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Page Twelve. The Richmond Palladium and Sun-Telegram, Sunday, April 28, 1907. COMvIL The Phone Call Up Will Bring It If You PHONE 1235 Prompt Attention Given to Tele phone Orders. i The City in Brief. Butterlck's Patterns. Mcrrls & Co'R Carnival at The Big Store. There were fifty appicants for teach ers' license at the regular examination Saturday in the office of County Supt Jordan. Telephone , the T R WE ARE SELLING COAL AT VERY LOW PRICES FOR YdUR NEXT WINTER'S SUPPLY. 0. D. Bullerdick 529 South 5th SI. Office, Bullerdick's Cannery. to succeed S. A An Ounce Of Satisfaction Is Worth a Ton of Talk SATISFACTION goes with every Drink of Richmond Export For sale at all leading Cafes. Mi nek Co. Richmond steam Laundry to. get your laundry. tf Richmond was selected as the next place of meeting for the Union Medical cociety. which, met at Connersville last week. Big crowds at the Carnival at The Big Store. Come and C-elia Carroll the Holy City next Monday night at South Eighth Street Friends' church, for 10c 26-2t Officers for the ensuing term will be elected at the regular meeting of Rich mond Grove of Druids Monday night. Take your laundry to the Richmond Steam Laundry, 919 Main SL. Phoni 151 Carpets Cleaned. July31-tf John Bauer, who has been assistant ticket agentfor the C, C. & L. at Peru if ... j. i ujwiii Decome ageni. i fcjona, resigned. Come see who saved the Midnight Express next Monday night, 7:30, at South' Eighth Street Friends' church, 10c. 26-2t Hear the Angel's Serenade at South Eighth Street Friends' church Monday, April 29, 7:30 p. nil Kc. Come hear what the daisies say at South Eighth Street Friends' church Monday evening, April 20, at 7:30. Aumission 10c. Tody Hamilton, with the Barnum & Bailey's circus, was in the city Satur day. Hamilton stated that although the circus has abandoned the free street parade, it has arranged a free band concert. Carnival of Bargains at The Big Store. By the terms of the will of Nathan F. Kenley, probated in the circuit court, the widow inherits the entire ate. Big sisters sometimes tease little sisters, but come see what a little sis ter did at South Eighth St. Friends' church next Monday night. 126-3t The C, C. & L. will occupy its new city passenger offices in the Sinton ho tel within the next two weeks. It has been rumored that the Wisconsin Cen tral would be joined with the C, C. ;V L.., but this is denied by local officials of both roads. Cincinnati Enquirer. lival. Have you a boy? Then help the Y. M. C. A. by helping the Bon Tons raise their subscription. South Eighth Street. Friends' church next Monday night at 7:30. Only 10c. 26-3t A telegram announces the death of James, one of the twin boys, sons of Prof, and Mrs. Henry L. Cannon, cf the Leland-Stanford University of Cali fornia. Mrs. Cannon, formerly Miss Grace Lemon, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard T. Lemon, of this city. Additional ground for the site of the proposed new St. Mary's Catholic church, has been purchased by the con gregation. The property on North Eighth street, adjoining the corner, has been bought of John Weller. The consideration was $5,00O. Cart r BAUD CONCERTS AT GLEII MILLER PARK Proposed That, a Public Sub scription Be Taken To Make Them Possible. SENTIMENT IS FAVORABLE. BUT THERE IS NO LAW THAT WILL PERMIT THE CITY COUN CIL TO VOTE MONEY FOR THIS PURPOSE. - Members o the board of public works want a public subscription tak en up to meet part of the expense of giving band concerts the coming sum mer at Glen Miller park on Sundays and one other day each week. About $500 would be required to secure these band concerts and members of the board are of the opinion that half this expense would be met by the street car company, as it would be directly benefitted. It was thought for a time that the city would appropriate its share of the expense in giving these band concerts, but President Merrill now states that the ciiy has no authority to appropriate money for such purposes. Sentiment Big Factor. It is a sentiment among a large number of local people that the city could help maintain a band, notwith standing the fact that there is no law on the state statute-books legal izing the appropriatipn of money for such a purpose. It is pointed out that last year an effort was madd to block the appropriation of $100 for the bene fit of the Richmond Art Association's exhibit because there was no law le galizing such an act on the part of council, but that at this juncture City Attorney A. M. Gardner stated to council that the will of the people was mightier than any law. After this speech the money for the art exhibit was appropriated. Majority Are Favorable. There is no doubt that a majority of the people are in favor of public band concerts, Richmond being known all over this part of the country as a musical center. It is the opinion of many' that if council would take the same action in appropriating money for band concerts as it did in appro priating money for the art exhibit, the city fathers would find that they had made a very popular move. PATHETIC CASE OF IIISAIIE YOUNG MAN Homer Broyles of Delaware County, Placed in East haven for Treatment. CRACK BUTTONS ARE GREATLY IH EVIDENCE Main Street the Scene of Noisy Assembly. BAKED ICE CREAM 0. K. STUDENT IN HIGH SCHOOL. CONDITION EITHER