, which he said went to
destroy the plighted fiith of tho State, and he
would then show the injustice of the measure.
Spoke of the illegality of the proposition to re
scind contract.", &.c. IIo concluded, by moving
to indefinitely postpone the bill, in order to bring
up the merits of the proposition. Mr. Judah said,
that tho principles of tho bill had not be attacked,
that when they were, they would be defended.
Said that when it was known, that tho State of
Indiana had tho joworf uncontrovertfcd, of enter
ing the habitation of her citizens and taking the
last vestige of property from the poor man, for the
puhlic good, it would not be a groat matter to
prove, that internal improvement contracts could
be rescinded for tho samu object. His remarks
were only thrown out to show, that oppo-ition to
.squire into the expediency of increasing tue i
oanking capital of the state; have, according o
-rder, had under consideration all those- mutters
sjd things therein contained; and now
The message, petitions, and resolutions, all
4ok to, and recommend an extension of banking
capital within the state. The committee have
tTocceded with greutcare to review the financial
.nd business relations of the State Bank with the
country, particularly in its agency in advancing
he agricultural, mechanical, and commercial in
terests of tho state, and conceive tho course- of
the bank in reference to all those important and
growing interests of the state judicious and high
ly commendable. It is the unanimous opinion of ;
the committee, that the beneficial effects of the 1
institution on the business of the country a ro tooj
apparent toevery one at thi day for a single in-j .!, biil was oxr.ctcf befora it would be defend-
dividual to doubt the utility of such an institution e,i. Mr. Kinney made an argument against the
as the Slate Dank of Indiana. As a statu institu- 15th section of the bill, which "provide?, that all
lion it has ever been lending its agency to ad- IUws muking specific appropriations on the several
vance the best interests of the state. Its loans WOrks,or restricting tint letting on and particular
in proportion to its means have been liberal to al woiks,shall be repealed, and that the original ap
aafe produce dealers, loans above all others calcu- pr0priation of 10,000.000, shall be a general ap
lated to advance the Agricultural interests of the propriation , any portion of which may bo expend
state; and for which reason, (if there were none ed, at tho option of the Board on any work or part
other) it should bo the prido and pleasure of tho Gf a work; provided that the faith of the State be
Legislature to increase the resources of the hank, pledged for the final completion of all the works
by additional state stock, in order more effectually at a3 early a period of time as the interest and
to secure the husbandman a sure reward for tho resources of the State shall permit, and provided
products of hit industry. And as the bank de- that no amount shall be expended on any work
pendson the continual success of the husband- ,evnod the original appropriation affixed to each
man in converting the produce of tho country in ! work.1' Mr. Kinney contended, at considerable
to cash for the only certain or sure supply of the j longth, against the provisions of this section, as
precious metals for tho use of the bank, and which I j effect destroying the guaranty each particular
are necessary to its very existence, and on which j wo,k had, for its completion. That the specific
its healthy stato depends, such loans should be appropriations were to be retained, but the time
encouraged, for by such loans will the bank in- nf completion of any work was only to be, in the
crease its ability to aid other important interests j language of tho billj "at as early a 'period, as the
of the country. interest and resources of the Stato will permit."
ino onrmriasueen instrumental in doing much j Mr. Petit also rnado a short argument in reference rrv part of the work connected with crossing of
- j i.whihiv.ii ! l(, miH (section, to wincii no was opposed, as uein"
debts of citizen morchnnts of the state, an appro- f contradictory in its provisions. He had a substi
priate sphere for its action, for thereby it becomes tuto prepared, which he would offer when the
emphatically a state institution, using its corpo- j question was taken on indefinite postponement,
rate ability to great advantage in collecting, and ie tj;: n()t cxl,ibit it; but we understand he is
settling the commercial debts due by our mer-i in f.lV(ir 0f Btrihj,1;r ()llt that provision, which con
chants in the eastern cities; its agency in this i template retaining the specific appropriations.
particular from its very organization has been After ho concluded his remarks the IIoue ud-
iiigniy nencnciai to ine country and at tho same j jmir,.ej UI.til two oYIoek. Thus it will bo seen. I ;r..a, w f,,il,Pr oWrvi.tinn. iml.ip.1 .nr.
that tne great sunject 01 mounication is iuiiiy no- to recommend a change ot plan, substituting per
tore tue llouso ot Representatives.
In the afternoon, Mr. Prolliti withdrew his mo
tion to indefinitely postpone the bill, and made the
motion that the bill bo committed to the commit
tee on canals and internal improvements, with in
structions to strike out from the enacting clause
and insert, "that the Board of Internal improve
ment bo composed of five members, giving said
From the Washington Giot-o. i
Wa are authorized from the War Office to state, i
1 -11 1 ..: !.. .. J
Jer contract, ana win uo yijjuiuujiy jhujui-uicu j
during iho next season. J
White Waies Casai. From Lawrenceburgh
to linjokville, a distance of JO miles oi chains,
ihe canal is very nearly finished. The water is
now being introduced, and with the exception of
those unavoidable hindrances to w hich new canals
are subject, there will be nothing to prevent a
regular navigation during the whole of the next
The long continued low water of the past sea-
. i 1 1 1 . 1 . . . I 11
son riaa euaoieu nits ciiiiiti.Lui9 in i.umiuc.u nt r i . u
. , iiii- 1 . i Oar only aporehension whs
the dama connected with this line in a substantial i- i
I. a
; tliat t.ie accounts of Gov. Cass with the Depart
jment re balanced to a farthing, and that ihere
! is not t ie lightest shadow of doubt in regard to
: the fairness and squareness of all his accounts
i with thi? Government .
