Newspaper Page Text
Pago Two THE TIMES. Wadnesdav. March 13. 191?. .ow so mane yaeneai oreai Healthful to Eat Saves the Wheat 1 rap floor cop corn meal 1 tcupoon Milt B teaspoon Dr. Priea'a Crra Raiting PowcW 2 ta.blpn eitfar 1 cup rooked oatmeal or rollod oate 2 tablcaponno ehorte-omg 1 y cups miik No efjs ftft together floor, com meal, salt, baking jow(!i arvd suR-sr. Add MtmoL m.lt4 shortening and milk. Bake in greaJ hallow pan in moderate oven 0 to 45 minute. This whoieso-me bread is easily and quickly made with the aid of Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder If used three times a week in place of white bread by the 22 million families in the United States, it would save more than 900,000 barrels of flour a month. Sev !?, WhiUi mnd Biue hookUt, "8f Wr Time Recipes". con fining many other rettpet far making delicto mm mnd wkalesom wheat saving fobds, mailed free. DR. PRICE'S CREAM BAKING POWDER, 1011 li&pttifc Orfe FOOD WILL WIN THE WAR n i DESERTED FROM P0L1SHCQNT1NGENT Whiting Men After Enlist ing Get Cold Feet and Return Home. I. i (Special to The Tliaea.) WHITING. IND. March 13 Three deserters were arrested in AVhitlng Monday night they bavin? deserted the ranks of the Polish army. Thev wr Joseph Sle-lder. 23: Peter Sleider. 27. and Josph Lesniak. age 30 years. Austrian roles. Th men were recruits for the army from Whiting and were sworn in c "Whiting, after which they went to '"""htcago where they took, their final vow, received ail the knitted goods and xarious other gifts together with funds from the Polish people of this city. When the large aggregation were ready io leave Chicago for Canada from where they go directly "over there' to fight 'with our allies the men became affected with "cold feet" and the trio deserted. ?nce then the officers have been look ing for them. A clew was secured to 'he effect that the two brothers and l.esniak were employed at the Standard i-.l Co. her-?. Last night Lieut. Stanley ""ivos'npki. Corporal Nicholas Stoczynski of the Polish army and John Tokarz. sergeant of the local recruiting station appeared at the police station and took 'out warrants for the men. They were errested by Officer Mullanev and turnd .,-er to the army officers who took them "hack to Chicago where they will stand tmal for desertion. THE TIES' FINANCIAL COLIIffl March IS. Atchison 84 V American Beet Sugar 81 American Car Fdry. . "!tit the matter be reopened. There was a committee of six from Hammond headed by Mayor Brown and a full discussion of the project was taken up. MOVINGNTO NEW QUARTERS ON HOHMAN STREET i j The Champion Tire. & Supply Com pany of which Fred T. Friedley Is man ager is moving into the atora building immediately south of the courthouse on Uohman street and tha Standard Oil Company is putting in a gasoline sup ply station. The firm has established Itself In Hiramcnd. due to the satisfactory ser- Coming to Deluxe, Hammond, March 18. I J?' ' A Till "t i t'l f 1 ,! I V 4 t r-1 1. ' - -K A H; 'T.- . Ay ; " ELL-ASMS I Absolutely Removes Indigestion. , Druggists refund money if it fails. 