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COLDER WEATHER 'I lie Boy who helps tend a fciirdcn. Kroir u pl or rnlie poultry liootln at the Ociniana with tin blic o run as Ills older brother who kim to France. VOL. XII, NO. L'20. HAMMOND, INDIANA, THURSDAY, MAKCII 14, 191S. "Oefivored Ey" "TIMES" cafriirC3bV j month; on streets and at newsstands, is per copy; back numbers 3c per copy. . Boche Bombs' Rill American Girl t, ;SL?v L-zm ikes-x lu-s-v v,; ltv t fx t .k wtz c-. i " vih ttk, p w i.w p f p f f m PLEAS FDR SPEAKER AT ALLIANCE I LITTLE MOTHER FINDS HAPPINESS AT LAST UNIQUE MORTAR IS PERFECTED TO THROW BOMBS WITH LOXG WIRE TAILS INTO TRENCHES OF ENEMY Lecturer of the National ; Catherine, 9, and Richard, 4, Council of Defense Will Talk This Evening. Will Live With Grand father on Farm. Cities of Region to Joins Hands Saturday at Hammond. ; Peiegates from the Gary business y rt.niiations in session at Commercial r'.wh lasl'- si led ; ici.tral com p.i'.'ee. ar.-J w.ed fcr a p"n of legional eo-or. ration in the p'.e: U th scvem- m e : i i f fur?. Ti.c Amet lean Alliance o Hammond a: its iceeting this evening in the cham ber of cur.incrce w 111 lay plans for de fense and security worn in thu city. Mt i.ibors of l rl'iatito ij! be, cn'.'.ed upon hy Fitsil,-,. p. E. Boone for short tri'iks. Mil. "Welch lits secured n. speaker of J e evening. Mr. Harriet llowani of the National I'vimoil of .f Iihn- is. Mr?, Howard litis a thorough unifr siuicling ol' the work of such an organi sation us the American Alliance and is a speaker of ahititv. Theodore Mcoie will be the soloist, of the evening. 11, ai'i for iioSam pur- (!-f committee. constMing ' four member?, the mayor included, vi'.i be resent ,11 the regional eonfer f;i,'c to be held at chamber of commerce at 10 p. t;i. Saturday. Data Is Wanted. V. F. Feucr. head of the Commercial r ubs commit lee. ealWl the tretine; to c r;r. delescc.s from the club, the ham 1 of commerce and retrl estate t--';:ru s 1 hir,? preser.t. Mayor V". I'. ! ;c"3 was jnade chairman and Peter i.anib secretary. IleFides Hod ire? the central eommitte conists of (.'hairman 3'ev.pi- of the Con-rnercial cltlb coinniti-f-", Chairman Tsadore Ferguson of the eha'n-.htr of toir.merce, and Chairmati j. rederuk AV'o 'd of the real estate rs rhan?e. The? :f.c-n are specially in F'r'ictef! to Rather tista. bill all oon.n-n-te-s ate asked to he at llamnior.d. East Chicago Plan Praised. Mt. Wood praised Ea.t .hieas-s live viri rork in arpa!i:.8 to AVushitiKtcn fo i sail Gary should gather data on the Far Chicago plan. Mr. FerRuson said that rre?ident F. F. ,-!;;r.iki of (h learned at V.whlrg'?n that Corgres?;r-an Wuo.1 is ,"r" ir.'frested i-i securit. data as t-t inftbilitv to get iM. The visit of -V. K. Knott. "W. J. Whtt.ery and Mr Ohamski to Washington' was discussed. From the trip it was gleaned the sov- ern-nftit wants a regional va. instead of s-attered effort. j TROTZKY TALKS OF ORGANIZING ARMY ttJy Vr.ltetl Press WASHINGTON. March It. I.eon T r o t z k y is t a 1 k : r. c " f oreanizma; an arr.y under "iron discipline' to f.slU the (tfrnuns. Tirs wa s ti; fpoit of Atuhassador I'ran.-'.J in a rbi t - th" stat depart t -,rnt. He -ad Trotsky was very sensi-i-ve over the report the allies con i -:;-p!a"-a erf ring Siberia. A'i'horit ies here regard the messau" i significant in i i v of Trctzky's split v. ith Ienirie wlto is tryiner to head off tiTnfilion to 'he German". The form- r foreign seretary of the llolsheviki r . i.iently lelie ( the reue 5 of the war with Geriiiany cannot b avoided. INSPECTOR FOR MMiSSH E Hearing of City's Petition Against H. W. & E. C. Continued Saturday. I. F.. Matthews, inspector for the public service commission of Indiana, readied Hammond today and with Mayor Brown went over the Hammond. , Whiting- & Eart Chicago street railways line. Comnuss oner ,'IoCtrdl? will return to Ilanunoi.u Friday eienlntr to continue the hearing 'a' tho petition ..f the city for better servr :e nd an txtensh-n on rahinuf avenu? from State street to C.