Newspaper Page Text
Page Two. he Richmond Pallaoium and Sun-Telegram, Wednesday, May 15, 1907. SMITH IS RELEASED; FIRES EXPENSIVE TO Complies with all requirements of the National Pore Food Law. Guarantee No. 204 1 , filed at Washington Boys9 and Children's IS NOTJDENTIFIED STATE JF INDIANA Columbus Authorities Are Not Loss Annually Is Said to Run $2.50 to oo Buddy Tucker Peter Pan and Norfolk Styles With Knickerbocker Trousers. Sure That Man Arrested To a Sum Approximating Here Operated There. Five Million Dollars. GAVE $300 BOND HERE. A COMPARISON WITH OHIO. Young Men's Suits $6.50 to $12 Fall assortment of Stylish and Service able Suits of the Latest Fabrics and Best Workmanship- : LOEHR & KLUTE The Camera is merely a LIGHT PROOF box for transmitting the light IT'S an in the LENS The Coolre Lens gives you that GREAT SPEED,. quality and definition desired. We have same in stock. W. H. ROSS DRUG CO., 804 Main St., Richmond, Ind HE CANNOT BE BROUGHT BACK TO RICHMOND UNTIL THERE IS A CASE AGAINST HIM FOR TRIAL. MOST OF THE LOSS, IT IS CON TENDED, IS PREVENTABLE, PROVIDED THE RIGHT MEN ARE SENT TO THE LEGISLATURE. Frank Smith, the pick pocket ar rested in Richmond Saturday night, probably is a free man by this time. Fires annually cost the state of In diana $3,000,000. Each producer in the state of Ind- NL ) i V4. Y IS X 7W S I that is if the Indianapolis police have iana every day gives an hour and a TO ELECTORAL COLLEGE iRichmond's A. M. E. Congre gation Represented. Rev. N. Wellington Williams, pastor -of Bethel church, and Dr. J. R. Norrel 'have left to attend the electoral college of the A. M. E. church, which con venes in Franklin, Ind., Thursday morning. The college will be com posed of lay delegates from all the churches of the Indiana conference. The purpose of the meeting will be to elect two lay delegates to the general conference of tho African Methodist Episcopal church which will convene in Norfolk Va., in May, 190S. The Rev. Williams will deliver the quad- rennial sermon to the electoral college. A V A UC WANTED T AT EIGHTH STREET Board of Works Has Been Asked to Make Street Car Line Possible. WOULD REACH HOSPITAL. THERE IS A DEMAND FOR CAR SERVICE TO THE NORTHERN PARTS OF THE CITY AND TO CHESTER. 4 We Arc Modern Plumbers and we do plumbing work the way it should be done. Some people are under the Impression that all plumbers charge high prices for their work. It is true eome plumbers do this, but we don't. If you want your plumbiug work done right and at a very small coiit, just leave your order with us. Win. Waking, 406 Main St. W. J. Cosgrove, Mgr. 4 i t HAVE AN EYE TO THE FUTURE Put in your Fall Coal Now and sav. mone3 for prices will be higher. If you will figure it for yourself, you will find it would be a pood investment for you to buy at the rrescnt prices. O. D. BULLERDICK 529 South 5th St. Phone 1235. Bullerdick's Canning Factory. E. J. Jlumpe, one of the officers of the Rowletto Desk. Manufacturing company on North Tenth street, has asked of the board of public works, through one of its members, that the city build a viaduct across tho North Eighth street crossing of the P., C. C. & St. L. railroad. Mr. Ilumpe gave as his reasons for asking the building of this viaduct, that a street car line could then be built from the North E street line out North Tenth street to Reid Memorial hospital, or further as the street car company saw fit. Mr. Ilumpe slated that a large num ber of the employes of the Rowlett Desk Manufacturing company lived in the south end of town, and that under .jthe existing conditions these men must valli a great distance to and from ! their work each day. Mr. Ilumpe said that he had not yet sounded the offi cials of the street car company on their willingness to build a car line on i North Tenth street. lie was informed j by a member of the board that this : was the first move to be made in se i curing a car line on North 10th street I and that the board would not consider j the project of building a viaduct until it learned how the street car company considered the project proposed by the Rowlett Desk Manufacturing company. Would Be of Benefit. It is the opinion of the board that the building of such a car line would be a great benefit to the