! w .. .1.1: .l it.. i -. u r j . r
..a ..uuuuBuuve w.ui unieignra saiismc-.thirlv.fivo ,ni!!lons f,,,,,,
j tion. te never tor an instant admitted the be- I
I lief, that, Gov. Cass could actually be a defaulter. !
that durinrr his ad- i
York, in favor of the establishment of a Congress
of nations to keep the peace of nations: referred.
Mr. Linn ottered a resolution contemplating the
extension of the Laws of the L'uited tv.utes over
the Oregon Territory.
Tho Senate took up for consideration the Bill
to reduce and graduate the price of the Public
cJ. He also dcttnded the administration ftom .Lft
charge of undue part,a!ltv to thcir MW f J
1 heotjKii.on when in wC, llt
po;cy -f appointing the.r friends , otiice
Mr. Duncan took tho lUr and th House .J
Asiuxr.Tox. J.1n. S!. Ri-i
Mr. Hugh L. White, Senator
ppearcd and took.
tiom the Slate of Tenusif,
his seat .
Mr. .McKoaii presented an aUiLiL.m
01 .viiss. olj,!ctcd to its necp.
Mr. King, of Alabama, moved that tho que.
ii.mi oi reeepiiou no on tne table which
greet! to, veasVi, navs 14.
us a-
and generally sxi-factory manner. The con
tractors for these dam deserve much crJit for
their perseverance and skill. The loose and sandy
character of the bed of the White Wate renders
it a difficult and responsible undcriakng. The
dams are all formed with sloping crib of timber
filled with stone, and resting on a foundation of
brush and unhewn trees. The Hirrison dam is
i7 feet long and 0 fuet high fror.t low water.
This dam not only forms the pol in which the
canal crosses the river, but at'thesame time will
furnish an abundant supply of water for the lino
to Lawrenceburgh, as well ns for tho branch to
Cincinnati. Dam No. , at McCarty's Bluff is
J10 feet long and 14 fust high, from low water.
The purpose of this dam is two-fold; it gives us
control of the stream for the supply of the canal,
as well as for water power, at the same time that
it forms slack-water for the distance of one mile
and ten chains, which enables us to pass tho most
difficult and expensive bluff on the line, without
the cost of constructing a separate canal.
The dam across the East Fork, which was finish
ed last year, sustained no damage by the numer
ous high Hoods of the winter and spring, although
the guard bank, on the north side, was carried off
bv a Hood which occurred in December last.
These guard-banks have been'repaired and raised
higher, and made more secure than at first. Ev-
this stream appeals now to be substantial
I At tho timo of placing this line under contract
' it was designed to forma towing path across the
. pool of the dam at Harrison, and also ucross ;he
Ivist Fork, by incan3 of temporary and cheap
i brid"es restin" on wooden trestles. The rapidity
; of the current, however, and the great amount of
Mr. Clav. of Kenturkv made a few remarks j s- CAN V am tiik WAR DEPARTMENT
against the Bill, and nvn-ei an amendment limit-! Mr. Rives offered the following revolution
mg the sale, under the B. II, to actual settlers. ' v hirh lies ov er one dav. "
He said that the bill, as it stood, would cut off! Jletolced, That the President be repie?trd to
thirtv-fivo millions from the revenue of tho L'ni- communicate to the Senate at ns enrlv .l.v.
ted States, anil at a time when tho condition and 1 practicable, the terms of any nirrcemi nt in fot
prospects of the Treasury rendered it important j al or othcrw ise, which may have been catered
to hushand this rrroat imi.mil rnv-oniif lornnli. 1 into Imtn'ppn lfirt W-- I .- .
ministration ot the ar Department, there misht i Uc ,iomain. It woulJ encourage .o.nopolv of the I of the United States, respecting the sale or ov
I hve l!ec"n Peculations committed by some of his ub!ic lxnd atlJ ,)Ut m the power of the" specu-1 mom of one or more of the Bonds of this iiJiui
I subordinates, wmch had escaped h.s vtgi'ance, ,;lt(rs to mi)Ilopo!lZC millions of acres, and in so- I Hon held bv the 1,'n.ted States, relative to the I ,
land that amid the chicanery and corruption of the ,0, 1,,,,,. .t.,.,M., i,.,;.-11-. .. ! n,wi ,,f i'k. 1 .1... e .. . . . . .
day, an attempt would be made to sadd.e upon iej lo recommit tho the bill to the Committee on : the periods when, an.l tho u,,,,,.,,,, . i.:... . '
j Public Lands with instructions so to amend it as ' wore to be drawn out, tho places where to be
j to limit tfae right of entering lands under the bill,: paid, and the manner in which they were to be
oisnurseil (he tune when such
him, the sins of others. We are happy to find
that this, even, is not tho case, and that he still
stands before the country, without even a taint
upon his fair name. .V. 1". Cour. JfEnquircr.
fj2rThe Legislature of Maryland met on the
31st Dec. Hon. Richard Thomas (Whig) was
elected Speaker of the Senate, by a majority of
three votes, and Gen. Chas. S. Ridgeh , (Whig)
Speaker of the House by a majority of nine votes.
