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RICHMOND PAL VOL. XLVI., No. 350 Palladium, Kst. 131. Consolidated With Sun-Telef?ram, 1907. RICHMOND, IND., FRIDAY EVENING, DEC. 30, 1921- SINGLE COPY, 3 CENTS REPUBLICANS SCOFFING AT PROPAGANDA Aids Vets' Widows CONTINUOUS FLIGHT MARK IS SHATTERED School Teacher Rises SEEK STABLE MONEY BASIS FOR EUROPE Miss Gore to Wed THE LABIUM U.S.AUXILIARY CRAFT FIGURE AGREED UPON Acceptance of American Pro posal for Limitation to Maximum of 10,000 Tons Virtually Settled. FRENCH ARElDIGNANT A,. 'H VA Democratic Charge that Harding is Jealous of Hughes Branded as Untrue Point to Public Approval. FIRST GUNlS FIRED runnim sews bvkead WASHINGTON. Dec. 30. First gun wiihin the Democratic lines to signal the opening of a campaign prelimin ary (o the congressional elections next November was touched off this week hy Richard Linthicum, director of pub licity for the Democratic national com mlttee. ' The Democratic "drive" opens with the partisan hone of entering a edge of jealousy between President Harding and Secretary of State Hughes. I.inthicum's statement, sent out to 0.000 Democratic newspapers through out the country. Is a rehash of "back floor" arms limitation conference gos sip which has made the rounds of Washington until it has become quite threadbare. Apparently recognizing that the American people are happy in the ac complishments of the Washington con ference to date, Linthicum in his statement avoids a discussion of it. lie seeks to convey the idea that Hughes is attempting to put the presi dent in eclipse; that there is a plot 10 make Harding a "one-term presi r!.rt;" that the president is jealous of Hughes' prestige. Republican leaders who have dis cussed the Linthicum statement as- cert that the purpose behind such pro paganda is to start a row over the four power Facific treaty in the sen ate. Brand Charges Untrue. The Philadelphia Public Ledger, an independent newspaper, has branded tho charges made by Linthicum as "untrue," adding: "There is no jealousy or friction be tween the president and his confer ence field marshal. The president and we speak by the book, chapter, verse, page and paragraph believed that Hughes was a great man when he put him in the cabinet, and he knows it now. He approves every move made by Hughes and the American delega tion and shares with Hughes the ex ultation that America has dona a great thing in a great way. He is proud to work as one of the team." Such opposition to the Pacific treaty Pn has been voiced in the senate was expected. But. it has not been con tagious. The public has deluged the White House, state department and ) congress witn mesages or approval 01 the objects and accomplishments of the conference. The American press, with the exception of the Hearst group of newspapers, has given the Harding program vigorous support. Withhold Approval. It is understood that a number of in fluential Democrats have withheld their approval of the policy of the Democratic; national committee in at tempting to bring about discord among the administration leaders over the arms limitation program. Being prac tical politicians these men believe it will be well to keep partisan hands off I he conference. As a political issue, in their opinion, it might explode In Democratic hands to the discomfiture cf that party. SAY FRANCE GLAD TO DISCUSS SUB USE (By Associated Press) TARIS, Dec. 30. The French gov ernment will be glad to discuss the status of submarines with reference to merchant shipping, as well as the hu- as said in official circles here this i morning. Regulation of the uses ofj these craft might, it was added, af-j 1'cct the question of tonnage, but the! question of the status must come first, j It was pointed out m tnese quartei-3 with reference to the tonnage issue, that France, including her colonies, has a coastline of 13.000 miles to de fend, while the United Sta'es, includ ing Alaska, has about 11,000 miles. RUSS AGREE TO BUY - GRAIN IN AMERICA ('Bv Associated Press) LONDON, Dec. SO. The agreement negotiated here last week, whereby Soviet Russia will turn over to the American Relief administration $10, tiOO.noO worth of gold for the purchase of grain in the United States, for i a mine relief in the Volga region was signed here today by Walter Lyman Brown on behalf of the Relief admin istration and by Leonid Krassin, one half of the Russian Soviet govern ment. Defective Wiring Causes Fire Loss of $400,000 (By Associated Press) DES MOINES. Iowa. Dec. 30. Fire believed to have been caused by de tective wiring caused damage esti mated at 540,000 to tho stock and buildings of Davidson Brothers, Pro duce dealers, eaily today. Inventory of Infirmary to Be Taken Wednesday The quarterly inventory of the prop erty at the county infirmary will be taken by the county commissioners next Wednesday, Jan. 4, in accordance with the usual custom. I i Mrs. Katherine C. Gould. 