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PAGE TEN HE RICHMOND PALLADIUM AND SUN-TELEGflAM, WEDNESDAY, DEC. 3. 1919. SHELDYVILLE MAN is u.s. conn king CHICAGO. Dec. 3. Peter J. Lux. Shelbyvllle, Ind.. Tuesday was made corn . king of the United States by winning championship and sweep stakes on a 20 ear sample of Johnson county white corn. . Lux wins besides the cash premiums of several hundred . dollars, a ' $250 trophy given by the Corn Products Manufacturers asso ciation. He competed with three oth- ;orIrd!ana men for the highest hon ors in the corn world. They were J. B. Hamilton, of Shelbyville. W. J. Ulrey of Attica, and C. E. Troyer of Lafontaine. i W. H. Butler, of Kokomo, former ' Ari'ienltural agent In Madison county, Ind, lost the championship in the single tar classes to John Roads of Riiinbridge , O. Butler showed the t i '.:iiiipicn yeilow ear of the show and J.'o.uls the best white ear. In picking '!". .sweepstakes ribbon, the Judges , j kl:ed the ear of white corn from the Jlur keye state. Indiana Gets Good Share. Checkins of the figures Tuesday showed that Indiana won a good share -of the p-'zes In Region Three, which "includes thenorthern half of the state. Mr. Troyer took first place In the white corn classes with David Conger of Anderson, second, Jacob Mundell of Frankfort, was eleventh, and Ray Strouss of Huntington, twelfth. Ah . even better showing Was made in the yellow cqrn. classes with first going to Mr. Ulrey and second to James Corbin. cf Kentland. third to J. W. Kerling of Rockfield. fourth to G. W. Ijewia of Wingate, fifth to W. D. Lit ilejohn of Kentland, tenth to Herman L. Miller, of Bluffton. Of the $1,000 in prize money in this region, (603 went to Indiana, with the rest to Illi nois, Ohio and there was one i man happier than the new corn king, it was Russel O. East, Shelby county ; agent, assistant superintendent of the 'Show. Indiana stock men continued their winnings Tuesday, Purdue university chalking up several wins in the spe cial fat steer classes for colleges. Yearly "Ghost," But Not Quite; Tried to Kill Self by Dive Into Flue (By Associated Press) 1 NEW YORK, Dec. 3. Occupants of a Ridge street tenement house were almost correct when they reported to the police that the groans of a ghost had been annoying them for two days. Detectives, aided by firemen, dug a hole in a chimney on a house and ex tracted David Cohen, a push cart peddler, who informed them that bus iness bad been bad, and that he had decided to end his life by Jumping down the 5 story chimney Monday Morning. He was taken tl a hospi tal suffering chiefly from hunger and exhaustion. NAVY TO AWARD FOR MERITORIOUS SERVICE (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Dec. 3. Award of decorations to officers and enlisted men of thenavy for acts of gallantry and meritorious service during the war will be announced shortly, Secre tary Daniels said today. About 10 medals of honor and about 200 disting uished medals have been awarded in addition to a large number of navy crosses, the secretary said. MARSHALL GIVES WABASH COPY OF PEACE TREATY (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Dec. 3. The print of the treaty of Versailles which was used by Vice-president Marshall while he presided over the long ratification debate was sent today to Wabash col lege at Crawfordsville. Ind., of which Mr. Marshall is a graduate and trustee. Somewhat the worse for wear and bearing many marginal pencillings, the document has been rebound in leather and was presented by the vice president to his alma mater, for preservation in the college archives. WORKMEN TAKE COAL FROM CAPITOL GROUNDS, DES MOINES (By Associated Press) DES MOINES, Iowa, Dec. 3. The state of Iowa will operate one small coal producing piece of property at least. Workmen today were stripping the earth from one corner of the stato capitol grounds and steam shovels will be put immediately to lift out coal discovered there yesterday. The coal was found by workmen drilling for a foundation for a new building and is a vein about four feet deep. A mine, years ago, was located near where the coal was found yesterday. The fuel to be dug by the steam shov els will be placed at the disposal of the state fuel administrator. ELECT SOCIALIST MAYOR (By Associated Press) BUENOS AYRES. Dec. 3 The city of Mar del Platrf, situated on the east cost of Argentine and