The official return of the voles for Governor
were opened and counted:
Grason, (V. B.) 27,720
Steele, (Whig) 27,100
Grason1: maj. Jll
The Loco papers are calling upon the new Go
vernor to "sweep"" all the Whigs out of the State
offices, and put in his friends. How disinterested !
Legislative Wisdom. A Harrisburg corres
pondents the Philadelphia Inquirer states, that
on Thursday last, in the House of Representa
tives of Pennsylvania, a resolution was offered by
one of the members "to appoint a committee to
j to actual settler:.
I Mr. Walker opposed the motion anil went fully
into the subject.
Mr. Clav, of Alabama replied to Mr. Clay and
accused him of hostility to the new s-tates as e
i vinred heretofore by his opposition to tho pre
I amp'ion laws.
Mr. Benton also supported the policy of the o
rif'inal bill.
were entered intu and whether with the Bank di
rectly, or wiih an agent or Agents of the Bank,
and in the latter case, the nunc or names of fuel!
agents, together with all the con ospondenco
which may have passed between the Secretary of
; Wur and the Bink mid its agents in relation there
to. Also copies of all circulars issued or instruc
tions given by any branch of tho Wr Denart-
Mr. Clay, in his reply said the senator from; nient, relative to the mono or medium in which
it of the
the a
Tiotes of
( iiie ob-
e been
attend the Eighth of January Celebration at P.tts- j non. 10 nis course o , me pre-e i.p.m.. iaw.
bur-r!" But. at the nr-mnt solicitation of til i wmct. naci neen amioea 10, nc was stiu opposeu m
Alabama had attempted to represent him as an I the money arising from the sale or-i
enemy to the new States. The charge conform- j said Inuids or ny pnrty thereof wv
ed with the impression w hich the senator wished ! and as far as can be convenientr
to make in the new states, but not with the fact. , mount which has been disbursed i
In nothing had he shown any hostility to tho new 1 the Bank under the said instruct'
states. The whole nolicv of the Government hsd ' jects for which the said disburseinv
been kind and parental to the new states. It was ' made, together with all correspondence or coni
not true that their growth had been retarded by ', munication which may have taken place between
the general Government or that there had been , ihe Secretary of War and tho Bank of the 11.
auv illiberality towards them. Their population ' States, or its HgenUor between him and anvoth
had increased in a proportion of fjur times as fitst ' r Department of the Government on the sub
as that of the old states. Millions of acres had ject mutter of these instructit ns.
been grunted to them for improvements and cuiti-
timo has increased the specie capital of the coun
try. 1 he bank haB received and paid over, or
disbursed large amounts on behalf of tho Gene
ral Government; and it is believed our citizens
have lost nothing by tho bank agency in this mat
ter, but indirectly their interests have been con
sulted and promoted, and the character of the
hank for probity and correctness is well sustained
at homo and abroad.
In order to increase the usefulness of the bank
in an extent corresponding with the growing and
improving interests of the state, it becomes one
of the duties of the legislature to increase the
moans of the bank by such additions to its capital
stock from time to time, as will enable tho same
to extend the sphere of its actions commensurate
1 thu agricultural, mechanical, and commer
cial interests of the stato. But there is another
view of the subject worthy of the notice of tho
Legislature. The dividends on tho stato stock
drift brought down bv the floods, which was made uPon llle department winch he administers, that
. . . 1 . 1 1 1 . 1 .
! ircu 10 ine vnooe last summer.
Tho Bill to reduce and graduate tho price of
r.nViti.. l-m.'tj U"iu hJinn m. i.u ll,. 1..-.C.I. I
Speakcr,he withdrew it before the vote was taken. ! lnucip!e to the p-o-emot.on law, not to discour- j if "K J
the motion iiiadi; by him yesterday to recommit
the Bill to tho Committee which repotted it wiih
instructions! to amend it as to limit its benefit
to uctu.il settlor. He said thu Bill, n reported,
11 1 pi,o li' iil ii ati i lion to thu piaiitilv
"Cohi'.leks am) Tinkers." The 'Madisonian
renews the charge, that Mr. Paulding, Secretary
of the Navy, is the author of the violent assault
aire the "r
tho spocul
fates, but to prevent
oli.mg lauds which
manent covered bridges, with longer spans, rest
iug on stone abutments. These bridges will not
only furnish a towing path, but will also ufftrd a
carriage way of 11 feet in width for tho ordinary
travel of the country. Tho cost of course will be
incroased by the change.
The total cost of the work and the amount of
The editor
support of the
says he has "direct" proof
charge. Jour. Sc Reg.
A proposition was recently made in the Mis
souri Legislature to name one of the counties of
the State after Senator Buchanan, of Pennsylva
nia. It was resisted by tho extremo loco foos on
the ground that the Senator was a Federalist.
