OCR Interpretation

The Richmond palladium and sun-telegram. [volume] (Richmond, Ind.) 1907-1939, October 03, 1909, SECTION TWO, Image 16

Image and text provided by Indiana State Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86058226/1909-10-03/ed-1/seq-16/

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Thumbnail for PAGE FOUR

Shoe Corner
7th and Main
Sunday and Monday Are Two
Important Days for
The Church.
What They Are Doing Little Things of Interest.
There are two great feasts in the
month of October, that of the body of
tho holy rosary, on Sunday, October
3, and that of St. F;anci. of Assisi, on
Monday, October 4. The rosary, as is
well known in the Roman Catholic
church, is a series of prayers consist
ing of fifteen paternosters and 150
ave marias, which, for the conven
ience of worshipers, are counted on a
string of beads. Each rosary, or
string of beads, consists of fifteen de
cades, each of which contains one pat
ernoster (our Father) marked by a
large bead and ten ave marias (hail
Mary) marked by ten smaller beads.
Purpose of Festival.
The festival of ihe rosary was in
stituted to implore the divine mercy
in favor of the church and all the
faithful, and return thanks for the
benefits conferred on them, more es
pecially for the victory of Lepanto ov
er the Turks in IX1. This success
believed to have been obtained
through the intercession of the Virgin,
who is so specially invoked in the de
votion of the rosary, was ordered by
Pius V to be annually commemorated
under the title St. Mary de Victoria
The epithet was changed, however,
by his successor, Gregory XIII, into
the title of the festival of the rosary
The victory of Prince Eugene over the
Turks at Belgrade, in 1716, was order
ed by Clement XII to be included in
the benefits which this office special
ly commemorates.
Pope Leo XIII ordered that the ros
ary ; be recited each day during the
month. The feast of the guardian
angels is celebrated on the 2d of Oc
tober; thus two devotions are practic
ed during this mocth. Both in the
Old and New Testaments the Holy
Scriptures teach that the holy angels
protect us. The church encourages
devotion to the angels, for in the bre
viary she has authorized, a votive of
fice in honor of these heavenly spirits,
on every Monday when there is no
special festival to be celebrated.
goa Verr OrMdr Mrda Tfc Ara
Trcmtidom Feedtn.
Despite the fact that "the appetite
of a bird" has become a common phrase
for light eating, investigations show
that birds are tremendous feeders. The
diet of the average kestrel (a small Eu
ropean hawk) is calculated at 1,000
mice a month, to say nothing of Insects
and worms. The barn owl is as vora
cious as the kestrel. An investigator,
after caging one of these birds, gave it
seven mice one after the other. The
first six immediately disappeared, each
with a gobble and a gulp, and the owl
did its very best to treat the seventh
In a like manner. Limitations of ab
dominal capacity, however, prevented,
and though the gobble came off the
gulp did not, so that for twenty min
utes or so the tail of the seventh mouse
dangled from the corner of the bird's
beak. But in due course it swallowed
the body, and three hours later the
pangs of hunger reasserted themselves
and the owl ate four more mice.
Four pounds would be a heavy weight
for a heron. Yet one of those birds,
which was trapped In England, dis
gorged two recently swallowed trout,
one ef which weighed two pounds and
the other one and a half pounds. An
other captured bad contrived to put
away three trout averaging three-quarters
of a pound apiece, although It was
only four months old, and another bad
dined, upon seven small trout, together
with a mouse and a thrush.
Among the greediest birds are wood
pigeons, which will continue to gulp
down food until their crops are almost
at the bursting point From one of
these birds, shot as it was returning
from a raid in the fields, no fewer than
800 grains of wheat were taken. An
other had contrived to cram down no
fewer than 600 peas. A third was en
deavoring to sustain nature with ISO
beech nuts and a fourth with sixty
Net a Self Respecting Man Will Stay
Away From Polls.
I have a letter from a man, says
Dorothy Dix. who is really iutelligent
enough to know better, who says:
"if womeu had votes there is not a
self respecting man who would go to
the polls. lie will let the country go
to perdition in the hands of that ab
normal and unnatural creature, the
masculine woman, and things will "the
sooner right themselves by a political,
social and economic cataclysm that will
drive the brazen females back to their
proper places the kitchen and the
Let us hasten to assure this modern
Jeremiah that bis gloomy prophecies
are without foundation. The time will
come wbeu women will vote, and yet
not a self respecting man will stay
away from the polls because he is lia
ble to meet there his mother, bis sis
ters, his female cousins and bis aunts.
"The proof of the pudding is in the
eating." says the old adage, and we
base our belief on this happy outcome
of woman's suffrage on the fact that
In the countries where women do vote
they have not kept a single man, self
respecting or otherwise, from exercis
ing his privilege as a free man to ex
press bis opinion by means of a ballot.
In the four western states where wom
en vote and where men are quick on
the trigger it certainly wouldn't be
safe to tell any gentleman that he was
a poor, emasculated squaw man be
cause be weut to the polls at which
women also voted. In New Zealand,
Australia, the Isle of Man, Finland and
Norway women have full suffrage, and
If the self respecting men of these
countries are conspicuous by reason of
their absence from the polls no rumor
of it has reached the outer world.
Indeed, the best argument that can
be advanced for giving women the
right to vote is that wherever female
suffrage has been tried it has worked
out successfully, and there has never
been a suggestion of depriving women
of their rights and going back to the
old order of a male oligarchy.
They are in .u;ieis, auu experts from
Berlin are to examine them. An old
villager remnilred having Keen the
pictures wben be was a boy. but he
said "nobody thought they had any
value." This attitude parallels that of
country folk in ibe north of Ireland
who whitewashed ont of existence one
of tbe most interesting relics of Dean
Swift. lie iu-riiilileil stray thoughts on
the walls of a substantially built sbnn
ty of a single room. Tbe place was
preserved many yers uutil a farmer
went in one day with his bucket of
whitewash and obliterated every word
written by the cynical Swift. Miss
Eicbborn Is more fortunate in her pic
tures having escaped a coat of white
Wastebasket For the Kitchen.
One often reads in the woman's col
umn, which Is bristling with advice
that there should be a wastebasket in
every room in the house, and if the
tractable housekeeper does as she Li
bid it is probable that she puts om
in every room In the house, with t!i
exception of tho room that needs oin
the most, the kitchen. Perhaps it nev
er occurred to you to have one in tht
kitchen. Id the days of the coal ranjr
it wasn't really needed there, but with
a gas or gasoline stove it is a great
help In keeping the kitchen in order.
Try one under the kitchen table am!
see how many pieces of wrapping pa
per ajd string it will catch In th
courso of t"
Temper Justice With Mercy In Your
Treatment of Operators.
Do not allow yourself to get into
the habit of long conversations over
the telephone. People who do this
lose all perception of tbe times when
they may be annoying or disturbing
Particularly In the case of party
wires is there call for consideration.
Some one else may urgently desire to
use this same telephone over which
you are gossiping.
Do not use the telephone of the wo
man upon whom you are calling
unless it Is absolutely necessary.
Thoughtless women often make a con
venience of their friends in this re
spect. Your hostess may not wish to
take you Into the part of the house in
which the telephone is situated, or
when frequently done it may prove a
considerable expense to her.
Do not call up men In business
hours if you can possibly help it.
If it is necessary to do so, be as
brief as possible.
Do not tell things which you do not
wish known oyer the telephone. Con
versations are often audible to all of
the persons in the room with the per
son to whom you are talking.
If It is a business conversation it is
well to think what you are going to
say beforehand. Orders or requests
are frequently misunderstood through
the hesitation and cbangeableness of
the person giving them.
Finally, temper justice with mercy
In your treatment of the young wom
an operators who answer your calls.
Their business is a tedious and wear
in one, and it is almost impossible to
be always eagerly attentive.
Rare Paintings on Stable Wall.
Emy Eichhorn, grandniece of Jean
Louis Agasslz. famous American natu
ralist, has discovered paintings of high
artistic merit on the walls of a stable
In the village of Merna, in the Tyrol.
Miss Eichhorn lives with her mother,
who is a writer. Tbe stable was once
used as a chapel, but that fact was
forgotten, and tbe paintings were cov
ered with the dust and dirt of decades.
Miss Eichhorn had tbe walls cleaned,
and the otcttires stood out clearly.
Queer Looking Beast of Burden Stores
Fat In Its Hump.
The camel eats readily all kinds of
Juicy plants, beans, peas and grains.
but when such dainty food is not to
be had be browses quite contentedly
on dry. thorny shrubs and even swal
lows whole braucues of acacia, whose
thorns are sharp enough to pierce the
sole of a strong boot. During the
rainy season, wheu fresh, green vege
tation is abundaut, tbe camel drivers
encourage their charges to eat as
much as possible, and it is said that
in order to increase their appetites
common salt is dissolved in the drink
ing troughs. Under such' treatment
the camel rapidly accumulates fat.
and the hump, which contains his re
serve store, may increase to four or
five times the dimensions it had dur
ing the hot season. "When drought is
prolonged and food is scarce the hump
may almost disappear again.
The foot of the camel is two toed,
but the toes are joined together by a
large cushion covered with more or
less callous skin. It is this cushion
which enables the camel to walk
steadily across loose and shifting
sands where a horse's hoofs would
sink deep at every step. The average
speed of a baggage camel is about two
and a half miles an hour, and its load
varies from 300 to 800 pounds. A
dromedary may travel at tbe rate of
ten miles an hour, and this rate may
be kept up for many days. Goldeii
The oldest newspaper in Belgium is
the Gazette von Gent, which received
the privilege of printing the Gendt
sche Post-Tydinghea on November 17,
1666, and which has existed almost
continuously since the first number
was printed on January 1, 1667. The
oldest copy preserved is No. 69, of
September 8, 1667. The next oldest
newspaper in Belgium is L'lndepend
ance Beige, in its eighteenth year.
Showed H Was Bored.
A theatrical man was talking about
"Dash, the steel man," said the ac
tor, "has a short way with bores. One
tackled him one day on the piazza of
an Atlantic City hotel talked straight
ahead to him for thirty minutes about
grand opera.
"Dash, the instant there came a
pause, said earnestly:
' 'I tell you, sir. there's no lobsters
like Maine lobsters.'
"The bore started.
" No doubt, he said, 'no doubt. But
what has that got to do with what I
was talking about?'
"Dash heaved a yawn.
"'By the way, he said, 'what were
you talking about!' "
Season off
No hat nor costume is complete this
year without leathers. This week
Fall Festival Week we will sell all
Ostrich Feathers at a discount The
largest assortment in the city.
When Ihe Frost Is ta the PrampMi
It Is Time to Look After Your
We have always claimed the largest and best assortment of HEAVY WINTER
SHOES for everyday and general wear and this claim has never been successfully denied.
We have a large and up-to-date basement full of HEAVY and HIGH CUT SHOES and
all kinds of RUBBERS and ARCTICS.
Our Dress Shoe Departments are full of the very newest styles and patterns. We
believe that the people of Richmond and vicinity are not behind other cities when it
comes to dressing well and we have spared no pains in making it possible for them to
get at home what they usually can get only in the larger cities in the way of footwear.
When you are attending the Fall Festival, drop in and see our store and make
yourself at home with us. We have a special Rest and Toilet Room for the ladies and
children which is at all times at your disposal. Leave your packages or wraps, arrange
to meet your friends here and simply feel at home with us whether you need any shoes
or not; you are always invited to make this store your headquarters. And don't forget
that this is the store that will sell you "THE BEST SHOES FOR THE LEAST MONEY" not
part of the time, but ALL THE TIME and our guarantee goes with every pair we sell. We
want your trade. We'll treat you fair and you will always find a COMPETENT, COUR
TEOUS and CAREFUL force of salesmen to look after your needs.
The Shoe
MS & wmm
Ittdmondrs Real Sloe Market"
7th and
21 South Tenth St.. Richmond. lad.
Office days Monday. Tuesday. Friday and
Saturday ol each week.
Consultation and one month's Treatment Free.
leDsy (or falllnc: fits). Cancer. Private and Nervous
Diseases. Female Diseases. Lxss or vi tality rrom Indiscretions. Piles. Fistu
la, Fissure and Ulcerations of the Rectum, without detention from business.
Flashlight Photography
Is the means of making
Ihem shnrt. Ufe have th
To Makers of Country Butter-
We want more milk We want more cream
and YOU want more money YOU want to
make It easier. Write, phone or come and
see os and we will tell you how easily it
can be done.
Commons Dairy Co.
PHONE 1183.
nasn materials anal all requisites.
Phone 1217 801 Main St-
825 Mata strcc' mumuh

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