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Page Two. The Hichmond Paiiadium and Sun-Telegram. 1 One Championship America Don't Hold ar- ftft H A 0 MOTHERS VICTOR Ml The Kind You Hare Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per sonal supervision since its Infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with, and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR I A Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare poric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMC CCBTau IOMMNV, TT UHU (TKCIT, H YORK OITV. Drs. Chenoweth & Dykeman DENTISTS Masonic Temple, Cor. 9th and North A Sts. AN ADDRESSBY WATSOH To Speak at K. of P. Conven tion in Marion. BIG TIME IN PROSPECT. Marion, Ind., March 20. Bis pre parations are being: made for the Sev enth district convention of the Knights of Pythias to be held here Thursday. It is expected that fully 2,000 visiting knights "will attend. The Marion lodge recently occupied its new home, and is in position to wel come the visitors. One of the features will be a street parade, led by the Kokomo Uniform Hank No. 6. A. L. Lawshe, recently appointed third assistant postmaster general, is one of the speakers, nad Congressman James Watson also will be present. Morning, afternoon and evening sessions will be held. Among those taking part on the af ternoon program will be the Rev, W. E. Murray of Lafontaine, the Hon. G. A. Osborn of Marion, District Deputy Chancellor F. A. Payne of Wabash, Grand Chancellor Jonce Monyhan of Orleans, Ind., and Charles C. Smith of Wabash. The exemplification of the page rank in amplified form will be given by the Swa3rzee Lodge No. 431. REPORT OF SCHOOLS FOR THPAST MONTH It Shows That the General En rollment Was 3,342. GAINS FROM ACCESSIONS. r FACTS FROM FRANCE. There. I in, Paris a small theater for the deaf and dumb. Up to the revolution of 1T89 public executioners usually performed surgi cal operations in France. M. de Vallyer, who established a pri vate penny post In Paris In 1653, is also eaid to have invented envelopes. The largest theater in the world is the opera house In Paris. It covers three acres of ground, its cubic mass is 4.287,000 feet, and it cost 100,000,000 francs. The financial position of the munici pality of Paris was in a somewhat un satisfactory state at the close of last year, and to meet the situation it is proposed to raise a loan of 315,000,000 francs ($63,000,000), which will enable the municipality to undertake some Im portant works that have long been con sidered necessary. Pefc Tre. For FlantlMX- In the matter of setting out peach trees the first essential Is the tree. I 'want the largest tree of Its age I can get. In the matter of trimming, our whole theory is to have a low headed tree, headed down rather than in. I do not want close heading, but a freo circulation of air and plenty of sun shine. We have never used small trees. It always seemed to me that 8 good big tree, with a good root sys tem. Is capable of pro wing into a big ger tree. Joeenh Harton. New Jersey. The report for the first month of the second semester of th Richmond pub lic schools, was completed Tuesday, and shows that the general enroll ment was 3,342 there being 1.6G0 boys and 1,073 girls. The term and month ly enrollment was 2,905. The aver daily attendance was 2.600. The sta tistics as compiled' follow: General enrollment, boys, 1660; girls, 1,673; total. 3,342. Term enrollment ... 2.005 Monthly enrollment ..2,905 Average number belonging ...2,812 Average daily attendance 2,(.) Per cent, of attendance 02 7-10 Number remaining at end of last month 2,648 Gains by accession ............ 188 Number remaining at date ... .2.73S Number not tardy .... ...2.SG4 Number not absent .... ......1,352 Number neither tardy nor ab sent ,..1,228 Number days lost by sickness .2.5U2t Number of cases of tardiness 500 Number of tardy pupils 4X Time, in minutes, lost by tar diness ..........4,413!i Number of visitors .. .. ...... 191 PRO AND CON. Booth Tarkington. whose hair Is un usually thick, thinks that strong, rich food plenty of meat three times a day gives vigor to the scalp. George Bernard Shaw imputes his fine and beautiful gray hair to his veg etarian diet. Vegetables, he holds. keep the hair in a glossy and superb condition. Water has not touched Mme. Patti's face for seventeen years. She holds that water makes wrinkles and for her smooth skin thanks the cold cream with which alone her facial ablutions are performed. Mrs. Cornwallis-West (Lady Ran dolph Churchill) imputes her splendid bloom to cold water and to her repu diation of all creams and cosmetics, which clog, she claims, the pores and make the skin dry and yellow. Phil a delphia Bulletin. Mr. Hiram Offen I thought the doorbell rang a few minutes ago. Mrs. Hiram Offen So it did, and Bridget answered it. Mr. Hirara Offen But what's keep ing ner so long.' Mrs. - Hiram Offen A nostal rarrt probably. PhiladelDhia Press. Thcro to only ono That lo Similarly named remedies sometimes deceive. Ttis first nd original Cold Tablet im WHITE PACUiUG with black nd red lettering and bear" the signature of I if ' 'V : i V nil A r V W mm jfe :t V f f s J' p"'Jtb- y i n . Jy - lf f : A l !