Newspaper Page Text
PAGE VIVE JUNE -18, 100G. : THE .LAKE COUNTY TIMES . .. 4 ! . i 4 r i li If I i T X 1 I i : 1 1 ? . 1 4 L 3M i 1 ; It THE' FOURTH'"' OF JUtY is not far away but we expect to do business in our new building at 98 State Street by that time. We will have the LARGEST and most UP-TO-DATE Drug Store in this part of the State. Remember 98 will be our new location just op posite our present location. mi mfmmrmmSt JOS. W. WEIS, The Druggist 10 1 State Street. To reduce our stock we offer all trimmed and untrimmed hats at ONE-HALF PRICE. Our summer goods are all fresh and new and strictly the Rest Styles. We solicit your inspection, jBloomboff & Co. OF HAMMOND. I! . ....... Wttr, iitli .... rft F. L. KNIGHT & SONS, Surrercrs, Engineers. Draftsmen Investigation of records and examina tion of property lines carefully made. Maps and plates furnished. Crown Point, lnd. (Sincel800 For PLUMBING See Wm. Kleihege 152 South Hohman St. TELEPHONE 61. DR. WILLIAM D. WEIS fMygslctan an& Suroeon Deutscher Arzt Office and Residence 145 Hohman St Phone 20 (prirate wire) day and night service Sobnson's StuDto- Souvenirs With all Bridal and Con firmation Photos 85tFhonhaolF,oor Masonic Temple A-Qoideii Opportunity m mm mmm mm m mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmm mm mmmmmmmmmawml mmmm mm m WM. J. WHINERY, Xawger. Telephone 2141. Suite 306, Hammond Building. W. F. MASDINO, five Insurance. Office in First National Bank Building, RESTORATION OF LIFE!. DREYFUS CASE UP AGAIN A chance for everyone to own a Home The Hammond Realty Company will help yon WE are putting on the market seventy-five choice resi dent lots in East Lawn and McHie's Subdivision and will sell you your choice of any of these lots (now-unsold) at the unusually moderate price of 200 each, and what is more, we will loan to every person paying cash for his lot 75 per cent of the money required to build his home, at 6 per cent interest. All will be treated alike. First come first served. Do not neglect this opportunity. It may never be offered again. Doctor Says It Can Be Done by Squeezing the Heart After Apparent Death. TWELVE HAVE BEEN EESTORED One Case In Which the Beating Waa ltenewed ISO Minntes After It Had Ceased. iftflli CITIZENS OERN NATIONAL HAMMOND IND. Capital $100,000. Your Bank account is not too large. "Neither is it too small for the " '.WV GIT1ZEHS GERHAN IJflllOflftL BAHK to handle. We solicit the same on the most liberal terms consistent with good Banking. 3 per cent interest paid on time certificates of deposits. Same issued from Si. 00 up. Drafts to all parts of the World sold., O O SMITH Pres W D WEIS M D Vice Pres GEO II EDER Cashier E S EMERINE Ass't Cashier DIRECTORS CHAS SMITH C II FRIEDRICH J C BKCKER WM Id WEIS HERMAN SCHREIEER H M PLASTER If you appreciate Cincinnati, June IS. Dr. 15. Merrill Rieketts, whose paper on the restora- tlon of life by compression of the heart after it has ceased beating, read at the meeting of the American Medical as sociation in Boston on June , creattd a sensation, has consented to talk on the subject. He says a person -fc had been dead twenty minutes ws, brought back to life by manipulation of the heart. "The heart has actually been stimulated to action one or two days after death." said the doctor, "yet one or two minutes' after the cessation of the heart is time enough to justify ahysician in opening the chest mid squeezing the: heart, much as one would a sponge, to renew its action. Where the Treatn5nt la Indicated. 'Thp olnss of enses in which this .manipulation of the heart to renew life is especially applicable, is where ether or chloroform has been adminis tprml where there has been an in halation of illuminating or other such gas-, in cases of shock from fright, in jury of surgical operation, drowning, electrocution, strangulation, loss cf blood or probably in many cases of diseases or theadministration of drugs. The resiilts in alt cases are Influenced. by rompt anfl skilled attention, the quantity of blood lost, time and the cause of the suspended heart action, mutilation of the body and general care. Experimented on Dogs. "We have taken twenty-five dogs" and chloroformed them until the heart co-Ami to