25c NEW TRUCKS ARE ENROUTE L'leTer army tracks rased through Hammond this morning on thefr way to Baltimore. They left Milwauke last Monday and on acconnt of the weather are behind their schedule. Th? drivers expect to make the trip in ten days. HAREM BEAUTIES HAIL "ANITI A" IN WILLIAM FOX'S MILLION DOLLAR "A DAUGHTER OF THE QOD3." PICTURE BEAUTIFUL, Anaconda - S3!vir and the enterprise of the man American Smelting S9 j agement. Baldwin Locomotive T 6 Baltimore an.l Ohio 65 iT A CJT TJnpn TW "DRY" IOWA NOMINATES ANTI- "DRY" PARSON SIOl'X CITT. Iown.. March 13. In the primary election hera yesterday the Rev. William M. Short ar.d Mayor R. J Andrews were nominated for may or. Short is pastor of the Central church here. He Is widely known as an opponent of prohlbjtton. Canadian Pacific H'S'i Xew Tork Central 72 -Si Central Leather e9T Chesapeake and Ohio BS! Crucible Steel 62 Elrie 15 Cenral Electric 5 . 13 Great Ts'orthern 91 Norfolk and Western 104' Xorthern Pacific 8S Pennsylvania 4i' Pittsburg Coal- B5l Peoples Gas 4 1 F.epublic Iron and Steel 79 Reading 904 American Sugar Southern Pacific Southern Railway Texas Oil V. S. 3teel Union Pacific Utah Copper Western Union Wabash Willys Overland LETTER FRO M SOLDIER; THEN m OF DEATH Gary Lad Killed in France I3 Word Received J in Aetna. )Ho;tly after R. C. Holsinger of Ihe Aetna guncotton works got a letter from M cheel Sullivan of Gary, a soldier with Pershing, saying he was well there .eme a wire telling of th latter's death in France. Soldier Sullivan wa cn nf the first '.'ery boys to n!ii. He was employed i the Wabash depot at. Gary and for svrjl momhs wss night agent at the A'ri dpot. No details of the death cflme wi'h the sad news received by Mrs Hul-airger. 10S ... SS'i 214 -.149'-i ... 91 121 . 81 92 ... g IS'., VAUDEVILLE, SAYS JIM MICHELSTETTER 'The last word In popular priced audeville." Is the personal recommend ation of Manager Jim Mlchelstetter to his patrons for the bill today. Thursday and Friday at the Hammond Orpheum theatme. The Three Stewarts, ball touncers: Bunny and Richard, the bell boy and the stranger: the Four Musical Lunds; the Three Kilarney Oirls and the Curtis Comedy Canines, are the acts program med. There will be special music by the orchestra and motion photographs. CHIC AGO OKA.IIT "fUTUMS. CORN March. 1.:S. OAT3 May. f9c. Gr. O. P. CANDIDATES TO MEET TONIGHT Republican County Chairman E V N'orton expects a good turnout of pri mary candidates for the date-fix " meeting he has called to be held at the Harlson club, Gary, this evening. A date for campaign opening win he de cided upon. VALPO MAN IS FINED. Failing to observe the ordinance reg ulating traffic on Calumet boulevard through Lake George, Francis Sheets of Valparaiso, Ind , was arrested by Officer Warner yesterday afternoon for driving his heavy auto truck on that thoroughfare. He furnished a 150 bond There are large signs at each en trance of the road warning drivers o trucks and wagons from using this road. Thes vehicles are supposed to operate over Sheffield avenue. The po lice state that they are not going to Issue any more warnings, bnt are going to arrest everyone violating this order POLICE SHOOT. On account of the weather, the reg ular monthly police shoot which was to have been held this afternoon was postponed. The Ehoot was als post poned last month on acro'int of the severe weather. SEVENTEEN B0Y$ TO BE CALLED TO ARMY Seventeen boys of the deferred quo fa who were certified for service last fall are to be called to the colors by the Hammond exemption board dur ing the five-day period starting March 89. it was announced today, fcaw 1 r- it- t aaa RETURN HOME. Ex-Sheriff Henry Whitaker and his wire returned to Hammond yesterday aftera two weeks visit at Hot Springs, Arkansas. POLICE FIND STOLEN LOOT A lot of brass fittings and locomo tive water indicators were found by the police yesterday afternoon in the woods about 200 feet north of Pete Sertls's sa toon at :B5 Summer street. The find was brought to the central police station. Ko. 128. PTTBUSHXIJ STATBWSBTT A. J. 8WASSOK, President. DANIEL BROWN. Vice-President. H. Of REISSIG. EacreUu-y. H. O. REISSIO. Treasurer Condensed Statement of the condition of the AMERICAN TRUST & SAVINGS BANK At Hammond in tb Stat of Indian., at the close of Its business on March 4, 191 S. XI SOUSCE 8. Loans and Discounts $225,243. 