1 Official announcement is to be made Cincinnati, O., Jan. 4, of the gift in of 1500 acres of land by Mrs. Kather-; ine C. Gould of Washington and New York to the Army and Navy Union as a site for a national home for widows and orphans of soldiers. A vocational I I training school will be included in the home. The land is located in the foot- j hills of the Blue Ridge mountains within 150 miles of Washington. GIANT TURBINE WILL START SATURDAY IN PRESENCE OF PUBLIC The largest single unit ever install ed in the municipal light and power plant will be formally turned over to the service of the city Saturday after noon, when, at 1 o'clock, current from the new 5,000 kilowatt generator Is turned into the lines of the Richmond plant for the first time. A special invitation has been Issued to the public by J. P. Dillon, superin tendent, to inspect the plant. "We want the public to attend this affair, and we want all the city offic ials, both of the old and the new ad ministrations 10 come down and look the plant over," he said Friday. "Em ployes of the plant have been assigned as guides to see that the people are shown all parts of the plant. In ad dition to the generating room, other parts of the plant are open to Inspec tion by the people." Make Improvements. The boiler room, and the coal and ash handling systems are parts of the plant which have been improved re cently. The last large unit installed in the plant was a 2.000 kilowatt turbine driven generator, in the year 1914. All equipment in the plant comes under r i ' v, nnnrr a system of numbers, each generating . i, ,.! jf- .i.' unit having its number. I The plant now has five generating units, counting the latest addition, as follows: No. one, 430-k.w. engine-driven gen erator. No. two, 2,000-k.w. turbine-driven generator. No. three. 1,000-k.w. turbine driven generator. No. four, 800-k.w. engine-driven gen erator. No. five, 5,000-k.w. turbine-driven j generator. Other equipment In the plant con-j sists of auxiliaries to these units. All old machinery in the plant will be switched off when the new gen erator is "cut in" at 1 o'clock Satur day afternoon. Superintendent Dillon said Friday "People who desire to go back of the switchboard will be allowed to do so. They will be furnished with guides for any part of the plant they wish to visit." Carnations will be given out at the plant lo ali visitors, Mr. Dillon said. CHILE BREAKS OFF PERU NEGOTIATIONS; SAYS NOTES USELESS (By Associated Press) SANTIAGO, Chile, Dec. 30. Chile has broken off negotiations with Peru regarding the dispute over the prov - mces oi lacna uu aiuii, uctunus l that further exchange of views is use- I less, A note sent in reply to the lat I est Peruvian communication states that Chile has gone to the farthest pOSSlOie IlIUiL in striving an osiccuicui. and laments the barrenness of her efforts. All means of agreement has been rejected, the note states, Peru instead proposing general arbitration in vague terms and precluding recourse to in ternational law. The note summarizes the long drawn out controversy and concludes with the statement that the juridical consequences are that Peru is hinder ing a plebiscite which is the only means by which she can recover the disputed territory. Unless the Peruv ian policy changes the notes states it means that the Peruvian government accepts the results her present posi tion may produce. 16 DECEMBER FIRES CAUSE LOSS OF $37 Sixteen fires have been handled by the city fire department during the past month, according to figures on file in the office of Chief Ed Miller. None of them caused any large amount of loss and the total for the month was approximately $37. The city department was called out nt 0:15 o'clock Friday morning for a flue fire at 237 West Main street. Monoplane, Piloted by Ed ward Stinson, Breaks World's Flying Record by Staying Up Over 26 Hours. OILCONNECTiON FAULTY (By Associated Press) MINEOLA. N. Y., Dec. SO. The Lar sen monoplane, piloted by Edward Stinson, .which this morning broke the world's continuous flying record of 24 hours 19 minutes a.nd 7 seconds. d- Iscended shortly after 11:15 a. m., after have been in the air 26 hours, 10 min uets 35 seconds. The official times were: Started yesterday morning at 8:58:13. finished this morning at Stinson was forced to descend be- cause of a faulty oil connection with!"1 " ae American i teacners. tier which he and his mechanician Uovd Bertaud, had battled since o'clock this morning. They still had gas enough to have flown until sundown. Oil Trouble The pump used to inject oil into the lubricating system from the auxiliary! oil tank went out of commission at 3 o'clock. The flyers puncture the tank, set up a temporary tube and began feeding the lubricating system by hand, taking turns at the control of the plajie and at the oil tank. Both men were almost blinded by oil when they descended. In addition they were suffering intensely from the bitter cold for although the plane was equipped with a cabin Stinson had not left his seat in the open cock-! pit since 4 p. m. yesterday, and his