Newspaper Page Text
i the 'Lake county times T"f 'I - PAGE THKKtf 42 7 UT1 OTIS a f ft k-v n I' Hammond S ... i i : "8 1 .1 n i j 1 r .1 ; I' J is IS ,an icieity V PEPSONNHL OF OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS WITH STOCKHOLDERS AND THEIR INDUSTRIAL HOLDINGS AS RE PORTED TO NATIONAL AND STATE BANK EXAMINERS. ' STATEMENTS SHOW HEALTHY CONDITION. IKE mST NATIONAL EA2TK OF Mary Beckman. IIASIMOHD, IITD. 10 A. F. W. Fedder.;5 officers. io j. g. ibach. 10 Otto Knoezer. A. M. Turner, Provident. 10 Eertiaa Ilutton. E. C. Minas, Vice President. 10 Legrand T. Meyer. W. C. Del man, Cashier. 10 J. F. Jarnecke. V. I. Ma.diino, Assistant Cashier. C Fred Gastel. BIEEC10ES. 1 0 A. F. Eidam. J .X. Jk-elnnan. A. M. Turner, 11 W. H. Gostlin. V. F. Mashino, E. C. Mir. as, 10 Joh. W. Wei?. V. C. PIraan, 1. W. Meyn. ) 0 'Josephine Reiter. No. Shares. Name 10 M. M., Jr. 220 A. M. Turner. 10 V F. Maschino. 3 50 P. V.'. Me no. S3 Eunice A. Jonche. 110 V. C. Bel man. 10 Murray T. Morgan. 100 3k C. Minas. 10 David T. Emery. 4 0 Wn. .Mi!- 20 John E. Fitzgerald. GO J. Vvr. Beckman. Resources. Loans & Di. counts Overdraft:-?, Secured & Unsecured. . . .. U. S. Bonus to secure eireuk' tion U. S. BoikH to n.-cura II. S. Depo-its.. Premium on U. B. Bonds Bombs, Securities Etc Furniture & Fixture. Other ileal E.-date owned Due from Xa '1 B-iuks, (Not Reserve A rent Due iVom Htato J kinks fi 1 Jankers. . . . Due from Approved Rcr.rvo Agents . . Cheeks & Oilier ca .'i items Fractional paper f-ceurity, Nickels & Cents Lawful money reserve ia ) Dank "Viz Sp.-cie 30, 168,00) . Legal Tender Notes 2,000.00) Redemption Fund vith U. S. Treas urer 5 p. c. circulation Liabilities. 439,103.10 101.04 100.000.00 150,000.00 8,000.00 SO, 029. 91 2,000.00 3,947.71 2 G, ,3 4 2. 4 8 297,802 . G6 1,570.97 877.60 32.16S. 00 5,000.00 10 3 5 05 5 5 20 25 15 20 20 5 M. Schmidt. L. Watson. Erick Lundt. H. L. Amilre. M. Schuetz. C. Walters. A. A. Winslow. B. F. Hayes. E. S. Emerine. F. S. Fransher. M. Haverty. Emil Lenz. 10 J. J. Haverty. 5 Ida M. Crumpacker. 5 S. L. Meyer. 10 M. Maginot. 5 Aug. Ruff. 10 Thos. Kennedy. 10 ; L. K. Kelly. 4 B. Hanson. 10 W. J. McAleer. .3 J. Whalen. 10 John Weis. LAKE COUNTY SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY. HAMMOND, IND. 1,221,806. S3 Capital Siock paid in 100,000.00 Surplus Fund 25,000.00 Undivided profi s, lc;s expenses & Taxes Paid.: 4,100.06 Nat'l Bank Notes outstanding 100,000.00 Due Id Trust. Companies & Savingsbanks 24,427.56 Dividends nnp.ii ! 360.00 Individual (!e;.o.-its raibjcet to cheeks.. 5S0,7g7 . 63 Demaudcertifieates of deposit 20,279.98 Time ceriHaates of deposit 216,292.01 Cert i lied Cheeks -47950 U. S. Deposits 136,801.98 Deposi s of U. S. Disbursing, odicers.. 13.19S.02 60 15 1 10 OFFICERS. 25 Peter W. Meyn, President. 20 Frank Hess, Vice President. 10 W. C. Belman, Secretary and Treas 10 urer. 5 David T. Emery, Teller. 20 DIRECTORS. 15 Peter W. Meyn. 5 Frank Hess. . 10 J. N. Beckman. 20 A. M. Turner. 5 E. C. Minas. 49 Jos. W. Weis. 10 W. C. Belman. ' 1 STOCKHOLDERS. - 5 No. Shares. Name. 14 140 Peter W. Meyn. 10 . 