Newspaper Page Text
r.l'" ... JUNE 18, 190G. THE LAKE COUNTY i iMES PAGE SEVEK v; ( -'-3 l! i! i -J i 1 I ! H J. l f I -I ! ! I 1 I i'i Want Column Tool and die makers wanted. $3 50 per day and eteady work the year round. In a healthy farming town of 2.5G0 population, sixty. miles trora Chicago. In anawericg g$a9,age,, habita and laat place employed? Ad dress Hunt, Helm, Ferris & Co., Harvard, 111. C6-10t WANTED A bargain in a good second hand bicycle. 'J5f plyDaily Tribune. ; Special Eftle of Railroad Watches for CO days only. CHAS. ARKIN, 6-1-lmo 142 Hohman St. Wanted Waiters at the Maine Restaurant. 4-10-tf Stont'a coal leaves no whiskers cn the etove lids Beet that can be bought. Try i$. No. 230 State street. ' Phone 1622 1-6-tf j Geo. P. stout leads in coal and wood. If you are not dealing with him you are the looser. No. ijiO State etreet Phone 1C22. l-6tf. Carter's firat class livery and un dertaking; open day and night. Am-, bulanoe calls answered promptly. 6-20-tf WANTED Room and board in pri vate family by a married couple. jNo children. Address GEE Tri bune. 0-11-3; FOR RENT One or two rooms, modern conveniences, near business district. Call at Tribune Office. C-7 tf WANTED Situation as house keeper. Apply at 282 Sibley street. References. First flat. G,:,lt. w WANTED Laborers. Fitzhugh Luther, 150th and Columbia avenue. "6,1 it, C t. LOST OR STOLEN Big buckskin with one eye gone. Finder return to F. Gobitz, 450 East State street. C-12-tf j LOST A email black pocket book containing nearly 15. Will finder please leave it at The Tribune office and receive reward. ' -i 63i3ti FOR SALE Seven veora. regideiree on Indiana avenue; good .'ba&emiH itut ami tutu vv uui , ijuo, - ctcuuiu lights, in fine vcbridtion.';"u00. 50 foot lot. Si jS" $to6ate$eti?(! &n: Truman street, good baseteefttr two story house, $1,750, lot'tftVfWl:rE.; D. Brandenburg, 10G First National Bank building. 6,U,Pwr LOST A munial-ilk'8 tooth fob. A reward will be given for its return to Summer's pharmacy. 6,14, 3t. FOR Vacant SALE Desirable business. Cheap. 44x100 feet. On Plummcr avenue. "G7 "'A. Malcom, Blackhawk Street and-, Cherry Ave nue. Chicago.- 6,lSlw.: 5 FOR SALE Store,, and office ta bles, typewriter tables, office desks, tables with heavy tops, cherry and walnut, all widths : and - lengths. From the Chicago U. S.. Post Office.: Must be sold at once at the Hammond Furniture Co.," 83 State Street.". Phone 2322. 6,10,lw. ... WANTED At "once, 25 men, steady work. Apply at yard of National Fire Proofing Co. 6-G 12t Hobart Ind. New IVfep ot Lake tuu.u,iiiu. Mr. J. T. Edwards of Crown Point, has nearly completed one of the most accurate and up-to-date maps ever published of Lake County, .after two years of .hard .labor. AIap sill . be oompietea m a iew weeKs.-- eiui io your order to J. T. EDWARDS," - Crown Point, Ind., Or R. L. MILLER, t Hammond. ItM. . cila cU3 cia cia dj c C BEST IN TOWN When You'Are Hungry REMEMBER Trlij MAINE RESTAURANT AND LUNCH ROOM 0 Meals at AU Hours For Ladies and Gentlemen JO BEREOLOS BROS., " ru 122 S.Hohman Street , u bO Mrt. EXPERIENCE , Trade. Marks - Designs " Copyrights Slc. Anrne spndinjf a ktrh and 1ocriptli-n may cjntoiclT imcerum our t'l'iiurm free whether ai InvHiii ion is probable fateti'Hh't. t'oninuiiiira. tiimoKtrictlycoTinaentlal. HANDBOOK on Pstenu Fareuts taken Ibrounh Jlami A Cls. r?telye tpteUU nttic, wltiout ciin:e. in the ciCMific j?mcncan. : A handeomely n!strte trerklr. l.srast dfi dilation of any pnentta' leiircal. Terms. IS yart fnnr months, ti. feoiiibyall newc)ra)eT. f'iUHUCo.3SlBro New York brr& Cu. ta F UVTl,uiuUC i I? f - f !- Pki-t M m REAUESTATE TRANSFERS , A list ot, transfers pf real estitri Furnished daily 'by tfce'Lake County Till? and QurntyCorijnt.-r 1 ,. Abstractors Hammond an4,Crojvn Point, r':t''-L- I Elisha T. Davis to Frederick W. Xl tenderer Lcts 151 anfV ykin Fipt Atldi t ioij, .f Wii I nyLWU 1 . 