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The Richmond Palladium and Sun-Telegram, Monday, May 6, 1907 Page Four, RICHMOND PALLADIUM AND SUN-TELEGRAM. Palladium Printing Cc, Publishers. Office North 9th and A Streets. RICHMOND, INDIANA. PRICE Per Copy, Daily 2c Per Copy, Sunday 3c Per Week. Daily and Sunday 7c IN ADVANCE One Year 3.50 On Rural Routes (one year) $2.00 Entered at Richmond, Ind., Postoffice As Second Class Mail Matter. NEW MAGAZINES The Circle, the new magazine pub lished by Funk & Wagnals, is intend ed to fit the needs of the family cir cle, and each, number contains mat ters to suit both old and young read ers. A practical article for the latter, in 'the" May number, deals with the work of the "tree doctor," description being given of the use of cement in filling the decayed places in old and valuable trees and otherwise strength ening them. ' For possible travelers is sn account of, the way inexpensive housekeeping may be carried on in Paris. One writer tells of Japanese children at home and at play, and an other describes the boys' May festi val in Japan. A chapter on dolls' dressmaking and an illustrated ac count of a famous doll's house will in terest little girls. There is a variety of fiction and a number of departments dealing with practical matters. CATHOLICJEAST DAYS Several of Much Interest Are Near at Hand. . fhe coming feast days of the Catho lic church are Pentecost of Whitsun day; May 10. Trinity Sunday, SS. Peter and Paul, Corpus Christ!, the Visita tion and the Assumption. Pentecost is a solemn feast, kept on the fiftieth day after Easter in honor of the coming of the Holy Ghost on the heads of the apostles in the form of fiery tongues. The word Pentecost means fiftieth. The time from Easter to Trinity Sunday is the paschal time, which is a joyful preparation for this feast. Trinity Sunday is the first Sunday after Whitsunday, and is a day on which the church honors in an especial manner one God in three persons. ;The "Gloria Patri" Is a prayer in honor of the blessed Trinity. This devotion be gan about the end of the ninth centu ry. The feast of SS. Peter and Paul is kept on the 20th of June in honor of the prince of the apostles and of the great apostle of the Gentiles, who were both martyred on this day at Rome. Corpus Christi is a feast instituted in honor of the body and blood of Chist. The Visitation is kept on July and is in memory of the visit of the virgin to her cousin, St. Elizabeth. The Assumption is kept on August 15 in memory of our lady being assum ed or taken up into heaven, both body and soul, after her death. CAPERS OFJAST MONTH April Notable for Its Freak-ishness. The monthly meterologicai sum mary of the weather bureau for last month, for Indiana, shows that the av erage temperature for the month was lower than for any other April in th? last thirty-seven years, as far back as the records of the weather bureau extend. The average temperature for last month was 4'.l, and the nearest ap proach to this for any April was 40, in 1O04 and 1S74. The average temper ature for April for the last thirty-seven years was Z2. The highest temper ature last month was 75, on the 2Sth, and the lowest was 2t, on the 1st. The greatest daily range of temperature was 31 degrees on the 24th. The total precipitation for the month was 2 :07 inches, which was less than for any April since 1002. The aver age precipitation for April for the last thirty-seven years was 3.SG inches. They do some things better in Mex ico. The mauager of a bull fight in Monterey advertised that a certain number of his bulls -would be in the ring. For producing one bull less than the announced number the mau wa fined $2iX by the municipal au thorities. Youth's Companion. If You Use Ball Blue, Get Red Cross Ball Blue, the best Ball Blue. Large 2 oz. package only 3 cents. MASONIC CALENDAR. Week Commencing May 6, 1907. Monday Richmond Commandery, No. S, K. T., Stated Conclave. Tuesday Richmond Lodge No. 106, F. & A. M., Stated Meeting. Wednesday Webb Lodge, No. 24, F. & A. M. Work M. M. degree; two candidates. Thursday Wayne Council No. 10, R. & S. M. Work in the degrees, threo candidates. Friday King Solomon's Chapter. No. 4, R. A-M., StatedConvocatifn. Woman's Trials. The bitter trail Id a woman's life is to be childless. Who can tell how hard the struggle may have been ere she learnt to resign herself to her lonely lot? The ab sence of this linfe to bind marital life together, the absence of this one pledge to mutual affection is a common disap pointment. Many unfortunate couples become estranged thereby. Even if tney do not drift apart, one may read the whole extent of their disappointment in the eyes of such a childless couple when they rest on the