98 Overdrafts Bonds and Stock Furniture and "Fixtures Other Real Estate Due from Departments Due from Backs and Truit Companies Cash on Hand Cash Items Cash Short Taxea and Interest Paid and Expenses 443. 2 37.7a6.0tt' .000.OQ 800.00 1,874.77 42,228 70 18.049 Hi 7.465. "ift 17.0.; Trust Investments- 1 1 Bills In Transit 5.676.5S Total Resources 450.SS2.i IMS USE IT TO STOP A COLD "Pape's Cold Compound ends severe colds or grippe in few hours. (MOOSE ELECT OFFICERS At a yrgriilar meeting of the Ham mond order of Moose at the clubrooms on East State street last night, the an nual election of officers wa sheld. J. C. Becker was re-elected Dictator by a unanimous vote and J. F Farrel vice-dictator. Judge Frank Green of West Hammond was elected treasurer. The meeting was followed by a pleas ant social hojr. ELKS DANCE FOR LOCAL RED CROSS CHICAGO nODTlCX. BUTTER Creamery extras, 44 4 e: creamery firsts, 44c; firsts, 43ig4lc; seconds. 401J,42c. EGGS Ordinaries, 35c; firsts, 3c. LIVE POULTRY Ducks, 2S-?30c; gees. 20?i'25c: turkeys, 25c. VEAL 60 to 60 lbs.. 18c; 61 to 80 iOHIO GOVERNOR ! TO SPEAK ! Frank .B. Willis, ex-governor of Ohio. ! is scheduled to speak before the East j Chicago teachers club at the McKinTey j building next Tuesday evening, March ' 19th. i Governor Willis, ss he is still called ! by his friends, is a platform orator of ! national reputation and the school eys- Th El', in keeping with the pledge of the. Hammond lodge to give a bene fit each month for the Red Cross, will hold a St. Patrick s Day dance, the eve ning of Monday. March l&th at the Ma sonic Temple. The proceeds are to go to the Hammond Red Cross Chapter. Mrs. Harriet Howard of the National Council of Defense in Illinois, will be the principal sepaker at the American Alliance meeting at the Hammond Chamber of Commerce Thursday eve ning. Mr. Theodore Moore will be the so loist of the evening Relief comes instantly. A dose taken every three ho-irsa un til three doses lire taken will end grippe misery and break up a severe cold either in the head, chest, body or limbs. It promptly opens flogged nostrils, and air passage in th head, stops nasty discharge or nose running, re lieves sick headache, dullness, fever ishness, sore throat, sneeaing, soreness and atiffness. Don't stay stuffed r.p" Quit blowing and snuffling: Ease your throbbing head! Nothing else n the world gives such prompt relief as "Pape's Cold Compound." which costs only a few cents at any drug store. It acts with out assistance, tastes nice, causes no inconvenience. Be sure you get tha genuine Adv. 19c: WHITING YOUNG MAN AT LAST SUCCEEDS flrr1al te The Times WHITING. Ind. Marc M3 Oscar A. hlgT-nn of Whiting, a junior law sM ri'nt a' Tale university has withdrawn f:om his unversity work to go to the rvi-e of his country. Mr. Ah'gren his tr:ed to enlist in fvora different branches of sr ic, 1 ,t wa turned down on every orca- ni! ov ring to his eves. ITe at last d- ded to go to New Tork and make r"-panal applications, andi succeeded in signing up for the photographic de partment of the signal corps He is r.