We have been favored with a copy of the Lou
don Sun, printed in gold on the day of the coro-
wth ot the new
tors from
belong to tho whole. He had never used any dis
respectful words in regard to ihe actual claimants
the pre-emption laws thougti sucii words
labor performed on this division, together withjthe
Board full OOWer to IirOSeCUte such WOlks tocarlv Lust ..f,oh.r i.,irti.in-: nf the- imnrovemeitta which
completion, as they shall doom the most condu- i mav be described, will be embodied in a tabular ' "utl0" ut tlueen
civo to tho interest of the Slate, havim' in view : .ini.mi.ni nn n nt, affluent nacrn of this rennrt. tn i ueiiUliIui specimen
' a - - - 1 .v....v,.. ..... . j io- " I -7 -
the speedy connection of the pjoiic works, with which the Bjard are referred.
the great natural outlets of commerce, and to' The cor:3 of Engineers on this lino have been
! provide such chocks and guards as may be ne- enTaed during tho past season, when other du-
cessary to prevent improvident lettmgs ot the j ties would permit, in revising the location ot the
nublie works, and injudicious and unnecessary ex- ! lino (Vnm Urruik vi;ln to Hacrerstown.anH nr.i.ar;-9
ncnditures of public nmnoy " M It,.. rcO ; n tor contract. Some changes have been made The Free Banking Bill
unuer tne pre-emption taws inou
epithets which he. never used-
111 tits inoutr, ny rxuiaiors nero, to answer uieir
own purposes. IIo opposed the system id pre-!
emption be"aue it encouraged frii'iuulent speeu-j
lations. F.very vno ktu-vv that a pro-empli on ;
right was as marketable a commodity as a turkey i
at the Centre Market, on Pennsylvania Avenue.1
But he had been represented ns applying ubusive
epithets to the settlers on public lands. Here
Mr. Clay told the following anecdote which must
make some people on the floor "f the Senate and
elsew here feel as cheap ns refuse land at thomin-
II. At the
:aw a print-
f unii-hod
of htiid w
lo amend by striking out "five" and inserting j in the location of last year, by my advice, with the
"three" members of the Board. Considerable dis-! viw orpnerallv of renderim? the canal less liabiu
from the organization of the bank to the present ! cussion took place on this motion, in which it was t to interruption in its navigation. Tho mnt im
time varies but little from 12 per cent, per annum; j lirged, that the number five would continue tho portant of these changes, is that of crossing the
and under that view of the subject the state should j representative principle, indirectly, to a much White Water al Somerset, by means of an aquc
increaso tho state stock for the express purpose reater extent then the number three that if j duct, instead of passing it in the pool of a d.in.
(if for no other) of providing funds to pay into-1 tiey wished to retain the principle, why not re-I Durinw the past season the location of the canal
ot Queen victoria. It is a rare and
ot typography but tho oc- ! imum nrie under th; irraduation I
count given of the manner of its preparation ; hist session, he said, ho ac-ident a!Iv
shows, that the workmen engaged in printing it ; ed speech of a Senator from Illinois, in favor of
must have suffered very inuuh owing to the i tho pre-emption law, in w hich h ( Mr. Clay ) wns
deleterious nature of the composition used in j made to upplv some ab"-'vc e;iihts 4.1 !"
L'ililincr lp ' -- A 1.. J ' j ,n the public lands and pre-cmptiouurs. He
r-.n.t t.il. i.- Islicwed the speech to the trentlemau, e.tid called
J ches of the Georgia Legislature.
jeandidate for Governor, by a Convention
I assembled on tho l'dth inst.
rest on state loans made for purposes of internal j tam the present number nine! On tho other hand I has beeif extended as far north ns Hasrcrstown, a Philadelphia-inade Machinery stands so high, not
1 1 : . . . . . . . . . . , . ; (.. -1 ' . ' I . 1 . t . - 1 ... 11
irnnrnvanitpni. u is neiiu vtnu. t iihii in; hiqih : .. u ..,...tndai ti.ut m i,trt inn t. 4 .1 ,.r . t .i n ..1 1 t ri itoina 1 uu v u 1 1 in mu; -i nn; wiiu.T. dim h tsn 111 1 rn p.
have converted all state loans made for internal wou,l leave a greater portion of tho State en- Road. The minimum discharge of White Water, : ur enterpi isoig and highly respected fellow-cit-
I bis attention to the misreprescntnttnn. 1 he gen
! iloinfin verv nroiiuitlv udmilted error and
McDonald, of Bibb county Geor- ,miiiiised to lrr?rt it." U did c.rrcrt it and sent
been nominated as tho administration i.iW Mr Phv a ennv of' thu corrected sneech :
. . v . ' 1 - I '
nicn but, sir, (said Mr. Clay) tin edition of the speech,
; which contained the misrepresentation, w'as, af-
We are happy to find, that the reputation of ter all this, the one which was circulated!
hich would ho-. entered itt the reduced
price by any one indiv idual . His moUnn allow
ed actual settlers toenltr ItiO a its each.
Tho debate was Continued bv Mcsr. Williams
of Miss., Clay of Ala., Walker, Piestun, and
Tho voto was first taken on the motiuu to re-
i commit uud decidtd in tho affirmative, us fol
i lows:
Yl'AS .MessrF.Biehanan, Calhoun, Clay, of
! Ky.. Cl.i Vtoii, Crittenden, Davis, Foster, Kiuglit,
j McKuau, Merrick, Morris, Nilcs, Picn-e, l'ron
I liss, Preston, Rives, Ro me, R ibbiii, Rugle,
. Smith, la., Strange, Swift, Williams, Me. 2-t.
I NAVS Messrs. Allen, Benton, Brown Clay,
, ..f" Ala., Fulii. U:ibb rd Kiii-u Laj-4 --l v-
i j.von, monion,
J Smith, of Conn., Tip
; Miss. 20.
jr 3m
m; p
it ion
( 'lav, a t tho reooc s t
d" sevcr.i7Ss-fn
fiod the instructions so its to have the i j u m I i7i7jV
the hud to be entered by the settler blank, mid,
in this form, the i list rue t n ms went agreed to, yeas
20, nays 17. Tho Sen ile then udj mined.
