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8 PAGES PTH I MOM) PM ABIITM 8 PAGES TODAY H TODAY MIC VOL. XXXII. NO. 79. Richmond. Ind., Sunday Morning, March 31, 1907. Single Copies, 3 Cents. CAME FOR A TIME; ARE III CITY JAIL Several Residents of Eaton, Ohio, Gathered in by the Police Saturday. WOMEN DID A DANCE. Drew a large crowd to the alley between fifth and sixth streets, just off the main thoroughfare. John Minnix with Mary Minnix. whoi lie states. Is his mother, Rosetta Lutz,j vho he claims is his aunt, and A. R Jiall, also alleged to be a relative of 5-Iinnix, arrived in Richmond early Saturday morning, from their quiet liome in Eaton, O. Minnix and his 3;infolk, came to have a glorious out ins in this city. They had it, and will spend Easter Sunday in the city jail. The four Eaton residents, on their arrival here, began to imbibe of the tup that cheers, and by '2 o'clock all of them were in various stages of intoxi cation. About 2:30 o'clock, Minnix et al, ad journed to the alley just south of Main ptreet, between Fifth aand Sixth frtieets. There the two women began to innate the dance which is reported to be generally popular in Turkey, 3-gypt and Chicago. Drew a Large Crowd. This unusual attraction drew a large End astonished audience and it was not Jong before all the standing room in the- alley wa. occupied. The report that the Sultan's favorite pasUme was on exhibition in a nearby alley, finally reached police headquarters. Ser geant McMamis with Officers Livels berger and Vogelsong, sallied forth to put a stop to the proceedings, but when they arrived at the corner of Sixth and Main street, they found the Mesdames Minnix and Lutz and Mr. Ball leaning against each other planning some other j treat for the city folks. Mr. Minnix j was not present. "He has went," a street urchin informed Sergeant Mc Manus. 4 Gathered in by Police. The three were gathered in by the jolice. who inarched their charges to Ioliee headquarters. In their wake came numerous innocent bystanders. As Rail was being taken down the courtway which leads to the jail he grew indignant, and thereupon gave lattle to the three police officers. which was very foolish on the part of Mr. Ball, as he was promptly rounded up. After Ball and the two women liad been jailed the officers started out in search of Minnix. They did not liave to search far. as he was found Handing irf the city court room. iave come to intercede in behalf of my companions." remarked Mr. Minnix. "You can do that Monday morning be fore Judge Converse." said Sergeant McManus. "Right now its you to the NO PROSECUTION IN THE CASE OF SWAIN It Is Found that Economy Man Was Not Responsible For His Conduct. VIOLATES THE LIQUOR LAW. SWAIN HAS SEEN SERVICE ' IN THE REGULAR ARMY AND BE LIEVES HE IS AT HOME ON A FURLOUGH. .Wilfred Jessup. prosecutor, called the attention of Judge Fox to the case of Frank Swain, of Economy, who was indicted last January by the grand jury for giving liquor to minors. The prosecutor stated that Swain had seen l-ervice in the regular army and had leen discharged because he was men tally afflicted. Mr. Jessup stated that he had learned that the man was not responsible for his actions and that Swain believed he was home from the army on furlough. The prosecut or said that every now and then Swai.n would prepare to rejoin his regiment but was persuaded to remain at home by his relatives who told him that the war department had extended his fur lough. Mr. Jessup stated that con sidering the condition of Swain he thought it best not to prosecute him on the charge on which he was indicted, find he said that the unfortunate sol dier, who still insists on wearing the colors of his country, had promised Jiim never to reieat the offense. j There are several cases on the crim inal docket, including juvenile cases, which were not disposed of during th January term of court. Judge Fox told the prosecutor that he intended to clear up all tho:-e caos Monday and instructed him to U ' i hand bright end early. ' ftyl! - INVENTS HEATED FOUNTAIN Farmland Man's Device Gives Cattle Warm Drinking Water. Winchester, Ind., March 30 Minor Reed, a traveling man residing at Farmland, has invented a fountain for watering stock which is said to excel anything of its kind ever placed on the market. It is a labor-saving de vice and is so arranged that the water may be heated during the cold weath er, making it useful in the winter time. It is built especially for hogs and sheep and will hold sixty-two gallons. and ten animals can drink from the trough at one time. All that is nec essary for the farmer to do is to keep the tank filled and in cold weather have the heating furnace supplied with oil. This it is said, can be done at a maximum cost of 4 cents per day. TEI3E SPHRET OIF EASTER TUMIE. WINS MONTH WAS BANNER ONE FOR THE POLICE Up to Saturday Night There Were 67 Arrests. TEN MADE IN ONE DAY. USE OF C.,& D. TRACKS. Receiver Harmon Makes- Further 1 Concession