mechanician found little time to seek shelter. Three fingers of Stinson's right hand and one on his left were frozen. Bertaud's hands were numb. Use Exhaust Heat. Stinson and his mechanician hop ped off at 8:58 o'clock yesterday morn ing in the midst of a snowstorm. They wore no electric suits, de pending upon the heat from the ex haust pipes in the pilot's cab to keep them warm. The machine is equipped with one 185 horse power motor. Every ounce of unnecessary weight was stripped before the flight. About 350 gallons of gasoline and 28 gallons of oil were carried. SOME STORES, BANKS WILL CLOSE MONDAY; NO MAIL DELIVERY Some stores in the city, and all banks will be closed Monday, in cele bration of New Year's day, according ) to an announcement made Friday. Banks which will be closed are the . ... .. . , , , . I'iret National. Second National. A . ,t 0j Tt; V.', ican Trust and Savings, Union Na , . rw,.: nier- ation- al and Dickinson Trust, company. Managers of furniture stores were undecided late Friday as to whether or not they would be closed. No deliveries of mail, except spe cial deliveries and perishable articles will be made bv mail carriers in this city Monday, Postmaster Beck saidlthe military display and the troops Friday. The regular collection of mail I were ordered to retire to the corridors. will be taken ud at 7 o'clock in the! morning. ENGLAND CONTINUES TO DISCUSS EFFORTS OF U.S.T0 CURB SUBS (By Associated Press) LONDON, Dec. 30. Efforts at the Washington conference to curb the use of the submarine as a weapon, and France's claim for a large undersea fleet, continue to be absorbing topics rectors of the First Church of Christ, in England. Today newspapers de-! Scientists, today announced the re-1 vote several columns to reports of the!'0' the board of trustees of the j conference proceedings and criticisms ChlLst,1n s.clenc Publishing society, j frnm the Amertenn nrpss an nnhlish I Th trustees at the Same time in- lengthy editorials on the development The majority of the editorial writ ers assail the French attitude, which the Daily Telegraph says faces the world with "the p ossibility of the world-wide orientation of naval policy away from the capital ship and to- ward the submarine." The newspaper i thinks the immense expenditures nec- , essary ior ine maintenance or large submarine fleets and "the armadas of auxiliary craft which must be built mannea ana trained to cope witn them," will wipe out all saving ef - fected by adoption of the ratio for capital ships. The Daily News condemns France's i decision as "the disastrous debasing of the standard of International moral-1 For Indiana by the United States ity." and the Daily Chronicle says i Weather ' Bureau Increasing cloudi France's behavior cannot be regarded j ness and ' warmer tonight, probably as other than unfriendly to tireat Britain. The Morning Post, on the other hand, derides the liberal news papers' criticisms and adds: Patient With France "It is foolish because France refuses to fall in immediately with the British proposal to threaten her with outlaw- rv. The British nation is not; j y"et pr(pare(i to place France outside the Dale of civilization." The Post while believing that Ar thur J. Balfour expressed the general sentiment in Great Britain when he regretted that an agreement as to sub marines had not been reached urges the statesmen and journalists to put themselves in France's place and con sider the French point of view which i3 not due to original sin, but geogra phical necessity; it is not blood thirst edness, but merely realism. Elihu Root's proposals for regula tion of the use of submarines receive much attention. The Daily Chronicle comments: "It is difficult'to believe that Mr. Root is not in humane col lusion with Mr. Balfour, for the whole (Continued on Tage Twelve.) 1 . Miss Charl Ormond Williams. Miss Charl Ormond Williams, re cently elected president of the National Education Association, has gone step by step from her first posi tion as teacher in a one-room country s cnooi 10 tne nignest office within the ivieuipius, ienu., wnere sne county schools. ARMED FORCES QUELL FIGHTS IN GALLERIES OF MEXICAN DEPUTIES (By Associated Press) MEXICO CITY, Dec. 30 The Mexi- can Chamber of Deputies was invaded by armed forces yesterday for the first ,ime in its history when troops were called in to quell fighting in the gal-! leries between factions sympathizing with the Liberal constitutionalist party and the Social Democratic bloc. Whips and canes were used by the combatants in the struggle, which arose over efforts to win control of the permanent commission which is to act during the recess of congress from January 1 until next September. Election of this commission has been expected for the past fortnight, and the galleries at each session hive been crowded by the sympathizers of j the contending groups. The liberal i constitutionalists represent moderate official circles are coning to the con political option while the social Demo- elusion