city, and if the street car company would agree to build this line, it is very probable the city would consent to build a viaduct. The board is of the opinion that Reid hospital should be located on a street car line, and it is thought that such a line would prove to be a profitable investment to the street car company. If the North Tenth, street line was ex tended as far north as Chester it would undoubtedly become one of the best paying lines in this part of the state. A number of mechanics employed in this city are residents of Chester and there is a large number of farms along the Chester pike, which is the continu ation of North Tenth street. no charges to prefer against him. After Smith was arrested here he was released on a $300 bond, furnished by Hattie Smith, his devoted wife, but was later arrested in Indianapolis on me cnarge or stealing a diamond in Columbus, O. Tuesday, Chief Bailey, Chief of Detectives Dundon of Co lumbus and Private Detective Martin of Columbus, went to Indianapolis The Columbus officials wanted to take Smith back to the Buckeye cap ital but when he confronted "the Co lumbus officials at the Indianapolis police headquarters they were unable to identify him as one of the "dip" gang which operated in Columbus when the Barnum & Bailey show ap peared there last week. Was Not Positive. C V 1.4 A'ltlA IliO UllJ lilC circus showed in Columbus gave chase to a man who had "lifted" a diamond stud from the shirt bosom of a man on a street car. Martin was outdistanced by the crook but he was confident that the man was the notor ious "Crooked Neck" Smith. When Martin saw Smith at the Indianapolis headquarters he stated he could not positively swear that Smith was the man that he had chased in Columbus, consequently the Columbus officials returned without Smith. Smith cannot be brought back to Richmond because he is out on bond. If he fails to put in an appearance. and there is no doubt but that he will, when his case is called in the circuit court he will forfeit his bond and be a fugitive from justice, but until he does forfeit his bond the lo cal officials have no authority to re turn him to this city. Still in Local Jail. Tom Johnson and George Fred ericks, the two men now confined in the Wayne county jail, probably will be taken to Columbus Thursday While at Indianapolis Tuesday Chief Dtrndon arranged to secure requisition r,Mflrs for these two crooks and be fore leaving Indianapolis for Colum bus he informed Chief Bailey that he probably would send a man to return Johnson and Fredericks to Columbus These two men are wanted in Colum bus for stealing diamonds. They wpre cantured Sunday morning on half out of ten hours of his time to pay for fire waste. ;uucn or tnis lire loss is in a sense repaid by the insurance companies, but according to the theory of Rough Notes, the Indianapolis insurance pa per, which makes these estimates, in surance payments really add nothing to the wealth of the State, for the in surance companies that pay losses j take, in turn, large amounts from the I state each year. Under the heading of "Fire Waste in Indiana" the editors of Rough Notes publish an editorial in the current is sue which is as follows: "The waste in amount of property destroyed by fire anmrally in the i state of Indiana is about $3,500,000. Add to this about $1,500,000 as the Central Electric Railwav Assn. ventive appliances and we have about $5,000,000 chargeable to fire waste, to be deducted from the wealth of In diana, losses paid by insurance com panies adding nothing to the wealth of the state. "This is upon the basis of computa tion for the State of Ohio, made by Fire Marshal D. S. Creamer of that State, wherein he observes the fire waste Is equal to 15 per cent, of the total year's product of all the Indus tries of the State. So, every producer gives one and, a half hours out of each ten-hour day to make good the fire cost. ine annual lire waste in unio is indianaDolis. Mar 15. Miss Lida from $6,000,000 to $8,000,000; the aver- . . . . t . ae is $7,000,000. nearly all of It pre- Merrlmon' assiant secretary of the ventable. While the property owner central Electric iiaiiway association, Mdvice of the largest coffee dealers In the world is always to buy the old fashioned Arbuckles ARIOSA Coffee in the sealed packages. Don t ask for a pound of Mocha and Java, or buy by the for Coffee fluctuates and you cannot get the same coffee for the same price all the time unless you pay too much for it. Most of the so-called Mocha and Java Coffee is simply masquerading, and is not nearly as good coffee for you as Arbuckles ARIOSA. the blend .T r ! tt .