DUE TO IN JURY IN A FOOTBALL GAME OR FAILURE TO PASS EXAMINA TIONS IN SCHOOL WORK. Oo voir eves need attention APPEAL TO COUNCIL Oil WAGE OUESTILIH Members of Fire Department Not Discouraged Over Rul ing by Board of Works. THINK OUTLOOK IS GOOD. INDICATIONS ARE THAT THE COUNCIL WILL FAVOR AN IN CREASE EQUAL TO THAT GRANTED THE POLICE. Do your eyes need attention? We give the best service possible. "We furnish only high grade lenses, Toric, Semi-Invisible and Invisible Bifocal Lenses appeal to particular people. ;7r. & r7rs. LingerfieSd Opticians and miss Switzer OVER ROMEY'S Office Hours: 8:30 a. m. to 5 p. FURNITURE STORE. m. Open Sundays by Appointment. ?Juu3 2& ft DTY YOU SHOULD HAVE IT AND YOU CAN HAVE IT By borrowing from us on your HOUSEHOLD GOODS, PIANOS, TEAMS, FIXTURES, ETC., without removal. That way you can be independent and also keep a good credit. You don't have to have any one go your security when you borrpw of us, : You are under obligations to no one but yourself. "We will give you from one to twelve months in which to pay You can pay weekly, monthly or quarterly. Following is our weekly payment plan for fifty weeks; $ .60 is -the weekly payment on a $25.00 loan. $1.20 is the weekly payment on a $30 loan. $2.40 is the weekly payment on a $100.00 loan, Other amount in the same proportion. DON'T FORGET That we give a liberal rebate on all loans paid r.eTOre clue. That way you only pay for the actual time you have the moEP?. DON'T BORROW UNTIL YOU SEE US Absolute privacy guaranteed, as we have private .offices. W'c make loans anywhere within 25 miles of Richmond. Richmond Loan Co. ESTABLISHED 1895 Room 8, Colonial Building, Richmond, Ind. Home Phone 445 Despite the fact that the board of public works has turned down the pe tition of the members of the fire de partment to nave tneir salaries in creased from $60 to $70 per month be f-cause of the present financial condi tion of the city, the firemen are not discouraged because it is not improb able that at the next meeting of the city council an ordinance increasing the salaries of the members of the fire department will be introduced. If such action is taken it is regarded as almost a certainty that the ordinance will be passed when brought up for final action. Councilmen who have been approached by the firemen have stated that in their opinion the fire fighters deserve larger salaries than they are now receiving. Under the present scale of wages it is extremely hard to secure suitable men for the fire department and it is realized that to attact such men to the service it will be necessary to ad vance the salaries. Council objected to the advancement of the salaries of the members of the police department but it had no authority to interfere with the action of the police commis sioners. Councilmen are of the opin ion that the fire laddies are as deserv ing of increased salaries as the po licemen and for this reason it is re garded as probable that council will order the firemen's salaries boosted. Homer Broyles of Delaware county, whom an Insanity commission but re cently declared demented, was brought to this city Saturday' by Sher iff Perdiue of Muncie, and was taken to Easthaven. According to the state ment of Sheriff Perdiue, the condition of young Broyles has been of a most violent nature, and it has been neces sary to keep him under guard as precaution against his killing or maim me persons surrounding mm. It is understood that the physicians who pronounced the jroung man Insane have been unable to determine the cause of his mental derangement Having found two things which might have produced it, in going into the his tory of Broyle's case, the doctors are undetermined which was the direct cause of his derangement. Injured at Football. Two years ago, while the star of the champion Alexandria high school foot ball team, and in one of the big games of the season, he received an injury that might have led to his insanity. The more pronounced cause however, was discovered when the doctors after an investigation, found that Broyles lost his mind after he had failed to pass the examinations which would have gaduated him from the Alexan dria school with his class. The young man is said to have wor ried continually over his failure to pass, which eventually led to hi3 be coming, mentally unbalanced. The case is one of the most pitiful the Easthaven authorities have had to deal with recently, as Broyles is both handsome and of good physique. He at times appreciates his condition and is peaceaoie out is more -otten vio lent. Hopes for his ultimate recovery are few. It is reported that Broyles was in jurea Dy a Kicnmona man, in tne game between the high school of this city and Alexandria, but the report cannot be verified. Phone your want ads to tne Palladi um. Both phones 21. IS ANXIOUS TO GET THOHMAH OFF HANDS Sheriff Meredith Has Unpleas ant Job in Caring for This Insane Man. VERY NOISY AND VICIOUS. T Own OF MARKLE IS DESTROYED BY FIRE ; Indiana Village Suffers a Loss Of .