to the C, C. & L. Cincinnati, March SO Judson Har mon, receiver of the C, II. and D., has signed the final papers granting to the C. C. and L. the right of the use of the C, H. and I) tracks to the In terterminal Railroad. This is practi cally the final chapter in the lengthy litigation resulting from Eugene r i- . c .i ! Central system. The month of March was a banner one for the police. Up to Saturday night there had been sixty-seven ar- dests inade, an average of over two per day. At local police headquarters a record of forty arrests per month is generally considered a good one. There is one day more in this month, today, and it is probable that the total num ber of arrests will reach seventy or more. One day last week there were ten ar rests made, almost an unheard of num ber in Richmond in recent years. The usual number of drunks were gathered j in and there were several important arrests made. If the police keep up the record they have made this month the additional policemen added to. the A MILLIONAIRE Fair Manicurist Will Be Able to Quit Work. New, York. March. SO Another fair manicurist has won a multi-millionaire husband from Broadway's undiminish ing crop. According ,to report today, William A. Dunlap, hat manufacturer, and mine owner, will be married next Sunday to Miss Lavender Byers, a Gib sonesque manicurist. The wedding will be at Chicago. Stockholders to Get Money. Indianapolis, March SO Judge Car ter of Superior Court entered an ord er directing George C. Hitt as receiv er for the State Agency Company to distribute $93,546 among the stock holders of the concern. THE WEATHER PROPHET. INDIANA and OHIO Fair and slight ly cooler. TAFT VERY WILLING TO JEETJROPOSITION Will Let Ohio Republicans De cide Contest.4 AN OPEN FIGHT, PLANNED. force last week will have plenty CIRCULATION STATEMENT. Cincinnati. March ..Senator For aker's challenge to the Roosevelt-Taft forces in Ohio, has caused Taft to make a counter proposition today. Taft agrees to leave the entire matter to the republicans of the state, as to who shall be their candidate for senator or president. The man defeated is to re tire fr?" Ohio "politics. " The proposi tion calls for a primary vote. In an open statement Taft says the contest will be an open fight .against those who oppose the president and his friends. "We are ready to submit it to the republican voters of Ohio and the sooner the better," is the last sen tence of Charles P. Taft on the sub ject. . . LEOPOLD FAINTS IN COURT. Created Sensation and Case is Contin ued Till Monday. WANTED AS A WITNESS. Henry Mosler, Artist, Has Gone on a Trip Abroad. Chicago, March 30. Leonard Leo pold, charged with the murder of Mar grett Leslie, created another sensa tion as he entered the court room to day falling in a dead faint. Court then adjourned until Monday. Have Bought Property. Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Tarsons have bought Arthur A. Curme's property on South Eighteenth street and will move to it . about the first of May. They are at preset viu Eleventh street The following from a Cincinnati pa per refers to the famous artist, who spent his early life in Richmond: When a notary from . Theodore Horstman's office called at the resi dence of-the daughter of Henry Mos ler early Friday morning, in" order to serve a subpeona on Henry Mosler to give his deposition in the Herman Serndino case regard in a the original . - SATURDAY t (March 30) Total Circulation Net Circulation 7,083 6,857 Paris salon prize painting. "De Profun dis." he was informed that Henry Mosler had left the city at 3 o'clock on South ! in the morning, intending to sail for ' Europe. LARGEST CITY CI RCULAT. K3N. LARGEST COUNTY CIRCULATION. LARGEST RURAL ROUTE CIRCU LATION. LARGEST PAID CIRCULATION. I Richmond's ' greatest newspaper. Doesn't skimp its news columns to ac commodate advertising. The more advertising carried, the greater the number of pages to the paper. Fresh, live news on every page, therefore of greater value to subscriber and adver tiser. Read the best paper. WILL PROVIDE A GUARD. Remains of Pope Leo Under Protec tion of the Government. LECTURE AT HIGH SCHOOL. ! Prof. J. F. ; Greenwood Will Speak Next Monday Afternoon on Some General Educational Topic. Superintendent .1. .F. Greenwood, superintendent of the Kansas City schools,' will lecture at the high school assembly room McYidas after noon at three o'clock. His topic has not been announced but will be on some general educational theme. Mr. Greenwood will stop in Richmond through the urgent Invitation extended to him by Superintendent Mott. He will go on to Dayton and .Cincinnati where he will visit the schools. The public is invited to the lecture. INSTITUTE A NEW FEATURE. Cavalry Schoof This Summer at Cul ver Military Institute. Rome, March 20 The Italian gov ernment has assured Pope Pius that a strong guard shall accompany the body of the late Pope Leo during its passage through the streets to the place of interment. Removal will take place in the day time. ENTERED FRENCH SCHOOLS Chinese Students Pass Up the United States. Paris, March 30 As a result of the altitude of California In excluding Chinese students from universities. 