children of others. To them the largest family does not seem too numerous. In, many cases of barrenness or child lessness the obstacle to child-bearing is easily removed by the cure of weakness on the part of the woman. Dr. Pierce's Fa vorite Prescription has been the means of restoring health and fruitfulness to many a barren woman, to the great joy of the household. In other, but rare cases, the obstruction to the bearing of children has been found to be of a surgical character, but easily removable by painless operative treatment at the Invalids' Hotel and Sur gical Institute. Buffalo. N. Y-. over which Dr. Pierce of the "Favorite Prescription " fame presides. In ail cases where chil dren are desired and are absent, an effort should be made to find out the real cause, since it is generally so easily removed by proper treatment. In ail the various weaknesses, displace ments, prolapsus, inflammation and de bilitating, catarrhal drains and in all cases of nervousness and debility. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the most efficient remedy that can possibly be used. It has to its credit hundreds of thousands of cures more in fact than any other remedy put up for sale through druggists, especialfv for woman's use. The ingredi ents of which the "Favorite Prescription " i3 composed have received the most positive endorsement from the leading medical writers on Materia Medica of all the several schools of practice. All the ingredients are printed in plain English on the wrapper enclosing the bottle, so that any woman making use of this famous medicine may know exactly what she is taking. Dr. Pierce takes his pa tients into his full confidence, which he can afford to do as the formula after which the "Favorite Prescription" is made will bear the most careful exam ination. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are the best and safest laxative for women. Is Fighting for a Place In Senate. THE EMPEROR PENGUIN. . C)S l J r H News of the IRailroaxi; Local and General NO CHICAGOEXCURSIONS. IT IS SAID THE PENNSYLVANIA WILL NOT RUN THEM. Queer Ways of This Great Polar Bird and Its Young. "Not many birds undertake to lay their eggs in the darkness of a polar winter, nor do many birds appear to think that sea ice is the most attrac tive ground to sit on. "When in addition to this," writes Edmund A. Wilson in "The Voyage of the Discovery," "we find the emperor penguin hatching out its chicks in the coldest month of the whole antarctic year, when the mean temperature for the month is 18 degrees below zero, F., and the minimum may fall to 68 de grees, I think we may rightly consider the bird to be eccentric. "The emperor penguin stands nearly four feet high and weighs upward of eighty to ninety pounds. lie is an ex ceedingly handsome bird, with a rich black head, a bluish gray back and Although it has not been announced wings, a lemon yellow breast, with a officially, it is understood among lo satinlike gloss on the feathers and. a cal Pennsylvania officials and em brilliant patch of orange on the neck ployes, that the road will not run any and lower bill. excursions to Chicago this year as in "His movements are slow and state- the past summers. The action of the ly, and the dignity of his appearance railroad is not understood here, as the is much increased by the upright car- Chicago excursions have always been riage of his head and bill. very popular and were well patronized. "His voice is loud and trumpet-like The two cent passenger rate law is and rings out in the pack ice with a said to be responsible for the action note of defiance that makes one feel ISAAC STEPHENSON, WISCONSIN MILLIONAIRE. Most Interesting of the several candidates developed in the contest for i successor to John C. Spooner as United. States senator from Wisconsin, it Isaac Stephenson, the aged millionaire of Marinette. Mr. Stephenson. wb Is in his seventy-eighth year, made his money in lumbering. He is said tc be the richest man in the state. Eight years ago he was a formidable candi date for the senate when J. V. Quarles secured the prize. He has been i strong supporter of the policies of La Follette. Mr, Stephenson's pet ambt tion. it Is said, is to round out his career as a senator. Action Creates Surprise in View The Fact That They Have Been Popular. of man Is the real intruder. Fenguins have no fear, but an abundance of in quisitiveness, and will walk up to a human being and stand in a - ring around him, with an occasional remark from one to the other, discussing no doubt the nature of this new and up right neighbor. "The method employed by the em peror penguin for carrying the egg and chick upon his feet is shared also by the king penguin of the subant arctic area, as we