$50,000. ENTIRE CENTER SWEPT. CONDITION IN INDIANA MAY BE SOMEWHAT RELIEVED BY THE COMPLETION OF TWO NEW INSTITUTIONS. Sheriff Meredith is making every ef fort to place John Thorman in the Easthaven insane hospital. The unfor tunate man has been confined at the county jail for some time and it is stated, his mind is a total blank. For days Thorman made night hideous at the jail by yelling at the top of his voice. His vocal organs have now al most given out by this strain but he still continues to keep the inmates of the jail awake of nights by clapping his hands. Special mittens will prob ably be made to prevent the man from creating this racket. Of late Thorman has shown vicious ness and causes his keepers considera ble trouble whenever they enter the cell in which he is kept in close con finement. A few dayB ago one of the prisoners was reading a story in a magazine while seated in front of the cell occupied by Thorman. After awhile the prisoner plac he maga zine on a chair and xtc'x. elsewhere. During his absence Thorman secured the magazine by stretching his arm through the bars. After securing the magazine his first act was to eat the pages on which the story that was be ing read by the prisoner was printed. As soon as the new southeastern in sane hospital and the epileptic village at New Castle are completed it is thought the Easthaven insane hospital will not be as crowded as it now is and that there will not be as much trouble in securing the admittance of the Wayne county insane to Easthaven. If there had been a million crickets on Main street Saturday night, all cry ing for a prize to be given for the loud est croak, the din could not have been greater than that from the thousands of "crack" buttons given out by the Light, Heat and Power company at its offices on Main street. The buttons are so . constructed as to make a clicking noise, not vastly dissimilar to that made by crickets. If the experience of Terre Haute is repeated in Richmond, all the boys will have the buttons at Sunday school and church, and more than one teacher will be forced to col lect them. Hundreds of people went to the of fice Saturday night where they were served with baked ice cream. It was no joke, for the ice cream was placed in the red hot ovens, and when it emerged was covered with a beautiful brown frosting. That it was delicious as well as palatable, was evidenced by the easy manner in which several de voured many dishes. This Is a Fine Drinker i lip ISk i mSk if Perri-Walla Tea For sale at the BEE HIVE GROCERY CO. G0 ft CHANGE IN OWNERSHIP AT THE AUTO INN. Burt Gaines and Will Haughton have each bought a- third interest in the auto inn, located between Twelfth and Thirteenth on Main street. F. W. Draper, who has been connected with Whitesell still retains an interest in the firm. Mr. Gaines will begin his duties with the firm immediately while Haughton will take up his duties in about one month. BIG SPECIALS New York City consumes 11S.150,- 000 pounds of cotton each year. THIS COUPON GOOD FOR On 5c Spool of "Kloster Silk" 100 yds Machine Twist at Hall's Mercantile Co. store Cambridge City, April 27, At Hosiery Counter Name , Town State Must be signed by bearer Richmond Canned Corn and every can guaranteed, 7c per can; 4 for 25c, or 70 cents per dozen. Best Potatoes in Richmond, per bushel --.70c Sweet Sugar Cured Cal. Hams, per pound 13c Gold Medal Flour, spring wheat and good 70c 3 one-lb Boxes I. X. L. Cold Starch and 30 Stamps 30c 3 one-lb. Boxes Corn Starch and 30 Stamps 30c 6 lbs. Buckwheat, best New York, and 30 Stamps ...30c 3 Quarts Navy Beans and 30 Stamps 30c Best Paint in any town, per gallon $1.00 DRY GOOBS. Big Bargains in LADIES' CORSETS $1.00 Value, 69c; 50 cent values and good, for 39c. See our line of Ladies' Shirt Waists, latest styles and nonr better, $1.00 up to $2.98. Pictorial Review Patterns. HOOD'S MODEL DEPARTMENT STORE TriAinn QHmn; with All Pnrrhi Fr Deliverv. New Phone 1079; Old Phone 13 K. Store Open Tuesday, Friday and r 1 T . lf-'. oaiuraay r-venmgs. 4x1-413 nietm oncci. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO o mm rw rrmm Aiev Aff nliffT rtTVe w Use artificial gas for light and "neat. 10-tf - lluntiugton. Ind.. April 27. The en jtire center of the town of Markle. a' j few miles from this city, has been ! i wiped out by. fire and there are oniy I ja few houses In the former beautiful! little city remaining. The loss Is placed' at $a0,000. The fire originated in a II v- f ery stable and spread rapidly through out the business section and communi cated itself to several residences. The fire department from this city Mas rushed to the scene. I , . - . ' - . - - - FEMALE DRUMMER SETS PACE FOR THE MEN." A female drummer for a, promi nent Chicago house, trimly dressed In blue, "made Richmond Satur day. She had all the push and vim of her brothers and '"threw out a line of talk" that had any T. P. A. making this citj backed up in a corner, asking for a dictionary. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o b o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o n n I n os BsxscommSinig so ptDpanffoir no Eds cshlbqg Itlhey cira1taSim mo Gffaeimil- AH our Rfleat and (Food fProduoto are under the eye of expert ULUITSID STATES IMSIPIEGTOR. TIfoffs ffs yMP goaaira ouiir meats aire albsoffajteffy ipuiire amid whollesoinriie- You can identify them tablishment A7o- S489 on our by the ec vyhich is Ask your dealer for them, you will make no mistake. Rut up by The Bfichmoinidl jba1t1t(nSr b. Richmond, Indiana. Home Rhone S3 5 ; Bell Rhone 243 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ft o o o o o o o o o o o o o o, o o o o oooooooooooo OOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOQ