OCR Interpretation

The Richmond palladium and sun-telegram. [volume] (Richmond, Ind.) 1907-1939, November 21, 1911, Image 8

Image and text provided by Indiana State Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86058226/1911-11-21/ed-1/seq-8/

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Thumbnail for PAGE EIGHT

Councilman Waidele Sub
mits Report, Engelbert
Charges Knocking, and Dr.
Wampler Makes Retort.
(Continued from Pago One.)
I .
"Well, I don't know, you and I be
long to the name church, so I won't
say anything," Engelbert replied.
Aaka an Explanation.
"You're at liberty to tell any thing
;and I Invite you to do it," naid Wai
dele, and don't let religion stand in the
way of your telling it. Mr. President,
Engelbert Is placing me in an awk
ward position because I don't know
what he is talking about and I can't
answer him."
In the meantime Dr. Wampler who
had taken a scat in the rear of Engel
bert's dettk was conversing with an
other interested citzen and Engelbert
'turned around sharply on hearing
Wampler mention his name. The two
.arose to their feet and glared at each
iother like caged lions.
Engelbert addresed the chair and
yelled "I'll protect myself If you won't
i do it."
Wampler asked to talk and the may
or rapped for onder but there was
'none forthcoming. He rapped again
and again, bit Engelbert continued to
call Wampler a "denied fool" and
"crank" and Wampler continued to re
ply. The big sergeant was then called up
iod and after that there was nothing to
At but order, and the council meeting
Councilman Waidele's hospital re
port, which will be referred to the
"hospital trustees follows:
,' Report on Hospital.
It has recently been admitted by the
superintendent of the local hospital
'that the average cost per day for each
patient is $2. The report for the year
inding December 31, 1909 shows that
the total number of days for all class
es of patients for the local hospital
was 103.60. The total number of pa
tients was E48. There Is no diversion
made between those that paid partly
In the expense and those that paid the
full cost or more. There are but two
classes mentioned, charity and pay pa
tients. The total cost for running the hos
pital, $2,529.44. Dividing the total
cost by the total number of days and
the average cost lor that year is $1.98
If the cost per Say now is about $2
tho high coat of Irving haa not exhibit
ed. On the same, basis except that of
maintaining a stflaried druggist and
pathologist which the local hospital
does not afford, the Indianapolis city
hospital reports that the average cost
per day per pationt is $1.21. Cliffton
Forge hospital, of Kentucky, the cost
1b $1.71, and that includes doctors'
aer vices. The average number of pa
tients per day at the local hospital is
20; at Indianapolis 210; at Clifton
Forge 44.1.
The number of student nurses at
tReld is given at 12 for twenty patients;
at IndianapoUs, 49 for 210 patients; at
Clifton Forge. 7 for 44 patients. This
Itmakes at Reid 1 nurse for less than 2
patients; at Indinnapolis 1 for more
"than 4 patients; atvCllfton Forge 1 for
In the general expense account at
Indianapolis there .are salaries to be
paid for druggfHt r graduate pharma
cist and a pathologist at about $1,500
Bach per year and cfor an expert X-ray
inn. In the general account at Reid
rttoese services are not afforded. The
Indianapolis and Clifton Forge hos
pitals are run by doctors. Reid hos
pital is run by a laity board of nomi
nally ten men, but practically three
men who are known as an executive
; committee.
Dr. Grant gave the Reid hospital a
first class X-ray machine. Under the
Stubborn Colds May Lead to
Did you ever have a cold that would
not let go; a cough that persisted, that
prevented sleep, and made waking
hours miserable? Eckman'a Alterative
is the proper remedy in such cases.
Perlmps some simple medicine may be
effective where Jt Is only a tickling in
the throat; but when your chest is
sore and simple remedies don't an
swer then take Kckman's Alterative.
Neglect ofttn leads to more serious
trouble; a case In point follows:
718 Oherrv St., Pliila.. Pa.
'Gentlenv-n: In July 1905, I first no
ticed th.; conditions that showed 1 had
Consumption. 1 lost weight rapidly;
had a hollow cough, hemorrhages and
very severe night sweats. My brother
recommended Kckman's Alterative. In
the Kail of 1905 I besran to take it. At
this time I am perfectly well and ro
bust. My appetite is good and my
weight has increased from 110 to 140
pounds. Not a trace of my old trou
ble remains. I will gladly express the
merits of this medl' lne to anyone."
(Signed) M. U fJEKHAUKT.
Kckman's Alterative Is effective in
Bronchitis, Asthma. Hay Fever; Throat
and Idling Troubles, and in upbuilding
the svstetn. Does not contain poisons,
opiates or habit-forming drugs. Kor
Male i.v A i I. iiken & Co.. and other
leading druggists. Ask for booklet of j
cured cases and write to h'Kraan uan-
oratory, Philadelphia, Pa., for addition
al evidence.
management the past two years it has