bent. Then the chet wa opened and the heart taken in the hand and squeezed about sixty times to tle minute. In about 75 pnr cent, of the animals the heart was made to beat again." Dr. Ricketts will probably find himself the subject of much discussion , for his urgent plea that criminals condemned to death or to ten years or more of imprisonment be offered the choice of commutation If they announce themselves willing subjects for experiments of this sort. He says: Wants to Try It on Prisoners rench Supreme Court Has Exam ined the Secret Documents lluinora Favor Dreyfus. Paris. .Tune IS. The supreme court lhii)d closed doors has completed its examination of the secret documents of the ministers of war and of foreign affairs concerning the Dreyfus case. The public sessions began today, the attorneys for the prosecution and de fense summing up. A rumor gained circulation in the corridors of the palace of justice that a careful canvass showed that a ma ioritv of the court were already in fa vor of quashing the judgment of the n-ennes court martial without further trial or proceedings. According to this report twenty-five out . of the fort members of the court are in favor of setting aside the judgment I I - .. 77 t - I I For information and particulars call at our office HAfinOND REALTY COflPANY Hammond Building 1 or our Agents' GOSTLIN, I1EYN & COMPANY 92 State Street Iieiscliman la an Ambassador.- Washington, .Tune 18 The president Vs signed the appointment of John I A. Leischman to be ambassador of e United States to Turkey. Leish n Is now United States minister to T ykey. The legation recently was raised to the rank of an embaasy. To Repair an Illinois Bridge. Washington, .Tutie 18. While th house has under consideration the sun dry civil bill an amendment was adop ed nonropriating Slt000 for the. repair o fthe bridge between the Rock Island crsenal and the Illinois shore. , NEWS FACTS IN OUTLINE the President Castro will resume presidency of Venezuela July 5. The International Brotherhood of Bookbinders has declared for female suffrage. Farmers of the Kansas wheat belt are paying the fines of jailbirds when, the latter will agree to help harvest the crop. Mr. and Mrs. Longworth will be the king's guests at the Ascot races .Tune 20 and 21. A hail storm of unprecedented sever ity destroyed 200,W acres of crops and killed cattle in the fields near Meli topol, Russia. While the northern portion of the province of Chi Li, China, has a severe drought, the southern extremity Is flooded by heavy rains. Frank Kramer, the bicycle rider from the United States, won the City of Paris grand prize of $1,000. Xext Friday the coronation of King Haakon VII of Norway will take place at Trondhjera. The anniversary of the death of Maximo Gomez was celebrated at Ha vana by placing a cimmemorative tab let on the house in which he died. The m-esident has signed the state hood bill, one pen used being maae or IysTi .-I,.JJ For Ice Cream and Cold Brinks H MORELLI & CO. IS THE HEADQUARTERS Ice cream for partys and picnics at moderate prices. Bricks a specialty PHone 2031. 258 So. Hohman w. s. PIERCE, Ptin. lege F. D.VIRDEN, Pres. Oliicaso Business HAMMOND Thorough courses in Shorthand, Touch Typewriting, Bookkeep ing and English. Special attention given to Advanced Stenography. Uniform rates of tuition. Methods open for investigation at all times. For particulars address CHICAGO BUSINESS COLLEGE, Phone 262a HOHMAN BLOCK, HAMMOND, IND Don t Gostlin, leyn Fail to see the handsome perfect fitting stylish suits for s -nrner wear at asto nishly low prices. $10.00 up "We now know of sixty prisoners in ' the quill from an eagle's wing. fine tinting at prices as low as good workmanship and material will permit Give 11s a trial. We are prepared to handle all classes of work in a prompt and satisfactory manner, . and would be pleased to give estimates a,. . i: ! 1 . 