that the European problem can crat bloc i3 credited with radical ten- be solved only When all the great prc dencies. ducing nations get together. Sessions Impossible I Hooting and shoutiDS. in the gal leries have made the sessions almost impossible, and last Monday Eiuard Vasconcelos, president of the chamber, ordered the police to clear the gal leries. This they were unable to do. the crowd remaining until the sitting was finally adjourned. Afterwards a fight took place outside the chamber between the two groups which it re quired troops to quell. Vasconcelos asked President Obre gon for armed forces to maintain or der and the latter placed 200 soldiers at his disposal. The galleries were crowded at an early hour and the usual disorders began, whereupon the soldiers entered the chamber and stood at attention for half an hour. Members of the chamber protested at Continue Discussion Discussion of the budget then was continued until there came a sudden invasion of the galleries by followers tof the bloc, armed with lashes and sticks. They attacked the Liberal constitutionalist sympathizers and a hand to hand fight ensued in which the attackers were victorious. The sol diers rushed in and intervened but j the bloc forces remained triumphantly inside. Directors and Trustees of Scientists in Dispute j (Bv Associated Press) BOSTON. Dec. 30 The board of di-i i rtnin,l ... : n ; ee: , niMCU i lid i, i ur-y wcic is till ill (UlUcf and that the fact that thir resigna- tions had been offered to the supreme court placed jurisdiction solely in the court's hands. ' Weather Forecast MOORE'S LOCAL FORECAST Partly cloudy and not so cold to- night; Saturday unsettled with occa' si0nal linht rain or snow, j The above forecast is due to falling j barometric pressure over the sta,tes adjacent to the Great Lakes, and a storm now crossing the northern Dart i 0f the United States. followed by light rains Saturday; colder in north portion Saturday after noon. Temperatures For Yesterday Maximum 37 Minimum 18 Today Noon ....;.-..:....;...:.... 34 Weather conditions Temperatures are below normal over the eastern and southeastern states. Mild tempera tures prevail over the central plain states, due to low barometric pres sure over the Great Lakes region, re sulting in southerly winds over the central states. It is getting colder ill the far northwest. General rains are overspreading California and the north Pacific coast. Paid Circulation Yesterday, was 11,607 Meeting of French Business Men and Financiers Held in Paris to Grapple With Economic Situation. IMPORTANT MEETING (By Associated Press) PARIS, Dec. 30. The meeting of British and French financiers and business men at the French foreign office , this afternoon to grapple with the European economic situation, is regarded in French circles as one of the most important experiments since the first efforts to bring Europe back to a peace basis. It is generally believed that if the conference organizes an international consortium of bankers, merchants and manufacturers, it will have a marked influence on the future of Europe. Even in French political circles, where all efforts of British business men to intervene in European prob lems have been regarded with SU3-I picion the impression is gaining that I after all business heads may be able to get ahead faster than diplomats. Reason for Conference The failure of the allies to place any portion of the German reparation "" J men u ls unaerstooa nave uffii uiierea in every marnet capame of absorbing such paper is said to have brought about the present conference. All ideas of making an enormous loan, which all financiers agree is necessary to set on foot the work of restoring Europe economically, has been abandoned until it is seen what the supreme council meeting at Can nes may workout In connection with the business men's conference here. Difference of Opinion. There still remains a difference of opinion between London and Paris re garding the participation of Germany and Russia in a consortium and in the international economic conference which will eventually be held. The French maintain their attitude of re- fusing to meet the Bolsheviki official-! ly, although there are indications that CITY "GIVES THE AIR" TO TWENTY-TWO MEN FROM ELEVEN STATES "Guests" of the city, who claimed to be down-and-outers and had been sleeping in the basement of the city hall for the last few nights, were rounded up and locked in jail early Friday morning. At 8:30 o'clock they were arraigned in police court and told to be on their way. Eleven states located in all parts of the union were represented in the 22 men who lined up in the back of the courtroom. Their cases were disposed of in rapid fire order. Prosecuting Attorney Paul A. Beckett took the name of each one, together with his home address. Should they return to this city, they will be arrested on a vagrancy charge, they were told. Fred White, of Decatur, 111., was the first up. Joe Reglich, of Charles ton, W. Va., was