been permitted to go out of commis
sion because no one was permitted to
take care of it. Persons have to go
to Indianapolis or Cincinnati for this
work or else have it neglected.
The total salaries at Richmond for
taking care of twenty patients is $6,
886.16; the same at Indianapolis, $24,
555.96 for caring for 210 patients; at
Clifton Forge with the doctors' salar
ies $12,545 for 44 patients.
The hospital recently got an allow
ance from the city amounting to $4,500.
It was claimed that it was for more
nurse quarters and for a laundry. Tho
exact figures for each department were
not given. It was not stated whether
the nurse quarters were for Buch
nurses as cared for the charity cases
or for the extra nurses employed who
came to the hospital to take care of the
pay patients who want an especial
nurse to wait entirely upon them.
The laundry account is mixed with
the sundry account and in this it is
stated that the most of that account
is for laundry. If the exact account
of the laundry is not known, how do
they know after expending money on
buildings for the laundry, machine
equipment, salaries for launders and
laundresses, and laundry supplies,
light, and heat and power, whether the
investment will pay? All of these
things cost money to run besides the
upkeep of repairs.
What reason is there to suppose that
there will be any saving. From all
reasonable figures it looks like it
would not be as expensive to have
the work done at local laundries.
What bids were let for the print:
ing of the catalog when the hospital
was open or was the premium let to
a member of the board of trustees?
What printing bids were let for the
printed report of 1909 or were they let
to a member of the board without com
petition? The railroads pay $1.50 per day. If
the average cost is $1.98 a day why
cannot they be asked to pay their full
share? Must the city pay the differ
ence? Or is it because the railroads
who run their own hospitals, through
their surgeons know that the cost
ought not to be more than $1.50 per
Yours, respectfully,
Frank L. Waidele,
Councilman of Seventh Ward
INGS. 20-4t
An ancient mariner and fisherman
says he well remembers when the
dried skin of the dogfish was used for
sandpaper, and good, sharp cutting
stuf it was, too. The old salt further
says there are many sorts of the Imita
tion dried cod on the market, and that
the tail of the young codfish is fine
fried. New York P?ess.
Asthma ! Asthma!
gives instant relief and an absolute cure
in all cases of Asthma. Bronchitis, and
Hay Fever. Sold by druggists ; mail on
receipt of price fi.oo.
Trial Package by mall 10 cents.
WILLIAMS MFG. CO.. Prop.. Qmlud, OUc
t or sale by T. r McDonnell.
Everything Eloe
a well-fed brain and nervous system are essential
to success.
Brain workers especially need food in the morn
ing that will not overload the stomach.
Much depends on the start one gets each day,
as to mental vigor and how he may expect to accom
plish the work on hand.
He can't he alert and have a clear-working brain
and steady nerves on a heavy breakfast which re
quires a lot of vital energy in digesting it.
made of whole wheat and barley, contains in a most
appetizing, easy and quickly digestible form, the
Food Elements required by Nature in nourishing
brain and nerve cells.
There's true nourishment in Grape-Nuts, and
Thoro'o a Roaoon"
Postum Cereal Company, Limited, Battle Creek, Michigan.
Tale of Love and Jealousy
Unfolded in the Police
Court Monday.
Behind the arrest of Horace Jones
and Charles Vazen, aged 19 and 17
respectively, for the theft of a mando
lin, which was left in custody of Mason
Berton, with whom Vazen and Jones
roomed, at 25 North Seventh street, is
concealed a story of love and jealousy.
The tale was partly developed in po
lice court Tuesday morning.
The name of the girl is still con
cealed, but the story was not spoiled
because of the refusal of the three
swains, two the persecuted, and the
third the prosecuting witness, to give
her name. On Sunday night Berton
who had been left in charge of the ef
fects of Ray Seal, which included the
mandolin, while Seal was at Brook
ville, had a quarrel with Jones and
Vazen over the girl. Some things were
said which were not repeated in court,
but the friendship between Berton and
the other two ceased.
On Monday night the plot developed
a little further when Vazen and Jones
took the musical instrument and pawn
ed it for a dollar with a South Sixth
street dealer. Later they were arrest
ed and both were found guilty of petit
larceny, in police court Tuesday and
sentenced to the county jail for 15
days and fined live and costs. Berton
told how he had been "cheated"' out of
his girl some weeks ago by stories Va
zen and Jones told, and which when
he found untrue, prompted him to re
return to the girl and again seek her
favor. Berton says that it was then
that the feud developed in earnest. He
accused one of the two with having
taken the girl's watch on the pretext
of having it repaired. The watch is
