Newspaper Page Text
PAGE TWO THE RICHMOND PALLADIUM AND SUN-rELEGRAU. TUESDAY, DEC. 2, 1919. COMPSON MAKES PLEA FOR A NEW TRIAL EATON, O., Dec. 2. Argument of a motion for a new trial tor Edward Compson, convicted of shooting with intent to kill, was heard Monday by Judge A. C. RIsinger in common pleas court. Decision was reserved. Attor ney H. G. King argued in behald of the prisoner, while Prosecutor Phil Saylor opposed the motion. The court wishes to visit the premises where the alleged shooting took place before he finally disposes of the case; The charge upon which Compson was convicted subjects him to a term of from one to twenty years in the penitentiary. James Beasley, for whom Compton worked, was Compson's alleged Intend ed victim. Eqity Gain. With an adidtional 8 new members, an Eaton branch of a county farmers pquity union that is in process of for mation has the required number of members for organization of the local branch, according to W. J. Ashworth, who has been placed in charge of ttas undertaking. He says no organization is assured. This, he says, will take place in a meeting to be held here next Saturday evening at 7 o'clock at the courthouse. In a meeting last Saturday night at the courthouse it was expected five di rectors would be chosen, but in the midat of the meeting the lighting system in the building gave down anJ the meeting adjourned. C. O. Drayton, Greenville, 111., head of the National Farmers' Equity Union, and Mr. Fish er, of Arcanum, a director of a Darke county equity union branch, addressed the meeting. Mrs. Taylor Asks Divorce. Ralph M. Taylor is being sued in common pleas court by his wife, Eva Taylor, for divorce and alimony. She charges gross neglect of duty. A re straining order issued by the court prevents Taylor disposing of property. They have been married several years. Suits are Dismissed. An entry filed in common pleas court in a suit brought by Charles Minderman against Roy Suman, in which recovery of $595.85 was sought, the amount representing notes, shows the case was compromised and dis missed without record. A suit brouKht by Amy Fall Richard son agalnet Sarah Jane Wehrly and Homer Swihart, also was compromised and dismissed without record. The Euit had to do with a corn and tobacco crop growing on a farm purchased by thp plaintiff from Sarah Wehrly. The court confirmed sale of property involved in a foreclosure suit brough. nv Asbury Decker, of Camden, against Ida Nortman. The amount involved was $303.50. Motion is Argued. Another hitch at argument of a mo lion to dissolve a temporary injunc tion isued in favor of the commission ers of Preble county against the Ohio Electric & Gas company of Middle town, O., was taken Monday in com mon pleas court, Judge A. C. Risinger presiding, but conclusion was not reached and the matter was continued until Thursday. Arguments on the motion were started a few days ago. The commissioners sought the in junction to prevent the company from proceeding with building of an elec trical transmission line in the south western part of the county, upon the ground that the company had no fran chise from this county and that the work was obstructing traffic on a highway. Sues for Alienation. Trial of the $20,000 damage suit of Harry Charles, of near Camden, against Curtis E. Kenworthy, a neigh bor, is scheduled to start Thursday in common pleas court. Charles al leges his wife's affections were alien ated by Kenworthy. Charles recently obtained a divorce from his wife. Ho named Kenworthy in his bill of com plaint. It is 100 years since the first car penters' eteel sqares were manufactur ed. IS HAPPY BECAUSE HIS WIFE'S HEALTH IS SO IMPROVED Was Always Complaining of Dull Headaches, Pains in Her Back Over Her Kidneys, Gas in Her Stomach; Con stipation. Declares Dreco Has Put a Stop to All These Ailments. "I can't praise Dreco highly enough for the good it did my wife," are the words of Mr. Henry Gates, 2007 E. Eighth street, Muncie, Ind. "She was always complaining of backache, pains over her kidneys and weakness of the back. After each meal her stomach would fill up with gas and often griping pains would strike her in the stomach. A lump would rise in her throat that made her feel like she was choking. Her bowels were badly constipated and she had to take medicine for his trouble every night; if she