having a popu lation of 30,000, will have a socialist mayor as a result of the municipal election held in the province of Bue nos Ayres on Sunday. CREATE NEW STATE. . (By Associated Press) Y1KNNA, Dec. 3 Christian and Soc ialist deputies have presented a for mal resolution in the Vorarlberg diet declaring that province a free and in dependent state. This action was taken with a view to annexing Vor arlberg to Switzerland. PROPOSE NEW ROAD (By Associated Press) BUENOS AYRES. Tuesday, Dec. 2 Efforts are being made to interest North American capitalists in the pro ject of building a railroad from the City of Salta, Arggentina, to Antafag asta. Chile, according to information received by Julius Klein. U. S. com mercial attache at the embassy here. A commission recently appointed by the province of Salta has the work in hand. FEAR CABINET CRISIS (By Associated Press) PRAGUE, Dec. 3 As a result of the withdrawal of the national Socialists from the coalition with the Social Democrats a cabinet crisis seems im pending in Czecho Slovakia. This action was taken as a protest against the alleged development of a radical clement in the Social democratic ranks and it is reported the cabinet which is headed by Premier Vlanstiniil Tuscar may be succeeded by one that is more conservative and which has a larger bourg". isc. Tr'erentPion. , SOME SAD NEWS FOR WOULD-BE DISTILLERS; STILL MANUFACTURING PLANTS ARE RAIDED 4e1'i MmZjk. '- - X - 2 ' jM if I ca , S ' ir Stills captured in one of the plants. Chief Deputy Inspector Littlehales of the Philadelphia district of the internal revenue department recently led a raid on plants of two manufac turers of whiskey stills and as a result of the raid many orders for the stills for home use will not be filled. In the two plants railed in Philadel phia thirty-three stills and six worm were found and confiscated. NEW YORK CITY BUILT BY GIANTS, SAYS IBANEZ, SPANISH NOVELIST NEW' YORK From the window of his room on the seventeenth floor of his hotel, Vicente Blasco Ibanez, the Spanish novelist, gazed on a twilight panorama of the city, the southern half of the metropolis of the western world, which he was seeing for the first time, says the Evening Sun. In the hazyv evening myriads of lights twinkled in the towers and in the smaller buildings. The miles of masonry were intersected by brilliant thoroughfares, along which crawled thousands of motors that looked like fiery insects all traveling in the same direction. "It is a great vision." said the Span-, ish writer, "a wonderful spectacle. It is as if New York had been built by giants. And behind those lights there are people working and playing, living out their destinies, always inside of a building. "New York gives one the impression of force, the poetry of power, not military strength but the inherent strength of the people who built the city. When I look on such a sight I am glad that I have lived in such a wonderful age." Blasco Ibanez says that he "remem bers everything" and perhaps he will remember that poetic, brilliant, misty spectacle looking southward from the Belmont and put it in the novel that he Is sure to write about America. Ami lie will remember that trip up the bay on the Lorraine when he was passing the great buildings of Manhattan for the first time. He says the ixnpression rather stunned him for the time being. Speaks Through Interpreter. Mr. Ibanez does not speak English and the interview that he gave to several newspaper men and women necessitated the aid of his official in terpreter, Robert King Atwell, of the University of Porto Rico. It might be added that the views of Ibanez lose nothing in Mr. Atwell's transmission. The tall, Spanish writer, clad In a gray business suit, seemed to possess almost untold geniality and endurance as he paid close attention to the in cessant barrage of questions, growing hoarse at last in his endeavors to please all hands. He is gesticulatory, there Is no doubt of that, when he grows warm to tho subject, and his voice rumbles like the surf on the Spanish coast. A fine head that enterprising sculptors will be bidding for but for all his rather burly form his hands are long and ! slim, with strong and bony fingers. Asked how he wrote novels, he said that he never took notes but some times studied and read all he could on the subject in hand for perhaps months before he began to write. He remain ed six years