saw in our visit to their rookeries in the Macquarie Is lands. "The king penguin we saw as he sat in mud and puddles, with his single egg upon his feet, and now we saw the emperor penguin doing precisely the same thing with his single chicken to keep it off the ice, and we are agreed that the term pouch, which has been used in this connection, is one which not only does not describe the matter, but Is anatomically wrong and misleading. . "The single egg. or the chick, sits resting on the dorsum of the foot, wedged in between the legs and the lower abdomen, and over It falls a fold of heavily feathered skin, which i very loose, and can completely cover up and hide the egg or chick from view. When the chick is hungry or inquisitive, It pokes out from under the material (or paternal) lappet a piebald downy head of black and white, emitting Its shrill and persist ent pipe until the mother (or the fa ther) fills it up. "The feeding Is managed as with cormorants and many other birds, the little one finding regurgitated food when it thrusts its -head inside the parent's mouth. "I think the chickens hate their par ents, and when one watches the pro ceedings in a rookery It strikes one as not surprising. . In the first place, there Is about one chick to ten or twelve adults, and each adult has an overpowering desire to sit on some thing. Both males and. females want to nurse, and the result is that when a chicken finds himself alone there Is a -nsh on the part of a dozen unem ployed to seize him. "Naturally he runs away and dodges here and there till a six stone emperor falls on him. and then begins a regular football scrimmage, in which each tries o hustle the other off, and. the end is too often disastrous to the chick. "Sometimes he falls into a crack in the ice and stays there to be frozen while the parents squabble at the top. Sometimes, rather ' than be nursed, I hare seen him crawl In under an ice ledge and remain there, where the old ones cannot reach him. I think it is not an exaggeration to say that of the 77 per cent that die no less than half are killed h kindness." and Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera Diarrhoea Remedy. There is probably no medicine made that is relied upon with more implicit confidence than Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Dur ing the third of a century in which it has been In use, people have learned that it Is the one remedy that never fails. When reduced with water and sweetened it is pleasant to take. For sale by A. O. Lmken & Co. Use artificial gas for light and heat 10 tf TRACTION POWER HOUSE. Dispatches from New Castle state that work on the walls of the new In dianapolis, New Castle and Toledo traction power house at that place are completed, while the equipment for the road has been completed and is now on the road. The Indianapolis divis ion of the road will be running by September. Just when the work on the Richmond-New Castle division of the road will be started has not been announced as yet. WILL NOT SELL LIQUOR. According to the statements of a local Pennsylvania official, that road will not handle intoxicating liquors on its trains running through Indiana, owing to the fact that the $1,000 li cense required by the recent legisla ture spells "prohibition" for that road and liquors would be too . expensive. It is understood that liquors will not be unloaded on the state line, but will be carried through and not be sold as long as the trains are in Indiana terri tory. The law has occasioned more than one Indiana railroad to drop the practice permanently. These are the smaller roads, however. REDUCTION IS GENERAL. As a result of the action of the re cent state legislatures, a person can ride on a two cent fare from Colorado to New England states, excepting in Illinois. Several Southern states enacted laws reducing the fares to 2, 24 and 2VS cents per mile. ASSISTANT TRAINMASTER, W. II. Karns has been made assist ant trainmaster of the Pennsylvania with headquarters in Pittsburg. He is well known among local officials, hav ing passed through here several times on inspection trips. ASKS NEW FRANCHISE. The Grand Rapids and Indiana has appealed to the city council of Deca tur for a new franchise to operate within its city limits.' The old fran chise has expired. NEW FORM OF CAR RECORD. For the purpose of facilitating the movement of cars under the new ship pers' law, the Indiana Railroad com mission has adopted a form for each page of a new car record, to be kept by the local agents of the companies, to compel the railroads to furnish empty cars to the shippers. The form provides for entries by both railroads and shippers. FOREMEN'S CONVENTION. Local railroad men have received in vitations to attend