-. tt- .i . r.i oc me prazman v-onees most suitable to the taste and health t American people. L5y the , . looks there is no difference between roasted Java and Brazilian Coffees ; many people drink Brazilian but pay for Java. The principal difference is that Arbuckles costs you less. It is a mistake to beEeve that a high price guarantees quality. When you buy Arbuckles ARIOSA Coffee, you get a full one pound package of the leading Coffee of the world. Its sales for 37 years are greater 'than the combined sales of all the other packaged coffees. By giving better Coffee for the money, we have built up a business exceeding the combined businesses of the four next largest coffee firms in the whole world. If your dealer will not supply the genuine, write to Parbuckle bros n. Yk a, j TRACTION LINES TO BE DISCUSSED ciation to Hold Meeting At Indianapolis. SPECIAL SUBJECTS ARE UP. MAKING OF CONTRACTS WITH EXPRESS COMPANIES WILL BE ONE OF THE TOPICS CONSIDERED. is protected, each individual In the state shares In the insured loss. Ad ded to the direct waste from fire is the loss of time of employes in stores and factories and loss of customers bv the owners. Aside from this is sending out circulars announcing the regular bi-monthly meeting of the as sociation to be held at the Claypool ho tel, May 23. There will be sessions both morning and afternoon. The C. E. R. A. meetings brings to- about 100 persons are burned to death gether general managers and operating in these fires. men of traction companies in Indiana, "If Ohio burned up 15 per cent, of Ohio and Michigan. H. A. Nicoll, of the industrial products of that state the Indiana Union Traction company. last year, Indiana did about the same Is president and W. F. Milholland, of thing the ratio of fire loss to proper- the Indianapolis Traction and Termi- MORE CONTESTANTS ARE HAV ING RURAL ROUTES CANVASSED Continued from page 1. ty value not varying widely between the two states Now most of this fire waste is pre ventable, most of it would be prevent ed if only the people would elect intel ligent business men to the legislature, who would enact stringent laws gov erning construction of buildings, stor North E street by Chief Bailey and age cf explosives and highly combus- Officer Bnndy. The latter officer lo cated the men at a hotel and they were run to earth without much trouble. Fredericks gave himself up to Bundy but Johnson tried to escape h r runninc into the back end 01 a store. Chief Bailey went in after j him and pulled him out. Girls will smile through the years, Their eyes will always glisten with glee, They will never be hidden by tears, If they take Rocky Mountain Tea. A. G. Luken & Co. nal company, is secretary-treasurer. Unusual interest attaches to the coming meeting because of the im portance of the subjects to be dis cussed. Some time ago the associa tion appointed special committees, one to consider the question of standardi zation of equipment and another to in vestigate the feasibility of electric lines entering into long term contracts with express companies, and both commit tees will make report. S. R. Dunbar, purchasing agent for the Indiana Union Traction, will read a paper on "The Issuing of Supplies: How to Prevent Leaks" and "Modern Train Dispatching" will be discussed bv J. K. Grav. trainmaster of the West- Don't take our word for It. ern 0hio; M Q stern, of the General Don't depend on a strangers state- Systems company, of Dayton, and J.i tible materials, bearing heavy penal ties and rewards for their enforcement." DECIDE YOURSELF. Th Opportunity Is Here, Backed by , Richmond Testimony. Trip to Fountain City. ment. Read Richmond endorsement. Read the statements of Richmond citizens. And decide for yourself. Here is one case of it: Patrick Mitchell, ice man, of 412 T'V,. OA Ti Jc m-xr -F (Vio rlo vT Srl rl I V. ITNffVi cf root T? 1 f h TT1 DTI (1 . Ind.. i r v iii.T w i j v iw .j ' i in uatiiLm uuiux - 'itii k . , nt Vi a cnnnlv onr? school is at Fountain City, in charge says: "My wife thinks Doan s waney " 3 B. Crawford, superintendent of trans portation of the Ft. Wayne & Wabash Valley Traction company. A demonstration in signalling will be given by Chauncey P. Button, gen eral manager of the Telegraph Signal company, of Rochester, N. Y. Mary equipment houses THE PRIZE AT STAKE. A free trip to the Jamestown exposition for six persons. Every Item of expense going and coming and for a week at the fair will bo paid by the Palladium and Sun-Telegram. The successful candidates will bo housed at the Inside Inn, the best hotel at the exposition and will be tak en into every exhibit and concession on the grounds not to say anything of tho water trips and other amusements afforded about historic old Nor folk, which will be enjoyed at this paper's expense. The trip to be tak en by a single fair goer, along the plans laid down by this paper for its six winners would cost at the very least $100.00. It is certainly worth working for. HOW VOTING WILL BE CONDUCTED. The contest is free for all. Everybody can vote without the expendi ture of a single penny. Each day a coupon will appear in the Palladium and Sun-Telegram. Fill in the coupon today as a starter, with the name of the person and employment. Mail or bring the coupon to the Palladium and Sun-Telegram office, North Ninth and A streets and the vote will be countC as directed. The expiration date of each coupon will appear on the face each day. For in stance the coupon appearang today will not be good after May 22. Fear this in mind. Paid in advance subscriptions to the Palladium and Sun Telegram will entitle such subscribers to special voting pririleges in order to assist the candidate of his choice and this will be the method employed: Certificates will be Issued with receipts for subscriptions paid In ad vance. 1. One year's subscription, paid in advance, at $3.50 for city sub scribers and ?2 for rural route subribers. entitles the person voted for t3 2,500 votes. 2. One six months subscription, paid In advance, at $1.S0 for city sub scribers, or $1.25 for rural route subscribers, entitles the person voted for to l.OOO votes. S. One fifteen weeks subscription, paid In advance, at $1.00 entitles the person voted for to 500 votes. 4. -One month's subscription, paid In advance, at SO cents, entitles the perjc.u voted for to 100 votes. 5. In every Issue of the paper there will be a coupon entitling the person voted for to 1 vote. Don't fail to clip these coupons and then turn them Into the Palladium and Sun-Telegram office. THOSE WHO ARE ELIGIBLE. ; 1. A WOMAN SCHOOL TEACHER ' 2. A MAN SCHOOL TEACHER. 3. A WOMAN SHOP EMPLOYE-. ' 4. A MAN SHOP EMPLOYE. 5. A SALESWOMAN OR WOMAN CLERK. 6. A SALESMAN OR MAN CLERK. A subscriber may vote for anyone coming under tho above classifica tion. The vot as It stands night each day will be published In the pa per of the following day. CLIP THE BALLOT. Clip the ballot below, fill it In properly and send It to the Palladium and Sun-Telegram not later than May 22. The contest will run until June 1, 1907. of Prof. W. O. Wissler, for the purpose Pills a great remedy for backache and of viewing the historical scenes of the other pains that come from the kid- old underground railroad. will have exhibits at the meeting. miserable Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days. PAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days or money refunded. 60c. Miss Jessie Hadley has returned after a trip through Arizona, Wash ington and California. avings 0sp slip flora ceo it Dickinson Trust Company 3 on Deposits 0n,May .1st, our. semi-annual interest period we paid to our 4177 ACTIVE SAV INGS DEPOSITORS the above large sum in interest at 3 per cent, on their depos its. If you did not have a share in this great distribution of earnings, we invite you to open' an "account with us and thus become a participant in the future. DICKINSON TRUST COMPANY is the SAFE and CONSERVATIVE bank for Savings Depositors. Let us serve you. PickMsomi Trastt Comnipaey The Leading Trust Company in Eastern Indiana. Tievs. &ne was wean aiiu for a long time with kidney trouble