IN THi; IIOL'SM. Mr. S. Williams moved
improvement purposes, into bank stock at the
commencement of tho system of internal im
provement, the state might hare beon relieved
from the one-half of her foreign debt, and annual
interest on such moiety.
It is true tho stato would have been compelled
to make loans of the state institutions, for carry
ing on the public works. But the bank issues of
paper would carry on the public works, as it now
deos, and would always bo received in payment
of principal and interest duo, or owing by the
state, but not so by eastern capitalists. And al
though the state should bo largely indebted, the
citizens when taxed to pay either the principal or i
1000 c. ft. per min.
37G0 "
in- Tin- ut M'f r. .' .
L . AilL-J 11' .1.1 . iHIU III.1. Ill' tl : i , , , I II . , , . . ,
j i , . i .i . i . i; ,!at tho House meet hereafter at 11 o clo k A
'mend the lournal so as to show that ho presented! . , , . n.
n letter threatening him with iiss.iisinat i m on ac
.ci .i it n i i ii- ,r- ,llv nioeu uiai -no uotiso tHKe nr
count of his coursi in this Hi:iMi. He tiad o 1 r- ; , . ..... I
' cd it because it was written in tho sine spirit
i with tho transaction of Mr. Stovensi.n. which ho
wished to brill." befure the House. Tho letLer
intended for the iirmingham and (ilowcster rail i was ilbef a g00( commentary upon the conspi-j
wav. N hen we tako into view tho nnarier ("mm i - i .i... i:r. . ti. fiv u '
whence tins order comes.it is a very high compii-i x, itn wished .t the.rfor t.v . ,mo., H. Journal to ,,,e.leU,iU ui eu- nrles Gratiot, which
tirelv overlooked. That the Biard, if threo be i which must suoolv the canal with water, has been eii, w. .orns, Jr. has just received from Lng
appointed, would most probably be taken from the ; ascertained, during the past year, to be us fol j 1 tid, an order tor TF.N of his Locomotive Ln
north, the south, and the centre, to wit: Mr. Lewis i lws, to wit: gines for Rail Road?, six of which are to bo of the
., iho nnnh Mr. (iraham in tha so.th. ami fiov I'l'h. .- lAirka iinitf,l nt largest cians, anu lour oi tno secona they aro I
Noble in the centre. Messrs. Baon, Judah,Owen, ! Hagerstown
Pettit, Field and others advocated the proposition The main stream at Fel-
for reducing the Board to three; and Messrs. j ton's mill,
Proffitt, Marshall, Milroy, Mr. Speaker F.vans, Do. al National Read
Cutter and othors wero for retaining the number j Do. at feeder below mouth
five. The question being taken, was decided in i of Green's fork.
the affirmative, ayes 51, noes 12. It was giren ' From Brookviilo to the Feeder near Somerset,
out and taken as a test vote, in favor of reducing the whole of tho line is under contract. Above j 1 1 ea v v Loss of Cattle. Yesterday morn-
the Board to tnree. i great ueai oi snarp snoot- that point as tar as tne .National Jvoao, some oi me , jnj? Messrs. Cunningham and Scott of Bourbon
incr was exhibited in the debate. On the decision ; heaviest iobs onlv have been let. The total a-i
j . . l . j . . J tS . . j v,uuuti j lit uiiv.uii'it,u iu a't hii (I uiurt; u imy
interest, would be enabled to convert their labor, 1 of lhe above question, Mr. Judah moved to amend j mount of contracts which have been mado north fine cattle'from Covington across th river to this
produce or merchandize of tho country into pn- lhe instructions of Mr. Pioffnt, so that the bill j of Brookville, estimating tho work at contract cltvjn l0ina- so , thecattle becarneentanrrled in
i an v H i f ' 1 1 1 1 1 li 1 1 u na ivnu ii inn rv.n ia oi nn i 1,1 i-.11.. i. . . . 1 . 1 . . i .., . . - . ,,1 - . r
t " ' siiouiu oe so iiuiciiucu uy mo vuni vommmec, , prices, tne amount oi wurn jichumhcu, ivt.,iii j ,i,e CC( 4n( (WelltT three of them drowned and called a quiz; treason w;is a juiz, and lorgery a
8iaief anu mo pmiB iimreuy eimuiuu luirnneei me that lhe Wabash and l,rto canal should he cem- be seen m the tabular statement t.etore reterrcd to. ; immediately sunk under tho ice. At the t r- ! fuiz. He thanked the treiitleman from Alabama
pleted to Lafayette, and those threo other works j Since the last annual report tho public service - count only four of the drowned had been regain- lor his information. The letter hnd not alarmed
that may require the least expenditure to com-, has sustained a loss in the death of Sampson Tur- e(j ye 3l,ppose them to be useless, Liwever, 1 ""n, but such menace could not bo treated as a
plete them, and the shortest time, and that will , bert, resident F.ngineer on this canal. The va- , except fijr their hides. WQ hope these downud' ! quiz.
afford the greatest return of profits tho soonest, cancy thus created was filled, with the approba- : cattje Rre not to he brought into market. Mr. Adams' resolution to amend the journal
shall be first prosecuted; and lhe other works to ; tion of the Acting Commissioner, by the appoint- j ye understand that the proprietor of the ferry : wa9 lost-
be prosecutevl in tho order, combining these qual-; ment of Mr. S. Holman, who had been several ; i,oat 0ffereJ to carry the cattle across the riv er I Mr. Cushman had leave to make a statement
ifications. Some further animated discussion took vears in the service of the state. ! for 25 cents per head but the owners of t'ue ,f ,ne House.
place; but before any question wss taken the) : cattle would not rive the price, and to save the' On Monday, the gentleman fiom V irginin, (Mr.
