Newspaper Page Text
The Richmond Palladium and Sun-Telegram, Page Six. morjunErjTG And MARKERS Best Material and - Workniaufihip. H. C. HATTAWAY, No. 12 North 6th Street. Upholstering and General Furniture Repairing All Work Guaranteed. J. B. HOLTHOUSE Thone 472. 124 Soath Sixth PESSION Attorney ana Hotarj Pnbllc with an office on the first floor of the Court House will give you beat service in r.ll pension matters Alonzo Marshall, Richmond. Ind. "IR SALE BEOWNELL ENGINE. In good condition. Second-hand Well Machine,' Tine Shape. JACOB KERN, 1st and Richmond Air. JOHN A. HABING 111 s etu at Staple and Fancy Groceries FLOUR and FEED. I'HONK 376 FennsySvania LINES- EXCURSIONS TO LOS ANGELES, CAL. April 27 to May 1 Mystic Shriners May 7 to 15 German Baptist Brethren. Good going one route, returning another. 9 ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. May 31 to June 3 American Medi cal Association. SARATOGA SPRINGS, N. Y. July 5, 6 and 7 Knights Templar. JAMESTOWN EXPOSITION, Norfolk, Va. April 19th to November 30th. Choice of a number of attractive rates. PHILADELPHIA July 12, 13 and 14 B. P. O. E. One-way Second-class Colonist Tickets to Idaho, Montana, Mexico and Pacific Coast Points at Unus ually Low Fare daily during April. SUNDAY EXCURSION. TO CINCINNATI. April 2Sth. Special train leaves at 7 a. m. 1.25 round trip. For full particulars consult C. W. Elmer, Ticket Agt., Richmond, Ind. SLAUGHTER IS AGAIN LOT OF H. S. TEAM Quaker Lads No Match for the Braves Who Came From Steele School at Dayton. SCORE STOOD AT 9 TO 3. IVIoore&Ogborn Write Fire and Tornado Insur ance. We will bond you. Loans from $100 to $2,500. Phone Home 1589, Bell 53 R. ROOM 16 I. O. O. F. BUILDING. ; Notice, Farmers ! "Doddo" 22721 the Imported French Percheron Stallion, better known as the "Clevenger" horse, and Prince Wilkes, will be at my farm thi3 season, 2y2 miles north of Rich mond, on the Middleboro pike. The, public itf invited to call. A. H. PYLE, Phone 805-C. R. F. D. No. 4. DR. PARK, D EN T IS T 8 North 10 th St., Richmond. Ind. MONUMENTS ANT MARKERS We have a larc stock to select from. Prfces reasonable. Richmond Marble and Granite Works., John Hallowell, Prop. 15 S. 10th. DR. A. B. PRICE DENTIST 14 and 15 The Colonial.. Phone 681 Lady Assistant. TheMorrisRursery HARDY RHODODENDRONS, HARDY AZALEAS, HARDY TREE ROSES, HARDY ROSES, HARDY SHRUBS, AND EVERGREENS, HOLLAND GROWN, FOR SPRING PLANTING. Phone 309 E. H. BELL WW!. WAKING Plumber and Gas fitter Bicycles and Sonnies Phone 1482. . 406ftAsinSt. Nyal's Cod Liver Compound Tasteless and Palatable. No oil or grease. Easy to take. It builds you up. Guaranteed by M. J. Quigley COURT HOUSE PHARMACY SPANGLER OF THE LOCAL SQUAD MADE A FINE RECORD AT THE BAT, GETTING FOUR HITS OUT OF FOUR TIMES UP. Before an assembly of the. chivalry and fair ores of the local high school, Steele high . school- of Dayton, O., again did things to the Richmond high school team that jarred on the feel ings of the loyal rooters. The massa cre took place on Reid Field. .' Dayton annexed the game by a score of 9. to 3. Both teams played a fair, fielding game and each pitcher was touched up in a lively manner, the Steele boys excelling at the bat. The feature of the game was the batting of Spang ler for tha locals, this young man pol ing out four singles out of four times up. He made half the hits. Cop pock, the Dayton flinger, allowed the Richmond team eight hits. Score: AUTO METEOR SENSATIONAL EEATIIRE WITH THE BARNIM & BAILEY CIRCUS Hampton Roads The government has appropriat ed thousands of dollars to build mammoth piers and in other ways Improve Hampton Roads for the Jamestown Exposition. The great resting place of vessels will swarm with battle ships during the Expo sition. The Palladium and Sun Telegram party will have the privi lege of going through these vessels. Steele II. S. AB. R. II. O. A. E. Miller, cf . . 