-nkey aver.ue. The hcarinc will proh-Eiilj- concluded Saturday night. Th n-.otiierintr instinct of a J-uar hi girl added pathos to a divorce case f otherwise sordid detail in Koum - , f the superior co.irt at Hani :nr.d es- ; rday aflernoC'ii. 1 All day lonjr tw attones had s-.e.isht ; j to reunite the father and mutli- r .f , Catherine and Hichard. aged S and 4. re- ' spe-;i ely. t'atherine was in -court villi 1h r mother H.sie "nder of ll;:v'!. 1 ' hut the father w ho had taken the hoy with li'm sifter the separation did not""' britic the. rhihl in his i-us'.ody to rr.urt. ; .TudEe Wi.sson of Monticilio, piesnl- ! ini; the absence of J idne J lardy. h aril 1 ' ihe etd'iice of Mrs. Snyder in ss;;.iyrl , ' f h-r om'la;r;t cf cruel; . ; reatnient, noti-suppvi t. etc. The little 'dauKhter sat with downcast ecs. ;ih ! paii little atlcjition to the proceed in if s. , j The legitT phrases of Attorney 1 . II. ! ! ri'f.p.e for the mother, and Attorney Jo- ; ; srh t'onroy for the father had little j ! riesnitig to her. The strain of the day ; ! v as terrible aid a disappointment grew' biager and bigger in her little heart un- ' t:I finally she sobbd ahuid. ; Judge Wass-u. rno'-pd by the child's . '.ears, and urged by both attorneys, took her into h ambers where she poured forth her heart's earing. ' '1 want to see tny little brother," sh sobbed.1 "I want to take care of him' i and be with him. He's been away so j long and father didn't brinr him here j ; today and. oh, I'm so unbar r.'" j udge .U'asson cleared h! throat and; i had s..r.ic trouble with his eyeglasses. ' (Then he lesuiued fjuesiii.nng. Fir.-. ally a ray of light appeared. L.ittl- j i Catherine and Kichard have a grand- j ! father on a farm in Ohio whom they j love dearly. Yes, Catherine would be ! pv- v .: V-i-Mr -.P- 4r. fe i -lw rf .-V :;vl i'-u-.",.,. .Ayt n PARIS RAID DEATH TOLL i Zeppelins Again Menace Eng land; Enemy Flyers i Are Shot Down, Firing: barbed wire entanglements bj mortar. The latest tale of war machinery's advancement is the tale of the wire-tailed bomb thrower. It is a unique teortar which has just been perfected and which hurjs five rolls of barbed wire 200 feet in the air. When the nd of the wire falla in an enemy trench its weighted end, which is a bomb, explodes. The barbed wire unwind and twists in every direction and plays hob with any moving troops in its path. (United Press Cableiata.) I'Ah'IS. March it. One AtncrJcan n uas killed and .m .... ' ''" and woman were wounded in 5I- n i ay night's ruid over Paris, it was learn- el tody. i The dead , woman was Miss Winea j Can-dire Martin. Z2. of Kockville. Long j Fland. a V. M. c. A. worker. She was j one of six p. rson' killed in the hospital 1 struck by a borr.b. ! :,Ir- w- ' ' I hillips and a Mr. Sa!Zrr I were wounded. j rh" tolal casualties were 100 kill-d : and fi wounded. EfflOCiTS OF LAKE COUNTY EAST CHICAG WILL il FULL TICKET COLD TO PA AVE. SCHEME Last Chance for Draft Men to Select Service This is the lact chance for rgit ered v.fii to volunteer and slert the branch f rrNi'i! they e?ire, before 1-. next d-r.rt. the Unmntond exemption board r,:inomeed today. Two hu:iur'"l a'lyd a!;ns were called j "lay for physical examination. There, f r e nearly "o0 aliens in Clas I. Most . ' thetn ate allied aliens rid can bo inducted into service. MONTENEGRINS FREEH, IN A FEDERAL COURT IXDIANArOLl?, 1ND.. March 14. Thirteen Montenegrins on trial in the Fnl'.ed States District Court here on the charge of conspiring to obstruct the Fnited States in its military prepara tions were discharged yesterday after noon when Judge A. H. Anderson direct ed the jury to return a