0 e 10 0 Geo. II. Lewis to James II. Jaoua, tot 12 Block 3, Toyle&, Young's 2,nd Add., Hamnionti, ind., for 5j00 James II. Jaqua to Edward E. Beck, lot 12 Block ?, Tovvle & Younigs Second Addition, Hammond, Ind., for 5 50 jO 0 Dwight , F. .r Camej-oa Co Solomon ' Friedman, "Lots 4 6 td "f5 -Block 1, Lots V, to ic Block 2, Walsh's 2nd Eat . Oh ica.go I pL for 1,000.00 Dwiglit F. Cameron to" Sam Friedman Lots .'It to 3 0 I51ock 1, Lots 9 tol 1 2 :Woik -1, rWalbSs Setpnd, East chic6. iu?- ' y East Chicago Co., to Karl Henslek, Lot 5 Block 56, Indiana Harbor, for. 2 00j(0 Henry II. Cragg to Carrie R. Cragg, Lot 8 h;ddy First Add, -Crown Point, Ind., for l.OOO.'OO Maria Hartman to John Welmer, Lot ort 'J.'-IairS. L''i:gwn Poiit, Ind., Whiting Land Co. to Wm.fC. Gardinier, Lot 29 Block 9Central ParkAdd., Whiting, Tnd. Tor 300,'00 Nicholas Scherer to John Maas, Lj)ts .77 and, 8 "mock'T?; .irTsiberejBjIe. Ind. for ' ''t .';30p.00 Clara B. Halfner to Frank ,IL., Hlf- ner, Part S. E. 1-4 of Sectiort 3 Township 35, Range 8, for 6,000 Besile the foregoing transftrs there have been filed for record in the Recorder's Office of Lake Cd'., Ind. 2 mortgages, 3 Releases and 3 Miscel laneous instruments. ' Notice of Administration." In the matter of the Estate of Wn 90fi Anna GoetzriJetieaccl. ' ; S Kotice is herty (riven 'that 'the undersipned has been amointei Administrator of said JEs tat. by tkJnjfof We Lake-JiutMrfior Court. ISaid.KilejU;.? supiwsexl to be solvent. . JACOB LOESCR? ' U -! " 'V Administniior. ?r'lTifte4.jJiie 6 1905. tor List -on-for i The following letters remain called for at the Hammond P. O. the week ending Jane 11, 1906. R. O". Boatman i- Joseph Bonner '"Eldr Wm. Hammereley ; L. Cesser Fred Kulog Erfck-Ltmiquist if E. 'AT Menier iMrs.ertrude Mendanhall --Jolia-aAMcAlees9 Herm Johan Mayer v Mary L. Miller. Mrs.; S. NV. Sqcxan. PRESSTHEtsT DUT'T.ON You !mply pren the button ( as in the pictutr and the pea fill" ' fldi&S - Writes the inttant !t touches the paper . Eagle$150 Hash So. i$ with 14 karat ofld gpU pen point finrst vulcanized rubber and ruDy gnarar.ttr4. "' Eagle "Flash "No. 25 with sold band. $2.59 Egle naah" No. 26 large size, . . $3.00 with gold bands, $4.00 , Sold by Stationrrs and Other Stores Ask YOUR DEALER. If he doesn't tell yoa the Eagle "FLASH" Fountain Pens tben end the retail price direct to us Kach pen absolutely guar, acteed. '. Eagle Pencil Co. 11 m Manufacturers 1 ! (" 377 Broadway. New"York CliiCHSTERS EfiGLISH PENNYR'OYAL'PILLS Rf. AIwst roliablf. Lmdiea. ai rrurrlit foi t llHHKMFRJi Xtallf tu lied and (old iijetiiihc boxen, (sealed wih .tilu r:bbo l ake no other. liefn danpraa aa tti tut ion nnil iatilatloa. Buy of your Druggist, Of stMui 4e. in Mtops for lrti euJi . Testi monial a?;.t Keller lor 14I lea, n truer, bf iriitraHaii. H,W6 TeiUmoiki3. feoid bj ai i-irugJTista. CHIC3ESTER CHEMICAL CO. 109 EXadUon k-are. PHllJU, P MnUsliliM The sVmplStlurwt Safert Ifi' Wi 11 Handiesj only1 Perfett ' 5J 7f II Sclf-fiiiinj Pen. No glass filler f Snitf 'lr H no liUc to spHI no clogging . iiS" ot halin.:, .'j - ! i&l M T i -. i lili Aft- Seftj9m mm 4LH Social Tea Biscuit Just the thing to offer with an afternoon cup of tea or chocolate or coffee. In fact, they're good to eat most any time just for the pleasure of it. Sweet and slightly flavored with vanilla. STATEHOOD SETTLED Vhat the People of Oklahoma Owe ;; to the Tireless Energy of Senator Beveridgs. A. SOURCE OF GRATIFICATION Adoption by the Senate of the Con- ference Report on the Statehood Bill I -a Great and Historic Victory for tho i tr., irf;-,ri . Senior Senator rrom Indiana. j-!.