M. lost.
Mr. May moved that the House- tnke up for
! consideration the motion of Mr. 'amhreleii" to
i refer tho subject of S.varlwout'a Delalcation toe
I Select Commitlee lost.
Mr. Underwood oil'. i red a resolution calling up
on iho Secretary of War for information relative
mont indeed. Mr Noma has already had orders
for several for the continent of Europe, which
have been furnished and have given cntiro satisfaction.
I agreed to.
House adjourned. So far as the House is con-
cerned, th question is now settled, fixing the j
number of the Board at three, should any modili-i
cation tako place.
From the Wayne County Chronicle.
We invite the
Ir is reported that David Ilenshaw, lite col
lector of the port of Boston, has absconded lo
of the People's monev in his pocket. Hcnshaw,
it is said, was in Cincinnati last week, on his way
state debt within the state, in a medium and in a I
manner greatly to the interest of every class of
citizens within the state, but more especially so
to the tax-paying portions thereof. Inasmuch as
an indirect tax is less objectionable to tho citi
zonsof the stato than a direct tax, and believing
that it is of the greatest possible importance to
keep tho taxes ot the people at tha lowest prac
ticable point, consistently with the dignity, faith
and character of the state, therefore the commit
tee .herewith report a Bill to increase the capital
stock of the State Bank of Indiana.
Jan. 3. Mr. Smith of W., presented a petition
from Wm. Baker and othors, for a change from a
rail road to a M'Adamised road from Hagerstown
io Wayne county, thence to intersect the Central
canal at Muncietown referred to a select com
mittee of Messrs. Smith of W., Kennedy, and
By Mr. Konnedy, from lesse M'Kinney and
others, relative to a change in the road from Ha
gerstown in Wayne county, to Muncietown, from
a rail road to a M'Adamized rood referred to the
same committee to which was referred the peti
tion on the same subject, presented by Mr. Smith
of Wayne.
From the Mechanic ami Indiana Stale duett
Monday, January 7th, 1S3!J. This morn inf.
the great subject of modification camo up before, the water,
tho house of Representatives. The bill, introdu- This C
ettti IV tho mrhlitii.Mtiin r mitt.. r.: 1.. .. I... ! , .... , t
l,vGe MoW n Y. I, nn Z 1 V J V' i mense , a",e l lne col,nir-v- " e lainii wc nz- is so probable, that there can scarcely be a doubt
UV Vjen. .Vlilrov . uoinf under rnnci. nntinn i ; ,i. : : .. . i t ' . ..
. . ;r ; mu iKHUini: in y iv mi;, i:ni ine uireci nno inuireci i nf tho f-t ih, th,-
niiiitinn hiinrr nn ii, i.r..-,.c.. ....... . r.- .u:.i: . . . - . . . ' oi 1110 i.n. i, i.ni ioi-
' s".-moin ., miru i advantages derived from tins Canal curin the
reading. Mr. Owen opened thedebate,by exhib- nCxt two years, will completely silence all com-
itinf a calculation, in avnrialv nfliKI.. cKnn,:. - . , " , Vr.. t-. , .. .
- v t waiwiii. auc-r niiiiiiini tit i t ii . -v .- . , ' I . w I .
' T" i vi it. 1 1 i imc uuii.ti anu icuui-iDtJ t:t 11 is un t 'ti. ' , ... ..t .1 : x r , - 1 1 .
- - j iiiisu'ii wijj u L'n;: iijuu iiti ui'.' arj ui e.c-
tha hundred dollar?, for Internal Improvements.!-,. .- .v. i .
' i 1 t ihl 1 in u it: nit'ti . ana X3ci i uit. i i i .1 1 ,1
ri;rht to consider himself robled of so much tna-
Congrcss was not in session New-Year's the
members having taken a holiday. The Intelli
gencer says, a large proportion of the Senators
i &o ho wished it therefore to go upon the Journal.
' Mr. Dixon II Lewis rose to s;iy, us the imine-
i diate representative of Montgomery in Alabama, ; Wisconsin Contestko I'lwtion. This being
! that he had examined iho letter in question, and the day set apart for iho consideration of tho
i could say, without hesitation, that it was a quiz. ; Wisconsin contested election.
There was no person in the town of Montgomery j Tho report of iho Committee of Elections on
' of the name with the writer. the subject was taken up and read.
; Mr. J. Q. Adams said there was no paper of The report comes to 1 ho follow ing conclusion,
'any kind that came before tho Huuse but could - viz:
j be called a quiz. In this way murder might be : Jtrsolrrd, That J unes Dof v n nnd J..hn W.
Jones is not entitled to a seat 111 ihe Hooke, n
delegate from the territory of Wisconsin.
.Mr. Craig spoke in support of the vitWs of the
Mr. Thomas of M l . followed nnd moved that
the resolution bo amended bo as to ""hI bs fol
lows: itJf:
llexrdrrd, That JarnfS Doty U not and lli.it
John W. Jfines is nut entitled to a eat in this
House, as delegates from Wisron-in. Mr. Thom
as spoke at great length on the subject.