5 0 0 4 0 0 Shively, c 4 1 1 6 1 0 Bailey, 2b . .5 3 2 2 0 0 Underhill, ss 5 1 1 1 2 1 Ryan, rf.. 5 1 11 1.0 Hussey, 3b 5 2 2 4 2 3 Day, lb.. .. 4 1 1 S O 1 Watters. If.. 4 0 0 1 0 0 Coppock, p 4 0 1 0 4 0 Totals. 41 9 9 27 10 5 Rich. H. S. AB. R. II. O. A. E. Allison, 3b.. .. .. ..3 0 0 0 1 0 Marine, p ..4 0 0 2 3 0 Carroll, rf.. .. .". . :4 0 0 1 0 0 Elliott, ss.. .... ..4 1 1 0 1 1 Spangler, 2b .. .. ..4 2 4 1 2 1 Hiatt, cf .3 0 1 3 0 0 Lawrence, If .... ..4 0 2 1 0 0 Dingley, c 4 0 0 S 0 0 Karns, lb.. .. .. ..3 0 0 11 0 2 Totals. ...... ..33 3 8 27" 7 4 -M sy . "ifc l - r vv j. n v y$tX&&i 15Xy v,itFl -k N. W4nf -ii AiVwSMA T THE BEST WALL PAPER CLEANER The The Home Beautifier Sanitary Agent Easy to Use. 15c a Can W. H. Ross Drug Co. Phones 77. 804 Main St. Clean and brighten your old straw hat with Ross' Straw Hat Cleaner 10c. JOHN F. WELLENKAMP, Jeweler Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Carefully Repaired. SPECIAL O BR WORK. S19 Main Straat. A Dnii'h'. 4... g - - - - ..WW... v RU9IW C llirD I New Phone 561 Richmond, Ind. n ..J. H. RUSSELL., Patented Ventilating Awnings Made to Order UPHOLSTERING AND - AWNINGS. Parlor Fur Couches, Shirt Waist Box es Made to Order. UPHOLSTERING. MATTRESSES. Repairing a Specialty; All Work Guaranteed First Class. Home Phone 593. Old Phone 409R. No. 14 South Seventh Street. Struck out By Coppock 6, by Mar tne ik " "Bases on balls Off Marine 2; of I Coppock 1. Sacrifice hits Allison, Iliatt. Two base hits Hussey, Bailey. Hit by pitched ball Watters. Wild pitch Coppock. Stolen bases Bailey 2, Coppock, Al lison, Spangler 2, Lawrence. C, C. & L. ticket agent will sell you sleeping car tickets to Chicago for their 11:15 P. M. train. Call on him. apr6-tf Base ISaUB NATIONAL LEAGUE STANDING. Won. Lost Pet. Chicago 9 2 .818 New York 10 3 .769 Philadelphia S 4 .667 Pittsburg 6 5 .545 Boston 5 7 .417 Cincinnati 4 7 .364 St. Louis 3 10 .231 Brooklyn 1 9 .100 1 1 ISABELLE BUTLER, THE FEARLESS WOMAN. " 'Impossible' you say, when you first see the apparatus for l'Auto Bolide it can't be done it's suicide. You see the handsome young Amer ican girl who is to make the daring a ttempt to loop the gap in an automo bile ascend to the elevated platform and your heart goes out In synipa thy for her. There are a few momen ts of intense silence while the auto- mobilist takes her position in the c ar. The director, standing on the ground, says, 'Are you ready?' and d own from the dome comes the re sponse, "All ready sir." So far as y ou can detect there is no quaver in the musical voice. Suddenly you are con scious that the car is moving. You want to turn your head away, but a fa scination, stronger than your will, holds your eyes rooted upon the automobile and its dainty occupant. As the car descends the incline, it gathers velocity. You are dimly conscious that its speed is so terrific as to be beyond comparison with anything you have ever seen. An express train is seemingly slow beside it. You think nf a nistol shot a sneedini? arrow a meteor. It is all three in one. Be fore you can