In the Argentine without writing a line. But when he finally got busy his great work, "The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse" was the result, impelled by his contact with the world war. A Composite Character. "I begin very slowly," said Ibanez, describing his method of work. "At first it is like climbing laboriously up the side of a mountain. By slow de grees and wth great trouble I reach the crest. Then, once on the other side. I can not stop myself I rush headlong, whirling, plunging, working eDdlessly until I reach the finale. "That Is the way it was with "The Four Horsemen. I wrote the novel in four months, in Paris, in that terrible year 1916. Toward the end of the book I worked thirty hours at a stretch to achieve the climax. I did not sleep and did not have much to eat. but depended mostly on coffee." The great chaacter of old Desnoy ers in "The Four Horsemen," Ibanez said, had been a somewhat composite one, but that the groundwork was that of a real old pioneer of the Argentine whom he had known. The novelist, who was engaged throughout the war in propaganda work for France and lived in Paris, was the first civilian al lowed to view the battlefield of the Marne, in September, 1914. The re sult was his true description of what took place t the Desnoyers chateau. All the war incidents of "The 'Four Horsemen" are founded on fatet. Ferragut Blasco Himself. Blasco "Ibanez not only "remembers everything," but he sees everything, or at least that is his way of, putting it. Unquestionably the intense photo graphic impressions of his brain are re tained indefinitely, and this makes possible the clear, vivid, portrayals of hs pages, written in what has been called a perfect literary style. Ulysses Ferragut, that virile hero of ''Mare Nostrum," is Blasco himself, at least Insofar as his youth was con cerned. He played on the beaches of Valencia and along the wharves and at last went to sea for many voyages. He sailed with fishermen and smug- rglers in their brigs and sloops and made many trips to Buenos Aires in steamships before his parents made a dreadful decision that caused him to leave his beloved sea for the tedious study of law. The Triton, that wonderful uncle of Ulysses, who lived on the Marina and swam every day in the ocean billows was an old doctor, a real character that Blasco knew in the days of his youtn on tne blue waters The Triton was safely stored away in his magical memory and as Ibanez has projected him on the screen he will never be for gotten. Fraya of Marvelous Memory. Ibanez brings the faculty of re markable memory into play in "Mare Nostrum" in an amusing way. It is after the incident of the rose at Pom peii and the weather-beaten Captain Ferragut and Freya Talberg are hav ing their first conversation, while rid ing back to Naples, in spite of the eye glassed chaperon. Freya had made a voyage in the captain's passenger ship from Buenos Aires to Barcelona some years before, but to his embarrassment Ferragut can not remember her name or any of the incidents of the trip. It is Freya who has the marvelous memory. She reminds him that she "remembers ev erything" and calls him by name. "No, Captain Ferragut," she says, with a laugh, "you do not remember me. I was with my husband and you had eyes only for a rich Brazilian wid ow on that vfyage." Brotherhood Chiefs Meet to Discuss Wage Scale (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Dec. 3 Chiefs of all the fourteen railroad brotherhoods is was said, were here for the meet ing today at the Anrwican federation of labor headquarters to discuss the problems of the railroad employes. The wage standard was the principal subject for consideration. Representatives of the four inde pendent brotherhoods were invited to meet with the 10 organizations affil iated with the Ameriqan federation of labor. The independent brotherhoods already have under advisement an offer of time and one half for over time with an eight hour day standard. And it is understood the federatidn brotherhoods have tentative offers of similar concessions from the rail road administration. GEORGE REFUSES PLEDGE ON IRISH HOME RULE (By Associated Press) LONDON. Dec. 3. Premier Lloyd George gave no pledge of any kind to the American representatives at the peace conference that in consid eration of the question of Irish self government not being dealt with by the