next. "Take the Na tional road east," h e was told. J. Ryan, of Cincinnati; Andrew Clark, of Frederick, S. D.; John McCarter, of Tacoma, Wash., were others from widely scattered sections of the coun try. All claimed to be looking for work. NEW CITY OFFICERS BEGIN DUTIES JAN. 2 Citv Attorney W. H. Kelley is mak- ing out certificates of appointment for the members of the new administra- j tion who will be sworn into office J Monday, Jan. 2. I The following, persons will take of- fice then: Board of works members, (Walker Land, Frank McFail, Bert Henley; board of health. Dr. S. G. Smelser, Dr. C. E. Duffin and Ruth James; city attorney, William H. Kel ley; city engineer and assistant, Dell B. Davis and Everett Davis; building inspector, Edward Higgs; police sup erintendent,. William Eversman; fire chief, Edward Miller; market master, Felix Cronin; meat inspector, Edward Elstro; street commissioner, Albert Schneider; city controller, Webster Parry; dairy inspector, Clem Heck; sanitary inspector, W. W. Keene; park superintendent, Henry Fulle; sinking fund commissioners, George Fox, Henry Long. Members of the board of police com missioners are to be sworn in by the county clerk. Isaac Burns, W. B. Dye and Leroy Hodge are members of this board. All members of the city council have been sworn in. City Clerk William Stevens said Friday. Unidentified Man Killed In Mission Dormitory (By Associated Press) BALTIMORE, Dec. 30. Surrounded by 70 or 75 sleeping men at the Inas much gospel mission inWest Saratoga street, an unidentified man was shot j to death early today. His slayer es caped atter tnreatening to snoot tne watchman of the mission who pursued him for several blocks. All the sleepers were awakened and great confusion prevailed. No cause could be assigned for the shooting. The mission provides free lodgings for homeless men. Miss Nina Gore T h a oncrairnmant r,f Vies Vini flnfa daughter of ex-Senator and Mrs. Thomas P. Gore, to Lieutenant Eugene j Vidal, engineers corps, U. S. A., has I been announced. The wedding is to be in January. The daughter of the' blind legislator is one of the most ! accomplished and popular girls in the national capital. WIRELESS TO CARRY NEW YEAR'S BLESSING TO 50,000 STATIONS (By Associated Press) NEW YORK. Dec. 30 "Q. S. T. Q. S. T" in radio parlance "everybody listen" followed by the tones of a bell striking the seconds that mark the passing of 1921 and the voice of a minister invoking uoU's blessing on the New Year, will float through the air and into the ears of more than 50, 000 amateur radio operators in the vicinity of New York at midnight, Dec. 31. From station 2-Bak. located at Tar rytown, New York, Rev. Lucus Boeve will speak by means of a broadcasting radiophone to one of the largest aud iences that ever listened to a minister. An appropriate prayer, a brief address and seasonable songs by a selected choir will help to usher in the new year. At other broadcasting stations in and around New York similar pro grams have been announced. Radio operators on ships far out at sea, and stations inland as far west as the Pacific coast will be in tune with those of the Atlantic seaboard. A leading radio expert here says if the feeble energies of each individual station that will pierce the air when 1922 arrives could be combined, there would be power enough to run a saw mill. BUSINESS TO IMPROVE IN 1922, SAYS HARDING (By Associated Press) OMAHA. Neb., Dec. 30. Belief thati the national business situation is go ing, to improve in 1922 was expressed by President Harding in a message made public today by the Omaha Chamber of Commerce with an enter tainment in honor of traveling sales men who work out of Omaha. President Harding said it was hi3 earnest hope that travelling men "will continue in the coming year the splen did work for American business and national confidence which they have always conducted in the past. It has long been a conviction with me that no group of men do more to spread the spirit and sentiment of optimism than do these ambassadors of business, as I like to call them. "I hope and firmly believe that thel efforts which they and many others are putting forward, are going to bring about a vast improvement in the na tional business situation in the coming year." EGYPTIAN LEADER SAILS FOR CEYLON (By Associated Press) CAIRO, Egypt, Dec. 30. Said Zag loul Pasha, Nationalist leader, and his five followers who were arrested at Cairo last Friday, sailed from Suez for Ceylon last night. There has been considerable specu lation as to the ultimate destination of Zagloul since receipt of the first dispatches telling of his removal to Suez by the British authorities. The six Nationalists were ejected from Cai ro after refusing to discontinue politi cal activity and their removal was followed by rioting in Cairo and other cities, in which a number of lives were lost. Muncie Police Seeking Missing Young Women (By Associated Press MUNCIE, Ind., Dec. 30. Chester Reese, a young farmer living near