verdict of not guilty. The court held the government failed to prove the defendants obstructed en listment ' The defendants were accused of hav ing assaulted Milosh Ivanovitch and George Moukmirovitch. members cf a Montenegrin commissi. m which came to this country to advocate a union or southern Slavs in Europe arid incident ally advising their countryman to Join the America!! amy. The accused men s;d the trouble they had with Ivano vitch and Moukmirovitch was due 'o a difference of opinion concerning Balkan pol itlcs. Five cf the drfendan's live in De troit, where they publish e Montenegrin newspater; two live in Chicago, one in Alaska ami five in Indiana Harbor, where they were arrested following a riot at a mars meeting. jhapp with her grandfather if Richard Bo()m f J)r y J Toner'0f j rh.rn , rould go to. ltd Ar,,J that " "hrrC lh?1 8r 0in' 11 rior-Tr nnrsrr I ..Lf.L. wasn't such a hard case to settle after all. nltheuKh two lawyers snd a judge j worried all day. They w eren't con-i cerned greatly about the father or mother who refused to live together. It was the children they thought of. And so Catherine is to take care of Richard once more and grandfather will take care of her. SHEPHERD TELLS HDW HE HIT SAWDUST TRAIL His Conversion to Allied Cause a Part of Interest ing Experiences. , haps he might, if needed to add weight I to the ticket. re is some talk of having Ex- Ira I.. Wildermuth seeking the nomination for judge of Eake superior i court, room ". Sr. Toner for Congress. j Friends of It. T. J. Toner of Gary jZEPFEtlNa AGAIN OVER LONDON. (United Press Cablegram ) , EOXDu.V. March !. One man, or ! woman and three children were killed m i -ast night's nir raid over northeastern FriKiand. it. was officially announced to. ! , :v- '"'uses v.ere demolished and j thirty others damaged. j (Thi, js lho r.onil Zeppelin ralJ on t Lnglan.l within twenty-four hours j Tuesday night's raid which resulted in the death of cm, woman by shock was j the first attempt since October. A delegation cf business men from Calumet avenue, Hammond, was before i.aKe county democrats intend to1 n,i ..r .... . . ,.,i , i, ..ui o,t -Fast name a full ticket despite reports to the' The doctor, who has served as president i Chicazo withdraw its remonstrance to - - ...... of the Gary' iledlral society, comes from! tha-lmprovement of Calumet. avi.uu at r contrary. This is the statement of County a family that has been successful in. county expense. Chairman r. C. Finerty of Gary. I politics. Dr. Toner is one o the front i rrank Kockler. as chairman of the del- Mr. Finerty said in regard to reports; rank orators in Gary and is well posted that he might run for sheriff that per-ion congressional legislation. REPULSE ENE2XT CRArT, T7nlted Pres3 CablegTam.) EONDOX. March 14 An r-nev- the East Chii ago rhambr of cmim-tce ,f wr tliu Tpres-staden ratlwav w-k pulsed. Field Marshal Haig reported to day. Southwest of Ephy raiders enter ed enemy- trenches end . brought back -one prisoner. There was mutual artfileryins south west of Cambrai. Hostile artillerying ...creasea near Xouve Chapelle Faucuissart. and German Machines Fall. ! i i (United Press Cablegram.) j IiNPOX, March 14. Two British j sea planes cneoutitorinir fivo enemy air- j craft over the southern rrirt if the. North Sea Tuesday. dstroynl one and; drove another down into s'n after a hot . hour's engagement. The British ma- chines rtturneri safely. SAMMIES ARE READY TO FIGHT ANYTHING VALE FLIER IS KILLED IX FRANCE BOY JOYRIDERS GOME TO GRIEF Mr. W. ft. Shepherd, staff correspon ! dent "of the Fnite.) I'ress. who has h'en on the various fronts since the begin ning of the war is to speak under the i nu spices of the Times for the benefit of the Bed Cross at the First M. K ; church of Hammond the evening of i March 19th. j Recently in telling "THE W A T A IMS I ;OF THE NATIONS" he confessed bis' early indifference, as an American j . newspaper nun, to the issues of the ; j war and his gradual conversion t' th j ! side of the allies. He wat tlo- "lieu- jtralest of th" neutrals" till he putj i the question Professor l'eburck as! i to v hv the G-nr.ans should send their (United Press Cablogram.) BERLIN, via I.oiid..n. Mnrch 1 i. Three airplanes ,f nn enemy squadron j n.vitig toward Freiburg w re brought 'down, the Berlin war office announced j today. - German troops sent to n.bssa In agreement with the Kussian govern ment occupied the town after a battle with Kiisian bands Mohlownnka. By FRED S. FEROUSON (United Press Stair Correspondent.) I AVITII THE AMERICAN AEMY IN j FP.ANi'E. March 13. The American ; ,rA"P" re redy "to attack anything." The commanding officer of the Ameri can forces in the Euneville region so stated today in a message lo the ' folks. egatlon, reported that the Hammond board cf works was about to pave Chi- j cago avenue. Hoffman street and lolst j street from White Oak avenue to Calu- j . met avenue or beyond: that the comity j ATTACK HOSPITAL SHIP, had agreed to build a first class road j (United Press Cablegram.) on Calumet avenue; that the Hammond j EONIxi.v. March 11. The hospital city administration was favoring amal- j ship Guildford On s tie returning to its gamat it'll and that the two cities had a j home port w nh imuiy si. k and wounded common interest in securing elevation also with h r I'.eej Cross signs showing' of tracks in this region. was unsuccessfully attacked hv a sr.h- Iti the light of "-op ration along; marine in Bristol channel Sunday. Two other the delegation felt that torpedo- s w.-rc fired at the ship, the sec East Chicago should not stand in the ' ond badly damaging her bow. ' way of this improvement. j No satisfaction, however was 'btain-i . ed from the directors of the East Chi- TONS OF DYNAMITE caco organization. The reply as made that East I Kaiser As a Turk. home . Chicago chamber disapprov ed of any hu- j I nrAiMDnnt wilhio the coroorat.- limits f-f i He said the troops are in excellent ' eiti'S at count y expense; that East Chi- condition and that their nervousness cago would he required to pay between; lias passed, following the recent trench ; 50 and 53 per cent of the cost and that raids. j inasmuch as the street was bordered by Crack German fighting divisions are' valuable property it was not thought oppose ej to the Americans in this sector' that nnv real hardship would be placed '. including dismounted uhlans. One sali-''iP"" abutting property owners if they j fnt bombarded pr-parat'rv to Satur-' ' re eompclV d to pay fur this improvc- 1 tl'OOp; ahead in massed formation. knowing that tnry & -Vt ""fa c5" . v- Three Hammond bovs have been re sponsible for the three automobile thefts In Hammond during the past two weeks, the police believe. This was disclosed v. ith the arrest of the boys today. They are Carl W. Grady. 15, 573 Calumet ave nue: Charles Clayton, 11. 41 Indiana avenue; and Jvhn Sohro'-cr. 10. 433 Truman street. The escapades in auto stealinir start ed lat week when they took the Ford ear belonging to M. prevo and drove it to Gary wh- re it was left in a garage it is charged. Following tins th' y took Pr. Win. Nichor's machine and after driving it n far as Gibson ah.-i ndoned it. The I'crd ear of n Mr. M- lb.- wns abandoned on Calumet a'.'ini.