40 A. M. Turner. Resources Loans on Collateral Security ' Loans secured by Mortgage Furniture & Fixtures Current Expenses Taxes Paid Due from Banks Company's Funds.. .. Cash, Company's Funds Cash Items ' W. C. Belman. E. C. Minas. W. H. Gostlin. Frank Hess. Cynthia W. Sohl. J. N. Beckman. Joseph Weis. ', Charles Eidam. W. F. Mashino. M. M. Towle, Jr. Robert O. Law. J. Wm. Koeneke. . W. F. Bridge. G. T. Warner. A. F. Fedder. . " E. A. Jonche. V. S. Reiter. Joseph Dunsing. Raymond Cleveland. D. T. Emery. ' C. Oliver Holmes. 16,763.00 11,736.94 7,000. 0 2,940.50 32,066.41 4,150.60 3,000.00 INDIANA HARBOR STATE BANK. OFFICERS, Felix H. Erickson, Cashier. Albert De W. Erskine, President. DIRECTORS. W. R. Holligan. F. R. Erickson. T. F. Donovan. James D. Erskine. Albert De W. Erskine. STOCKHOLDERS. No. Shares, Name. Address. 37 F. H. Erickson, Indiana Harbor, Ind. 65 W. R. Hooligan, 15 Rook ery Bldg. Chicago. 6 Cecil Burnes, Elm and Dearborn Ave., Chicago. 5 James D. Erskine, 282 Michigan Ave. Chicago. 65 T. F. Donovan, Joliet, 111. 75 S. McIIie, Waldorf Asto ria, New York, N. Y. 57 Marion B. Erskine, Indi ana Harbor, Ind. 190 Albert De W. Erskine, In dian Harbor, Ind. On Furniture, Pianos, Horses, Wagons, Without removal of property and without publicity. I you cannot call, write, and we will send our confidential agent to see you. CHICAGO DISCOUNT CO. Room 200, 9138-40 Commercial Ave. Open Evenings Till 9 P. M. Liabilities 1,221,806,82 Capital Stock raid in Undivided Fronts. Interest Fees Etc Certificates of Deposit Deposits. . . .' Deposits, Savings Department. Due Estates. , Due, Trust Department 50,000.00 1,225.22 4,903.78 18,522.90 14,731.49 82,018.23 8130.67 5,055.96 $184,588.25 EAST CHICAGO BANK EAST CHICAGO, IND. Private Bank. Statement exhib ited in banking room showing capi tal stock, $25,000.00.. Henry Schrage, sole owner. HAMMOND 'HUBBARDS BEST WABASH TEAM Donohue Holds Visitors Down To Six Hits. Home Team Wins 5 to 1. $184,588.25 COMMEilCIAL BANK, ..KAM!.I0NDf IND. OFFICERS. Thos. Hammond, President. C. E. Ford. Vice President. J. W. Dyer, Cash it r. DIRECTORS. A. U. Ebon. K. j. True. J. W. Dyer. Thus. Hammond. E. C. Ford. A. il. Tapi'fr. S. K. Warrick. j S i OCj-vIICLEijES. No. Shares. Xa: ;e. I 2 a 12.: - s 4 225 1 1 1 ! F. Fdachmam V. 1 (.r. .1. E. ; il. ; . Taos. 1 ianmeud. Y. II. iiammotiil. Frank Hammond, li. V. Hammond. 1 14 5 5 10 5 14 1 10 9. 15 5 211 10 7 13 10 10 6 2 5 2 S 10 5 DO Resources Loam? & Discounts. . . Overdraft.; Stocks V mis Fun; -a; e Fixtures P.- f. -.!' .:aks ( . : :-: I... c ! II. Hammond. E. Hammond. A. Ilerbst. W. F. Howat. A. A. Howat. I. II. Hill. C. Hill.. A. Hirsch. F. Hump her. J. G. Ibaeh. Wm. Kleihege. Kaufman & Wolfe. C. E. Ford. R. P. Lamont. T. Moor. Rev. H. M. Plaster. E. C. Price. M. Rothschilds. J. Schrum. E. F. Swift. L. F. Swift. E. G. Schreiber. T. II. Tapper. L. B. VanCamp. S. K. Warrick. 591,635.56 19. S3 10,192. S6 4", 000. 00 1S5.G97. 61 18,614 . 66 ' EAST CHICAGO. OFFICERS. Liabilities. Caim Omii Tart;; : Sto.-i a; F.'.a d (a Interest. 100,000.00 25,000.00 5,64 3 . 6 2 2.22. 76 $810,160.52 J. G. Allen, Cashier. Albert De W. Erskine. DIRECTORS. : C. C. Smith. T. F. Donovan. ' A. G. Schlieker., , J. G. Allen. . .Albert De W. Ersftine. Robert Spear. F. H. Erickson. STOCKHOLDERS. Xo. Shares. Owner. Address. 1 W. E. McGrath, Chicago. 1 J. II. F. Fife, East Chi cago, Ind. : 1 Wm. Riley, East Chicago, Ind. 10 Robert Spear, East Chi cago, Ind. 10 A. G. Schlieker, East Chi cago; Ind. 10 C. C. Smith, East Chicago. 