--! -.w . rtr.iVetin' rnm:vinHililllt 1 1 ' T So far. as the United States senate is concerned, the hard-fought, long contested controversy concerning the statehood of Oklahoma and Indian Ter ritories and New Mexico and Arizona, hat been settled by the adoption of tho conference report on the statehood bill. This result, which is the equiva lent "of the passage of the statehood bill, was a great victory for Senator jBeVeridge of Indiana, whose name, during all the years of consideration xt the subject matter of statehood for the four territories has been so con- ; spk-uously and honorably connected as ; Its leader, and whose untiring efforts during all this time, even when there was hardly a forlorn hope for the ac complishment of statehood, never ceased. , By the terms of the conference re port, Oklahoma and Indian Territory are to "be admitted to the Union as one 6tate under the name of Oklahoma. When the bill passed the house some months ago, it contained the provision for the admission of New Mexico and Arizona as one state under certain terms and eventualities, but the senate rejected all provisions made for JSew Mexico and Arizona Territories, and -the part. of the bill accepted .by. the conference report remains in substan tially the same shape as when the bill originally passed the house some months ago. A compromise between the senate end the house concerning Arizona and i New Mexico was devised by the con- j ference. committee after many spirited pessions and keen controversies. By this compromise, it was provided that at the fall elections of 1906 the voters of these two territories shall decide, j first, whether they want to come into the Union as one state under the name of" Arizona, and secondly, the voters of each territory should decide by ma jority Tote that the people of each territory, respectively, so desired. Should a majority of the votes cast in either territory be in the negative upon these propositions, then all fur ther proceedings looking to the ad mission of New Mexico and Arizona to statehood, under the name of Arizo na, will be suspended. In passing upon this proposition, the voters at the same time will have the opportu nity to select delegates to the consti tutional convention, should it be de termined that the two territories de 6ire admission to statehood as the state of Arizona. Regardless, how ever, "of the result of the voting upon this proposition in New Mexico and Arizona, it should have no effect what ever upon the admission of Oklahoma and Indian Territory to statehood un der the provisions of the bill, as amended by the conference report. It must be a source of great gratifi cation to Senator Beveridge that the has finally accepted the confer ence report, containing substantially aUtha features originally conceived EsSJ ever and wherever you buy Biscuit, Crackers and Wafers, RiJ . NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY JFJ Tinker orTrade -.'.v-.-. - , - , y -t- K" --it imf VjiiMiiumfi iiiHTiiiiiimy Common crackers and wafers fingered from the time they leave the bakery until you get them in a paper bag or the Biscuit, Crackers and Wafers baked by the NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY -and packed in. a package with all their oven flavor, delicious freshness and high, quality? Which will YOU hate? If you want to answer this question once and for all, try a package of either of the three delights mentioned below: Butter Thin Biscuit A crisp, light, dessert biscuit, rich and satis fying, served as some thing out of the ordi nary. If you really want a biscuit that's particularly nice, try a package. Ever after you will be guided by the NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY Trade Mark, in red and white, on each end of a package, when ever and wherever you buy Biscuit, Crackers and Wafers, by him when the statehood question, more than four years ago, first arose In the senate. It may be said with absolute truth that the senator is the father, politically, of the new state of Oklahoma. He