100 Chinese sons of mandarins with government scholarship, who intended Local graduates of the Culver Mili tary academy at Culver, Ind., will be particularly interested In the follow ing: "A new and interesting feature of life at Culver this summer will be the cavalry school, under the auspices of the Culver military Institute. The naval school has long since passed the experimental stage, and doubtless the cavalry school will prove equally as successful." P. H. KING DEAD AT COLDWATER MICH. Was Formerly City Clerk of Richmond and Deputy County Auditor Here. SEVENTY SIX YEARS OLD. FIVE CHILDREN SURVIVE, FOUR OF WHOM LIVE IN THIS CITY FUNERAL ARRANGEMENTS NOT YET MADE. R. H. King, of Coldwater. Mich., for ten years city clerk of Richmond, an I prior to that time deputy county audi tor, died Saturday afternoon. A tele gram was received here late in the af ternoon announcing his death. He was In his seventy-sixth -j ear. Five children survive, four of whom live In this city. They are Lewi?: King. Elmer Kiug, Harry King, and Mrs. Frank Lackey and Mrs. Rutii Miller of St. Iuis. Mr. King is al.u survived by his second wife. Several years ago the deceased was one of Richmond's, best, known roi dents. He came to Richmond when the court house was moved from C-n-tervilie. At that time he was serving in an official capacity for the county and during his residence here was al ways in the public service, cither for the county or city. He was born !:i Washington. I). C. near the site of the Capitol building. The funeral arrangements will ' be announced Monday. ' " , nnriT rinnx iiinriiniiin bntAi i-ibni iMmiuiiib Gen. John Lewis Is Seeking Mantle of Dowie. WILL HAVE OPPOSITION. Chicago. March 30 A battle for the spiritual leadership of Howie's sect which promises more pyrotechnlcal features than the most exciting feat ures of the dead prophet's career, is balng planned In Zion City by forces which opposed Dowie and Voliva. General "John "'A. 'Lewis, who is ho llered to have been selected in Dow ie's will to succeed him, arrived from Mexico today. ItNIs said he will be installed with great pomp when Dow le's will is read next week. Saints'. Days of the Week The saints' days for this week are: Sunday, March 31, Messed Nicholas Van der Flue: April 1. St. Hugh; 2. St. Francis of Paula; 3, St. Richard; 4. St. Isadore; 5, St. Vincent Ferrer; 6, St. Celestine. JEROME ADMITS HE IS SHORT Oil FACTS He Has Not the Proof Thai Harry Thaw Is Insane at The Present Time. WON NOMINAL VICTORY. IT WAS DECIDED THAT THE STATE'S EXPERTS, WHICH ARE COSTING $800 A DAY, SHOULD BE HEARD. WANT A SPECIAL CAR FOR CAMBRIDGE TRIP. Red Men Probably Will Be Accommo dated on Return From Dis trict Meeting. Representatives from the Red Men's lodges of Centerville and Richmond met Saturday night at the local inter urban station to make arrangements for running a special car to Cambridge City next Thursday. Owing to the ab sence of the general manager of the interurban company, no details were completed. It is probable that -the New York, March .. District At torney Jerome won a nominal victory afternoon when It was decided to ! his experts. The decision follow ed a discussion in which Jerome lost his temper, and confessed that the ex perts were costing the state ?so per day. The session ended after the de cision, until Tuesday morning. Jerome's experts must confine their statements to the present time. Thaw was examined four hours an1 was not flustrated. Five witnesses who have been in daily contact with Thaw testi fied that he is perfectly rational. Jer ome, while angry, openly stated that he could not bring forward facts show ing Thaw at the present time insane. It was stated today that there had been a clash of authority before the commission as to the custody of the prisoner. Police Court Captain Lynch wanted Thaw's prison guard to with draw from the room, but the latter de clined to do so without a receipt for his prisoner signed by the commission. The guard withdrew during Thursday's session, but today had different order3 from his superiors. He remained iu charge. Could Not Ignore Hamilton. There was much speculation today as to the reasons which prompted the subpoenaing of Dr. Hamilton. .One explanation was to the effect that Dr. Hamilton, having stated on the wit ness stand before Justice Fitzgerald his belief that Thaw at present s incapa- special will be run only on the return from Cambridge, the members of" the We of rationally advising his counsel. organization in this citv- and of In-! the lunacy commission could not afford to enter American universities, have j termediate stations taking advantage to ignore him if its records are to be entered French schools. - lof the regular car service in going. kept clear of objectiocs.