the third annual convention of the International Rail way General Foreman's convention, which will be held in Chicago, May 14-16 in Chicago. Several local Penn sylvania employes will attend. BIG INCREASE SHOWN. The Indiana Car Service association now has 11,010 stations under Its charge. Three years ago there were but 400 stations. The association has been in operation seventeen years and the increase in business in the past few years has been fully 60 per cent. Tho Billiard Cue. Concerning the billiard cue and the old fashioned "billiard mace," or "bil liard mast," as Cowper wrote the word. It may be noted that the original French term for the Instrument of the game was "masse" or "billard." "Queue," according to IJttre, was at first the name of the tapering "tail" or striking end of the less clumsy stick that subsequently rose in favor and eventually came to mean that stick it self. "Queue," in the sense of the tail of a wig, used sometimes to be written "cue" In English, but we reserve the French spelling now for this and for the tail of people at a theater door, giving the English to the billiard stick and to the actor's "cue," if that also represents "tail" the tail of the pre ceding speech. But, as the actor's cue used to be written "q" or "qu," it has been thought to represent the Latin "quando" (when). London Chronicle. , Feeding ouaies to Death7 The helplessuess of some women of the poorer classes in the matter of feeding babies was brought out at the coroner's court at Leigh, says the Dun dee Advertiser. A child of two year3 had been killed by a meal of liver and bacon and beefsteak, and the mother could not realise that there was any thing extraordinary in the diet. Med ical men who practice in Aucoata wage a continuous battle against this sort of thing, and one of them at a meeting of the Ancoats Healthy Homes society told some experiences that would have been amusing if they had not so grim a significance. "I was called one day." he said, "to see a sick baby and found the mother feeding it with little pieces of corned beef. 'My irood woman, 1 said. you must not feed the baby with that sort of stuff. 'Weil, sir, she re plied, 'what am I to feed him with? He doesn't li'-e rrkT " Man and'tne'SaL.' Man, alone of all the animals, habit ually stands erect, with his head to ward the aenith. The exact antithesis of man in this respect is the bat, which when at rest habitually remains sus pended in a vertical direction, with the head toward the center of the earth. Between these two extremes all the other mammals are ranged, apes and monkeys approaching nearest to man. New Yo-' " Wrestling Is the popular sport of Persia. Great tournaments are held to decide supremacies of districts. WHERE THERE IS SO MUCH SMOKE THERE IS ALWAYS SOME FIRE. The Korean government ha3 decided to grant the right to work Raid mines to citizens of England, Germany, France, the United-States and Italy, When people talk about one thing and keep on talking as they do about the discovery that created so much newspaper comment in Richmond and other cities during the past summer, even though many reports may be ex aggerated, there must be some merit in the discovery, and when people spend their money for a thing and then buy more of it. proof of merit is so convincing that it becomes the du ty of every person in need of Root Juice to go to Luken's drug store and get a bottle of this much talked of remedy. Root Juice cures rheumatism and catarrh because it puts the filter ing machines of the body to work and causes them to filter the impurities of the blood. Root Juice cures stom ach and bowel troubles because it re moves irritated and ulcerated condi tions from the mucous linings and causes a natural flow of digestive flu ids. Root Juice is so good for female weakness because it tones and heals the organs that make and filter blood. Good, rich blood will nourish, and strengthen every weak part of the bod-. Root Juice at Luken's drug store. $1 a bottle. "Uze-it" Pain Oil for all aches, pains, cuts, bruises and sprains. Relieves nervous headache, neuralgia, and , t oothach -a - -a. ; n . .s - x; ... - "- THE LABEL APPEARS State Board of Health Is Get ting in Its Work in In spection Department. PEOPLE ASKED TO WATCH. CONDITIONS OVER THE STATE HAVE BEEN FOUND BAD, BUT SOME PROGRESS HAS BEEN MADE. Look for the white label "Inspected and passed, Indiana State board of health department of food and drugs." These labels have just been printed, and should soon be found in local drug stores, meat markets, refrigerat ors, soda fountains, etc. "We wish to ask the people of the state to watch for the labels." said H. E. Barnard, chemist of the state board of health. "Of course, we have not had time as