didn't she would suffer the next day; splitting headaches sometimes put her in bed. "The first bottle of Dreco worked a big change in her; her bowels became regular; pains left her back; she hasn't had a headache in some time now and her nerves are quieted so that she sleeps all night now. Her stomach is greatly improved and nothing seems to upset it. as before. The gas does not form and she doesn't have that choking either. I eure am happy over her improved condition and we both think Dreco is line." Stomach trouble is the direct cause of more derangements of the nervous ystem and general functions than any other ailment. No other remedy has teen declared such a success as Dre co, which is a combination of Nature's own remedies for the blood, stomach, liver and kidneys, as is being proven by the many testimonials being daily given by well known citizens. Mr Powers, the well known Dreco expert, has headquarters "at Thlstleth waite's Drug Stores, to meet the local public and explain the merits of this great remedy. See him today. Adv. Do You Believe World's End Near? Some Seem To Do you think the world's coming to an end Dec. 17? One girl in a Richmond store, asked the manager Monday if she could be off on that date, as she wanted to be at home when the catastrophe hap pened, and other Richmond persons have been heard discussing the prospect seriously. The sensational reports have arisen from wild articles on the fact that the planets except the earth, will be in line, exerting a pull of gravitation on the sun, which is expected by astrono mers to cause disturbances on the sun's surface. These disturbances, said the sensationalists would cause the sun to be pulled apart, and the re sulting onrush of flames would swal low the earth. Astronomers only smile gently, how. ever. "This position of the planets is always occurring, though not quite so pronouncedly as this time," they say, "and we're still here, aren't we?" Chester, Ind. The Rev. L. F. uimer filled his reg ular appointment here Sunday morn ing. The regular service will be held next Sunday night. Sunday school at 10:00 a. m. Come. . .Mrs. Mattie Kend all spent Friday afternoon with Mrs. Maggie Boerner Warren Stegle- man was called to Newcastle last Thursday on account of the death of his grandfather. Mr. White Luther Hinshaw and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Boerner and daughter Carrie, were Sunday puests of Elbert Kemp and family. . . .Mr. and Mrs. John Roth ermol, of Hollansburg, spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. and Mra. Frank McDonald Miss Adelaide Kemp spent Thursday afternoon with Miss Carrie Boerner. . . .Misses Bonnie and Blanche Carman spent Supday tli guests of Miss Marjorie Pickett Mr. and Mrs. John Rothermol, of Hol lansburg, called on Rev. Ulmer and family, Saturday evening Mrs. L. F. Ulmer is on the sick list The Ladies' Aid society will meet in the hall to quilt, Wednesday afternoon The Woman's Foreign Missionary Society will meet at the home of Mrs. Ada Morrow, Thursday afternoon, Dec. 4. All members are urged to attend Miss Frances Berry enter tained friends at her home here, Sun day William and Martin Steele, of Williamsburg, visited friends here Sat urday evening Mrs. James Webster underwent an operation at Richmond last week for the removal of her tonsils Mrs. Frank Pickett spent the last week-end with relatives at Brookville, Ind. Fairfield Mrs. Amy Petree entertained the following at dinner Thanksgiving. Ar tie Petree and wife of Toledo. Ohio, Irvin Banning and family, and Fred Abernathy and family, and Mr. San A man's best pal is his smoke ders. ..Rev. Godwin preached a splen did Thanksgiving sermon Thursday morning at the M. E. church.... Her bert Jinks and wife entertained John Steinard and family and G. W. Jinks and wife att dinner Thursday. .Miss Eleanor Mills of Oxford College and Richard Mills of Miami University, spent Thanksgiving with their parents Rev. A. D. Mills and wife The trus tees of the M. E. church gave a social at the I. O. O. F. hall Saturday eve ning. The proceeds are to pay the current expenses of the church Manford Davis and family entertained the Davis families at a Thanksgiving dinner Thursday Ed Snider will have a sale of cattle and horses De cember 4 H. D. Rose and family had Hezzie Rose and mother as their guests Thursday. ..Frank