Mr. Curbing followed and rpoke in favor of
Mr. Jones'' claim.
7 Ir. Randolph, of New Jersey, sustained the
claim of Mr. Doty.
Mr. Crary spoke in favor of Mr. Duty's title t
expense of feiriagc, concluded to swim ihe rattle Wise) offered a resolution to appoint a committee,
over. The owners have consequently paid dear-' 1V ballot, to prepare articles of impeachment a-
ly for their parsimony. Cin. Wing.
amst -Mr. Woodb iry. He objected to tne reso
lution, at the time; but not because he wished to
oppose the investigation. He was sure that the
Secretary of the Treasury was anxious for any
invcttirrat'trin inln hie rrinrtnrt ifiil the Ifruicsk ill., tha Hon! Tr VlC-fT . lif W :Krhuvf ll. took
toTTHs. He was the main orou of the Admin- S aro Kepresentatives, as well as the members ot ; nA lwt,,- k; ..i,;-.. ,k? tK ,.
attention of our readers to the I1Jlr,.. ; n.mn nH ,,n i,f th verv the several Foreign Legations, and many citizens 1 . .' :i.i .u. .u :.: u..i.i l.- t- -r.v: - . - iK. mL
Annual Report of Mr. W illiams, Principal Lngi- warmest advocates of the Sub-Treasury scheme. I ana their families took advantage of the occasion j raj,efj j,, tho ordinary wav. Load lauf hter.l " ject, when
neer of this State, on the White Water Canal, ti, nr.m ,ir. nf SxLTr.nr.r. hat;nr, to pay their respects to the President of the U. I 1 ..'1 . 1 F m- n,. t:.,.tv 1 . :
1. ...:ti 1 . t . ' " c. . . t 1 .1 - 1 -.ii- ' " " - - ' " - - " ....... , -. - - ,
n win 00 seen inaiine '..,t ihip iuvbn am ret ftinniar nn- tit i otaies, ny.w iiom iijey were received wim discus- ; :j t -..i 1 .1 .i,.i. ....tino.)
' -- e - f-r "v. , ... - J-rtlU .UI. VJBIllllUll, X OlirCC CCll IU IIIC BIILIUIIII-- i.iu'.m . j . ..w .
leaving behind them a bankrupt Treasury. It i ornary couriesv. .v numuer 01 mem w anea also ; . f eomm.efi i.v ballot, nrovided it be The main question beint? nut the Resolution re-
which we publish below.
whole lino between Lawrenceburgh and Brook
ville, is nearly completed
remains for the people to decide whether they
consists cnieny 111 tne lowing-pam orioges, and Wlli out of their hard earninsrs, aeain replenish
races for water power at Lawrenceburgh, which j the Treasury, to be a second timo rifled of its
will not prevent the navigation of the Canal. I cr,n,ent,, by another horde of Government rob-
untess, irom unavoidanie circumstances, naviga- 1 ber, As iontT as thc Sub-Treasurv scheme is in
now is, although not sanctioned
long will they be swindled out of
1111:, uuiii uiiavuiuAuitj v iK-unisiuiiutjT', uav 'g- ! per As lon
tion will commence upon it in the ensuing spring. I operation, as Ft
Wc understand that sev eral Boats w ill bo ready I i(V- a.
1... .: .. t ....: ' J11"1 ho
lor uuMiicsa so 5ovu us iiific tin uc a icinug in OI
f water.
This Canal, when completed, will be of im-
eairl T Poehmin T afPaA a r a - aKa niinint.
: upon .Mrs. .aaison ana ex-rresident Adams, and j ralsed immediateU. ported from the Committee on Elections, it ws
j offered them the compliments of the season. j Mr prentil3 remarked that the mover of the agreed to Yeas 103, Nays 25.
Intemperance. Gor. Boggs, of Missouri, in ! resolution, Mr. W'iso.) was now absent; and he ' So Mr. Doty takes the seat,
ibis late Message, recommends the entire repeal ! was about to make some reply to Cushman, when j The Houie adjnurned.
of the law authorizing the sale of wines and snir- i the Chair arrested his remarks.
itous liquors to be drank about the premises of the i -lr. i'rentiss aked leave lo make a statement,! oki.t r ike in IvIciimono, a.-
vender. 4-SjcIi traffic," he savs. 4iis destructive and moved the ;usnenivn of the rules for that . kibnt.-
talcations ot the Crovern
j ment officers un.'.er me past ana present admin- legislative provision, with a view to the suppre
j istrations, known and undiseovered, amount to at sion of the evil.
work tinder contract, and the amount of revenue
to be provided for, the present year, to meet the
interest on the State loans. By Mr. Owen's cal
culation, under the present valuation of property
in the State, the amount to be raised will be some
thing near seventy-five cents tax on the one hun
dred dollars of taxable property. This argument
was mado, with tho avowed p'urpnse of showing
tho necessity of a modification of our internal
improvements. Mr
from New Hampthir?. Mr. Cu-hman, whether hef supposed lo have originated mere, UJt ir. ii.