and suffered a great deal of pain in the back and in otner pans 01 me body. She tried many remedies but did not find much benefit until she be gan using Doan's Kidney Pills, iney helped her from the very beginning and she was soon cured. We both think a great deal or uoans ivianey Pills. For sale by all dealers. Price 50 - .... TT rATits. Foster-MilDurn uo., cuiiaiu, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan s and take no other. and L0CKW00D GETS A BOOM FOR CONGRESS Well Known Young Republican In the Twelfth. ONCE DURBIN'S SECRETARY Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera Diarrhoea Remedy. j There is probably no medicine mads ! that is relied upon with more implicit I confidence than Chamberla'n'3 Colic, '. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Dur- i ing the third of a century in which it has been in use, people have learned j that it Is the one remedy that never ! fails. When reduced with water and sweetened it is pleasant to take. For sale by A. G. Luken & Co. Indianapolis. May 15. George B. Lockwood of Marion i3 being boomed for the Republican nomination ior congress in the Twelfth district. He is one of the best known and most popular young republicans in Indian.!, and it is said that there is a decided sentiment in his favor throughout the district. He formerly resided in Mi ami county and for years was private secretary of Major George W. Steele. He was later secretary to Governor Durbiu, and he has been connected with the state committee for sever?.! years. Hs friends have been doing considerable missionary work, for him and are confident that he will be a very hard man to-defeat if he enters the race in time. FINE AMBULANCE FOR USE BY LOCAL FIRM. Wilson & Pohlmeyer have purchas ed one of the finest ambulances now manufactured, for service In Wayne county. The wagon is beautifully dec orated and is lighted with electricity. There is a demand for ambulances of some nature in the outlying districts, and to meet this demand the Iccal firm purchased the wagon. The city ambu lance does not reach the country dis tricts. One of the features of the wagon is the chair which is used for the afflicted. It is so constructed that the Invalid is taken out of the home with, ease and no discomfort, while when placed m tne wagon it iorms a cot and tangs from the roof. Two seats are provided for attendants. This Ballot Not Good After 5 P. M., May 22 Palladium and Sun-Telegram Jamestown Exposition Voting Contest. (ONE VOTE COUPON) THIS BALLOT IS CAST FOR. MOST POPULAR Carrier boys are not permitted to receive ballots from the patrons. Fill in the battot, mail or bring It to the Palladium and Sun-Telegram office, be fore the expiration cf the above date, otherwise it cannot be considered. A new ballot will appsar daily. A GIANT NEKVS BUILDER. . The Mystic Life Renewer in the most Powerful Nerve Builder known. It absolutely cures all forms of Nerv ous Diseases and Weaknesses no mat ter how aggravated or how long dura tion, such as Neuralgia, Nervous Pros tration, Nervous Paroxysms, St. Vitus Dance, Palpatation of the Heart, Phys ical and Mental Weakness, Debility of Old Age, Etc Sold by A. G. Luken & Co. Ni5-d&w Use artificial gas for light and heat 10-tf Phone your want ads to tHe Palladi um. Bothphones-21. QUICK MONEY That is what it means to see us, when you need a loan. WE LOAN MONEY in sums to suit the borrower, on pianos, teams, household goods, livestock, farming implements, and ai! other personal property, with out removal, giving you such time and such pay ments as vou may need. WE GUARANTEE, on the smallest yearly loan that we will make you, to save you enough money to buy one hundred pounds of good flour. Is this worth anything to you? ..... LOWER RATES, longer time and less delay in get ting your money, than can be had-of other con cerns, together with absolute secrecy, satisfactory dealings, liberal extensions in case of sickness, dis counts for all unexpired time and courteous treat ment to all patrons, all mean much to you, if you would serve your own interests best. Letter and 'phone applications receive our prompt attention. Loans made in all nearby towns. IMPHAMA CO. 40-41 COLONIAL BUILDING. Third Floor. Home Phone 1341. RICHMOND, IND. r I