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50 o o o o o o o , o o o o o o o .0 . o o o o o o o o o o o o & o o o o o ;4 o o o o o o - O o - o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 6 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 000 it The Richmond Palladium and SunrTelegram, Sunday, April 28, 1907.. v Page Eleven. oooooooooooocooooooooooooooooboooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo o ' ., - - ' . o O. - : . .: . . . O Always Patronize Strictly PURE Drug Store lo X QiSiky liPinii Store OPPOSITE THE COURT HOUSE, Phone Number 198. Richmond, Indiana. PURE DRUGS Is Our Motto Always HP Dike (SiFCBa n Arxecomrriended to the public by the M. J. Quigley Drug Store as being the purest drugs on the market. These remedies did not fear the Pure Drug arid Food Law, but "were only too glad to see it come, as they had no trouble whatever in proclaiming their standing among the drugs of this country. The formula and analysis of each remedy is given on every package. Guaranteed to be ABSOLUTELY PURE. Myall's Hott SprMgs Blloodl MemmecDy As a blood cleanser, Nyal's Hot Springs Blood Remedy is unsurpassed. "Bright eyes, rosy cheeks, vigorous health spring from its use." It gives buoyancy to one's feelings, elasticity to the stepputs spring into the mus cles. ' Nyal's Hot Springs Blood Remedy conquers that run-down, condition of the system -which is characterised by weakness and exhaustion. It not only restores health, but fortifies against disease. It makes the blood pure and rich and greatly Increases tho oxygen-carrying power. Nyal's Hot Springs Blood Remedy is an efficient remedy for impure or impoverished blood, scrofula, boils, pimples, rheumatism, chronic malaria, salt rheum, tetter eczema, costiveness, biliousness, and all forms of blood and skin diseases. Many people spend large sums of money going to the Hot Springs an'l other health resorts who could easily and just as surely cure themselves at home without loss of time and at inconsiderable expense by taking a course , of Nyal's Hot Springs Blood Remedy. r . Nyal's Hot Springs Blood Remedy contains no mercury or potash and is free from harmful ingredients.' It is pleasant to take and prompt in action. , One Dollar per bolle. 8 IX FOR FIVE DOLLARS. ifillffllld ; OTn Effective Remedy for me prompt rr& er ana cure or'. LUMBAGO MUsaiiRRRniMAnsM MIOJIiRRtlHJMAriSM 5CUIK RHEUMATISM INfLMMRiI5M 00UIYRHHM1SM PHRlMATfr PAINS ,S, a wd rvertv a cure Myall's VegetfaiMe PFescirupttiioim Nuyal's Vegetable Prescription is a cure fop all ordinary diseases 'of women. This remedy never disappoints, its good effects being perceptible from the very first, and it has the advantage that Its use does not compromise modesty. It is composed of the purest and most reliable drugs mercurials and other objectionable drugs being carefully excluded. i The organism of women Is complicated and sensitive. The many disconcerting Influences to which she Is continually subjected render her lia ble to many functional disorders that not only tend to destroy her comfort and happiness, but which gradually merge Into chronic and serious diseases. Nyal's egetable Prescription Is without a peer for the. - successful .trcafc; ment or female weakness. ' " ; - n t lie Dollar per IboMe. - ; KiLdlinioy IPS Ms " The kidneys are-.the filters of the blood. If they become clogged, swol len, congested or Inflamed, their normal function Is Interfered with and as a consequence many substances, poisonous in nature, such as uric acid, urea, etc., ar retained in the blood and many serious conditions result. Many troubles and pains that have for years been attributed to the liver and Its disorders have lately come to be placed where they belong namely, to disordered kidneys. Patients may exist for many years with a disordered liver, being reminded of it from time to time by some of the many symp is of liver complaint; but not so with diseased kidneys, as disorders frora this cause are liable to result la tha much-dreaded Erigh.t's disease. The use of Nyy Kidney Pills will avoid this complication, as they have been pre pared in the most scientific manner to combat all diseases of the kidneys and reof those organs to a healthy and natural condition. Price, 25 cents per box. 'Nyal's Celery and Iron Pills This combination, of medicine fills a long felt want, for there are many common ailments not amenable to the ordinary blood treatment alone nor to the effects of ordinary nerve remedies. As healthy nerves must have healthy blood for their sustenance, so the prop- er circulation of the blood, although healthful In itself, cannot be performed under the stimulus of debilitated and diseased nerves. In Nyal's Celery and Iron Pills both blood and nerve, tonics and nutrients are combined, and containing, as they do, the necessary elements to replace the loss of these normal elements in morbid conditions of both the nervous and- circulatory systems, they have a wide field of usefulness, and as a sys temic medicine have no superior. Nyal's Little Liver Pills Prepared with a special view to their efficiency In stimulating the liv er and regulating the bowels. By this means they will relieve patients of many bodily ailments that are special ly prevalent where tho climate is in clined to be malarial. Among the ail ments for which Nyal's Little Liver Pills are particularly suited might be mentioned biliousness, constipation, iver complaint, dyspepsia, sick head ache, indigestion, heartburn, sour stomach, foul breath, loss of appetite, piles, female troubles, fever and ague, pain in the ide, dizziness, nausea, etc. Price, 25 cents. MyaFs Headache Cere Spot mm I ttuST IB These pills are put up in cylindrical boxes of 12 wafers. A reliable and quick relief for all forms of headache and many allied pains, such as neu ralgia, rheumatism, etc. 25 cents Per Package. .Qrinb iearty, Boys Girls Of our Fine Sodas and Sundaes, the very finest to be had anywhere in the city. Our Fountain was pronounced in EXCELLENT condition by the State In spector We invite you to call. Several Items of Merest to You About Our Store 1st, Learn our prices on all Patent Medicines. 2nd, Free delivery of all packages. 3d; Free messenger servtce. 4fc, Our phone is now Number 198. We Do Wot SUBSTITUTE The policy of this store is, "WE GIVE YOU WHAT YOU ASK FOR." If we do not carry in stock the article you wish, WE WILL GET IT FOR YOU, REGARD LESS OF EXPENSE TO US. Stores OIPIPOSITTE COURT HOUSE. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ooooooooooooooooooooo o o a ,o O.QOOO.OJDJD g QCPOOiCOOQSMJ POOOOOOOOOOOQQQ QQ goo o o ooooo ooqgcq fl