20 Ind. Resources: Loans & Discounts U. S. Bonds for Circulation Premium on U. S. Bonds Bonds Securities & C Furniture S- Fixtures 5 p. e. Redemption Fund Expenses : Due from Banks & Bankers Due from App'd Res. Agents $34,771.96 Cash on hand 18.712.3S I 10 F. H. Erickson, Indiana Harbor, Ind. - ; 1 Geo. H. Lewis, East Chi cago, Ind. 63 W . R. Holligan, Nev York, N. Y. 5 Geo. D. Cobb, Schoolcraft, Mich. 10 J. H. Kedsie, Jr., Chicago. 1 W. E. Jewell, Buffalo.N.Y. 10 F. F. Heigh way, Crown Point, Ind. 50 T. F. Donovan, Joliet, 111. 75 S. McHie,Nev York, N.Y. 32 C. J. Stuckrath, Chicago. 15 J. G. Allen, East Chicago. 1 A. Chrustowski, East Chi cago, Ind. 12 Cecil Barnes, Chicago, 111. 60 Marion B. Erskine, Indi ana Harbor, Ind. 10 James D. Erskine, In diana Harbor Ind. 92 Albert De W. Erskine, In diana Harbor, Ind. With Donohue easily the best of the opposing pitchers together with the fact that his opponent Curtis was found for eight nice hits and a total of eleven bases comes fretly nearly telling the whole story of the game yesterday between the Hammond Hubbards and the Wa bash Railroad Team of St. Louis. The team from down the rivermay be able to tell you how the Wabash got into Pittsburg but they would have considerable difficulty in ex plaining . why they . lef t , Hubbards ball fork with the small end of a to 1 score. - The game which was flaged be fore a good crowd was what" the fans would call a good one but aside from the rather liberal dis play of pyrotchnics on the fort of the batters the only feature of the game was the fort that in the ninth nning with two men in a run on an error hy White. The game seemed all over but the Horroh when with a St. Louis man on third and two men out bull made a nice little infield hit that was field ed Lv White. The Hammond short stop put lier over to first but threw the ball short and before Fowler could get it and recover for the throw Leisner came home. Hammond W. H. Eagan, Chicago. 108,070.43 50,000.00 1,875.00 13,531.23 2,777.52 2,500.00 3,305. 89 5,613.62 ) . O 2 $810,160.52 CITI:i-3 . GI?.:LAN . NATIONAL 1 '10 M. Humpheiv - 20 M. Rothschild. II.'M:i'0:i'l UTD. 10 rotcr Moser. OmCEllS. 20 Beiker Bros." . 15 O. Duelke. C: .-a V. aaaUa. Fre-i lent. 10 J. K. Stinson. Wi a D. Wis, ;, o Pro-ciilent. 50 P. Crumpacker. Gw M. Fi r. iV-ai -v. 15 Louis Roih. II, IF: ,: A. F-cnt. Cashier. 10 A. H. Tapper. ' rp "CTOIIS. 5 L. Harry Weis. CF o. aF F r. 10 Henry Diercks. Witt. D. V. la 20 F. S. Carter. IF M. PF'-'.er. 10 Herman Schreiber. Ci as. C. I- -t'tF. 10 Ed. J. Eder. Chas. F. IMF. Fh ' 10 J. S. Kennedy.. ;v " Hcrltin FFc:'-:'. : 20 Hi IF harrer." i Jo'r.i C. ' : r. i 20 Lavene- Pros. iizzL:i-:.:;:z';.. 3 j .j. Ruff. No. S'.. . IFaaa. 10. . John Zachan. . 5 1 (.. . F F. 1 'Fa; F. 10 H. BnrVe. 1 0 (F-a. M. IFFaa 10 P. A. Kahillek. r F. aFa .a F JUv.s. 5 II. White. F' V: ;. D. Wei.-, M. D. 10 John Gartner, TO IF F. 7 FltFF 10 J. C. Berker. 4 0 C. C. ri.aiF,. j , 5 J. D. Brusel. in 1 F cF i'Fvaaa . j 5 G. Warner. 15 'L.aaat. !. 20 Caroline Dihos. 