conference the British govern ment would, as soon as possible after the signature of the peace treaty, settle the Irish question on a home rule basis. This statement ' was made by An drew . Bonar Law, the government spokesman in the house of commons, in reply to a question in the house today. . , m Beeitoe Lelioo Murinefor Red ness, Soreness, Granu- aZ. lafrmn ItrYiina and IUR LlCO Burning of the Eyes or Cyalida: "2 Drop" After the Movie. Motoring girt for Murine when your Eye Need Care. Marts Bye RendyCo. fihtfiso PROMINENT TURK FAVORS TREATY (By Associated Press) CONSTANTINOPLE, Thurs., Nov. 27 Abdul Medjld Effendi, son of for mer Sultan Abdul Aziz, and heir pre sumptive of the Ottoman throne, in an Interview given The Associated Press today expressed the hope that the United States would ' ratify the treaty of Versailles and made an ap peal in behalf of, his own people. "It is stated that the Turkish peace Is being delayed because of the atti tude of the United States." Abdul Medjid said. "It should be remem bered that we have been warring for the last ten years.- we are exhausted. Pity should be taken on us and on our homeless people who are living in the utmost misery. "Why cannot we be given a chance to live and prosper and develop econ omically like other nations. We ate a gifted people and if we turned to the ways of peace we would show the world we could succeed industrially Just as we did in a military way." "It is a great opport unity that Amer ica has to help us. It was not our fault that we got into war, but be cause France and Oreat Britain sided with Russia against us. For centu ries we lived on good terms with the French and the British, and also we sought no quarrel with Russia. "I warned the French and the Eng lish before the war that they were forcing us to Germany's side. It would have been a shorter war for them with the Dardanelles open, if I had been listened to. Also I realized that a German alliance would .ruin us, as we already had had too many wars. 'yiat should be done now? It will be remembered that Alsace and Lorraine were one of the causes of the great war. Well, if Turkey Is partitioned, it will make new prob lems of the same kind. "For the sake of the whole of hu manity, let the United States of Amer ica continue its fight for an honest peace. The Wllsonian principles are based upon eternal peace for all the world. Poincaire Will Remain Active in Political Life (By Associated Press) PARIS, Dec. 3 President Raymond Poincare does not intend to retire from public life on the conclusion of his presidential term in Feb., accord ing to an article published today in the Journal. "I do not believe I have come to the age of retirement," he is quoted as saying. "Fate has decreed that my seven year term should coinc'.de with the greatest disturbances of history. I have acquired ideas which I will place at the service of my country as long as I keep my strength and I con fess that I do not feel it at all ex hausted." , New York Trades Unions Call Truce for Two Years (By Associated Press) NEW YORK, Dec. 3. A plan call ing for a two years' truce between building employers and unions in New York today awaited the signatures of officials of the 41 labor unions com prising the building trades council. The olan which was acreed to In j principle at a conference yesterday between representatives or both or ganizations is the result of negotia tions extending over 5 weeks and while some changes may be made it was generally agreed that the end of the building war here was in sight. Under the terms of the proposed agreement there will be no strikes dur ing the next two years. The wage ; scale will range from $4.50 a day fori electrical helpers to $16 a day for, hoisting engineers. The average wage j for e'xpert men will be $8 daily. A clause in the agreement provides that there shall be no overtime work ex cept in emergency. 