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The Lake County times. [volume] (Hammond, Ind.) 1906-1933, March 06, 1918, Image 7

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Wednesday. March t. 191.
:-'o Sc. on
' y T"""
I :
From Tow-Boy to World s Champion
A History of the Life of John L. Sullivan
Fifteen Basketball Teams
Will Participate Friday
and Saturday in Annual
Sectional Classics for
Honor to Go to State Meet-
Fifteen basketball teams of north
western Indiana will participate. Fri
day and Saturday in the annual sec
tional tournament to be held this year
at tbe Irving school in Hammond. While
Kmersun school of Gary is the favorite
i he presence of half a dozen schools
I:tt! known in Fake county miki it un
certain who wii! be In the finals with
F'merscn. At any rate, it Is expected
that A'alparaiso. Whiting. Kasf Chicago
an! Hammond will be eliminated. At
least the dopesters have arrived at that
Put basketball tournaments are not
de.-ided until the last thistle blows.
The final ime will tike place Saturday
evening at S o'clock.
The officials are Or L. Walters and
11. I? Rocknba-h and they alternate,
beginning: with Walters.
Morocco, Fair Oa'j, Medaryville.
Francis ville, W'namae and Kentland
are the downstste teams and it is fear
ed one of there may b a, dark horse.
The schedule:
Friday morning; 3:00. Morocco and
Fair Oaks; 10:00, Medaryville and Fran
cisville; 11:00. Crown Point and Kensse
lar. . I-'riday afternoon 2:00. Valparaiso
and Whiting: 3:00. Hammond and Brook:
4.10. Emerson and F.ast Chicago.
Friday evenlg T:"0. Winamac and
Kentland: 8:30. Lowell and winner 9:00
e. r.i.
Saturday morning S:00. winner 10 a
in. and dinner 11 a. m.: 9:00. winn-r 2
I', m. and winner 3 p. nv; 10:00, winner
4 v. m. and winner 7:30 p. tn.
Friday afternoon 2:00. winner 8:30
p. m. ard winner 8:01 a. m.; 3:00, win
tier ft a. rn. and winner 10 a. m.
Saturday evening 8:00. winer 2 p. m.
and winner 3 p. m.
bad judgement Just
himself patched up
Faftln of New York, a fine young boxer,
but a. man without a great deal of same
ness. Had the last attribute been among
the virtues of Lafiin he would have be
come champion of America the night of;
N"o. 10, ISM. j
In the nrst round of their bout In j
Madison Square (ianlf-n Sullivan flu t e :
himself around to such an extent and
used tip his energy so much by heatirmj
the air with his hands that lie was almost :
out from exhaustion when the second
round began. He rushed his opponent.'
however, and soon was on the ropes, li-.s
arms hanging limply at his sides, whi!"
Fafllin stood and pounded at the Sulli
van jaws. Sullivan was clever enough
to duck, every time one of the punch. s
started end they landed, for the most
Ef! -XTTT.
This whs period
of real depression
for the champion.
He v. a1 fighting the
black bottle bard
and often, ai.d a
was gl i:ig him a
finer licking than
he ever had handed
out to one of h:s
opponents Jt hd
mado him totally
unfit to meet I'har
ley Mitchell, and it
was pursuing hbn
w ith still more
deadly vigor.
Sullivan had the
et tills time t. get
with "Prof." John
kul!, where they did no
part, on his
ri.i mane.
I.Bflin was terribly rattled, but his
peconds were worse. They were para
lyze I with anticipation and shouted
madly at Fanin lo work on Sullivan's
middle. He could not hear tho clamor
of voices, and soon his opportunity had
passed. If he had been able to hear and
had calmd down enough to rcalite his
own mistake, ho would have become,
that night, the' champion of America,
with the assistance of John Karleycorn.
As it was .Sullivan was given the de
cision after the scheduled four rounds
of milling, for he had landed the greater
number of effective blows.
Richard Fox was still hunting for
somo one who would be able to remove
the crown of champio'nship from the
brow of the husky new chawpion. and
he hit. this time on A!f. Greenfield, an
other Englishman. Advance notices
bailed hirn as tho peer of Charley
Mitchell and Jem Mace. He wns con
siderably smaller than Sullivan, but was
a very shifty boxer. His blows, how
ever, as is the case vvilh most fa;t box
ers. wer light and ineffectual. Sulli
van agreed to meet him, and 'he date
for the bout was set as Nov. IS. ISM.
only a short time after Sullivan's dis
appointing meeting with I.nflin. Th"
bout was scheduled for four rounds and
was to be In Madison Square, Garden. It
really was a bad match for Sullivan, for
he was out. of condition. He iefud.
however, to take -counsel, and did his
bst to get in some kind of condition.