Hustedand wife entertained Herbert Husted and family, Irvin Bennett and family of Eaton, O., and Albert Gant of Cincin nati, O., Thursday Roy Masters and family and Leut Masters and fam ily of Liberty, were guests of Henry Masters and wife Sunday. . -Miss Bon dela Heeb of Brookville was the week end guest of Miss Hazel Ward Word was received here of the death of Mrs. Lottie Dare Saturday. Tho deceased was a cousin of the Meharry sisters Mr. and Mrs. Bert Irwin and son Malcolm, of Dayton, Ohio, were the gueBts of John Hayward and family Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Harry Luker of Blooming Grove, are the par ents of a baby boy born Thanksgiv ing day.Born to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sherer, a baby girl The Missionary society will meet with Mrs. Herbert Jinks Friday afternoon The Fair field Chapter O. E. S., did initiatory work Friday evening. They took in Mr. and Mrs. Roy Urban of Bath, and Mr. and Mrs. George Dickson of Brookville. Greens fork, Ind. Virgil Coddington returned to his home in Winchester. Monday morning after spending tho week-end here with Mr .and Mrs. George Hill and family. Miss Nellie and Esther Jane Cum mins spent Monday evening with Ed Stanton.. . .Mable and Blanche lander man returned -to their work in Rich- EXCESSIVE ACIDITY is at the bottom of most digestive ills. ID for indigestion afford pleas ing and prompt relief from the distress of acid-dyspepsia. MADtf 'BY SCOTT & BOWNE MAKERS OF SCOTT'S EMULSION I9-8A "We're way ahead of the bunch'5 . Ches. Field Tf you want to play a winner, sure thing put your money on Chesterfield. In less than three years, more than three million smokers have become Chester field fans. And no wonder! Never were finer to-' baccos used In any cigarette. The silkiest leaves of aromatic Turkish and the choicest of ripe, sweet Domestic stock are put to gether by an exclusive blending method that brings out a new deliciousness of flavor. "Satisfy"? Right down to. your toes! Chesterfields have put added enjoyment into every puff enjoyment that you don't get and can't getin any other cigarette because the .Chesterfield blend can't be copied. and the blend feS? can't be copied m mond, after spending the week-end at home Mrs. Margaret Haler, An- drey Haler, Mrs. Martha Wisehart, Hester Gethers, Marie Bond, Earl Duff. Milo Gentry, Wayne Duff, Mr. and Mrs. Alick Nicholson. Mr. and Mrs. Shelby McFarland, and Howard Cam ber spent Monday in Richmond Mrs. Em Brooks left Sunday for Flor ida, where she will spend the winter, visiting her son, Harvey Mr. and Mrs. Clyde McMullen and two children Mary and Elizabeth, of Cambridge City, spent the week-end here Mr. and Mrs. Ora Wise spent Sunday af ternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Berk- heimer, of Richmond Mr. Charles Wise is improving The Epworth League at the Methodist Church, Sun day evening, was well attended. Miss Flossie Neff gave the lesson, on "Parables," and Mrs. WW Wise gave the League Lesson. Kathleen Ridge rendered a very beautiful solo, and Elizabeth a piano solo. Cottage Grove, Ind. Mrs. Edgar Robinson and son, Ho ward, spent the day Tuesday with her parents, Mr. anld Mrs. Robert Conner. Mr. and Mrs. A.R. Kirkwood spent Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Willis Sanford Mr. and Mrs. Alon- zo Logue were visiting in this place Tuesday Mr. Wayne Creek shipped a car-load of hogs Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Holland spend Thurs day in Richmond Mr. and Mrs. Mike Connor attended the funeral of their neice, Mrs. Harold Barnard, of Marion, Ind., one day last week Mr. and Mrs. Sam Caldwell and neice, Mary Margaret Albert, spent Thursday visiting relatives in Cincinnati Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Lewis entertain ed Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ward and other friends at dinner Thanksgiving Day. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Gardner en tertained the following guests Thurs ONLY A POWERFUL MEDICINE WILL END RHEUMATISM It matters not whether you have had agonizing rheumatic pains for 20 years or distressing twitches for 20 weeks, Rheuma is mighty and powerful en ough to help drive rheumatic poisons from your body and abolish all misery or the cost, small as it is, will be cheerfully refunded. Druggists everywhere are authorized to sell Rheuma on a no-cure-nc-pay basis. It's absolutely harmless and after taking the small dose as directed once a day for two days you should know that at last you have obtained a remedy that will conquer rheum atism. For over ten years throughout Amer ica Rheuma has been prescribed and has released thousands from agony. It should do as much for you. It seldom fails. Adv. day: Mr. and Mrs. Alex Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Lindley Swain, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Keelor. Mr. and tecs. Wilbur Seal, Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson..... Mrs. Frank Lynch and daughters were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hyde, Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Glasgow entertain ed relatives Thursday.. ..Mr. and Mrs. Charles Myers spra t Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Dan DeLong and family. Master Elmo Robinson spent Thursday night with his grand-parents Mr. and Mrs. Robert Conner.. .. .The C. G. S. C. met with Mrs. Mike Connor Friday afternoon Little Cleo Napier son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Napier, is on the sick list. . . .Mrs. Ben Hyde and sister were shopping in Richmond. Friday Mrs. Arch Hampton and children, of College Corner, Ohio, spent one day last week with Mr. and Mrs. John Hampton and family, Z Cottage Grove Wash Wyatt was a Richmond visitor Saturday.... Mr. and Mrs. John L. Benner, who spent tho week-end with Mrs. G. R. C. Wright and daughter Susie, has returned to their home in Richmond, Sunday even ing Mr. and Mrs. Dave Uforret and daughters. Bertha Belle and Mary Elizabeth, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Prentice.. . .Mr. Warner Gardner is on the sick list Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Jones spent Sunday even- No. 14. Hie Liver Es the Road to Health f the liver is right the whole system is right. Carter's Little Liver Fill will gently awakenyour S", sluggish, dogged-, . ,. , , up liver and re- fAOTFD Q lievo constipa ITT LIE f EE Ft tive bowels, I loss of appe- tite.sickh.ead- ache and dizziness. Purely vegetable. You need them. Small Pill Small DoseSmall Pries DR. CARTER'S IRON PILLS, Nature's great nerve and blood tonic for Anemia, Rheumatism, Nervousness, Sleeplessness and Female Weakness. Oeoalae ass! keer i'.aaUra LiSvC o o Q o o TAtflfc OIL CLOTH, Yd 45c White or figured, first quality, 45 Inches wide, Wednesday, with cou pon, yd 45c Hinds Honey and Almond Cream . . 41c Excellent for chapped hands, good after shaving. Wednesday with coupon 41c $4.50 Crepe de Chine Waists . $2.98 An extreme value giving. Whita or flesh, clever new models, less than price of material, with cou pon $2.98 89c OUTING ROMPERS 79c Children's dark striped outing Rompers, 2 to 6 year sizes, with coupon 79c Men's $3.50 Work TROUSERS $2.79 Neat striped dark patterns, good durable material, well made, all sizes, with coupon $2.79 Men's $2.50 Grey (I-f QQ SWEATERS .... ePLOO Heavy shaker knit, cotton sweat ers, with turn down collars, pocket model, all sizos, with coupon . .$1.88 25c AMERICAN 1Q CALICO, Yd IOC 27 inches wide, light patterns, neat designs, about 300 yards in this lot, with coupon, yd 18c 18c COTTON BATS Direct from cotton fields, Dixie Land, comfort cotton at wholesale price, with coupon 12c $2.50 BED SHEETS $1.88 o o 8 s c o o Size 81x90, steam bleached, best grade muslin "Bontex" at mill prci. with coupon . ........ .$1.88 CASES 40t Size 36x45, best grade muelin pil low cases, buy now and cave, with coupon 28c 35c OUTING 28c FLANNEL, Yd. 27 Inches wide Amoskeaj striped outing flannel, fast colon, good quality, with coupon 28c 12c! a unuer- -r?fxri c.t.... il., r Ale Jl Tw "Visit O W Aft q 11 I IIIIUIIIIUII 1LIU1UII If I laVv WZJ n . f i 8 1 OBBS aOOOOOOOOOOOOCCOCOOOOOOCCOODCOOOOOCODOCCCCOCCOCO ins; with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Holland. . .Mr. and Mrs. Eugen Lewis, spent Sunday evening with. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dougherty.. : .Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Gardner, Mr. and Mrs-. Ben Hyde spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. John Ewing.,..Mrr and Mrs. - Sam Caldwell entertained a number of friends for dinner Sunday Mr. Smith Abner was called to the bed side of his brother, Ross, who is Tery ill. CONGRATULATIONS! DAYTON, O., Dec. 1. Numerous messages of congratulations began to pour into 'Trail's End," the magnific ent country home of Governor and Mrs. James M. Cox, this morning, when It became known that a daugh ter had come to grace their household. This is the second child that has been born to Governor and Mrs. Cox, the firs', a daughter, having died shortly after birth. By Taking Vinol It increases the, appetite, aids digestion, transforms food into red blood corpuscles, muscular tissue, brain and nerve force, thus replacing weakness, ner vousness and lassitude with strength and vigor. Proof That There is Nothing Like Vinol Scrantnn, Pa. "I used Vinol for general weakness, poor appetite and iojs of strength ana flesh. At times I was simply too weak to work. With in ten days after taking Vinol I could see an improvement. It gave me a splendid petite, I have gained in flesh and feel stronger in every way." Mas. L. A. Means. 'or all run-down, norvoua, aaatile condition, weak weaacn. overworked iwsuio uiu people ana aeueate children, tnere ia no remedy like Yin el. Your money will be returned if Vinol fails Clem Thistlethwaite, Drujist, anddrurg-uus everywhere. 35c TURKISH TOWELS 28c Large size, double thread, thick ab sorbent quality, a Wednesday spe cial with coupon 28c 1919 CROP FANCY Qd NUTS, Lb OOt Brazilian and Almonds, selected choice new nuts In grocery with coupon, lb 36c Rett.MUIIsJrVL-. COATS Every woman should avail them selves of this wonderfjl oppor tunity. Wool Velour and Ker seys, newest stylish models, fur and velvet trimmed collars. Up to $27.00 values $19.50 KARO SYRUP 15c We always undersell in self serve grocery. Wednesday special with coupin, Karo Syrup 15c vr9t9Toinjnrryn TEN P. & G SOAP 79c None to children, Wednesday, 10 bars P. & G. soap, with coupon 79c SNOWDRIFT SHORTENING 34 c Try this, a wonderful shortening, excellent for frying, with coupon at 34c 7c COFFEE None to children, limit two pounds to a customer. .Wednesday, with coupon 47c V, omen's $1.65 QA GOWNS -4M..O Fast colored striped outing flannel with and without collars, ith cou pon $1.39 Men's $Z.50 Outing Pajamas $2.29 Good heavy grade striped outing flannel, with braid frog trimmings, all sizes, with coupon $2.29 Women's 39c LISLE Q1 HOSE OXC Dark brown cotton lisle, extra good quality, at mill price, with coupon for 31c 48,000 Drugstores Sell It. Five million people use it to KILL COI CASCARAl-PQUINirj Standard cold reroady far 19 year -ta tablet loi ut Mia, aura, no opiate braaka up a cold in I boura reitaras tnp in a aara. Honey bock it it taiia. Tbe ceauiso box Baa ana k. ,o. w I h lie BJITb W9 X X Pctnr A AIM Ufa , Jacksonville, 111. "I was weak, nervous, ail run-down and had no strength or ambition to do anything. My doctor told me about Vinol. I took it and the result is I am strong and well again, I now look after my baby, do all my housework and feel like a new person." Mas. G. H. o o o o o o o 35c BOX HANDKERCHIEFS. 27c Three handkerchiefs with em broidered corner, in neat Christ mas box, with coupon 27c Women's 65c 4Qr i JERSEY GLOVES . . . "I t7 C g ri yicj vi uicxwrv watrm d nu arc say extra quality, all sizes, with cou pon 49c L LI.L, ... 1 -1 - o Men's $1.75 DRESS SHIRTS $1.30 Neat new striped effects, fast col ored percales, shrunken collar bands, soft cuffs, with coupon $1.30 eg Men's 12c Colored HANDKERCHIEFS ..8c o o o o & o o o o Large size fast colored red or blue at wholesale price, with coupon 8c 65c Unbreakable DOLLS 49c With cute little dresses, un break, able heads, buy now for Xmas, with coupon 49c $1.25 TOY KITCHEN AQA O CABINETS UOC O A miniature of the large cabinets, oak finish, big showy toy, with coupon 93C $1.00 Knit Hockey CAPS 74c o Assorted colors for boys or girls, warm wool caps, with coupon . . 74c Yemen's Outing rj O PETTICOATS IC 9 Heavy grade striped or pla'n white cuting, cut full size, with coupon 0 for 720 g Infants' S1.75 Sweat- & 3J 51.75 Sweat- nf g ers or Logins JJK, Slightly soiled, all wool zepher Jjf yarn, fancy knit. Lux makes them like new, with coupon 69s fj) $4.50 COTTON BLANKETS .. $3.45 Large bed size grey cotton double blanket, firm woven, big value, with O coupon $3.45 52.50 Cot Size C-f rj O BLANKET L4U g For single bed or cot, double blan. O ket, close woven soft nap with cou O Pon $1.79 O JJ5 X i