200 Minors Employed in Richmond Industries Three hundred and fifty birth rec ords have been investigated in the office of H. G. McComb, vocational director in the public schools and di rector of the enforcement of the feder al minors' employment, law, in Rich mond. As a result of his investigation 98 work permits have been granted j children between the ages of 14 and! 16 years and 102 minors' age cer tificates have been filed for children between ages of 16 and 18. Approximately 1,400 children be tween the ages of 14 and 18 are in school in Richmond. The entire coun try has been scoured to find the coun ty birth certificate of permitees. When ! birth certificates have been impossible to locate, baptismal certificates, pass ports, etc., have been resorted to, and j these, too, were moDtainat'io the ap plicant was sent to a physician for age estimation. COLORED COLONEL WILL BE ATTACHE IN LIBERIA (By Associated Press) j WASHINGTON, Dec. 3. Colonel I Charles Young, retired, the only negro ! officer of the army to attain that rank, ! has been selected as military attache to Liberia at the request of the African republic. Some years ago Colonel Yoing organized the military estab lishment of Liberia. He was retired in 1917 for physical disability, but was recalled to active duty during the war and detailed to train recruits. . AT HOME 29 South Tenth St. Phone 2399 DR. A. J. WHALL0N WANTED 400 LIVE TURKEYS J. M. Eggemeyer & Sons BEE HIVE GROCERY SHE'LL FORSAKE WASHINGTON TO SPEND . WINTER SOCIAL SEASON IN PORTO RICO Miss Celina Calve Is the young est daughter of Mmc. Calve, widow , -of the former minister from Costa Bico. ' Miss Calve is very charming and talented and a great favorite in diplomatic circles. She is ex necting to leave Washington short ly to spend some months in Porto Rico. She will be missed by th younger set from the social gaities . of the winter season at Washing- ton. - 'Miss Calve is a true Latin beauty with glossy black hair, n clear, dark, olive complexion and large dark eyes, all of which be tray her as a daughter , of the south. - Miss Ceiina Calve- Junior Red Cross Work Benefits French Refugees (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Dec. 3. In devas tated regions of northern F a i Belgium where five million people are attempting to eke out an exw. - e this winter, 2,500 pieces of substantial furniture made by children of the Junior Red Cross of America, have been distributed recently, the Red Cross reported today. Thousands of families in the war scarred district Contentment shares time with happi ness in homes where electricity reigns in usefulness and economy always ready. Perhaps you do not know, have not realized, how extensively electricity in the home has taken the place of old fashioned clumsy methods of housekeeping. .,v4i Then a delightful experience is in store for you first by visiting a con venient electric service shop or store department and they by trying each service for yourself. will spend the winter in make-shift shelters. Only a few of the towns in i northern France have been rebuilt and j e people outside of these have re-! turned to make themselves a home in i what was once a cellar or have taken j refuge in a dugout in the old Hinden-! burg line. STRIKING STEWARDS rtETURN TO WORK ON IMPERATOR (By Associated Press) NEW YORK, Dec. 3. English stew- In Electric Holmes IpggH in The Richmond Palladium ards aboard the giant liner Imperator who struck because their "suatenan fee" of $3 daily was stopped. .wf Lack at work today. At headquarter of the marine cooks and stewards un ion it was said that the Cunara line had airreed to feed the men on board ship and to improve their living Quar ters. BRIEFS NOTICE EAGLES AD members are requested to be present at the meeting Wednesday evening, . Dec 3. Business of importance to each member will be dis cussed. Elmer Hawkins, President August Johanning, Sec The smallest practical power motor in the world forms the electrical por tion of a new dental-tool holder. . WHITEWATER LODGE Funeral service for Bro. William Moffit will be held Thursday evening. Meet at hall at 7:15. L A. Handley, Sec'y- . So that a watch will be as accessible a's If worn on a wrist, an inventor ha patented a pouch to be suspended from a belt. Wanted 400 live turke J. M. Eggemeyer & Son's Bit Hive Grocery. fj WANTED 400 LIVE TURKEYS J. M. Eggemeyer & Sons BEE HIVE GROCERY Hot or cold weather loses half its dis comforts for all the family where electricity serves in cooking, washing, ironing, sweeping, sewing, freezing desserts, warming water for the bath, toasting bread fresh at table, curling milady's hair, and scores ox other uses. Just turn on the switch of your im agination and you will find that you, too, may enjoy these wonderful bles sings no matter where you live. On the whole with real savings, too. Read about it all in the columns of this newspaper.