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Newspaper Page Text
j; THE TIMES NEWSPAPER EY TEE LAKE COVKTY PB1NTINQ A PUBLISHED C0MPA3T. The Time Kat Chlcae;o-InJt nt Harbor, dally ecet Sunday. Entered at the poetoffice In East CMcaaro. November IS. 191a. The Lake County Tlmea Dally except Saturday and Sunday. Entered at the postofftce In Hammond, June IS. XOe. The Lak County Tlmea Saturday and weekly edition. Entered at the aoatcfflce In Hammond, February 4, 1911. The Oary Evening Tlmea Dally except Tunday. Entered at the poetefflee la Gary, April 1J. 1?U. Ail under the act of March I. 1ST, aa eeoond-cIaaH matter. rKElUN ADtERTISlNO OFFICK. Ik Reotor Bullllng .Chic t TLErHOM,i Hammond (private exchange) '. t ........... (Call for whatever dtcutmcnt wanted.) Gary Office , Telephone 1ST Kau Jk Thompson. Eaat Chlcag-o Telephone 640-J F. L. Evans. Et Chicago Telephone 787-J Eaat Chicago. Tmp Timss 2 Xnd'.aoa Harbor (Ntwi Deaieri ......803 Indiana Harbor iReporter and Claalflad Ada) Telephone i Whiting Telephone 80-M Crown Point Telephone S Uegewlach " Telephone 13 LAKGER PAID UP CIRCULATION THAN ANY TWO OTHER NEWS PAPERS IN THE CALUilST REGION. A llugr ; .-( -t ill 'V t J? w Plowed Ms Grille ficMs in 1773, -UIi Ms trusty 1-1- 1 IP- I 1. H . - a f m.ucii-iutiv iiun4 vn iu uicx, zcauy at a Mj7 I minute's notice to join wHh tha thousands of oihcr Vr-V r"triiil4 Ii t?."lne nf rd rmmtrv. K s 11 ICKAIlV wx v r - - ..... - j - - . .. -. .-- . c v: at a riiNmis-s . AGAIN sT l ; r: E-.-. ' A' I a CI f.: ronce TO 11UT.XD ou DISASiHOUS CCNSFOUENCES OF HLOOJ It: JUPLES." It ia the "MEDICINAL. JHREHARED- X'.iJ-'-" a iniriici;8 a.'nirjtlona llmt find thv origin In the Bt.000. lr;;!oti-rf, Inrpovarishc I, pn!Hfcl li'r.ot!. The eeat of attch trit-- ni!.tnn ii r.'. . 1 A I V.: - v! .OC'U TOISON t :AT AUi'.i I t.C.':-; A - and a rmr.'a c.f p 'riu!, j!"iuiina- and cinlinrr.".-..:njy .".''.. 4 !' :'.;.'l'J I'iCNJ. f .'on ;;'niti!ei. running enr and ' r-i'Wi n-fc .-. I? v.. i ;- ti(-'Si..-..' J write at onto for frf k.!.-' ,'X ? d'-5.i-t f wH in conn c'.ne MT-:t to o-.r M-U'.-l U A OKI P'i'f.if.N F lor -,. trv-t. ) j "t-.. ..,i;-...vr ?.! ion ai. m.oott l;i.l i:';7: e- fjrr,"fi ie the V.'-'fMrs ()!.UuI ijj.... "rtr cuitT crmr?." . ' ! . I'M . Mil . - V j kd "Mt ST. JOHN 4 1 Atrn. Jhc'oIi Spanier was a IJatnmond i v ISi tor on 1 UrhiJay. Hoy W'cavi'i- has moved into li la lioiiic vTi! 1) lie jmrchasptl recently f'um Mrs. lU-nry Soelker. M is. Frank SclnMJt am oon Her narl ari'l Joliu, fpeiH Wednesday with I'clalivcs al Ilatmnond. Tiio town board win hold 118 ri B- ju;:ir monthly meeting Monday evening, i Haul Ma-jlsch wast a llamiii'imi vis jilor on U eilni'S'Ja y. j i") tid-' 1'ul tiTson of Crown 1'olnl, haB J a ise.l d ii position with tlerlarh Oro. j ii'-! . ! Tlii Jon. Si-hinal hou""!' now the ioniy vararit )iouk t rent in town. day it waa rather quiet week in i eotip! ilown the eountv writes If you have any trouble getting Ta Timbs make complaint Immediately to I the circulation department. ' Tm Timxs will not be reaponalble for the return of any unaollcUed manu i er,,J ejtlclea or lettera and will not notice anonoymoue commanlcatleaAi Short algned lettera of general lnteraat printed at dlecreOoe. Gary eonst ru"t ion (irdiS. The only thins; doinsr.was t ho af-kini; of )id for Sj.OH'i.Ooo worth of new roiling mill buildiny. ACfOKHiNi; to t!ie Marion Star it is bad cnotich that Knff!:i;i1 is o;en ine our letters, hut in Indiana 1 ho Kn-iHO stari'ivji hne been rattling the rural mail hor.-. ask iT tiiey day? i a n iet n:n I ri :d on In 13 to WAS Mayor Johnon'M aid ion and all tho einrt f i'is nnt feathers meveiy, a. parr of r'"- "Kh'.h of a Nation'?" pr."s aKent o p.i r t-iif ii ! .' r YVH1THKK are we trendini;' .. -i Y o 1 1 n a WHY A GOVERNOR'S STAFF? Mail.