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The Lake County times. [volume] (Hammond, Ind.) 1906-1933, November 03, 1906, Image 8

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Saturdav, Xov. 3. 1006.
3 to!
Good Gloihes for the EojsJHE OTHER MHO'S OX
fXlo StA f t For the strenuous boy they
A r - 4t&J 1 1 1 1 should be made of "iron."
3? e, n
J- -V
'' W -
We have the next thing to it.
Cultivate in him that desire
to be dressed right; this you
can do best by getting "the
habit" of coming to us.
Majestic Building.
Or fs o o o f r. r f, o o i?v
First claw iirery In
connection. Night calls
promptly attended.
Private ambnlanoe
Ofioe opea night
and day
Success to Krsst Eaussrltas;
211 Sibley Street, Hammond, Ind.
) fh,
iJ j
We mean what we say. "The Marvin Plan"
enables any one who will put away a small
Bum each day to own a farm that he can live
n, or lease out, and in either case have a
good income for life. Land is situated In the
most productive belt in the United States. An
absolutely safe, sure and profitable investment
ar superior to a savings bank. Let us explain
the plan to you. It is money in your pockei
to know our method of doing business.
D, 605 Baltimore Building,
Chicago, IlL
Artistic Commercial PrintingTimes Office
Lake County
Title & Guaranty Company
F. R. MOTT, President, J. S. BLACKMUN, Secretary,
FRANK HAMMOND, Vice-Pres. A. II. TAPPER, Treasurer,
S. A. CULVER, Manager.
Hammond and Crown Point, Indiana.
Secretary's office in Majestic Bldjr., Hammond.
Abstracts furnished promptly at current rates.
U a H
r ir i i i
La u xz
Home Made Candies.
Special Sale.
Waj the first prize winner at the National Master
Baker's convention at Philadelphia as the most
gluten bread on the market.
Light and Porous
Highly recommen Jed by physicians. Made by ouf
own process. For sale evrrywhere.
The Hammond Baking Co, Incorporate!
Is All Right Yhen Our Bull
Corao Him; but Otherwise
It's Dilferent.
President Iladley, of Yale, Submit a
Few Reflections on the "Way We
"Do Things" Now-a-Days.
New York, Nov. 3. President A. T.
Hartley, of Yiile, lectured on "Modern
Ethical Ideals" before the New York
School of Philanthropy. lie said in
pnrt: "The man whom you could trust
to help a weaker neighbor will never
theless jro to all lengths to hurt a
weaker competitor for money or for
oiliee. A man who In private life
would despise snobbishness and servili
ty of every kind will in business or
politics cringe to the stronger power
for the sake of his own personal ad
v.intacre. In private life we despise in
ourselves and our friends the things
which we condemn in our enemies.
This makes our condemnation effec
Different in Public Matters.
"In public matters, whether of busi
ness or of politics, our condemnation
Is too often that of the lips alone,
rather than of the heart. We condemn
a man for succeeding when his success
is detrimental to us; but for the most
part we have identified ourselves with
methods of getting a little more money
or a little more political innuence
which are so much like his that it
takes the force out of their condemna
tion. No wrong: was ever stopped by
the talk of men who objected to that
wrong chiefly because somebody else
got the benefit of it.
Each in Its Place Good.
"Liberty, Democracy, and constitu
tional government are each in their
place invaluable mKtns to the public
Interest. Liberty is essential to prog
ress, Democracy is needed to prevent
revolution, constitutional government
Is requisite for that continuity and or
derliness of living without which no
law is possible.
When Each Becomes an Evil.
"But when aDy one of these prin
ciple3 is made not means, but an end
which justifies its use In the interests
of class, instead of the general inter
ests of society, it becomes a menace
instead of a protection. Liberty for
etch nmn to serve society in his own
way is good; when it is used to justify
him in disregarding the interests of
society, it is inadmissable. Democracy
is right when used as a means of keep
ing the government in touch with pub
lic opinion. It is wrong when it encour
ages n temporary majority to say that
Its vote, based on insufficient informa
tion and animated by selfish motives,
can be identified with public opinion
concerning what Is best for society as
a whole. Constitutional safeguards
are absolutely necessary to make any
measure of liberty or democracy prsi
tJe; but when, tuey are used to pro
tect the liberties of a class bent on its
own interest rather than as a means
for the general interest of society, they
cease to become a safeguard and be
come a means cf peril."
Peary Adds Thirty Miles or So to
the Approach to the
North Pole.
Goe3 to 87:03 North Latitude After
Very Hard Work.
Just 32 Minutes Nearer the Goal Than
the Italian Daks Telegraphs
from a Station in Labrador.
New York, Nov. 3. The United
States now holds the record of "fur-
therest north," 87 degTeea C minutes.
This feat was accomplished by Com
mander Robert E. Peary, of the United
States navy. The intrepid Arctic ex
plorer failed to reach the North pole.
Mob Loses It Backbone When th
Other Frllnw Showi That
He Has One.