-me spending the week here vis't infc his parents and will leave next eek for Cornell university at Ithaca. N Y., where, he will enter for a course rf six weeks training. After this he will take six weeks more training at 'he end of which time he expects to be ent directly to France. Mr. Ahlgrn Is well known as an Mator. havlna won honors !n both h s high school and college work and h.s R-iTing up his la wnrk for his f Ttntry'i rail will be interesting news i n fiis many friend.". GARY ORDNANCE GO. PRQBABLEUBSIDIARY Belief Is That Gun Works Built By Bridge Co. Is Owned by U. S. Steel. overweight kidn-ys. 'm fortunate to secure his services. He will speak on v. l viuzauon ana ivui ! tur". While here Mr. Willis will be enter- i taired by Mr. and Mrs. Z. B. Campbell of 145th street who have known him for a number of years. ISSjC; fancy 140 to 175 lbs., 13tfl4c; coarse. 1012c.j FOTATOES Cars, 9c: all grades. $1.-' 305 1.50. While all information as to its on rship is obscured St is said that the new Gary Ordnance company is really a subsidiary of the steel corporation. The Gary Ordnance company, soon ready to turn out heavy artillery for Pershing, is located at Ambridge. Its p'ant, nearly completed, la being built by the American Bridge company, also of the s'ee! trust. Second Ja County. Lake county now has two huge gun works and besides there is the howitzer mount works being added to the Stand ard Steel car company at Hammond The other gun works Is that of the Standard Forging company ' Indiana Harbor, which is about to set 1.500 men to work turning out huge cannons. Steel for the Gary Ordnance com pany's gun works wi'l he produced in the mills .f Gory and forged at Ambridge. (By United. Jraa- NEW YORK. March 13. " By Georg. I sti immensely excited and delighted." shouted Co!. Roosevelt over the tele phone today when Informed of the dec oration of his son, Captain Archie, for gallantry in France. He said It was the first news from Archie for a long time. The cable was read to one of the house, hold. A few minutes later the colonel celled th United Press by telephone. Whn informed of the decoration of bis son he became like an excited boy who has jus', been given a comp. to the cir r u ? jp a st i m f3 TODAY "- Vengeance and the Woman Also a 2-Reel Sunshine Tox Comtrdy "SHADOWS OF TIER PAST." TOMORROW AND FRIDAY "The Battle Cry of Peace" Don't Fail to See the Enemy at Our Gates. PI..IIIII f i!lH JMI'L "Wl 11 -lltJppiMIU UII.III..IL ll illlll Be Careful in Using Soap on Your Hair Soap should be used very carefully, If on want to keep your hair looking its bt. Jdoet soaps and prepared sham poos contain too much alkali. This dries the scaip, makes the hair brittle, and ruins it. The beat thing for steady use is just ordinary mulsifled i-ocoanut oil (which l pure 'anu greaseless I. and Is better rhan the most expensive soap or any- hmg else you can use. One or two teaspoonfuls will cleanse :h hair and scalp thoroughly. Simply muis'en the hair wllh water and rub it n It makes an abundance of rich, creamy lather, which rinses out easily, removing every particle of dust, dirt, oandruff and excessive oil. The hair dries quickly and evenly, and it leaves The scalp soft, and ihe hair fine and silky, bright, lustrous, fluffy and easy to manage. Tou can get mulsifled cocoanut oil at any pharmacy, it's very cheap, and a few ounces will supply every member of the family for months. Adv. RILEY AND SCHAFF TO AID IN REVIEW CAMP ZACHARY TAYLOR. LOUIS VILLE. March 13 lams