- oil fa.sbioued people were delighted when tin? governor-elect f,f l uiiana announced his intention of restoring that ancient and honorable institution, the governor's staff of colonels to this great and glorious state. Kuring two democratic administrations the capitol has lacked the blue and ?old splendor, the clanking- swords, not to leave out the dashing colonels themselves. A high honor for high-minded souls the colonelcy brought jov to many a pa'riot, a token of regard that well may be cherished even unto! the fourth srprpratirin I It is good to see the false pretensions of the democratic party put aside and to hear that Mr. Goodrich loves a bit of show and isin't afraid to say so. The why of a governor's staff is admirably set forth by t!i editor of the Jluncie Tress, himself the proud bearer of a colonel's title, the result of a well placed honor of Governor Durbin's. Attend to the Muncie colonel's wisdom: "Governor Goodrich will have a staff. Why not? Some say it is a useless ornament. So is a dress suit, yet it is customary. Sen ator Joe Bailey used to ridicule dress suits, liis vanity ran to enor mous hats and long ambrosial locks. In this respect Joe was like a lor of other people. Not having a governor's staff is a pose, first adopted by Thomas U. Marshall, who runs to Trench titles. Why, we inquire a Mansard hat with stove polish on, it? Tom may put his feet on the vice president's desk and squirt tobacco juice at the senate chamber ceiling, but the imported stove pipe lids he wears between campaigns proves that he really aspires to be something more than a store box statesman. Always be suspicions of the fel low who makes a loud noise about being one of the common people. k He usually enjoys a dress parade better than anybody else." "I can remedy most ills, and help you to escape many ail ments, if you give me timely aid." Naturally, Nature prefers m wit "M lid cm fc:r tMe SVf Largest Sale of Amy Mcdiciae In the World. Sold everywhere. In boxea, 10c.i25c. ' .Street Commissioner Uut'on has men at work on a new utieet in the north-' east part of town. The new street will1 ; connect lt.'th avenue. with Rldire I i road. A new bridge has already bet n! ; built across the Katy Marsli ditch. ! i The new Griffith Meat Market is now! open for business on Junction avenue. j opposite postoffiee. Trlnen i- Suprinskt, I ; dealers in first class meats, poultry. i game, oysters, can poods, etc. I2:l:4t. 1 ! Mr.". Brewer of Dyer, visited at the! i home of Mrs. J. Ferjruson. the n'ast '. j week. j .Mr. I C. Tsejtart was Hammond ! visitor yesterday. Mrs. Ed Dutton of Ross, who has! j been at the home of her mother, Caro : Hr.e Dutton. for a couple of week:;, re turned horn" yesterday. 2 r Arc You Prepared for Bobys Arrival? You are if "Mottrer's Friend has been given a place In your home. The dread, and agony ot childbirth can be eliminated to the greatest extent by this -wonderful assistant to nature. Drug gists everywhere cell "Mother's Friend." f Interesting X Bcok on Mother nooA I Sent Trm -to All I 1 Expect axit MotHer I mreiTt roarr. jTWSrrff,ii R.iutvorOJ Gifts of Quality If your pit box bears the name MeGarry, your friends know you use good judgment. Every article iu the MeGarry store is of the same high standard. Shopping Days Til Christmas Make your gilt selections now. John E. MeGarry JEWELER- -OPTOMETRIST. n TWO JEWISH GOVERNORS. Two Jewish governors'were elected November 7th. One of them will preside over Utah, dominated by the Mormons up to the present time, and the other over Idaho, having also a large Mormon population. In each instance the Mormons made a right against them, and the "Gentiles," as the Mormons class everybody outside of their church, were arrayed against the church of Brig bam Young. " There have been other Jewish governors of American states, however, so the last election did not break a precedent s far as that was concerned. But it broke a precedent in Utah, where no man has ever been elected governor who was opposed by the Mormons. There is not a large Jewish population in either or the states where the lewish governors were elected and that is the main point. It shows as nothing else could, the freedom from race or religious prejudice that exists in thia country. For had there been prejudice neither of the Jews could have been elected, since their people are in a small minority in both Idaho and Utah. With a justice upon the bench of the supreme court of the United States, with two Jews serving as governors of states, with- a Jew representing this nation in an old-world court, there isn't any prejudice against the Jew mani fested in American politics. Which is as it should be; which is as it must always be. If there is to be religious prejudice in the world, let it exist in the old world, not in this world, where people have established their homes and 'heir institutions upon broader lines than religious prejudice. Dayton News. .:?,-r.lir-rfl1.liuimMw.timilQlm.ri . ri1r, - fr-,. .. -f ... .v V " 4t"-' '7v . r-vJL -II r :'efSi&Mi til t' i . it 3 f H i ft i E tat :: ' i v nV ?jbU.y: - , Jii A, ; . ' - "''- 1 1 Fisher & Co. fU - ,"A 1 "4 Vf; jl Maker, HS ' v ' ' " ' ) ' ' ' ' " ' -"' "'J All Dealer. ChZ-r, V. ?