-. The lad just wanted to "joy ' it said. i e sending them to vh.ieoar death. They must. he thought, have some sublime reason. J I'rofesor I' -ibdviiU spread out some j naps on the table and pointing to var-iu-; countries with a ruler, said: "In the first plate, nil thi talk about this' being a biological war is not true. c day's raid has n-.w been itlininl, n, ,1 by th" memy. Th Bo. bes intend' d mere ly to hold the positions in the rear of this point. The lust thirty-six hours in the Tcul sector have been the- quietest since ;t v. as taken over by Americans. Five cngftieirs repairing wire m t angb" me nts in No-Man's Land encount ered ten German patrol scouts on thi? front. Th.y lulled two of them and the others fied. FOUND AT HOG IL. triy the I nlted PresO WASHINGTON. March 14. Two hun dred and forty-five pounds of dyna mite enough to cripple the whole pl-im was discovered at different places in the Hog Island shipyards. I IJ. Kennedy, engineering the shipyards .-aid today. Six hundred guards now watch tin plant. mi nt 'he seine as property owners on I Forxyth avenue paid for their improve-I , .... ;TJ. S. CIVILIANS The Hammond d-legatioii consisted of A"Rt? H A "PTTTP VT Mayor Brown, Oscar A. Ami Grhring. William Ileikn r Knoc rc r. ersonAlbe rt and I.-. oi:ard :,lH,e Plenty ot ,-..:,, in Germany .... f, v - 'J Ti' A S H i N G T o N, March 14-Ameri- ,he German people and we have nafn- tff i ' 1 cans of .he Rainbow Oivision wallop. ,al re,orces m abundance l but o,r ,' y4U 't v ed the Germans whe they sent out ! schools are so fine and they , e turn- A i TTf'; H', 1 strong sot tie., the nicht of March 4th iK .mt jr.'-. rpiendldl; educated :;oun g. J. W --' -:j;ond lr.,0.vr (ff,cia, eommenda- ..i-Mi lent we HUlt loive l,r v.- fr. mies LJ'.Aj.Aiv -j 1 V t . , ... . it- . .. . ... . , FIRST WHITING DRAFT E ( Tlr the I tilted l'rcs PTO 'Kl 1' I.M. March 14. A nutnr'r ,'f A;nt"-i'."iii and British citizens sail ;rg fro. a Finland on n neutral vess-1 were captuitel by Ger roans, accord in to d isp.-i tches today. Those cf rr.uita ry e taken to Gov- T" i ree. it i- said, will i nniiy and interned. x. 3 f". 1 Si v-4. v I -jr i:G i " -e -i Ensigi Curtis Read. The 1318 da?3 at Yale has Just l eid memorial services f .r ,ri cf its i umber, Curtis rtead. who was kilicd in Kranre in lh- aviation serviie. Kead's father is William A. Read. New Y:rk ';ar.!;r. The !ar was assistant manager cf the Yal football team. REV. ADAMS TALKS AT NQQN LUNCHEON r.ev. Flo:. d Ada-.-, jar-tor of the Baptist church, an audress at the c'namher of rommerce luncheon this noon in whb h ho sponsored the American cantonment system of training sol diers, Adams recently return ed from seven weeks spent at Camp Cus ter. Mich.. whre he made forty-two talks to the soldiers. Th camp has n capacity of 40,000 men ami is to be doubled in size making it the laigest canionmer.t in America, the minister stated. He praised the work of the T. M. C. A. in taking the home influence to the camps. The clergyman told of the visit cf a veteran French soldier to the camp, showing that the American soldiers have to learn when they reach France of the taeties of modeiu warfare. Tb French ofii:. weighing !1'5 pounds, requesteu n Sanuii;-. --5 pounds. te thrust a bao;i-t at him. FOOD FOR FIGHTERS FIRs T. ; th. oughou t tne woihl where tn'y an 'exrci?e the'r tletits." With his filer he pointed out how Germany must : han 1'ersia. Syri: the railway to Bag idad; f irther pn..iin in Africa anel I'hina. "Not a w orJ of humanity in it; ' e,ni e ',,l !r. id :nii: ."'id t'.-.".l .1 t.. C.-iT , ',1 ;ean I daw :ue thn' livnun:. hr.l'. d e. : t j.. hip tie v.ortd and I'nat !.e; J fi at hr s.-h'."!- wee 'iff. There 1 s"'. the ..f Geinuti i 'jl-t-jr. I got the O'l-ti-an n ar aims, and t hit the pro-ally sawdust trail and 1 hove been on it cvr since.'' He dcid ; (ri that what is v anted is a world won ;,.s. hy hrnin power than by heart paw - 0l fc. .. r. a i ..... . -x. I hs- VI t ?''""!' i-l - Tsx. ' f;i '' " V' ii- i. y 3 General Pershing cabled the war de partment today. "Enemy attempted trench ra'ds Monrini of the f: f t y 1'ershing w ired. at Tb-het fo The Ti iu-- Ho hi in; ff i th -'1 4 ':inl.: . t n sate lla uniond ii ml drug e.