realize it, the car has d escended the incline, turned upside down, and, still inverted, has shot into space. Thirty feet away, across a veritable chasm of death is a moon shaped . incline. Your breath comes fast you gasp your heart seems to 'stop pulsating. Will the auto strike the incline? Will it be upright? Will the daring occupant come through that 'dip of death' unscathed? "These and a thousand other thou ghts . rush through your brain in so brief a time as to defy computation. The next instant the auto has landed fairly on the incline rapidly rights itself and has speeded gracefully to the ground. Uninjured, graceful, smiling, the fair rider springs from the auto and receives the applause of the crowd. That applause surges around her in waves of thunder. ' Under th e influence of the reaction, men, women and children become deliriously enthusiastic. You want to spring to vnur fpef and throw vour hat in the air. and cheer. And why shouldn't you? The daring automobilist has achieved the seemingly impossible at the risk of her life she has given you an'experience you have never had he- fore. She has accomplished the limi t of modern arenic sensations. This is the graphic, enthusiastic description of a newspaper writer who saw 1' Auto-Bolide when It was originally produced in Paris. He did not exaggerate this thrilling act Even th e novelty loving people of the French metropolis, a city in which every new sensation is accepted as a matter of course, and where an act must he extraordinary m order to attract at tention crowned it the greatest thril ler of the century. The daily press and the scientific newspapers used p ages to describe it, and to exploit the rtnHnc vrnintr woman who manipulated the machine. The act ran for an en tire season in Paris and there was ne ver a performance when seats were not at a premium. Even after the ac t had been sent oh a tour of the prin cipal cities of Europe It continued to be a constant source or comment and morrd nr tho tinnlevards and In tne cafes or tne worms metropolis, us success in America has been equall y pronounced. It is 1 Auto Bolide that the specta tor will go to see it is the memory of Miss Isabelle Butler and her da. Ig exploit that the audience will bear away when the big show exhibits in R ichmond, Saturday, May 11. AT ST. LOUIS. R. II. E. Chicago. ..4 8 3 St. Louis 3 9 2 Batteries Pfeister and Kling; Mc Glynn and Noonan. AT PHILADELPHIA. R. H. E. Boston 3 9 1 Philadelphia 4 4 0 Batteries Lush and Jacklitsch; Young and Brown. ! RICHMOND AUTOMOBILE AGENCY AND GARRAGE WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE WELL KNOWN MACHINES Dayton, Stoddard, Mitchell, Pope Waverly, Electric, Maxwell, Holseman See us before you buy. PHONE 425 X 1207 MAIN STREET WE HAVE SMDHGLES In our yard, and they are for sale. We have both 16-in. Clear Red Cedar and Star A Star. If you need SHINGLES we can furnish them now. Ly.K S LHIDLL , , 200 North Fourth Street. AT BROOKLYN. R. H. E. Xew York 2 5 0 Brooklyn ..1 7 2 Batteries Wilste and Brown; Stricklett and Butler. AT PITTSBURG. R. H. E. Cincinnati 1 7 0 Pittsburg 4 8 0 Batteries Hall, Hitt and Schlei; Lynch and Gibson. AMERICAN LEAGUE STANDING. "Won Lost Pet. Philadelphia ...... 8 4 .667 New York 7 4 .636 Chicago 8 4' .667 Detroit.. 