- -V f-,V. ,; i i hi tinirir i -nuirwiinini ftT k t iifi l m- "-; r"ii mrrTi n -a Vn f"t irnhTiiniittr i,r i Hi jfr-' ar ipr ami . ill mri-i --H1 - 'n ijiWirimi- ri mm mur - " " Tn fiu jl ajr ''jH yv rS IC. i .fr;T-o j( pi-j. iini iiiii a ana ii i aaa ai n I a i i a am nn i a - " i "11 Si t ' a WI "Our motor broke down midway. Mr. Brown tried to walk, but 1ms s!m:s pinched so lie save it up us a luu job and a.skf:l me. lu Lurry on and make las excuses. Thank Goodness I always wear Nettleton Shoes!" Jhrotigh Quality The man wbo always wears Nettleton Shoes 1j never placed at a disadvantage, cither in pptearan."rt or physical activity, through his h :-. J'he Xetileton. skill which provides a last scientifically adapted to the needs of every f.ot, alsi builds the Nettleton distinctive style and ntoney-saving wear into cvry pair. We Give S. & H. Green Trading Stamps. J. Sclliloer & Son 95 State Street. Hammond, Ind. Agr-nt for Nettleton Men's Shoes the World's Finest 9 J 5 J FSPandom V Things and Flints tixmrnmBmrnMrneammmmd-a and Flings I Liiiwiiiii imii wm side to this high cost of turkeys. You are not bothered with warmed over turkey today nor will you have turkey hash tomorrow. OWING to the Thanksgi vin? boii- TL'RKEY speculators had no chance to be thankful. KTGHTV-SIX dead in hunting acci dents. And yet some people are com plaining about Mexican atrocities. Lp.: -f .!::ii.jfiU5iu BOTHER YOU? Doctors Use Musterole "INDIANA mayors band to fight food cost.'" Headline. Demand that jDiir mayor ceafe beinir a pacifist. ; So ma:iy sufferers have found relief in Musterole that you ought to buy a ! small jar and try it. about to ; Just ?Preai it on with the fingers. Rub it in. first you teei a gcntie giovv, men j a delicious, coolingr; comfort. Musterole routs the twinges, loosens tip stiffened ! joints and muscles. WHAT'S become of the oi.r-fashion- j Musterole is a clean, white ointmerit, man who used to save and dry j made with oil of mustard. lt penetrates K-mon and orange peel and cany them j to the scat of pain and drives it away, .-.bout in his pocket to i hew when j but does not Blister the tenderest skui. . ver he felt like it? It takes the phce pi the mussy, old fashioned mustard plaster. OF A certain girl who set marl ied it ia said she has no ex travagant tastes save wanting an egg for breakfast. j Of JPHf CD RDftQ fl TTSBFRO 1 1 steel magnate save j Musterole is recommended for bron- dinner to fifty friends the other night ; chitis, croup, asthma, pleurisy, lumbago,: that cost jlo a plate, in the good old! neural?, ia, sprains, brr.bes, stiff neck,1 iays of low living costs a steel king headache and.coWs of the chest (it often j only had to pay out $30 a plate. i prevents pneumonia) THE more we see the inability of the republic to protect people from foofl speculators the more we' think that maybe Oeorse Washington was wrong in not turning this country into a monarchy. ANYHOW crfeer up. There's a bright o 15 1 Small Lean Pork Loins v -Choice Tender Rib Roast Lean Boiling Meats Leg Young Mutton - -Milk . Fed Leg Veal -Sirloin Steak - -Porterhouse Steak - Mince Meat, special, 3 lbs. 25 FRESH FiSfl AND BULK OYSTERS RECEIVED 14 c jl2c c c c c c c DAILY 1441 57S Hotiinan St. Get that Victrola for Christmas r '-,5. --j V 0 it Your whole family will be pleased on Christ mas morning to find a Victrola in the home. The Victrola is a worthy addition to any home. Its music and enter tainment are al ways welcome, and there's surely no better; time to get a Victrola than right now. Come in today and see about your Victrola and we'll arrange to deliver it any time before Christmas. The instrument shown above is the Victrola XVI, $200. Other styles $15, $25, $40, $50, $75. X 1 c $100, $150, $250, $300, $350. Victors $10 to $100 Terms to suit yourcohvenience, if desired. Straube Piano & Music Company G31 Hohman St. Phone 681 Hammond, Ind. W; iiaeaiianaiaaaa pjljiu aea 1 ,-Haa, m Ui THE HAMMOND DISTILLING Cb. DAILY CAPACITY 2&,CKY3 OALLONS PETEY DINK -Wc Ahvavs Tlioucrlit Tlrnriotta Was a Boar By C. A. Voiirhs I!