-" " 'ij ;'- -ft "Itepulsed with heavy losses to the enemy; our losses light, no mis;ng r prisoners.'' General I'ir.iid. c-r i ma no . n g the !h Fi fn'tv. arm.'. , congratulated the di is-l-.n commander on the vv a y n which 'loops i. pulsed laids Tim Kainhow liisioi liie first big American unit to leave for France, was composed of picked guardsmen from alrimst e.eiy state. T0 RATIFY THE He Was Holder of No. 258, ; the First Number Drawn j for Conscription. CIVIL WAR SUITS FOR HUN CAPTIVES i J s ... 4 , ... .v LIBERTY LOAN LEADER W 15 AHU I At a r.'.eetirK of the clearing bous 'association yesterday anernen it was decided that th on. man qualified to , a& put over the next Eiberty loan wit Vp bst results is Pr. H. K. Sharrer All present were unanimous in th decision. Pr. Sharrer was elected eity chair He needs no introduction t the necnle ..f Hs'ir'tmid and his a'nlitv to ! cai r tl voi-gh a r t.-cessful csmpjian 'll'O Oee:l il'li.vll'llil.'U. ln -err , Jf I"! N GERMAN PEACE By JOS. SHAPLIN I (United Press Staff Correspondent.) i I'ETr.OGP.Al . March 1 :;. Eatifica I tien of the German dictated peace ! with immediate preparations for a revo j lutionary war is a foregone conclusion ! when the pan-soviet conference con i yencs at Moscow tomorrow, in view of j the conipromi-e effee-ted by the various fact ions. ! Tlie congress which was to have r"n vencil Tuesday also will decide on a i permanent change of the capital from Petrograd. Here you see Kaiser Wilhelm as a staff officer tif the Turkish army, hong before the war he was appointed by ! !: r;ey an .ff -r in t he a i my. h'Jt I 1-.- e:;..l ii..' ria in;!)! :il ,ri! ,,., 1,1 the1 Pill'h ! honor until t war . 1:11'. Thi pj,..-j ports will be ihi lltl.:l BI'lTKIt THIN II ELI t 1 oc 1 a oh has b. en 1 iu.uia'fd anion th agteenienf OS 'HIE SAMMIES ii ET BERLIN. Moslem 'y Monday ULTIMATUM ISSUED. (By United Press.) "WASHINGTON. March 14. The Fnit ed States and Great Britain have tiotl- I'.e.l !,e Netherlands :- run,, nt that . ,,ev bins m .;.o 11. :.n a'o, oiK til" of e r unlet-s t , (Special to The Times.) AVHTTING. IVI. March 11--Mik Stepich, age 117, the fust man drafted in Whiting and holder of the fmcus rium-j her 2e. the first numb, r ri 1 a n 11 for con- ' script ion. had a very bi 10 f mi'.inryj lareep. j Stepich went into seri.c in July j when he was sent to Camp Taylor. Ky. ; By many who were there it wr. s. said he j wan making a fine soldier. The coM win- j t her. however. worked havoc with; Steph-h's health and on February 15 he, was released fiom service. A shoit time! after ariiving home, the returned sol-j di r was taken to St. Margaret's hospital , suii'ering f rum tvphoid pneumonia. This! illness, it is said, developed a tubercular condition which caused his (hath iu a very short time. Stepich is a Creation and is married, ha ing a wife in Europe. The funeral was iu charge of Fnder taker Koran, services being he'd nt the Crnalinn church in Indiana Harbor. In terment was at Oak Hill cmo;! ry. Hammond. ,i-Ve. V'!:, aitlmg tonnage is reach, f 1 Conn: v Chairman REPUBLIANS TO OPEN FIGHT MAR. 20 Eake count- republican primary can elidates last night nt their meeting at headquarters in Gary set March 20 as the date for opening headquarter:. They also voted to place more dependence in a p-r space for advertising instead iiwcinjs. hj.:idbi!;-i and petcaid-. whlih c!e not r-: h as mane people. Miles Norton pre- hJed. V "O.. ; Jit j - ;v , . ' ' Ur. H, E. Mec'.tling. The old blue and crray suits of Ci" i var day; will be worn by the C-er-mans w"ho are taken prisoner by out Sammies. But the suits will havi been dyed a khaki. They have beer reposirtr in warehouses for half ? century but are to he refurbished by the war reclamation servi-e of tn--povernment at the head of which V ' been plaeeei lr. H. Mecn'ir.c of Lcuisviile. Ky.. president of the Na tional Asotiation of Cleaners uiJ Dyers.