first conceived the Idea of a state composed of Oklahoma and Indian Territory, and from the time that his proposition found tangi ble form as a bill for the consideration of the senate, up to the present hour, a contest of statesmen, involving the keenest minds and most scrutinizing search into the histories of these ter ritories for light upon the proposition pro and con has been waged. This political battle in the senate, contin uing through the past four years, has been historic and unprecedented, and , . , , . . . j Hjlminates in a signal vjctory-for the : ECnatOr. ' When the Beveridge bill was orig inally introduced, it was vigorously and acrimoniously, opposed by the peo ple of all the territories themselves, but the senator remained firm, confi dent in his belief that deliberation, Btudy and information would in time educate the people of those territories to his view. Too much credit and praise cannot be given to Senator Beveridge for his untiring efforts and unfaltering faith in the ultimate achievement of state hood for Oklahoma, as originally con ceived by him and embodied in his original bill, and no man stands high er in the measure of public confi dence, integrity, singleness of purpose and disinterested motive and tireless energy in achieving their best inter ests than does Senator Beveridge among the people of Oklahoma and Indian Territory, and over the nation at large, in all parts of which this great contest for a new state and a new star in the flag has been so con- j ctantly watched. No man has ever j been recognized as a more tireless i leader, abler debater or more consci entious investigator of a matter com mitted to his charge than Senator Beveridge, to whose personal atten tion and steady faith the result must primarily be accredited. NO DISCRI-IIMATION IN RATES i ! San Francisco Cannot Have Cheap Building Material Freight Becausa It's Against the Iav. San Francisco, June IS. There will le no reductions on freight rates on building material to San Frameisco, and builders and property owners who have been hoping for some reduction in the rail rate on structural steel and other materials from the east will be destined to a serious disappointment. It is explained that reductions in rates cannot be made to San Francisco without making them applicable to all other Pacific coat terminals. For this reason the Southern Pacific and Santa Fe and connections are prevented from doing all they would like to lo in the way of reduced rates to stimulate the rebuilding of San Francisco. Base Ball for Charity. San Francisco, June 17. A picked base ball team from the San Francisco police and lire departments will lave here in a few days for the east to play department teams in all the principal cities for the benefit of widows and or phans of the two departments in this city, many of whom lost their all in the recent fire. President Could Not Attend. Sayville. L. I.. June IS. President Roosevelt has notified John K. Hoose velt that he is unable to attend the funeral of his uncle. Robert P. Roose- i vlt which tr!k tlD at Ij-fi T ot - : 1nU 1nn,,v, nr. ?t j officIa du(i as the seastm for"ai ab j geB0t j a I - Mark Mark- Graham Crackers So different from the ordinary Graham Crackers different in baking different in flavor different in packing. More paiat-able-more satisfying more nutritious. Made of the purest Graham flour and baked in a manner that only the National Biscuit Company knows. SCORES AT BASE BALL Chicago, June 18. Following are the base ball scores: Leajrue (Saturday): At New York St. Louis 2, New York 11; at Boston Cincinnati -8. Boston 4; at Brook lyn and Philadelphia Bain. (Sun day) At Brooklyn Cincinnati Brooklyn 0. American (Saturday): At Detroit New York ti. Detroit 2; at Cleveland Philadelphia 4. Cleveland 9; at St. Louis Washington 5, St Louis .1 - ten innings; at Chicago