LaCrosse, Wis., Nov. 3. Placing a
special guard about the Juneau county
jail at Mauston the sheriff made his
preparations for defense so apparent
that a mob which had been organized
at New Lisbon during the day, intent
on taking the life of Thomas Ryan,
dispersed. Ryan, arrested for com
plicity In a burglary at New Lisbon
Thursday night, shot and killed Ned
Taylor, a nail carrier, and probably
mortally wounded (ieorge 'Woxiderly,
marshal of the village.
Immediately after the shooting a mob
Falls on November 29. This is Official,
Commence Now your campaign for your Thanksgiving
Suits, Overcoats, Trousers or Fancy Vests.
The Only Place in Hammond fcr a perfect fit in the lat
est styhs and cloth.
A Complete Line of the most Tasty Patterns on the Mar-
formed winch was kept intact in dif- ket You are certain to get one that will please you.
ferent parts of the village until night, rf
Suits to Order, 13.50 to $50
Pants to Order, $4 to $12
when It was augmented. Preparations
were made to go to Mauston to get the
prisoner, when word came of the plans
to resist the storming of the jail. It
was reported that arrangements had
reea made to call out the company of
Wisconsin National Guard at Mauston,
and this apparently took the backbwie
out of the mob.
Death of Col. V. E. McLean.
Terre Haute, Ind., Nov. 3. Colonel
William TJ. McLean, ex-member of the
state legislature, a leading attorney
and an ex-deputy United States com
missioner of pensions under President
Cleveland, is dead. He was 73 years
of age. Colonel McLean was com
mander of the first G. A. R. post in
Indiana. Only last week Colonel Mc
Lean married Miss Jessica Cliver.
Hammond Building
203 Fayette Street
Pelice To Fll or Politics.
New York, Nov. ?. John W. McTa
tyre. attorney for the New York Trans
portation company, said in court that
the transportation company would ask
Governor Higgins for state militia to
protect its chauffeurs, as the police, oa
account of politics, were acting in sym
pathy with the strikers.
Seemi About the Only Complaint Ad
Tancefl by the Mercantile Com
munity, Says Dun & Co.
New York. Nov. 3. R. G. Dun &
Co.'s Weekly Review of Trade says
Colder weather hss removed one of the
drawbacks to seasonable distribution
of merchandise, but there is still much
complaint of traffic conditions. Con
gestion on the railways was increased
by the destruction of vessels during
the recent Gulf storm, and a much heav
ier tonnage of freight is delayed than
usual, although there is always a car
famine at this season. Retail trade
shows improvement in nearly all sec
tions, and mercantile collections are
more prompt.
Returns from the iron and steel in
dustry could not easily be brighter,
cotton mills have secured sufficient
business to assure many months of ac
tive machinery, and eastern wool sales
have attained record proportions. Pri
mary receipts of wheat are not in keep
ing with a maximum crop, on account
of freight delays. The most conser
vative purchasers give up hope of bet
ter terms on iron and steel, and are
struggling to place contracts before an
other fraction is added to the price or
another mouth to the remoteness of
as he had confidently hoped to do with,
his specially constructed vessel, the
Roosevelt, but he penetrated nearer to
the pole than the Duke of Abruzzi's
expedition, which had held the Arctic
record, 8G degrees 34 minutes.
Telegram from th Explorer.
What Commander Peary did and his
experiences during the past year in
the frozen north are rather briefly but
certainly vividly summarized in a com
munication received by Herbert L.
Bridgeman, secretary of the Peary
Arctic club. This communication is
dated "Hopedale, Iabrador, via Twel-
linggate, Nd., Nov. 2," addressed to Her
bert L. Bridgeman, and is as follows:
Eats Dos and Mask Oxen.
"Roosevelt wintered north coast
Grant Land somewhat north of Alert
winter quarters. Went north with
sledges February, via Heckla and Co
lumbia. Delayed by open water be
tween S4 and So degrees. Beyond So
six days. Gale disrupted ice destroyed
caches, cut off communication with
supporting bodies and drifted due east.
Reached 87 degrees, 6 minutes, north
latitude, over ice, drifting steadily east
ward. Returning ate eight dogs. Drift
ed eastward, delayed by open water;
reached north coast Greenland in strait
ened conditions. Killed musk oxen and
returned along Greenland coast to ship.
Rescues a Starving Party.
"Two supporting parties driven on
north coast Greenland. One rescued
by me in starving condition. After one
week recuperation on Roosevelt
sledged west, completing north coast
Grant Land and reached other land
near 100th meridian, nomeward voy
age incessant battle with ice, storms
and headwinds. Roosevelt magnificent
ice fighter and sea boat No deaths
or illness in expedition. PEARY."
Registration Fraua Galore.
Los Angeles, Cal., Nov. 3. The coun
ty grand Jury is engaged in investigat
ing the registration frauds that have
been uncovered in this city. Over 8.000
registered names were found by com
parison with the great register either
to be duplicated or entirely fraudulent.