was authorized bv Mr. Woodbury to rncke the i feMtivo it did not . There is but little dubt ttat
and that too with cheerfulness. For their hih
taxes they receive more than equivalent in the
greatly increased value of their property, and ihe
ready market for their produce. Such, in a few
years, will the general result throughout the State
of Indiana . So soon as our principal public works
j go into successful operation, the great danger ap-J
prehended from high taxes will vanish. Even 1
howinir that the artU. ,,,. 1 , 7 X . worn?, seveuty-tive cents on the one hundred dol
of ourfnSjri of ,axabIe will be required; that
rail-rond ca'r hurried by the the incre3sed f ,he
locomotive, an emblem of the obfe wnich he I I i '" expensive market procured for it,
r - . , ., . : . Jccl lo " men the ran- bv a larre ma tor if v nf 1K0 I'-ol k- .
rnieea on tnose bonds is to be aDDrenria tt I i 1 .1 . V f,v'
On one side wa th f,,, 1 nated;i eas.ly paid, than twenty-6ve cents on the same
- - 1 uo lewaru '
of hi. toils and indust
Bmy..n KC.. T t I
rv nn . i " ,l . , ! vi niiit-ioai improvement system
ry, and on tho other stood a . rinm.n
ney, which he has all or in part, paid into the
Treasury, for the support of Government. How
long will this state of things be tolerated? How
long will the people permit their money, not only i
it was the work of an inctndiarv.
By the Richmond Compiler we learn that
j thcir funds by the profligate and dishonest crew ; to lne peace and morals of the people and ouht ; purpose. Lost, 0 to 07. Saturday night that city was visited by one of
! of office-holders, which the last and present ad- to ho prohibited." e ! Mr Wio hav in-r come iuto tho Hall asked ' the most extensive fire hich e er occurred m
t - .- 1 c ..... t 1
ministrations nave called into tneir service, it; Gov. Duncan, of Illinois rails th atfntmn nf leave to make a f-utement in renlv to Mr. Cush-Mt; and which destroyed the Li-.'ie iioiei, ano
the Legislature of that State to the subject of in- man, but leave was refused. ' i three large brick tenement". The alarm was
temperance-and recommends the adoption of some Mr. Wise af-ked to yeas and nays on the mo-s given at eleven o'clock, when the fire was disco-
tion which he rn ide, ,o suspend thc rules, and he ereu issumrr trom a basemen 1 mreiireiii,
aid his object was to inquire of the gentleman i ped by Mr. B:wth, upholsterer. It was generally
George H. ProtTit, E-n. is announced in a late
No. of thc Evansviile Journal as a candidate fr
Oonress. in tne r irst Congressional District of , r , ; ti . t- n ..1 . k,., ,.r .;. .-J iU m.
, ; , .n . 1 u r- 1 T. beave was rt:uea, utl 10 ?y, not two tnir.j" 1 ne i,airie nvin .. i v
Indiana now represented by Col. Boon. Mr. P. ' j bles are partially barned. The building cTigmally
womd do honor to the District, and is, withal, a Repohts ird?i Coxwittees. Several reports; i-20 000. but a-e had much diminished its
jhrm and devoted hig. It is understood that , of a P" ate character were made from tue Corn-! vxJtJC' 'n.ere was a nett insurance ujion it of a-
CoL Bf,n dcc!ines to be again a candidate. mittees. I hou s20,OW. It was owned bv Messr..lAba
trt K E.i?ianPfPf? rwnv in nrnfiKP nnri finnrtfecai. John L T V C tf . FIn. 1 a ranrliilato fir P? e rvran. PnriTnrv-r'a T.n Ti I f 1.,.L- -.t fX T? iftirnAn.l enrl AV.nof T?fli!fOB 0
rv expenditures but suffer themselves to be ROB-' tative in the District (tho seventh) now represen- Committee of the Whole m the etate of lhe Ln- Ixwisiana. Their joint loss over and above n
BED, by a set of official thieves, countenanced j ted by Mr White. He is of the VanB.iren school; ion, upon the President's Message, Mr. Adams in surance i estimated at alnut &X,000. Tb booe
and supported by the highest officer in the Gov-) and will be ruled of, in company with our friend ( the chair. I was kept by Mr. II. W. Muck, whose km
ernment! If this state of public depravity is j of the Indiana Eagle (Dr. Jackson,) to make room j Mr. Cushman spoke at considerable length in j furniture, wines, dc. is $10,000, not a cent
cii 000 orta
.-JULILU i-.,..... ... ...v. I " e , - -. . . f - . . . . ; " ' I I IfZ .WrCVI I T . ' 1 l j e ft VHflJi, I WiS9 1 " C O IR.UICU. . 1 1 . .'A. 1 W - V .,,
crime without punishment, how long will if be. j e think the people w ill hardly elect either of the j the allegation that he was acquainted with
ere private morals will so degenerate, that no law j trio. They are all three Sub-Treasuryitcs. ! the frauds of Swartwout before thev were made
inflicting penalties upon those who outrage the
peace of society, can be enforced! The Govern
ment of the United State?, has arrived at a fear
crisi. Corruption is the instrument wielded j District. Wabash Courier.
W m. P. Bryant, Eq. of Parke county, is an- j known to the public. He reviewed the cases al
nouoced in the last CrawfordsviUe Record as ajluded to by the gentleman from Mississippi, (Mr.
candidate for Congress in Seventh Congressional Prentiss,) and argued that it was impossible for the
Secretary to know any thing of the frauds charg-
of bonds, the most of which it is hoped be wm
able to get pau!. The flames fptead won ----rapidity
that nothing was saved; BD. -JT
barely" time to rescue hit family hi mU9
unfortunately was confined to bed sernn-7 "
and her exposure was very hazard

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