P. Goodrich, governor of Indiana, will review 10,000 Indiana troops here March 2S, Indiana day, it was announced toiiv. All du ties of Indiana soidiers will be suspend ed on that, day and an elaborate pro gram has been prepared. The governor will address the soldiers. Thousands of Indianians will visit Camp Taylor in the day, includ;ng a number of prominent men who will be specially invited by miliiary author ities. .The lsst increment of the first draft call from Indiana i expected to arrive here before that da'e. With the governor will be his miliiary i staff, which includes Col. Waiter Riley1 of East Chicago and Schaaf of Gary. Maj. Richard PLAN IS NOT lUpftVAIUlM'1"' II n ABANDONED That the p an to rave Calumet ave nue at Cajnty expense has not been altogether abandoned was in evidence today at the meeting of the Chamber of Commerce when a delegation, from Hammond presented themselves to the Hard of Directors and requested that Iff! sRPHEUr Th eatre KAJCMOWP, ITf P. Double Feature Attraction Today, Thurs. and Fri. Three Stewarts The, World's Greatest ' Ball Bouncers and - Four Musical Lunds Musical Novelty. Bunny & Richards The Bell Boy and the Stranger. Three Killamey Girls Harmony Singers. Curtis Comedy Kanines Comedy Novelty. ADMISSION Matlne 10-156. Nights 10c, 25c, 35a New Show Monday, "Wednesday and Saturday. Vat'nee Daily 1:3(J p. rrt. Nights, 7 to 11 p. m. Sun days Continuous p. m. OeLux 3E2 Theatre TODAY NORMA TALMADGE in "THE MOTH" Manager's decision: We have never booked a better picture. Also Burton Holmes Delightful Travelogue. -THURSDAY- OLIVE TELL i "HER SISTER" A Great Society Drama. Latest rathe Weekly and Paramount Comedy. FRIDAY Win. Desmond in "Captain of His Soul" Triangle Comedy and Big V. EXTRA SATURDAY EXTRA in a. m. to 6 p. m. A Great Treat for the Kiddie?. little Rsd Riding Hood," Mary Miles Mintar antf Charlie Chaplin SUNDAY Clara Kimball Young in "Shirley Kaye" ANT) TOTO. THE MOVIE DUMMY. NOMINATE COUNCILMAN Nominations for councilman on the People's ticket to run in the coming election April 16th were made in West Hammond yesterday. The result was as follows: Harry Boughrnan nomi nated councilman in 1st ward. John So meranski 2nd ward. Frank Lak'nski !rd ward and Johnny Jfurrir 4fh ward. UABZX.XTZXB. Capital Slock paid In JlOO.OOO.nn Undivided Profits Net 5.016.25 Interest, Discount and Other Earnings t .477 5f Demand Deposits, Except ' Banks US. 654 M Savings Deposits. Except Banks 77. 979. M Certified Checks 174 0o Due to Banks and Trust Companies 4.937.T. Trust Investments ll.500.fio Reeerve for Taxes 7S2.52 Total Liabilities 30,ESJ ft State of Indiana. County of Liake, ss: I. H. O. Reissig, Secy, and Trees. ' the American Trust & Savings Bank ' Hammond, do solemnly swear that t . above statement Is true. ' H. O. REISSIG. Secy. & Treaa. Subscribed and sworn to before ;- this 12th day of March. 1918. My cdi mission expires Sept. 25, 1920. BERTHA WOODWORTir. Notary Public. l ' r- ''-ft I'liWittnh WA .'''r P IS 8ES5Z Q G H Ifl. IT Mondlay and Tuesday, Mar. 18-19 ftj mm m k I El TIP Rci Cross BENEFIT Under TIMES' Auspices 1st M.E.Church Hammond, Indiana TuesM March 19th 8 P. M. William G. Shepherd, famous United Press War Cor respondent on all European war fronts. The most strikingstory of war from a trained reporter's actual view. MATINEE 10, 15, 25c. EVENING 10. 20, 30c. A three-year story of Ger man horrors in seeking world domination. KSBHLaLMsaflMsW Admission, 50c. Tickets on Sale. .jwuim )' " a:jwy.i . i 1 1 1 n m in i.i SMillxW