(The Sport Spyglass
Cornell univ !' has five crews a,
work, directed by coach Courtney.
Neir Tork Stite registered 411.S511
automobiles 1at year. Th Empire,;
state has 13ri.cS ehaffenrs and r ? . 7 7 5 i
motorcycles. The v-trl tax receipts for
1J17 was S4.2S4.11 4. i
pe n Athletics c f the American I . j
fo-nrams to vjUHKer ity re
port', to set th bes
wnetner tncy arc eicr
of age.
st players available.) I
chteen or forty years! !
JVv C y? ffepE'S WAT IT I?
y 1 W
,Pure Cheving Gumj
a Stick, a dmr
Vromonr .lohn Wagner. vho will
slag-- another boxing show March 11.
b-Ts becked K?d Ru8S'?H and Dennis
' Keefe. for one of the bouts. Tf Rus-f-11
veins this scrap he miy be put on
w n'n Bryan Downey.
Dartmouth college will add wall sort
ing, obstacle races and tugs-of-wnr ant
other military features K novice race
meets this year. j
Mr h 10. ?! and 23 has hern MicpeM-i
ed as dates ! play the world' hockey;
championship aid Stanley Cup. between:
the winners of tb National Hockey i
Lesguo and the Pacific (oa?t Hockey!
I.eagu-'. The games may be plavcd
The ball f layer who holds oat for more douph this season is soon going
to find himself very "persona non grata" and all that sort of thing. At a
time when the game is hardly able to Ftond on its pins the player with k
demand for more money ian't likely to be loudly applauded.
After an intermission of ten years, j
rugby football is to be pla;, ed by Kansas j
City (Mo.) high school athletes next!
fall. I
Pelawar" college will cut out
Thanksgiving day football games.
The King's n,it race, one of the big;
feature rr of the Canadian turf, will!
be run in cor.nec'ion with the open air
horse f-iiovv by Turonio Hunt Club upon
the grounds of the Ontario Jockey Club;
at Woodbine park. Toronto, May 2 4. Al- Club Will Raise FUlldS forUQiana
By JI1QUIS EAT. , with Hie :,).;, ; ,tii.i f trmincina
WHITING. IND., March 6. They wiMi tin; Whiting lads. Manager Criffith of
tell you in Gary that they have the best j the nvls I.h hU'u Inn tin- men lined up
school system in th world. And Ik- I for Ptiff wrrkout nl scull practice
cause they have, many people m Gary I'.duiired m lust riihl. vitii Harry 1'riel
wouid have others belie-e that ev;ry-j inn io:n' tii jeaduin.
thing with the name "Gary" attached j The .)vvls v. i'I upm h the saine
lo it is the bet thing going.. There team in the iieid ready t sbcw .slt
are thoce in Gary tod??y who say. and j fans and H.o visitors what real basket
say it honestly and sincerely, that the! ball is like. The Owls boys feci that
they have Hie b-t trwrn anywhere, but
while thi y bve all this confidence, tbey
basketball team now representing the:
Gary "T" is the equal. If not the supe-j
nor of the Whiting Owls. i
Kul the fans of Whiting do not be- j
lieve it. So tonight we will find out for;
ourselvrs what the outcome will be. I
We do know that Manager Cecil and
are not letting up on cither practice or
desire to put forth She best they have in
Tho lineup of th" Gary "y team is
..iiciTij'in. The vvla vviil start with
rnnn wim, wi thr war.
Missouri Intercollegiate A. A. may use,
Jake Keckley and Kid Nichols as um-l
pires in the organization baseball games
this year.
Mnrager Connie Mack of the ex-e'.iarn-
I Your
ear'9 lode
though horse racing has been stormed in
Canada because of the war, it is permit
ted to run this event In order that som
slight encouragement may be gtven
breeders cf thoroughbred horsey in the
province of Ontario, and also that the
continuity of the eldest fixture on the
continent, of North America may not be
broken. The purse, amoutnmg to $3,000
in addition to the iirt guineas donated by
King George will be, awarded the. winner.
Coming Baseball Season
in That Way.
Harbor Man Has
Eye on the Coming
Ty Cobbb.
.Tack Gilroy who has been coaching the j Frieliug and Pels ma at forwards. Yrtl
hoys of the "T" have been put t ing in j S hael r at center, and Fgan and Weiss
soni very good licks in the f ast wftk i at guilds. pp. IVnd and Will Schaef
' cr tvill be m the points when needed.