1 : r ! xue peimvuuaries wuu hik uik yuvu- , ers who are willing to be electrocuted j and so experimented with provided I that if resuscitated their freedom be j given them.' Summing up. Dr. Rick-! etts says that the total number of men I operated upon for cardiac stimulation is thirty-nine, and of these twelve re- j covered permanently, and In nineteen j of the cases the heart beat from one; death finally came. The heart has been made to beat as long as two and one half hours after the first cessation cf its pulsations. The longest time on rec ord of cessation of the heart after which it was restored or re-established permanently is twenty minutes. Thp Chicazo synod of the Evangeli cal Lutheran church has adjourned at Detroit to meet next year at Chicago. 1While attempting to escape from a rxlieeman at Chester, Fa., William, alias "Obick Horsy, a negro, was shot and killed. Don't Anarchist Gets Off Kasy. Rome, June IS. Francesca Oocuzza, a "Neapolitan anarchist who en June 10 NO USE FIGHTING ANY H0RE Which Is Why Two Hostile Filipinos Give It Up and Sur render. Manila. June 18. Macaro Sabay, self-styled president, and Francis Ca non, vice president of the Filipino re public, has surrendered. The authori ties are much elated, as Sakay was chief of Ladronism in Luzon. nl hia opti.-in tYiAins an end cf the imoaim9 in this section. The surrender was ao- ; Neglect buying a straw hat while we're showing the very latest in split or rough braids. $1.00 up The Lake County Times Phone 111 Hammond Building 'vrhevt Premier Giolltti n anwpr- ,,,u, fhmn th& irfinTin of fng attacks on deputies on the govern- i inafuerte. a former ofiicjal of Sakafs rhent's programme, rose in the tribune jroyprnraent, who gave himself up fe- r me puouc in tup cnamocr crying Centlv. S "Lies! lies: Pecelrern of the people:-. ..j Vurrender," said Sakay, -because and hiade a motion toward his pocket, ; g acting is an uphill game and the Fill has been sentenced to seven weeks im- i vrh will never succeeiV in gaining fn prlsonment. j. dependence until they show themselves l worthy of it. There is nothing- to be - j gained bv opposing the Americans." Instructed for Cummin. favenport. Ia.. June IS. The Scott Police Kept the Lid On. county Republican convention elected st. Louis. June IS. Uniformed delegates to the state convention and policemen, stooa guard over the bars instructed them to" support Jo?eraor , in the so-called "lid" clubs, organlza Cummins for re-electio'n and W. C. ; tions formed, it is alleged, for the pur Haywards, of Davenport, for secretary j pof of evading the Sunday salooa f stata j closing laws. Forget to see our Shiits, Underwear, Hosiery, Shoes, everything that's new and correct including correct prices. THE MODEL i Mens and Boys Outfitters. Real Estate in all Its Brunches" gSpring has como. The coal trust is on the trust." The prospects for Hammond were never 10 bright. Now is the time to buy yourself a home. We havei houses and lots to euifc the taste and purse of anyone Come now before the prices begin to climb. They5 are low now, but are bound to go tip. We have a few bargains left tut they will eoon be gone. Don't delay. : : ! s : : : s : : We List here a few of our Bargains New 7 room houso with bath; brick foundation, pavement and DriCK sewer paiu iur. ouiiow it iuij viuuluuv ivo.,- fiauv 6 room house, full 7 ft basoment, cement floor, bath, hot and cold water, gas ior lignt ana ou ij ioi, ceraeni Biaewaic, fine lawn, Summer street, 12100.00 35 ft lot on State street acros3 from Carter's livery barn, at very reasonable ngure, jcs 9 room housejO" street, 1400 4 room couage, 50 ft lot, paved street, E. Sibley, fnoo 6 room cottage, brick foundation, 37 ft lot, LaSalle St., $1,000 42 ft lot on State and State Line streets at a bargain. Fine two flat building 50 ft lot on Ogden street, f 3600. New 8 room house on Slanilla avenue, $2400 Michigan avenue, 8 rooms, $2100 4 room cottage, brick foundation, 1700 5 room cottage, Chicago avenue, 1000, easy payments 9 room house, 50 ft lot, Sheffield Avenue, $2500.00 8 room house, 50 ft lot, Sheffield Avenue. $2000.00 4 room cottage, Oak street, north of Hoffman, 25 ft lot orQf payments, $750.00 otiss, oi 7 room cottage cn Truman near Oakley, 35 It lot, $1400.00. erty b The above are but a few of the bargains we offer, If you wist law lock into anything in the real ebtate line, not listed above, call ea1 or write us. We can suit you. Suit Gostiln, Meyn & Co., "Real Estate la alt US Brandies Eg y v - - 1 " - i I r 1 i I ? j i - r