yet to get over the state thoroughly; in fact, we have just been in a dozen of the smaller cities, like Jeffersonvllle, Madison, Elwood, Shel byville, Martinsville, New Albany, Sey mour, Rushville, Kokomo, Tipton and Danville. The larger cities of the state, such as South Bend, Terre Haute, Evansville and Ft. Wayne have not been inspected. We will get the inspectors to work in these cities very soon, I believe. In the towns men tioned, not only have inspections been made, but information has been filed with the several local prosecutors, who, under the law, are compelled to prosecute. Most of the information that has been filed concerns food and drug work. "I am coming to the position thpt the inspection work as to sanitary cjdi tions is a very important phase of our duties," continued Mr. Barnard. "The conditions that our inspectors de scribe are bad, almost uniformly bad. We have made some progress in clean ing up the food and drug adulteration conditions in this state within the last two years, and I believe that within the next two years we can do soma good toward improving sanitary con ditions over the state." mm Km With least labor and trouble It makes hot-breads, biscuit and cake of finest flavor, light, sweet, appe tizing digestible and wholesome. Greatest Aid to Cookery IS APPOINTED CHAPLAIN Rev. C. M. Pierce, Cambridge City, Receives Honor. Rev. C. M. Pierce, Cambridge City, has been appointed chaplain by Brig. Gen. Merril E. Wilson, of the Indiaua Brigade Uniform Ilank Knights of Pythias. There is no other appointment from Wayne County in the list. Scotland during the last ten years has grown wealthy in business more rapidly than has England, the rales of increase being T0 per cent. In Scot land and only 41 per cent. In Ens-land. " (DSvSISzesB LnJayI!9r BtACKM'BN VICTORY This is the w Waythe clvlllred way toexercl.e the bowels and stop Chronic Oov stipation ana its many aivenaanievui. Nourish the bowel-nervea; (dont purge with salts, aperient and cathar tics, and weaken your eystm.) eentrated with Cascarin, Black Cherry Koot,Ginger,etCln Blackburn's Victory Caator-Oil-Pins makes the one ideal physic for old and young. Tncy aourlsta the bowel nerve.. Uet tbein lor 10c, 25c or J LOO at all druggists. tstor ou Pius ovr rml rV r Immvu o ov w - I THEY'RE INDEED LOVADLE. Sore Nipples. Any mother who has had experience with this distressing ailment will be pleased to know that a cure may be effected by applying Chamberlain's Salve as scon as the child is done nursing. Wipe it off with a soft cloth before allowing the babe to nurse. Many trained nurses use this salve with best results. For sale by A. G. Luken & Co. Surprise Your Husband With what he'll take to be a new suit of clothes by having us clean and scour soma of his laid-aside garments dying them if need be. Cost? Not a third of new clothes. Save mcney for hubby and get a new hat for yourself by sending' his clothes to us to be renovated. We Clean, Block and Retrim Hats. Panamas a Specialty The Richmond Dry Cleaning Co. 1024 MAIN STREET. 4 doors East of Westcott Hotel BOTH PHONES. New 15S1, Old 415.. T mm We Propose To Increase Our CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS The Palladium and Sun-Telegram is the recognized Clas sified Advertisement medium in Richmond and Eastern Indiana, as is proven by the fact that we carry daily a GREAT MANY MORE such advertisements than any other paper published in this city or this part of the country. But we want more people to take advantage of the results that can be obtained from a Classified Advertisement in this paper, and "to encourage them we are OFFERING AS A PREMIUM for every Classified Advertisement brought into our office (costing not less than 25c) THE BEAUTIFUL HISTORICAL PICTURE, IN COLORS, Christopher Columbus at the Royal Court of Spain. This beautiful picture is after the famous paintinsr by Brozik, and shows the intrepid Columbus explaining to Queen Isabella his great plan of sailing due west around" the globe until he came to Asia. Before the Queen on a table are her -jewels of fabulous worth which she later sold to buy the lit tle fleet with which Columbus set out on his remarkable voy age of discovery. The scene which the picture portrays is shown as taking place in a beautifully decorat?d rocm of the Queen's palace, and the two principals, Columbus and Queen Isabella, are surrounded by a group of richly dressed Spanish grandees. Remember, this beautiful picture is given ABSOLUTELY FREE to anyone bringing to the Palladium office a Clas sified Advertisement costing not less than 25c Thus you are doubly benefitted. You receive this beautiful picture free and get the results our large circulation brings to all Classified Advertisements.