0 4) I (it; Greisel, former 1 A. C siar, who
! ns io play with the Owls is now- laid
' i up with pneumonia.
a a. i
" .. t,.... r The T'oho-ines will play
Tj in i i l ii 1 1 y litj f i mit' ii v . v i u t ci I'm
Notes of the Boxers
1 1.7,
n on now IKl jl 'j.l.-i".':, it
win. for. Syx'-
when under th "pretext' of sav
ing you money on pianos he or
tihe fcfeers you to a double deal
ins slidin pricp secret commis
sion paying dealer and Induces
you to pay an inside bargain
price of $3''0 for a $210 piano
marked $100. For this kind act
this "friend'' receives a secret
commission of $15. $20. $30. $501
or more, depending on how
many "friends" hav
tne 'pie you are paying
It s rerer safe to. buy from a
sliding price piano dealer under any circumntancps. It's still worse 1o
take a "protector" with you, for then you do not use your owi sood
If you know, a great deal about pianos, you will coma to Straubo's
because you will know that our one lowest price, no commission plan
pives you most for your money. The friend who tells you to come to
Straube's in a true friend because we. pay no commissions. You e,m
not truk the friend who tries to steer you to a secret commission
Piaao Bargains That Are
An Actual Saving
Used King Upright, only $ 47.00
Used Hamilton Piano, oak case 85.00
Used Reed & Sons Piano, imitation walnut 9S.00
Used Bush & Lane Piano, like new, oak. . 220.00
New Geo. P. Gross Piano, mahogany case. 200.00
Used Straube Piano, fine mahogany 1G9.00
New Irvington Piano, burl walnut 200.00
New Overton Piano, oak case 190.00
Wessell Player Pianos 395.00
Gulbransen Player Pianos 395.00
Behr Bros. Player Pianos 425.00
Wilborn Player Pianos . 425.00
Hammond Melo-Harp Players 475.00
S10 Sends a Piano HomeSlO
Sir Thomas I.iptOii hopes to challenge
for the American cup at the conclusion
of the war. His yacht Shamrock IV lias
been laid up in South Brooklyn since the
beginning of the war.
'he Indiana Harbor Triangles hold a
: successful meeting and decided to ho'd
a rattle as the mean of raising funds
for the coming baseball season. This
iwill be the second annual raffle by tic
Triangles and they hope to make it a
! still larger succpfs than the one hold
last year.
i The club will endeavor to raise
; enough money to meet the expenses of
the year, thai is to leiy uniforms, bats
j balls, gloves, etc. It was argued that
ihere are already too many other causes
: calling for the people's money and thai
a raffle would be a useless effort. How-
his scrappers. I-ee McMshon will meet j
.fimmy Allen before a dovvnstate club!
March 7 and Charley Scully will tackle
Bobby Waugh at Ues Moines the fol
lowing day.
nalklir.e billiard champion William F.
Hoppe. who has reached the eastern
states in bis annual tour, is a model of
careful living. Ills manager attributes , 'ver. it was deduct thai uie peop, e .
his continuous work to lack of dissipa-' Indiana Harbor and l.k county need
tion. no break ni of framing and no I musem n n-i '
freak training courses. A long walk
") .ise of the reo.nes!s of prominent
baseball fans of Indiana Harbor Mr.
oor,e will endeavor to organize a
leagti" for all bns.-bsH teams Of Lake !
county averaging from 14-1 years of Karl Furyear and Bi'.lr Cepak. who
at. will collide Thursday night, worked out
.Mr. Floono has stated that he wants yesterday. Pur year spent a busy after
all tenirs wishing to-join the league to noon with P.cnny Vogel. Milwaukee
pend in their application before April bantam.
1G. so as to have tim to arrange an
ad'eonate schedule for the season. Eddie McGoorty is working hard at
Ml application should be addressed the Arcade gym. Chicago, every day. Kd
lo Mr. ISoone. Inland Hotel. lndianadie showed ft large gathering yesterday
nr.r... Iml. and on- dollar enclosed ; that he still has old-time speed. Ear-
h a large pennant will be pur-' rev t urey is hsmmhh
a preliminary
game. Their opponents cannot fe an
nounced as yet owing to a last minute
(cancellation. A laree delegation is cx
l pectcd from Garv lo attend this game.
Greb Whales Jack Dillon
in Twelve Round Contest
Kddie in hi?
TOl.F.OO n.. Msrch P. Harry Greb
of Pitt.-burpli handed Jaek Dillion of
Indianapolis everything in the way of
punishment Monday in twelve rounds.
Million land, d lightly onjSreb just eight
times. A i no tune did Ihllon make any
effort to m, matters. He was outclass
ed in f vi rs round.
every morning, a robdown and then four'
to five hours' practice with the ivories
is the joutht'ul champion's usual daily
Fifteen college
wiil lie run off a t
April 26 and Z.
championship races
the Fenn relay races
pay for It If It is ine ringiiL Kmu
members of the club know from the;
large number of sale last year that!
baseball is the one amusemen" of lndi-j
ana Harbor, and so when the votes were,
counted it was unanimously decided
that a raffle it should be. :
The success of the team depends upon ;
the. support it receives from the people;
of .Lake county and the members w ill j
heartilv thonk the purchaser of any:
imber of ticket which will be on sale
from March 6th to March 23rd.