Boston 0. Chi-1 cago 0. (Surwlay) At St. Lrouis Wash ington 3. St. Ixmis 7; at Chicago Bos ton 1. Chicago o. Association (Saturday): At Indianap- (secpnd game) Milwaukee 2. In dianapolis 8: at Louisville Kansas City 7, Louisville 11; at Toledo Min neapolis 4, Toledo r ton innings; (sec ond game) Minneapolis 7, Tolvdo 3; ni Columbus St. Paul C. Columbus 7. (Sunday At Columbus Minneapolis H. Columbus r; at Louisville Milwaukee 7, Louisvile 4; (second garnet Milwau kee 1, Louisville (; at Toledo St. Paul i, Toledo 5. Western (Saturny): At Sioux City Des Moines 3. Sioux City 7: at Pueblo Omaha 7. Pueblo 8. (Sunday) At Sioux City Des Moines ?, Sioux City 4 eiirht inuinirs, rain: at Denver Lincoln 5, Denver 3: (second, game) Lincoln j, Denver six innings, ram; at Pueblo Omaha 1, Pueblo 3 five in nings, Kaln. IT WAS NOT 0UE MEAT Ton of llotten Tinned Foods Destroyed by a British Medical Officers Colonial Embalmed Berries. London, June 18. The report of Dr. Thomas, the medical officer of the bor ough of Stepney, to the local govern ment board shows that his department during the last five years has destroyed over a ton of rotten, tinned fowls- daily at the Stepney wharves. These, he adds, were not Fnited States goods, as practically no canned goods from Unit ed Statesconcerusare imported through the Stepney wharves, but were col onial meat, fish and fruit. The medical officer says be found New Zealand raspberries treated with sulphur in order to preserve them. On their arrival in England the raspber ries were soaked In an aniline bath to restore their color. He considers that diseased meat once canned will easily defy detection and that a strict exam ination cf the carcasses at the time of slaughtering is the only means of pro tection. WABASH RAILROAD. East Bound. No. 14 Local points to Detroit, Hammond 11 4S a. m No. C Through train Buffalo & New York, Hammond.. SMS p. m No. 12 Through train Buffalo & New York, Boston, Hammond ll",p 1 - West Bormd. No. 5 to Chicago, Ills., Hammond 16 a. m No. 9 to Chicago, St. Louis & Kan sas City, Hammond. ... 9: 34 a. m No. 1 to Chicago, Hammond.... 3:03 p. m No. 13 to Chicago St. Louis & Kan sas City S: 40 p. m. Trains No. G and 5 are through trains to Toledo, O. and Pittsbur; Pa., with chair cars and sleeper. All trains daily. For any information 'phone 27G1, or write F. H. Tristram. Ast. Gen. Pasgr Agt. 9 7 Adams street, Chica go, 111. Fred N. Hickok. Agent, 1 Hammond. SHERIFF'S SALE By virtvie of a certified copy of a decree to me directed bv the Clerk of the Lake Circuit Court in a case wherein Vermont Savinsrs Bank i plaintiff and James N. Youiur and others are defendants, requiring me to sell the follo-ving ! described parcel of ground for the pui pose of m i kin? from such sale the sum of -'2tk.74 for the j satisfaction of a lien therein declared to exist asrainst said parcel in favor of the cross com- plainant Wm. F Bridge for taxes, togrether with interest on said sum and cots. I will expose ! at public sale to the highest bidder on I Saturday the 30th. day of Jaia ISOS. between the hours of ten o'clock a. m. and four j o'clock p. m. of said date, at the door of the j Court House in Crown IVint in said County, the j rents ami protits for a term not exceeding seven 1 eara by the year, of the Wot half of Kioek A ! in Hyers' Addition to the City of Hammond in 1 the County of Lake and state of Indiana. If 'such rents and profits of said parcel of jrround i will not seil for a sum surticient to reulie the j sum of f.nki.Ti with interest and costs 1 will at i the same time and place exiHe to public sale i the fee simple of said parcel of ground, or so 1 much thereof as may be s-jtf icient to realize- the j said sum with interest and costs. If the pro j ceeds realized from such sale shall be more than siilhcient to realize the said sum with interest i and costs 1 am directed by the said decree to j apply such surplus as fellows, in the order given : 1st To a lien of the cros complainant Ernest G. Schreiber in the sum ot SliUv.O J and in terest and costs. 