20 Ju. ph LoIFa. J 10 A. J. R. lliil. J Liabillities Capital Surplus Ineres Exchange & Discount. Circulation Reservqd for taxes, Int. &. C. . . Deposits 53,484.34 50,000.00 10,000.00 3.0S2.77 50,000.00 472.85 127,602.41 $241,158.03 $241,158.0: k f- fiTl V J V W W f V W W uJ Jf W J W W W' J 0 ' W K0 W ' ' w PHONE 9 O First clasa livery In connection. Night callt promptly attended. o o o o o p CD o o LADY ASSISTANT PriTt ambulance ( ) OfSoe opea nljal f and day NICHOLAS EMMERLINQ 5uccet tor Krvst tt Eaatrllns UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR PRACTICAL EMBALMER. 211 Siblty Street, , Hammond, Ind C) C) () () C) C ) C) () () a J U W-J lJ jJr V WJ 'J iy k-fgr ifrff Sa' 4j Vj- xj f riatFl Vitf Vour Opportunity to get the very best Coal la the market at rock bottom prices, should not be overlooked. We will be glad to take your order now for all the OOAIa you will need next winter. At all times we are ready to sap ply Good, Clean Coal in large or small quantities at fair prices Dealers iiiCOAL, FLOUR and FEED. . Si V Hammond Horse liiin ner i I5to4or1ead of Homes always ca" hanrl. flay, Feed 2nd Weed for Eschanrje Stable. ED MARSH. Proprietor, MANHATTAN HOTEL, 396 Calumet Ave. R H P A E Enright c f 1 1 1 1 0 Edel c 1 1 12 2 0 McMahon 2B 1 1 5 0 0 Fowler IB 0 1 4 10 Clark If 1 0 0 0 0 White s s 0 1 1 2 3 Scherer r f 0 0 1 0- 1 Donohue p 1 1 2 3 0 Totals 5 8 27 9 0 Wabash, St. Louis R H P A E O'Rielly IB 0 0 10 1 0 Miller 2B 0 2 3 1 1 Smith c f 0 1 1 0 0 Leisner 3B 1 0 2 4 0 Baker c 0 1 5 2 0 Pope 1 f 0 1 0 0 0 Bull s s 0 0 1 1 0 Benifick r f 0 0 0 0 0 Curtis p 0 1 2 2 0 ! Total 1 6 24 11 1 Confirmation and j Graduation Photographs at JOIIOSOn'S STUDSO WITH SOUVENIRS Masonic Temple, 85 West State St., 2d Floor, Phone 2264. Hammond. t INDIANA HARBOR STATE BANK. Pwcsources: Loans & Discounts , Stocks, Bonds, & M'tg's Due from Banks & Bankers. . Furniture & Fixtures ' Real Estate Current Expenses j Taxes paid Cash on hand Liabilities. Capital. 1 Surplus Interest, Exchange & Discounts Deposits " Certified Checks Cashier Checks Reserved for taxes Reserved for Interest... $ 61, S01. 31 7S.455.S5 16,356.59 3,000.00 3,550.00 4,196.53 745.96 9.520.46 50,000.00 10,000.00 4.S39.23 111,380.36 31.27 230. SS 625.00 500.00 TWo Base Hits, McMahon 1, Don onohue l.Enright 1; Stolen Bases, McMahon, Miller, Benefick, Leisner; Struck Out By Donohue 10, Curtis 4 Hit By Pitcher, Donohue 0, Curtis 2; Base On' Balls, Donohue 13, Curtis 2; Umpire, Barget; Attendance 800; Time of Game, 1:40 hrs. $177,606.76 $17.606.76 MACHINISTS WIX The machinists and Retail Clerks tried conclusions on the diamond at East Chicago yesterday. The Retail Clerks all seem to have forgotten the score but the Machin ists say its was about eleven to noth ing in thier favor. The batteries were Arter and French for the Machinists and Jones and French for the Clerks. THE WEATHER. GEO P. STOUT (Successor to Stout & Sutton) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALEK IZf HARD AC3D SOFT COAL IU1D) 173 OD BricK, Stone, Lime, Cement. Etc, ALSO REAL ESTATE AND FIRE INSURANCE 280 State St. and Nickel Plate R. R. Tracks, HAMMOND, IND. Telephone 1622 5. 3. mutf 144-146 So. Hon man Ot ,ery am- Hand Mad 3 ix&Sgs 1 or -J'i ,. notice. 01 Thunder showers tonight and Tuesday, cooler, Tuesday. it Telephone No. 86." '5 ?' Re sidence Telephone Ho. Tv ncucs, o uuat cvua Sbfv .... perty, b' est in the world. . T T8. All wlsi I 03 13 j 4 i Udin V ! I IV r 1 I . t,. t I ! i '.I p-..w,t ii 1 ! I Suits if ( A -