here, has asked police to search for his wife who disappeared from the shop ping district of Muncie last Saturday afternoon. - Reese says he suspects foul play as Mrs. Reese was wearing valuable diamonds, had some money, and two uncashed checks with her. Mrs. Reese is 28 years old. (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON. Doc. 30 The Amer- 1 ican proposal for the limitation of aux iliary naval crai't of a maximum of 10,000 tons displacement was under stood to have been virtually agreed upon at the morning session today oE the arms conference naval committee. All of the powers' delegations ac cepted the American proposals, except, the French who while holding formal approval in abeyance said such ap proval was expected.' The delegations from all of the pow ers, however, were understood to have given their assent to the additional provision to the American proposal that the guns of auxiliary craft be limited to eight inches. Albert Sarraut, head of the French arms conference delegation at the meeting today of the commitee de clared in substance that France was beginning to be regarded with susplc- ion by the other powers represented in the Washington meeting and that this could not go on. Await Decision Decision on the American proposal to outlaw entirely the use of sub- marines against merchant craft was awaited today from three of the five J powers France, Italy and Japan. 1 Formal approval of this proposal j was given by Great Britain yesterday during its brief consideration which followed agreement in principle by a'l the powers to the first article of the Root resolutions reaffirming existing rules of naval warfare and theif strict application to submarine . operations against merchant craft. The proposal to prohibit ?ubmarine operations against merchant vessels went over for further committee dis cussion today with a proposed amend ment by the British delegates where by the five powers would agree finally between themselves to such prohibi tion without awaiting world assent to such a proposal. The amendment was offered after the suggestion had been accepted by Mr. Root as author of thH resolutions. p.nd the discussion ended for the day at that point without nny expression on the second proposal by delegates of the other powers. First Proposal As adopted in substance by the na val committee and sent to the sub committee for final drafting, the first Root proposal sets out anew the rules of visit and search belligerent crafi must observe in operating against commercial vessels, and couples with this the declaration that submarine must be governed by these rules. The resolution was to be valued, Secretary Hughes declared during it discussion, as a reminder to any of the signatory nations between whom future differences might arise "that, the weapons which they possessed were not, as in the past, to be used without reference to the laws of God and man." Balfour Reserves Passage Again Arthur J. Balfour, head of the British delegation to the arms confer ence, has reserved passage on a steam er sailing for England, Jan. 14. It was stated by a British spokesman today, however, that this was only a tentative booking and there was no idea that Mr. Balfour would leave the confer ence until it had completed its work. The British military contingent had- ed by Lieutenant General the Earl of Cavan, planned to sail from New York on the Olympic for home. Elihu Root, of the American arma ment delegation, was an early visitor at the White House today and was closeted with President Harding for nearly two hours. The regular cab inet meeting was delayed for a time by the extended conference which Mr. Root later asserted dealt chiefly with the present situation of New England railroads. CITY TO START 1922 WITH $29,000 CASH The city will start the new year with approximately $29,000 in the treasury. City Controller Bescher said Friday. This amount is in the general fund. It is the largest amount that the city has had on hand at this time for sev eral years. Last year the amount carried over was only $7,000. In the light plant fund at the pres ent time receipts for the past month have brought the fund up to $109,000, it was announced. However, disburse ments amounting to approximately $31,179 and the payroll to be given out Saturday, which amounts to $5,000, will cut the amount down considerably. However .the fund will still show in the neighborhood of $74,000, Controller Bescher said. RAILWAY TRAINMEN OFFICIAL RESIGNS (By Associated Press) CLEVELAND, O., Dec. 30. Jams Murdock, vice president of the Broth erhood of Railroad Trainmen, today wired hi3 resignation to W. G. Lee. president of the brotherhood, due to his appointment as minister of labor In j the new cabinet of Premier King of Canada. Mr. Murdock was elected a vice president of the trainmen's or ganization in 1905 and had served con tinuously since that time. The board of directors may appoint a successor to Mr. Murdock at a meeting here on Jan. 9, Mr. Iee said. :