Decisions of fljrht repreiantatires AH members of the Triangles are re
Mondar weras ! ouested to attend the meeting Wednes-
At Toledo Harry Orelj Ijeat Jack Dil-I'lny n'ght and get their their share of
Ion (12); Xld. G-Unian beat Cal Tre- 1 the tickets.
main. (8). i JFK A N K SHESI.KH. Secy-Treas.
Pittsbnrgh Jo Lynch beat Iddle
Wlmler (10).
Akron Johnny Griffiths beat Jo
WeUinff (15).
New Orleans Trankle Kelson beat
Ts.1 Koran (15).
Fhlladelphla lew Tendler stopped
Peta Hartley (4).
WUkeibarre Frankia Callahan beat
Scranton WUUe Xltehl (10).
At Boston Toung- Britt beat Billy X.
foe (12).
Colnmbus Dick O'Brien stopped
jack Koot (4).
Cincinnati K. O. Man beat Benny
McNslll (10).
Salt I.ake City Heinia Scliuman
Dat Harry Olbson (6); Hairy Sex.
ton knocked out Billy Smith (2).
Several Major Clubs to!
Train Near Military
AI.BAN'T, N'. T.. March 6- Death
knell of professional baseball on Sunday
was sounded yesterday when a confer
ence of Kepublican senators voted
against any legislation at this time. ,
The, s-nators held that all nonessen
tial sporting legislation would be out of
Place during the war crisis.
Bouts Now Legal
In New Jersey
TRENTON". NT. J.. March 6. The Hur
ley boxmg bill, which permits eight
round bouts in New .lersey ith eight
ffi,v.,a nnrltr tbe stinervision ef a
UUUl r f,i'-o . . -. - .
. . ..... r - - ti '1 v-ACtorttnv bvf
COtYimiPMO". f ipiio. j
Gov. F.dg2. The new law Fpeclficially
rrovides that bouts must not be hefid
in any place where liquor i
Phone 651.
631 Hohman St.
The ten-round bout scheduled between
jailor Freedinan and Johnny Noye to-
M-1W TOItK". March- 6. The flo. k of
holdouts is de. reaii.g in major league
circles, for within two weeks at the
most, every club will have gone lo work
in its training camp. j
The lineup of cainps this ye? r is prac
tically the- same ns in preceding years.
The few changes are due to the dsirc
of clubs to get close to military training
camps and play for the entertainment of
The Cincinnati Feds, for instance, will
do their conditioning at Montgomery.
Ala . near one of the big cantonments.
Kvner.ses will be greatly decreased fori
the Reds, and in addition they will be
cheering up the soldier folk.
B-eturn Jo Texas.
The Giants. Cardinals. White Sox and
Tigers will be ba'k in Tcxa . The Red
fox and Dodger.- will return to Hot
Springs. Ark. The Rravs will continue
to stick to Miami. Fla.. after a brief pe
riod of conditioning at George Stalling'?
plantation in Georgia. Tho Cubs will
make another trip to Pasadena, Cal. The
Pirates return to- Jacksonville. Fla..
where they went last year after forsak
ing Hot Springs- The Phillies will be
at St. Petersburg. Fla. The Yankees
and Senators are the only American
League clubs to go to Georgia. The
Urow-ns will be at Phreveport, Fa . this
tor w in
'l oH for tbe mninff team. training
1 ffCTir1"1"''-
p v I sJCr---' 1 . I
if W Y ei k ) Slh -for
: i i TYLESifiyfit I
M V '- 1
ii I
: I Everything in Men's Wearing Apparel to please him and his friends
id W II
g fob B-T Av 'feak H & i BP Ei Ii Z3.
j . M !! A A SI H M - b3 V."V fJ i:J A '.1
I .r -f w r J -x.
Everything in Men's Wearing Apparel to please him and his friends
66 CZ? A
ancl aii the "little things" to make a man feel big. Spring Suits are now in.
Moderately priced. The largest and most complete display of patterns and styles
in Suits and Top Coats. All sizes for men and young men, including "extra sizes"
shown at all prices from
$18.00 to $35.00
right before an Illinois downstata club,jyo8r, a new spot for thegv. The leve
ha been called oa. . land Indians' will be in New Orleans.
13 r-TTTZ 7-.V- 1
.ESB5-Se 25SB3 5K 5E-FTWEr-5gBg
Hammond's Best Clothiers.
568-570 Hohman St.
M 0"" ' 1

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