7 5 .583 Cleveland 5 5 .500 Boston 5 7 .417 Washington 4 7 .364 St. Louis 3 9 30 AT BOSTON. R..H. E. f 5 Philadelphia.. .. .. .. Boston '.. .. ..5 2 1 Batteries Vickers and Berry; Glaze and Shaw. AT NEW YORK. R. H. E. Washington 3 12 2 Xew York -.2 S 0 Batteries Hatten . and Warner; Hogg and Kleinow. AT CLEVELAND. R. K. E. Chicago .. ....660 Cleveland .2 7 5 Batteries Smith and Sullivan; Hess and Wakefield. Batteries Smith andxCuelow; Mul len and Schmidt. AMERICAN ASSN. STANDING. Won Lost Pet Columbus 7 2 .778 Louisville.. . . .... 5 2 .714 Toledo ..6 4 .600 Kansas City 3 3 .500 Indianapolis .. .. .. 4 4 .500 Milwaukee.. 5 5 .500 St. Paul 3 .7 .300 Minneapolis . . ..... 1 7 .125 AT INDIANAPOLIS. R. II. E. Milwaukee -.6 8 2 Indianapolis.. 5 8 1 Batteries Schneiberg, Roth and Bales; Fisher and Livingstone. AT COLUMBUS. R. II. E. Kansas City 0 4 0 Columbus 2 5 1 Batteries Case and Sullivan; Upp and Blue. . AT LOUISVILLE. R. H. E. St. Paul -.2 6 1 Louisville.. .. .. 3 6 0 Batteries Smith and Snyder; Ken nedy and Hughes. AT TOLEDO. R. H. E. Minneapolis.. ". . ..4 8 3 Toledo.. .11 15 1 Batteries Thomas and Shannon; Lattimer and Abbott. DECISION WILL BE MADE ON MONDAY Henry Roberts Is to Make Known What He Will Do About Athletic Park. OPENING GAME THURSDAY. Luck of a Windfall. . 7 The harsh forest laws of William the Conqueror are responsible for the meaning of good luck now so often associated with the term windfall. Under the Norman monarch It was a criminal offense to cut down timber in the forests, but as the peasants were allowed to gather whatever wood the wind had blown down they always hailed a storm as an omen of great good luck. New York Telegram. AT DETROIT. St. Hauls. Detroit. . R. H. E. 9 1 - :..V.13-15 1 Victor Emmanuel's collection of the coins of his own country amounts to more than 50,000 specimens, with a catalogue of nearly 35,000 slips. Use artificial gas for light and eaL 10 tf No Trading Stamps-during. the Car nival at'-TheBig- store. ' Up to Saturday the Richmond Amusement company had secured no long term lease on Athletic park. Man ager Jessup consulted with Henry Roberts, owner of the property Sat urday, but Mr- Roberts stated that he would not make his final decision un til Monday. The Richmond Amuse ment company desires to lease the property for five years with the privi lege of purchasing at the end of that time. The opening game of the season next Thursday with the AU-Kentuck- ians will be played at Athletic park but the new grandstand and bleachers will not be ready to accommodate the big crowd that is expected to attend. How ever everyone who witnesses the open ing ceremonies will be accommodated. Pfeffler Is Signed. Mensler, the clever young shortstop with last year's Dayton Shilohs who was counted on to hold down the short field on the local team this season, has decided not to report. His place will be taken .by Pfeffler, tne fast shortstop who started last year with the Bluffton independent team. Every position on the team has been filled definitely except third base. For this position there are several candidates, anyone of whom should make good. The opening game will be pitched by Rodenbeck the big Purdue University star, who makes his debut in profes sional company with the locals. Pitch er Crabb of Marion has signed and will probably be ' in the box of the Qnaker3 when they, open the season at Port land next Wednesday. Will Horn la still doubtful whether he will play baseball this season but if hs . decides to do so Manager Jessup will finda -Iace.'forhimOAith.e. team- J s UK 4 Classified Advertisements U PER I r I WORD I T Insertions for the Price of S m 3 1 I: t For Rent, For Sale, Help