-' - i x m EMANUEL LASKER, WORLD'S CHESS CHAMPION. The champion chess player of the world, Emanuel Lasker, is now in hi thirty-ninth year. He was born in Prussia on Christmas eve, 1668. Herr Las ker began playing chess at the age of twelve, his brother being his instructor. At the age of twenty-one he first came into prominence by winning a tourna ment at Breelau without losing a game. He won the championship from the world famed Steinitz in 1894, a feat which was regarded as remarkable for so young a man. Lasker's list of victims at the chessboard is long and brilliant. He has made several visits to the United States, each time winning new laurels. In the World of Sport LOCAL AND GENERAL. SEASON IEM THE CLOSE Only Little More Than Two Weeks for the Rollers. A BIG JOB FOR WABASH Michigan Wants to Meet the Little Giants. MAY BE POLO NEXT YEAR. Two weeks from Saturday night the skating season will close at the Coli seum. There has been the usual in terest taken In roller skating this sea son and a most successful business has been done by the Richmond Athletic association. The roller skating craze seems to have come to Richmond to stay. In other cities the craze remains at fever heat for one or two seasons then dies completely out. For TEe past three years skating has attracted hundreds of local people and the indi cations are that the opening of the season on next Thanksgiving day will be as impatiently waited for as it was last year. Polo May Come Later. There has been considerable talk of Richmond: being in a fast roller polo league and the management of the Col iseum intimates that such a thing is possible. Richmond has been with out polo for the past three years and it is certain yiat a revival of the sport in the city would be a popular move as polo was always the favorite win ter sport of local people. Whitewater to Have Team. Whitewater, Ind., March 20. White water will have a fast baseball team this season. There is much material here and steps will soon be taken to form an organization. ASKS A FOOTBALL DATE. Crawfordsville, Ind., March 20. The Little Giants, of Wabash college, have an invitation to meet the Hurry-up Yost's famous football aggregation on the gridiron this fall. Manager Baird of Michigan wired this morning, offer ing, Wabash the choice of two dates, October 19 and November 9. The in vitation is decidedly complimentary to Wabash, and if the schedule can be so arranged the Scarlet will accept the in vitation. The only fear is that the proposed game will make the schedule too heavy for Coach Cayon's light team. Already they have games prac tically arranged with Illinois. Purdue, Indiana, Notre Dame and Vanderbilt. five big games besides several games with the secondary state colleges, and it is questionable if Wabash could en dure a sixth gruelling contest. ARROW CLUPECO SHRUNK rue mom. lie t for 25c CUCTTT. MtABODY CfX f-ll CLUPECO SHRUNK I f iff I II Qwt "- 3c t tor 25c I I II I II CUTXTT. PSABODY on. lii'J rrWVlUk rf C3w aed Mount ahiitoJT TEST WILL BE MADE OF THE NEW ENGINE Turbine Is Now in Position at ... Municipal Lighting and Power Plant. CAN DOUBLE BUSINESS. NEW ENGINE IS OF THE LATEST PATTERN AND ALMOST DOUBLE THE CAPACITY OF THE RECI PROCATING ENGINES. WILL BE A BIG AFFAIR. Rifle Shoot to Take Place at New Paris Thursday. New Paris, Ohio, March 20 The rifle shoot which is to be given here Thursday under the management of L. H. Reid, promises to be a big af fair. This shoot will determine the championship between Ohio and In diana. New York has thirty-nine suburbs in New Jersey. ' THE HALL OF FAME. Earl Grey, governor general of Can ada, receives a salary of $50,000 a year. Fifty-seven years ago Hon. Moses A. Safford was a page in the Maine house of representatives. He is now a mem ber of the house. William I. Cook, who is the dean of the newspaper fraternity in Baltimore, was seventy-six years old on Jan. 26. He was born In Chambersburg, Pa. - John H. Thompson is the oldest, navy yard employee in the country. He took a position at the Portsmouth (Va.) navy yard in 1S34 and has remained there ever since, excepting a few years during the civil war. Probably the only man In the United States to have a mahogany sidewalk in front of his residence is William H. Tripp of Janesville, Wis. The walk was made of the tierces of oil barrels shipped from the West Indies. Vice President Fairbanks nearly al ways walks from, his residence to the capltol and back and often, after dusk, goes for long strolls through the north western1 section of Washington. These tramps usually consume an hour or more, and Mr. Fairbanks rarely has a companion, preferring to be alone. M.,Touny, director of the Paris mu nicipal police, had attended the re hearsal of "Julius Caesar." The mur der of Shakespeare's hero disturbed his professional Instinct. He said to a friend: See here. There's a great er ror in this drama on the part of the police. Julius Caesar should have been protected." The regents of the Smithsonian in stitution filled, the vacancy which has existed since the death of the secre tary, t)r. Samuel F, Langley, on Feb. 27, last year, by the unanimous elec tion of Charles. Doolittle Walcott of New York, who for twelve years has been director of the United States geo logical .survey. . : . . Oscar Hammersteln, the New York theatrical manager, is is "original la his business' methods as In his theatrical enterprises. In spite of the extent of his undertakings, he'has 'no system of bookkeeping. All that he does in that way. is what his. .check book shows. Thousands fcass through his hands ev ery week, and he never loss accurate knowledge of all his complicated bus! ness affairs. : PLAYS AND PLAYERS. ' Mr. Kloblauch has written a new play for H. B. Irving entitled "A Loyal Rebel." David Belasco is writing a new play which is said to be intended for David Warfield. Henry Arthur Jones is to write a play of modern life for Otis Skinner. The piece is to be produced next fall. Kingsley Benedict, who has the lead ing role in Ned Waybum's "Futurity Winners," is a native of Washington. Henry W. Savage has added a fifth prima donna to the list of those en gaged for the role of 'Madam Butterfly." Henry B. Irving and Miss Dorothy Baird, with the English company. closed their American tour in Boston recently. . Harold MaeGrath, the novelist, is said to be writing a new play for Max Fig- man, in which the latter is to be starred next season. Mr. Sothern and Miss Marlowe will give a series of performances of "When Knighthood Was In Flower" dnrinsr their New York engagement. Sir Charles Wyndham has abandoned his plans for an American tour this season. He is planning to try Hubert Henry Da vies' new comedy,. "The Mo llusc," in Ixndon In the spring. Poultry Notes. ' In sending dressed fowls to market it Is very important to see that the animal heat Is thoroughly cooled out before packing. ' , If the fowls get too-fat, give them some grain not rich in carbohydrates. Oats' as a single food win tend to lessen the fatr . , , Many, fall with, poultry because of trying to winter too many hens in small quarters.". Hens that are crowd ed will not lay well. Artificial gas, the SCt ontury fuel 10-tt Friday and Saturday of this week a test will be made of the new turbine engine which has just been installed at the Municipal lighting and power plant. A large force of men Is now engaged in getting this engine "ship shape" and it is confidently expressed that the test will show the turbine can meet expectations. Can Double Business. The completion of this engine means that the Municipal plant will be in shape to double its business and It is stated by the board of public works that about the first of April an active campaign for new business will be inaugurated. Rates will not be cut, but it is an assured fact that the Richmond Light, Heat & Power plant will be given the fight ot its life. - ; "It Is to be a locked-horn battle to the finish between the municipal plant and the Light, Heat & Power company and you ca state that I do not thin,k the city plant will be the one exterminated," remarked a rity official. Is of the Latest Pattern. The new turbine is of the latest pattern and is almost double the cap acity of the two reciprocating engines which have been in operation at the plant since it first begun business. The turbine takes up about one-third the space of one of the reciprocating engines and there is plenty of room left in the engine room of the plant to install two more turbines. The new engine is shaped somewhat like a bell. Will Overhaul Old Engine. The board atfer the turbine begins operations will temporarily place out of commission one of the reciprocating engines so that it can be thoroughly ; overhauled. After , needed repairs have been made on this engine the other reciprocating engine wrill be placed out of commission and over hauled. The board also plans to run the overhead railroad tracks over the coal room of the plant so that the contents of the coal cars can be dumped into the building. Use artificial gas tor light and heat 10-tf BETHEL, IND. Bethel And., March 20. Mrs. Aman da Hunt, of Fountain City was visiting with Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Davis Tues day. John Davis and Francis Hyde have the measles. For a Pleasurable Physic Take Blackburn's C'astor-OII-Pills. Perfect physic, tonic and purifier. Sweet and little. 10c, 25c, 1.00, Druggists. BREAD In them is used a little more care in selecting material. Fust a little more skill in blending; the ingredients. Just a little more attention , paid to the baking: all of which insures the most perfect bread on the market. Try them and be convinced. Richmond Balling Co. CD) T Carts Carts Just the kind and style to make baby comfortable. Go-Carts are noticed on the street before the person that pushes it. BUY OUR KIND the practical, roomy kind 85 styles to select from. See our Al- win Cart, it collapses. This big cut shows three positions. Come see our great variety. ROMET 'S 925227229J1AINST. ' X White (Dedlajr IPootio are the thing. We fust unloaded a car of White Cedar Posts, and to move them quickly we are willing; to quote special prices on them. If you expect to use posts we suggest that you see us soon. We also have Red Cedar Posts, Chestnut, Oak, Locust, etc. LOVCL C3l ISILrLr ' 200-210 N. 4th St. LUMBER DEALERS ' PALLADIUM WANT ADS PAY. KLIS3Y- PCOIjn POT AMD BH TO Main Otreet i X : : X X