2nd To a lien of the plaintiff in the sum of fT-Ai.uo and interest and costs. 3rd To a lien or Frederick A. Morgan as sole administrator cum testamento anneso de bonis non of theest ate of William Treutlor. deceased, in the sum of f4S.t5, tth Any balance to the defendant James X. Young. Such sale shall be made without relief of va luation and appraisement laws and without right of redemption, and upon payment of the purchase money a deed of the Mieriff of Lake County shall forthwith le issued to the pur chaser. In tase the said James X. Young shall pay the said lien of the said Bridge to the Clerk of said court on or before the Pith day of June. t!. then said parcel of ground shall be sold for the sa tisfaction of said liens of the cross complainant Schreiber ami the plaintiff and the cross com plainant Morgan as administrator, which may remain unpaid, ami the proceeds shall be ap plied in the order herein indicated : such sale to ie made as hereinabove provided, but with the relief granted by the valuation and appraise ment laws of the State of Indiana and with the statutory right of redemption accorded in the foreclosure of mortgages. I' nder said decree, such sale, w hether to sat isfy any one or more of the above liens, shall operate to foreclose all rights of the plaintiff and the above named defendants ami cross com plainants and the defendants Mary U. Young. Ella M. Hayes. Mary Schreiber aad the Board of Commissioners of said County of Lake. CHARLES J. DAUGHERTY. sheriff Lake County. Chester B. Masslich, II. S. Uarr. Plaintiff's Attorneys. Legal Hotico. No. 8199. Treasury Departmeni, Office of Comptroller of the Currency, Washington D. O., May 2. 1900. Wereas, by satisfactory eTidence presented to the undersigned, it lias been made to appear that The Citiz ens German National Bank of Ham mond," in the City of Hammond in the County of Lake of Indiana, has complied with all the provisions of the Statutes of the United States, required to be complied with before an association shall be authorized to commence the business of Banking. Now therefore, I. Thomas, P. Kane, Deputy and Acting Comptroller of tho Currency do hereby certify that "The Citizens German National Bank of Hammond, in the County of Lake and State of Indiana, is authorized to commence the business of Banking as provided in Section fifty one hundred and eixty nine of the Revised Statutes of the United States. In testimony whereof witness my hand and Seal of office this second day of May, 1900, T. R. Kane Deputy and Acting Comptroller of the Currency. (Seal) 5-5-tf notice. Trains Ncs 27 and 28 between Ham mond and Chicago, commonly known as th Butcher Run, will not be dis continued Juna 1st as formerly an nounced. This train will continue to run cn schedule as heretofore. Yours truly, A M D EWEESE Asst Agt, Erie R R Personally Conducted Four ! Week's Eastern Tour. -A, personally conducted party in a epecial train of Pullman Sleepers, In cluding a dining car, will leave Chi cago via the Wabash, July 5th, for a few weeks' tour of the East, covering the following route: Detroit, Toronto, Niagara Falls, Kingston, St. Lawrence River, Thou sand Ielanda, Montreal, Ottawa, Que bec, White Mountains, Portland, Me., Old Orchard, Portsmouth, Plymouth, Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Bal timore, Washington, Pittsburg and Toledo. Rates very reasonable. For com plete itinerary of the trip, with rates and other details addres?, j F. H. TRISTP.AN, i Ass't General Passenger Agent, 97 Adams St., Chicago. Michigan Central Excursions. The Michigan Central on Fri day and Saturday cf each week until September 29th will sell week-end return tickets to St. Joseph, Benton Harbor, New Buffalo, Three Oaks, Harbor, New Buffalo, Three Oaks, Buchanan and Niles, Michigan at $2.00 for round trip. To Dowaglac and return, $2.75. To Lawton and return, $3.00. Good for return un til Monday after date of sale. I. E. Dickinson, 6,9,6t, Ticket Agent. 