Wanted, Lost, Etc. 1 I and all classified ads. pertaining to business, "Found" and "Situation jC one-half cent a word. Wanted" are Free. 1 m mm m fr I I.. 4 I j.m Mil Vldsaliivu auui uabiiisiua appvai ill uuill l the evening edition of the Palladium and Sun- i u Telegram and the Morning Mail Edition without V? Ytra rhare. WANTED. WANTED Two" helpers in smith de partment, also laborers; Westcott Carriage Co. 2S-3t WANTED Boy of 17 at the Starr pi ano works. Apply to W. Ert. 27-3t WANTED Everyone to bring your rugs and carpets to the Banner Rug Co. We make nice fluff rugs cheap. Cor. 1st and Richmond ave. 27-7t WANTED A girl for- general house work. Apply to Mrs. "Judge Fox. 219 National avenue. 7-tf WANTED A good bread baker at the Woman's Exchange, 1015 Main street. 27-2t WANTED Young lady 205 N. 13th street. to room at 27-7t WANTED A first class porter, must be sober man; apply to Louis Muth, Main street. 27-3t WANTED Young men to iearu teleg raphy, reasonable rates. Positions guaranteen. Write todaj for par ticulars. Eastern Indiana School of Telegraphy, Centerville, Ind. Ii7-4t WANTED Washing, rougn dry pre ferred. 213Ms N. 3rd st. 2G-3t WANTED Wall paper to clean; sat isfaction guaranteed. Reference given. Chas. Bennett, 25 FL Wayne avenue. 24-7t WANTED Agents. We make no wild extravagant claims of our new ly patented household specialties, but our men do prosper. Get par ticulars. Wolvereen Co., Pittsburg, Pa. 26-3t WANTED A good steady cook at Jabusch restaurant, 428 Main street. 24-tf WANTED You to bring your horses to Taube Bros. sale barn, 124-120 N. 6th street. Horses bought and sold. 22-301 WANTED Carpet and rug weaving at Mrs. Bell's, at Westville. Address Mrs. B. F. Bell. Richmond, Ind. 22-7t WANTJD -Man with team and wagon to sell a large line of medicines, ex tracts and spices direct to farmers by wagon. Write Dr. Masters' Rem edies. Sheldon, Iowa. WANTED Anything you want In the farm line, large or small. Apply toi J. E. Moore, over 6 North 7th street. 8-ltno WANTED Anyone contemplating building or remodeling see Marlatt & Mansfield, architects. 42-43 ColorJ ial bldg.. phone 159T 8-tt WANTED Business men In need of office help, call at the Richmond Business College, Phono 240. 6-tf WANTED For Fire Insurance In good reliable companies call on the Richmond Insurance Agency, 11 South 7th streeL Tel. 41. City and Country Solicitors wanted. 6-tf WANTED Your carpefs and rugs to clean. Richmond Houee Cleaning Co., New Phone 816. Old phone 921. 1-tf Male Help Wanted. WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Splendid pay after few weeks with us. Positions or locations to start business always on file. Special in ducements this season. Particulars mailed free. Moler Barber Colles?. Cincinnati, O. 11-tf FOR SALE Modem residence, eight rooms, every convenience, hot and cold water, electric light, hardwood floors. Phone 736. 20-t? FOR SALE Good Columbus, net.' style carriage. E. II. Bell. Phono 300. 11-tf FOR RENT. FOR RENT Flat of four rooms at No. IS South 0th St.. both kinds of water, electric lights, nice back porch. Call No. 15' North 10th street. 27-2t FOR RENT Unfurnished rooms. In quire at ri," North 12th st. 27-7tp FOR RENT Two furnished rooms for rent one for light house keeping. 34 North 10th St. 25-7t FOR KENT Modern flat at 101 Main street. 22Hf FOR RENT Nice modem flat ou Main street. Phono 310. 