Elusive Turkey Eludes Hint.
Richmond, Va., Nov. 3. A special
from ScottsvMe says that President
Roosevelt is still hunting turkeys, but
so far has not met with any success,
Mrs. Roosevelt in the meanwhile keeps
open house to the people of Albemarle.
JOS. W. WEIS, R. Ph.
98 State Street. Phone No. 1.
Three Fishermen Drowned.
Jefferson, Wis., Nov. 3. Three men
William Schultz, Herman Thristo
phal and Otto lirietzman all mar
ried, and having families, were
drowm near Milford, Wis., In the
Bark river while dragging for carp.
252 East State Street.
Next to Minas' Department Store. Change every other day. Finest
ctoving pictures in the world and all the latest illustrated songs.
Admission Only 5c.
Pope and France.
Faris, Nov. 3. A prelate of high
rank whose name is not given is
quoted in the press here as saying
that the pope will reject the decision
of the council of state, rendered Oct.
31. by which, under the law of lSSl,
meetings organized by private indi
viduals for worship will be recognized
as legal after Dec. 11. when the church
and state separation law goes into ef
fect. The prelate added that the pontiff
never would recogtsze that the func
tions of religion can assume the char
acter of public meetings.
Another Heretical Minister.
Cincinnati. Nov. 3. A formal charge
of heresy has been lodged against Rev.
George Clark Cox, rector of the Trot
estant Episcopal church at Clifton and
well known in this city because of a
recent letter written by him and in
dorsed in a sermon in which he dis
avowed belief in part of the creed.
The matter will be taken up by the
Fianuiug committee or tne aiocece or
thern Ohio at a special meeting in
tliis city..
I rial
j OU
Thought Too. Late in the Season
Hear from Peary.
After supplying the Associated Press
with the contents of Commander
Peary's report Bridgeman sal that
the receipt of any news from the ex
plorer now was Quite a surprise to
hint because be had supposed it had
become too late In the season for Com
mander Peary to send news of his ven
ture. Of course it means that Teary
is coming home. He and his Polar
steamship, the Roosevelt, left New
York on her long journey in fecarch of
the pole July 1G, 10O5. The Roosevelt
had a crew of twenty men under Cnpt
Bartlett. While she was making hr
way north the expedition's auxiliary
steamer Erik had visited various set
tlements in Greenland and secured na
tives and dogs for the explorer and
turned them over to the Roosevelt on
Aug. 13.
In an interview before he left New
York Commander Peary expressed
great confidence in the success of the
venture. He explained that nealy all
the men accompanying him were mem
bers of former Arctic expeditions and
thoroughly familiar with the work
ahead of them. Robert Edwin Peary
was born In 1S54. He is a civil engin
eer in the United States navy. His first
trip to the Arctic regions was made in
Must -Keep to the Rieht.
Columbus, O., Nov. 3. The rule of
the road to "keep to the right" was
affirmed by the supreme court in the-)
Toledo case of Harvey P. Piatt vs. the
city of Toledo. Piatt in driving across
the Cherry street bridge not only took
the left side, but refused to get in line
when the bridge officer ordered him to
do so. He was arrested and fined. He
will acw have to pay it. A
Silver Takes Another Riae.
Washington, Nov. 3. The director of
the mint has purchased 100,000 ounces
of silver for delivery at the Denver
mint at 71.25 per fine ounce, and T0,-
000 ounces for delivery at the Philadel
phia mint at 71.20 per fine ounce.
Looks Like the Record Indictment.
Jackson, Tenn., Nov. 3. The case
against the Standard Oil company be
fore the federal court here has been
passed to the next term of court. Tho
indictment contains 1,545 counts.
Miles of . Newspaper Files.
The newspaper files of the British
museum have been moved to a special
depository at Hendon, seven miles
from London, whre they occupy six
miles and a half ot shelving.
"J 1 .
Vaccination and Chloroform.
Jenner for his discovery of vaccina
tion, and Simpson for that of chloro
form, were both denounced as blas
phemers who were trying to interfere
with the ways a nd the wisdom of
Providence. The Sunday Magazine.
m Hammond Distilling Co. 5
Distillers of-
Flrst Aid to Injured.
If a wound be deep, and excessive
bleeding follow the injury, improvise
a tourniquet by tying a strip of strong
linen above the wound. Pass a pencil
under this and give it a twist, press
ing the bandage deeply into the fish,
and checking the flow of blood in the
arteries and veins. This done, send
for the doctor.
Hammond Bourbon
Hammond Sourmash
Hammond Rye Malt Gin
Hammond Dry Gin
Cologne Spirits g
Refined Alcohol
Dally Capacity. 25.000 Gallons
Subscribe for The Lake County Times.
Til 0 IllOilifo
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The beautiful homes illustrated above, located on Summer street, one of the most popular streets in Ham
mond. For sale Gostlin, Meyn & Co., on exceedingly liberal terms. A small payment down the balance ca
payments but slightly in excess of rent yon are now paying. -

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