still with the jeweler with $6.50 mark
ed against it. Berton did not state
whether he would seek further favor
with his girl by returning the gold
time piece.
Berton and Vazen came to Rich
mond from Chaldoi, Pa., last July.
Jones was taken in by the other boys.
Berton works in a factory but he said
the other two were loafing.
The Primitive Man.
"Jonea is so dreadfully primitive!"
"What's bis latest'"
"Why, we were at the opera house
the other night, and a stage hand re
moved a table, and Jones yelled "Supe,
anpe!" We were dreadfully morti
fied." "I was at a dinner the other night,
and Jones sat next to me. When he
saw the row of spoons and forks and
knives beside his plate he beckoned to
the waiter. 'Say, boy,' he hoarsely
mattered, '1 guess you spilled the
spoon bolder!' "
-Well, It's lucky he's rich."
"Ain't itr-Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Then by all means get
a bottle of
this very day. It makes
weak stomachs strong,
keeps the liver and bow
els active.
Get Hostetter's At All Druggists
Superior Electric
Fixtures Direct
From maker to yoa
Craiahead 75:2 Co.
10 Mala St.
Plume 1286
A Science With Some Dealers Done
at the Expense of the Public
There is nothing "just as good" as
Newbro's Herpicide. Some dealers
will even go so far as to tell you they
have something better.
That dealer has an axe to grind.
You can't stop his grinding, but you
can prevent him grinding it at your
There is one sure, swift way to do it.
Go where you can get what you ask
You won't be obligedto do tjnis very
often, as fortunately the majority of
druggists are honest and conscientious.
Newbro's Herpicide has been so long
and favorably known as the original
dandruff germ destroyer that no one
should be deceived.
When you need a hair remedy, you
don't want one which merely promises
to kill the dandruff germ and prevent
the hair from falling.
You want one that will do it.
Herpicide does it.
The hair becomes soft and lustrous.
There is life, snap and beauty where
formerly the hair was dead, dull and
Newbro's Herpicide is sold and
guaranteed by all druggists.
Applications of this wonderful pro
phylactic may be obtained at the best
barber shops and hair dressing par
lors. Send ten cents in postage or silver
to The Herpicide Co., Dept. R., Detroit,
Mich., for a nice sample of Herpicide
and a booklet telling all about the
hair. A. G. Luken and Co., Special
The pescentage of women who make
their own way in the world has in
creased 4.1 in the United States within
recent years.
It has been estimated that the eye
of a fly can discern an object one-nve-millionth
of an inch in diameter.
pays and cheerfulness replaces
grouch when stomach, liver,
kidneys and bowels are helped
naturally to do their duty by
In mn lOc Mtrf 28
A AAitiAiiAitAA A A A A at A -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- -- -TTtVTTTTTTTVTTTTTTTTTTtTTT
lis Mewe A$pto
Do you feel like being thankful for the past year? Come into our store and see
if we cannot help to arrange your home so that when your husband sits down to
his turkey dinner he cannot help but be thankful for the past year.
See our dining room suites including table, 6 chairs and buffet, at $37.50.
Other Suites at $45.00, $65.00 and up to $175.00.
F Cook Yonnr
On a Hoosier Range
k - I
1& '
- V
The range that does more and costs less.
The only high grade range in the city at factory prices.
Each Hoosier range sold on a 30 day trial.
These ranges are priced from $35.00 to $50.00. .
Why will you pay more and get no better?
Now is the time to select a Kitchen Cabinet for a Xmas present for your wife,
and make her the happiest woman in town. Every woman appreciates a
Sellers Cabinet.
See our Special White Enamel pattern at $26.50.
Others from $16.50 up to $30.00.
Cash or Easy PayiReiJs
$25. 127
O neb
. . ii ...Kicnmona s L.eaaina Home Furnishem 1 1
m iviam street jjii ii
tHfr !' !''! ! ! j V I
1 .t
Which We Are Proud to Be
As We Conduct
For Your Custom
We Are Anxious,
For Your Trade
We're Striving Hard,
Your Patronage and Favors
We Hold in High Regard.
Alt IRcsinnisurlkalbll IPiraoBC
oooAflfi Ms Weelk
35 Pieces of Wide, I3ea,utiftxl9 Fancy Rlbbono.
The greatest showing of Wide Fancy Ribbons ever shown in this city. AH pure silk taffeta, satin and mes
saline weaves, handsome Dresden, Persian, brocaded, floral, checks, stripes and plaid designs in rich light
and dark colorings. We have quadrupled our usual ribbon space and crowded into it this great ribbon
showing. Ribbons priced at about half their value.
FANCY RIBBONS, worth 25c and 35c yd only 1 9c Yd.
FANCY RIBBONS, worth 50c yd., only 25c Yd.
FANCY RIBBONS, worth to 75c yd only 35c Yd.
FANCY RIBBONS, worth to $1.00 yd., only . . .45C Yd.
FANCY RIBBONS, worth to$1.25yd only ...G5c Yd.
If you want elegance, prettiness and economy in fine fancy Ribbons for Christmas fancy work, don't fail to
see these. Compare them with any you have ever bought before.
r. . v.
JL EBo Kftacfeausiaffi m
, , f . -

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