22-7 1 FOR RENT-Rooms for keeping with garden, 'street. light 000 N. lnth 21r7t FOR RENT Small flat, all modtrn conveniences; also unfurnished room, bath and electric lights. Ad dress G.. Palladium office. 24tf FOR RENT 4 roc ins furnished com plete for housekeeping; 415 Main Btreet. 25-2t FOR RENT Furnished rooms, olec tric light, steam heat, for gentlemen only, at the Grand. . I4t LOST. LOST Young Scotch Collie dog; re ward; Bell Phone 445-W. 2S-2t LOST--Dlamond ring, Thursday morn ing on Earlham car, between west end of run and 8th streeL Reward If returned td Palladium. 27-2t LOST A notebook bearing came of Qrace Frazee, containing Latin quo tations and translations. Please return Immediately to Humpe's shoe store, 807 Main street 27-1 1 LOST A chain puree on , North 7tfi street between Main . and D streeL Return to 1224 Main street Reward. 27-St MISCELLANEOUS. STRAYED OR STOLEN A sorrel pony with white face. Branded on the shoulder. Notify Patrick Need ham, New Paris, R. R. No. 3. 24-cf COMB AND SEE The fine Percheron stallion Avondale, at my farm three miles northeast of Centerville Ind. Thomas Eliasop. 10-2St smfffffifiimiiuimmmmmsj $$ LOW RATES . U $$ On personal loans, together If $$ with long time, easy payments $$ f $ and satisfactory dealings, can IS $$ only be had of the original low 3$ $ rate company, the $5 INDIANA LOAN CO., $ M 'Phone 1341. Third floor. M 40-41 Colonial Bldg. $ FOR 8ALC Richmond property a specialty. Porterfield, Kelly Block. Phone 323. tf FOR SALE PuTe White Leghorn eggs. 50c setting. Isaac Moore. Phone 4024C. 25-2St FOR SALE Reliable Incubator; L. C. Hook, R. R. 7. 27-4t ETerybody buys property from WoodhursL 918 Main SL Telephone 491. June5 tf. FOR SALE Good combination baby cab and go cart in first class condi tion. Call 205 North 9th st. 2T-3t FOR SALE A gentleman's bicycle. Cheap. 12G S. 3rd street. 27-2t FOR SALE Sanitary couch, rug, sma'l book case, bed spring. 1017 North A street. 27-2t FOR SALE 5-Room house near Hoos- fer" Drill. $050.00 See Al. H. Hunt 7 North Oth. 27-2t FOR SALE See AL II. Hunt, 7 X. 9th st, and let him tell yon tanout those lots on S. 21st street west side of street : AL. H. HUNT, ' r 7 North Ninth Street. I PHONE 794 for the best grades of COAL AND COSE. . A. HARSH COAL AND SUPPLY CO. Pattern and Machine Work. A well equipped Brass Foundry. Let us make you an estimate on j-our work STANDARD PATTERN MFG. v CO. 11th and North E streets. Let That Morgan Eighth and North E Make Your Mortgage Exemption Papers. FOR SALE Two seated rubber tired surrey and harness. 74 S. IGth St. 27-3t FOR SALE Pure White Leghorn eggs. 50c setting. Phone 4024C. FOR SALE A blue steel range, has been in use less than one year; call 518 S. 12th street . 25-7t FOR SALE House and half-acre lot on Main street Straughn, Ind. Ad dress. Emma Brittenham, COS 12th st, Jef fersonville, Ind. 25-7t FOR SALE A few Hampshire sows and gilts, bred to farrow In June. W. P. Wilson. Route 7, Richmond Ind. Phone 387. ' 20-l4t FOR SALE A farm; also town prop erty. Will .be, sold cheap if sold soon. CalrMlS. N. Hth. 26-7t SCHOLL'S HEAT MARKET always on hand, all kinds of horns grown mests, both freah and cured. Give me your trade. Z guarantee satisfaction; 421 Main Phone 1511. THE NEW and LOW PRICES on HARD AND SOFT COAL . C. S. FARNHAM. SPECIAL. ' Phone No. 93S. calls the large,. Em pire Moving cars. Our local business, moving good furniture and pianos, storing, packing, crating and shipping everything in the household in rain or shine. Phone your order. AL WINTERSTEEN, Prop -Residence, No. 523 Main street