11 line -1 ai Dl6 rERIE RAILROAD. CN EFFECT June 23, 1905. At HAMMOND, IND GOING EAST xNo 24 Huntington Acmdatlon 8.10 am No 4 New York and Boston Vestibuled Limited 11.53 am xNo 14 Wells Fargo Express. . 4.20 pm No 2C Rochester Ac'modation 4.33 pra No 10 Chauauqua and Buffalo Limited 5:50 pm No 8 New York Express 10;35 Dm i No 102 Bass Lake Special 9 :00 ata xNo 28 Chi to Hammond oniy 6;53 pm GOING WKST xNo 27 Chicago Accomodation 5:45 am No 7 Chicago Express 6;12 ata No 9 Chicago Limited . 7:00 am No 25 Chicago Accomodation 8:43 am xrio 21 Chicago " 3:50 pm No 3 Chicago VestI buled Limited . 4:40 pm yNo 13 Wells Fargo Express 9:40 pm i No 101 Chicago Special - 8 :50 piu Dailf x Daily except Sunday y Daily except Monday iSunday only A. M. DeWeese, Ticket Agent. C. L. Enos, Trarellng Passenger A$?ent Marii Ohio. MICHIGAN CENTRAL 'The NUgara falls Beats" Time card in effect Sept. 21th, 1905, TRAINS EAST. j 2 Detroit & Local - -7:53 mm No 42 3t. Joe fc Gd. Rapida Ex.l:54 pi No 23 i alamazoo Ace 3 :55 pra No 44 St. Joe Gd. Rapids E6:09 pra No 6 Detroit Night Ex Dl0:47pm No 36 Atlantic Express.. D 13:49 ata TRAINS WEST. No4lGd. Rapida & Chi Ex D 6:20 am No 37 Pacinc tsxpress D 6:40 ax No 15 Kalamazoo Ace 9:55 ata No 43 Gd. Kapids A Chi Ex. -.11 :53 ara No 1 1 Detroit fe St. Joe E t D 8 :06 pm No 45 Chi & Gd. Rayids Ex 4:08 pm No 5 Chicago & Local 5:13 pm No 47 Kal. & Chi. Express . 6:55 pra No 49 Chicago Express 3 9.13 pea 8 Sunday only D Daily No 14, due 8:47, will stop at Ham- r morvd for passenger a for Detroi and points east thereof. ' : Others daily except Sunday . OilOil Time Table Effective June 3d, 1906. SOUTH No 85 fl2 OS ara No 5 9 10 No 33 12 No 39 3 No 3 9 5u N0RT3- No 4 .... . ...6 10 am- No 36 fS 47 ara No 40 9 36 ara No 32 11 11 ara No 38 s4 39 pra No 6 5 02 pm No 30 x7 49 pra S Denotes Sunday only. X Daily except Sunday. F Flag stop only. J. C. Down ise, AfcciJ t. Pennsylvania Lin Schedule in effect Sunday, Not. 25, '05 Lv.Hamd Ar Chi Lv Chi Ar H&md x 6 50am 6 45 a m all S5 p m 13 32 a ra 6 26 " 7 35 5 25 a m 6 26 6 41 6 89 0 01 6 41 44 7 45 ' " X 8 00 " 9 00 , slOll 11 10 " 5 30 00 ' 8 05 zl2 SSpml85pm 8 50 1011 a 31 4 30 1120 12 33p X 4 48 K 39 it 6 05 6 80 700 8 00 3 50 p ra 4 ib t tt t 4 15 5 33 5 33 6 42 7 17 5 32 4 30 5 40 6 15 x7 0C noli x Daily except Sunday 8 Snnday only Excursions Erie Railroad. $13 35 from Hammond to Chautau qua Lake and return. Tickets onealo July Pth ad July 27th. Return limit 30 days from date of eala. One dollar excursion to Bass Lake. Ind., commencing June 24th and every Sunday following until Sept, 23d, 1906, inclosive. Good only oa Sunday special excursions. Special eiccrsion to .'Mexico City, Mexico, Jnne 24th to July 6th; on fare plus 2.00 'for round trip. Gooo returning until Sept. 15th, 1906. Special excuriion to Boston, Mr June 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 17, one farf 1 1.00 for round trip; good retn until July 15, 1906. V To Bippus, lad. east, Chicago, west, and and all intermediat3 p and return, every Sunday at one for round trip, good going and turning only cn data of sale. 1 gage cannot be checked on Sundaj cursion tickets. For additional informatioiery Erie ticket ofice or write ai Weeee, assistant agent Erie . Co., Hammond, Ind. Honey to Loan In any amount on short cotica, oi real estate or perscual property, b Stinsou Bros. Attorney! at Law, -Stenographer and notary in office. All inquiiies strictly confidential. Suita 105, First National Bank Bnildicg, Hammond Ind. i ! pi! 1 if f ' - V r P K J r I H i - -J- r - , -